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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i, mario, minimize the welcome to the news our live from dough ha. coming off in the next 60 minutes, palestinians are taken to overwhelm the hospitals. while israel is minute treat target. central garza and all the areas. children are among the victims. with gaza sees 5 top scheduled tourism in cairo, and mazda saying it's the delegation will head to the egyptian capital also coming off even most co conduct to prisoners swap and ukraine. mox,
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it's independence under the shadow. full flood waters cause major destruction across bangladesh. hundreds of thousands of flat the homes of during time neighborhoods a washed away a national reveals that a power of astronaut stranded on the international space station will be stopped that until february, the hello and welcome to the program. it's 1800 gmc and we begin this news out in gaza with palestinian families all burying that dead as is riley attacks continue across the strip. at least 38 people have been killed since don't on sand today. several children are among the injured oven, is riley strike on the elbow res refugee camp. that being treated for head wounds that the allowed to hospital, a woman and a little go were killed in the attack along the hospital. and darrow bala is also
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overwhelmed. thousands of injured people increases that including a palestinian worker for the wealth central kitchen. in addition, at 12 bodies have been recovered from earlier is riley strikes, but targeted residential areas of how much city in southern gaza. several buildings were hits. many of them has been destroyed. well, the attacks on gauze are of pushed families into crowded areas with limited resources. in the past 2 days, these riley army is full small than a 100000 people to leave the eastern parts of darrow, by shutting down 20 shelters. off to the latest round of displacement orders view and it's saying that moving a 1000000 palestinians in solving and central garza might not receive humanitarian food a this month. july already sold the lowest levels of aid since the will began. and the other 100 joins us on the line now from darrow ballot and central gaza,
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where as he was saying, 100000 people have been displaced in the past. 48 hours, tell us the situation that those families are facing now and, and well met him. the situation is devastating. those families who were or evacuate their houses in the place and they were in the eastern part of the dead in the left did not even have the time or the space to find another area to live in. we're seeing people scott turned on the streets on the sidewalks, trying to protect their families and their children. know most of those families were families who were already displays from different parts of the cause. a strip of like the northern parts or the fly, or can unit due to the continuous evacuation oregon. now these people do not have any shelter. some people are also still trapped in the eastern part of that,
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but because they were on able to evacuate because they is really forces are kind of re sending and as strikes started shooting those policy news. now we're talking about a case, $100000.00 citizens are displeased not only to place their home that's without any se i see where it's crowded. there is that a, he's a very small, 50 is the couple of me, but he's only and we're talking about more than a 1000000, according to e mail of this place has been, you know, makes his comments are completely pa, could people, even the beach people were testing up their tents there, we know what's cool, the talk to you and to sort of use our cox and also hospitals are packed to those policy. and some people are unfortunately, did not even have a pace to set up their time. and there's an obvious state of panic and fear of and frustration among those families because they believe that even if they box $28.00
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to the humanitarian zone, which is drinking would every evacuation order, there is no guarantee that they won't be targeted that. and also let me add that there had been new evacuations earlier today from on my kazi, a from i miss of that area. and more part of that. and like the, and this is adding more misery to the policy and use the most people who are struggling our families with children and kids. because they could not protect their children. even not even able to find a tent or a piece where it can. not only that, we're talking about an area with steven resources and they do not even have that bare minimum of their needs and requirements. garza was already struggling with salvation, hung up, mal nutrition, and now the you and is saying that more than a 1000000 people might not receive any humanitarian food aid this month. what could
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that mean for everyone but particularly the vulnerable in children? well, it obviously means that people will not have food because people complete treat you rely on food is if there's some humanitarian organizations. and most of these unitary organizations have their warehouses in the danger zone and they're on able to go and take that food from those warehouses. and also there has been no safe access to those humanitarian to go to such areas. not only that today, earlier today, a works here of immunization work there from the growth control kitchen was injured . and this is not the 1st time a human and pay and has been injured or killed by the is really forces doing this, this for now, this would complete the fox families and it's not only mom attrition in our base. and also the polio that the, the,
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the world health organization is trying to make a campaign to vaccinate all of the children. the situation is very, very devastating at the single hour and on the policy is, are very eager and waiting for any life. i'll see as far as the and all of the station. okay, thank you very much. and a 114 tests from there all by law in central garza. now the white house is saying that president biden has spoken to the mayor of counter and to egypt present about the seas. 5 talks in cairo and my says the delegation will arrive in egypt capital in san today, officer and invitation by egypt and kata. and the statement, the group says it's committed to what it agreed to on july 2nd, based on the binding declaration and the un security council resolution and was ready to implement what was agreed upon, a cold,
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fer pressure on the occupation obligating israel to implement the agreement and to end it's of destruction. meanwhile thousands of his raise a rallying in the streets of tel aviv against benjamin netanyahu, whose government, judging authorities to come through on a deal to release captives held in gauze on to government protest have become a regular occurrence and tell of eve. since the early months of the war and the ron bouchard is out, is there a senior political analyst? he joins us now from london and more one we've spoken numerous times about the, the obstacles to reaching a ceasefire. but is the real sticking point? who gets to control gauze or at the end of this? well, i think the beat obstacles. yes. and so many words. it is nothing. yeah. i was re sent or late. this insistence of many think is right. it minutes, are you guys uh,
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activities fire. if we could just kind of reduce all the points that you've been mentioning, that would be in the end of may. so july, 2nd understanding was that there was this pretty 1st east fire. there's this exchange and, and those kind of d as on social work. but essentially, that is right, it wouldn't be even right. but say, see, envision of the southern part of casa, and the destruction of verify crossing and a deployment. it was very new troops and the quarter door and the southern part of gas and making assumptions of a part of the middle part of the guys are supposed to be sitting now on it. that says, no, i'm not going to give up all these points. i'm going to be thinking which is in consistent with binders. original proposal actually assist us with the understandings with the video that i saw so for i saw him in the nicest of the
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likes of blinking. awesome need kelly trying to make this kind of a bridget proposal is sort thing that's in the most recent mass. that's not gonna work. how much the palestinians and even the mediators are not going to accept this right to directly re occupied guys by having to deploy within burgess spots. but of course, as we have seen through the course of this war and before actually i suppose since that, that the seizure imposed on gordon's that since 2007 now these right, the army has deepened its control of cause a is this, what is going on today in terms of the bargaining chip, right, the inside of this term using a super use as human shields. that's exactly what concerns do today. i mean, why we're saying that you just have mass all it's doing today and worse. it's
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actually getting dozens upon dozens of people. every day goes in hong torment. they don't charge in federal rising, the population featured every day in order to extract concessions from us. this is by definition there was right by the finishes using survey is harming them personally. behind them for, according to contents, business status is or is practicing space that or isn't i guess the 1st thing in order to get some get some concessions from last time from them it years. it's not working. it has not worked, but it maintains that because it think style is on its side. unfortunately for all of us, including for those varies most of whom do support the original deal. this was actually now turned into our why the war. we are a faithful, fresh eye that we turn to
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a ceasefire in the next few days. or that opens the way for another scenario. usually 2 days, the implementation of city phases and eventually if there is no way something i don't know my station, some sort of a submit the microphone. i hate it. but there is some kind of a problem. otherwise we can have a wide regional more, right. we would have a more efficient finance and guys up on the not on potentially want to reach it because it does not have an alternative strategy. there is like the plan for it is very important and you know, you guys everything has been said is humble. there is no, it's just not because imagine past next week that there is, well, she's fine. and then what is the explanation or visualization more? and then they can think of the nonsense of more, which absolutely is by definition,
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a threat to international peace and security. this is across the i and there's, this is a, this is a choice, i do these various choose and the americans to cease fire. and they think that way for some kind of a spice. and eventually, perhaps the ability for our mega to neurologist briefly is uh, is washington handling the diplomatic process? well, washington the set of the by providing is there a $20000000000.00 of arms in excess? it's exactly like a drug dealer. providing drugs to a drug addict hoping things were getting better is right is i think the device is i think they talk to patients this. i think the typical in the right is which is a big to kidding, the destruction and garza and suffice. providing them with 20 millions of dollars as a we're having a boss,
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she's on the way is the worst way thoughts. but the light spaces does not exactly very smart to practice, right. especially the ship is very weird. almost. see the masochistic crumb on the american side instead of making it conditional that we will provide you arms. if you do 1234, they provide the arms in advance and then there's like 3 days or something humiliating for this is of course a subject for another day. this very misunderstood so called special relationship in the united states. as the, as it may find in it's 40 c, c as active, short sighted. wait a 2nd to think of it in a sneaky kind of way is been sending that is really planned as if it was the solution. we are stuck with that. unfortunately, there is no other sponsor or a different about the process, but the americans. okay, well thank you for now. is there a senior plus scholar somewhere along the shower speaking to us also following
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developments elsewhere? i was, is there any forces having detained at least 5 palestinians, and overnight raids in the occupied westbank? they still in the village of tell southwest of novelists and of remain the range of also have been reported in all the areas around of calia to chrome and ramallah. one palestinian was wounded in confrontations and bates on the north of hebron. speaking about the escalation in the region there on the daily exchanges of 5 between israel and has bullet and that is having an impact on both sides of the border. the u. n. is saying there is a need for a $110000000.00 to finance the humanitarian response. for nearly 300000 people in southern lebanon, affected by the conflict, saying the holder has this report now from bay root. it's the tourist season with lebanon's. hotels are largely empty, concerns about the escalation and hostilities between hezbollah and as well have let to cancellations. the hospitality sector has been reeling from years of
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economic turmoil. recent geo political tensions have made things worse. the hotels and all the hospitality sect that is heavy. the effect that no baby would have been effected in this situation since last october since the whole issue started. and unfortunately, a suddenly escalating war has devastated villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer border with israel. agencies say critical facilities and roads have been severely damaged as efforts have begun to find new collective shelters with a rise in the number of displaced people. as a managerial country team, we're asking and we need a $110000000.00 to finance the ongoing response for up to $290000.00 . contradict effective people, nothing. not. the violence is not losing momentum with has the law and israel expanding their strikes. the war of attrition is felt on the is really side of the border as well. in
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a single hezbollah attack is really media reported. 60 homes were damaged and the occupied syrian golan heights, already a 5 kilometer deep stretch of territory has been evacuated. ok, that's a sense of what's in the sound. want to leave. others are patriots who want to stay, but it cannot continue this way. every sound of a door shut makes us think it's a boom. this time it wasn't a door shut, but a serious boom that caused to us a lot. lost revenue and water damage on both sides of the border are estimated into billions of $1.11 on the people are still suffering from the financial collapse that began 5 years ago. and this is believed to be why has the law which started firing as is rel installer? there to with garza 10 months ago has been calibrating it's attacks so as not to give as well unexcused to bring devastation upon level. not already, the state is crumbling. it's barely provides electricity. so there's multiple of
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the lebanese government this morning, that even a controlled escalation would displace hundreds of thousands of people. and it would struggle with keeping critical sectors running center for their elders. either they lived and it was in use, a crew of 29, rescued from a greek flying oil tank. when the red sea is arrived in june booty, they abandoned the short one. it was a tax of humans coast by the who sees on wednesday. they've been attacking ships in support of the palestinians in gaza. the british ministries, as the tanka, was traveling through the red sea from iraq degrees when it was repeatedly hit by miss i was old drones. meanwhile, in iran and you fall minister has been speaking about tensions with america, a boss that actually was one of the main negotiates of the 2015 land lot nuclear agreement. and he's saying that she will try to restore discussions to revive that deal with a lot of after the talk to somebody, because we don't know tough to ending hostilities with tensions with the united states. since
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a lot of existing tensions in hostilities are due to fundamental differences between iran and america. and actually there is no benefit to attempt to eliminate these differences. but we should do is to manage the hostility and the tension, the nuclear deal stuck between iran and well 102015 can be used as a guide or a reference, but it can't be implemented as it was new negotiations must be formed. of course, the situation new york is difficult and in the us they are busy with the elections . it wouldn't be an easy task, but we'll do our best to the problem. the bangladesh is struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. at least 18 people have died. millions more strides in the south and east of the country. more than 4 and a half 1000000 people have been forced from the homes, the army navy coast guard unloaded. and he is a rule involved in the rescue efforts. time via chandry has moved from camila in
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eastern bangladesh. the sons of thousands of people are still stranded and flowed effected area in eastern bangladesh. all going not face the water and every say that a lot of things have improved, but not saying that is, as you can see, there's a logistical challenge getting food and trying to rescue people that are people coming from all across the buying of the trying to bring in food, getting and boats to rescue people, but a lot of the roads with networks are cut off and there's great blocks, and this is making so much more difficult. people have good intentions, are bringing all kinds of goods on relief. the challenge still remains in rescuing this paper with the army navy because got there all coordinating with local volunteers and students to get things done. but because of the communication disruption, there's no internet network, no electricity, most of the telecom powers are damaged. so that is making very difficult for people
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to get to those people who knew the house in the remote area. a that for is still going on to do the best they can. but the nightmare of logistics is one of the major and pay them and the government site is doing, it's vast. se one's the advisor to visit all the place and coordinate with the local government agencies to make things more efficient. if there is no more to run showed right? and the water stops, were sitting, things will improve about a lot of the water is a feeling danger level and many of the river. if the grandchildren comes back, things to get worse than before, it gets better. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just call me law made, you know, rosemont is the director of disaster response with the bangladesh red crescent society. he says, millions of people are struggling to get basic services. the last are the people
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that i think did the stay more than one minute and people on the i the what uh, so with this guides you show of says 28th of august, especially infinity. there is no electricity, then no, uh, internet connection. there's no extra the c, b from this, the kids. what has to stop disputes are you on the 11th. so may get is, is accessibility. we have some, uh, resources like the invite, then stripe for most viewed items, everything. but also the stream is all big getting this item, you know, we all love this so, so i do watching as a lady to government and draw each and every district and softest this. we have the just need to have the best the book efforts from the bottom. that is the slide, the 2 astronaut stock on each national space station will need to wait until
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february to return to us. so need to williams and bush. wilma lost it off on the boeing stone line or at the beginning of june for it was supposed to be an 8 day emission, but for us to malfunctions have left them in space for almost 3 months now. so hes just announced that it's too risky to bring them back on boeing's trouble caps he'll. they'll come back on a space ex vessel in 6 months time. here. this has decided that bush and son a will return with crew 9 next february. and that star liner will return and crude and the specifics in the schedule will be discussed momentarily. space flight is risky, even at its safety. safest and even edits most routine and
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a test flight by nature is neither safe nor routine. or amy thompson is a florida based space in science. john les, she's a contributing writer to space dot com. she joins us live now from orlando and william sat in an earlier press conference that it feels good to float around. but what will a but sion sony be doing between now and february? so they will actually be officially part of the expedition $71.72. so official components of nasa's crew that is going to do work and especially scientific experiments on the space station to and is it guaranteed that they will be able to return in a couple of months time. i mean, this was only meant to be an 8 day emission. how, how long has this gone for them on the i ss is now approximately. um, yeah. so the dresser issues on the spacecraft, we're obviously not launch. it's just the latest and
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a series of issues with the styling, our spacecraft, and none of their test sessions so far have gone incredibly smoothly. but this is the best circumstance because now says 1st mission is to keep the crusade. so they know that if they wait and keep them in space a little bit longer, they can return home safely, which is the most important point. and also by sending starlight or home and crude boeing can get still get the data that it needs to fully understand what happened to the spacecraft and not put any of the astronauts at risk. i mean, can you help us understand in terms of what we know that the star line a spaceship has for us to issues, but then also helium leaks. yes. so um it actually launched with, i believe one helium leak and there were a couple of more discovered during flight. so the big concern about that is during re entry like what will the weeks due to the spacecraft?
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what happens when i get super heated as it goes through the atmosphere? so same with a processor as will it be able to maneuver the spacecraft like it's supposed to go through the atmosphere. and so these are um, things that now nasa can test without putting the crew are risk, but these are really important factors. so when they launched, they launched with, you know, the knowledge that they would be able to troubleshoot these issues in space. and there are parts of the spacecraft that do not make it back to her. so i like the service module for instance. um, so when you have the opportunity to test things in space, everything behaves differently than testing it on or so that is obviously the environment that it's going to be operated in. and that's the chance to fully test out the spacecraft. so that was the thought process and launching with these issues
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. and they just were not able to troubleshoot them to reduce the risk enough to fly at home with the crew. but then in terms of a decision making, how embarrassing is this, vanessa? should these astronauts have ever been launched in a to the i assess if, if they haven't been able to resolve these issues. and i personally am not the person to make that decision, but i would think that, you know, judging by everything that's happened in the past, obviously there have been mishaps with spacecraft. so people are keeping that in mind, trying to make sure that they don't repeat those mistakes, but i do believe that natural leadership was confident that they had the tools to resolve these issues and then it just proved to be too risky. so yeah it's, it's remains to be seeing what's going to happen with star liner. i know that boeing has lost a substantial amount of money on this. there have been rumors, you know that they may, that it's future is up in the air,
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but hopefully they're able to get the spacecraft back on the ground. they're able to work out the issues because we really do need multiple space crafts, you know, just for redundancy. in case something like this happens with one of the other ones you want to always want to make sure you have a backup. so hopefully star liner and boeing are able to work through their teams. and to get this figured out. and how might fi astronauts themselves be coping right? it was meant to be an 8 day mission. they end up staying for a till 9 months will will they? will it be tough to keep best spirits up? and i would imagine it would be difficult. you know, you weren't expecting to be away from your family for that long. we saw a similar situation last year with nasa. astronaut frank rubio is so use space craft was struck by micro media. right. and he and his russian cosmonaut crew ended up staying in space for a for
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a year. and so that was very difficult. i'm sure you know, he planned on 6 months, stay for a year, which is on the plan on 8 days. and now they're going to be coming home in february, so i, i'm sure it takes a little bit of toll on them, but this is their job, i'm sure they'd love to be in space and they loved to do the experiments and the work. so it's probably a little difficult for them all. they certainly look very cheerful. any the images we're seeing now. thank you very much. amy thompson. thank you. said i have for you on this news. our philippine migraines in south korea say they are being exploited and faced and humane conditions under special workers scheme, the the
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hello. it makes barely unsettled across the western parts of the game. and at the moment you've said a lot of cloud here just around the southern end of the red sea for the heavy showers. suddenly a possibility lifted, dustin sent just around southern areas of saudi here in the hot temperatures of 41 degrees celsius. i still plenty of won't around and noticed those type of just still getting up into the mid to high forty's farther north back. that could top 40 i celsius by monday afternoon. meanwhile, at charleston west, whether we're able to was the guy pushing up towards the black sea, the shower. so tens of just a little further east, which as we go through monday, rush i was just popping up behind. so space hop. but i think could say some, a lot of the down pulls from time to time one or 2 showers, a possibility around the north west of africa over the next style. so i'm nothing too much to speak up. it's still a chance of the show, just creeping up around the atlas mountains, plenty of showers to rolling off the icon highlands, some pots of chad,
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easy to what was these yet and noticed the heavy right. could also run its way to. we'll send a goal towards the gambia over the next day or so. well, right in the full cost for southern and central pa solve nigeria. possibly just not doing a little further north. on the across the airport. a new wave of female musicians is emerging, often challenging female stereotype. we're a conservative society, i'm pretty proud of it. but that was a negative view towards female thing is to 0 who, who's behind this? with 2 bands bringing traditional middle eastern music to new audiences. sisters and song human and the analogies 0. the investigative journalism is quite chewing, walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but it's
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a journey voices from different corners of survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from all the angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the news the welcome back with the news, our life from the main stories. now is there any attacks of killed at least $37.00 palestinians across kansas is going on south today? women and children are among the dead in hon. eunice,
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the army is also attacked tons and tons, and darrow bala and the se, road refuge account. the bodies of 12 palestinians killed in earlier tax have been recovered from how much city residential complex north west of calling. eunice is rainy all me. targeted several buildings in the area destroying many of them. dining to libya now and calm is returned to the capital tripoli off the rival groups reached an agreement to low attentions disagreements arose of who should control the central bank. it's a vital part of the economy because it holds up is oral revenues. it was besieged on any of this month by on demand who attempted to force the resignation of its governor. nomic train has moved from mrs. rata in move and libya. a live. yes, minister of interior, a mad so busy a nose, an agreement was reached between rival on groups and the capital tripoli, to ease tensions tensions have been high since last week when the presidential council, a body that overseas the government. a pointed
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a new director of the central bank mohammedan shockley. of course the, the, so the contributor who has been running the central bank for more than a decade denounced that decision and rejected it. he said that the presidential council doesn't have the authority to replace them according to the libyan political agreement, which was signed between libya's arrival factions in the eastern west in 2015. both legislative houses, the parliament in the east and the high council of state in the west have to agree to replace with this sovereign positions directors of libya, suffering positions which includes the central bank. i'll put them how many disagree, who as was appointed to become the director or the, the governor of the central bank. a said that he excused himself from the position, saying that he rejected any bloodshed on his behalf. and that he would only take on the position if the light legislative house is formally agreed for him to do so.
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let's take a closer look at the time. well, in libya, the country is based on residence and they told back to uprising removed. it's a long time need, and one look at darcy in 2011. 3 is lights of the oil rich country was being governed by 2 rival administrations. the un recognize government is infrequently and a region the east led by the world. honey foster. with the 2 sides for each other for years until finding a sci fi agreement in 2020 but the violence is still continued for the most part among libby as various groups. it's a nice old demonte is the founder and director of sonic institute. the 1st public policy think tank in libya, it joins us now from assemble, how serious an escalation are we seeing that now? oh, well, i tell you what, i'll give you just
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a moment or 2 to see if you can hear me now. so commodity, we've just been describing the latest situation in, in libya, actually on us. and of course, a sense of calm has returned to the country as rival groups reach an agreement. but how important is this question of who controls and it be a central bank? what it's, it's critical because is where the control is. the bank controls the politics, controls the budgets, controlling, define the future ability is divided and rival powers that have been going out and out for the last decade. so it's, it's of critical significance. how long before we see a, another round of fighting over this, we was saying that disagreements have arisen over this that trying to force the resignation of the governor. what might they do next as well?
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i think this does the terms of a deal. the deal hasn't really being tucked yet, so it's more like a destination. and what withdrawal upside on goes by the competition is far from over. so we can see a number of things play out. the 1st is really that divided by himself. the prime minister needs to find the financial lifeline to supply his most loyal on support is a security groups and typically in western living there remain low to him. i think you'd be surprised and attempts to push again meditatively to release credibility. i think you'd also risk people who are, who in the east of the country controls the oil and doesn't backlist move. so he could switch the oil off, but that would be massively destabilizing for ladies economy. but then again, i think that that could be a 3rd option where the department is the attempts to maneuver into a steering committee, maybe a support of these kind of committees that especially have influence over these rival institutions. i think the steering committee, the control type influence within the bank, but this is far from over,
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which means that the country is adding towards more violence and fighting. i think it's been that way now for the last 10 years and we've seen multiple conflicts. at least 3. we see these low level skirmishes around that, but you know, the any on so really front of you guys a lot. sure, we have democracy, but it's the message that the of democracy, olivia's institutions are expired. and all of these different actors are claiming legitimacy. over the other parties, lack of legitimacy, but none of them have it. and i think maybe needs a fresh start and needs true legislative and, and presidential elections, legislatures that we can have a unify body that elects that is elected them and can give her the kind of low as that reflects the pulse of society. whether it be, you know, who is in charge of libby as economy, but also who was in charge of it is a political future and his mother, destiny. when you have all of these different actors finding that there were, there was a resources, you know, you're going to have
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a situation like this every other month or every other year. it seems the be a continues to unravel quietly on or not so quietly and what you're describing would require those in power to put the best interest of the country 1st. but it seems as though you know, really for all these years, 0 so mentality prevails a has been and i think that's because the rules of the game allowed them to do. so . it is absolutely, you know, it's a priceless strategy because there is no cost for any of these actors. we've seen the old before. you can bring weapons into the country and vitality runs on the, on the ball guy. and you will never be sanctioned blanks for the, for after you can stall or lose or, and then be recycled and brought back into a unity government or an interim government. we've seen this play out 7 times in libya, 7, inter and government on the table right now is it is h in term government. they haven't been in elections for either case. so, you know, they can continue to do this whether the hofstadter is being around 55 years. but
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whether someone like debate that has been around for 55 months, any new actor, any old actor can do this. and they know that no one is going to enforce the laws because they have the international community has failed to uphold its fine responsibilities. whether it's the u. u. s. security council, or even in the un mission for the today, that is offering the actors every time that they want. it's giving them a new lease of life. and so you can create another ext, enter and government, and then talk about elections a year from now. it won't work. that hasn't worked. and i think when you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, that's the definition of the things that i think i left. so good luck to you. thank you for joining us. thank you. i of the washer a new client of exchange 230 prisoners of war. keith is accusing russia of mistreating . some of them alex control place has more in this from case to look city to
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115 you creating prisoners, spoke for an equal number of russians, the joy at their release with an all over the faces this prison the says he called believe it and he called believe these here, this called his voice behind the scenes are created and officials worked with the russian authorities along with negotiators from the u. a. to finalize the prisoners swap like use use the linux, the full, the swap, 3405 ukrainian prisoners have been exchanged. now it's 3520 minutes. and that shot the fest for you. the prisoners bespoke totally cranes independence day. the country sped such de, held in the time before celebrations, but some of the youtube, as metals were presented in commemorations held. the full and soldiers attended by post president andre due to showing you mean,
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today we celebrate the 55th anniversary of ukraine's independence. i'm sure the koreans would always mark the holiday in their free capital in the southern states at the test where you for the prison is released on. so today allegedly seeing the national anthem now is the time to re united their loved ones. the prisoner exchanged comes that the solemn time trinity, and forces are being pushed back in the east of the country. despite successes in russia who were thousands of prison, it's still being held by russia and ukraine. the release of a $115.00 prisoners each comes is the welcome token, just colleagues because hopeless. ouch is 0 key. and also jabari has this update now from curse in russia. a welcome news for 115 families of the russian soldiers that had been released by ukrainian and officials at this is the 1st prisoner exchange that we've seen since ukraine launches incursion and the curse creature.
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according to the russian defense ministry. these uh, russian soldiers are now being treated in a neighbouring beller roost where they're going to go undergo and medical treatment and psychological assessments before they will be able to contact their families and return home as the incursions that ukraine launched in the curse region on august 6th has been ongoing and it's still the fighting continues between the russian forces and their ukrainian counterparts as this exchange took place with the mediation of the u, a. e. and uh, it is unclear how many more russian soldiers are still being held as prisoner of war by the premium side of the russian defense minister who has only shared the number of ukrainian soldiers they've managed to kill in the fighting. that has been ongoing according to their numbers, and nearly 5500 ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives so far. no information about the number of russian soldiers that have been killed. what we do know, according to medical officials here in the kirk region,
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at least 30 civilians have been killed until now. but this prison exchange certainly welcome views for many families here. when they will be re united with the soldiers that have been released. doors, which of our ultra 0 curse city, russia well, police in germany of detained a 15 year old in connection with a stopping attack that killed 3 people on friday. they said they're looking for the main suspect. 8 people were injured in the attack in the western city of zoning guns during the local festival. police say then not throwing out terrorism to ask the says, authorize the to stay in. the current situation is that we unfortunately have to move on the dates of a 67 year old man, a 56 year old man, and a 56 year old woman, one of the 8 physically injured or currently being treated 4 of them seriously injured as one of the sins, as in protests and one of rio de janeiro is the largest,
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so that is after police operation forced $49.00 schools in the area to close 9000 shoulder affected by this authorities. also destroying several 100 apartments. they say of funded by the drug cartels. as mona county can reports rios, that's left hundreds of brazil's pores people without homes. in one of revision narrows largest fail, as people gather to watch their homes being torn down one by one into raise their voices in protest. he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between rios all stories and drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protestors say the police are treating them all as criminals under cover to go to the care of this building sort inhabited by regular workers who are safe to buy a home or set up
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a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the cause, but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels, which have been investing in real estate to launder money. the orders he said, were to demolish 300 apartments, allegedly built by criminals in the midas mom who deal with the collateral damage. nobody has the answer. people here have been telling us that they are protesting because every time there is a police operation, everything shuts down like these stores that you can see here. and also, not only that, not only people are unable to go to work, but also schools have closed down like this $149.00 schools were forced to close down during this lease operation. and that means that 9000 students from the val amada, had been forced to stay at home without any classes during the past 5 days. among
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the students, 8 year old moist age who have special needs the deputy off, my son is autistic. he needs a teacher and special needs professional in school to help him interact and get an education. thousands of children are being effective and it's not the 1st time schools are close. residents here say that in real spotless planning for a better future for their children is nothing but a dream. monica not give all just sarah rio de janeiro as well. so i have for you on the news outlets storing some dangerous heights, kanyes, coastal region, flights back against the biggest pest, the crow, the, the cloud of nuclear war. separate press. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life because we know it from the hall
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roots of recent history to the wrong thing. card threat football clips maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality or failure to keep him out of the safe. is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on outages era. tens of thousands of children were born in to well lived under the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are in camps, either role funds or with the, with the mothers, rejected by their own communities checking the things that people are going to welcome them after that. of course, not an emmy award winning documentary. here's the trailing and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation all. now just
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the the you're welcome by a roadside bomb is exploded near a police station in southern pockets. dawn, 2 children were killed. thousands of also been injured. the explosion happened and the police just on provence, local police say the bomb was attached to a most a cycle and destination using a remote control. now, so the philippines, where authorities introducing types of regulations on a migrant workers scheme with south korea off the discovery wide spread, abuse and exploitation. move in to 1000000 filipinos work overseas and the money for family back home bonnet below has moved from manila. and i'm and down we go, went to south korea to work at a farm or 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns in the philippines. the job was
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being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown government in a south korea city, facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to me go until he arrived in south korea known for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get her monthly pay. we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmer's program is 2022 itself in corporate, and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement,
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the names to eliminate the city to city agreements altogether. so also plan we had their own 60 labor domains that had been underwritten by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave around here in the philippines. we fire. ready the legal recruitment against the individuals, despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation, labor rights organization, se, there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea. reactivated import them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation member is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experienced miguel still wants to be
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able to work in south korea under the same program he's described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity. because thing in the philippines he says, means continuing to racist family in poverty barn to below l. g 0. many of israel's war on cause it has taken away the dream. many palestinian athletes have of competing in international competitions, but a group of body builders in northern garza is the time and to carry on. it brought him out of hardly any reports now from cause of 50. for any the way for these pals team, body builders, the club was the trump ways, right? as was much of the gym and as huge and neighborhood guides, the city has been reduced to rubble. but the say come in here for some respite from his res effects, how the mouth in jamaica jim was destroyed and with it our dreams before the war,
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10 of athletes were weeks away from joining the palestinian bodybuilding team for the arab championship in egypt that that board as a closed and we were approved to the palms by these ready occupation forces. we all last party muscle matches up and we must start from scratch. their game is located on the ground floor. this bomb damage building. one day, the hope to rebuild this, but the face other challenge is to, is raised located the gaza. means fluid is in short, supply energy. and i let jim what i shouldn't have novel. now we are not working. i was now to rebuild our muscles, shape our bodies are prepared for a contest. we are simply here to live a few moments as of the war. sports is our escape. although the gym is in ruins, we are defining the impossible war and farm and these rarely occupation forces have destroyed every form of life and the gaza strip. somebody builders here one day
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will be an international competition. for others, jim is the much needed distraction from where you live, one bar and the growing hunger in these before the war vision was somewhere for palestinians to work out. now it serves a different service. people come here to exercise as improve their physical health, but it's also important for mental health. the gym offers a brief respite from the heroes of war, and god is res warren garza has destroyed many support facilities. of course this trip prevented some athletes from training. these body builders say, as long as this building stands, they will carry on their training by email to really just your guys, the city, palestine. we want to take you to canyon now because crows, crows have become an ecological new sense, is that number. so it's
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a new levels the but isn't invasive species as boys devastation to wild life along kenya's coast. local say they've also been hurting the vital tourism industry, stephanie deckers, and what time move, why she's been looking assets to address the problem. so the crow definitely has had an impact on quite a few of the local beds. it's early in the morning and these researchers are checking what's been captured to tag log and release. but this delicate ecosystem along can use coast is being destroyed by one dominant predator people hate them actually. and that's why we've customer support. but as you know, they're a big problem to people. so hotels, but they also for the small businesses taking funds and so they will, they will, they just po to you and i like the, the, the checks it's, it's amazing is the in an effort is now under way to control their booming
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population using the poison status side, specifically toxic to this bird metabolize is so that when the bird is dead, the corpse isn't a threat to other animals. this is called pre beatings, feeding them daily, for giving them a poisonous batch. i would really describe it as a very smart anymore from what i have done to myself. they also know how to trust somebody by face. they know those people are threats and they know those people are friendly. tourism is also being effected. a multi $1000000000.00 industry here. it's a huge problem. it's not just me, but the whole coast and tourism of can you stuff and show her. and just, you know, they really aggressive to getting into the, into the breakfast hole and just stealing fluids and the full time for the dropping the numbers really exploded in the last few years are in town. we see them everywhere scavenging for whatever they can feed on, pulled up. we both ways come to steal from us. if you have fish,
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they take it. when you walk under a tree, they miss you up with the droppings, and there are so many of them. and what you notice is old, like lots of other birds of the lizards and stuff of that suddenly disappears because they prey on everything. trapping is something this resort has been doing for years at a rate of about $100.00 birds a week. $6000.00 in total were told, but it's only scratching the surface is this is on such a massive scale that, that so many sides relate to the subjects i have a book which makes you a bit sad because you think my goal this such clever speaks clever creatures but say uh because they're so they're probably like us humans, they tend to dominate. as the sun begins to set, hundreds of crows are making their way back here to sleep, an entire ecosystem of threats tourism affected. i'm a very frustrated local community. the question now whether efforts to control them will be enough to prevent them from out smarting off stephanie decor, audra 0. what time? oh can you?
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that's it for me, but laura kyle will be with you in a couple of minutes. time was more of the day's news, the african stories of resilience and courage. i gave him the way of the tradition and dedication to the best fit of stuff that was clinico julie short documentary sy, applicants to make it on the white 9. and the book to make it african direct on. i'll just see what we do. it all just sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives,
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dignity into mine and see the, [000:00:00;00] the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now the a dime or a tile, endo hobbies. the top stories on out as the era is really a tax have kills at least $59.00 palestinians, a cost cause i've since thrown on stock today. women and children are amongst the deb. you owe me as the tax homes and tenants in con eunice, they're all by law. and this are a refugee come on. the bodies of 12 palestinians killed in earlier attacks of being recovered from how much the city residential complex north west of con. eunice is


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