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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the a pot of citizens that take him to overwhelmed hospitals, loans as well as military target. central garza and other areas children are amongst the victims, the kind of them or kyle, this is out. is there a knife from dough? ha, also coming up. they've gone. it's gone. so see spot to work. scheduled to resume and cairo. how my says it's delegation will head to the jump. some capital. footholds has cause major destruction across bangladesh. hundreds of thousands of
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fed the homes as into the neighborhoods of washed away. and not so reveals that to us to not structured on the international space station will be stuck fast until february the so you begin in golf, the west 59 people have been killed since dawn on stuff day is israel continues to attack the strip now it says the l or the hospital, a caring for several children with headwinds often is really struggling the elbow ridge refugee comes a woman and a young girl were killed. and that's attack alex. the hospital in darrow pilot is also overwhelmed. the palestinian worker for the wealth central kitchen is among thousands of wounded being treated them. and more bodies have been found in the ruins of several buildings and something garza is rarely strikes. had talked in
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residential areas of how much city earlier this week. the remains of 12 people were recovered from the russell the tax on goals that have pushed families into increasingly crowded areas with fewer resources. in the past 2 days is really on a has fullest move in a 100000 people to leave the eastern parts of darrow bhalla, shutting down 20 shells as of the laces round of displacement old as new ends as moving a 1000000 pallets and ends in southern and central gauze and may not receive humanitarian food a this month, july already. so the lowest levels of aid says the will become a correspondent and i'll could already have more for us from darrow, by law in this situation is completely describable. and also imagining, but we're seeing some of these children and mother is not knowing where to go with their children. we see them with pies of blank kids with pillows only to find a sit anything to sleep on,
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even if it was on the sidewalk. on the street. we see here constant fear, palestinians have been on the move for more than a week. now there has been constant evacuation orders from the 130, the eastern parts of the an are here today we receive a new evacuation order from a is likely my eyes. the refugee come on. the bed and eastern parts have been better, and this is not the 1st time these areas are going to evacuate. policy is our trees and a dream that they are exhausted. they are not knowing where to go. and not only that, they do not even have a place to go in the past couple of days when you shall take became out of service because they are in the dangerous red zone and it's on. yeah, it's unsafe boys of how does the display there plus of the after the is really going to want them to evacuate?
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know some people might have to evacuate and some policies are top in those areas. not being able to read because there has been quad copters everywhere, and those career quad copies are very small phones that have live. i mean, listen and could hardly any policy you do. i move. i am asked as a delegation will arrive in cairo on saturday for these fly tools, often invitation from egypt and consul officials from israel and the us are also scheduled to attend. and the statement, the group says it's committed to what is required to on july, the 2nd, based on the binding declaration and the un security council resolution. and was ready to implement what was agreed upon at court for pressure on the occupation obligating israel to implement a agreement and, and it's obstruction mol. thousands of israelis are rallying in the streets of tennessee, but against benjamin. that's now his government. the jingle 1st used to come through on a deal to release the captives held him garza and to government protests to become
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a regular occurrence in tennessee since the early months of the war. the daily exchange of fire between israel and hezbollah as having an impact on both sides of the boat to you and says, a $110000000.00 is needed to find out if the humanitarian responds. for nearly 300000 people in southern 11, unaffected by the conflict. then the honda reports from barret the it's the tourist season with lebanon's, hotels are largely empty. concerns about an escalation and hostilities between hezbollah and as well have let to cancellations. the hospitality sector has been reeling from years of economic turmoil. recent geo political tensions have made things worse. the hotels and all the hospitality sect it is heavy. the effect that no baby would have been effected in this situation since last october since the whole issue started. and unfortunately,
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a suddenly escalating war has devastated villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer border with israel. agency say critical facilities and roads have been severely damaged as efforts have begun to find new collective shelters with the rise and the number of displaced people. as a managerial country team, we're asking and we need a $110000000.00 to finance the ongoing response for up to $290000.00 . contradict effective people, nothing. not. the violence is not losing momentum with has the law and israel expanding their strikes. the war of attrition is felt on the is really side of the border as well. in a single hezbollah attack is really media reported. 60 homes were damaged in the occupied syrian golden heights. already a 5 kilometer deep stretch of territory has been evacuated. ok, that's a sense of what's in the sound. want to leave. others are patriots who want to stay,
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but they cannot continue this way. every sound of a door shut makes us think it's a boom. this time it wasn't a door shut, but a serious boom that cost to us a lot. lost revenue and ward damage on both sides of the border are estimated in the billions of $1.11 on the people are still suffering from the financial collapse that'd begin 5 years ago. and this is believed to be why has the law which started firing at as well. and so leverits you with garza 10 months ago has been calibrating it's attacks, so as not to give as well an excuse to bring devastation upon loving on. already the state is crumbling, it's barely provides electricity. so there's multiple, the lebanese government this morning, that even a controlled escalation would displace hundreds of thousands of people. and it would struggle with keeping critical sectors running center for their elders. either be a crew of $29.00 westgate from
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a greek flagged oil tank when the red sea has arrived, the engine boozy, the bombs and the ship when it was attacked of humans caused by who's the forces on wednesday, the face of been launching attacks and supports of palestinians and gaza. the bush smote theresa is the time who was travelling through the red sea, from rocks in greece. when it was a piece of the head spine, missiles, old try and find a dash is struggling to cope with severe and widespread floating at least 18 people have died of millions more stranded in the south, on the east of the country. 4.8000000 people have been forced from that homes. the army, navy, coast guard and volunteers are all involved in rescue efforts to challenge a has moved from camella in eastern bangladesh. the sounds of thousands of people of scales trying to imply the effected area in eastern bangladesh, all going not face the water and every say that a lot of things have improved. but not saying that is, as you can see, there's a logistical challenge getting food and trying to rescue people that are people
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coming from all across the buying of that, trying to bring in food, getting in boats to rescue people. but a lot of the roads with networks are cut off and there's great blocks, and this is making things much more difficult. people have good intention that bringing all kinds of goods and release. the challenge still remains in rescuing this paper of the army and navy cause got there all coordinating with local volunteers and students to get things done. but because of the communication disruption, there's no internet network, no it. 2 to sit a most of the telecom towers are damaged, so that is making very difficult for people to get to those people who knew the house in the remote area. yet that for is sale going on to do the best they can. but the nightmare of logistics is one of the major and pay them and the government site is doing its best. a once the advisor to visit all the place as coordinate
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with the local government agencies to make things more efficient. if there is no more to run, show rain and the water stops, were sitting, things will improve. our lot of the water is the feeling danger level and many of the rivers. if the torrential rains come by, things to get worse than before, it gets better. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just call me law me. general rahman is the director of disaster response with the bundle dash red crescent society. he says millions are struggling to access basic services. the last 5000000 people are going to be standing more than one minute. and people on the, i the, what, uh, so with this guides you show, of says been the 8th of august, especially infinity. there is no electricity. there is no, uh, internet connection. there's no extra the c p from this because what as to solve
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this, these are you on the 11th. so me getting this is accessibility. we have some resources like the invite test drive for most viewed items, everything. but these are big getting this and then you know, we all bottle of this, vic so, so i'd be watching as a lady to government and draw each and every district and softest if we have the just need to have the best the efforts from the bottom that is the side, the, the russia and ukraine have exchanged 230 prisoners of war. keith is accusing rush ro mistreating some of them. and it's good, helpless, has moved from key to look city to 115. you creating prisoners, spoke for an equal number of russians, the joy,
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the release with an all over the faces. this prison, the says he called believe it and he called believe these here, this called his wife. behind the scenes are created and officials worked with the russian authorities along with negotiators from the u. a. to finalize the prisoners swap like use use the linux, the full, the swap, 3405 ukrainian prisoners have been exchanged. now it's 3520 minutes, and that shot the fest for you. the prisoners bespoke totally cranes independence day. the country sped such de, held in the time before celebrations. but some of the youtube, as metals were presented in commemorations held, the full and soldiers attended by post president andre due to show what you mean today. we celebrate the 55th anniversary of ukraine's independence. i'm. we're sure that ukraine's would always mark the holiday in their free capital in the southern
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states at the fiscal year for the prisoners released on. so today allegedly seeing the national anthem now is the time to read united their loved ones. the prisoner exchanged comes that the solemn time trinity, and forces are being pushed back in the east of the country. despite successes in russia who with thousands of prison, it's still being held by russia and ukraine. the release of a $115.00 prisoners each comes is a welcome token. just hollings because hopeless out 0 key. well, those are jabari has this update from custody and russia. a welcome use for 115 families of the russian soldiers that had been released by ukrainian and officials at this is the 1st prisoner exchange that we've seen since ukraine launches incursion and the curse creature. according to the russian defense ministry. these uh, russian soldiers are now being treated in a neighbouring beller roost where they're going to go undergo and medical
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treatments and psychological assessments before they will be able to contact their families and return home as the incursions that ukraine launched in the curse region on august 6th has been ongoing and it's still the fighting continues between the russian forces and their ukrainian counterparts as this exchange took place with the mediation of the u, a. e. and uh, it is unclear how many more russian soldiers are still being held as prisoner of war by the premium side of the russian defense minister who has only shared the number of ukrainian soldiers they've managed to kill in the fighting. that has been ongoing according to their numbers, and nearly 5500 ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives so far. no information about the number of russian soldiers that have been killed. what we do know, according to medical officials here in the curse region, at least 30 civilians have been killed until now. but this prison exchange certainly welcome views for many families here. when they will be re united with
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the soldiers that have been released. doors such a for alpha, 0 curse, city, russia, police in germany have made a 2nd to arrest in connection with a stopping attack that killed 3 people. on friday, a 15 year old had already been detained. a people injured in the attack in the west and says, you have joe lang and during a little cold festival, please say that not ruling out terrorism. still a has hair on now is there on philippine migrants in south korea say that be exclusive and faced in human conditions under a special work that scheme the pod came in to be used is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way
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. that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you signed the president as not any important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era approve or reject the most progressive constitution ever proposed for any nation in history? yes or no cheating. voted no. the big picture us was a question that goes into the very foundation of judy until the cause of its relationship with indigenous people in the midst of should positive on the jersey. the government challenges here with the
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the, again, you're watching onto there. as reminder of the top stories this alex is really a tons of kills at least 59 published and ends across clauses since don't on saturday. women and children are amongst the dead in connie eunice, the army has also attacks homes and tents in federal law. and this threat, refuge account of the bodies of 12 pot of citizens killed in earlier times have been recovered from some of the city residential complex northwest of han, eunice is ready. all may talk to several buildings and the area destroyed. and many of them find the bashes struggling to cope with severe and wide spread funding. at
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least 18 people have died and 4800000 people have been false from the homes. the army, navy, coast guard, and volunteers are all involved in rescue assets. and libya. com has return to the capital aaa after rival groups reach an agreement to low attentions disagreements. nobody's ever who should control the central bank. the bank is a vital part of the economy as opposed libya, as oil was at revenues, it was besieged earlier this month by armed men who attempted to force the resignation of it's gone from a lot of china. it has moved from miss rossa in northern libya. a live yes, minister of interior, a man so busy a nose, an agreement was reached between rival on groups and the capital tripoli to ease tensions tensions have been high since last week when the presidential council, a body that overseas the government. a pointed a new director of the central bank mohammedan shockley. of course the, the,
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so the contributor who has been running the central bank for more than a decade denounced that decision and rejected it. he said that the presidential council doesn't have the authority to replace them according to the libyan political agreement, which was signed between libya's rival factions in the eastern west in 2015. both legislative houses, the parliament in the east and the high council of state in the west have to agree to replace with this sovereign positions directors of libya, suffering positions which includes the central bank. i'll put them how much disagree, who as was appointed to become the director or the, the governor of the central bank. a said that he excused himself from the position, saying that he rejected any bloodshed on his behalf. and that he would only take on the position if the light legislative house is formally agreed for him to do so. i'll go, massey is the founder of sec, institute about libya, his 1st public policy think tank. he says the situation is still very unstable. a
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debate by himself, the prime minister, needs to find a financial lifeline to supply his most loyal and supporters of security groups and tripoli in western living. there remained low to him. um, i think you'd be surprised, an attempt to push again military to lose credibility. i think you'd also risk kind of a high star who in the east of the country controls the oil and doesn't back this move . so he could switch the oil off. and that would be massive to this thing that i was looking for is economy. and then again, i think that that could be a set option where the prime minister attempts to maneuver into a steering committee leave us full of these kind of committees that essentially have influence over these rival institutions. and i think over the steering committee to control the influence within the bank. but this is far from over. both are, these are the things are introducing title regulations on my going on a migrant workers scheme with south korea. as often as government wide spread
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exploitation on to 1000000 filipinos where courtesies and send money home to the families. below reports from manila watson. i mean, and down we go, went to south korea to work at a farm or 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns in the philippines. the job was being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown government and the south korea city, facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to miguel until he arrived in south korea. no, for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get our monthly pay, we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as
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the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmer's program is 2022 itself in corporate, and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement, the names to eliminate the city to city agreements altogether. as also plan, we had their own 60 labour growing pains that had been underwritten by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave around here in the philippines. we fire. ready legal recruitment against the individuals. despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation, labor rights, organization, se, there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea. deactivate import them through the d m w. that's why is this local
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government continuing to do orientation member is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, say promising them jobs to glory. despite his experience, miguel still wants to be able to work in south korea under the same program he's described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity. because staying in the philippines, he says means continuing to racist family in poverty. barnett below algebra, manila or that will be in process and want to read as narrow as long as for the validus software, police operation falls to $49.00 schools in the area to close. well, thirty's are also destroying several 100 apartments. they say a funded by drug cartels want to get you on a cab. reports from rhea are in windows, we addition, nero's largest fellows. people gather to watch their homes being torn down one by
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one in to raise their voices in protest. he said through the innocent victims of an ongoing war between rios all stories and drug cartels which control large parts of the city. protesters say the police are treating them all is criminal habits. you go to the kid, this building sort inhabited by regular workers who are safe to buy a home or set up a shop. now they have nothing left. they've not only destroyed the quotes, but also our dreams. a police officer told us they are targeting properties owned by drug cartels, which have been investing in real estate to launder money. the orders he said were to demolish 300 apartments, allegedly built by criminals in the midas mom, who deal with the collateral damage. nobody has the answer. people here have been
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telling us that they are protesting because every time there is a police operation, everything shuts down like the stores that you can see here. and also, not only that, not only people are unable to go to work, but also schools have closed down like this $149.00 schools were forced to close down during this police operation. and that means that 9000 students from the 5 l. a mother had been forced to stay at home without any classes during the past 5 days . among the students 8 year old moist age who have special needs the deputy off, my son is autistic. he needs a teacher and special needs professional in school to help him interact and get an education. thousands of children are being effective and it's not the 1st time schools are close. residents here say that in real spotless play need for a better future for their children is nothing but a dream. monica not give all just sarah rio de janeiro to western what
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stock on the in special space station will need to wait until february to attend to us. so these are williams and bush wilmore blotted off on boeing stall. i know at the beginning of june for it was supposed to be an 8 day emission and also says trust the malfunction as make it too risky to bring them back on boeing's cap to this has decided that bush and sunny will return with crew 9. next february and that star liner will return and crude and the specifics in the schedule will be discussed momentarily. space flight is risky, even at its safety, safest and even edits most routine and a test flight by nature is neither safe nor routine. space to unless amy thompson says,
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fixing problems with boeing style lajna has proved harder than expected the dresser issues on the spacecraft. we're obviously not at launch. it's just the latest in a series of issues with the styling or spacecraft and none of their test sessions. so far have gone incredibly smoothly, but this is the best circumstance because now for this 1st mission is to keep the crusade. so they know that if they wait and keep them in space a little bit longer, they can return home safely, which is the most important points. and also by sending starlight or home and crude boeing can get still get the data that it needs to fully understand what happened to the spacecraft and not put any of the astronauts at risk to test things in space . everything behaves differently than testing it on or so that is obviously the environment that it's going to be operated in. and that's the chance to fully test out the spacecraft. so that was the thought process and launching with these issues
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. and they just were not able to troubleshoot them to reduce the risk and not to fly it home with crew. that's it from a laura kyle plenty more on our website. down to 0, adult. com. i'll be back with more use up to 1212 to sarah the, the hello faith does remain very much the story across a good positive australia, but we've also got wet to win the web rattling across the bite. so we have got to talk it back to us above, towards the south west. it's a cold front here, this a trough that will quickly make his way further east was ceasing. what's the weather? some large weather coming into the southeast of australia as we go one through the next couple of days. but to the north of that really is very much about the hate temperatures getting up into the, such as the high,
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such as 2 across northern parts of wy, interior. we are still very, very hot. so as you can see, little positive house, or rather than to know the areas of south australia which will split the middle of the race with brisbin, could touch 32 degrees celsius. something like 10 degrees above average. but some of these places looking around 15 degrees above average over the next couple of days, you can say it's a little cold, a down towards the se melvin to 16 degrees celsius. risk winds rattling the way through, bringing damaging winds and bonding storms a possibility as we go through sunday. on into monday that weather weather will continue to drive its way further. east was weather to making its way to work. japan over the next couple of days. it comes to developing type food. i'm all right in the northern china, of the stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach,
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they usually forget people from lake point when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting for justice. jesse, wait and took, evaluate and think. and what was the money they went home? i didn't think they even considered us again. the black people, the people, the sacrifice then on out is there. on the impulse, once confined to central africa, has again become labeled. in 2022, the world health organization declared a global health emergency is impulse spread to new regions. the outbreak was 1st linked to sexual transmission. now, 2 years later, africa faces a new way with 70 percent of cases affecting children. this various transmits different but these like.


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