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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the the hello am i am and why is the welcome to the news? our life from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes israel, or does the immediate evacuation of areas and they're all by letting me unlock so hospital for and don't to say they've received calls telling them to leave israel and has paula exchanged fire across the southern lebanon border as follows,
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saying it was in retaliation for the killing of one of its commanders. and all kinds of things. a group is paying responsibility for an attack that killed nearly $200.00 people in central between a fast. so and a russian as strike on a hotel in ukraine, injuries for a journalist from the reuters news agency is missing and piece of statement with your thoughts. news on the thoughts 1st game at home in charge of livable n as in victory baby brain for to know it and feel to make it to wins out of to in the post era. the hello and welcome to the program. we begin this news hour in gaza. why israel? who is or did the immediate evacuation of parts of darrow bala and you know, unlock the hospital. some for and medical software receive calls from the is really ministry telling them to leave the facility. it's the only hospital still
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functioning in central garza and i have a feeling better from the doodle. we have no idea of what will become of our patients or where we're going. we don't even know if the hospital will be able to function. the entire health sector has already collapsed. medical staff already left the hospital. even patients may even be injured or evacuated. we don't know what will happen next. and the elder there is and a who do reports now from darrow bala, a quick change in all up the hospital after the people here receive they back, you wasting orders from that is really forces. as you see, there's panic and fear. some palestinians are getting ready to leave, but where they have no idea. we're also seeing how this thing is leaving with. a our patients not knowing where to go, this is not only a hospital, it has been a salter, under a refuge for thousands of families. as you see,
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people do not know to evacuate or not. they're not knowing where to do this in the backyard of the hospital. as you see, this is all tents and people were living in this area. there's a very viewed state of panic on fear and frustration among those kind of thing. and there had been living here in the hospital for more than 11 months, and now they do not know where to go. this is in the, the address, you know, a lot of the hospital there has been, i've got the palestine. is there any forces have been issuing evacuation orders on almost daily basis and recent months? that is left to people with extremely limited options for where they can sleep target. assume suppose the palestinians who are now forced to live in the summit, trees and on the beaches in there all by the mean. how soon is making great the full year lease in his towing 10 to find the see these tens
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of the know safety and there was an have sanitation some bags of a slower a. these people have managed to say only boys to him of suit the, all the numbers i see in the model. this isn't a life wherever we go with these, right? these are raining palms and shelves on our heads. we're living in the open sea thing on sewage. these extreme conditions of putting mints, pressure empowered drawing to take care to turn. the photo of clean water was given to me by a kind of person for my son who has kidney problems. you telling me what to do? i have nothing. we are homeless and starving to death. this is all i have. and this bank of the auto spies is all i have to feed my children at. hundreds of posts in the assemblies have been forced to move around goes
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a 3 day trying to send phone that. how many have come here from rough and phoned the could only sale and symmetry just like ferris and his 7 children smuggling for our camera? well that's the engine, does it for them with a k, it's very difficult. a life is nothing but feel suffering and pain. we woke up this morning too intense. shelling and gunfire, who left them getting killed is far better than this ruined life. these filters offer little to new protection, a hole in the womb as i've been twins. another as a when do we that you or the tombstones everywhere. there is ongoing indiscriminate bombing on palestinians. he say that even know the debt can rest in goza tarik, up as doing which is 0. they're worried about how this going us and all the developments . hezbollah has launched
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a barrage of rockets and drones from lebanon towards israel. the group says this is retaliation against israel for assassinating one of its top kalonde is in be root last month at defense systems in northern israel. find that the incoming hezbollah rockets, one is right, the soldier was killed off to being hit by folding shrapnel as well the lead to has on us role as, as the attack, talking to the military intelligence base. located more than a 100 kid allman's into his riley territory. he added that the group is not targeting civilian areas. zayna holder has been reporting on this. she is in the lebanese capital. they were in the last hour we heard from her as well as secretary general hospital house, relevant, reveal details on the intended target of the groups. retaliatory strike for the killing of its top commander. so in this rela giving detail saying that that target was a military intelligence headquarters, some 110 kilometers south of the border, deep inside as well,
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just under 2 kilometers from the city of tel aviv. so what has well as saying is that it's attacked was successful and it is saying that is really reports to this attack failed are simply not true. so in this roller is accusing the government of hiding its losses and of hiding its casualties as well. also trying to make sure you know clear what the group meant in their statement this morning when it said that this was the initial phase of its retaliation. he explained the initial phase was the launching of the $300.00 or so could to. so rockets that target says at least 11 is really military positions close to the border. he said after that, strike it open some sort of a corner door because what they try to do is disrupt the is really air defenses. and the 2nd stage of the attack was when they launched drones that, according to hezbollah, hit that military intelligence headquarters. now if you listen to the israeli prime
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minister benjamin nothing yahoo! approximately 2 hours ago she said that the arm, drones that were launched by hezbollah, which were intending to hit what he said was a strategic target and central as well, were all intercepted. so you have these conflicting narrative split. the clear message from hezbollah is, in many ways the retaliation is now over. if, according to the smell, it serves its purpose. what you meant by that was that it has a lot restored to terrance. that means israel will no longer act with a, you know, little restraint and 11 on so the hours and days to come will show whether or not this has well as strikes will hold as well box and your to keep it from crossing red lines. if you like in this ongoing confrontation, oh is real briefly suspended all operations at television main airport is it's military traded file with has bala, plains that were diverted to all the efforts of now was you know,
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flights but several foreign airlines of cancel flights to tell of even by route until at least monday, they include at fronds, british airways and at the had the britain has moved from renters in the occupied westbank close to israel has been green apple. from where we are right now. it appears that life has gotten back to some i normal at the been go, are you in airport? yes, we've heard the director of the airport saying that 50 flights out of 360 has been suspended. and we suspect that this number has taken place in the early hours of the morning when the attack was still ongoing. before we've been seeing plans, if lanes take off and land, we are talking about been go in airport, the main lifeline for travel in and out of israel. but we've been already seeing several airlines saying that they're suspending their flights to and from tele b because they were talking about the escalation that was expecting the expected
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that seems to be contained now we had a huge inventory is one of the villages, overlooking teller eve, it is on the boundary, the internationally recognized the boundary that separates israel from the occupied westbank were. palestinians were fearing that any escalation would move all attention to these bronze to these be bigger regional wars fears of regional wars. and that this would be reflected on more secular attacks and more expedite thing all is really plans to consolidate occupation here in the occupied westbank is that, but i am going to use the occupied west bank and the shower is out. is there a senior political analyst who joins us now by skype from london and we're one i suppose there is a concern about whether israel and has been lo will orchestra, right? this which of controls escalation or whether or not we're at the point where that
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might change actually, judging from statements on both sides or they see, i hate to use the words or leaves, but they do seem a bit relieved that this was the end of that for the day a bit like that and it has to report to the sense that something was coming it came and i think we're sort of back to business as usual or backdoor, as someone said back our regular war back double regular programming with the war on guys on the water 11 on being limited, but of course the war them guys are or the general side continues to or bravo. in fact, if anything, reports from because of a speak call, nothing ever being relieved in a way where he doesn't really see him. if this is the original i zation. if this is what has the house of mine, then he can go on and,
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and continue to stop the ceasefire negotiations and keitel. the key is uh, you know, feels more assured that is where i can continue to hold on for preston age without having to pay much of the price. and so does that then uh give him that much more confidence in terms of pursuing uh open ended deepening occupation of gauze. uh i think that's what it seems to be a piece this afternoon. um, you know, we are 24 years track. don't, don't have 24 hour news channel, right, so we're talking about now a, both of the 3 at the strike and the stripe. one is right. there is a side, is that uh, 1st of all the delegation. uh there is, there is an additional cattle doesn't have much of a mandate that seems to actually negotiate a serious deal or seriously negotiate the deal. although there is a, you know,
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high ranking american rejection and certainly accomodate presidents, not one title. but the is really that legation has not been given enough of a heart attack by anything you know and seems like they might actually come get back. the insurance will be of tomorrow and but, but according to these really reports, there isn't much of a breakthrough because not anyhow, just as far as not allowing it is not allowing any serious discussion. why do i see serious discussion? because i've heard of late, for example, these really that it gives you a present that something like what i was certain number of how boss bikers injured wants to leave garza if how much i agree is to, is there a military presence in the middle of guys that in that setting you man in the song guys are it'd be for the quarter. that was something that is so ridiculous. and denise, uh, you know, discussion by any serious mediates or let alone uh by how much. so i think it seems that the, the, the, what's happened the north is not really influencing much of what's happening in the south. and in fact,
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it might be the opposite in the sense that nothing else feels emboldened with the support of the united states to go on with his general side and guzzle are taken altogether. the more while you know, we're reporting today on fee is about whether the on the functioning hospital in central gaza will be able to keep treating patients. because it's, it's in an area that has been issued with an evacuation on the, combined with a deepening repression in the west bank. and then also a choreographed telegraph kind of escalation, the north in southern lebanon, where people are also losing their lives. how, how sustainable is this? the does nothing. you all are feeling bold enough, emboldened enough to continue this for the foreseeable future, even if and dangerous as well as on security as well. you could say that again, juggling, pumped it as if and so forth. nothing else trying to do is um see how much would
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blink 1st. so i'm not sure that's taking too long term because clearly nothing else doesn't have an exit strategy from guys. i just, i cease fire the exit stuff if you cannot occupied god. so a definitely it's not going to work, but certainly not without from us. and quickly if you notice the last few days, even weeks, uh, is this getting civilians, but how much is actually getting an engineering design soldiers. so there's a real resistance against these that are the military presence and got. so the idea that is what i can just, you know, stay there and doesn't definitely, it's not possible. that's one to i think this, the slow down the, the, the head. this is even worse than what's really important terms of the, you know, the bombing of this residential building and, and that school themselves support is that depth from disease on famine and, and just the store that's in the hospitals and then home, people with don't get that much of that treatment, that kind of gets much of
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a treatment for whatever fat ails. and i think that slow that is also very hard to report. that's the thing that's really most page for the idea absorber was looking at what's happening and gaza. i can only, you know, size with the fee for the guys who continue to suffer under this genocide while the complicity between the united states and is ready to continue on a basis. and i can't do anything. that's what i'm left. but now i'm from iran from various parts of the world. try and give me the is just not helping the people guys off as genocide continues. don ro? okay, thank you very much. out as out, is there a senior plus congress moran, bashar speaking to us? of all israel's near daily strikes on something. rather, i know also causing wildfires have destroyed homes and businesses. many of the volunteers in the lebanese civil defense force risk that lives to tackle these flames all of the mazda and joined one of the teams and russia alpha. in the book,
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it's keep writing down. besides keeping the civil defense schools keep working, need daily strikes by these really miniature, including the use of what customers and soaring temperatures, sparking wildfires across after level. everyone has to go to the stress and the set of defense that is know they of this man who had a yellow feature the day off must directly, he goes to that mission. it's a simple we have modell is equal to the team it to, to the mobile phone nearby. they may with the rest, the way to go back, who's going to really start
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growing up in small according to the us based and configuration within the data project. in the $6000.00 the tax or level and since the conflict again, the same security can take the civil defense, investigate the course, remains some small drain line and see. and this one this why do you already overwhelmed? civil defense team has to put out a lot of love that limited feeling. we all know the situation that level known as cutting through on the crises that it's tough and throughout. hey, this has affected the entire site. but most of all civil defense see i like we like material, there was a huge lack of equipment and we'd like a protective get and my, the if the conflict between these really ministry and has blah widens to all, that will be very little. the men and women of the civil defense can do to put out the flames. and is the people of south lebanon who pay the price. beautiful, beautiful,
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clear. they are really valuable. these behind the hundreds of years older than what a day or 2 own the hundreds of years old. and everyone depends on them. we call them white gold, they're more valuable than only of trees. all of them, most of them out is there a southern level elsewhere to palestinians have been killed. visor, id forces near the illegal is riley. so i told him into the aerial in the occupied westbank. israel says the 2 men from jeanine attempted to ram on the post on the road that the 2 within repeatedly shot medic say a 39 year old man was slightly injured in the attack. the invocation of paso and al qaeda linked on group. there is taken responsibility for an attack that's killed me. 200 people. it happened in the town of bar salon, go inside today. a soldiers and civilians dug trenches designed to protect security outposts. at least
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a $140.00 people that injured the attack is also still weapons and a military ambulance. nicholas hopkins following developments from the car instead of go. the gruesome images circulating on social media, propagated by the local, all kind of philly age. i'm on the side of the salon, while mostly means they have claimed responsibilities for this latest attack that took place hundreds of kilometers away from the capitol walker do, who dangerously close to the center of power. now, the routine of fossil forces had sense that an attack was going to take place and it had asked on friday villagers to start digging up trenches out of desperation. many of the villagers refused to do so and were forced at gunpoint. they were scared of reprisals. attacks from the fighters of these arms groups, the aftermath was gruesome. we see villagers,
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their bodies scattered in these trenches as if they were dug into mass graves were talking about hundreds of people that had been killed in the matter of ours. this is the most brutal attack in this month of august, but it comes on the heels of many more attacks. now analysts say that the gentle leaders seem to be more preoccupied by a savings there, hold on power to countering these attacks. meanwhile, the norwegian refugee council says that the conflict and routine of foss so is for them the most neglected one on the planet. there's a lack of funding, lack of media, attention, and lack of help for those displaced. they say that there is an order neglect of this place, people and this has become the new normal in between a false. so the death toll is likely to rise in the hours to come and millions of people continue to flee. the ongoing conflict with half of the country out of
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government control nicholas hawk, l g 0, the car as we go to. so dawn now and there are 6 you and trots sort of into the del, for region carrying lot. she had food and medical supplies, they were able to cross via the border with chad off to saddam's warring policies agreed on 2 routes for a to enter the country on the chief of the photos. but han says he's put in place a simplified system for quickly processing and delivering the aid. but the ongoing fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces, as well as recent flooding in the region, has made it much more difficult for hundreds of thousands of people were facing funding to get the aide. april morgan is following this development as far as from hard to just hours after sedans, army chief general, i have them put, the hon. reiterate to the armies position that they do not want the talks and geneva and do not recognize that and will not participate in it. the 2nd is army
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long, several as strikes against positions of the parent, and it's through rapid support forces in the dark for region. now the army chief general, i've been put the go on, made it very clear that they do need to talk is not something the army or the student needs government will participate. and he said that the fact that the united arab emirates, which he had previously accused of supporting the rapid support for us, it is present in those talks as an of the complicates issues. now he also said that they did not want that they did not want to be represented as the army, but rather as a government and that they do not want an alternative platform. do they did the talk or did the platform, which was launched last year by the mediators, saudi arabia and the united states. now all those have called comes as the media to head back to both the army and the rapids. support forces agreed to allow for he was hearing assistance to reach those in need. and aid is coming into some parts of the country. b as to the news army, and the government announced that they were opening the ad re crossing which
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connects to the west that are for not to chat. and how many parent ada, according to the united nation, is coming in with several trucks entering over the past few days. but the pricing is ongoing. the army continues to launch as strikes, the farm and a through rapid support force has continues to launch our series out artillery strikes against position of this with in these army, and also in other civilian areas that are just such as the city of the mind, independent capital, which will complicates military assistance and the fact that both sides were not able to reach as many as a cease fire agreement in light of the fact that the army was absent from those thoughts will complicate issues because that means slicing will continue on the ground communitarian agencies have been saying that ongoing violence and fighting with their aid workers at risk that makes it very hard for the delivery of humanitarian assistance to civilians. costs up in areas of conflict, such as the capital and the doc for region, as well as in the southern parts of the country. and with the, with the fact that there has been ne, by
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a reach. it's not clear if with the both sides think that they will allow for humanitarian assistance to be delivered if they will allow for a new platform or if they will return to the platform like the army has demanded. hippa morgan, alta 0 cartoon onyx of all, is the executive director of the well peace foundation at tufts university, joins us from boston before this power struggle between the army and the permanent true rapids support forces and sit on the country was already it had already been struggling with a humanitarian crisis. how bruce, so has this conflict in for the people of sit down to it's been a totally devastating thing. when the conflict began some 16 months ago, both sides knew that the country was in desperate economic straits. it had a major fruit security crisis that was millions of displaced from previous was
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agriculture was very carriers. but in respect to all that they were launched a wall that both sides have been using starvation as a weapon. the all right assess, generally speaking, is a diluting machine in college is its way across the country taking everything that can be can be taken and vandalizing much of what cannot be taken. and the army is trying to choke off old materials supplies to the recess area. so both sides on using starvation as a weapon. and it is now the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world by numbers. and just a few weeks ago, simon was officially declared and sit on and what about the this is a widespread conflict, but because they don't as a large country, but the fact that it's expanded into places like algebra state, i think call for 1000000 people have been displaced but, but that is an example of
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a place that was known as the bread basket of the country, which could now no longer produce anything. exactly. i mean we, we've never faced the situation before, really a nationwide food emergency where no where is protected. so places like l g 0 like center to this house, which have been historically very fluid, secure of north south side, widespread hung up for generations now being sucked into the spiral of deprivation and starvation and front to the amount of 8 that is coming in. even with these small openings of underway on the chat board, a possibly a couple of others, it is pitiful in comparison with the amount that is needed. meanwhile, you have people who would you excuse paying violence in the country and the internally displaced, i think reaches some 10000000 people that has to be the highest number anywhere in
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the world. so and people are rooted from their homes and they have no way to go. they then even if they can find shelter, don't have access to food and basic supplies. that's correct, and we have 2000000 refugees and we have food crises in neighboring countries. south sedona is in desperate straits so, so is, is china, both libya and egypt talk inhospitable for refugee? so really, this is an extraordinary early wide, as well as deep humanitarian crisis. and the international response has been picked up pretty slow so that even what, even if policies do, begin to relax the that grid begin to allow agencies to operate the amount of food, the amounts of resources. that's how they level to begin to relieve the suffering of fall from isaac, what twenties need?
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it isn't just it doesn't trucks. crossing the border, crossing from ads, right in a day we need hundreds of trucks. so that have crossing a dozen roots into the country. every day, in order to begin to meet the food needs of the less, the low and the medical needs, the segmentation that rehabilitation that will have to come on about the, for an interference countries, a pull that is abroad, that is supporting the warring policies with money and weapons, how important is it to identify and sanction them? but i think everyone who observes installer sit on knows that the route to any sort of agreement in so don runs through public, got be in the m are it's, and we are in saudi arabia. these are the 2 giant external parties. the u. a has been very actively backing the recess with money and gum so low denies. it's
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unconvincingly saudi arabia liens the all the way. and the fact that these 2 major powers are rifles and neither ones to see any space or give any credit to the other, means that the 2 warring parties have really no reason to come to the table and negotiate seriously. and even the representative solving of saudi arabia and the emeralds, well rising to the peace towards they simply when senior enough, it is only the very highest levels. and those 2 countries that decisions will be taken. and until that happens, i'm afraid sedona seems to be sent home the path of continuing conflict and deepening. simon, thank you very much, alex of all for joining us. thank you. as most of the bring you on this news out, we're focusing on bangladesh. floods begin to ease, but thousands of people are still stranded and need more humanitarian health. we're
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also looking at why to us and all stranded in space. we'll have to wait until next february to return to us by to orlando norris's sun valley. huge statement to try to live on. lots of people have that story. the a 1000 studies from sudden the storms in the streets, the u. e. and in the south west of society, more or less down here, the sun, the storms are prone to build up in the mountains. anyway, the full cost wise. you ready see them here as you can see, but you do see that when son are, where is the set, this huge amount of funding still in the streets and, and the southwest is how the regular that will sort of the story as you might expect is a feat, we saw 50 degrees of getting an east and iraq and we got 50 is a full cost for by dad. this for monday, the tuesday possibly
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a little different. it's cooler around the gulf. states in verifying cutoff is still fairly humid, but not as bad as it was last week. this eve, the child was small shock coming across from the edge of the mom, assuming she's currently affecting at least pakistan, but as thrown fired up into or something they're wrong. but typically that's the place to look at it for, for fairly frequent thunderstorms. now, equally that lot of last few takes you across to ethiopia. property, sudan, the rain is not particularly heavy here is maybe heavy a still when you move towards north nigeria where those extensive funding at the moment. but if you dip size, are you reading? you've got these just catching k time over the eastern side, about a gasket everywhere else is fine and dry. the approved or reject the most progressive constitution ever proposed for any nation
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in the history. yes or no. shooting, voted to know. the big picture us was a question. the don't was into the very foundation of june until the cause of its relationship with indigenous people in the midst of 2 pos to on the jersey sears from. i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0. new at using is it
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the the come back? look at the main stories. now. israel has ordered the immediate evacuation of positive daryl violent new unlocks the hospital, some foreign medical stuff or receive calls from these rainy ministry, telling them to leave the facility. it's the only hospital still functioning in central gaza as well as ne hundreds of drones and rockets towards israel and what it says is retaliation for the assassination of a top. come on to invite route last month 11. he's on groups visa, how sudden australia says the attack targeted a military intelligence base. okay, take more than a 100 kilometers into is rainy territory. you said civilian areas one not targeted . and 6,
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you and trucks of entities to don style for region carrying much needed food and medical supplies. they were able to cross y the andre border in charge. the ongoing fighting between the army and the pine military rapids support forces as well as flooding in the region as made it much harder to get hundreds of thousands of people were facing. finding the food aid they need as well. now solving ethiopia efforts are on the way that to save the town of on the right day from flooding. thousands of people have been evacuated in farm is in the area accounting their losses. katherine story has this report. government workers in m a right to digging trenches to save the town from flooding your peers all more revised. resent the boston basks and displaced thousands of people along its banks. those who leave in this town see the river is still rising
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. the ice flood originates from lake to corner and is moving towards the tunnel. and what are we brought in machinery to build the flood, which is now only 4 kilometers from the town. we're carrying out this project in collaboration with volunteers and the regional government are cash jack who is worried, he's green. we rocked in defense. the electric i was socum crops before that for the mature, trying to save them before the flood arrives and destroys everything. this for this devastating our livelihood, forcing us to feed the soul, come to our cuts over them before the inevitable destruction of many people who leave on the edge of the river have been relocated to shelters like these, receiving food and basic necessities for some of the children already came here, my nourished plugged in the. ready my child is very sick with davia and has been
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vomiting. we live near the river, but the government moved us to this place. we used to catch fish. now we've got to rely on others to feed us. last month, more than $200.00 people were killed up the online slides by them alive in the south and go for region. some are still missing this way. the season comes off the back of the reasons drought in this phone of africa. thousands of people in millions of lives stop died off the full field, rainy seasons, boost affected, see that, hoping that homes will still be standing when they retire on cathy, sorry, alda 0. well, bangladesh is also struggling to cope with severe and widespread flooding as well. over whether officials say the front voices are receding in some areas. many people still don't have food, clean,
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water or electricity. at least 18 people have died and millions more. a stranded tottenville chandry is in one of the areas where rescue efforts are on the way to the challenge just to get the left to a remote location and many people are still stock. they need to be rescued and to be provided with fresh water as well. as dry food, there was lots of volunteers coming from all across the country, but they're also making things very complicated as a traffic gridlock. that's k also into freight. many of them turn over the road like no major telecommunication, the electricity, making it much more complicated for those wanting to get the really, that's the biggest challenge is getting enough boats. those that are available are small boats that not good enough to go in those areas because of the under time, the big boats are used by rescue operation and the volunteers. so low boats would help the situation, but it's not available right now. some of the places the water was sitting,
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particularly in the south eastern bangladesh, but wherever we are in my life, so eastern buying of us in bridge on. yeah, yeah. the water hasn't received that. i need the heavy right down for continuous things to get worse. even in framing in north hollywood area, some places are water are listening, but many of their neighbors are still blowing over danger levels. which could be a potential danger that there's more phone soon rain coming, but that as an apple and from all the fact of the military, the navy because got a term government to send it to advise that to the remote areas, to coordinate with the local government to get things done in a position where and there is no lack of volunteer as people are coming from all across the country to help the situation. a major challenge for this new government is to cope with one of the unprecedented, flooded as sending 3 decades. sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say it, i bought a john, call me last. in other news,
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at least 4 people have been injured in a rush and strike on a hotel them ukrainians that you have comma tours. a john is from the reuters news agency is missing. following these attacks is consulting, this has more from keith the governor donated because now confirmed the full people have been wounded by the missile strikes that hit a hotel on saturday nights in chrome. it's all from a task is just behind the printing in front line and the city itself. and indeed that hotel was often used by jen was by tv, cruise fi agencies as well, including out 0 the missile, but it hits it's in destroyed the hotel, isn't it? scanned the m, which is precision guided, which means it was aimed at the hotel specifically. now local authorities have confirmed that there was no obese military target within the hotel and not even in the surrounding area. the russian army is slowly advancing. a more and more pressure is being put on the printer to defend as much as wrong from the cost for
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the whole of don't that alex, it's helpless out to 0. keep. meanwhile, in, overnight ukrainian striking the russian border region of belgrade is killed. 6 people, regions governance says 13 others, including 3 children, were wounded, kiva stepped off attacks inside rushes, and is launching a ground defensive into curse. earlier this month, those are giovanni has moved from cars in russia. is what a deadly day in belgrade region, just south of where we are in carson city. now this is a region that is in a state of emergency as of about 10 days ago due to a continuous attack by you created forces at this latest attack took place on sunday and there are civilian casualties. and there was a number of people wounded as well. there was a deadly strike as well. overnights that kills at least 5 civilians. and the 13
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people have been injured including 3 children. all this comes as the government has said, that they are sending aid and military equipment and hardware of personnel to the developer. our region to deal with the continuous threat therapy facing the governor. there says that the situation is very tense and difficult. now incurs city, people are also bracing for the worst this continuous attack by ukrainian forces on russian soil is not coming to an end. do they continue at daily attacks and the russian defense industries saying that they are preventing the ukrainian forces from making any further advancements towards curse safety for the time being they are maintaining their positions and that is that the front lines our votes um 90 kilometers from kirsten city for the time being uh the residents continued to be on edge and prepare for the worst. doors is avari, elda, sierra, kirk city, russia. the chief executive of the messaging up tyler ground has been arrested in france,
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russian born pablo. gerald was detained at bush at fulton in paris. there were media reports that there was a warrant says, arrest as parts of an investigation in front. russian embassy is saying that it's working to have the situation power fight by that smith is in paris with more on the rest. we know the purple door off was detained last night on saturday night when he landed this private add port to the north of paris. there's no official comment from the french and terry ministry. all the police this, he just wants being reported on domestic french media and they say he's been detained as part of a preliminary investigation into telegram over the lack of motor races on police. it said, consider the situation of the allowed criminal activity to go on to to telecom is about a 1000000000 uses worldwide. and because of its size, is it come on the increasing scrutiny from europe and regulators who are concerned
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about breaches of dates or, and sensitive information. dorothy himself, he's a french, russian jewel citizen. he left russia in 2014, when he refused to comply with the russian regulations, demands to close down the social media that goes on the opposition channels on the social media that and now is on the steward. he lives in the united arab emirates. he's previously said, though, for some governments have tried to pressure him, but he says that the app should remain a neutral platform, a not a flash in geo politics. these are particularly important to in the russian ukraine . war is one of the few places where russians particularly, can get independent information about what's happening in ukraine. you crating juice a lot as well. due credit and present blood made as the landscapes frequently posts on the telegram as russian officials do. so it's particularly in respect to that conflict with telecomm. how's that? as a particularly dominant role?
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the democratic republic of congo is receive the 1st batch of vaccines against impulse government roll out a mass fax nation campaign in the most effective areas next week, or more than 16000 cases and 500 that's reported in the d. c, which is the worst effective country and estimated 3 and a half 1000000 doses will be needed to cover the outbreak. most of that for you on the news hour. so it's like flavor all of us. enough time. we don't want, we'll bump into the fighting for a piece of power dies. why the rise of private beaches in jamaica is less access for locals. and finally, gosh, the august on and of cricket test much for the 1st time. peter will be here with the action is for the and the stillness,
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think them documenting 2 decades and one of the most in baffled coolness of the globe child of afghanistan, 20 years of war, follows me from boyhood to manhood. a life that has no, no peace shaped by hardship, resilience and adventure. the unique zoom, the cap, just the complex in a way it has never been seen before. witness on tuesday or the latest news as it breaks according to you and it says, the rate of, of children dason. this complex is une president in the history of modern wars with detailed coverage as well. what do we think it's so cold? humanitarian phone has led to less access to nearby who says from the heart of the story, people come gets exercised, but it's also important for mental health the gym for, for a brief respite from the heroes of war the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, for was to, to better thank you very much on the slots 1st home game in charge of live, a pool has ended in a to no victory against branford. i took just 13 minutes to go in front of the school. be opened up on the account with tech support. and they only thing they victory against it, switch and it was on target again to him. in the 1st, you can talk with your names that mariska enjoyed easiest premium. even when his chelsea had touch ending some stove of the substance, a life of steps,
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which way he lost to no dimensions to city yoga, so a 6 to thrashing against was gold. so nicholas jackson and co, honda, as well as the hendrick, 490, met directly. now seizing cycle 3 points, wounds though. have you registered please call somebody consider themselves lucky to have escaped with the 11 who would for move. try to get a hold on anthony drew level for the visitors. ben, good. what's all right then thought he had one of the inside and stoppage time. but the goal was ruled off a handful, much to the displeasure of food with boss, and donate it. oh uh, 18 year old ingrid because school is supposed to go for real madrid is they beat rail via adult at 3. know, and what was kidding about his 1st game at the band about you watch these teammate steel, the show as fit of elbow. they opened the scoring the best buy for him, diaz made it so you know, before the young brazilian strike
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a in the can made sure of the 1st one of the season. also 11 who against me. ok last week becomes madrid's youngest eva foreign play. it's a school been some companies, 1st game in charge of fine music has ended in a 3 to victory, jamal mostly all the opening, the school for the side defense to disappointing 3rd last season. both big, full time for me to goes down. but every k, instead of searching every to school, but wait a minute, some time morris sent out a huge statement that we spoke with one side land patients with a comfortable victory in the ducks, growing pre not started from pulp position, but too much wheel spends whole time but you meet and homes, david mex, for stuff and age in friends, so that lee last of 18 lapses, not us moved back into the 1st and showed mcclurman space as these need continue to expand and incredible today. the 2nd gap was the results as not as one the 2nd race of his career,
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the gap to him and for stop and now 70 points in the standings as adjustment 2nd for 2nd hit of for always show the class if it was amazing. yeah. once again, um, i wouldn't say a perfect grace because of a loved one again, but um, off there was that was beautiful. you know, the paste was very strong, the call was was unbelievable today. so i couldn't get comfortable. i could uh, i could push and uh get post max, which was the main thing. and i just go from there. so honestly quite a straightforward res stone. so tough, i would very enjoyable olympic champion poll both a mando do plan, so it says base. so these will record the sweet, cleared 6.26 meters on the 2nd attempt at the diamond league events in poland on sunday. this is the 10th time the 24 year old has broken the will the equity previously did that just 2 weeks ago on his way to a lengthy cold, the sand and the 3000 meters event? no ways yackel ingrid. some say it's
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a new will record 23 year old with across the line in 7 minutes. 17.55 seconds. that beats the old, wrinkled, sitting 1996 by kenya's daniel coleman. bangladesh made history by winning may 1st have a cricket test match against pucky stones. at the 14th time of asking, at the start of day's plane, revel pending the mattress needs to be added. for joel talk, he's done with 23 for one. before it gets from mitty her son, me, raz, sold a home side collapse to 146 all out bangladesh chase down. the said he went on to win by 10, we could see and bring much need a joy to a country currently facing pollution consumption it's. it's very important. i think the last thing 11 month we had a really difficult decision. the seizure suddenly stated that of some problems data, but uh i invalid this, we all support each other and this way and i think that gives them little bit smile
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on their face and that's, that's why we have them here. we have been, we tried to do next match at the same thing like this to, to i'm women's us open champion. i mean, soccer says she's in a much better mental space off the raising concerns with social media comments earlier in the month in which she said she didn't feel like she was in her body. a soccer has struggle to re discover her based full since giving birth to a daughter last year about the japanese player since she's not feeling better. she proposed to play. you alayna off the pink coming the 1st round on tuesday. yeah, i mean i'm definitely in a better place. so i think that for me, in that moment i haven't had too many practices on hard court. and this is the busiest season i've ever had, especially after coming from wimbledon olympics and then toronto back to back. so i think i needed a lot of time to adjust. i feel like people that are athletes wouldn't know how
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unglamorous stuff but of glasses, but also maybe it's better that way because especially when i come to the us open, i kind of feel like we're entertainers and i know i think what's pretty cool. the full right, that's what the full sneeze for now matter. thank you so much. teresa jamaica's tourism industry is growing last year. the nation welcome more than 4000000 visitors but is driving some locals from the family land as the meet you met with den carports? ah, my favorite part about it is definitely getting up to this every morning. come on, the thomas and her family have lived on both monte beach, in jamaica for decades. now the fighting to make sure all jamaicans can access. it is our privilege for an open dispute that's on in 2019 a company called wolf group. both properties near the beach planning to build a $200000000.00 luxury resort. but the land they purchased overlaps with the own,
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the access road and the property with another rest of our young family resides. so we are fighting for this reward. so we can have access because it can fly and we kind of swim to do business. we have to travel by, i mean vehicle like everybody else where car is being course and we're content in that we made this road. i don't want it to stay free for everybody. public offices . the work group has not reply to requests for comment. it previously said it had no plans to cut off the roads to bump money beach, but the thomases and other community members wants the court to guarantee this access. they have lived and worked on bub monday beach for 4 generations along with other rest as they flab government persecution in the sixties and seventies and took refuge. that you will see a very,
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i think store you have to take to politics. as far as, you know, hired some of the trucks on the head in order to survive. ross so far is a movement for the liberation off the minds of to do says stuff and see if it's a no push box of colonialism, but systems oppression. after years of oppression and increasingly hostile land sales, the tourism industry still capitalize us. on the musician and rest of our culture. the exclusion of jamaican communities from beach is, is not the new one. local advocacy group says less than one percent of the coastline is open to the public. the rest has been privatized by hotels and resorts . what people are working for, what you're making the military, you can spend the night in here. so it's like flavor all over. in us then we don't want to go back to the us while tourism is a significant drive of to make is economy. the thomas's wants the industry to be
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inclusive, to help preserve rastafarian culture and history to meet them at the didn't go now to 0. what was supposed to be an 8 day trip to the international space station is turned into an 8 month stay for to us. reynolds to call in and washington explains . there's lots of cheering here in the room. big hugs when asked or not. so we need to williams and bush will more arrived at the international space station, all smiles as they began what they thought would be just 8 days in space. now finding out they'll be there 8 months instead, our core value is safety and it is our north star. i'll just reiterate again. this is a test flight. the 2 asked are not through the 1st of fly in the boeing star line or, but as it arrived, is it issues with the thrusters that helped maneuver the craft and it was leaking helium,
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a problem nasa engineers have been trying to fix. finally decided and saturday that they couldn't the star line or will fly back without its crew. so the big concern about that is during re entry like what will the weeks due to the spacecraft? what happens when it gets super heated as it goes through the atmosphere? so say what the process will it be able to maneuver the spacecraft like it's supposed to or through the atmosphere? and so these are um, things that now nasa can test with out putting the crew are risk. this is just the latest controversy for the boeing company issues with its planes. now it's spacecraft already $1600000000.00 over budget. when the astronauts do return in february, it will be on a space x rocket. i talked with coach and sunny both yesterday and today they support the agencies decision fully and they're ready to continue this mission on board. i ss as members of the expedition 71 crew is much coming in through the had
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a good thing because they really don't have a choice. they are simply stuck in space. patty calling out to 0, washington. all that wraps up in these hours myself, but knit cluck will be with you in just a couple of minutes and stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach, they usually forget people from lake point when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting suggested suggested wait, i took their lead and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think they've insensitive applicants like people people. the sacrifice them on a tuesday or die. i saw this place. it was
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paradise. i fell in love with kush. we got, i decided i was going to go ahead and try to create a, a, cuz the ways french people call it a lot of a resort of farm and living university. and it's all those things for me, benchmark artist, living, worry, and this is an experiment. i tried to do it because of the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place of regeneration
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from the, [000:00:00;00] the safe them even come in as an international insight. corruption excellence award nominator here on now the i'm to clock in the top stories here and out 0. and israel has ordered the immediate evacuation of parts of the butler. now i'll ask the hospital, some for an medical staff have receive calls from me is really military telling them to leave the facility. it is the only hospital still functioning in central garza. we have no idea of what will become of our patients or where we're going. we
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don't even know if the hospital will be able to function. the entire health sector has already collapsed. medical staff already left the hospital, even patients may even the injured or evacuated. we don't know what will happen


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