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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the, the multiple is ready as strikes across cause it can at least 40 to palestinians findings intensive on units, stero impala, and then those sort of refugee count august is the bulk of this i'll just do a life though. also coming up the independent candidate, robert f. kennedy junior drops out of the race for the white house and the goal. since donald trump put a riley in arizona more than
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a dozen dead. and $4800000.00 strands, bangladesh struggles to come to via flooding. from the pain migrants and south korea, so that being exploited and placed into the main conditions under special work is key. the thanks for joining us has been another night of bloodshed across the guns and strips. at least $42.00 palestinians have been killed and this really strikes and storm the 11 have been killed and con eunice, including women and children, is really a types of also struck homes and tense and dare abala and also at refugee camp in the center of this trip where more displaced palestinians have been killed. several people are also being wounded in the bombings that speak to honeymoon, who to joins us live from darrow bala m central gaza. so honey was seeing a real surge and strikes the overnights, causing
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a huge amount of the depth and injuries brings up to speed and what's been happening as well as we expecting the number is a key keeps increasing within the past hour. then since the early hours of this morning, don't hours up, so the moment doesn't stop. heavy artillery is on the eastern part of buried by 50, as well as the northern. what's been part of pine. you understood it up an area between the central area and con units and as far as we understood it from the many statements by these really another 3 pushing it, the armored vehicles in time into the further western part of the city, just separating con unit from the central area adults in the, the, at the southern part of, from the central area of the strip. but so far what we're looking at just within the past few hours from here, the hours of this morning, up those, this one and 42 people to be confirmed, killed from those i refuge, account data. but i am the city of hon unit. the majority of the number killed from
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hon. you, in a city as these really military. not only it is stepped up the talk, but also increase the intensity in terms of in terms of magnitude and level of destruction. we're talking about entire residential buildings been that is destroyed completely wild people have residents of these buildings. we're not given enough time to evacuate those safe for areas we talking about non of prior warning whatsoever. the same exact thing is taking place here in the central area in both the same as you can as well in different part of the city that includes the area and both sides of the law had enrolled. we're talking about a depth of at least half the latter into a very over a crowd. it didn't get populated neighborhoods in there, the by city. the are force right now to move further, what's been part of the city, but the ongoing express of expanding the incursions to include optical areas of
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theirs by city. it just leaving everyone here in shock because they are, but i to be, it's particularly is the only city in the entire davosto. if that is some house, right? was this leading, talked in terms of residential buildings in terms of areas that people could be back the way through. but right now the, uh, the availability of the zones and saved areas are equivalent to non, if the, where is a potential pot, if it were a, could become the military size or days really military, the past been months has approved invest assistance. this has been a one sided or at least really monetary dominating this being here. we're talking about eric pod landa talk at from the b as well. the point, a kind of weapons that have already caused the habits further civilian casualties at your level of distractions. that is a quite a bit of a right now. if we where you go, you can't miss the level of destruction. the need for 3 is that every neighbor hoas
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in is the parts of, of the city. it continues to happen. the work continues to raise with no signs of it. you assume that any times would have been 1st thing that we're talking about. the 3rd right now is taking place in the central area in the north and part of tonya and the city between ponder, talked about this is the buyer in, in, in, taken in place in arrow. they're supposed to be a summit within the coming days. and it's supposedly tomorrow, yes, love receipt on big wine completed the the concert x ray of you know, as you say, i had a 42 that we know of at least killed this install. and i made on the line that from darrow, by that and central guys and thank you. mean, well, let's see. we've just been here from honda is the white house as president joe biden to spoken to the mayor of castle in ages president about the cx. 5 talks in colorado, mostly in jordan, has this update from washington dc. the us president joe biden has spoken in recent weeks about the need to end the war and gaza as quickly as possible. and he has
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done that by trying to push forward a bridging proposal, which he wants is real and her most of to agree to as quickly as possible. on friday, the president spoke with the leaders of got daughter and egypt about their efforts to support these talks that are now under way in cairo. in order to try to bring to a close a deal that would see the release of the remaining is really captives from us. that would bring a ceasefire to gaza in total, as well as try to bring in humanitarian aid all with an eye towards reducing regional tensions. the white house has put out a statement, underscoring urgency, and both conversations that president joe biden had with the a mary of cut daughter and with the president of egypt and noting that they would be in close consultation in the coming days. given that taught after head being
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held on thursday and on friday and cairo should resume on sunday. the us is very concerned that a nother prolong, but of this war and gaza could possibly make a for a wider regional war in the middle east. that is something that us does not want to see earlier on friday is folks for us. and for the white house, told reporters in a telephone briefing, that part of the situation is getting her moss to the table and for everyone to try to make an agreement as quickly as possible for their part, the egyptian se flexibility on both homos and israel's part should be a top of the game. roseland jordan elder, 0 washington. okay, let's talk about this in more detail with how some berries profess of in specialist as a counselor or university. welcome back, a house on. i'm so close to work. so i'm going to go on that being a catalog of hurdles along the way when it comes to finding a lost and solution to this ongoing conflict. while tweaks grind on the mass has
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a choose the united states of quote, buying time for israel. what's behind that accusation? i think this is an attempt on the front of how much to put the level of pressure on the united states or to expose them. i think they're right when, when it comes to the position of america from the get go, they wouldn't be trying, you know, they were buying time for them in order to finish the job. but it has failed to finish and the job, meaning that they did not 3 ally the objectives declared, one is like uh, reducing the hostages and intimate anything how much. but at this particular moment, i don't think that the united states is buying time for his reading simply because by then is in, by the need for a deal. i seized by a deal with tell, coming to has make it to the election because it has become a candle and domestic issue in america, especially to for the democratic party. so they, because they actually, i think is probably, and that was misplaced, but it was correct when it comes to the last, maybe at 9 or even 10 months. there's also obviously
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a huge domestic issue in israel as well. come, as well continued to claim could benjamin that know his government continues to claim that their operation is a, an ongoing success in gauze. a given that in recent days we've had, reports of war is right, the soldiers killed. and this recovery operation recovery in inverted commas of at least 6 captives retrieved from. does that, but does he mean? yeah, but this is a city or simply because, you know, he could have actually saved them by coming to terms of the fact that there was a need for a ceasefire. he could have saved in my life. but the continuation of the war has led to their death and this, this is one of the point that is being raised by how much that if you need your voice and text, you need to sit at find a deal is nothing you always, i don't want to do this for a different reason, and this is probably a statement about as we had objectives, not releasing the hostages, the continuation of the door, and distribute his own political interest in his ride. will everybody know this? now it's not for you to see if it's anymore. as this impasse continues,
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i wonder what potential role the policy, you know, authority in the west bank. i made a boss who's planning to travel to gauze, what role they will play in, pops pressuring her mouse, perhaps re shaping how palestinians sees control autonomy. you'll take control of how this thing a lot going. well, this is the predicament of the bus and the p a and being on the side line from the get go. i mean, they did nothing actually, and they keep talking like as of the or put it together come in 2000 about and they didn't do anything. they have a relationship with united states with european union. they never use these tools in order to put the pressure on the and, and as an all to actually uh, as the of the, the problem on the listing is in the end and, and get to that. but one point that i want to add to this, the and that seen as someone who's coming to help me but a scene ends in and get an idea of someone who's trying to replace from us. and
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this falls in the division and also into competition between 5 to i'm us. so i just think that to those in charge in guys that would be worth coming. a step like this, right? how sounds good to hear your thoughts as always customer. i mean, 1st of instructional f, as a counsel university is ready for assistive detained, at least 5 palestinians, and overnight raids the occupied westbank. they stormed the village of tow a south west of nablus and the remain that range of also being the policies and other areas around co q u 2 crime and ramallah. one policy means it's being wounded and come from stations in bait law. that's north of hebron, the the robert f kennedy junior has suspended his campaign for the us presidency saying he no longer believes he has a pos. so the white house, the full, the independent candidate blame the democratic party and mainstream media is that
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induce republican cabs that donald trump for reynolds. how's the support from phoenix, arizona? hours after suspending his campaign, robert f. kennedy junior was on stage with donald trump. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody could love the people of this country. and so you want a president that's going to make america healthy again. speaking to reporters earlier, kennedy strongly implied from promised him a high level job and of public health or food regulation capacity as a potential future trump administration emetic. i know as president trump and his family members and close advisors in florida and a series of long, intense discussions i was surprised to discover is that we are a line on many key issues. and those meetings you suggested that we joined forces
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as a unity party. kennedy said he had also reached out to pamela harrison's campaign to arrange a similar deal, but was being bought or its instead. kennedy supporters reacted calmly to the news . so whether i would put my support up behind president trump would take would take me doing what bobby did, sole searching about that issue. i a support kennedy and i guess by default i support trump relentless, systematic sensors. kennedy's poll numbers dropped sharply after president joe biden robin out in democrats, co last around harris. he also suffered a string of embarrassing stories about a worm. he said it damaged his brain and a bizarre tale of dumping a dead fair in new york central park. as a joke, the big question now is, how will kennedy's endorsement of pro affect the race for the white house? we ask one of the arizona's premium and the posters. so the impact nationally right
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now with our k junior backing out of the race is that it gives in what is ultimately a very tight race between trump in harris. it gives a slight advantage towards trump because either way it's going to be razor thin clothes and every, every little bit helps an extremely tight race with just over 70 days before election day. robert is l g 0, phoenix, arizona. thing with that she's struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. at least 16 people have died. millions more been cut off from a central services type of chandry has more from a car in east and bangladesh. of the situation is to remain still put a go in the eastern part of bangladesh. we are located in northeastern part, near the indian border of paper where the flash flood took over the very of, from last 2 days, leaving the bailey bridge and everything got washed away. things are improving and
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this part of a flash water is resetting. but then lot same can be sent on the eastern part of bernard. that's what it's still very challenging. tens of thousands of people are still stranded. rescue operation is going on an epic proper. some volunteers from all over the country is particularly the capital city, heading there with boats. people are taking fluids and the military because got them. the navy are all organized themselves into rescuing people, providing them shelter, given, got, you know, really from mitre of. but despite the fact people are still stuck, the need to be rescued and the most people are hoping there won't be anymore torrential rain because that would make things worse. the flash bladder is receiving, which came from the indian. people are afraid because they're reversed, where a swelling up that to release the grades. now things a little karma, but most people are hoping there won't be any more swelling of the rivers and torrential rain that could gradually things make things better in buying the dash.
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right now the challenge is to rescue people and get them dry food and relief and get them ready go care what it's needed. so i'm good charge race. i'll just say to our color uh, bangladesh. the still ahead, the largest soaring to dangerous sites can use coastal region the fights backwards, please. and against his biggest test, the crap, the on counting the cost to controller harris's economic plan, this tackle inflation improves the world's largest economy. to meet producers leads to commit to climate change targets. plus the western mayor brown sort of supported as well as war on garza, begin to see a fully profits counting the cost on out to 0. the latest news, as it breaks, vladimir has vowed to take the enemy outs and defensive visuals are confident they can push the occupying forces over 1st with detailed coverage for most part of next
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can say they have little for very little confidence in the justice authorities from around the world for protesters, it's about keeping up the pressure on the democratic party to in the genocide and also helps form sales israel. a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. we follow as sammy communities conflict with the plan to build a mine in their northern sweden homeless ones that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations con tiny black butterflies, the cost of going green, my knowledge is 0. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the deal with i was just there i is there a month on the top. so is this out is by the attacks of killed at least $42.00 palestinians, a cost cause a sense to on sunday women and children among the dead. and con eunice, the army has also attacked homes. darrow bala, most of the country, robert f. kennedy junior, and his support behind donald trump. off to suspending his presidential campaign to win the republican candidate campaign rally and i was 7, at least 16 people have died. millions have been cut off from essential services and finally bashed us. the country space has severe funding, the army, navy, coast guard, and volunteers all involved in efforts to help rescue and floods in nigeria of displaced thousands of people in the north of the country where the situation is
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becoming desperate. emergency shelters have been provided for many, but finding food remains issued to challenge. as i'm address reports from chicago, a states in blanco, amend searches through the ruins of his destroy my house. just as this neighbor rebukes with a concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will prepare as the families 1st. and only me you loved the day and i like we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill. hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by these yes floods. the numbers continued to rise. as early in the season, pete, 44000 of them in g guy was state alone with thousands of factors of farms and olds have been destroyed. most of the displaced sheltering in public buildings like this
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cool in the reconstruction of the homes could take several months with costs from set to reopen. in september, the government will have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, oh, move them elsewhere. but they need it consent for most here is a shortage or like a foot with most problems on the water supplies are drying up. why are they available? the prices have gone beyond the reach of many to cover one and a good idea before the floods a measure of minutes, including costs around $1.53. the price is now arisen by $25.00 to $0.07. most people come up to full time report that the government says we might just see measures in place to help farm is affected by the disaster. what we're trying to do, we have what we call the city or to see the much i was struck program. so when there is, was that, why don't we try as much as we're to provide the farmers with the island, which we didn't cross complaint. so we got to come to, i went to,
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to get something i could coach analysts say the couple of us will at tonight just come in for inflation, which has reached 33 percent. for now. the biggest concern victims of the did us to say is shelter and foot something they say has not reached them in quantities enough to sustain them. how many degrees out does it belong? in libya, arrival groups of recent agreement to low attentions in the capital, tripoli into administer. also address room is about planned to tax on tripoli, saying they were false. since 2014 libya had 2 governments each leading different regions, one space and tripling and recognized by the united nations. the other is led by will load relief a have to force. he's in the philippines introducing types of regulations on a migrant workers scheme with south korea. up to discovering widespread abuse and exportation within 2000000 filipinos work overseas ending money for family back
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home. barnaby lo has the support from indiana boyfriend. i'm in nail down and we go, went to south korea to work and environments who years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns into philippines. the job was being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown and government in a south korea city, facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to miguel until he arrived in south korea and also mounted know how many doing? when it was time to get our monthly pay, we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by their broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than
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a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmers program since 2022 is still been corporate and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement, the names to eliminate city to city of payments altogether. so also plan we had their own. 60 laborer complains that had been addressed by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave, around here in the philippines. we fire case as of the legal recruitment against the individuals, despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation, labor rights, organization, se, there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments, continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea reactivated import them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation member is more authorial. and why is there
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a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experienced miguel still wants to be able to work in south korea under the same program he's described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go seo his identity. because staying in the philippines, he says, means continuing to racist family in poverty barn to below al jazeera, many of the main suspects and the rape and killing of the training delta in india. as a peer to the court, hearing the case spunk nationwide protests and strikes with many doctors refusing to see non emergency patients. medical stuff, say known enough is being done to protect women working in hospitals, police in germany, a searching for a man suspected of getting 3 people in stop being attacked and at least 8 others were interested in the eastern city. it was only a lump settling on on friday, the motive remains unknown. it happened during a festival knocking the city $650.00 of anniversary. a cruise in can you have
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become an ecological nuisance as a number. so it's a new level of the boat is an invasive species, and as for devastation, to wildlife along can use coast local say they've also been hurting the vice tourism industry. stepped stephanie deckers. and what time it was, she's been looking at the efforts to address the problem. so the crow definitely has had an impact on quite a few of the local beds is early in the morning and these researchers are checking what's been captured or to tag logs. these and release but this delicate ecosystem along kidney is coast is being destroyed by one dominant predator people hate them actually. and that's why we've customer support. but as you know, they're a big problem to people. so hotels, but they also for the small businesses chicken farm and so they will, they will, they just po to you and i like the, the, the checks it's,
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it's amazing is that an effort is now under way to control their booming population using the poison status side, specifically, toxic to this bird metabolize is so that when the bird is dead, the corpse isn't a threat to other animals. this is called pre beatings, feeding them daily for giving them a poisonous batch. i would really describe it as a very smart honeywell from what i have done to myself. they also know how to attract somebody by fish. they know those people that are threats and they know those people are friendly. tourism is also being effected. a multi $1000000000.00 industry here. it's a huge problem. it's not just me, but the whole coast and tourism of can you stuff and sure randomly. are they really aggressive to getting into the, into the breakfast hole and just stealing fluids and the full have for the dropping the numbers really exploded in the last few years in town we see them everywhere scavenging for whatever they can feed on, pulled up,
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we both ways come to steal from us. if you have fish, they take it when you walk under a tree, they miss you up with their droppings, and there are so many of them. and what you notice is all the life of other birds of the lizards and stuff of that suddenly disappears because they prey on everything. trapping is something this resort has been doing for years at a rate of about $100.00 birds a week. $6000.00 in total were told, but it's only scratching the surface is this is on such a massive scale. that's it. so many sides of the site, it's the subjects have a bird which makes you a bit sad because you think my goal this such clever speaks clever creatures but scale because that so they probably like us humans, they tend to dominate as the sun begins to set hundreds of crows are making their way back here to sleep, an entire ecosystem of threat tourism affected. i'm a very frustrated local community. the question now whether efforts to control them
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will be enough to prevent them from outs. marching off stephanie decor, audra 0. what time? oh, can you write you up today? that's it for me, the fucking time to get a website. obviously we don't come much more. all of our top stories including the ongoing, gaza, come to the cost is coming up next. thanks. which the the, how i would go yet more very heavy rain when the weather sweeping across the northwest of year up. it's looking decidedly unsettled here. be gary or cloud here associated with this area of light pressure on this training with a phone which comes in behind. that's bringing the spouse a very heavy rain full. we do have one is the fullest was the southeast of england for the next few hours is a pulse of very heavy rain runs its way in here. and you see that west of where the
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garage is speeding down into the low country stretching down across a good pond to frost looking pretty unsettled here, as well. runs up towards the moving parts of denmark, easy across norway and sweden, further east. it is fine and dry more sunshine. $32.00 celsius there in palin to next is a change come sunday temperatures now hard on route $22.00 degrees celsius. is that cold front? that system makes his way for the east was brought his car through tucked back in behind, still from showers, blustery showers the across the purchase. charles, few shouts just coming down across. see out. maybe the eastern side of the spade, also seeing some wet weather but so much of a central and eastern met. it stays very hot in the more right warm sunshine coming for rest is the case across moving parts of africa. we have to get more showers, sliding across west africa towards liberia. the unique perspective,
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the transfer and the displacement of being vision as population, has been discussed as part of design. his project went back to well over a 100 years on heard voices all the times. people have these days by the bottom of the bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out just the or the hello. i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on i'll just say ro you'll, we can look at the world of business the comics. this week. the economic vision set out by democratic us presidential candidate, cala harris is in the spotlight but is she offering enough to boost the world's


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