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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 25, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the is there any strikes, hit southern 11 on flights of diverted from israel has been during the international airport. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was convening a security cabinet meeting in the coming out the other one down in jordan this down to 0 life. and also coming on guns under was sold as ready as price load and central and southern parts of the spring getting at least $59.00 condominiums on some of the with me and my fighting groups along with
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border with the thailand we look at the news right that's in the, it's the rise of side of the criminals operating in the middle of the us border region. stranded in a little bit to us the most of all the international space station will have to wait until next february to return to the welcome to just joining us. it's $400.00 gym to begin with. that breaking news. this bulletin is ready for. so say that launched preemptive strikes on has blah positions in the southern 11 on opera choosing the i'm group of preparing to launch an extensive attack, a 48 hour state of emergency. it has been imposed across israel. but these are the images of the early morning is really strikes in southern lebanon. the i'm group has the law says it began the attack on israel with a large number of drones in response. which taught ministry, come on, the flagship, who is assassination in beirut. last month's as well. these are pictures from along the 11 on his rail border with
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a barrage of rock as can be seen. being intercepted from northern israel by the island. um defense system as well as ami radio says more than $200.00 rockets and shelves, a 5 from 11 on towards nolan as well. and these really secure to cabinet has cool for an emergency meeting that's meant to take place shortly. within the last half hour has but i have released a statement saying they've targeted a number of enemies sites on barracks. and i am done platforms that go on to say these ministry operations will take some time to complete the resistance. they've lumnick resistance and 11 on is now and it's at this moment and it's high in the state of readiness and will stand strong and watchful against any sign his transgression or aggression, especially if siblings are harmed, the punishment will be severe and very harsh. also speaking of the last half hour is ready, ministry spokesman daniel have gone already have said we detected preparations by has ballade to launch themselves in the rockets at the state of israel. air force
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pains on now attacking targets and 11 on from which we recognize that hezbollah is preparing to launch the threats. event on to say in the near future has the launch rockets and possibly missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. accordingly, life saving instructions of the homefront come on to be distributed in the various regions. all right, this springs in a holder who joins me on the phone again from by a route as a now. so it's $400.00 g m t for those view is just joining us. just remind us again of the events of the morning israel saying it's a preemptive strike. to prevent has blah attacking is where the tire tree israel responding to his blog strike. what more can you tell us about the events that unfolded as well? its been um, in the intensive exchange of fire across this, this border as well launching what the military called pre emptive strikes, significant aerial attacks in different areas in southern lebanon. more than 40
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strikes have been reported to a wide spread pre emptive attack against has the law according to the is really army. they learned that hezbollah was planning an attack, that it was getting ready for, quote, a major and immediate attack on israel. and that fighter jets removed the threat. and that these pre emptive strikes to specifically targeted the sites that would have been used in the attack from southern lebanon. so that's what the is really army said it did. the wave of attacks have now ended. now has but luck confirming that it's retaliation for the killing of its top military commander for i'd soccer and they would southern suburbs on july 13th has begun in that statement. the lebanese armed group said that within the framework of its initial response, an air attack using a large number of drones,
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was carried out. it said that it's carried out towards a qualitative is really military target. and that is what announced the target to later. so as well as saying it's retaliation has begun. will this retaliation continue and trigger more is released. a it's hard to say at this point in time buck from the messaging that we are getting from both sides is really our me saying that it's acting in self defense. there's really army spokesman, repeating this twice 3 times. that basically not declaring all out or is an indication that this wave of attacks could be over. and so we have to wait to see how has below responds further, how is retaliate further to the killing, okay, to see what kind of responses will trigger. so this is what we have been seeing really for roddic escalation for the past 10 months. but no doubt we are in
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a very dangerous dangerous phase at the moment. yeah. um and he's running his blog . i've been trading rockets not to be a tax since the stats of the war on guns that is that in that. so how serious then is this specific explanation escalation right now? well, this is serious in the sense that we need to know what has about. a because they are saying it is a qualitative is really military targets as well says it's carried out pre emptive strikes to prevent possible from carrying out the major operation. so what did hezbollah hit? who did it hit? and what damage did it cause we still do not know that now these really prime minister in the defense minister are meeting with we understand from the way the media. they are quote, managing the incident in the north again, not using the word or. and then you have the is where the defense minister you, i've gone speaking to his american counterpart saying that precise attacks were
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carried out to prevent an eminent sweat. and so really both sides understand what a full on war means. both sides are able to cause destruction on both sides of the border. they've been us for before in 2006 and it was a very destructive war. but at the time has below was. 5 strong as it was, as it is today today it's arsenal. it's much bigger. it's much more sophisticated. it's on thrones alone have been causing damage in northern israel and is rose air defenses have not been able to shoot down all those drones and has beloved has been taking advantage of this. but again, for hezbollah to choose a military target of the hit in this retaliation, even though civilians were killed when to add sugar was assassinated in baby booth is also another indication that the lebanese armed group is also treading carefully
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calculating not to give as well. what many here believe unexcused, to a, to launch a wider attack and a full on war on lebanon. and i'm saying that you've been reminding us all morning that there's been this growing concern regionally and internationally that has blah and possibly a ron. we're preparing a retaliatory strike against israel off at assassination of the how much leader is melania into ron? i'm not seeing a has blog come on the flood ship. how much of these concerns pulling out here in this latest part of the story, or what people are worried that this latest round of violence will last end and it will only lead to more attacks attacks and strikes deeper inside living on, you know, these are uncertain times the lebanese people are, are used to instability and the lebanese people are reeling from an economic collapse. but most people, when you speak to them,
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what they tell you is that we are already broken. we are broken as a result of the financial crisis. the state is broken because it has, it has all the collapse, the state is crumbling, it cannot even provide electricity to its pete po's. hospitals have been struggling with the lack of doctors and nurses, the brain drain. they have been leaving the country because the salaries, that, because of the local currency, has the valued their salaries and have a little worse. and people are not even to leave their homes to find apartments in and say for areas. so yes, people are concerned, but there are others who believe that any escalation will be controlled. they, they, they believe that, you know, yes, we will see more strikes, more sustained attacks, no doubt, from both sides as well, has been intensifying and it says tax and the frequency of its attacks have it have really also intensified in recent days. targeting has been
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a fighters commanders wherever they find them. it's no longer confined to the border area, a time to drive in the sewer villages in southern lebanon on the, not the, you know, the 1st 5 kilometer is deep to a strip of territory is empty, but further in 8 kilometers, deep 10 kilometers deep into southern lebanon, and some people have started to leave, but there's still people who live there, you drive through those villages. and at any time the car in front of you could be hit by and as really, to on strike. so the situation is very uncertain. 5 and then, and people are concerned. all right, so how does it was they know how to report in life as they are from the liberties capital by route saying that will no doubt told you a little bit later in the morning, but for now say no. thank you. let's bring in some your data. he's, i'm at least listed as the director of the bands institute for cedric affairs. you joins us live as well from the liberties capital bank routes. i me good to have you back with us. how significant then is this has been our response and what does it
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mean? and that sort of brought a context of what's happening on the board and beyond to this means it has all the potential of these, uh, uh, this is uh, this is the brand isn't 80 a strong enough. cool. uh, it has simple attention to the agent into it for you more because you're on has the phone to it has war from a visionary artist on getting the law the other admitted to the organization active on get ok and see, do you have thoughts or to a has for law and now we are strong to us a major. ready the discussion in terms of the school population and in terms of intensity. and all you actually all are preemptive the side is an idea that was floating goes since the beginning of the war in gust it to us
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started the yellow. is that 80 minnesota all star defense, tu? tu, tu, tu? oh great, stop. sure, preemptive strike in nor due to the uh, has been law that have been to the week of the 1st. ready and saw some live on on this since uh, october 8th, and the visit of the american president to, to is that i have the non duty to deter, uh, the isn't a unique on my task strong. i'm going to ask for blowing. well, today this is a major discussion. it has the potential to do 11 on the each and into a sort of normal. i'm stomach. israel says account out this plan to strike, but, but, but let me ask you, i mean that response seems to have been calibrated. certainly, it only happened in southern lebanon, israel,
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very careful to select its targets. and also talking about managing the conflict robin sort of using would like to so very careful as to what they that response was we both start to use are trying to avoid as we're doing more and every party has it's on thirty's. and on one hand visit i is the soul to the by. it's a minute to gratian and costs ok doc for small instead of today. and the principal the doesn't want to have a war similar to what happened in 2006, 41 very simple. reason that they did not choose, not that does not that binding on that one very important to elements to today is to kind of on, on is going to uh, if any serious economy crisis and the above and,
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and so far olds diploma, escorted to each other because the sacrament between a husband law about on about 50 inches belie. i'm dish bags have see i'm the, i'm the position of the most part. these are a far a wage on, on, on the one hand that has been the ones to keep that worth of engagement. it was pretty, uh, ask for steve. anything in october, 66, meaning before the war in gaza. why is that? i have is due to a change to sort of engagement, to set up for you a security dis e a that's what it allowed that it turned off. uh or uh or is it a useful life that home 60000? is that a less than no 1030 they are,
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they are or not. so that needs to be done before that so that so that, that has been law pauses instead of what this is, what make that, that's the creation or betty betty taxed because no political a 2nd man a has the a each so far and the deeper all come and the, and the mutual corporation is continually inc and taking and distribution course. all right, i'm signing out of the live for us from the liberties capital bear with somebody. thank you. what meanwhile in central gaza is randy tongue. some bulldoze as are advancing closer to the largest city. did i buy a while that strikes have targeted outbreak, refugee camp nearby, at least 59 people have been killed across the script on saturday. well, there are lots of hospital and data bothers, overwhelmed with a number of casualties up to several is ready to attend a re enrollment during the tax. a palestinian aid worker for the will. central
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kitchen is among them. now the range of several children not being treated for head wounds off down his write a strike on the refugee camp. the women then a little girl were killed in that attack. but moving to gaza, southern the city of han units recovery efforts are still underway in areas heavy bombarded earlier this week. this is the scene and how much time that's a residential complex in hon. eunice. the remains of 12 people were recovered from the rebel after a partial pull out of his ready forces summer returning to discover their homes and ruins after having fled due to a forced evacuation order. earlier this month of the month of the other one has been, the destruction is big and the suffering is even bigger. how much city is almost a distress area. close to 70 percent of these buildings are destroyed. but our crews are working, hoping to recover some of what remains of the dead. the civil defense cruise lacks heavy machinery and we really need it in the situation of some of does me know how much there is? a delegation will take parts and in direct see slide, folks in cairo, often invitation from egypt and cutoff. officials from israel and the united states
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holds as scheduled to attend. in a statement, a senior member of how my says the group is committed to what it agreed to on july 2nd. based on the binding declaration of the un security council resolution and was ready to implement what was agreed upon. it cool for pressure on the occupation obliging israel to increment the agreement and, and it's obstruction. while in israel, thousands of on to government protest as they've been running against benjamin netanyahu is government that quoting on the administration to agree to a c 5 deal and secure the release of captives held in gaza onto government protests . i've been running for months coating on netanyahu just step down for not doing enough to bring back the captives. i'm here what's that and upset about my zone. i want to take advantage of the state and appeal to the ministers and coalition members who are saying i skip over netanyahu because he's no longer an issue for me . he failed on the 7th of october and then returning the captives afterwards. remove him from his position on the points of the person who was able to return
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them the all right, if it is joining us, that says we kept developments for you has ballasa is, is conducted the 1st phase of its fatality ation on israel to the assassination of its talk, miniature come on in bare root. last month, hundreds of rockets will find that israel and the i am them defense system has been seen activating across the israel 11 on for the region. one area the is randy ministry says that loans with a quote, proactive strikes on has the last sites inside them. and that's often the minute you said it does come with the group was planning on extensive attack on is ready. so it is really secure with the cabinet is meeting to discuss the mass of the country enters 48 hours of a state of emergency or let's move on to some other news now. and the seo of messaging up the telegram has been arrested by french authorities near paris. russian born pablo do of was detained at bourget. airport in paris. representative
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say he was arrested as part of a french investigation. despite having a tense relationship with the russian government assembly, as opposed to me taking immediate steps to clarify the situation. the drum and media reporting that police have the rest of the men believe to have carried out a stopping attack that killed 3 people on friday. each others were injured in the esl, which took place during the festival, and the city of zoning earlier, 2 people, including a 15 year old, were detained in connection with the attack. police have not ruled out terrorism song that actually struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. although whether officials, the flood waters were receding in some areas, many and still don't have access to food, electricity or water. full cost is not wanting. the funding will continue throughout the week. at least 30 people have died and millions more stranded in the south and east of the country. after there was tom good challenge, he has more from coming to an eastern bank with us. sons. of thousands of people
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are still trying to imply the effected area in eastern bangladesh, all going not face the water and every say that a lot of things have improved. but not saying that is, as you can see, there is a logistical challenge getting food and trying to rescue people that are people coming from all across buying a bash, trying to bring in food, getting in boats to rescue people. but a lot of the roads look, networks are cut off and there's great blocks, and this is making things much more difficult. people have good intentions, are bringing all kinds of goods on relief. the challenge still remains in rescuing this paper of the army and navy cause got there all coordinating with local volunteers and students to get things done. but because of the communication disruption, there's no internet network, no it. 2 today, most of the telecom powers are damaged, so that is making very difficult for people to get to those people who knew this house in the remote area. yet that ford is still going on to do the best they can.
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but the nightmare of logistics is one of the major and pay them and the government site is doing its best, the ones that drives that to move it all the place as coordinate with the local government agencies to make things more efficient. if there is no more torrential rain, and the water stops, were sitting, things will improve. our lot of the water is the feeling danger level and many of the river. if the torrential rain comes back, things to get worse than before, it gets better. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just the middle of implants of northern thailand. also it is that using helicopters to get to the age of flood victims, the freight problems was hit by severe flooding. off the local young with a bus its banks, it comes off to seasonal heavy rains. inundated launch bonds of the north. this week, a memo shuttle government has one that the conflicts in things are becoming
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a fail state. expenditure route continues a lack of control and its board is seen a significant rise and drug smuggling to neighboring countries. more recently signed the criminals and scanning centers of use the lowest border areas to run their operations. i'll just name is tony chang reports from the time me and my board military helicopter the font as a rebel forces in the pool, the town of milwaukee during the year. but now there's a great, a threat. one that goes far beyond the board as me, i'm a what's taking place in new. why do you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest crime hubs in the world. along the board with thailand, mysterious developments have sprung up. guards watch the perimeter, ensuring the prying eyes, a cap, towns inside say law enforcement officials hack is running fraudulent crypto currency investment schemes. this is troy cocoa, a city that was built by chinese investors with the dream of becoming a digital hub. what it now seems to be is
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a center for legal gambling and cyber scans, generating according to the united nations billions of dollars a year. and illegal revenue is darkness polls. the city lights so full of the facilities of modern life, not present anywhere else in korean state, but in abundance here. just a few kilometers from shrink cocoa, we met a man who worked for one of the legal companies. we know that most of the scam centers in law guide closed in november last year. where did they move to the move to shackleton? or do you have any idea how much money the company was making a meeting? my company does a $50.00 floor on each floor, a full group of people, and these groups have to come up for about $150000.00 to us do for each month more than a $100000000.00 a year into poll estimate cyber crime,
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in southeast asia generates 3 trillion dollars annually. that's the equivalent to the gross domestic product of friends. and without official intelligence, it's only going to get worse. this means the integration of malware into their cyber fraud schemes. the growing integration of things like generative, artificial intelligence and deep dig frauds which really opened pandora's box to the chaos of civil war. military rule is driving the amount towards the edge of disaster. your well not feel state. no, but if fcc a control your ma definitely giving you malware it becomes a for the state. the civil war memo has launch. they've been to go from by the outside world. but the trans national cyber crime striving here may be a problem in the world. come take no tony. channing else's era on the telling me i'm about saddam's army chief has criticized peace talks in switzerland binding to
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instead fight for a 100 years. i've done the hon. i'm assuming these ami had been fighting the palm of the true, rapid support forces. emboldened 60 months, tens of thousands have been killed and more than half of students, population faces hung up. the army didn't take part in tools, open eyes by the us, which ended on friday as well. the we told us that we refused to go to geneva for the following reasons. first of all, we won't accept the participation of the way in these talks. we don't undermine the rights of the sudanese people will keep fighting for a 100 years unless his parent military is destroyed and we liberate every inch they have desecrated 10 terms in the libyan capital. infrequently of these dr. rival groups reach and deal with the security operation of key infrastructure disagreements arose of a who should control the central bank. the bank is a vital part of the economy, as it holds libya's oil revenues. what was supposed to be a week long mission will now become an 8 month stay on the international space station. and that's where officials have made that decision to keep, to us know,
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it's a little bit out of an abundance of caution and building shuttle stuff. and several malfunctions on route to the i s. s back in june. and now a space shuttle. we'll bring them home next. you want to go ahead and report from washington is lots of cheering here in the room. big hugs when astronaut. so we need to williams and bush will more arrived at the international space station, all smiles as they began what they thought would be just 8 days in space. now finding out they'll be there 8 months instead our core value is safety and it is our north star. i'll just reiterate again. this is a test flight. the 2 astronaut were the 1st to fly in the boeing star line or but as it arrived is an issues with the thrusters that helped maneuver the craft and it was leaking helium, a problem nasa engineers have been trying to fix. finally decided and saturday that they couldn't, the star liner will fly back without its crew. so the big concern about that is
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during re entry like what will the weeks due to the spacecraft? what happens when it gets super heated as it goes through the atmosphere? so saying what the process will be able to maneuver the spacecraft like it's supposed to go through the atmosphere. and so these are um, things that now nasa can test with out putting the crew are risk. this is just the latest controversy for the boeing company issues with its planes. now it's spacecraft over a $1600000000.00 over budget. when the astronaut do return in february, it will be on a space ex rocket. i talked with coach and sunny both yesterday and today they support the agencies decision fully and they're ready to continue this mission on board. i assessed as members of the expedition 71 crew is much coming in through the had a center good thing because they really don't have a choice. they are simply stuck in space. patty calling out to 0. washington.
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well that's it for me down jordan, for now we'll have more of the top of the out in the breaking news development on the israel 11 and for the news continues up to talk to elf, which is 0 switching. thanks so much. and by the the hello, it makes very unsettled across the western parts of the game. and at the moment you can see a lot of cloud here just around the southern end of the red sea for the heavy showers. suddenly a possibility lifted the consent just around southern areas. the saudi here in the hot temperatures are 41 degrees celsius. i still plants you want around and notice those type of just still getting up into the mid high forty's farther north back. that could touch 40 i celsius by monday afternoon. meanwhile,
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a charts and some went to whether we're able to watch the guy pushing up towards the black sea, the shower, still tens of just a little further east. with this we go through monday, rush. i was just popping up behind, so stays home, but i think i could see some, a lot of the down pulls from time to time. wanted to show as a possibility around the north west of africa over the next style. so i'm nothing too much to speak up, it's still a child, so the child is creeping up around the atlas mountains, plenty of shouts to rolling off the ip and highlands, some pots of chad using tools these yet. and notice the heavy right could also run its way to, we'll send the goal towards the gambia over the next day or so. well, writing the full costs for southern and central pa solved nigeria. past would be just nothing a little further north this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts, political ups,
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people. some of those we talked to elsewhere, saying that they fled up to a hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just sarah is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell this story. the impulse once confined to central africa, has again become labeled. in 2022, the world health organization declared a global health emergency as impulse spread to new regions. the outbreak was 1st linked to sexual transmission. now, 2 years later, africa faces a new way with 70 percent of cases affecting children. this various transmits different but these like.


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