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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now. the, on the boat dead on injured arrive and gauze as few functioning hospitals as variety. scrolling across the strip till at least 38 on the students holding 100000 people of forcibly displaced from central gulf or in just the last 48 the site. this is all and is there a nice thumb drive also coming up ukraine. mox, it's independent, stay in, conducts of prisoners swamped with russia, freeing
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a 115 soldiers from both sides and ty, villages all bonding in front of a dash, while severe slugs washed away homes, neighborhoods and writes, and pre tested re addition nearest cavellas against a police operation the schools, the closure of schools on the demolition of time. we begin in gusto when many palestinian families of bearing the loved ones off to these rarely military stepped off attacks across the street. * the 72 people have been killed in the past 2 days. 38 of them had been killed since early dawn on stocks today. several areas in southern and central gauze that have come on the attack. thousands of engine palestinians have been taken to badly
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functioning. hospitals and bodies of 12 palestinians were killed in earlier times have been recovered in home on the cities residential complex north west of hon. eunice is where the army targeted buildings destroyed. many of them the old strikes cindy, are about to have pushed families into crowded areas with limited resources. in the past few days. the is rarely ami has forced over a 100000 people to leave the eastern parts of darrow bhalla. starting down 20 shelters off to the latest round of displacement orders the you and says over a 1000000 palestinians in southern and central gauze that may not receive humanitarian food a this month. july already. so the lowest levels of aid since the will began to speak to him cordaris, she's life for us in 0 by the end. central garza and 800000 people displaced and just 48 hours where all these people going as well. those
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people do not have lots of options and they do not have a lot of cases to go to it. they only have either the western parts of bedding, bella, or the western parts of community, which is known as a moss. and we both know that a milwaukee has been targeted a couple of times despite the fact that is where this voice is missing, make it is as a safe human period, though. now with every evacuation, boy there, the humanitarian zone is shrinking. so we just received new evacuation, but we carry in the last couple of hours from my guys, the refuge account, most of that and the eastern part of betty black. there's a new wave of different placements again. so people are in new jersey on the move constantly on the move. most of the people did not even find a place, did not even find
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a couple of natures to setup their 10th. some people have that set it up, their kids on the sidewalk or there are still tortured on the streets. we're talking about 14 kilometer is, which is debbie. been in this area already has hundreds of thousands of families that have been displaced in the areas since the beginning of the war. and the more people came when the bertha encouraging started. so the area in our bed, the over when schools are overwhelmed, disabilities are overwhelmed. so people do not really have a place to go through, that's why they're staying on the streets. now, that is the last one. it's going to be said, but more than $100.00 and citizens are displaced from the east of the, of the, in the past. 48 hours, but this would be for the new evacuation orders in the high z and need
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a full i didn't vote so we're expecting more people becoming homeless and this place. and also they mentioned that there are 20 shelters that are now active service because they were designated in beth and red zone. but for you are also receiving calls from people that are trapped in those areas. and they did not even have the opportunity to back to 8 and they're saying that there are quite cop to you single place wherever they see any object moving or any human moving as human moving. they shoot at them. and that's why people do not even have the option to evacuate, even if they want to include, sorry, that 1st lawyer in their own paula in central garza the white house says president joe barton has spoken to the mirror of castle, an egypt president about the seas 5 tools in car, right, the most as
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a delegation will arrive in egypt capital on saturday, often invitation by egypt and cut off. and the statement, the group says it is committed to what is agreed on july. the 2nd, based on the, by the declaration and the un security council resolution. and that it was ready to implement what was agreed upon. a cold, fer pressure on the occupation obligating israel to implement the agreement. and it's obstruction. gosh, on baskin as a form is riley negotiator was involved in talks with hamas. he says, is riley's on desperate for deal to save the remaining captives and, and the war. but benjamin netanyahu is opposing any agreement. it doesn't seem like a whole lot of reasons for optimism at this point in the is really submitted a security plan to the instructions and after back and forth with the instructions, the instructional set that they would give it to him as a. but i understand from egyptian sources that there's
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a very small chance that the from us will agree to the as really security plan, which is mostly focused on the philadelphia card of the 14 kilometer road in border road casa, and egypt. and this is wanda sticking points, one of the many sticking points between is the window mass. i really think that it since has an urgency to end this more. and since it seems quite clear that mister, nothing you know is the reason why we're not able to reach an agreement from boss, should probably still sooner a different strategy than the one they've been using now. and that's by putting down on the table in agreements that would appeal to these around the public to put pressure on these really prime minister. because it seems like the negotiators on these are on the side, the military and the intelligence, and his real are on the paper of reaching a speedy agreement. and you have, is mr. nothing you all seems to be holding off and telling people that there is no deal on the table. so from us they put a deal with the table and they did a lot clearer. i think we would have a lot more support in israel, in society to push the prime minister. the army in the intelligent stay that we,
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that is real tough is altering withdrawal from gaza. israel can it was the war that the issue of the philadelphia card. it needs to be dealt with on the addiction side of the border, perhaps with american oversight to make sure that the boarders induct seal. there needs to be an acceptable, a palestinian control of the roof, or crossing perhaps with the international supervision. there was an agreement like the sign back in 2005, and we can go and revisit that agreement and see how that could be made workable in this for us to end. are too many people getting killed. the 190 is where the hostages are getting killed in gaza and we have a, i need to diss and bring them home. and there is a majority in israel, according to the weekend polls, who want a deal to be done. and they want new elections in israel and they want to condition to bring grades. nothing you know is gaining a little bit in the pulse of his base. but the majority of his release or not with him and don't want this war to end. a crew of 29,
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rescued from the greek lived oil tank, and the red sea has arrived in 2 booty. they abandoned the vessel when it was a tax of humans coast by who the forces on wednesday. these have been attacking ships in support of palestinians and gaza. bridge ministry says the tank was traveling through the red sea from a route athens, and it was repeatedly hit by missiles or drugs. it runs new. foreign minister says his country has no plans to ease tensions with the united states. into her own will continue to support a radiant fact. factions and governments, known as the axis of resistance, but a boss, a rock. she was a key negotiated in the 2015 around new to agreement, says he will try to start discussions to try and revive that deal. but don't mind it after i talk to somebody because we all know tough to ending hostilities of tensions with the united states. since a lot of existing tensions in hospitality is a due to fundamental differences between iran and america. and actually,
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there is no benefit to attempt to eliminate these differences. what we should do is to manage the hostility and the tension, the nuclear deal stuck between iran and well powers in 2015 can be used as a guide or a reference, but it can't be implemented as it was new negotiations must be formed. of course, the situation new york is difficult, and in the us they are busy with the election. it wouldn't be an easy task, but we'll do our best. the russia and ukraine have exchanged to once in size, the prisoners of war, of the crating. so do some, the national and some of the $116.00 of the more release team is accusing russia as mistreating some of them. the $115.00 russian troops who were taken during ukraine's defensive in the cost region have also been freight. the crating and
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government for the respect responsible for the prisoners of war has said many free ukrainian service men have health problems as a result of injuries and rushes non compliance with the news of international humanitarian. know, all of them will undergo a medical examination and treatment. they will be given psychological health assistant to reintegrate into a society dosage of already has this update from cost in russia. a welcome use for 115 families of the russian soldiers that had been released by ukrainian and officials at this is the 1st prisoner exchange that we've seen since ukraine launches incursion and the curse creature. according to the russian defense ministry. these uh, russian soldiers are now being treated in a neighbouring beller roost where they're going to go undergo and medical treatments and psychological assessments before they will be able to contact their families and returned home as the incursion that ukraine launched in the curse
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region on august 6th has with on going and it's still the fighting continues between the russian forces and their ukrainian counterparts at this exchange to place with the mediation of the u, a. e. and uh, it is unclear how many more russian soldiers are still being held as prisoner of war by the premium side of the russian defense. but it's true, has only shared the number of ukrainian soldiers that they've managed to kill in the fighting that has been ongoing according to their numbers and nearly 5500 ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives so far. no information about the number of russian soldiers that have been killed. what we do know, according to medical officials here in the kirk region, at least 30, some of these have been killed until now. but this prison exchange certainly welcome views for many families here. when they will, we were united with the soldiers that had been released doors, which of our ultra 0 curse city, russia. meanwhile,
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ukraine's president has bound to take the fight to russia as it celebrates is 33rd anniversary of independence from the soviet union. but lots of incidents get released to video statements showing him in this to me. region that board as russia's cuts, region where you quite in troops are still holding territory. the more but it's what i think she will soon. we will not allow our lines to turn into a gray zone with a blue and yellow flag of rightly belongs. he's a sick old man in the red square. you constantly threatens. everyone with the red button will not dictate any of his red lines to us. only you crane and ukrainians will determine how to live, what path to take and what choice to make. because this is how independence works. it was sizing continues on the front lines and rushes costs and in eastern ukraine is what you quite knew. soldiers are saying about independence day. so for the mazda can chew issue for us, we want the war to end, and only then will we celebrate, before the war. you know, it was a very great day,
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a day that gave some kind of motivation. and now i just wanted to be over, we can help this cause as much as possible and that we will have only ukrainians and friends from europe on all land, not russians. and my phone, i think, 40 percent of numbers. it's the number of killed by russian, my friends, i think i'm hold of them. and i remember, you know, i'm good. i'm just pick the i independence too much because who paid the price for the alex that's helping us has moved from the capital keys of independence day celebrations. have been used here in ukraine in the capital city. large crowds of beam discoveries in the, the expectancy of a large scale russian drone, a missile strikes and defenses of the capital a be put on high or low. but this is very much an independent se celebrations of
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a country full. now let me introduce you to some of the pre koses. so the robot souls is here that are already made. the presence fell on the battlefield. we have also made to coordinate launches. here we have a mind, mind lane vehicles. and over here, we are seeing aerial drones designed to be able to provide surveillance of the battle field. and of course, we have more trained munitions designed to hold the up above sporting tanks, supporting radar stations, the zooming in and destroying them, or right to the end. here we have the naval explosive drug. this kamikaze drove a ship crammed full of explosives, this distilling to slam into a ship that is causing habits with neighbors and naval vessels in the black sea. and this is land see in a new generation of weapons that is making and so felt on the ukrainian bustle field. i skipped topless out to 0. keep the silver head on the out desirous robert f. kennedy junior drops out of the rice and the white house and endorse is
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donald trump, out of riley and i reside last. i'm 50 how long when a site is where human rights organizations who have been struggling to find those when missing during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's states, they're facing new challenges with a government. i'm probably going to be late. the 10s of thousands of children were born in to well lived under the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are in kemp. i the role funds are with the, with the mothers rejected by their own communities. she thinks that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation all. now, just a documentary series,
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exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we follow as tammy communities conflict to the plan to build a mine in their northern sweden homeless one that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations on time. black butterflies, the cost of going green analogies 0 the the, [000:00:00;00] the, it watching out. is there a line to tell the story?
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is this our, the is really ministry is stepped up. a tax across the strip, nearly 70 people have been killed in the past 2 days. the th, them have been killed since dorn on saturday. several areas in southern and central garza, i've come on the tax bodies of 12 palestinians killed in earlier. attacks have been, would come of from home on the city residential complex move west on unit is already on me. has targeted several buildings in the area of destroying many of them. russia and ukraine have exchanged $230.00 presents a pool. pardon and soldiers sung the national anthem off to a $115.00 of the more released on a $115.00 russian troops who were taken during ukraine's offensive. and the coast region have also been freed to find the dash uh, which is struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. at least 16 people have died millions more stranded in the south and east of the country. 4.8000000 people have been forced from that homes. the army, navy,
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coast guard and volunteers are all involved in rescue efforts. convent chandry has moved from camilla in eastern bangladesh. the sons of thousands of people are still stranded and flowed effected area in eastern bangladesh. all going not face the water and every say that a lot of things have improved. but not saying that is, as you can see, there's a logistical challenge getting food and trying to rescue people that are people coming from all across the buying of the trying to bring in food, getting and boats to rescue people. but a lot of the road just networks are cut off. there's great blocks and this is making things much more difficult. people have good intentions, are bringing all kinds of goods on relief. the challenge still remains in rescuing this paper with the army and navy cause got there all coordinating with local volunteers and students to get things done. but because of the communication disruption, there's no internet network, no electricity,
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most of the telecom powers are damaged. so that is making very difficult for people to get to those people who knew the house in the remote area. yet that for is sale going on to do the best they can. but the nightmare of logistics is one of the major and pay them and the government site is doing its best, the ones that drives that to move it all the place as coordinate with the local government agencies to make things more efficient. if there is no more to run showed right, and the water stops were sitting, things will improve about a lot of the water is the feeling danger level and many of the rivers. if the parental range comes russ, things to get worse than before, it gets better. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the middle off the, the
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robert f. kennedy junior suspended his campaign for us president saying that he no longer believes that he has a pos of the white house, the full, the independent candidate, blame the democratic party in mainstream media. he's now endorsed republican candidates. donald trump. reynolds reports from phoenix, arizona, hours after suspending his campaign, robert f. kennedy junior was on stage with donald trump. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody could love the people of this country. and so you want a president that's going to make america healthy again. speaking to reporters earlier, kennedy slowly implied from promised him a high level job and a public health or food regulation capacity in a potential future. trump administration. america with president trump and as
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family members and close advisors in florida. in a series of long, intense discussions, i was surprised to discover so that we are aligned on many key issues. in those meetings, he suggested that we joined forces as a unity party. kennedy said he had also reached out to pamela harrison's campaign to arrange a similar deal, but was being bought or its instead. kennedy supporters reacted calmly to the news . so whether i would put my support up behind president trump would take would take me doing what bobby did, sole searching about that issue. i support kennedy and i guess by default i support trump relentless systematic sensors. kennedy's poll numbers dropped sharply after president joe biden robin out in democrats, co last around harris. he also suffered a string of embarrassing stories about a worm. he said it damaged his brain and
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a bizarre tale of don't think it's did fair in new york central park as a joke. the big question now is, how will kennedy's endorsement of pro affect the race for the white house? we ask one of arizona's premium and the posters and so the impact nationally right now is r k junior backing out of the race is that it gives in what is ultimately a very tight race between trumping harris. it gives a slight advantage towards a trump because either way it's going to be razor thing closed in every every little bit helps an extremely tight race with just over 70 days. before election day. robert is l g 0, phoenix, arizona. in libya. com has returned in the capital tripoli all to rival groups, reach an agreement to low attentions. disagreements arose over who should control the central bank, the banks, a vice. so economic income,
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as it holds libby as will revenue use and was besieged earlier this month by armed men who attempted to force the resignation of it's direct us. let's take a closer look at the terminal in libya, the country has faced some rest since a native backed up rising. removed its long time lead mom and get that feedback in 2011. but 3 is, like i said, the oil rich country was being governed by 2 rival administrations. the un recognize government triply and a region in the east led by the will load honey for half. the are the 2 sides for each other for use until finding a ceasefire agreement in 2020 violence. however, it has continued for the most spots along libby as various on groups of china. it has more on the tension from ms. ronda in northern and if you a live yes, minister of interior, a man so busy a nose and agreement was reached between rival on groups and the capital tripoli to
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ease tensions tensions have been high since last week when the presidential council, a body that overseas the government, a pointed a new director of the central bank mohammedan shortly. of course the, the, so the contributor who has been running the central bank for more than a decade denounced that decision and rejected it. he said that the presidential council doesn't have the authority to replace them according to the libyan political agreement, which was signed between libya's rival factions in the east and west in 2015. both legislative houses, the parliament in the east and the high council of state in the west have to agree to replace lucas sovereign positions directors of libya, suffering positions, which includes the central bank. i'll put them how many disagree, who as was appointed to become the director or the the governor of the central bank said that he excused himself from the position, saying that he rejected any bloodshed on his behalf. and that he would only take on
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the position if the light legislative houses formerly agreed for him to do so. a roadside bomb has exploded nearer a police station in southern pocket, stone, cutting 2 children, and enduring thousands of people. explosion happened in the village of stone province. were a number of attacks been carried out by separatists local police say the device was attached to a motorcycle and was designated using a remote control. doesn't is what we'll say wounded, including policeman on bystanders. no one has complained responsibility for the attack. the police in germany say they have a rest of a 15 year old off to a stabbing attack which killed 3 people on friday. these 8 others injured in the western city of lincoln, mesa is remains on class german child. so all of schoultz has condemned the attack a fine systems class. so one thing is very clear. such acts must be harshly punished. we must never accept this in our society. and must do everything we can
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to investigate and prosecute the concrete offences, but also do everything we can to prevent such things from happening again, which di they've been processed and one of re addition there is not just for vellows of to a police operation forced 49 schools in the area to close, 9000 children have also been effected. but as monica yanna keep reports from rio, its left hundreds of results pores, people, without homes. whenever you addition, nero's largest fail, as people gather to watch their homes being torn down one by one into raise their voices in protest. he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between rios all stories and drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protesters say the police are treating them all as criminals are covered to go to the care in this building sort inhabited by regular
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workers who are safe to buy a home or set up a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the quotes, but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels, which have been investing in real estate to launder money. the orders he said, were to demolish 300 apartments, allegedly built by criminals in the midas mom who deal with the collateral damage. nobody has the answer. people here have been telling us that they are protesting because every time there is a police operation, everything shuts down like the stores that you can see here. and also, not only that, not only people are unable to go to work, but also schools have closed down like this one. the $49.00 schools were forced to close down during this lease operation. and that means that 9000 students from the val amada,
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had been forced to stay at home without any classes during the past 5 days. among the students, 8 year old moist age who have special needs the deputy off, my son is autistic. he needs a teacher and special needs professional in school to help him interact and get an education. thousands of children are being effective and it's not the 1st time schools are close. residents here say that in real stuff ellis, planning for a better future for their children is nothing but a dream. monica not give all just sierra. rio de janeiro has been more than 40 years since the full of origin. tina's ministry leadership, an estimate of 30000 citizens, were killed in the 19 seventies and eighties. many of the children were given up for adoption. families have spent decades trying to find missing, loved ones. theresa bo has more from one is aries.
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really seem believed was in his twenty's when he found out that white entity of his biological parents, it was 24 years ago in 1978. he's mother patricia was 8 months pregnant with him when she was detained by members of the military. during the dictatorship, these animal was born in oakland, this time detention center. and somebody see, my parents continued to be missing and i only found out who i was when i agreed to with the latest. i found out that i was nothing only child that my real father was not in the military. that i had a real sister that my national id was fake. 5 the origin tina had one of the bloodiest military dictatorship in latin america and the 19 seventy's and eighty's thousands of left wing guerrillas. but also political opponents were killed. many with disappeared by the military. during the container ship, many women were brought to this complex, which was also
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a kind of fun detention center many gave birth under children, given a way to military couples to race. if estimated the $500.00 shows would work


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