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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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is a disaster for us. have you had a place convinced and will stay with the plan good and the high inflation rate. but universities in the public sector saying they need more resources now. and many are not convinced. mean days ready kind of go nomic plan. we succeed, the police 39 people are killed in a space of attacks and pocket stones not just prevents the neutral stones. numeration on these separate has claim responsibility. the, on the inside, this is out. is there a line from dave also coming up on his riley evacuation order forces, engine, palestinians to flee, unlocks the hospital, central gulf, and the ministry of health says the hospitals will, will continue. dozens of people has swept away off the dam collapsed and we'll see
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don off the days of heavy rain. i'm funny. i'm clicking off employees in australia, now have the right to ignore well for lights and cools and emails. often office hours come in and focused on have killed at least 39 people in a series of attacks in duluth just on provence. a separate this group call be for new interest on liberation. army has claimed responsibility. a police station i'm a railway track was among the targets. the worst attack took place on the highway. indeed was sako districts gum, and that loaded truck drivers and passengers of vehicles. check their identities before opening fire on the mike and work as at least 23 people were killed in that attack to the owners of japan. as the gunman 1st targeted the trunk. yeah,
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they bundled an off to that they stopped the buses. any passenger who came from punjab was supposed to get off and out before they shot them dead. come all hide to has the latest from slum about the 1st a guy took place at nighttime rendered re code was stopped on a lonely stretch of the road and without fear, the district of lucas on which is bordering the punjab provinces. people who are travelling to quite uh, a government dropped uh, a truck as well as the buses that go to the paper to get all those buses that check the identity papers and then short rented to the people at point blank range. most of these people from the bund job proven also and another deadly attack which took place and a lot district, which is uh, another district or below just on there was a gun back there and which at least are 10 people located in building 5 civilians.
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there was an incident on a railway bridge, the main road to catch up from the garage. it is it blocked and the military saying that they have engaged several fighters of the balloons liberation army was now claiming responsibility for the deadly attack. during the k. 12 of doors fight tag about north revealing all the locations ready and attacks took place except for the one and a lot and most of hand and which the great 2 people located at close range. the several people have been killed in is riley, as strong stones hon. eunice in southern guns, a how the city is gathered to move their loved ones who died in the strikes. at least 40405 people have been killed in cause
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a since october. a palestinian man lost his child and destroyed c described. what happened when the guy, the, in the, we was sitting that children with attempts and suddenly a quote couple of came and this stuck suits in the area. i do a mazda is among those people who have been displaced. so one of them was my son's a, the, the get the name of father, like any other father who lost the children. i've lost someone from my life. my soul, a lot was for me. and for his mother in siblings, she was the 2nd mom of the house. we lost all a life a lot by and we almost died with him. this is our situation in our country. this is the situation of cause. and goals are the ministry of health says that a lot so hospital and they're all valid in the center of the strep will continue operating as despite as role issuing mass evacuation orders for parts of the city, including areas near. i likes the hospital patients and many displaced palestinian
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sort shown to the and it's the only medical facility, so functioning in central goals that on the my mood has the latest from darrow bella. the ones that over crowded inside this particular location has turned into a waste plan is hundreds of displays. families once filtering inside this 10 gap made their wave searching for a new place to protect their families from the unpredictable falling bonds is really a military issue. evacuation orders that are largely perceived as in force displacement orders for the really traumatized, displace. more than one time population control invented on knowing the vast majority of people that we talk to have no idea where the are going to stay in the coming days. i said, i'm in is did, this is the stuff it's time would dissipates to get start. well, i don't know where to go. we a family of a to trying to find a safe area. this is
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a tragic situation. we're left an open for days. even the zones alleged to be safe, i'm not safe a tool. there's not a single face inch. and the entire goal is to strip its old life parts. and imagine what these people feel right now as the know they're running for their life. we're running it from an area that lives in the past months inside here seeking filters and a protection. right now they don't know where to go with. they don't know whether the, the areas they're going to vary or they're going to set up. their tents are going to be feed for them for their children, and more important and before the vulnerable groups here for the women, for the l one here for the children who are paying, you'd be surprised as the war continues to raise across the gaza, us and is ready as strike has hit a call and sit down in solving 11 on
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a mazda is medial, for say, the person targeted in the assassination attempt has survived follows an escalation in violence on sunday morning between israel and has been the 11 these group launch drones and rockets towards israel in response to the assassination of one of its top kilometers in beverage last month. that's cost to say in a hold of issues. and so you don't for us saying, what can you tell us? well this was a failed assassination by israel in the southern cities of tie the an apparent it's really drones right. bit drones firing 3 misfire. that is what we understand from the security sources here. one of the marseilles hit the car directly. the authorities have since taken away the car. the 2nd, if you see this whole on the ground, this was the 2nd of this house strike. the 3rd one landed on top of this building. so this target to the assassination attempt in a residential area. you can see broken glass everywhere, people are in
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a state of shock even though that these, you know, these killings, these targeted killings have become a near daily occurrence. but what is clear is that to, you know, israel is acting with little restraint. now what we understand about the target he survived of with minor injuries. he's believed to be a member of the palestinian movement. how mosque now? what is? well, strategy has been and, and recent weeks and recent months, really since the confrontation with has blog began along the border is target commanders and fighters belonging to as below or belonging to palace, been in groups i lived with, has below all these groups involved in armed risk the resistance against as well. so as you can see, a residential neighborhood, which means that there is no frontline for israel, it is carrying out these assassinations when they find a target. but in this specific case, what we understand this has how much the official has survived. okay,
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thank you for that as a to hold of that for us in. so i don't now around 40 people were swept away, often down best ensued on the are but them no support, so don't collapse. don't the heavy rains? residents said many people were unable to escape from the vehicles g to the foss flowing which is done on this. so we received a message saying that were people who was stuck in 7 calls on that we tried to get the amounts but couldn't. so it was 7 low, it's covering families, elderly people and children. that's around 12 we were told at the time of collapse . so we came to see the situation that was selves, but we couldn't reach them because that was so much was the not to 6. you and trucks carrying food and medical supplies have crossed into see don from charlotte . they had a fair communities in del, for a risk assignment. it follows an agreement between c jones warring policies on 2 routes for aid to enter the country. fighting between the army and the parent
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military rapids support forces and recent flooding have 1st made a dep delivery much more difficult or fighting and sedona is fullest of 12000000 people from that homes. many i'll still fling into neighboring countries. you and says that nearly 100000 students, these refugees have recently crossed into olivia a so of their lives. one of them she now works at libby is 1st oil change workshop for women. this is her story. so the whole human, i'm the la um. so then listening, i sit in the center of something, let's say, let's assume that the photo, but i didn't know how set up as the bus or the head this, the southern outland miss. who then does the need for her to have somebody with how i live? i said am for set of as the head. ok that gina, but lot of us and can be to kind of finish and establish cities, minnesota because it's kind of the different advocacy. then we'll go in and said,
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i'm a senior citizen and as soon as possible. so i did. and when did the thought i had to think of a nanny i so the best way to do to but loved and it said a little house as you know, whether instead of i last summer. wow. well, i mean, i guess i'm thinking of the miles look on the list to get a status on in me. i mean, you must have finality but any service when life is me, that has to think of them all the kind of whole sub like and by then comes in and it gives me the secret lives of a to z, a n a new. so i can have been so kind of kind of have been kind of that mean then thinking again this is and i'm kind of in and like you said in what he did say the what's the name that is less than a manual. that how i use it to the i'm of the same so the guys can see it in this. the secret a delight of a so i never got a few minutes late as soon as i get the can send you an incident that he can assist in one of those i have been missing a you a had a any has a new leg in assess he, i need shipped to my in need been do the football. i'm gonna take this amount of
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think good could i'm and does it say we're a national with an outside of us have question or them he has in any secret, occlusal, so 11. so let me go in and listen to it and see if that was sent to me. yes, that's the way to view. was a lot of guess on him and over again. this last slide for me for say, a lot of that to a, make a good us. i'm her listening. so let's try and strikes and know of. and molly have killed at least 21 people and it happened there, a pharmacy in the town of 10. so out and out the buddha with old area, i'm not in ami has carried out this raid targeting to r i rebels. most of the victims, all children, security forces along with russian medicine res, have self and heavy losses in intense fighting with the on devices in the past month. because hawk has been following developments from dr. for the molly and army, we saw them on the tarmac shortly after they were put a purchase from turkey, turkey 8,
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back in january. these are by rock tart to be to combat drones and now we see them finally in action in this remote region, in near the algerian border teams. i watch and i spoke to a canadian special forces, a piece paper that was active in that region. and he describes that area as being like the far north of canada in desert area and to the have these unmanned combat drones in this area where we know that our to our a rebels that are active but also an arm groups linked to. i'll tie an ice so in the region is certainly a game changer for the molly, an army. according to the malia and a security forces, they say that they've attacked and they've neutralized, would they describe as terrorist but according to the tour i rebel, these were civilians that were targeted. but the timing of this attack is certainly interesting. it comes almost
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a year after pretty goods and the leader of wagner was killed. and a month after, there was a deadly attack there against a wagner mercenaries and the muggy and army. the bodies as more than 200 people killed by. and i'll call you to link the creep has been recovered and central booking a fast. so the attack happened in the town of fox, the logo on saturday, a soldiers and civilians with digging trenches to protect security out posts. and these 300 people have been injured. several sandwiches are missing. the attack is also the weapons and a ministry ambulance. still a head on al jazeera, a stage of emergency supply, and brazil's help hello region to find a rank code number of walk by the for calculus. refugees, english channel is more than
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a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life, as he selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on i just the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out. just a reminder, i told the story is the salad. the veneer just on liberation on me. it's claimed responsibility for a series of attacks across pocket stones, not just provence. as he 9 people have been killed in attacks on railway bridges, police stations, on a major highway around 40 people were swept away, will sit down best and sit down on the r bonds diagnosed, sit on collapse stones, the heavy rains. president said many people were unable to escape from the vehicles
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due to the task slowing uses and central gauze of patients and displace palestinian speaking shelter. and i last almost put on there about applying the facility training for instance of issued mass evacuation orders for pots of 0 by law, including smith hospital, the need 3 people have been killed in ukraine. and what officials, a cooling launch of a scale russian attack, loud explosions were, had in keys in the past few hours. the 4 says it's defense systems engaged in repelling the rate. russia says it's full was this targeted infrastructure link to ukraine's ministry. i'll just there is alex, good top of us has the latest from case this is the largest attack by russia in months when we've seen a tax right across and impacts, more importantly, right across the country. in live,
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one person was killed in luke. 2 more people were killed in the pro and separation . reaping hearing the bangs of a defend cease in the capital, engage with missiles coming in. and this is a, a potent mix. we're talking to head drones. we're talking cruise missiles and also hypersonic missiles coming in as well. so that was really, really making the effort. and unfortunately some of these missiles are getting through as well. if the structure is being targeted electricity volta with some parts of the capitol without both. and also a dresser in the south is being hit several times and also is partly without electricity. so a huge coordinated attack by land cnn, by russia right across today. the which is news agency says, one of its safety advisors was killed to all the stuff injured in a russian missile strike in a hotel, in the ukraine, in city of kind of a tourist you quite in president flo. it's amazing. lensky is a keys. russia of deliberately targeting the hotel ways,
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things you wouldn't have come. i thought it was beautiful all day today, debris was being cleaned in clement task after the russian in the style striking june list through among the casualties. the video, cooper, moist us citizens, ukraine, america, and britain. a normal city hotel was destroyed by a russian a scanned miss. silent is absolutely deliberately in a pre meditated way. 7 people were wounded in one, died in the strike, my condolences to friends and families. and this is every day tara, which still goes home because russia has the means to continue to keep the or the russian ministry says is destroyed, more than 20 ukrainian attacked warrens over several southern regions. video shows bloss hitting buildings in the city of cyrus holes when most cases 9 tribes would, would doubt. dorsey jabari has moved from the russian city of coast. the attacks and sir tod 1st 9 drawings relaunched towards the city,
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and 2 of them actually hits civilian infrastructure as they had to large residential high rise building injuring a woman seriously and for other people were also injured in that attack. now, this city sarah top is about 900 kilometers from the ukrainian border, so it gives you an idea how far in the russian territory this attack took place. also, just south east of saratoga from the city of angle, which is home to a military base by the russian military. there was also an attack there. there are no reports of any injuries there. as of now, what is important to highlight is that there were 20 drawings launched from ukraine towards the russian territory in 7 various regions of this country. now, most of them were repels by russian air defense systems. but a few of them managed to get through with no fatalities. as of yet,
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north korea's unveiled and nearly developed exploding drone, which is designed to carry in to crush into minute 3 targets. st media published these photos of liter, kim jones and overseeing the testing of the drawings. they were shown destroying a target was something south. korea's k 2 main baffled tank comes as the us and south korea conduct large scale joint ministry exercises. john, his ministry is organized on the units to conduct patrols near its border with me, i'm a security forces will motor to aerial and ground activity. it comes as far as you can between my on most routing june to and rebel forces have escalated string on salary shells have injured people and damage structures in chinese territory while fires in brazil, southeast and so power states have killed at least 2 people more than 35 cities on high let
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a smoke from the size disrupts traffic in shrouds cities in grey haze. and michael, silver sharif as this update. it's wall 5 season in brazil, below humidity on a blistering heat wave have resulted in a record number of fires. it's false the government to get a vote on them. military aircraft being deployed to stop these fuzz ravaging south polo the countries most popular city started. historically in the month of august, we have at around $600.00 to $700.00 fires this year. have been full 1700 outbreaks that are in the region. the result of this very heavy droughts, tobacco press to a city about 300 kilometers north of south paula was also heat from fields, have boned and capitol have died around the region on friday to factory book has died. blood trying to put out the flames and to shoot the mail in the northern part of the state. these terrible fire is a very difficult task. they're out of control, the firefighters can't handle it,
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and we just observe the situation unable to do anything. so pablo's worst month for 5 decades comes as a bachelors, a prolonged trout present, louise, enough to let the silver direct links the situation to climate change and as promise federal assistance. the involvement sent us to says the government is preparing for the situation of extreme climate volatility. my thing, this is in a typical situation. and one week, particularly in 2 days, several minutes. apology started building up the same time. that's not possible experience, coven knowledge. it should be able to say many years of dealing with fire, then smoke has been drifting across a wide swath to brazil, even reaching its captor brasilia more than 700 kilometers away. schools have been closed. several flights kansas and travel on some roads has been halted. police are also investigating people suspected of starting fuzz,
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deliberately in some areas. yay! all for the 1st time i felt very afraid because i had never seen such a seen. southern prison was indeed only region played by why fi? a record breaking sizeable to consume pumped and all in the north region conceded the was largest tropical blackland area because some shareef altis, eva, torrential rain. so forgetting slash floods in indonesia is eastern to mount to region. at least 15 people have died, 6 are missing lots damaged homes and buried people in mont. rescue workers have been using excavations to take out some of the bodies authorities. a warning of more heavy writing this week, or thousands of people have not see the capital of mexico to oppose president on the manual lopez overhead doors propose judicial over who
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the government has pushed the sweeping changes to the judicial system. since june lopez open the door is controversial reform and creates having judges elected to office money fear that will result in courts lead 5. how politically biased judges with little experience and of course, employees on judges have also been on the strike staff waiver. what's this daycare is democracy in this country? this is why the civil society is here. the executive power is now in the hands of a single person. although there are ministers, presidents over the door is basically making all the decisions and he wants the justices that depends on the political parties to control the is obviously the who do she already has need to do the font for many years. but the answer is not to fire everyone and leave many also for employees in australia now have the right to no work related calls. and emails of to office hours follows the introduction of a cycled right to disconnect. little some employees. they say the law has been
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rushed in and is confusing victoria gates and as the story. and it's increasingly difficult for many employees to disconnect from work. and it's a trend that accelerated since the cubic 19 pandemic. so many workers in the australian capital sydney, welcome the introduction of a new right to disconnect rule, which means employees can't be punished for ignoring what related calls and emails outside office hours. we spend so much about time connected to our phones, connected to our emails all day. and i think that it's really hard to switch off as it is. so having these laws coming to place that, you know, we, we, we really do disconnect is really important. australians worked on average 281 hours of unpaid, over time. last year was the equivalent of move in $88000000000.00. australia joins around 2 dozen countries, mostly in europe, and less than america,
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which have similar rules. it should help where places work out, managers and employees work out together between them. what's needed and what found necessary and better ways of doing things. that's what i would hope that the slides too, but some a skeptical about whether the new route will what i think it's an excellent idea. i hope it catches on. i thought it would catch on in our industry to tell the truth. we are professionals, well paid are expected to deliver and uh, we fee. we often live in 24 hours at 24 hours a day. if you have 2 employees will still be able to contact workers in an emergency. and an employee can only refuse to respond wherever it is reasonable to do so. defining reasonable will be up to a strategy is industrial regulation, which must take into account the personal circumstances of the worker and how and why the contact was made. both of these say then you will is ambiguous and we'll create confusion. but many employees say we'll give them the confidence to create
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the best of what lies balance. victoria gay to be out there. it's ok, that's it for me. money inside lots more information on website out there. they'll come to check it out. whether it's next on that inside story looks at the significance of the latest across the board, a tax between israel and 11 on and the risk for white at regional to stay with us here at the the what we must punch and type food. sharon sharon page open more than that one but strengthening it will become a significant tie. so, you know, i suspect is the current to take is 120 kilometers per hour. i'm wins might be a notable feature of the storms. it 1st makes landfill, they've hit one of the to the smaller islands. and so i'm japan for heading up
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towards kind of shima there. how does the heavy writers be folding? this pos of john has produced some funding to us actually has been northwest in china. that you'll notice the reason they're heading slowly size, and that's going to be notable the how car there are no other than home chairs are closing on both sides here. this is shannon john, slightly moving and therefore probably strengthening quite significantly on his way to congress him. which is going to be the probably some time on thursday. full cost and gives us just a pretty nasty day. but i haven't noticed extreme winds. i have to say this a lot of writing this time and there's probably going to be a storm such 2 or more. is that near the time the writings in india? second, i think language. right. so there's been funding in east ridge as time has been flooding all sides in providence, in pakistan. that's an obvious connection. there's still some more shaft to come in bangladesh, but nothing like that where it says the fronts can slowly recede. whereas here, then we would like to be reformed. of the
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and the stillness, think them documenting 2 decades and one of the most in baffled coolness of the globe. a child of afghanistan, 20 years of war, follows me from boyhood to manhood. a life that has no, no peace shaped by hardship. resilience and adventure. the unique zoom, the cap just the complex in a way it has never been seen before. with next on tuesday or as well. our launch is hundreds of rockets and drones that israel last thread targeted the group in southern lebanon. both sides say more will follow how significant all these cross border attacks and how closely do they bring the world to a wind to regional conflict. this is inside story,


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