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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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thing small beauty is that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural tradition bureau velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i. my name's by this is news life from dr. hong coming off in the next 60 minutes, as well as bombardment of the goals a script kills. $37.00 palestinians of law says it's going to congress for sci fi tools, ukraine, mox, it's independent states threatening, pay back against russia on its own territory.
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the protests and rear this nearest, but that is against the police operation. that is for the pleasure of schools and the demolition. apart from the pain migrants in south korea, say they all being an explosive space into main conditions on the special with tenants for 10 as well. number one. yeah. and extend that has fired his trainer and physio following the doping. controversy. speaking ahead of us, opened a tide and says he hasn't done anything wrong. office casing suspension, the hello welcome to the program. it's 10 g m t. we begin this news out with israel's. we're let, let's bombardment the gaza strip. it's been another nights of blood shed across the smooth tower tree. dozens of palestinians have been killed and is riley strikes in
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stone. as the women and children are among the dead. in con eunice is rarely a talks of stroke, holmes and tents. and darrow bala, i knew there it's refuge account in the center of the strip. when more displays, palestinians have been killed. several people have been wounded in those attacks of the strikes and they're all bought. i have pushed families into crowded areas with limited resources in the past 2 days. the is really all me has forced over a 100000 people to leave the eastern part of their abala, shutting down 20 shelters off of the laces, round of displacement orders. united nation says over a 1000000 palestinians in southern and central garza may not receive humanitarian food aid this month. july ready soul the lowest levels of aid since the will began . let's go to a correspond honey, my mood. he joins us on the phone from darrow, by the in central gaza, honey, a 100000 palestinians,
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displaced from the east of the city, which is where you are right now. have these people go anywhere to go? what do you normally? and the concern now is that the number is going to increase as more areas are becoming a potential target for those really monetary. there is the clear expansion of the military operation that more residential blocks for her to come in under the red zone. the, according to the map published byte is really military within the past, the 48 hours, the more people are pushed into internal and force displacement. and this time they're not given enough time to evaluate. do we think happens under heavy artillery up and the, the, that the guys a beer the to the right now is the clouded with the, with the predators, the sky printers or the, the quite come through the savannah on the reconnaissance aircraft, really causing intimidation to everyone. the majority of the population here of
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picking up their belongings and trying to seek safety and shoulders elsewhere in the western part of the city. but the entire city, as there is a growing fear that the, the military operations was being a scenario. similar to what happened in connie, and it's another part of this trip to start the gradually in eastern parts of any of these areas and moving gradually to the center and the restaurant part do. but it is the only city in the entire gall district that is some how relatively intact now with some residential building, lift people, the shoulders and but as of the, the surgeon, the tax and the, the past few hours in more than 20 shoulders in the eastern area have been forced into internal displace, then just adding more pressure to the center of the city and the western part of there. but literally looking at an, a city that runs out of space really doesn't have the, the,
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the capacity to accommodate large number of the what now with more concentration of people in a civil area in a neighborhood in there. but it has to be in the duration, the very very is because right now with a 100000 feet display people within the past 48 hours, the number is expected to increase as more people are forced into in displacement. and the fact is going to happen really, there is an indication that they were going to escalate is the, the heavy artillery, the owners nonstop since the early hours of this morning causing a great deal to panic and concerns among the civilian populations. and because these heavy artillery is already, they can go deep in the city as far as the tent sites and the go very crowded. the spaces in, in the, in their, in the, by 50 and has the reporting. now the sounds of a shot that from the quest casters are taking place every once an hour. and normally when this happens, if the chasing people who are leaving the residential homes,
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the trying to get back to displacement is becoming a worry for many of the people here. the vast majority of the population is traumatized or reduced from many times it has been in, in force into, in terms of displacement and it, is there any causing a, have a great, a little on the, the, the civilian casualties of a time. it's happened as a result of the back russian order, as well as the destruction that is becoming very visible across the city or a text. thank you for 508 must mood with an update from darrow, by the in central gaza. meanwhile, the white house has said the president joe biden has spoken to the mayor of kata as well as egypt, president about the faith 5 talks in cairo, most says the delegation will arrive in egypt capital on saturday, often invitation by egypt and could talk in a statement the group said the following, that it is committed to what it agreed to on july. the 2nd,
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based on the bottom declaration on the un security council resolution. and that it was ready to implement what was agreed upon then. it's also called fer pressure on the occupation obligating israel to implement the agreement and it's obstruction as a spring in house, on berries, profess of international affairs. i taught university, i sound good to see you again. i just want to take a step back from all these new shy developments because when it comes to this deal, the cx, 5 deal, we have the americans on these railings who would have us believe the boys and thomas's chords. then you have a mouse who say it's these readies, we have no interest in this, these 5 deal. but when you take a step back, ultimately we're not close to all we to a deal, then we was 6 months ago. absolutely. you're right. if you're not really close a deal, the americans are trying to give the impression that to deal with and reach and only needs how much to agree on the whatever the proposed and then cable. but we
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know that even when blinking was here, who was adopting the in india has conditions. and this is and then sat there for the, for how much because the stationing of variety troops on the philadelphia kind of door. and that is something that how much contacts you live with, simply because a complete the siege of how much so from of the sea and from north and the east, and then the south. let me pick you up on that because that is the point that is really contentious at the moment. do you ever see him off ever agreeing to israel, retaining any control of any parts of gauze and once the boys over i, i, i'm not sure about this simply because this would be the, the, the, you know, was the last. so would say it last night and they put it to the coffin, but they might accept something different, something that would meet the demands of this really is like controlling the border . but without the presence of these rated troops like international folks and cancel. and so there should be something creative to, uh, what,
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what on the one hand be, there's really is demands and, but in the other hand, keep you know, id, the crossing board is opening for or for the student is included from us. we have a confirmation today, but i'm also sending a delegation to kyra at one point we thought that wasn't going to be the case. is that a hopeful sign? it is. this is how for sign, how message, the 1st of all doesn't want to be seen as someone who is a shocking and the possibility, if it's forthcoming. and but at the same time, from us, kind of to accept where to agree to the conditions or not anyhow. so going there is very important and do that again, is headed by city a who is the, the deputy of, of city walk. and this is for investment that to you, if you guys wanna make a deal where they are, we can make a decision, but at least you have to meet us halfway. okay. i mean, it's pretty clear that neither the americans or domestic pressure at home have dissuaded prime minister netanyahu so far from pursuing his war and gaza. is there
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anything that could change that? one thing that i could change that which is really domestic scene on till this moment. you haven't seen a critical mass moving against him. and now the hostage families are actually asking more just what it is to take to dispute, but they're not doing this. 70 percent of this really is actually supporting the war on the goals with door. so nathaniel, enjoying the backend of 64 hours, 120 in the can. is it so and his performance has gone up. so there's nothing that can change this, you know, given defend that they're marked as, i'm not really putting the pressure. they're just saying, i mean, do they talk a little bit of a walk there, talk when it comes to putting pressure on the video. so nothing else i think is in comfortable position, but if the public moves against him, i think he would because of those positions that you mentioned, the philadelphia, colorado. how much influence as egypt got here? because israel is currently violating a long standing piece still by having it stripped troops on the philadelphia cordele. it is very important to consider the different position simply because
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each of the, the biggest out of country the find peace deal with is right. and is a strategic asset for the, for these ladies and the whole. so once the direction of coming public, say that to you very, to become david's a quote and we cannot live with this. i think there's a way to think of because he points his, the long term consequences. but at the same time, it gives the impression that is like another one who would, under the agreement and commitment. and this would discourage other countries who would maybe because of the peace treaty with his reading. and he has to come over and it interesting to get your perspective. hudson arrived benefits national fast kentoria university. the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor has called on judges to urgently decide on his arrest warrants. that is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is defense minister. i'm 3, i'm us leaders. 2 of the most members named are now dead. cream con says that the i
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c. c has jurisdiction to investigate as really nationals who commit will crimes in the palestinian territories. he also says that any delay in proceedings would affect the rights of victims on file their requests for arrest warrants back in may . a crew of 29, rescued from the greek slide oil tank and the red sea has arrived in did you, birdie. they abandoned the vessel when it was attacked of humans coast by who is the forces on wednesday. the hippies have been attacking ships in support of palestinians in garza. the british military says the tongue can was traveling through the red sea from erupt athens, when it was repeatedly hit by miss solves for drones. us in the daily exchange of fire between israel and his bullet as having an impact on both sides of the buddha. the un says there was a need for
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a $110000000.00 to finance the humanitarian was phones for nearly $300000.00 people in southern lebanon, affected by the conflict, and all the reports from bait rich. it's the tourist season with lebanon. hotels are largely empty, concerns about the escalation and hostilities between hezbollah and as well have let to cancellations. the hospitality sector has been reeling from years of economic turmoil. recent geo political tensions have made things worse. the hotels and all the hospitality sect that is heavy. the effect that no baby would have been effected in this situation since last october since the whole issue started. and unfortunately, a suddenly escalating war has devastated villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer border with israel. agencies say critical facilities and roads have been severely damaged as efforts have begun to find new collective shelters with
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the rise and the number of displaced people. as a managerial country team, we're asking and we need a $110000000.00 to finance the ongoing response for up to $290000.00 . contradict effective people, not. violence is not losing momentum with has the law and israel expanding their strikes. the war of attrition is felt on the is really side of the border as well. in a single hezbollah attack is really media reported. 60 homes were damaged in the occupied syrian golan heights. already a 5 kilometer deep stretch of territory has been evacuated. ok, that's a sense of what's in the sound. want to leave. others are patriots who want to stay, but they cannot continue this way. every sound of a door shut makes us think it's a boom. this time it wasn't a or shot, but a serious boom. the cause to us a lot lost revenue and war damage on both sides of the border are estimated in the billions of $1.11 on the people are still suffering from the financial collapse
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that'd begin 5 years ago. and this is believed to be why has the law which started firing at israel in solidarity with garza 10 months ago has been calibrating it's attacks, so as not to give as well an excuse to bring devastation upon 11 on. already the state is crumbling. it's barely provides electricity. so there's multiple, the lebanese government this morning, that even a controlled escalation would displace hundreds of thousands of people. and it would struggle with keeping critical sectors running center for their elders. either they don't is there any forces have detained at least 5 palestinians, an overnight rates in the old coupon westbank. a storm the village of tow southwest of nob loose and have remained. the rays of also been reported all the areas around kalki yet to occur in ramallah. when palestinian has been wounded in confrontations, investment news of headphones.
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the ukraine's president has bound to take the fight to russia, as it celebrates its 30 foot on a vest. 3 of independents from the soviet union load them is lensky released the video statements showing him in this to me. region, not board, as russia is court screech, and where you craning and troops all still holding territory on the demo. but it is what i think she lives alone. we will not allow our lines to turn into grey's own with a blue and yellow flag of rightly belongs. he's a sick old man in the red square. you constantly threatens every one with the red button will not dictate any of his red lines to us. only you, crane and ukrainians will determine how to live, what path to take and what choice to make. because this is how independence works. what back to speak to alex gets helpless. he joins us now from keith. alex, so it's independence. today. ukraine
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a day which has gained much more significance since russia's invasion of ukraine. what, what are you expecting in the capital of the very much so with the celebrations here, oh, extremely mutates. obviously the crowds have being discouraged in cases a large missile or drones strike from russia and defenses are on high alert just in case that happens. it's expected, but nothing so far. president zalinski is being the issuing metals in the spoken to the nation. but this just to show you this is very much an independent stay of a country, very much war. yeah, and let me introduce to you now. some of the pre koses are the robots soldiers that are making that presence on the battlefield here. so you can see, recognize these things have to deal with snow and sleet, dust and months. we have a mind le, here, and we have a grenade launcher here. and over here, we will see lloyd shrink munitions,
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aerial drones designed to hover above the battlefield. give everybody a view of what is happening on the battlefield itself. striking the enemy positions are right here the back. we can see naval drones here. come because he grows, packed full of explodes is designed to crush into ships blowing a hole in and disabling them. so here you can see very much the representation of land seeing at modern weapons here that you're going to see on the battlefields of ukraine and these weapons of already being deployed. they've already drawing the bottle. and alex, what can you tell us about the latest military operations of the at the moment, what we're seeing is fighting right across the board. what is happening now is the,
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it's this fighting in or be seeing curse can russia and ukraine itself across who's being pressured? there are many advances today, but the pressure still exists very much. so in the east and of course all the way through now the ukraine is being pushed very much on the defensive, within its own country. okay. alex good helpless stuff for us in key. thank you for that day. the on the dash is struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. at least 16 people have died. millions more have been cut off from the central services of a child. dre has moved from a cholera in eastern bangladesh. of the situation is to remain still put a go in the eastern part of bangladesh. we are located in northeastern part, near the indian, bought a paper where the flashlight took over the very of, from last 2 days, leaving the bailey bridge and everything got washed away. things are improving and this part of
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a flash water is resetting. but then lot same can be sent on the eastern part of bernard. that's what is still very challenging. tens of thousands of people are still stranded. rescue operation is going on an epic proper. some volunteers from all over the country is particularly the capital city, heading there with boats. people are taking fluids and the military because got them. the navy are all organized themselves into rescuing people, providing them shelter, given, got, you know, really from mitre of. but despite the fact people are still stuck, the need to be rescued and the most people are hoping there won't be anymore torrential rain because that would make things worse. the flash bladder is receiving, which came from the indian. people are afraid because their reverse were a swelling up that to release the grades. now things a little karma, but most people are hoping there won't be any more swelling of the rivers and
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torrential rain that could gradually things make things better in buying the dash. right now the challenge is to rescue people and get them dry food and relief and get them ready go care what it's needed. so i'm good charge race. i'll just say to our cholera, bangladesh, police in germany all searching for a month suspected of killing 3 people in his stopping attack. at least 8 of us were injured in the eastern city of zoning and on friday the native remains unknown. it happened during the festival, mocking the cities 650. it's on the vestry as well, and then defy, begins on i'm with you a single, a scene to he's on the run. he killed 3 people at the city 1st of all and seriously injured others. so we can say that he's not dangerous, but is he still on the run and looking to move victims? that would be speculation. but of course, i can't say with 100 percent certainty that there is no danger from this person. that's why we still advised caution. are 7 process and one of we addition new or is not just for velez. also,
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police operation force 49 schools in the area to close. 9000 children have been effected. authorities are also destroying several 100 apartments. they say all funding find drunk hotels. but it's monica you on a key reports from rio that's left hundreds of brazil's corps people without homes . in windows, we addition, nero's largest fellows. people gathered to watch their homes being torn down one by one, and to raise their voices in protest. he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between rios all stories and drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protesters say the police are treating them all as criminals on the cover to go to the kid. this building sort inhabited by regular workers who are safe to buy a home or set up a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the cause,
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but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels, which have been investing in real estate to launder money. the orders he said, were to demolish $300.00 apartments, allegedly built by criminals in the modest month for who, who deal with the collateral damage. nobody has the answer. people here have been telling us that they are protesting because every time there is a police operation, everything shuts down like the stores that you can see here. and also, not only that, not only people are unable to go to work, but also schools have closed down like this $149.00 schools were forced to close down during this lease operation. and that means that 9000 students from the mother had been forced to stay at home without any classes during the past 5 days. among
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the students 8 year old moist age who have special needs the deputy off, my son is autistic. he needs a teacher and special needs professional in school to help him interact and get an education. thousands of children are being effective and it's not the 1st time schools are close. residents here say that in real spotless planning for a better future for their children is nothing but a dream. monica not give all just sierra rio de janeiro authorities in the philippines, all introducing types of regulations on migrant workers scheme with south korea off to discovering widespread abuse and exploitation. within 2000000 filipinos work overseas, adding money for family back home on zillow has us report from linda voss. and i'm in nail down and we go, went to south korea to work at a farm or 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns into philippines. the job was being advertised under
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a temporary workers program between his hometown and government in a south korea city, facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to miguel until he arrived in south korea. no, for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get our monthly pay, we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmers program since 2022 itself in corporate . and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement,
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the names to eliminate the city to city of payments altogether. as also plan. we had their own 60 labor domains that had been underwritten by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on later on here in the philippines. we fire case as hoping, eagle recruitment against the individuals, despite efforts to put an end to the expectation. labor rights, organization, se, there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments . continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea deactivated port them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation member is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experience, miguel still wants to be able to work in south korea. under the same program he's
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described as abusive and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity. because staying in the philippines, he says means continuing to racist family in poverty barn to below algebra manila, it still has on the out. is there a volume hole factions in libya agreed to ease tensions over the control of the central banks and tens of thousands of people left homeless in nigeria as floods rec, haven't kick, also known. as far as the perfect nice in terraces, front champions keeps to continue to impress without departing stop in and buffet. and that will be here later on that story. the how i would go yet more very heavy rain when the weather sweeping across the
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northwest of year up. it's looking decidedly unsettled. here we get every year cloud here associated with this area of light pressure. and this training with a phone which comes in behind. that's bringing the spouse a very heavy rain full. we do have one is the fullest, was the southeast of england for the next few hours is pulse of very heavy rain runs its way in here. and you see that west, where the garage is speeding down into the low country stretching down across a good pa, defrost, looking pretty unsettled here as well. runs up towards the moving parts of denmark, easing across norway and sweden. further east is fine and drive more sunshine. 32 celsius, they're in balance. you'll notice a change come sunday. temperature is no hard on route 22 degrees celsius. is that cold front? that system makes its way further. east was brought his car through, tucked back in behind, still from showers, blustery showers there across the purchase. charles, few showers, just coming down across the alps. maybe the eastern side of the spirals. i think some wet weather but so much of
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a central and eastern met. it stays very hot indeed. more right, warm sunshine coming for rest. as the case across northern parts of africa, we had to get motion. i was sliding across west africa towards liberia with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the challenges were stripped from it switches and left with
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a toxic legacy where they usually forget people from lake point. when you think that the people in power meet the inhabitants still fighting suggested suggested wait, i took evaluate and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think they even considered us again, like people, people the sacrifice them on a tuesday or the the welcome back and watching out as a reminder, all told stories best power is riley attacks of killed at least 36 public opinions across kansas and storing on saturday, women and children are among the dead in hon. eunice beyond me is also attacked homes and tents in their own. bela news,
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there is refuge account ukraine's president has vowed to take the fight to russia as it celebrates it's. betsy stood anniversary of independence from the soviet union luxury. as it lensky released the video statements showing him in the sumi region, not is russia's test region where ukrainian troops all still holding territory. any 16 people have died, millions have been cut off from essential services in bangladesh as the country places severe flooding. the army and navy coast gone on volunteers all involved in efforts to rest. funds in nigeria have displaced thousands of people in the north where the situation is becoming desperate. emergency shelters have been provided many, but finding food is a huge challenge. is that address reports from to go a state in blanco? a man. so it just through the ruins of is destroyed much house,
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just us as neighbor rebuilds with a concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will prepare as the families 1st. and only me you love the day. and alaska we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill. hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by the cs floods. the numbers continue to rise as early in the season pete, 44000 of them in the guy was state of the west thousands of practice of farms and whose have been destroyed. most of the displaced sheltering in public buildings like this cool. in the reconstruction of the homes could take several months with costs from set to reopen. in september the government will have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, oh, move them elsewhere. but they need it. consent for most here is a shortage or like
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a foot. with most problems on the water supplies are drying up why they are available. the prices have gone beyond the reach of many to cover one and a good idea before the floods a measure of minutes and comb costs around $1.53. the price is now arisen by $25.00 to $0.07. most people come off to full time with that, so the government says we might just have measures in place to help farm is affected by the disaster. what we're trying to do, we have what we call the city received with a much i was struck program. so when that is was that why didn't we track as much as were to provide the farmers with the island, which we didn't cross that the complaint so that the company i went to to get something i could coach analysts say the couple of us will at tonight just come in for inflation, which has reached 33 percent. for now. the biggest concern victims of the disaster say, is shelter and foot something they say has not reached them in quantities enough to
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sustain them. how many degrees i would just need to blend. so don's all me and the power ministry rapids support forces of agreed to provide safe humanitarian access through 2 routes. the announcement came to the end of us lead peace talks in geneva, which began in the middle of august. the r assess was present for those meetings, immediate to say of facilities armies absence hinted progress for ending the country. 16 months long ago. we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open andre commitments from the, our staff and staff. and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months, trucks moved across the border into areas wherever $500000.00 women and children faced starvation to libya. now where column has returned and the capital triple a off to rival groups reach an agreement to lower tensions. disagreements arose over
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who should control the central bank. the bank was besieged by the men who attempted to force the resignation of its governor. since 2014, the countries have 2 governments each leading different regions, one faced and triply, and the other recognized by the united nations and the others led by the warlord holly for half. so let's go to mount a trainer who joins us now from ms. ross in northern libya, monica, so what is behind this latest escalation, as well, last week, the presidential council, that's a body that is overseas. the government executive authority, they appointed a new board of directors to take over the central bank of the central bank, then refused. so according to the living political agreement, which was signed a few years ago between the rival sections of the both legislative houses,
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the eastern parliament and the high council of state in western would be a, have to agree to replace or, or change the directors of libya. suffering institutions with the central bank as part of so you know, tensions have been rising recently over this re shuffle. but as you said, you know, on, on friday things started to calm down. and really the main factor is because how much did strictly who the presidential council appointed to, to become the new governor of the central bank. he excused himself from the position. he said that he didn't want any living blood shed on his behalf, and that he would wait until the, the legislative houses formerly agreed for him to take over like a mile extend by because i want to give some context to all viewers. libya has faced unrest since nature backed uprising removed its long time need and mama cannot be back in 2011. the 3 is lisa, the oil rich country was being governed by 2 rival administrations. that was the un
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recognize government triply on a region in the east which was led by the warlord elisa hospital, but the 2 sides of fort for years until the signing of a cease fire agreement which took place in 2020. the violence, however, has continued for the most part among libya's various groups. returning to you, maddox. so deep divisions remain within the country. how is this been impacting the economy as well? so it's have a very negative impact. i mean, since 2011 the lived in the nor has lost nearly 5 time times its value. so it used to be the look into that. it was $1.00 a to the us dollar. and now it's about $6.00. so that's really impacted people. uh, you know, the price of goods have gone up. a people can't afford the, the basic necessities. so it's had
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a very negative impact. and what we've seen recently is, not only is the of the economies facing his challenges, but the political rivals and libya, you know, things have been escalating quite rapidly. you have the parliament and eastern libya, a allied to sleep after they recently tried to to dissolve the presidential council. and the government here in the west that is internationally recognized. uh so things are, are, are increasingly becoming more divisive in the country. and that's, that's really had a very negative impact on the people here. okay, thank you for that amount of china is that for us in mrs. ross at in northern nivia, the robots f. kennedy junior has suspended his campaign for us president, saying he no longer believes he has
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a pos to the white house for the independent candidate blame the democratic party and mainstream media. he has now endorsed republican candidate donald trump. from reynolds reports from phoenix, arizona. hours after suspending his campaign, robert f. kennedy junior was on stage with donald trump. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody could love the people of this country. and don't you want a president? that's going to make america healthy again. speaking to reporters earlier, kennedy strongly implied from promised him a high level job and of public health or food regulation capacity as a potential future. trump administration. america with president trump and as family members and close advisors in florida. and a series of long, intense discussions. i was surprised to discover that we are a lot,
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i know many key issues in those meetings you suggested that we joined forces as a unit. the party. kennedy said he had also reached out to pamela harrison's campaign to arrange a similar deal, but was bought or it since the kennedy supporters reacted calmly to the news. so whether i would put my support up behind president trump would take would take me doing what bobby did, sole searching about that issue. i a support kennedy and i guess by default i support trump relentless, systematic sensors. kennedy's poll numbers dropped sharply after president joe biden robin out in democrats, co last around harris. he also suffered a string of embarrassing stories on the model. yeah, i mean, he said it damaged his brain and it bizarre tail of don't think i did there in new york central park as a joke. the big question now is,
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how will kennedy's endorsement of pro affect the race for the white house? we ask one of arizona's premium and the pollsters. so the impact nationally right now is r k junior backing out of the race is that it gives in what is ultimately a very tight race between trump in harris. it gives a slight advantage towards trump because either way it's going to be razor thin clothes in every, every little bit helps an extremely tight race with just over 70 days. before election day. robert is l g 0, phoenix, arizona. the main suspect, accused of racing and killing a training doctor has appeared at a court hearing in india, the case spunk protests across the country. and many doctors have refused to see non emergency patients. medical stuff say that isn't enough being done to protect women working in hospitals. i'm a big chang reports as the main suspect in
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a case that has shocks and outrage. many in india is appearing in quotes, is it hasn't quote the anger of medical workers. there was scuffle is between protested and security personnel and co come to the same city where a junior adults who was found rate murdered in the government hospital wishing what 2 weeks ago referred to as quickly spread nationwide the dumpsters in the us as the mountains justice for the colleague, they say it's been a wakeup, cool, exposing the founder, but it's ease of health care where kids unlocked good faith spaces for them. what are they to me and my name? in this country? women are not safe every week. there are cases of rate reported from all across. we are hired, we are seriously tired. we want whoever is guilty to get the strictest punishment. so the others us got to carry out such crimes. to copy business as usual. this has to stop. india as high as quote is listening, etc, but task force of top to is to look into measures to improve safety at work. it's
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also instructed the ministry of health to create an online portal for people to make suggestions to the task force activists say lessons. i'm not seeing the and it's been 12 years since the gun rates have a young woman on a bus. and you tell it stops, must protest that it's talking to, to the introduction of strict to punishments. for rate, you had a situation where 7 years has become 10 years to 20 years to life without permission to even the death penalty. obviously higher sentences does not act as a guitar and as we can very clearly see, um so where does a problem lie? i think the problem is social. i think as a, as a society with a d p, patriarchal society, we haven't got used to the fact that we've been working large numbers. the preliminary reports of the task force is due in 3 weeks, while the final 1 may take up to 2 months,
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striking doctors have agreed temporarily to return to what i'm up watching, which is 0. the french president has been hosting members of rival political groups, trying to pick a prime minister who will, when support, which across party lines it comes to 6 weeks of to snap election, turned into a hung parliament edit. smith's reports now from past frances, the lines of left to fall left policies, the new popular from to n p. f has its way this woman will be from seas next. prime minister is we came here to remind the president of the importance of respecting the election results and to get the country out of the paralysis in which it is to match. the india says that as 81, the largest share of the vote in jude's elections. the president should have point . it's joyce, as prime minister emanuel my chrome doesn't seem so keen. he prefer graham, the lines of the left and center, his outgoing prime minister, gabriella. the house has been waiting 6 weeks to hand over the reins. unprecedented
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in modern france. opposition think it's sharply criticized. my come for taking so much time. can you think? well, she does show long d mccomb will finish consultations on monday and we need an answer on tuesday because in the end the risk is that we all get stuck. you us this country in a sort of institutional soap opera, could you give to see my com created this paralysis by calling small collections years earlier than necessary. just one of his party lost his majority and only a so called republican front stopped the far right. winning power with many votes cast against them rather than in favor of the alternative. emanuel malcolm's choice of a prime minister must be able to survive a vote of confidence in the assembly. from these talks is supposed to be most the name of someone, both the president i'm the parliament can get behind a task when most members of the assembly have no time for micro bonus. i'll just say era pars it still has on the al jazeera, soaring to dangers heights,
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kenya is coastal region fight spots in queens and against as big as pest of cries and a huge crash in the practice session. as the formula one drawn his get ready to be dots from free laces coming out is the, the cloud of nuclear war. separate press. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life? because we know from the horrors of recent history to the wrong thing, card thread, the apocalypse, maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on that, which is 0. viewing the people with disabilities in gone are the most
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vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or asking questions. why couldn't you know that number right now? what is the issue that we're proposing from the actual best feelings? and you can also can have the worst out to see it was teams across the world within the local news. i didn't select from documentaries. when you closer to the house of the story the the, [000:00:00;00] the finance for his son to amelia walton as well noble on younique's center has fired his train, a physical therapist that has all of the us open to avoid the suspension despite
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failing to drug tests in march, it only came to lie to us that he won the cincinnati open last week. the international attendance integrity agency accepted, sent his explanation that his physio apply the spray containing the bind, muscle building substance. quite a simple, which was given to him by his train, of federal tennis plays, have accused agency of double standards, but center has maintained his innocence. in my mind, i knew that i haven't done anything wrong. i knew that i was very, very clean and i knew that i was so is very looking for to, to be a fair player. it's might change a couple of things, but whoever knows me very well is knows that i haven't done and i would never do something. what goes against the rules. it has been a very tough moment for me and my team. and it still is because it's, it's quite, you know, fresh the doing this everything but um, yeah,
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i mean let's see uh here. i also know who is my friend was my friend and who is not my friend? no, because they my friends didn't know that i would never do that such a long as those by live recluse and has started the season where they left off as they did so many times. during their invincible campaign, they left it late to open. the german buddhist league season with victory, the big and competent is when con an incredible 51 games on beach and last season. susan just once and to europe at the final atlanta and what to go to open the campaign. so i'm not going to need to talk us with go to neil off, but before months and blackbox the full back to level the sport to, to life on the visitors or then awarded the penalty deep into at the time. sorry off. it's missing his spot. but on handle for the rebound. another great escape for long as a side suite to the final score. for sure, it's a, it's a great quality is difficult to,
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to train it is if you're going to buy it on your coffee, thought you don't have it done. unfortunately with i've shown it many times. they gain washington's, i guess, i think that's the press, the side was all 5 good moments. all the wants to improve about the some process on is just the 1st one about the 5th grade research points by sounds. how long continued to impress without the parts of stock in buffy, different champions that made it to ends from 2 with the 66 neal demolition of lumping to the home side dominated the game. brad, the vertical that score twice. markland, since you i sort of had came a water and as i imagery and leak hanging all got on the school seat at soc, depends do send rekey side have now school the 10 goals and there's 2 opening unique not to as much as a city and manage the pep squad eula says he isn't concerned about the 115 financial fair play charges against the club as he passed the face if switch later on saturday, according to the polls,
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the commission for the charges against the english champions will start in september. the breaches are alleged to have taken place between 20092018. they've been warned. they could face relegation if found guilty since you have mentioned their innocence. yeah, i years, i'm happy to start soon and hopefully finish soon. for the benefit for all of us, especially for the cloud, but for the criminally collapse that we should deal with my heart and go to the training independent panel. and i said again, independent bio and as soon as possible release what happened. it will accept, like always who have done what and so i have i logan sergeant software, the huge crash during a what practice recession ahead of sundays. that's gonna keep the incidents happen soon into the session, the american losing control on time 3, getting out safety safely, despite the call catching fire repairs were needed on the barriers that meaning.
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the red flag was out for the duration of the session with qualifying taking place. later on. so here with tiny hits a game winning grass them home run as a los angeles, they'll just be the 10th of a raise. 73. in doing so, tiny became the fastest and major need history to each 40 home runs and still 40 basis in the season. now as well as well on guys that has deprived many axes of their dream of representing pals, sun and international competitions. a group of body builders in northern guys out at the time and to carry on training despite the jim being old but destroyed it. but i haven't had any reports from guys to assist you for any way. for these pals, team, body builders, the clubs with the trump ways, right? he's wor as much of the gym and as huge and neighborhood guides the city has been reduced to rubble, but the se,
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coming here for some respite from his res effects, how the multi engine methyl jim was destroyed and with it dreams before the war, 10 of athletes will weeks away from joining the palestinian bodybuilding team for the arab championship in egypt that that board as a closed and we were proved to be bombed by these ready occupation forces. we all lost boarding muscle mazda. we must start from scratch. their game is located on the ground floor. this bombed damaged building one day, the hope to rebuild it. but the face, other challenges to is raised located the gaza. means fluid is in short, supply energy analogy, what action of novel, now we're not working out as now to rebuild our muscles, shape our bodies are prepared for a contest. we are simply here to live a few moments as of the war. sports is our escape. although the gym is in ruins,
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we are defying the impossible war and firm of these really occupation forces have destroyed every form of life and the gaza strip. somebody builders here one day will be an international competition. for others, the gym is a much needed distraction from really just for marketing and the growing hunger in these before the war vision was somewhere for palestinians to work out. now it serves a different purpose. people come here to exercise and improve their physical health . but it's also important for mental health. a jim offers a brief respite from the heroes of war. in god is right, he is warren, gaza, has destroyed many support facilities. of course, this trip prevented some athletes from training. these bodybuilders say, as long as this building stands, they will carry on their training by email had really just your guys,
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the city palestine, and also spoke for me and about the money. center of crows in kenya have become an ecological nuisance as that number sold to new levels the bud as an invasive species and has brought devastation to one lifelong kenny is coast. stephanie deca isn't what tom of where she's been looking at, efforts to address the problem. so the crow definitely has had an impact on quite a few of the local beds. it's early in the morning and these researchers are checking what's been captured or to tag logs these and release. but this delicate eco system along can use coast is being destroyed by one dominant predator people hate them actually. and that's why we've customer support. but as you know, they're a big problem to people. so hotels, but they also for the small businesses taking funds and so they will, they will,
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they just po to you and i like the, the, the checks it's, it's amazing is that an effort is now under way to control their booming population using the poison status side, specifically, toxic to this bird metabolize is so that when the bird is dead, the corpse isn't a threat to other animals. this is called pre beatings, feeding them daily for giving them a poisonous batch. i would really describe it as a very smart honeywell from what i have done to myself. they also know how to attract somebody by fish. they know those people that are threats and they know those people are friendly. tourism is also being effected. a multi $1000000000.00 industry here. it's a huge problem. it's not just me, but the whole coast and tourism of can you stuff and sure randomly. are they really aggressive to getting into the, into the breakfast hole and just stealing fluids and the full have for the dropping the numbers really exploded in the last few years in town we see them everywhere scavenging for whatever they can feed on, pulled up,
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we both ways come to steal from us. if you have fish, they take it when you walk under a tree, they miss you up with their droppings smith. there are so many of them. and what you notice is all the life of other birds of the lizards and stuff of that suddenly disappears because they pray on everything. dropping something this resort has been doing for years at a rate of about $100.00 birds a week. $6000.00 in total were told, but it's only scratching the surface is this is on such a massive scale that, that so many sides of the site, it's the subjects have a bird which makes you a bit sad because you think my goal this such clever speech clever creatures but scale because that so they probably like us humans, they tend to dominate. as the sun begins to set, hundreds of crows are making their way back here to sleep, an entire ecosystem of threats tourism affected. i'm a very frustrated local community. the question now whether efforts to control them
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will be enough to prevent them from outs. marching off stephanie decor, audra 0. what time? oh, can you okay, don't set for me by the inside. this news on naples be here in just my morning the . ready too often of gone, it's done, it's portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks to the braves, individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten foods of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of i've done cinema on a just and it's still in the shrink them documenting 2 decades in one of the most
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in baffled coolness of the globe child of afghanistan, 20 years of war follows me from boyhood to manhood. a life that has no, no peace shaped by hardship, resilience and adventure. the unique zoom that captures the complex in a way it has never been seen before. witness on tuesday or the house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a t a and i'm biased and as an applicant,
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i couldn't be more proud to be part of the is there any attacks across guns are killing least 37 palestinians hose and tense, and con eunice they're all by law, i'm in the refugee camp photography. the 100000 people are forcibly displaced from central gaza in just the last 48 the


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