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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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from the heart of the story, people come gets exercised, but it's also important for mental health the gym for, for a brief respite from the heroes of war. the the hello on the ball code. this is the, the use our license. so coming up in the next 60 minutes multiple, is there any strikes across guys or killing lease $37.00 palestinians homes and tends to con eunice? they're all by the most around the future. you can photography the independent candidates, robert f. kennedy junior drops out of the race for the white house and endorsed as donald trump the rowdy in arizona. from the be my goodness in south korea,
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say that being exploited and faced in a humane conditions under a special work as the processor we are. did you need us to evaluate as against a police operation that supports the closure of schools and the demolition holmes? the thanks for joining us has been another night of bloodshed across the gaza strip. at least 37 palestinians have been killed and is ready as strikes to on. the 11th has been killed and calling you list, including women and children. is there any attacks of also struck homes and 10 centera bala and no surround refugee camp in the center of this trip when more displaced posting? these have been killed. several people have also been wounded in the bombings. i
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speak to honeymoon to joins us from dera by that us and central guys. and i real search in strikes 79, honey, can you bring us up to speed or what you know for the, for the past few hours have been in quite difficult doing fine. and for the display of population already been displaced more than one time. but the pace of attacks then in killing it seems to be a scaling off in the past hours with more military pressure foot on the central area of, of the gods. remember you've been there is that i read that northern well been part of find you in a city where at least 37 people according to the health minister said, oh, so i feel like and including doctor hospital, a positive report about casual detail. what's really concerning about that, we're seeing the search and the number this plays population among the casualty. then this has been the pattern for the past month, but right now it's the display population that is seeking. so there's areas that
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are supposed to be safe. and as designated as a human, a trend on bite is really monetary end of being killed in these areas. this is something that was seen them with documented in the past month. but more recently, if you can get grow in a, in the, in a quiet visible way. the 3rd is when people that include not only the fact that they are displayed, the population, but also women. and it filled it up, make it up. the majority of those who are killed and the other thing. what or says the, the, the people who are lived in the hospital with the critical ones. it's just a very difficult for the medical to stop in the hospital to accommodate large number of children and elderly and young adults in work and come in and checking into hospitals with severe ones and severe earns. and given the, the lack of, of medical supplies, the pain medication is something as simple as septic is not vehicle right now. and
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in the hospital for the most part, many of these cases are quite in treatable. but the lack of medical, somebody making it very difficult at the same time is reading military is pushing deeper and expanding miller very on a ground incursions the area like eastern there's by the city, a lady coughing more concerns over the the destiny of already displays. population in these areas, these people have coming from different parts of beach been from area recently from con unit, but from rough. i city old, concentrated right now and then, but after the end and we can, we can confidently explain now that the options for steve areas in the central part of the got to have become very, very limited. and it's only a matter of time before we can say it's a, it's an equivalent to 0. it's safe areas across the central area. the, the, the fact that not only we're seeing this happening, but it's happening in, in the,
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in a fast paced, in the past 3 days. that old, coupled with, with the heavy artillery is with the, the air attacks berlin plus ones and the deployment of, of quad cab thursdays, high predictors attack and songs that are reading intimidating environments for, for people. and that as soon as people to try to evacuated from areas do another at the cheese them and they should, should have them. it makes it very difficult for people to move it from one place to another. on top of that, it, a lot of people are refraining from evacuating beer areas because there's simply don't think the place for them. and the many examples of, of this place population ended up in 10 camps or areas that been designated as 3 periods. getting killed in those areas are quite discouraging right now for an already population to have. so for a 12 the past 10 months, as the work continues duration, well, i had
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a many things that hadn't been made the on the latest search and strikes and gaza, us in store and 28 postings reported killed. and that's what we know so far had anybody. thanks for that. so these are, the military's frequently issuing evacuation orders in the gaza strip and that's making palestinians flee once again to avoid new military operations. agencies say the so called the amount of time zones and gaza have shrunk to jump to 11 percent of the strip and a to full to accommodate new arrivals. $30000.00 people are packed into every square kilometer of these areas. and despite the safe designation, they face constant attacks the you and says 90 percent of goals as population has been displaced since the start of the war. and the shrinking space for them to seek refuge is raising fears of disease outbreak. so to say i'm, it was where i could get nasa hospital in january before it's collab. see says the need for medical supplies has never been more urgent. the concern is how are we
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going to reach the vulnerable people if they keep being displaced by evacuation orders in august alone, there were 12 evacuation orders and these orders are also affecting un agencies, n g o's, health care workers, people are on the ground. so the fact that we have a confirmed case with the limited capabilities and the deep cut in the collapsing health care system. the fact that we have one case of polio means that there are several others. this is a canary in the coal mine. we know that there are others out there. the next question is, how do we stop this? and it's was clean water. you know, we use chlorine tablets to help clean and disinfect the water. there had been no clearing tablets that have entered guys since january all of the water that people are using is contaminated. it's not state. so the 2nd part of it is how can we get them the vaccine if we can even bring in medical supplies because of the restrictions. if the border is effectively shut down, you were totally dependent on the is really military allowing humanitarian 8. and we know that we are in jeopardy of losing many people,
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kids who will be paralyzed for the rest of their lives. elderly who could have been saved. all of these people are at risk in the w. h o, the health ministry, all different ends use. they're saying we need days of tranquillity so that we can at least deliver these vaccines and administer them. and they want a plan to roll this on august 31st. but by the looks of it, we have no chance of having a successful rollout vaccination campaign. i keep mount nutrition is on the rise and gods are among children. you and says it's of a 150 percent in 2 months and 300 percent in just northern garza alone for the amount of food assistance it has entered southern garza in july was one of the lowest record in the last 10 months. they weren't that active hostilities, damage roads, access constraints, and the lack of public quarter and safety have liked to critical food shortages. children are paying the heaviest price with poor died and the dust, the destination of health care services and water, sanitation,
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and hygiene infrastructure. raising the risk of mt nutrition and disease. meanwhile, the white house, as president joe biden has spoken to the mayor of castle and egypt, presidents about the cx, 5 talks in colorado, was in jordan, has this update from washington dc. the us president joe biden has spoken in recent weeks about the need to end the war and gaza as quickly as possible. and he has done that by trying to push forward a bridging proposal, which he wants is real and her most to agree to as quickly as possible. on friday, the president spoke with the leaders of got out in egypt about their efforts to support these talks that are now under way in cairo. in order to try to bring to a close a deal that would see the release of the remaining is really captives from us. that would bring a ceasefire to gaza in the total, as well as try to bring in humanitarian aid all with an eye towards reducing
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regional tensions. the white house has put out a statement, underscoring urgency, and both conversations that president joe biden had with the, a mary of cutoff and with the president of egypt and noting that they would be in close consultation in the coming days. given that talks after head being held on thursday and on friday and cairo should resume on sunday. the us is very concerned that a nother prolong, but of this war and gaza could possibly make up for a wider regional war in the middle east. that is something that us does not want to see earlier on friday is folks 1st and for the white house, told reporters in a telephone briefing. that part of the situation is getting her moss to the table and for everyone to try to make an agreement as quickly as possible for their part,
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the egyptian se flexibility on both come off. and israel's part should be a top of the game. russell and jordan elder, 0 washington. okay, let's take a look at where we are exactly what took so the moment to speak to house and barry's profess of in specialist as a counselor universities here in the cedar with me. if i will welcome to sir, or if asian on the desktop that i mentioned earlier since joining god successfully, 37 notes with these 828 to 37 people already killed since don't engage. so we have seen a putting a merging have a way of a surgeon, is riley strikes in gaza in and around important tools. at the same time, her boss is accused israel and the united states of buying israel time to allow it to do was exactly well, 1st of all, and we've seen this pattern as you said, needs a, you're right. every time we're like, close to a deal that these to this what to the american spokesperson. a saying that,
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you know, they are very close to the deal is a, would do something that to undermine the whole thoughts and to push from us into maybe a more, even more extreme position in order to everyone you know, is to the 4th of how much nothing is like because being negotiating and just a couple of days ago and it was rate is were saying the following, that they would continue the war a viewing the talks. so that was implicit message to thomas people that you know is what is not interested in, in any talk and the, the actually relying on on the ongoing negotiations in order to cover. and in order to it please the intent of the scene in his writing because you know, the hosted his families are asking for a ceasefire. but at the same time the, the line in the americans to provide the cover at the international level. and this is where a massive position of the united states, which i actually disagree now, because the united states that allow is to continue the war. but at this particular
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time, the reading and by the need for his he's 1st simply because they want to have this has been a treatment for uh by didn't have his administration because evictions also could talk about to key details, sticking points and negotiations of them. and talks at the moment. so these 2 areas to philadelphia, colorado separated in egypt and gauze or in the south, is meant to be a buffet. so in the middle tries there in the next room, cory, those just below gauze, the city israel wants to control those areas, militarily, for security reasons. it says i understand of the past 24 hours, the these radius of come back to egypt saying that we have revised military numbers . we will potentially reduce our presence in these 2 areas. first time round, egypt knew it was a non stop and didn't even mention it to a mass. according to some reports, is this revised approach? another known style. so for me as well, do this one to some extent. yes. isn't on this, not to, for even the exemptions wouldn't come agree to this, but simply because it's
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a direct violation of the peace treaty signed in 1979 between you'd have done this around. so there's a default. so should not be that. and that is where it is, haven't regulated that, and this is not good for the national security of egypt. so the opposition to this is not coming on different from us, but also from egypt. and this gives it a kind of capability. so it might actually mean these rating systems, and that might be a tactics in order to undermine the piece talks. what are the consequences? referring to that 1979 trees and the camp david accords with normalized relation screen is rarely egypt crated up in buffalo and the philadelphia courteously suggested what are the consequences of potentially undermining that t agreement at this present time? well, this will um, send that message to everyone else that is ready to connect on our it's a commitment to a new agreement. they've done this with the dns and now they're doing this with the exceptions. and this would discourage any,
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any piece desire on the part of the arb state if they consider that that is, that would always validate that and there are so many text and excuse us. but what, what it, what i see from the different side is that they are really uh, uh ident, when it comes to this position because it would be an advisement to the regime. it would be an advertisement to a presidency. he cannot defend this a month before the junction public, who or the accused the item stays on. the origins of kind of being companies that when what is level has been doing against the palestinians or a house on fire stick to talk to you about all of this house and part of a professor of international affairs, a counseling and invest. thanks. is ready for us is obtained at least 5 palestinians, and overnight raids the occupied westbank. they stormed the village of tales, south west of nablus and have remained the rates of also being reported in all the areas around co q. yeah, 2 korean ramallah, one, palestinian has been wounded in compensations in fate. ma, north of hebron, within
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a daily exchange of 5 between israel and has below is having an impact on both sides of the board of view and says there is a need for a 110000000 dollars to finance the humanitarian response. for nearly 300000 people in southern lebanon, affected by the conflict. so in a 100 reports and buried, it's a tourist season with lebanon's, hotels are largely empty, concerns about an escalation and hostilities between hezbollah and as well have let to cancellations. the hospitality sector has been reeling from years of economic turmoil. recent geo political tensions have made things worse. the hot as and or the hospitality sect that is heavy. the effect that no baby would have been effected in this situation since last october. since the whole issue started, and unfortunately, a suddenly escalating war has devastated villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer border with israel. agencies say critical facilities and roads have
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been severely damaged. as efforts have begun to find new collective shelters with a rise in the number of displaced people. as a managerial country team, we're asking and we need a $110000000.00 to finance the ongoing response for up to $290000.00 . contradict effective people, not. violence is not losing momentum with has the law and israel expanding their strikes. the war of attrition is felt on the is really side of the border as well. in a single hezbollah attack is really media reported. 60 homes were damaged in the occupied syrian golan heights. already a 5 kilometer deep stretch of territory has been evacuated. ok, that's a sense of what's in the sound. want to leave. others are patriots who want to stay, but it cannot continue this way. every sound of a door shut makes us think it's a boom. this time it wasn't a door shut, but a serious boom that cost to us
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a lot. a lost revenue and ward damage on both sides of the borders are estimated in the billions of dollars. and 11 on the people are still suffering from the financial collapse that'd begin 5 years ago. and this is believed to be why has the law which started firing at israel in solidarity with garza 10 months ago has been calibrating it's attacks, so as not to give as well an excuse to bring devastation upon 11 on. already the state is crumbling. it's barely provides electricity. so there's multiple, the lebanese government this morning, that even a controlled escalation would displace hundreds of thousands of people. and it would struggle with keeping critical sectors running center for their eligibility to be a crew of $29.00, rescued from a greek flag oil tank. and the red sea is arrived into a booty. they bundled the vessel when it was attacked, tuffy evans coast by who the forces on wednesday. the booties have been attacking
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ships in support of palestinians and gaza. diminishment of trees as the time who was traveling through the red sea, from a rock to athens. when he was repeatedly hit by miss files or drones, people ahead of the news that including well the doesn't dad and 4800000 stranded bangladesh struggles to cope with severe funding. the robert f. kennedy junior suspended his campaign for us president saying he no longer believes he has a pos, so the white house before my independent candidate blame the democratic party and mainstream media is now induce republican candidate donald trump. well by those reports in phoenix, arizona. hours after suspending his campaign, robert f. kennedy junior was on stage with donald trump. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody could love
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the people of this country. and don't you want a president? that's going to make america healthy again. speaking to reporters earlier, kennedy strongly implied from promised him a high level job and a public health or food regulation capacity in a potential future, trop administration. america with president trump and as family members and close advisors in florida. and a series of long, intense discussions. i was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many key issues. and those meetings, he suggested that we joined forces as a unity party. kennedy said he had also reached out to pamela harrison's campaign to arrange a similar deal, but was bought or it's instead. kennedy supporters reacted calmly to the news. so whether i would put my support up behind president trump would take would take me
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doing what bobby did, sole searching about that issue. i support kennedy and i guess by default i support trump relentless systematic sensors. kennedy's poll numbers dropped sharply after president joe biden robin out in democrats, co last around harris. he also suffered a string of them. they're missing stories model. yeah, i mean, he said it damaged his brain and a bizarre tail of don't thing i did there in new york central park is a joke. so, the big question now is, how will kennedy's endorsement of, from affect the race for the white house? we ask one of arizona's premium and pollsters. so the impact nationally right now is r k junior backing out of the race is that it gives in what is ultimately a very tight race between trump in harris. it gives a slight advantage towards trump because either way, it's going to be razor thing closed in every every little bit helps an extremely
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tight race with just over 70 days before election day. robert is l g 0, phoenix, arizona. bangladesh is struggling to cope with severe even widespread flooding. at least 16 people have died of millions more been cut off from its central services. tempered challenging is the latest on the capital dot com. that's very as a bond with us as a strand, not this trend and southeastern regions are underwater. it was caused by heavy rain and sides of water from upstream india. tens of thousands of people that stranded stella waiting for rescue. many government buildings on schools that been converted into a temporary shelter to say the beg them and their families said the barely scape, the sudden, flash floods with what little they have. so you see the time we came here to the school shelter late last night with all belongings, including all livestock, as our homes went under water. and now we're worried about the future,
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how we're going to get food and why we're going to live because everything got washed away, roads and highways, electricity and internet service is cut off in many of the flowers, effective areas, tens of thousands of heck does a farmland live stock and faced firms where washed away in a matter of hours in the team that we've lost 3. hi bree tassel in the flood, looks a lot of money. most of the funds being damaged by the water. in response to the crisis, the government has set up thousands of shelter. hundreds of medical teams have been deployed. volunteers along with army, navy, and coast guard, rescue as a scrambling to rescue people in flooded communities. i wanted, i kind of will start to be part of the area i am in is in a really bad way. some of the village homes are submerged up to the roofs. as part of a team of 25. we've rescued many people and brought them to shelter as well. a sum in bangladesh or blaming india for the flash clouds,
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claiming that the southern slabs were caused by the opening off. it's number them upstream of the going to revert into the products uh that we noticed the water from upstream is causing these flash floods in bangladesh without providing any kind of early warning or allowing time for us to prepare. they've opened the floodgates and it reflects the humane and uncooperative attitude of india. india has dismissed this requisitions. bangladesh is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to disasters and climate change according to the global climate risk and us. on friday, at the bottom of the semester, logical society, we're under heavy rain fall in the next 3 days because of active monsoon condition, which good works in the flood situation. the main challenge for that part is now is to rescue people who are still stranded into flight affected areas. time each audrey i'll just say the dock. uh. okay, well let speak to 10 of your child. you know, he's live for us in from an bobby
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a district that's an eastern bangladesh and 10 via it sounds like a relief effort of epic proportions. absolutely. i mean, it's not just the government, thousands of volunteers from all across the country. actually coming most of the eastern part of the country, which is really badly here. we are actually in the northeastern part of the country . this area is call i called i in the berman body of district district, telling me that from indian state are free for a while. the dan dunn birthday, i'm with the flight gates where open on the flash lot to go with this entire area which usually don't see much flat, even the bailey, but it's got washed away. so these area isn't as badly affected, even though the water is worth sitting by the eastern part of the country. it's still tens of thousands of people. are maryland rescue at operation at going it's difficult to get there because all the road network snap, almost 90 percent of the telecommunication towers are done. there's no electricity
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making it extremely difficult to reach the house, those people. but the people are going in. 3 the less with bodes private and helicopters every which way can to rescue those people out. a very challenging situation. but the app for days on is one of the probably worst floods, flash flood, rather put it that way in 3 decades. and partly because of the rivers were overflowing in the indian side, they have to open the floodgates and made things very, very bad. and if the torrential rain continued, it couldn't get worse before it gets better. so far it's staying dry in this part of the country. let's see how it goes. hopefully things will improve. and that's how the china said last time. very many things that tons of challenging in eastern bangladesh and floods the nigeria displaced thousands of people in the north where the situation is becoming desperate. emergency shelter. this child has been provided for many, but finding food is a huge challenge. is i'm
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a dangerous support. someone to go with states in blanco, amend searches through the ruins of his destroy my house. as just as neighbor rebuilds with a concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will progress the families 1st. and only me you love the day and alaska we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill. hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by these yes floods. the numbers continued to rise. as early in the season, pete, 44000 of them in the guy was state of the west thousands of practice a farms and whose have been destroyed. most of the displaced sheltering in public buildings like this cool in the reconstruction of the homes could take several months with costs from set to reopen. in september, the government will have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, oh,
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move them elsewhere. but the immediate consent for most here is a shortage or like a foot with most problems and the water supplies are drying up. why are they available? the prices have gone beyond the reach of many to cover one and a good idea before the floods a measure of minutes, including costs around $1.53. the price is now arisen by $25.00 to $0.07. most people come up for full time. for that, so the government says we might just the measures in place to help farm is affected by the disaster. what we're trying to do, we have what we call the suit, gotta keep the much out most for our program. so when that is was that why didn't we try as much as we're to provide the farmers with the island which wearing across the complaint so that they come to a withdrawal to get something agriculture analysts say the couple of us will at tonight just come in for inflation, we just reached 33 percent. for now,
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the biggest concern victims of the did us to say is shelter and foot something they say has not reached them in quantities enough to sustain them. how many degrees out is it a blog? it's still a head on this, i'll just say a news unprecedented political deadlock in france. the president continues to search for a new prime minister. so as i'm say this, how long when a site is where human rights organizations who have been struggling to find those when missing during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's states, they're facing new challenges with a government. i'm probably going to be like the hello is the weather remains very warm and sunny across central and southern parts
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. if you have lost the clear skies here, as you can see, we get rid of high pressure in place, but up towards the northwest. but more like wholesome here when, when the weather coming through, you can see the talk, we've packed ice a pass. here we go with us to 1000000 moving out. so that way waiting somewhat but went to web. it does still slide back in behind a course southern positive in the west into the low countries across a good part of frontier. even move in areas of space, say some wet weather as we go through fast. i lost 3 showers roughly behind the head of butts by the 32 celsius. those are the 2 showing up across central at east and published what those temperatures round about in this week. i wanted to west sunday highland around $23.00 degrees. is that cold front that? well the system makes its way through those brighten up behind. so not too bad, it will be pleasant, never the less than what to the coming down towards austria by that stage, south of that generally fine and dry. still a few showers. the cars at east side of spain. at this stage, one of 3 showers, 2 across the final west of africa,
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plenty of showers across west africa. the eastern wise rolling of the ip in honda is means more it whether for good parts of nigeria, pushing all the way to the west. on catching the cost control of our asses, economic plants, tackle inflation improves the world's largest economy. to meet producers leads to commit to climate change targets, plus the western layer of around sort of supported as well as war on garza, begin to see a fully profits counting the cost on how to 0 diverse range of stories from across the globe. from the perspective of and network analysis era, a unique perspective, the transfer and the displacements are being vision as population has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices all the times. people have the data by the bottom of it
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for me connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out just the or the the, [000:00:00;00] the deal with shadow to 0. his or mind about top stories this hour is ready. the attacks of killed at least 37 palestinians of costco, assistance to on on saturday. women and children are among the dead in con eunice. the army is also
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a tank homes and tents. and darrow bala and most around refugee can least 16 people have died. and millions have been cut off from essential services. in fact, the dash has the country face of severe funding. the army, navy coast gone in full and teens are all involved in efforts to rescue people. and robert f. kennedy junior. his plan is to pull behind gold from off to suspending his presidential campaign to join. the republican candidate types has come paint riley in arizona type bring you back to our top story. now the war on guys on the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor has court on the judges to urgently decide on his arrest warrants for his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his defense minister, and 3. how mosley does 2 of them athlete is named on now dead. carrying. com says the i c. c has jurisdiction to investigate is rating nationals who committed war crimes of the policy and territories. he also says that any delay in proceedings would affect the rights of victims. con, filed the requests for arrest ones back in may,
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tool and guns are it's pushing many palestinians to their limits. tens of thousands of crammed together. we made ship 10 sons of the intense summer heat. just it was digital platform, a. j plus spoke to families to a surviving without any basic supplies is based on orders report. and this is the sound from does what i'm still life, and i know that you are living in the hottest ada in this world. i mean it's, i would, will, is melting due to the global learning. and i know that this is a common thing. i mean, if you want in this world is suffering from the high temperature during the summer, best. imagine living this extremely hot weather as it goes on in the genocide and much is spending the summer and the plastic then 24 hours, 7 days a week, for months now or even not having attend because you are moving all the time due to the continuous displacements mentioned being a dozen without an electricity for 2 months. that means no ac is no funds. even the
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cold water level bins, you publish less than this. we go to sort of a pool and help them feel my way. the some of that, all of a sudden the bad, the 2nd 10, but when i was to head that way and then i'd be a bad bit if it goes as a whole pub in the book booklet. but then how about it this way? half as if to finish the book of the month, really my you thought that the measure and it might help the but i said instead of you come across on your i show this emotional time was the of, of a few motivation part of his level. no fish could smell it from the bottom of the head, but the shell, but we've come in and check and looks like a busy past. nobody comes with that being said, your name is moving to the him of what we have. sure. but that's the key. i'm gonna have to say, i find a guy valuable funny i'm, i'm, i much budgeting the above or the anna. what also the, the project that, that, you know, i see when one know where i see your mind that nobody showed up for the 3. but the other day,
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my 1st what else live order to have to wait for the idea. and so because the, yeah, because i mean, i know i just had a bottle of snuff mean age and how many came on the show, a bit of him and the been the daunted a flock, little more low was highest man. and this should have telemundo and the bottom of the problems. but if it's on the show bull mind 6 children middle kindly month to about of the day, months off of the show way up to then you're hardly dead. but looks like the next summer's wouldn't be even hotter because the twin size is still ongoing. and israel booms goes low so far, like in 10 months by more than $70000.00 tons of explosives, video environments, or results architect passed. so i'm so sorry,
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but looks like the heat will be even harder. the authorities in the philippines of introducing tying to regulations of the migrant workers scheme with south korea off discount. discovering widespread abuse and exploitation within 2000000 filipinos work overseas. adding money for family back home on below has been support so many now i was and i'm and down and we go went to south korea to work at a farm 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns in the philippines. the job was being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown and government in a south korea city, facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to miguel until he arrived in south korea. no, for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get our monthly pay, we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our
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families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government by good corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmer's program since 2022 itself in corporate . and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement, the names to eliminate the city to city of payments altogether. so also plan we had their own. 60 laborer complains that had been addressed by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave, around here in the philippines. we fire case have so many legal recruitment against the individuals. despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation,
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labor rights organization say there's 2 of those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea. reactivated import them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation mother is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experienced gal still wants to be able to work in south korea under the same program he's described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity. because staying in the philippines, he says means continuing to racist family in poverty barn to below l. g 0. many the hey libby arrival groups of recent agreement to lo attentions on the capital tripoli,
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the into administer was the address room is about plan to tax on aaa saying, though, falls since 2014 libya has had 2 governments each leading different regions. one is based in tripling and recognized by the united nations. the other is led by will on belief a have to apply different speed, somebody because that, that allows him to be about. as far as tripoli is concerned, there was no longer be any permanent positions inside the libyan capital tripling. we have to part a little plans, securing the streets on the one hand, and securing the headquarters and institutions on the other for the 1st plan. all security services would withdrawal and return to the main headquarters, not individual ones. the detouring service is also to return to its headquarters. all the induce prime minister under moody, is held tulips of ukrainian leda in key. if it comes to 6 weeks off to moody, made
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a trip to russia and met vladimir putin a visit ukraine, criticized at the time. i looked a topless reports you credit in capsule smells and hun shakes, as indians leaders, welcoming keys by ukraine's president. below them is zalinski on friday, just weeks off the bat hugs with a russian president to moscow. with this visit to ukraine, there's no surprise zalinski emoji has spoken several times on the sidelines of international summit. and keeping regular context by phone. with india was maintained a delicate balancing act between the west and russia. new delhi, as deep totally as to moscow. the go back decades, most of india is tags come from russia, russian jets from the back boat of its air force. but india, the world's most populous nation, wants to move center stage, diplomatically acting as a possible mediator between russia and ukraine. but time yeah, the key engineering, the matter of ending this war and a fat piece is
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a priority for ukraine. we have the 1st integral piece summit. i want to thank india for being present at the summit developers. yeah. moody has practical reasons for wanting it into the boil. india wants to sell more goods to russia because india's been buying a lot of cheap russian oil. the trade deficit is gone from less than 5000000003 years ago to almost 60000000000 dollars into year to just end as in, in march. for some indians with ties to ukraine. the reasons for moody's visit a much simpler the firewall nearly by new studies meetings to go and slick, make it easy and finish all of this. i hope this will be finished soon after this meeting. most indeed in ukraine are looking to deepen economic and defense trade ties in what president zalinski has colton. historic visit. the question is,
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can the render moody navigate the diplomatic type book between the west and russia without alienating either side, could helpless out to 0 keith. and now the news police in germany is searching for a man suspected of killing 3 people. the stabbing attack, at least 8 others were injured in the eastern city. it was only going on friday motive remains unknown. it happened during a festival, mocking the city $650.00. i found a vestry as well and then defy, begin for an i'm with you. a single a fiend to he's on the run. he killed 3 people of the city festival and seriously injured others. so we can say that he's not dangerous, but is he still on the run and looking to move victims? that would be speculation. but of course i can't say with 100 percent certainty that there is no danger from this person. that's why we still advised caution or defense president as being hosting members arrival political groups, trying to pick a prime minister who will support when support across party lines. it comes to 6 weeks after staff election turned into
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a hung upon him. in the smith's house to support from paris, france is a lines of left to fall left policies. the new popular from to n p. f has its way this woman will be from seas next. prime minister is we came here to remind the president of the importance of respecting the election results and to get the country out of the paralysis in which it is to match. the mdf says that as 81, the largest share of the vote in jude's elections, the present to the point. it's joyce as prime minister emanuel my chrome doesn't seem so keen. he prefer ground the lines of the left. i'm sent to his outgoing prime minister gabriella. the house has been waiting 6 weeks to hand over the reins unprecedented in more than friends. opposition. take it sharply criticized my. com for taking so much time. if you think, well, she does show lundy mccomb will finish consultations on monday and we need an answer on tuesday because in the end, the risk is that we all get stuck. you us this country and
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a sort of institutional soap opera. macro created this paralysis by calling small collections years earlier than necessary. just one of his party lost his majority, and only a so called republican front stopped the far right, winning power with many votes cast against them rather than in favor of the alternatives. emanuel malcolm's choice of a prime minister must be able to survive a vote of confidence in the assembly. from these talks is supposed to be most of the name of someone, both the president i'm the parliament can get behind a task. when most members of the assembly have no time for micro bonus, i'll just say around paris, the still ahead allowed to 0. so into dangerous heights can use coastal region find spiked with boys of against its biggest pest crow. the teachers protesting in front of our containers congress are met with stronger
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assistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and to protest against the new laws to call them and wants to pass. that will declare education and essential service, which would deny teachers the right to strike the government of have you had any legs implementing a very harsh or scary plan to renews government spending on fight inflation. it has reduced the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity. and most of the professors have received a minimal raise in spite of the inflation relays plan is a disaster for us. have yet to be less convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate. but universities in the public sector saying they need more resources now, and many are not convinced. mean days ready kind of going on. the plan will succeed .
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the the mean process and when are we or did you nearby is the largest profile is after police operation force $49.00 schools in the area to close $9000.00 children offenses authorities are also destroying several 100 departments. they say are funded by drunk, coll towels. but as monica in the care of reports of rio that's left hundreds of brazil's pores people without homes. in windows, we addition, nero's largest fellows. people gathered to watch their homes being torn down one by one and to raise their voices in protest. he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between rios all stories and
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drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protesters say the police are treating them all as criminals on the cover to go to the kid. this building sort inhabited by regular workers who are safe to buy a home or set up a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the cause, but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels, which have been investing in real estate to longer money. the orders he said were to demolish $300.00 apartments, allegedly billed by criminals in the modest month for who, who deal with the collateral damage. nobody has the answer. people here have been telling us that they are protesting because every time there is a police operation, everything shuts down like the stores that you can see here. and also, not only that, not only people are unable to go to work,
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but also schools have closed down like this $149.00 schools were forced to close down during this lease operation. and that means that 9000 students from the mother had been forced to stay at home without any classes during the past 5 days. among the students 8 year old moist age who have special needs, the deputy on my son is autistic. he needs a teacher and special needs professional in school to help him interact and get an education. thousands of children are being effective and it's not the 1st time schools are close. residents here say that in real spotless planning for a better future for their children is nothing but a dream. monica not give all just sarah rio de janeiro. that was to be more than 4 to use as a full of origin. tina's military leadership, an estimated 30000 citizens, were killed in the 19 seventy's and eighty's, and many of the children were given up for adoption. families have spent decades trying to find the missing loved ones,
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but the come by when government says an investigation unit in charge of finding them is unconstitutional. to raise a vote, how small from when those areas are leasing bleed was in his twenty's. when he found out the to white entity of his biological parents, it was 24 years ago. in 1978, his mother patricia was 8 months pregnant with him when she was detained by members of the military doing the dictatorship. a gentleman was born in oakland, this time detention center, and somebody see, my parents continued to be missing and i only found out who i was when i agreed with the latest. i found out that i was nothing only child that my real father was not in the military. that i had a real sister that my national id was fake. 5 argentina had one of the bloodiest military dictatorship in latin america and the 19 seventy's and eighty's thousands
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of left wing career less. but also political opponents were killed. many with disappeared by the military dictator should many women were brought to this complex, which was also a kind of fun detention center many gave birth and their children, given a way to military couples to race. estimating the $500.00 shows would work, separated from their mothers. their relative are still trying to find where they are. but under the government of have you had a really finding those missing children will become much more difficult. the ministry of justice announced it has shut down, especially investigative unit in charge of finding them, saying it violates the constitutional order cutting every little every presents the grandmothers were trying to find their missing grandchildren, missing ok. the sale, my husband, when this is a search that has been ongoing for decades and time is of the essence because the
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grandmothers are very old. we don't have many of them left and closing. the units makes it very difficult. where very concerned. for many, the government's decision, these ideological ask, have you had really and his political party have consistently denied argentina's long standing consensus over the dictatorships crimes. because this sort of meant to negotiating with, we are not only seeing the nihilism of what happened, but re vindication. which is a step further and being proud of what they did. human rights groups say they're over $300.00 children that need to be located so far they have managed to find at least a $130.00 but without political support, finding them becomes an even greater challenge. 80. so we'll just see that when a site is supposed to look into is the former editor of the boy. as there is harold, he says, the id of associates being on a constitutional excuse me, is unheard of every other malay. what felt
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a member of the pro dictatorship rule that he has allies where ards, on these and brother does a little pro better. but the doors with dies to many. ready many members of the mandatory for now in j and d as the base is that broad consensus, the notion penzel society about the dictatorship on the need to prosecute the doors were more than 1000. and maybe terry accused on sentence. and in the nice for, for the case seems that the papers she came to an end and the formula you said way to reason nice. that'd be like,
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to be honest. and this is the 1st time i hear this week. and this kind of a units, uh, somebody can see that unconstitutional. it was held by on the side of the guidelines, english and the number over there to governments fed only something like the government governments, ongoing side of the a all the data sites, institutions, even their goal or friends in the general office in many places, notion, tina trying to find the tools ran to create programs to do it okay to or to or to try. and they may need terry even democratic by looters. so to be honest, if this is very many of the engine or is this way also thinking carlos and kenya has become an ecological nuisance as the num,
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the source in new levels. the bird is an invasive species and was born devastation to wildlife long can use coast local say they've been hunting, the vital tourism industry, stephanie deckers, in what time it, where she's been looking at efforts to address the problem. so the crow definitely has had an impact on quite a few of the local beds. it's early in the morning and these researchers are checking what's been captured to tag, log these and release. but this delicate eco system alone can use coast is being destroyed by one dominant predator. people hate them nicely. and that's why we've customer support. but as you know, they're a big problem to people. so hotels, but they also for the small businesses taking farms and so they will, they will, they just po to you and i like the, the, the checks it's, it's amazing is that an effort is now under way to control their booming population using the poison status side, specifically,
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toxic to this bird metabolize is so that when the bird is dead, the corpse isn't a threat to other animals. this is called pre beatings, feeding them daily for giving them a poisonous batch. i would really describe it as a very smart honeywell from what have gone to myself. they also know how to attract somebody by face. they know those people are threats and they know those people are friendly. tourism is also being effected. a multi $1000000000.00 industry here. it's a huge problem. it's not just me, but the whole coast and tourism of can you stuff and show her. and just, you know, they really aggressive to getting into the, into the breakfast hole and just stealing fluids and the full have for the dropping the numbers really exploded in the last few years in town. we see them everywhere scavenging for whatever they can feed on, pulled up. we both ways come to steal from us. if you have fish, they take it. when you walk under a tree, they miss you up with a dropping smith,
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and there are so many of them. and won't you notice his old like lots of other birds of the lizards and stuff of that suddenly disappears because they pray on everything. traffic is something this resort has been doing for years at a rate of about $100.00 birds a week. $6000.00 in total were told, but it's only scratching the surface is this is on such a massive scale that, that so many sides relate to the subjects i have a book, which makes you a bit sad because you think my goal this such clever speech clever creatures but scale because the sites have that they're probably like us humans, they tend to dominate. as the sun begins to set, hundreds of crows are making their way back here to sleep, an entire ecosystem of threats tourism affected. i'm a very frustrated local community. the question now whether efforts to control them will be enough to prevent them from out smarting off stephanie decor, audra 0. what time?
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oh, can you okay. i'm today. that's, that's meaningful. go for this news. uh, but in just a moment, so i won't be back with much for the days. please. thanks so much bye for now, the of investigative journalism. this is quite chilly. moving through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but of the journey. voices from different corners of organizations survival, it's survivable. survival runs for reparations and justice stories from other angles like this actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the cloud of nuclear will lose ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life?
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because we know it from the whole roots of recent history to the rising card, tract, apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funky vanity. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0 approved or reject the most progressive constitution ever proposed for any nation in history. yes or no. voted no. the big picture us was a question that goes into the very foundation opportunity until the cause of its relationship with indigenous people in the midst of chewed pos to on the jersey
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the . ringback the of the multiple is ready as strikes across because i can at least 42 palestinians frames intensive on unit stero bala and those sort of refugee capital targets is the bulk of this is i'll just do a life though. how will so coming up the independent candidate, robert f. kennedy junior drops out of the race for the white house and the doses.


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