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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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of them even comment as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the the more is rainy armies selling more death and destruction and northern guns that at least $24.00 pallets, bonanza, killed. many of those with seeking shelter. the ones that are in jordan, this is out 0 life and the also coming up and endorsement for donald trump and defend them. cabinets in the us political tennessee r. k junior, suspends his campaign for the presidency brazil battle against drunk content with boils that empty police protest has proved
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the streets of rio's biggest slow and the floods across bangladesh effect. hundreds of thousands of people rescue operations on the way to help those drive the we'd be getting northern gaza where there's been heavy shunting by these randy ami the is very forces targeted basically a city that's close to the border. and giovanni, which was one sconces biggest refugee, can at least $24.00 people have been killed across the street on friday and going to the city palace demands awfully because they took the neighborhood they've been heavy, is really all the operations in the area. several buildings have and levels and strikes is ready, forces are pulled and they trying to expand the ministry, colorado. they're meant to separate north and south goes up. so meanwhile people are fleeing the southern city of hong units due to as well as expanding ground
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defensive. the israel had issue, they just based on order. on wednesday, women and children was seen escaping on foot many a moving west towards milwaukee which as well as attacked repeatedly, despite declaring it a so called safe. so splitting central garza's largest city that i would follow up is when the forces of stepped up their attacks. on palestinians, according the fighting, i'll just say it was talked about as it was before these very oh me is still ramping up its military operations, including the land and aerial bombardment and the central air. you had pub in the north and in the evening to sell the parts of this trip long as it is video q, patient forces. now, the often derek by city here, which housing more than 2000000 house the needs of to the new displacement for this? for knowing teen flux into 6 feet off on eunice now posting if somebody is trapped in the western side of dairy been a while the minute to be now is a freight thing in the eastern areas. now we have been witnessing
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a very rustic of them. bob mentioned the hours of the noise and even the hours of this morning, we continued to loud explosions every now and then pointing. is this really raging? really almost points is that you split no patient forces in the eastern areas. we can also see at the sound of the east, when troves is retail every hour here. but we continue to to see it as will. the only is a great thing in the city of con, you, in this way, no, teen folks have been told a by these very occupation forces to flee and know it's residents are also getting to the western side of the 100, as opposed to other moments suggested that he has been funds i think is very funny, especially buying these for the minutes. we quite cool to turn people still wondering about this very growing humanitarian, the pressure that is that is the exact same on civilians. now the f pru one is exhausted. everyone is looking for the hot toast, but be relieved that is very silly to tend to keep up the fight thing. that's why
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palestinians no longer believed that there might be a ceasefire because they are right now trapped in a very small depths of land. and they are subjected in that bunch of mental sorts of areas. and then from above minutes, they have a very growing sense with frustration day by day, due to the continuation of the flight to the ground. good news. so 1st flight, so far, tired to the zoo, i would do 00, but i kinda saw what i've just heard from tarik. the palestinians are fleeing once again because of these new is riley military movements. hey, diego society, so cold humanitarians zones and gaza have shrunk to just 11 percent of the strip. i'm a to full to accommodate new arrivals. $30000.00 people are packed into every square kilometer the circle sites up. and just by the end designation, they face constant attacks you and says 90 percent of guns as population has been
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displaced since the start of the war. i'm a shrinking space for them to seek refuge is raising affairs of of the outbreak of disease or dr. fi um, it was working at the hospital in general before its collapse. he says, the need for medical supplies has never been more just the concern is how are we going to reach the vulnerable people if they keep being displaced by evacuation orders. in august alone, there were 12 evacuation orders, and these orders are also affecting un agencies and g own health care workers people are on the ground. so the fact that we have a confirmed case with the limited capabilities and the deep cut in the collapsing health care system. the fact that we have one case of polio means that there are several others. this is a canary in the coal mine. we know that there are others out there. the next question is, well, how do we stop this? and it's which clean water, you know, we use chlorine tablets to help clean and disinfect the water. there had been no clearing tablets that have entered guys since january. all of the water that people
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are using is contaminated. it's not state. so the 2nd part of it is how can we get them the vaccine if we can even bring in medical supplies because of the restrictions. if the border is effectively shut down and were totally dependent on the, is really military allowing humanitarian 8. and we know that we are in jeopardy of losing many people. kids who will be paralyzed for the rest of their lives. elderly who could have been saved, all of these people are at risk in the w. h o, the health ministry, all the different ends use. they're saying we need days of tranquillity so that we can at least deliver these vaccines and administer them. and they want to plan to roll this on august 31st, but by the looks of it, we have no chance of having a successful rollout vaccination campaign. meaning all the white house as us president joe biden has spoken to the mayor of cattle and egypt, president about the ongoing sci fi tolts and kyra out as a result in jordan has the details from washington dc. the us president joe biden has spoken in recent weeks about the need to end the war and garza as quickly as
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possible. and he has done that by trying to push forward a bridging proposal, which he wants is real and her most to agree to as quickly as possible. on friday, the president spoke with the leaders of got out in egypt about their efforts to support these talks that are now under way in cairo. in order to try to bring to a close a deal that would see the release of the remaining is really captives from us. that would bring a ceasefire to gaza in the total, as well as try to bring in humanitarian aid all with an eye towards reducing regional tensions. the white house has put out a statement, underscoring urgency, and both conversations that president joe biden had with the a mary of cuts are and with the president of egypt and noting that they would be in close consultation in the coming days. given that talks after head being held on
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thursday and on friday in cairo should resume on sunday. the us is very concerned that a nother prolong letter of this war and gaza could possibly make up for a wider regional war in the middle east. that is something that us does not want to see earlier on friday as spokes person for the white house told reporters in a telephone briefing. that part of the situation is getting her moss to the table and for everyone to try to make an agreement as quickly as possible for their part, the gyptian se flexibility on both come off. and israel's part should be a top of the game. russell and jordan elder 0 washington of the international criminal codes chief prosecute, has told on judges to urge them to your rules on his arrest. warrants is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister having con file the request for arrest warrants back in may. and they also target 3,
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how much lead is 2 of whom have not been killed on says the icpc has jurisdiction to investigate, will crimes. in this situation, i'm at any delay in proceedings what effect the rights of victims. tens of thousands of palestinians come together and makes shift tens of the intense summer heat. i'll just say it was digital platform. a. j plus spoke to families with surviving without any basic supplies is based on outage report. this is the sound from does what i'm still life and i know that you are living in the hot to a, to this world. i mean it's, i would, will, is melting due to the global learning. and i know that this is a common thing. i mean, if you want in this world is suffering from the high temperature during the summer, best. imagine living this extremely hot weather as it goes on in the genocide and much is spending the summer and the plastic then 24 hours, 7 days a week, for months now or even not having attend because you are moving all the time due to
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the continuous displacements mentioned being a dozen without an electricity for 2 months. that means no ac is no funds, even the cold water level of energy and purpose. less than that as we go to the school and help them feel more the. 6 some of that off for me to send the bad the 2nd 10, but when i was to head that way and then i'd be a bad. but if it gets as of a hot tub in the book open, but then how about it this way? f as a trophy the hopefully not really my you thought that the measure and it might help us other than how you're welcome and then how about i sent that to come across on your actual motions. that was the most efficient part of his level. know if this could smell it, the head with a shovel, resubmitted chicken looks like a there is a past. nobody comes with that being said, your name is moving to the him of what we have. sure. but that's the key. i'm gonna have to say, i find a guy valuable funny i'm, i'm, i much budgeting the above or the anna. what also the, the project that, that,
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you know as to see when, what know what i see. you might not be able to set up the admin bed. the bed 3, but just the mattress. what else live orders. you have to wait for the piano. so because the yeah. so is that going towards the one that has to has a bottle, has not been h m, and how many came on the show? both him and the vin, the floss, a little more was i asked man and fish has that home. no limit at the bottom of the problem. but if it's on the show bull, my 6 children middle kindly month at that of the day, month, off of the to show way up to then you hardly one dad. but looks like the next summers would be even hotter because the to the size is the ongoing. and israel bum garza so far like into moms buy more than $70000.00 tons of
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explosives, video environments or results architect passed. so i'm so sorry, but looks like the heat will be even harder. the german police said madam suspected of coming, 3 people in a stab, it got stuck in the city of zone. lincoln is still on the run, at least 5 others were injured. and what i'll forward his of cold a plan to attack on friday. witnesses sold the amount of talking pedestrians with them, knife during a festival, documents that is $650.00 authentic ministry, the magistrate of statements and a citizen shaw, and also prints for the victor as well and then defy, begins on i'm with you. a single offender, he's on the run, a killed 3 people at the city festival and seriously injured others. so we can say that he's not dangerous, but is he still on the run and looking to move victims? that would be speculation. but of course, i can't say with 100 percent certainty that there is no danger from this person. that's why we still advised caution. robert f kennedy junior,
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had suspended his campaign for us president, saying he no longer believed he had a puff to the white house. the full, my independent cabinet, blamed the democratic party on the media for 14 his ambitions. now he's endorsed republican candidate, donald trump, auto sales rep reynolds reports in phoenix, arizona. hours after suspending his campaign, robert f. kennedy junior was on stage with donald trump. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody could love the people of this country. and so you want a president that's going to make america healthy again. speaking to reporters earlier, kennedy slowly implied from promised him a high level job and a public health or food regulation capacity as a potential future trump administration, america, i'm always president trump and his family members and close advisors in florida and
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a series of long, intense discussions i was surprised to discover so that we are aligned on many key ashes in those meetings, he suggested that we join forces as a unity party. kennedy said he had also reached out to pamela harrison's campaign to arrange a similar deal, but was bought or it since the kennedy supporters reacted calmly to the news. so whether i would put my support up behind president trump would take would take me doing what bobby did soul searching about that issue. i support kennedy and i guess by default as for trump relentless, systematic sensors, kennedy's poll numbers dropped sharply after president joe biden robin out in democrats, co last around harris. he also suffered a string of the various things, stories, motto, were armies that damaged his brain. and the bizarre tale of don't think i did there
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in new york central park is a joke. the big question now is, how will kennedy's endorsement of pro affect the rates for the white house? we ask one of arizona's premium and the posters. so the impact nationally right now is r k, junior backing out of the race is that it gives in what is ultimately a very tight race between trumping harris. it gives a slight advantage towards trump because either way it's going to be razor thing closed in every every little bit helps an extremely tight race with just over 70 days before election day. robert is l g 0, phoenix, arizona. start for so a break here and i'll just say about when we come back to the philippines products that i'm going to need the recruitment of migrant workers to stop them from being spoken in south korea. but that's not solving the problem. and political horse trading and pirates, french president to manual macro, tries to form a functioning, come on
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the the hello, sing some rather live a showers just around the red sea of present. you can say the storm plows just erupt, saying here's some big samples of possibility, particularly on the southern end of the red sea. but they do stretch that way right top into west to the side of saudi arabia as well. mecca to catch a shower with 2 temperatures here. what around 40 cells. just cibola temperatures on the other side of the peninsula. i think it will stay unless you try ad bright. if i'm a little more humid side. well, the same as we go on into sunday nights pushed by the north. what type of just getting up into the mid to high full, which is just around back that push a little further away. but it's it was the live band. what do you may see some wet weather creeping in here over the next day or so? i think no. so, but took a pushing up towards the black sea showers just using
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a little further use with as we go through sunday. the more the web dry weather tried to creepy behind, but i think the shelves could be little more widespread by that stage. meanwhile, across the northern parts of africa generate dry on the wall. and so i wanted to shows up to what was the atlas mountains light was the showers that is creeping across central parts of africa. running the wife of the west was we could see the big down push just creeping through here and yet more heavy rain with the risk of funding for northern nigeria. a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we follow as time you community conflict to the plan to build a mine in their northern sweden homeless one that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations compliance black butterflies,
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the cost of going green analogy 0 the the the welcome back. you're watching out just a quick reminder about top stories here at this hour. it's ready for us as can at least 20 full palestinians across garza. and for some more people to feed their homes and shelters, they play a city close to the border. and giovanni, which was once conference because refugee camp both come on the palestinians across gauze, offering new is rainy ministry operations. so you enzymes as well as the should setting you evacuation known as in java, just this month. 90 percent of the population has been displaced of these once
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since the start of donald trump is back on the campaign trail for the endorsement of 4 independent candidate, robert f. kennedy junior joint trump on his latest stuff in arizona where the republican candidate and thought to set up a presidential commission on assassination attempts. now disruptive floodwaters, i've been searching across the bangladesh leaving at least 15 people dead and millions cuts off from a central services. the child who has the latest from dr. best areas of bangladesh of these trend, not this trend and southeastern regions are underwater. it will, it's caused by heavy rain inside. you have water from upstream india. tens of thousands of people at stranded stella waiting for rescue. many government buildings on schools i've been converted into temporarily shelters to say the beg them and their families said the barely scape, the sudden, flash floods with what little they have. so you see the time we came here to the
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school shelter late last night with all belongings, including a live stock, as our homes went under water. and now we're worried about the future, how we're going to get food and why we're going to live because everything got washed away, roads and highways, electricity and internet service is cut off in many of the flowed effective areas. tens of thousands of heck does a farmland live stock and faced firms were washed away in a matter of hours in the we've lost 3. hi bree tassel in the flood. the cost a lot of money, a most of the funds being damaged by the water. in response to the crisis, the government has set up thousands of shelter, of hundreds of medical teams have been deployed. volunteers, along with army, navy, and coast guard, rescue as a scrambling to rescue people in flooded communities. i wanted, i kind of was talk will be part of the area i am in is in a really bad way. some of the village homes are submerged up to the roofs. as part
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of a team of 25, we've rescued many people and brought them to shelter as well. a sum in bangladesh or blaming india for the flash clouds, claiming that the southern slabs were at cost by the opening off it's dunbar them upstream of the going to reverse entry for us. uh that we noticed that water from upstream is causing these flash floods in bangladesh without providing any kind of early warning or allowing time for us to prepare. they've opened the floodgates and it reflects the humane and uncooperative attitude of india. india has dismissed this requisitions. bangladesh is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to disasters and climate change according to the global climate risk in depth. on friday of the barn with the metro logical society weren't. i'm heavy, rain fall in the next 3 days because of active monsoon condition, which could wash them the floods situation. the main challenge for that part is now is to rescue people who are still stranded into flight effected areas. to me,
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children, i'll just say the doctor. conditions are becoming desperate for thousands displaced by floods in nigeria, while emergency shelter has been provided for many food is a huge challenge. the situation is made was by rising food prices are funded or supports not from to go a state. in blanco, amend searches through the ruins of his destroyed month house. just as this neighbor rebukes with a concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will prepare the families 1st and only me you love the day and alaska we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill. hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by the easiest floods. the numbers continued to rise as early in the seas and pete. 44000 of them in july with state of the west, thousands of factors of farms and whose have been destroyed,
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of most of the just placed a sheltering in public buildings like this cool in the reconstruction of the homes, quit take several months with the classroom set to be open in september, the government will have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, or move them elsewhere. but they need it consent for most here is a shortage or like a foot with most problems and the water supplies are drying up. why are they available? the prices have gone beyond the reach of many to cover one of the day before the floods a measure of minutes and cooling costs around $1.53. the price is now risen by 25 percent, and most people come up to full time that the government says we might just the measures in place to help farm is affected by the disaster. what we're trying to do, we have what we call the suit, gotta keep the much out most for our program. so when that is what we're doing,
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we for as much as we're to provide the farmers with the island which we are in cross complaint. so we'd like to come to a withdrawal to get something accurate. coach analysts say the cropped blocks, us will add tonight. judas comment for inflation which has reached 33 percent for now. the biggest concern victims of the do less to say is shelter and foot something they say has not reached them in quantities enough to sustain them. how many degrees out does it belong? saddam's ami on the power of military rapids support forces have agreed to provide safe humanitarian access through 2 routes. it follows us let peace folks in geneva, which began in mid august. we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open andre commitments from the, our staff and staff and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months,
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trucks moved across the border into areas wherever 500000 women and children faced starvation. the french president, manuel macro, has been meeting party leaders to try and agree on who should be prime minister microns gamble to goals. not collections in june backfired when his son for his coalition lost its majority. managements reports from past. frances, the lines of left to fall left parties, the new popular from to n. p. f has its way, then this woman will be from seas next. prime minister, he said, we came here to remind the president of the importance of respecting the election results and to get the country out of the paralysis in which it is to match. the india says that as it one, the largest share of the vote in jude's elections, the president should have point. it's joyce as prime minister emanuel my chrome doesn't seem so keen. he prefer graham, the lines of the left and center, his outgoing prime minister, gabriella. the house has been waiting 6 weeks to hand over the reins. unprecedented
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in modern france. opposition figures sharply criticized my. com for taking so much time. can you think? well, she does show lundy mccomb will finish consultations on monday and we need an answer on tuesday because in the end, the risk is that we all get stuck. you us this country in a sort of institutional soap opera. my chrome created this paralysis by calling small collections is earlier than necessary. just one of his party lost his majority and only a so called republican front stopped to the far right. winning power with many votes cast against them rather than in favor of the alternative. emanuel microns choice of a prime minister must be able to survive a vote of confidence in the assembly. from these tools is supposed to be most of the name of someone vote the presence of the problem and can get behind a task. when most members of the assembly have no time the micro bonus, i'll just say era pars, or the sort of things is cracking down a migrant workers scheme launched by south korea for discovering widespread cases
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of abuse and exploitation. well, the 2000000 filipinos work overseas ending money for their families, back home. but they've been hundreds of complaints coming from a seasonal funding program in south korea. bonneville reports from an boss, and i'm in a and down, and we go, went to south korea to work at a farm or 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns in the philippines. the job was being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown government and the south korea city facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to me go until he arrived in south korea known for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get her monthly pay. we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed
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the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmers program since 2022 itself in corporate, it requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement, the names to eliminate city to city of humans altogether. it's also plant. we had there on 60 labor domains that had been underwritten by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave, around here in the philippines. we fire case recruitment against the individuals, despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation, labor rights, organization, se there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments. continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily
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agricultural work and south korea. reactivated import them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation mother is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experience, miguel still wants to be able to work in south korea under the same program who is described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity. because staying in the philippines, he says means continuing to racist family in poverty barn to below algebra manila as to pursue. and now they have been protesting one of rios largest sellers after police operation, forced $49.00 schools to shut down. $9000.00 children are effected authority is also destroying more than 40 buildings at base, say, a funded by the contents. but as monica, you're not get reports, some of the poorest people are quote in the middle now losing their homes. in one
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of the addition, nero's largest fail as people gather to watch their homes being torn down one by one. in to raise their voices in protest, he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between resolved stories and drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protesters say the police are treating them all is criminal habits. you go to the care of this building sort inhabited by regular workers who are safe to buy a home or set up a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the clause, but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels which have been investing in real estate to launder money. they are orders, he said.


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