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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award. denominator here on now the to a region on edge israel and has paula exchange fire across the solvent 11. and for the is paula says, it's the 1st phase of its retaliation for the killing of one of its kalonde is the primary m i z. this is out as they are life from dela, also coming up on the program, israel, or does the immediate evacuation of alex the hospital in central cause. us doctors are saying they don't know what's going to happen to that patients and all kinds of
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things group as time responsibility for an attack that kills me. the 200 people in central between of fafsa and john les, from the voice as news agency, is missing off the russian s tri kits, the hotel and eastern ukraine. the hezbollah has launched a barrage of rockets and drones from lebanon towards israel. the group says this is the 1st phase of its retaliation against israel for assassinating. one of its top come on does and they root last month and defend systems in northern israel. 5 that the incoming has bottle of rockets. one is rainy soldier was killed off to being hit by falling. shrapnel has been deleted, has sun estrada says the attack target to the military intelligence base, located more than a 100 kilometers into his riley territory. he added that the group has not
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targeting civilian areas. a israel's military conduct and what it described as pre emptive strikes on has paula in southern lebanon. it says that a tax thousands of has bought a rocket launchers and israel early on sunday. this was followed by more is re new tax on southern $11.00 and $3.00 people, including to hezbollah fighters were killed. this is the heaviest exchange of i between the 2 sides since the start of the war on gaza. masha on zillow. so what happened today is not the end of the story, but has belie, attempted early in the morning to attack the state of his robbers. rockets, that'd be waves. were instructed, cuz you want me to carry off the powerful preemptive strikes, to remove the threats out if these really i'll be destroyed. thousands of rocket support, short and long range, all of which were, i'm tempted to hom, i was 16 and forces him to kind of need. that's not a lot in be roots and accommodate entire on need to understand that this is another step, nothing changing the situation in the most and returning our residents safely to
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their homes. and i repeat, this is not the end of the story for both and hopefully somebody out is there, a zayna holder joins us live now from the lebanese capital bay rouge and zayna. what for the reaction has that been from hezbollah today? well, in the last hour we heard from her, as well as the secretary general, relevant, reveal details on the intended target of the groups. retaliatory strike for the killing of its top commander. so in this rela giving detail, saying that that targets was a military intelligence headquarters, some 110 kilometers south of the border, deep inside as well, just under 2 kilometers from the city of a tel aviv. so what hezbollah is saying is that it's attack was successful, and it is saying that is really reports that the, this attack failed are simply not true. so in this roller is accusing the government of hiding its losses and of hiding its casualties. natural also trying
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to make sure you know clear what the group meant in their statement this morning when it said that this was the initial phase of its retaliation. he explained the initial phase was the launching of the $300.00 or so could to show rockets that target says at least 11 is really military positions close to the border. he said after that strikes it open some sort of a corner door because what they try to do is disrupt the is really air defenses. and the 2nd stage of the attack was when they launched drones, that's according to hezbollah. hit that military intelligence headquarters. now if you listen to the is really prime minister benjamin nothing yahoo! approximately 2 hours ago he said that the arm, drones that were launched by hezbollah, which were intending to hit what he said was a strategic target and central as well. we're all intercept that. so you have these
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conflicting narrative split, the clear message from hezbollah is in many ways the retaliation is now over. if, according to the smell, it serves its purpose. what he meant by that was that it has but lot restored the terrance. that means israel will no longer act with a, you know, little restraint and 11 on. so the hours in days to come will show whether or not this hezbollah strikes will hold as well box, and keep it from crossing red lines. if you like in this ongoing confrontation and what about the chosen timing of has follows response now yes, enough, frolla explaining why this was a delayed response. the killing of its top military commander fraud sugar happened on the 30th of the july. so it's almost 3 or 4 weeks since that explained that one of the reasons why they waited was to give
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a chance for the gaza cease fire talks. talks were held in dow her last week to try to reach some sort of a deal to end the war on garza and he explained the reason why they started firing app is road was to help relief pressure on god. so, but now they realize that those talks are leading nowhere, and that as well as the united states, according to the seller, are just buying time. and it's not just that it was the on certainty surrounding as well as the, you know, promise, retaliation people were living on the edge and 11 on, you know, waiting for that for that response and waiting for israel as counter re to retaliations. so people were living on the edge, some of people left their homes and basically they moved further north. so he said, we have in one way or another to end that search and 6. but the bottom line is, this has spelled out is hoping that this will serve as some sorts of, of the parents that we heard this really prime minister say that this is not the end. and that's, we're going to change the equation. yes we've, we've heard,
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you know, rhetoric from both sides but the messaging either from israel or has well, is that neither side is looking to expand this conflict or a full on war at least for now. thank you so much from beirut zayna. honda reporting israel briefly suspended all operations at tele visa made airport as its military traded fire with hezbollah plains that were diverted to all the efforts have now resumed that slides. but several foreign airlines have council slides to tel aviv. i'm a route until monday or in some cases until further notice. they include a fronds, actually had a ways and a g and lines. the room has moved from branches in the occupied westbank, which is close to israel's banker in at ports. from where we are right now, it appears that life has gotten back to some i normal at the been go, are you an airport? yes, we've heard the director of the airport saying that 50 flights out of 360 has been
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suspended. and we suspect that this number has taken place in the early hours of the morning when the attack was still ongoing. before we've been seeing plans, it planes take off and land. we are talking about being go in airport, the main lifeline for travel in and out of israel. but we've been already seeing several airlines saying that there's the spending their flights to and from tele be because they were talking about the escalation that was expecting the expect that that seems to be contained. now we had, he had inventories, one of the villages, overlooking teller eve, it is on the boundary. the internationally recognized the boundary that separates israel from the occupied westbank were. palestinians were fearing that any escalation would move all attention to these bronze to these, the bigger region wars fears of regional wars. and that this would be reflected on more subtler attacks and more expediting,
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all is really plans to consolidate occupation here in the occupied westbank is that, but i even teach the occupied westbank. tell us by ron bouchard is out, is there a senior political analyst who joins a spice guy from london and whenever we see a spike contentions between israel and as bala, there is always this question of whether it will be a limited will or if it could expand into something great to that's true. but the past, it's a 1011 months. it's been going according to some sort of a script whereby a discrepancies are limited. there's a bit to run that tax and cons that i tax a bit defined by its consequence. and i think it's something that's necessarily i'd try to address today and i thought that was very interesting that he underlined it once again. the idea that which as well as trying to do is 2
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things. one is to establish some form of a balance of consequence. he wasn't quite a balance of power. he doesn't think has by law is by any measure as powerful as is that are really talented. but it is capable on the other hand, of establishing a balance of consequence. meaning if is there a tax, military base is an hour, has butler bases as part of what like that is there. i mean, it could have been flex pages that hasn't been, that will do the same, right? that is there any times, i think that arises the population of soc lebanon. and unfortunately, more then, has been a lot with that arise. the population of north is, are that, unfortunately for me, so it's in my words, i would call it establishing a balance of that or when is right and you get a rise, send me with that arise you. the 2nd thing that i thought was very interesting is the winning of the 2 friends guys i never and on basically save just like is drive
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is supported by the united states nature. one of those guys i should expect the support of its uh, out of uh, brother in sunset in the lab and on have to fun law. would it be supportive of the guys upfront for as long as it goes, in other words, don't expect this thing and as long as you continue the aggression on garza to does it, then also put the focus on netanyahu pressure for a ceasefire in gauze or, and by extension 11 and oh yeah, there's no doubt about that's what we know for a fact today. and for a fact yes is the fact that the region is on the brink called one of 2 sonata, and that's called at another cross. so it's more than a cross, right? it's there. so certain village is to it. that's why i, for the break, it's either
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a good move towards the unscripted escalation of war towards a more regional award, where the involvement of has by law and others. and i'm far more aggressive way and is there and also why they think the war alone with the united states and a more aggressive way, which would be catastrophic for the region as well. as for is there, i'd actually bad more. it could go the way of some form of a ceasefire, which is not exactly the best of these fires because it's not even a permanent ceasefire. it's one that's been imposed by the united states accepted by him us. but is there a continues to either way on it or continues to undermine it to i'm so, so for i, why is that? right? i mean, nothing. you know, nothing. you know is the person today is the one who use an infected criminal. so he's the one criminal law criminal that it shows by the international criminal court for work crimes. that is basically blocking the fast to
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a cease fire of possible despite that, perhaps eventually some photo of stability and prosperity or not getting to where it's more of a starting a new war, regionalizing the war as also for the excuse. by the way, the conventional wisdom that his government might for i think is no longer relevant to the i actually also argued that it's past time. but with this sort of on c spy, i did on the did i'm not going to leave the college even if they need the government. so once again, the one block, the one kind of started the one criminal that is blocking the move towards more of a ceasefire submitted to this fight and perhaps the worst there's no more is benjamin nothing else? okay, thank you very much, my wanda shara that well, israel is old and the media evacuation of the alex the hospital in darrow by law. this is the only hospital so functioning in central gaza. and who do the reports
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from darrow by law? a work can, can you, in all of the hospital after the people here receive they back, you wasting orders from that is really forces. as you see there's panic and fear some palestinians are getting ready to leave, but where they have no idea. we're also seeing how this thing is leaving with. a our patients not knowing where to go, this is not only a hospital, it has been a salter, under a refuge for thousands of families. as you see, people do not know they've got to wait or not. they're not knowing where to leave this in the backyard of the hospital. as you see, this is all tents and people were living in this area. there's a very viewed state of panic on fear and frustration among those kind of thing. and there have been living here in the hospital for more than 11 months and now they do
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not know where to go. this is in the just, you know, a lot of the hospital there is, but i've got the palestine. well, the health work is it likes hospitalized saying they don't know how long they can continue to care for that patients. may i have the feeling better for me to do? we have no idea of what will become of our patients where we're going. we don't even know if the hospital will be able to function. the entire health sector has already collapsed. medical staff already left the hospital, even patients, even the injured evacuated. we don't know what will happen next. 6, you and drugs have entered so downs del, full region, caring lot. she needed food and medical supplies. they were able to cross the border y, the andre area in charge of the citizens warring policies, agreed on 2 routes, the a to enter the country. the army chief abdul fatah bore hans as these pushing phases as simplified system for quick game processing and delivering the aid, but ongoing fighting between the army and the problem. military rapids support
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forces, as well as recent flooding has made it much honda for hundreds of thousands of people facing from and to receive aid. hey, but morgan is following developments from cartoon a just hours after sedans, army chief general abdel, how about hon. reiterate to the armies position that they did not want the talks and geneva and did not recognize that and will not to participate in it. the student needs army long, several as strikes against positions of the parent, and it's through rapid support forces in the dar for region. now the army chief general have been put the go on made it very clear that they didn't even talk is not something the army or the sudanese government will participate. and he said that the fact that the united arab emirates which he had previously accused of supporting the rapid support forces is present in those costs as an observer, complicates issues. now he also said that they did not want that they did not want to be presented as the army, but rather as a government and that they do not want an alternative platform. do they get the
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talk or did the platform, which was launched last year by the mediators, saudi arabia and the united states. now all those have called comes as the media to head back to both the army and the rapid support forces agreed to allow for who was here and assistance to reach those in need. and aid is coming into some parts of the country. the as to the news army and the government announced that they were opening the advert crossing which connects to the west that are for not to chat and humanitarian aid. according to the united nation is coming in with several trucks entering over the past few days. but the pricing is ongoing, the army continues to launch as strikes the farm. and a true rapid support forces continues to launch our series out artillery strikes against positions of this with these army, and also in other civilian areas such as the city of the mind. interested in these capital, which will complicate 2 minutes here in assistance. and the fact that both sides were not able to reach
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a ceasefire agreement in life of the fact that the army was absent from those thoughts will complicate issues because that means slicing will continue on the ground. humanitarian agencies have been saying that ongoing violence and fighting with their aid workers at risk that makes it very hard for the delivery of humanitarian assistance. the civilians costs up in areas of conflict, such as the capital and the doc for region, as well as in the southern parts of the country. and with the, with the fact that there has been ne, fire reach. it's not clear if with the both sides thing that they will allow for humanitarian assistance to be delivered if they will allow for a new platform or if they will return to the platform like the army has demanded. hey, but morgan, alta 0 cartoon. still out on the program. so it's like flavor all over. and that's done. we don't want to go back to that. are fighting for a piece of power dies. why the rise of private beaches in jamaica means less access for locals. and will tell you why to ask, you know, stranded in space,
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we'll have to wait until next february to return to us. the are between southern vietnam and borneo. this cloud here has waxing and waning, but typically in the full cost is going to be sheets number of funds towards the extent westwards towards some tile infinity or malaysia. the switch to what the central philippines, but the scattering of big thunderstorms returning to something positive and easier sooner. why see, for example, with the website to where there is no. so that's a tie food. and shen chavez making its way slowly towards what looks like the major rods and stuff in japan probably will be. but this is a much bigger area of heavy writing, which is like to produce funding south of beijing then down towards you know, not with the winds, but certainly the amount of reading could be
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a risk tion shawn heads towards carter street. but it looks like you to stop dive it to was a soccer later wednesday and says that he think she code true. i probably for falls . so soccer will have it always to the west or what the state of lot being wednesday. and the, with this quite possibly stay now, monitoring brains have been in the news, creating a huge amount of funding in the southeast of bangladesh and the circulation developing on the western side of india and self impact is down. that will produce significant rain. and yet more flooding, which may 1 extend into southern pakistan on the was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative, a separation of what we can achieve when to reach the
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welcome to submit an extra re, does that a little redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future today, we create of the the back of algae 0 recap of the main stories now as paula has launched hundreds of drones and rockets towards israel. what it says is retaliation. so these estimation of a top come on during be rude last month. and i think he's on good. see the house on the star list as the attack talking to the military intelligence base, located more than a 100 can offices into is really territory. he said civilian areas when not
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targeted. meanwhile is or others or the immediate evacuation of thoughts of darrow bhalla, including with the alex the hospital is located. it's the only medical facilities still functioning in central gaza. and they've been providing shelter to thousands of palestinians and all of the top stories 6, you in a trucks event. and so don't stop for region carrying much needed food and medical supplies. they were able to cross by the andre board and shot the ongoing fighting between the army and the problem. industry rapids support forces, as well as recent flooding in the region has made it much honda for hundreds of thousands of people who are facing 5 minute say comp. now get the age that they need we go to the keen of fi, so there's been a no, i'll kind of linked on group there and they have taken responsibility for an attack in which nearly 200 people were killed. this happened in the town of far as the logo on saturday and soldiers and civilians dug trenches designed to protect
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security outposts, at least a 140 people the injured. the attack is also so weapons and a military ambulance. nicholas hawkins, following developments from car in senegal. and we've just heard from eye witnesses or survivors of what happened on saturday in burkina faso in the ton of box the little go, which is roughly a 100 kilometers from the capital walk. i do go in the eye. witnesses say that on friday they were asked by the burkina faso military on the ground to start digging trenches. now, many of the civilians did not want to do so they were afraid of revenge attacks from armed groups linked to all tie it up. but also i so that are active in the area. so some of them were forced at gunpoint to dig trenches along this road and i visited this era. there's a large road that kicked that connects the north of the country to the capital walk . i do so hundreds,
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if not thousands of villages were forced to dig those trenches on saturday when men in a on, on motorcycle started shooting at them. and from the video published by the i'll call you to affiliate jamal in the subject line. well mostly mean there were bodies scattered in those trenches as if they had just dug their own mass graves. hundreds of bodies of women, children and men with sandals scattered around the places as they were trying to run away from the the attack. now the became of fossil forces has not talked about it, have not communicated about this attack, but according to the local hospitals, they've activated their emergency plan. the nurses doctors have been recall to try to treat those that have been injured. but there are many more on accounted for and we expect in the hours to come that the death toll will continue to rise.
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the at least 4 people have been interested in a russian strike on a hotel, a new quaint in city of crime. the tours rescue efforts around the way and teams at the scene, a clearing up debris, a john this from the voices, news, aged agencies, mountain missing. following these attacks. i always could tell from this has these details now from keith. the governor of the next because now confirmed the 4 people have been wounded by the missile strikes that hit a hotel on saturday nights in chrome. it's all from his host is just behind the printing in front line and the city itself. and indeed, that hotel was often used by generous by tv cruise by agencies as well, including out 0. the missile that hit it and destroyed the hotel. isn't it scanned the m, which is precision guidance,
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which means it was aimed at the hotel specifically. now local authorities have confirmed that there was no obvious military target within the hotel and not even in the surrounding area. the russian army is slowly advancing. a more and more pressure is being put on the premium defenders, which is wrong from the cost for the whole of don't that alex it's helpless out to 0 key. meanwhile, another not you finding as striking the russian border region of belgrade is killed . 6 people and regions governance has 13 officers, including 3 children, but wounded kiva stepped up, its attacks inside rushes and launching a ground defensive intercourse. earlier this month. moscow says it's sending more troops to the region. in response, the chief executive of the messaging ap telegram has been arrested in front russian born bible, deer of was detained at borges appalonia paris. that would media reports that there was a warrant as his arrest as part of the french investigation. the russian embassy in
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fronds is saying, is working to have this situation clarified or bangladesh is struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding. although weather officials say flood waters are receding in some areas, many people still can't get food, electricity, or voice, a full cost of wanting the funding is going to continue throughout the week. at least 18 people have died. millions more stranded jamaica's tourism industry is growing. last year, the island nation welcome more than 4000000 visitors compared with 3300000 just the before. but he's driving some of the locals from the family land as the meat treatment for den cover reports. ah, my favorite block of all of this is definitely getting up to this. every morning kamala thomas and her family have lift on both money, beach and jamaica for decades. now the fighting to make sure all
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jamaicans can access. it is our privilege for an open dispute. that's on in 2019 a company called wolf group. both properties near the beach planning to build a $200000000.00 luxury resort. but the land they purchased overlaps with the own, the access road and the property with another rest of family and family resides. so we are fighting for this reward so we can have access because we can't fly under kind of slim to do business. we have to travel by, i mean, vehicle like everybody else where partying course. and we have content in that as we made this road, i don't want it to stay free for everybody. public abscess. the wolf group has not replied to requests for comment. it previously said it had no plans to cut off the roads to bump money beach. but the thomases and other community members wants the court to guarantee this access. they have lived and worked on but money beach for
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full generations along with other rest as they flab government persecution in the sixties and seventies and took refuge. that you'll see a very arsic stores. you have to take the phone tags. ready for us, you know, hired some of them hugging the trucks on the head in order to survive. ross the far is a move made for the liberation off the mines of to do the same stuff. and you know, push box of colonialism, but systems oppression. after years of oppression and increasingly hostile land sales, the tourism industry still capitalize us. on the musician and rest of our culture. the exclusion of jamaican communities from beach is, is not the new one. local advocacy group says less than one percent of the coastline is open to the public. the rest has been privatized by hotels and resorts
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. what people are working for, what you're making the military, you can spend the night in here. so it's like flavor all over. in us then we don't wanna go back to that. well, tourism is a significant drive of to make is economy. the thomas's wants the industry to be inclusive, to help preserve rastafarian culture and history to meet them at the didn't go now to 0. it was supposed to be an 8 day trip to the international space station. was turned into an 8 month stay for 2 asteroids. they've been stuck in spaces june onto that. boeing test, slice offered severe malfunctions. nasa decided the astronauts will now have to wait until february to fly back to us on a space ex croft bicycle and reports from washington. lots of cheering here in the room. big hugs when asked or not, so we need to williams and bush will more arrived at the international space station. all.


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