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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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end of the american era, the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the 3 weeks of the load you're getting cousin into coast ukrainian forces of reports will be crossed. it's a more russian habit tree. this time in belgrade, the products or um and what you all just every life but headquarters here and also coming up a new wave of his right. the strikes at several parts of central gauze. that's at least 20 palestinians are killed. is really centralized attacks palestinian homes,
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the bethlehem, and the only pod westbank. one palestinian is killed and a vaccination campaign against impulse in the democratic republic of congo. it's a roadblock. the talking to the problem. ukrainian forces are reportedly attempting to force the way across the board with russia into belgrade, according to messages on the telecom map and russia, hundreds of ukrainian troops of attack to chat points. the regions governance as the situation is difficult, but under control. that will go on board as the task region where ukrainian troops of the seas, russian territory, stages, surprising caution on august the 6th spending you quite at least 5 people have been killed in overnight. russian attacks, regional officials say a missile destroyed a hotel, increased kitty 5 people i believe,
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to be trumped under the rubble. that's got the very latest from boucher's ever, that it could helpless. he's monitoring the situation for us from ukraine's capital key products. what more can tell us about these overnight the tax into ukraine, and also this incursion in belgrade? lots of moving parts today. indeed, so the road is very interesting. overall, it has been a tech bow girl, is obviously a region in russia, and that has been attacked before these. it'd be in school in cushions. these 2 attacks look like they've been split. so it's like $301.00 troops, $200.00 ukrainian troops and another tax or above 60 kilometers upon roughly now this quite some heavy, heavy duty russian units on the other side, tank regiments, etc. so we're heavy, alma, so how these fights he's on going now, is this very much a probing attack? obviously we seen this kind of thing happening course because, well, with
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a small group goes in. if this successful, then ukrainian command will send in more units to be able to exploit that success and therefore continue advancing. is that going to be the case or is this now a diversion? so very much ongoing as these things slowly, slowly unfolds for them to send the no more level later. but yes, probably didn't very much with course tied in trying to actually lou a troops of away from that bible region in russia as cool. so overnight we saw rush and striking ukraine, just bring us up to speed on why we should be focus tia very much so. so as you mentioned, creevy, we hit another hotel. so that's 2 in 48 hours have been deliberately struck. then you have the 3 dead and is that felicia? now this a huge virus that russell lotes yesterday didn't stop at sunset. they carried on
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old through the night. us waves of the wave of thousands of which i had drones. you had hypersonic missiles. yeah. cruise missiles and so it's been an exhausting day for ukraine's air defenses that are being on high alert now for 24 hours dealing with hundreds of threats non stop throughout the day. and this has that a huge impact their parts of the cap. so he is still without power, very much so, and also in odessa. so we're seeing the effects here as the energy grade is trying to be repaired, poly ukrainian crews. so yes, it's very much ongoing and it's, it's something is that forcing key. thank you. they had all the you and you can watch on the roof l grossi existing because can nuclear plant in russia to assess the security of the facility? most code says the honda is come under attack since ukraine lowest as in cash and into the cask region. and also to following how small from coach control in the task region of prussia to do a nuclear watch, doc has just arrived in
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a purchase of where we are there plans just to give you an idea as about 6 kilometers from where i'm standing and that is where i fell. grossi is carrying out his work, or we are expecting him to speak to the media and the coming hours later on the to see what he has found. according to the russian officials, there was a ukrainian drone that attacked or attempted to, it's this nuclear facility. this is at the curse. nuclear facility is one of the top 3 largest one in the country. russia has 11 nuclear facilities and that of course, being one of the main ones. and now the accusations made by the russians is that they found fragments of ukrainian drones about a 100 meters from the nuclear side, which has caused a lot of alarm. russian president vladimir put and it has urged officials to investigate and that is when russell gross. he said that he will come personally to carry out a inspection of the facility to figure out exactly where to place
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a we are about 90 kilometers from the border with you praying to give you an idea of the geography of the person nuclear power plant has seen fighting about certified kilometers away from it. so there's been quite a lot of intense fighting between ukrainian or russian forces since ukraine launch . it's encouraging in chris screech on august 6th. certainly this visit coming at a very critical time. the russian officials are demanding answers from the un nuclear watch. not going to hold the crate in counterparts accountable if they did . in fact, are we out at the is where it is. strikes across southern galls were killed at least 20 palestinian since the early hours of tuesday. and it follows the lines of a tax on residential neighborhoods across the central and eastern parts of gauze and city. speak filled with funds. the victims deals with
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a homeless system that as well as even if he can be and it was taken to alex the hospital in depth and about a honeymoon who is all correspond to joining us from the la on the so obviously a lot going on in the 1st few hours of tuesday morning, how do you just bring us up to speed with what else we know about the strikes across the gaza strip? yes, overnight this tries continues to cause more a tragedy. it says if it target directly families inside the residential home, but the, the practice of all of this is the aftermath of these attacks. we just happened to run into medical or stuff from the hospital, just cry corvil situation inside the hospital right after the faculties in order that virtually have emptied the hospital completely. not only from the patients and the injury they evacuated from the us, but also medical staff will have to be there on the ground evacuating their found
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it as well. doing to see if you're leaving the entire facility without medical stop putting the life of injury is coming to the hospital. chris to right now with confidently we can say that there is an insufficient medical staff inside the hospital and has overnight at i could cause further civilian casualties that were transferred to a lot of the hospital. but without the medical stuff, nothing certainly needed to intervene and to save lives that situations are getting worse by the hour all the way up to this model has many of these critically injured in the pox needed to be in the operating theatre. do you need immediate surgeries but it's now more of a multi layer to crisis right now. the medical is that the, the stuff that is insufficient and as well as the lack of medical supply and pain medic, jim that does not want to exist with a lot of stuff. like i said, what, i'd like septic that it's not available for surgeries and to present to him just from getting
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a watching at all of this is happening. one of the same time figures try continually destroying residential homes and public facilities. and worse than this, causing be in trouble in force displacement or the vast majority of people sending that it's linked right now directly to the suspension of a, the operations, an honorable version of, and the eastern part of the, the center. they are nearly indebted by that, so the we're talking about on the 25 is that portion of the sender that'd been forced into displacements, into the center, and the what then part of the city stomach that auto and its facilities and its capacity right now. i don't have the, the lab for is this a, for the display of the population. move the source in there about assigned to well as honey just mentioned that the united nation sides is enabled to distribute aid in goals and that's not the is a lot of the evacuation of pasta data about that on sunday. i'm not supposed to you
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and to evacuate is made operation center in central garza, but it didn't say so. it's not withdrawing. also spending operations in the strip humanitarian operations also being displaced within these about 2 ation. one is on the humanitarian response. it is being completely strangled, unlimited or ability of what we can do. and it's really a tonic is talk today. food stole in the jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza, at least 3 palestinians were killed in 15 wounded. and we do well, when you, most of the cruise report contained some graphic images the way the army deliberately targeted, agree with the civil use in the center of development. you can exactly and, and how just the, this is doesn't need to be listed as 3 as it can see. yeah. these right of
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forces just talking to this, the small so the kids brought us to news and doesn't get injured. this is should lease which has been tag, and this is the daily seeing here in japan. they're repeat, you can think of new jersey to japan, they are referred, you can probably assign that will be applied. westbank is really settlers of shopped at one pulse tending and wounded 6 of those and also according to the palestinian authority settlers, the 10th palace janine homes in the village of why did a holiday bethlehem. and just people were taken to hospital is riley's living in the legal settlements of being carrying out an increasing number of, of tanks and the occupied westbank since the will in gone. so it began. and these
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really all be as car though, as an asteroid can till the crime kind of get these 5 pallets to the industries and teenagers as well says it was talking what it called an operations room. and the newer chimes refugee camp that is very striking. the same area last week till 3 palestinians about 50 is very and strong. so being conducted in the west bank since the stalls of the will in gone. so it became joseph now from what data, how south of bethany had hired data. just bring us up to speed of what we know in terms of the latest settler attacks of the aftermath of what they did. yes, let me show you where we are right now and what happens. we are sending in west village and behind us here is the league. it is really supplement of fidelity where palestinians have been telling us that the settlers have gathered late last night and attacked palestinians. if you can see the closeness of this illegal is really supplement that has been interesting, closer and closer towards palestinian homes. according to the people we've been
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speaking to, they say that the attack happened on the homes over here, leaving many locals to come and try to find their loved ones. loved ones. because we know that the suckers have destroyed and threw rocks at one of the houses over there. and the news. yeah, the a 14 year old palestinian was one of those will try to come here for help. and then he's been schultz, but. * is really secular, as who we have been seeing them getting more weapons, more access to arms since the war started. now he has been shot and the i'm doing says, could not get through this area to reach him according to his cousin and the people we've been speaking to. this is the area we're talking about, the very close to the league. it is really supplemented by threats and palestinians have been saying that they've been left alone. really, very, very close proximity to these illegals is really supplements and they've been,
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we left alone. we're talking about a population that is largely on armed people who are just living in their homes and then they're subjected to a tax. vice sutler is not only from the league and is really supplements over here . but also from the legal is ready supplement. all the posts that have been mushrooming all across the occupied west bank and increased in quantity of the city since the worst part. that, of course need to if palestinians with honey worrying about the attacks that they actually experience on the ground. they also have to look to the sky as well, and be worried about what comes from the especially those into cuz i'm a thank you so ahead. that's a very good point because in the past the palestinians would be killed during is really me. let's read, read, that's happened when troops answer thousands of vintages and refugee camps. but it's been, i can say, like, more than 20 years since they've been seeing the use in the, in the sense,
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if use of aerial strikes against them late last night. it took place in to cut him in the north from set up your g cab when these really drones ahead is palestinians killing 5 of them. now according to these really forces, they say that they're targeting fighters in the cab. we know that what's your job, the leader of the facility and there has survived several assassination attempts and according to medical teams, he was not one of the 5 that they've counted it being killed after the strike happened. but one of those who has been have been killed is a palestinian, was been released in late november due in as a part of the exchange deal, the captive exchange deal that took place between him a and his role again we've been hearing is really me the 3 officials talking about the intensification of the use of aerial strikes to combat fighters here in the occupied west bank with abraham forest in the occupied west by thank you. still
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head here on i'll just ever in bangladesh, millions of people remain stranded. following the was flooding in decades, also innovation in the middle of the devastation, palestinians in gulf of finding a way out of the fuel crisis caused by is really restrictions the this others to big sandstone was a ride from west popular west woods, which is that most of the might well, and that is where we have the significant rain just a couple of days ago and not far away from those small islands in north maluka. this isn't south was popular 198 minutes. it gives you, you know, about 3 courses that focus average just in 2 days. so the risk of that's and then start still, that is the end the forecast to drifting south
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a little bit. but you can see the line, sir, your office takes you through to, to borneo as well. and that job is to drive us to box. it looks dry now as well. but up in the well to vietnam and cambodia. tease coming on to the west is months of the year, so we've got 3 days of fund installed. possibly vital view of the sun in her treatment. a white jumping size, it's winter midwinter, and yet we've had the hottest winter day ever recorded in anywhere. and australia just recorded 42 degrees on us. the tropics are really mostly used for looking fine throughout australia. kayla is kind of streaming across from west australia towards the victoria the code to save this quote in tasmania. and this might give you some snare, one probably on wednesday that that code that comes across the tasman to was new zealand where you'll get some of cool. but you know, in the mountains the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the book about 12 villages here with me. so robin and i'll remind to of, on top stories,
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you create invoices all reports. are they attempting to force the way across the border with russia into bel garage? according to messages on the telegraph in russia, hundreds of ukrainian troops between the 2 checkpoints. the regions governor says that situation is difficult, but under control is ready and strikes across the southern and central guns were killed at least 20 palestinians in the areas of choose dates. i say it's always a night of attacks on residential neighborhoods in costs assisting is really ami has conducted an aspect into the crim can again, these find palestinians and they'll keep hard west bank. now the attacks were carried out. a settlers rated palestinian homes in the village south of the democratic republic of congo. those governments, as a scheduled like sedation campaign against ed pokes wouldn't be rolled out this week. vaccines have reported to the arrived in the capital control center for the
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head of the deals. eas response team says there was still remaining processes more than 500 tests from the disease. and 16000 reported cases have been recorded in the country of my county as nga in the democratic republic of congo in the east of the country. hello, alan and pokes is very contagious. so the vaccine needs to get to your area very quickly, but it doesn't seem is going to get the quite yet a . this is a big issue. as of right now, did the seo tony t is trying to deal with the vaccine itself, which monte item controls at the doors, which is the alternative have for 20? does i say it's not enough for being deployed and they're working at on this with frontier knows for example, minutes though for how to proceed to the web spending. so is this from the us government and also from the european union and different funding of them. they have to find those a way to deal with the, the bucks the initial out on the ground. we have already some of that. but in those
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feeling we do treat them as right now, but this is not news issue when it comes to talk about the auto see the countries very big. the logistics issues is always a month to when it comes to talking about funding equal out to. but if we have seen this in the past, we to the bought for example of the past few and play the big little too out of the data. so we did logistics up. what about to do? they don't have the same capacity. but the good thing is, go, we want to ground we have seen in nibbled in previous of why haven't here will cover a tundra guess. these were reported only for one week and dumped as a warming now for the on the test. so now, because even the kids for the people to treat is not enough on the grounds, they, the more, the more severe kits is growing among the population and across the country and any more who doesn't like it but to, well, even they've, they've, i've seen the kim to day, as i mentioned before, they wouldn't be a big issues of logistics to deal with this deployment on the ground. and also out
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of the doctor we have just like you to, to issues def. i think i think a zoom between the, the r c i mean, and then for the 3 in the same area here, enough cable. and then some guess these are already reported even in those 80. and no one knows how it would happen because government doesn't have access in those areas. what does this is the minute challenging talent they're out of this and books out here in the, in the is the same across the country because of what to now on 26 for his own. what do you think? what a guess is? and since the case is made to the children and then dismissed people who are very vulnerable in a different area here, most people and then is out to people who will see how this process will going on. and it can shut their data and will keep an eye on what happens in the next few days with you in game like connie that for thank you pockets. those prime minister has rejected holding negotiations with the separatists to boss. you've made the
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comments up to 74. people were killed in times across the states of below just on, on monday police stations and railway lines are amongst targets targeted by the below interest on liberation army. the most serious incident was in the bush, had a region where migrant workers would drank from that vehicles and shots come all hide to reports for bucket stones capital is from about this is the aftermath of a 9 bush on the highway and focused dogs. most of the district at least 23 people. it was shot dead yet after the attackers checked their identity guard then opened fire the subject by the gunman 1st targeted the trucks. they bundle an off to that they stopped the buses. any passenger who came from punjab was supposed to get off before they shot them dead. the gun mendoza burned, 10 drugs and rate goes before fleet. it took several hours for the security forces
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and medical games to raise to area board the dead and wounded up being taken to the nearest hospital. a medical emergency was declared when we heard about the incident. all of us doctors, paramedics and other stuff has been present here in the hospital since last night, and in the morning i have to press the casualties were brought to our hospital. this is not the 1st attack of its game earlier in april and other 9 people get in a similar attack in north school district or below just on, i guess on is a go to. it is going to say they have been a number of our tags and drugs but not just on. and they claim to have good at least right of, of the attackers without giving exact details of all the locations a separate the group called the balloon liberator nami has claimed responsibility for the attack bucket funds. interior minister, guarded barbaric and promised to bring doors responsibility to justice. i'm already that i'll just eat off. it's not my but in bangladesh, millions of people remain strong. that has been scripts. so in the way,
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following one of the was floods in decades, at least 23 people have been killed. tons of channels really pulitzer from color in eastern bangladesh of the floods, among the worst in recent memory. relent last month, soon, reins and water released from a dam upstream in the indian state of the tape, where i have set much vast areas in bangladesh, damaging homes, farmland, an infrastructure as flood waters received slowly. many of the effective people remain isolated in remote areas and are in urgent need of food, food, and water and medicine. like many others show for a big, i'm is still reluctant to leave our home, hoping the water will fully receive soon. all our family members left the village when the flag hit the chevy. i'm staying here alone. now i put the table on top of the bed frame and sleep on it because as both of his 2 relatives are bringing food for me,
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everything is damaged. more than 300000 people affected by floods of taking refuge in an emergency shelter. so i may even have to take refuge by the roadside with shout estimate with just plastic shit. most shelters are overwhelmed by the influx of displaced people who have left everything behind a lot of there's a problem with adequate food, fresh water and clean clothes. my grandchildren are having problems staying here. it is a very crowded place. the lack of a sufficient number of boats is making the task of delivering relief to people in remote villages, very challenging. in many instances, people have to go to the main road to collect aid while blocked roads hindered rescue and relief efforts. a massive gridlock and catch up their drum highway, which also connect 3 distinct that are badly affected by flood. and it's causing
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the relief caused by major delays to reach its final destination. food and waters are scarce and their lives still haven't been reached. many isolated villages we have been stuck in a major traffic gym for a long time. we bought a lot of relief materials that need to be distributed to people urgently. and by today, 55 year old site may have said he has never seen a flood like this in his life. time to do this, do is your, it was raining hot and there was a mess of russia voice that came up stream from india. we didn't have time to salvage anything. it was a little gone and just one night for those affected by the flag. it's a devastating reality that is disruptive the lives, leaving them grappling with the loss of homes, crops, live, starks and livelihoods with the future shrouded in economic uncertainty. time each of the i'll give you the 9 low code coming to la, malaysia is opposition leader and full,
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the prime minister. more than you all seen has been charged with the addition for electrically insulting the country's previous king. the charges relate to common c made during an election campaign riley. earlier this month, lloyd dean has denied insulting royalty, saying that his remarks were factual. he could face up to 3 years in prison if found guilty. the u. s. department of justice has appealed to the federal court to reinstate the case against the full, the president. donald trump, for allegedly mishandling classified government documents. the case was dismissed in july by a florida judge appointed by trump. the documents were found at his home in 2021. trump legal team has until september, the 26 to submit a response to canada was following the us on your opinion, posing a tank sold electric vehicles and pulled it from china basing has criticized the decisions that and get the binds economic and trade corporation all to announce to 100 percent town refundable chinese made eaves. it's also posing
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a 25 percent duty on chinese steel and alimony and canadian prime minister justin to day says chinese subsidies give it to industry and 5 advantage because of our government's choices and the hard work of hundreds of thousands of canadian auto workers. we are transforming canada's automotive sector to be a global leader in building the vehicles of tomorrow. but actors like china have chosen to give themselves an unfair advantage in the global marketplace, compromising the security of our critical critical industries and displacing dedicated canadian autos and many middle workers. so we're taking action to address that as well as imposed heavy restrictions on the entry of fuel into the gaza strip since october. the blockade was severely limits. people's freedom move in drawing full of occupations and constant attacks. pablo city instead of having to use
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a plastic waste field, if mean a highly repulsed from cancer, of the war time out to miss taylor and trash cans all vital resources. and i make shift labs in the open air of guys, a city craft, the palestinians transform fits with plastic in to fuel the bundle of lipstick. we started collecting plastic items in an attempt to manufacture fuel because being tired gauze the strip has been denied to fuel plastic is caught to small pieces and placed into this cylinder put on file. once a plastic milk vapor will flow through this pipe onto this water cooling condenser, the cooling water runs through to east end to ensure maximum cooling is right to control all married time and ground axes in and out of this trip. at the source of the war, it imposed this trip, restrictions on the entry of what fuel leave in dire shore to use. many and guys a had to turn to engine mounts of transports. but even these are running out. so


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