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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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withholding funding actions best fillings, and you're also going to have the worst life on your life out as it was, teens across the world. within the local news, i didn't select from documentaries. when you closer to the house of the story, the, the managerial responsibility is being completely strangled unlimited. our ability of what we can do. the un says it's unable to conduct aid operations in gaza off the israel's evacuation or the on several venue. it's good to have you with this is else is your life from don't. also coming up is really army conduct scenario straight can be occupied, westbank, killing at least 5 palestinians. russia strikes ukraine's power grid and one of the
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biggest attacks of the war, at least 7 people are killed in separate seats in pakistan's baluchistan province carry out to a series of coordinated attacks, killing at least 74 people. news . the united nations says it is now unable to deliver aden, guys, because of israel's forced evacuation orders. the un insisted is not withdrawing or suspending operations in the strip. it's main facilities are in the central area, whereas really military movements are forcing people to flee houses. here as gabriel elizondo reports from un headquarters in new york of troubling scenes from dare abala as desperate palestinians are once again forcibly displaced. after the most recent evacuation orders by these really military, over the weekend, for most of these people,
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this is one of numerous times they have been displaced. the sick and tired are not spared history. so appliances people received evacuation orders that they're on the move they, they don't know what to do to they stay to the way so that faced with impossible choices. according to a senior, un official, israel also ordered un personnel running at operation center in general ballot to evacuate immediately on sunday as well. the u. n. staff had to find shelter most are now in our my wasi. but because of the evacuation orders on monday, the u. n was forced to hold all of their aid operations and it's unclear when they might resume the you and relief and works agency for palestinian refugees known as unreal on monday, continue to keep their shelters and health clinics open, but under difficult circumstances. while the rest of the un system and gaza is
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paused, what we're talking about is as the on who are being embedded in places. so if, if they are there and they're able to help, they will help and they will distribute, we're not able to move people from point a to point b, we're not able to go find us. there is no way to find safety eyes very limited access to monetary and resources because the humanitarian operation is also being displaced within needs of actuation windows and the humanitarian response. it is being completely strangled unlimited. our ability of what we can do for you and was planning to roll out. it's polio vaccine. and guys, later this week, like given the new evacuation, borders and uncertainty on when the un can again, resume normal operations. it's unclear when or if the un will be able to distribute them gabriel's on to i'll just need
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a united nations in new york and handle fidelity reports from the ground in darrow, above or it's miserable on everyone, humanitarian u. n. workers, people, journalists, everyone is in a state of panic and frustration. we're talking about more than a 1000000 people in the middle area and those who are squeezed into that is but now you and people are humanitarians, and there has been 0 protection for them. and that's why they were on able to continue facilitating and continue their operation. there is no protection for them . their warehouses are in the red zone. and not only that are warehouses also the best houses and offices where they were, all of the operations were based in that in bella, we're talking about different organizations, like the world food program, unit stuff, you know, and a lot of other u. n. agencies. now this is gonna affect the people deeply,
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not only that they were unable to their, their displays a couple of times, some people have been displaced for more than 7 or 8 times, but also they are completed by, on food a. so now it's not only the people who the you an agency serves, but also the workers in the u. n. agencies and other humanitarian organizations. alexandra site is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy to save the children . she says agencies in there are, but i have been on their last legs announced to their operations were forced out of other parts of the gaza strip. of this successive so called evacuation orders that israel has issued this month and during bella and attending this may be the final blow to the 8 operations in gaza dealers. but that is the only area out with any sort of infrastructure intact. and these evaluation orders have completely
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offended the, the 8 hub that was set up and did a bell of following these rarely ordered evacuation of the hub that was split up in dropbox, which had to close after israel expanded its ground operations last may, you know, setting up 8 operations is not like turning an on off button. you have to set up predictable supply line. you have to find a location that has some semblance of security. of course, nowhere and gaza is safe. but this is why these operations are just collapsing. there is no predictability, nowhere in gaza is safe on our own staff have been displaced. the staff of other 8 organizations have been displaced, warehouses that are storing, critical aid supplies are now inaccessible. and g, o supported shelters, have come under fire. it is a complete catastrophe. just for save the children,
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we have been waiting for months to get medical supplies into gaza. we still have several pilot of medical supplies that we still have not been able to get in. almost every organization is in the same boat. and that's what we mean by things you know, things are just the worst levels that we've seen in the last 10 months. it's the finding food and does it had already been getting harder by the day, israel's repeated force evacuation orders and restrictions on aid have affected the amount of food entering the strip. the novel clate reports at this a distribution point in northern garza, palestinians. q for long hours desperately waiting to receive much needed food. people have been scrambling to get one box that is supposed to feed an entire family level the when we receive this food process from the world food program,
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which includes some nice green peas in house. it's not bad, but at the same time it causes disease to my children, such as skin rush. my son has got some pimples on his head, under his armpits, everywhere. and then we have to spend money on medication. while the food parcels are crucial, many say they fall short of meeting nutritional needs and daily calorie intake as well had with the children are paying the heaviest price as they are more prone to diseases amount, nutrition. so you wouldn't hold the all. you wouldn't have a what they should give us something better from fetched of a fruits. those things are better. but these kinds of food and preservatives have killed us 10 months into the war and there's nothing but these parts of the un humanitarian agency. ojo said that the amount of food assistance that entered southern goals and july was one of the lowest recorded since last october. this, along with a devastated economy across the strip have worse and the prices use
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a lot and that's on a few to do. we're missing a lot of items. we haven't seen fruits or any kind of vegetables, recreate just one to model. just a couple of peppers, a tomato and a known. you know, we craved some. those have have some to models and grow them. they said a kilogram for about $100.00. where would we get that kind of money from? there's no cash, nothing, not even a bank or donors like before. none of that exists. agencies are warning the relentless is really tax damage, roads and access restrictions are making food distribution from the south to the north. nearly impossible. and with every wave of force displacement more palestinians risk facing starvation, dean all the all clear as 0 me occupied westbank is really settlers have shot dead, one, palestinian and wounded 6. others that's according to the palestinian authority. the settlers attacked palestinian homes in the
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village of one of your home. their best to him. the injured were rushed to hospital . there had been increased attacks by his release living and the legal settlements in the occupied westbank since the war in gaza began us. and he is really army, has conducted an air strike until current killing at least 5 palestinians. israel says it was targeting what it called an operations room in the nor shims refugee camp. and it's really striking the same area last week, killed 3 palestinians. there have been around 50 is really, are strikes in the west bank since the start of the war. that abraham reports from ramallah of medical sources, and that's will cut them area, tell us that they've received the body parts and the bodies of 5 palestinians who have been killed as a result of it is really areas right. that took place in the north shams refugee camp. we know that these really forces have been looking to target a bullshit jack, who's been one of the leaders. it's not the main, neither of the to get him in the,
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nor from that solely and interrupted you camp. and he has survived several assassination attempts, but we know that one of those who have been killed has been released as part of the captives exchange deal that took place last november. all in old. we've been seeing an increase in the use of as really airstrikes against palestinian targets. in new york you find the west bank. the one figure is, was hoping about more than 50. there strikes mostly by drones. and most of them have been centered in the areas of janine to cut him and some of them in nablus to the north of the occupied westbank orland or we are talking about the intensive use of these areas strikes that have been happening around residential places in home is affecting many other palestinians. at the same time, we're talking about the strike. we've been seeing stuff there is attacking palestinians in bethlehem, in a village north and south of the occupied west bank with palestinians have been already seeing a lot of subtler attacks. they've been car rocket thing since the war started and
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policy and say that the sense of in unity that is really settlers feel is allowing them to continue attracting palestinians and their homes that but he just eat off the up to 5 to a spring. tell us by the at least one person has been killed in central ukraine after a russian missile strike. regional officials say that miss arnold demolished the hotel and creevy re 5 people are thought to be trapped under the rubble. the crimson hasn't commented on the incident. it has in the past said that his forces do not target civilian infrastructure. and ukraine's military says it is intercepted more than $200.00 russian missed times and drones. that's one of the biggest attacks of the war. so far, the strikes killed at least 7 people and damaged our facilities across the country . alex gets off with us, reports from the capital. keep every tyrant of
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a key because a lot is worse than aerotech in months, is detected without booms. is the capital said defenses engaged incoming missiles, but some got through people here. i've seen it all before. i always take a book, especially during long area, the alerts and massive attacks. i'm fully involved in the plot and don't think about themselves. flying over the hydro power plant to the north of the cube was also targeted president below them is the lensky condemned the attack? opposed to make swift for pass by a scorching, but never had a chance. there's been a lot of damage in the energy sector, but every way web, how cuts were introduced. restoration works already underway. all the tablet gates will be working round the clock will make sure paul is back across a missile stop power products and cities across the country. seeing he is striking,
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look in the west and reproaches, the east. this is the worst error, the soul ukraine's had to endure in months for the express purpose of trying to smash you praise electricity, a water networks put in the 3rd year of the war. these long range russian results strikes showed no sign of slowing down. colleagues could talk list, which is 0. chief the russian military says it has destroyed more than 20 ukrainian attack drones in southern regions. dosage of already has more from the russian city . of course. the single largest drone a missile attack on ukraine by the russian forces was launched on monday and the ukrainians responded with 20 drawn attacks that targeted 7 regions and russia. one of the main ones was sarah tops city that is about 900 kilometers east of the ukrainian russian border. and it's just south east of the capital must go now there were at least 9 drones that target is. the city of 2 of them managed to hit
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a residential building. 4 people were injured and one move in is in critical condition. there was also an attack on a city called angles, and there was a russian military air base there. it's not clear what kind of damage if any, was sustained by the drone attacks. what is clear, why the russian defense ministry is that this attack really was very much coordinator and targeted. they claim that they were aiming to hit electrical substations, gas compressor stations, as well as storage sites of aviation weapons in ukraine. now all of this comes as, as the ukrainians are claiming they've made it further, advancements in the curse region. they incursions that began on august 6 continues and according to their claims, they have claimed another uh at least 3 settlements in kirk regents and those uh front lines are about 90 kilometers from where we are in kirk city. according to the kremlin, smokes were sent that we troops has called. he said that the,
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the attack that russel launch against your crane is not the only response russia will have for the curse incursion. clearly hinting that there are going to be further attacks against ukraine in the coming days and weeks. dosage of worry, ultra 0. curse city. russia. a still a head on alpha 0. rescue efforts are underway in sedan after torrential rain caused the dam to burst, leaving many traps in their vehicles and tributes are being paid. the former england football manager of spain goran eriksson swede has died after a long battle with cancer. stay was the extreme heat from texas to being pushed no in the last day or so up through the planning stage and heading off what i asked you to was for one example chicago
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usually is. and when you combine the heat from the sides with anything that falls off the high ground, you get big sensors and that's definitely on the cause. chicago's temperature drops and 33 down to 26. there won't be heat blowing by then amongst the groves of funds jobs, and thunderstorms are developing in texas to so the extreme heat. he will also be tempered so it may be nothing to oklahoma quite so much. that's jumpstart. so i threw the caribbean gulf of mexico. there's quite a good spread of afternoon. thunder storms here. nothing to office the big but it might well be any, any get with this mess heading towards a small items during wednesday. i didn't stop mexico and brought to them. i left this stuff in the risk of the pacific coast of big dime, pulse echo doors hot and getting hotter. same is true southern columbia. the heat is come up from the sides from brazil where things are cooled down and asencion and panic. why? it's also cool down to a profitable reasonable 17 degrees. sense of that in the depths of winter, we should see a fair amount of snap. but do we not ready?
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you got lovely sunny days. certainly the sudden in the 9th is the impact of garden . yeah. of the the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the watching else has 0. a reminder of our headlines this our, the united nation says it's unable to carry out a distribution in gaza. that's after israel ordered the evacuation of parts of barrels. by the on sunday, the u. n. was forced to evacuate its main operation center and central value. it is really your strength in the occupied westbank has killed at least by palestinians. israel says it was targeting in operations room until carm's. really settlers have also carried out a tax on palestinian homes near bethlehem, killing another palestinian and entering success. at least one person has been killed in the central ukrainian city of privy ri, after a russian missile strikes to the hotel, it comes out to russian forces targeted energy facilities across the country. a series of attacks and pakistan has targeted police stations, railway lines,
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and highways in baluchistan province. they happened on the anniversary of the assassination of a separate this leader, at least 74 people have been killed. the most serious incident was in most of the districts where migrant workers were dragged from vehicles and shots come all high to reports from us, not a bad. this is the aftermath of a 9 bush on the highway and focused on most of the district. at least 23 people. it was shot dead yet. after the attackers checked their identity guard then opened fire the owners of japan. the gunman 1st targeted the trucks. they bundle an off to that they stopped the buses. any passenger who came from punjab was supposed to get off before they shot them dead? yes. the gun mendoza burnt? then trucks and rate goes before fleeing. it took several hours for the security force and then medical games produced to area. both the dead and wounded are being
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taken to the nearest hospital. a medical emergency was declared when we heard about the incident. all of us doctors, paramedics and other stuff has been present here in the hospital since last nice and in the morning i have to press the casualties were brought to our hospital. this is not the 1st attack of rich game. earlier in april, another 9 people get in a similar attack in northgate district or below just on august on is a go to it is going to say they have been a number of our tags and drugs but not just on. and they claim to have good, at least, right of, of the attackers without giving exact details of all the locations a separate the group caused the balloons liberation army has claimed responsibility for the attack bucket funds. interior minister, guarded barbaric and promised to bring gold responsibility to justice. commodities that i'd just eat off. it's not my but and this is only the latest in a series of attacks and baluchistan targeting migrant workers primarily from
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neighboring punjab providence. in india. in april this year, 9 passengers were pulled off a bus near knocking and shot dead after gunman checked their id cards. last october and identified gunmen killed 6 labors that was in to about the police confirmed these killings were targeted. all the victims were from southern punjab and back in 2015 gunmen attacked a labor as camp near to about killing 20 construction workers and entering 3 others . the victims were from send and also from punjab. invest a keep is a security and defense analyst, and she explains why migrant workers were the main target the separatist groups and closest onto the goose. indeed, type the dates of migrant laborers, spotty boxy, because it says symbolic act against what the view as the exploitation and marginalization of life and resources by so far outside there's, according to them,
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these are taxed into go attention into their cause. and it said, i'm do pressure on the government an industrial rating in the region. now it's interesting that a lot of these attacks of girl and boss, the constitution amendment to the 18th amendment way, by below just constant basis. the multifaceted challenge is rooted in estimate pensions and resource disputes. we must also keep in mind that the, i think tensions of below interest on are deeply trying with the political grievances that such groups have one of the feet of marginalized and under represented. it harbors a significant discontent against both the central government and other ethnic groups. it is unfortunate and the tension has only manifested in these kind of binding but insurgencies undermines for bridget or autonomy and independence. however, the office on the government, the law enforcement agencies on now more than ever need to revisit,
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not only the negotiation and tabletops with some of the senior politicians, i think, dance and civil society members to come up with a multi faceted solution to these challenges. because just whiteness, a drawing is not going to be able to recover and deescalate the wind is most soon. rainfall has caused flash flooding in parts of western india, forcing thousands of people to evacuate streets. and homes and garage states have been inundated, hundreds of villages have lost electricity. officials say nearly a 100 people have been killed in rain related incidents since the onset of the monsoon in july. i am more than 60 people have died and a 100 others are missing. after a dam collapsed and sedan following heavy rain resident say many couldn't escape from their vehicles because of the fast blowing motor. haven't morgan has this report. this is the aftermath of the collapse of auto bought them in sedans. that
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red seized the vehicles that were carrying goods to and from the states capital port sedan, supplementary, dozens of people swept away. the dam broke after this page experienced one of its worth drains and recent history, releasing millions of cubic meters of water that swept through nearby communities. right. how i li, i thought that a lot to use today around 3, the dam broke and the water swift. why around 40 people, we were covered some bodies and there were people who survived think gold. most people survived. i called some people from the area where i'm from the to move area . and they told me that all the houses, and if the thing was swept away, locals say at least 60 people were killed on the dam, collapsed the reservoir, created by the dam, was the main source of drinking water for the administrative capital of ports with them. the regents, the rain is montane is and the floods have cuts off. several villages. authorities
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have launched the search and rescue operations for those trapped which, reaching them is not easy. done on this side. you know, we received a message saying there were people who were stuck and 7 cars that they tried to get the mouse, but couldn't. they were also 7 trucks carrying families, elderly people, and children. we then received another call and we are told at the time i collapsed . this happens is around 12 or 1230. so we came to the area to check out the situation, but we couldn't reach they are, but um, because there was so much water. this is really season has cause to widespread destruction across northern sedan. at least 39 people have been killed and 112 injured more than 21000 people have been displaced. and the red sea states is not the only eastern state affected in tucker and neighboring capella state. the collapse of them caused to rent so floods that's cuts off the city and forced
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people to higher ground. a waiting rescue and humanitarian assistance to help them get through the coming days. hey, bill morgan, alta 0, french president, tim, under the cooling system, the arrest of telegrams, c panel durham was not for literally motivated. a power as prosecutor says, the investigation was part of a wider cyber criminality. pro, it concerns crimes related to elicit transactions, child pornography, and the refusal to communicate information to authorities during founded the messaging service telegram he left russia after refusing to shut down opposition groups on one of his platforms as a china is growing influence and the pacific is in focus at this years, gathering of the pacific islands for us is also sending a delegation to tongue, where leaders from 18 islands and territories will discuss climate change and regional security. eunice came report from matters of security, struggling post pandemic economy to warming ocean's leaders of 18,
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pacific island states and territories are seeking to shift our list of shared problems into actionable solutions as they meet in tonga this week. the un cheese that the large ceremony on monday back a pacific lead $500000000.00 fund to increase the regions climate defenses that will heavily rely on for and support the economies of the low line pacific islands have been battered and relief, has been coming in large part from china. beijing has invested nearly $2000000000.00 and some of the pacific islands in the past decade or so, according to estimates, including loans for big projects at the west, have cautioned as a potential debt track. post tom does debt to china alone is equal to about
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a quarter of a cdp according to australia is low. we institute and i believe that a like minded countries like easy land will have to deal with that issue. because i know that some of these countries and cannot pay back specific countries underline their value, is self determination. keeping a distance from deeply fractured geo politics. i do not want to be drawn into that because we're, we're friends with china and we have friends with the others may not be so friendly with china. fiji as prime minister made those comments during a visit to china last week. he was one of 3 pacific island leaders to make the journey in the lead up to this week's meetings in congo displaying a whitening division in regards to beijing route in the region to counter a china security emissions. australia is looking to formalize its proposal to help
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build a regional police force to address rising international crime, including arms and drug trafficking on the island. the us is sending a delegation, led by its deputy stave, secretary as to of its pacific territories, guam and american simila. i an upgrade in status within the decision making body unit skim. alda 0 venezuela's opposition leader has been summoned to court for a 2nd time over last month's disputed presidential election results, and wounded gonzalez reportedly failed to appear in court over the weekend when he was summoned the 1st time. the court wants to question him about an opposition website which published detailed results of july's vote. and as well as top court declared president nicholas venturo the victor. but tallies posted by the opposition show gonzalez, winning by a rezoning margin. he's called the 2nd summons a political attack. say your nicola, my buddha. mister nicholas madura,
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it's time for you to understand once and for all that the solution is not repression, but the international, independent and reliable verification of the vote tallies. it cannot be substituted


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