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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the feeling watched of one's of the risk of a serious accident from fighting the a russian nuclear plants, the hello, i'm sorry i'm the was the this is allergies era. life from dell is are coming up on the program. he's really on the says it's freed another captive in southern gaza and vows to return, moving a 100 others and all the battle between north and south korea and this time of blood sucking mosquitoes the carry malaria,
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the iran has one of the largest number of human the patients in the world, we look at how sanctions are affecting treatments, the hello and welcome to the program. the chief of the u. n's, nuclear watched all these warning about fighting could cause a serious accident and rushes curse. collegian russell grossey is visited a nuclear plant in the area. he says he sold traces of drugs strikes me, of the facility. ukrainian forces have been advancing into curse for 3 weeks. that has been activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown. some of the residents goes and assigns
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of the impact they had on a bart from that. the fact that we have, as i said military, mtv d. a few miles from here, a few kilometers from here to make it. yeah, and immediate point of attention. your crime says it now controls almost 1300 square kilometers and a 100 settlements in the russian border region. of course, its forces have captured nearly $600.00 russian soldiers and staging a surprising cause. you know, on august 6th, russian forces have been fighting for weeks to repel the offensive dose of jabari has moved from coach hotels in the curse region of russia. a rough l grossi the director general of the you are nuclear watchdog, has spent the day in the curse power plant looking at the various parts of this facility. according to the briefing, he gave us here in
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a courtyard salesman city. he said that you look at the most important parts of the plan, so that includes the turbine hall, the reaction hall and the storage of the spent fuel. he said that this a facility, one of the largest in russia, is operating as normal capacity, which is as low food use and bad because that means that it is completely operational. therefore, more susceptible to any kind of a military activity or tack around that. he said that what makes this particular plan, so it's truly wonderful and different than other nuclear facilities. is that the core nuclear reactor at the occurs power plant is not protected by any kind of a don't tasting like other declare facilities. meaning that the only thing that is protecting the cord, you free or reactor is the roof of the building, which means any kind of a drones attack or miss heart attack. would it completely also impact the reactor in south having catastrophic consequences? so as the director general said that you spent the day speaking to russian
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officials and that they are going to continue with the dialogue to try and figure out ways how to protect this flat further from the military activities that is taking place around that of course, he said, this is extremely serious and dangerous situation and he urge all sides not to use nuclear facilities as a weapon during conflict. he said, that's it. the only way we can ensure the safety of the facility is to make sure that the fighting does not take place anywhere near the door. such a vari, alcera, coach, altoff, russia. the is else as it has freed a captive in southern gauze. uh, it says, card for han alcalde was recovered during the complex rescue operation is right on the release this video and says al kazi is in a stable medical condition off to he was examined,
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a group representing the families of the captives of pushing for cease 5 deals to ensure that the relatives return home live a site ministry operations alone cannot free all of those taken captive and october . well, israel's ministry spokesman, daniel, who gary says that his ready forces will use all opportunities to ensure the return of all the captives. there are still a 108 hostages, whose families are still waiting to hear news that their loved ones are home. and they should know that we will not rest. we will not rest until we fulfill our mission to bring of all our hostages back home. on my way to alaska, he's a professor of media studies. don't mind, shoot for graduate studies and joins us now. so what could this mean prime minister netanyahu? well, he's certainly going to solve this. he's already starting to solve this as, as a great victory for the,
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for the is really army. he's going to try and suggest that, you know, of cease fires and diplomacy aren't, aren't really needed because there, there's really military is there to, to rescue the captives. but if we sort of zoom out a little bit and look at the wider context, we can see that only 10 captives have been rescued by israel. and this comes up, you know, on the heels of promises from back in october that that is really army was going to be able to go in and carry out these kinds of rest rescue operations and basically rescue all of the hostages. this is why, if you remember, during the 1st few weeks, not in yahoo come to be shunned the idea of a ceasefire, or even a temporary pause because he said that the military would be able to rescue the captives. the reality though is that it's been very difficult. in 11 months only 10 people have been have been rescued, and israel has actually killed far more of its own captives. then it has rescued more than 30 captives have been killed as the result of is really bombing. so it's
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actually been a great failure on that front. why have they struggle so much to that of wrong, this 2 quads. it's a very complex operation, right? how mass and this lama jihad are relatively formidable fighting forces, especially when you consider the tunnel. the tunnel network right is real, has struggled mightily to make a dent in from us as a fighting force. according to us intelligence, the majority of mazda is fighters, remain intact. overall, you know, 11 months into the war, almost 11 months into the war. more over us intelligence is saying that from us has been able to recruit thousands of new fighters. so in terms of manpower, mass, maybe even better off today than they were 11 months ago, they also have a lot more weapon rate because they've been able to re purpose. unexploded is rarely bombs and used always use those against is rarely forces inside of cause. so
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it's been very difficult militarily for israel, and that's putting it mildly. and because you say there is, it's taking 10 months of fruitful war and only say, have not been fried. there was a deal on the table a society deal, but with that egypt comp time the us have been negotiating for many months that would effectively free all of these captives. it doesn't seem to be any sign of a break through that. no, there doesn't know there doesn't. then of course, last week and the week before there were some indications that suggesting that we might be close. but i don't, i don't think we're particularly close mostly because israel represented by not. and yahoo does not want or does not want to cease fire each time. we seem to get close on that and yeah, who does and says things that would make a ceasefire. impossible. there's just a very long list of, of things that he's done inside that would make us, he's fire impossible, and he's set it explicitly that he doesn't intend on ending the war. so i don't think we should be overly optimistic at this time. unfortunately. profess and not 3
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. thank you. meanwhile as riley, as far as the cost cause or of killed the east $27.00 palestinian since the early hours of tuesday, entire residential blocks have been reduced to rubble in the southern city of han eunice, the edge of a rush to the cities and also hospital at least 40435 pounds of things have been killed in gaza. meanwhile, the central browser and his righty as strike there had a residential building and almost a rock. no casualties reported in neighboring areas. at least 6 palestinians were killed in an attack on, on the halsy refugee camp. they're all very few medical facilities left functioning and gaza to treat the wounded. and my, to how critical the injuries might be. one of the last of those left is the alex
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hospital in darrow paula that has been forced to evacuate by the is really ami. the united nations is saying only 11 percent of gauze that has not been given in evacuation older. i mean my mood isn't darrell bala in central gaza with more on the latest attacks. this is really military cut out here at tox overnight. across garza city, this central area and the city of hon. you is just causing further civilian casualties in causing your level of destruction to residential buildings and public facilities in almost all means of life. for an already display, it's been a traumatized population. indeed, over another attacks in the central air and by the records. you can look to the murder of a whole entire family, that's the father and mother and their children. almost simulate any of the another family in han, eunice was targeted and killed and buried under the rubble of their home. it was not until 10 am in the morning were civil defense. the crew members and paramedics
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were trying to remove bodies of from the under the levels and those who might have survived these relentless attacks being white in golf and city. this really military had talked another with the residential buildings and destroyed all of it, which until after noon, hours of duty, the paramedics and civil defense, the crew were working tirelessly to remove bodies of from under the rebels. all the transferred to allow the baptist hospital the only remaining operational health facility that is running at the lowest capacity possible. the risk right now as we keep hearing it from medical to staff across the golf industry, particularly from this hospitality behind the a lot of the hospital is the lack of medical supplies, necessarily necessarily medical supplies such as the pain medication. and sceptics, something as simple as subject is not available at the hospital, do use by the doctors in the medical this off to intervene and to save lives and provide
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a proper medical and medical treatment for patients and injuries inside the hospital . all these really military orders, the residence of the eastern part of the is the city of the development to evacuated from the area. just the month of august happened to be the largest on with the largest number of evacuation order that took place since august, 1st, pushing more people into internal, further enforce displacement just center and western part of the city to city of there. but right now it's kind of the status is running out of space in rudy over crowded impact with many of the displays. families who are arriving from different parts of the goal is to move recently from the eastern part of it and the city of pon eunice, something that is being causing the grade level of a trauma for people who really have this sense of permanent displacement as the work continues to range. i knew mine would just be it all from the central area of
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the gaza strip all this time. and developments elsewhere is rodney settlers of shot dead, one, palestinian and wounded 6. others in the occupied westbank satellites attacked palestinian homes and the village of why the ro hall near bethlehem is right. these living and the legal settlements have been carrying out an increasing number of attacks and the onto pied westbank. since the warren gauze us started it from spoke to witnesses in the village of warranty. real. how in the occupied westbank. i'm standing here in the village of where do you to had and this is how close the legal is really supplement of a fraud is to the palestinian community over here. palestinian said that they believe that the settlers came. so this roads over here, a talking palestinians throwing rocks, but not only that, as we were walking along the street, we've seen the bullets cases that would fired at palestinians in the village of
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whether it had the sadness keep it. so it was also sudden, there was heavy shooting all around here. we heard the sounds of bullets and trap noticing everywhere. it was chaotic and we didn't understand what was happening. i tried to smuggle my family from the other side of the house, but my brother and his family was stuck in this. this is the morning house of 37 year old city. he had a father for whose life has been cut short during the attack. we speak to his friend, we need, who was with him until the very last minute. because i ask who's called but the settlers started throwing rocks at him and the nearby homes you've been with us. the car moved towards night as long as he walks they shall see him in the back. he didn't do anything. he was a good man, may he rest in peace? the settlers wants us out of outlines. we want leave even if they kill us so far as it is not only have to worry about it is really supplements that have been taking up their lands and resources,
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but also of subtler violence that has been taking the form of more organized groups that are often carried out from indian is really supplement. i'll post like this one behind me that but he just eat off the occupied with bank palestine as well. so to bring you very shortly, has been flooding across several countries in southeast asia, which is forced thousands of people from the homes and the binding together. again, this is uniting officer, one of rocks is biggest to the there is still big thunderstorms around in this positive and an easy way. we have
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of course that and then slide in time it's a brother. it looks like the full cost gives you the biggest shaft to the science, is that still the same potential grows? you're very unlucky running about through sort of way. see then the other concentrations bit further north, most likely it's going to be me in about thailand or vietnam that gets to which is rather which i me up to wish this month anyway. sean sean to tie fitness reach peak strength is losing a little bit on his way up to congress. even still going to be most likely a type of food as it goes very coast east, off the top of the city. so that potentially quite damaging. it takes the energy from the rest of east asia. much of china looks drive up these types of quite top. i have to say one. but she made and most likely, sundry dining hall car congress she me then gets tie food whether on thursday, but rapidly improves for friday and saturday. now we've had some pretty funding where the in good you're right and you can pick any sitting good. you're typically, or it's worse, we got half a meter of ranges, hardly surprising that we've got funding all over the place at the top,
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our meters at least twice what the average suggests for this month. but there is more to come, not just in good your to put in roger's done and soaking. pakistan was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we cannot change when to reach the welcome to send me an extra re does that a little redesigns luxury losing trusting l. a future? today we create the
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the welcome back. a recap of the main stories now. the head of the un, new and watched donors warning the fighting could lead to a serious accident in russia's car, screeching russell, across the visit to their new camp health plans in the area the plane launched. it's encouraging in course 3 weeks ago. at least $27.00 palestinians have been killed in his rainy attacks on gauze as since the early hours of tuesday. many were targeted in the homes and on eunice by residential blocks have been reduced to rubble. and as well as saying that it's free to captain during its latest military operation in southern gaza, says that card for hon. i'll called you was recumbent enough, complex rescue operation. his medical condition is described as normal now and all the stories we're covering, people living with complex diseases,
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an iran often struggle to get the medication they need because of western sanctions, a trade in bol goes, mean that clinics have to buy specialized medicines on the black market or try to make low grade versions of what they need. russell stood and met some of the patients impacted by this into ron. a 7 year old anybody has been going to this sees us both. has them a few to read this your, their english, the but doesn't clock on its own post as needed to stop. but even even a minor injury can be left checking in for him. but the most dentist is the internal bleeding, which cannot be not as quickly as mothers, they had a lives in cost and fear. this was in the corner. he's a child who needs to interact with other children, runaround and enjoy life. but i always worry that he'll sustained an injury,
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stumble full. this fear is with me in the entire family, wherever he goes and whatever he does when you can. and we'll see a type patients like anybody need a medication known as factor in which you run lex in sufficient quantities. mobile guy that used to be that the medicine. so we produce a low quality because of the lack of high quality ro materials. and we have to import them, but our whole financial system is strictly sanctioned. yet 2 companies don't sell these materials to us because of the same thing with purchasing an insufficient amount from the black market from the sanctioning us at significantly higher prices . that are 14000 him a few the patients in iran, one of the largest groups in the world as but experts say that the actual steger for the much higher sections or effect in all aspects of iran's health care system,
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limited access to critical medicines and medical devices make the treatment of complex diseases like him, ophelia particularly difficult all generations from children to the elderly health to face these consequences. 70 year old measured that tammy was an academic for more than 2 decades. when you have retired to move to tear wrong, he lives on his retirement pension. last year, he was diagnosed with him, a few of them both fucked. a hush forgive me. i have to take this medication each. those costs $50.00 and i had 6 shots last week, but the bleeding continued. so i came back for full more shots. how can i afford in? sometimes there's no medicine available and i have to wait for weeks. i want to tell those who didn't post sanctions that we are human beings and we've nothing to do with politics or government policies. many others, like emulated and budget, frequently have to come to these m ophelia care center,
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hoping that would be medicine available. but some our tools not know maybe next time christmas said that, oh to 0. to hold off with our tonight jerry and now the country is on the verge of hunger crisis. united nations is saying moving 26000000 people won't have enough to eat in the coming weeks. a group say they've been overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of children who are ready solving. i'm a dangerous reports on this now from i do agree. this is one of dozens of health facilities across nigeria, struggling to deal with the increasing number of children present, severe, acute latricia doctors in this hospital for those that on average, they receive 100 new patients and they are running. they've already run out of bed space to take care of new arrivals in products. and lots of patients are outside waiting for one patient to be decides for another to take
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a test page pretty. we understand becoming very conditions. now doctors, i say that the situation spotted this. yeah, the situation started earlier. it's usually in the month of july when they start to see this number of children coming to hospitals for support or medical care. what's the problem? the moment pushing in printer 24 started 12 months before july. in fact, it started even april, which is 3 months before the original time. and they don't expect this ease until probably the month of november when probably people will start publishing prompts from their farms and probably would be a little cheap wow 5 of the time. but right now what they saying is that what the doctors all say is that it does which i've crisis points, especially in northern nigeria, you cannot expand enough. right? and so we actually overwhelmed, we feel that a, this is
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a little too much. right? yes, we cannot stop, because if we do of the consequences of dire officials, government officials are telling us millions of children are coming to be invested in products that are some others. i have to report in hospitals. we are told by doctors in percentages like this, that silverman continued to die because some of them arrived these facilities too late for any help to be given to them. and the conditions we understand. but of course, of this problem, multi pacific congress. first of all, the security in parts of the country is that of course, hundreds of thousands of farmers. some of them i'm unable to come to cultivate, that inflation has risen to more than 33 percent. i mean, products that are also the las vegas also the life of the families can use to feed themselves children. now officials are saying that the situation could get
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worse before they get a degree august, due to a scheduled vaccination campaign against impulse. and the democratic republic of congo will not be rolled out this week. vaccines reported to have arrived in the capital kinshasa, but the head of the response team is saying there are processes that are left to complete. they've been more than 500 depths and 16000 cases that were quoted in the country south east asia has been hit by heavy rains in the past 7 days, causing widespread flooding and the land slides and tile on many people. 5th line, which is good, straight bangkok as they did in 2011 major ologist. so blaming the new weather phenomenon. as tony chang reports now from bangkok, search and rescue teams dig through the wreckage of homes and cannot take its heavy rains and floods. hit east and indonesia or over the we can at least 13 people died with 6 still missing in the mud slides that followed. the,
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the biggest challenge that we have is the rain which has had but the, if it's by risk who is because most of the segments consist of sand and might, it can risk risk is to fall and get stuck themselves. i think the heavy rains also cost rivers to break the banks and bony know sort of ways. just 2 months ago, 23 people died and months sites here meet urologist says lend media the opposing with a passing to a mean. you know, ocean temperatures, high pressure and more rain. i will say it's a dry season. but due to the ethic offline, nina is not that great. so still they have high intensity of rain at least once in 2 days, $1.00 and $3.00 days on thailand, holiday and then the book had a huge scar on the hillside. the remains of a land slide, the killed 13 people, hotels and luxury villas,
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washed away on friday nights. but the real concern is in the north of thailand with flow to force 30000 people out of the homes. several major rivers have bus the banks and dams filled to capacity with control release as it was planned in the days to come by. most of what i've done, the low cost tied tony municipality has made preliminary preparation, but we're still unable to block this enormous amount of flood water. you probably minutes to pet hometown shit and what was that with rescue work is inspecting the damage? well though she said the bank talk is know some of the threats nearby provinces around high enough the last time the capital suffered serious flooding in 2011 around england just stepped into the prime ministers job. tony chang l to 0 bank south career is back in a different kind of threatened area supported with the north and increase in
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mosquitoes. and with them comes the threats of malaria. eunice came reports on this now from the south korean capital goals that you korea is have been at odds for decades, but at the border separating them a different kind of conflict is being fucked. dozens of smart mosquito traps like this one are deployed outside the fortified demilitarized zone, or d, m, z to catch blood sucking mosquitoes potentially carrying malaria. because how tommy could, oh god, yeah, and then you've got a kid since the gmc is a no man's land, there are plenty of open pools of water and wild animals that sort of his blood sources to feed on in order to lay the rigs. so it's a good environment for mosquitoes to thrive. so fears and mosquitoes are buzzing in from north korea. that's had a long struggle with a disease soldiers and residents, a like phase, not only a military threat, but increasingly a parasitic one to despite decades long efforts to eradicate malaria,
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the mosquito borne disease has rapidly grown in recent years. and while most cases are detected in the border area, the capital sol as seen more than 60 cases as of july this year. officials and so have called on people to take precautions, including wearing longer sleeved clothing, exceptionally hot and sweltering weather. the season have created conditions that are worsening. the sweat of controlling the bundle with insects are generally called gutted animals. so as the temperature increases, the growth rate increases. and while the 2 koreas work together in better times to clamp down on malaria and other diseases, north korea remains silent to all offers for outside help. holding illinois, the north koreans generally have a portion of physical sense. so you add a disease to that. as the north korean expression goes there, we just should leave it up and die. a new world health organization figures put the number of the larry cases in north korea between 20212022. at nearly
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$4500.00, the figure analysts say is likely higher. now, given the countries outdated medical infrastructure and widespread hunger unit skim . oh, the 0. so weight is always the funds of the british pop from the corporate, unfinished band, oasis, they are reuniting for a while till now. it's when it comes 15 years after the band broke off because of a feud between 2 brothers image and came the tells us more the use of anger pointing multiple. i couldn't music making a great. whitfield legend weiss has been around 15 years. so in these agreements the gallagher brothers are confirmed they will be re fi.


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