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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the . ready ready is really a tax across garza kill at least 33 palestinians with entire residential blocks, the stores in oversight, armstrong, units the you're watching, i'll just the real life from headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate. the also coming up the is where the army says it's freed, another captive and southern gaza and vows to return more than a 100 others. the u. n. watch dog warrens of the risk of
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a serious accident from fighting near a russian nuclear plants and a call for vigilance officer. a rare form of and so for light is carried by mosquitoes, is discovered in the us. the hello homes have been destroyed across the gaza strip and another relentless bombardment by is really forces. at least 40 palestinians have been killed since early tuesday. is really air strikes. targeted entire residential blocks and refugee camps started vazo reports as the blooms so screwed. it turns this calling again in the thoughts of as well as from some waning go to 2000 pounds,
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each one of the tree to this area of the wrong choice. and you can type is really problems in the of my goes the rest you did come cube 6 members of the family night. please gather around the body, the full who relatives say good boy. one of the not seen has this is their target. a woman, her children and her sister in law sleep in their home. miss. i hits them what religion or law could possibly allow this. even the laws they uphold. what do they target? children? a 4 year old boy, an 8 year old girl and the eldest son was 12. is very fiercest. here we go to see you is a true, exclusively goes on tuesday, killing dozens of people. you shook these people, including eunice, struggling to comprehend what happens. the residential block is in boons.
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the flash f. 16 rocket contained in the area and destroyed the food safe. we can't get the march inside of here. still lots of people in there. this house was full, i tell you, young people, old people, women for homes killed in the homes, say hundreds of thousands of times can use out trying to escape, still being pushed out of pocket. so every time i am telling eunice 1st, but it's very, is that to ation food is into the remaining 11 percent of the goals a strip was coming up. i don't have that because you can see this piece is full of people that you can do to fix and talks about entering the security and what that is completely evacuated if people are almost 90 percent of the people and citizen has left, we are looking for a safe place and to lead me i could his most safe place and then tied goes a step is ready. evaluation order is all making families desperate as they look for some way to sleep. soon they will get another challenge getting water with 70
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percent of disciplining. so the plans and what to wells in guns are located instantly evacuation areas. they have been caught from the main sources, some people even not considering getting back the risk of dissing killed target capacity, which is 0. there is the palestine. israel says that it's free to captive in southern gaza, but they're conflicting reports on how the 53 year old was phones. and now the families of doesn't still being held are pushing for a cease fire to ensure more return home a live iran con reports. these radio and he says this video shows the moment k, the foot of hon. i'll call the was rescue cooling it a complex rescue operation. however, of the report suggests that he was alone with no captive or no captives. which seems to contradict the military statement as suggest he had been released or
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escaped. the mr. benjamin netanyahu was quick to call that a success, both of the back of the front cutting. welcome home far hon. l. kaji. i commend the audi f and the i say for another successful rescue operation, we're working relentlessly to or to an all about hostages. we're doing this in 2 main ways, negotiations and rescue operations. the 2 of these together require a military presence on the ground and constant military pressure on him us. we will continue to act until we were to and all of them home. the hostages finally form the umbrella organization. the represents the families of resort and captives with critical thing that's in, you know, who simply isn't doing enough to get a ceasefire and to bring the captive. so what kinds family a bed to in a community long discriminated against by his right you far as he's according to look like human rights groups that have long criticizes rose destruction. a better
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when village is in the homes. today though, i feeling of relief that he's back safe and wishes that the $108.00 remaining captives would also be home soon. the simple, this policy and this happiness will be for all the hostages. we hope that it will come to them today before tomorrow that there will be a deal of reading and all the hostages will be released. and all the happiness that we feel is felt by the families and parents of the hostages. according to these ready meet, so to 3 of the remaining captives, a dead would cease by tools bogged down and is right, insisting on changing the structure of the deal and immediate ceasefire. it seems unlikely. so was this release is being celebrated, the captain suddenly, the only serious option ahead is a truce similar to the one last november which led to a $105.00 captives big exchange. the palestinian prisoners americans deserve
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the chief of the ones. nuclear watchdog is warning the fighting could cause a serious accidents and rushes. chris creech and raphael gross, he has visited in nuclear plants in the area. and he says that he's all traces of drones strikes near the facility. dorset jabari reports from the city of court, utah, where the nuclear sites is located in a city of nearly 40000 people named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program. igor chord shots of his larger than live statute greets visitors as soon as they entered the city. about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility. and russia occurs because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest producer of electricity in the country. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since you create launch, it's incursion into russian territory in the car screeching on august. the 6th,
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across this lake is the curse of nuclear power plants where russia says fragments. so if you creating drugs were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times, again putting the safety of nuclear facilities at the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happened. does not deny the fact that there has been a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown, some of the remnants, those signs of the impact they had, the director general went on to express concerns for the safety of the plants, which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the court reactor of the curse, nuclear facility is not protected by special, don't making it much more susceptible to any kind of attack
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a but nuclear safety is not the only concern here. can you snyder demtrius a video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a co solution, including i would say to security measures off the top schools will start with a book loading to present on wants to defense for children or lots of public offense are prohibited, while the city continues to function, despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia and ukraine force is only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. doors such a for alpha, 0 chord shots of city russia. well, we can also extend as with the inverse county who's a professor of engineering and nuclear safety thing, adversity of southern california joining us from los angeles. welcome to alta 0, sir. so since the start of the war and ukraine, there have been concerns over the safety of nuclear power plants. but how vulnerable is this particular nuclear plant to an accident? as i said, this plant is extremely vulnerable because as a mess,
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the grocer directors are off. i a said it does not have containment bending honest react to this flat as far as i remember, the type of 30 actors on b and k, that's the russian version for graphite moderators, bought or quote, react. i'd like to have on that. if you had interest and i'll be disciplined, todd for the actors that bump point 2 of them are shut down or per monthly shut down. one of them was disconnected from the grid last sunday for maintenance related issues and the other one. the last one is operation. on fire, both of these trudy actors that are still alive, they may be still in the depth on that bus for maintenance done. it still isn't a quarter shot done. it's records, the student water circulation and the reactor, which is operation needs also a heavy attention. and the problem is also this,
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as mr. gross, he said, there is no containment don't or where to react or strength just like turned off it . so it's making of turn out. now let me ask who i'm speaking of turn of will because you do refer to read. i mean the effects of turner, but of course are still being felt to this day. what a turner will type accidents be possible or, or the safety measure is more develop now a band return of it, and the photos of jazz. i'll be behind by back in 1997. i visited sarcophagus and i've see i've been that i've seen that if there is a major explosion, it's caused by drone or i type from on site or do you try and tried not accident if there is a major explosion and react when it gets on the cover there is nothing to stop the, the travelling ridge i have to follow. it could be very catastrophic accident. but i hope that this a, this firefighter to be stop,
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because this reactors are not very, very protected because of the lack of containment, of whether that's not my only concern. there is a spent fuel pool that day require constant sit correlation. and if steps electricity to do is a spent fuel for the cutoff for extended period of time. and the water is getting to that boiling point, then the same, think what happened does, if you're not the focus you my diet, right? and that is the plant is the i a, has stated that it continuously. uh that it stuff rather is present at all of the ukrainian nuclear sites. at least. i mean, and we've seen rafael grosse visit this particular one, the curse. one what, what the i a, a i, a, a staff be a tasks with an order to kind of protect these plans at this time. a big,
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honestly, to a does your wife job. they have residents to members that they are, ends up. what is your nuclear power plant? there are just opposite of a dog, very passive. unfortunately, they can't do anything at the plants 11 to protect up their protection needs to be done at the political level. between the 2 governments. i know you as a, as a media interest. okay. understood. thank you so much. thanks for joining us from los angeles. thank you. now the nigeria is on the verge of hunger crisis. the united nation says more than 26000000 people will have enough to eat in the coming weeks. a group say they've been overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of children who are right starving to do this report through my degree. this is one of the dozens of health facilities across nigeria, struggling to deal with the increasing number of children present, severe acute electrician doctors in this hospital for those that on average,
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they receive 100 new patients and they are running. they've already run out of space to take care of new arrivals in products. and lots of patients are outside waiting for one patient to be decides for another to take up the page cuz we have somebody coming in very conditions. now doctor, so say that the situation spotted this. yeah, the situation started earlier in 5. it's usually in the month of july when they start to see this number of children coming to hospitals for support or medical care. what the problem, the model, impression imprint of 24 started 12 months before july. in fact, it started even april, which is 3 months before the original time. and they don't expect this ease until probably the month of november when probably people will start to publish the prompts from the farms and probably will be
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a little cheap off by the time. but right now what they say is that what the doctors all say is that it does which i've crisis point, especially in northern nigeria, you cannot expand enough. right? and so we actually overwhelmed, we feel that a, this is a little too much. right? yes, we cannot stop, because if we do of the consequences of dire officials, government officials are telling us millions of children. our country invested in products that are some others. i have to report in hospitals. we are told by doctors in percentages like this. that sylvan continued to die because some of them arrived these facilities too late for any help to be given to them and the conditions we understand the course of this problem multi pacific conditions. first of all, the security in parts of the country is that hundreds of thousands of farmers, some of them i'm unable to come to cultivate,
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that inflation has risen to more than 33 percent. i mean, products that are also the las vegas also the life of the families can use to keep themselves from feedback. children. now officials are saying that the situation could get worse before they get a degree. obviously the still ahead on alter 0. iran has one of the largest number of human ophelia patients in the world, and we look at how sanctions are affecting their treatment the banding together. again, the brothers were uniting officer, one of rock's biggest fuse. the
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the, the and talked at cold hasn't been seen very much else. try to get this winter so far as more that's been kept over the water. that's the next bit which will get snow 2 to have made your own a fairly windy day. in fact, to be fed he, wendy, through victoria, so you'll get cold feeling showers in melbourne. maybe the next batch or shelves on a frontal system comes through west australia through pass during says they often and you can see, but most of the action is still active with the water as the rest of australia. enjoy the sunshine and you won't ask for new zealand. looks like a fairly slow every day in the mountains is the wet day northern side of south island trash churches into phone effect, which means is much more than that. you might expect 5 to 6 above average. i have to say it in today's. yeah, the liner sheriff's has been quite active recently. this 13. yeah. yeah. through the find the see in back to what's in the why is the, is just just drifting a bit further. surf bonia and it's
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a little bit dry. maybe because most the right bit for the know, focusing through the philippines through southern vietnam and coming through me in my i mean towards tyler. this is seasonally correct. of course. the story for each day. she's really focusing around shun china type food, which is slightly losing strength from the forecasts. make it towards congress. she maturing, says they still strong enough to cause some damage of the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken. is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's more on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, we are the ones traveling the extra mile there are the media, don't go, we go there and we give them
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a chance to tell their story the the top stories on how to 0 this hour. at least 40 palestinians have been killed and is really a tax on god's us since the early hours of tuesday, many were targeted in their homes in san eunice where a residential blocks have been reduced to rubble. nigeria is on the verge of hunger crisis. the un says more than 26000000 people won't have enough to eat and coming weeks, a group say they have been overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of children. for already starving. the head of the un nuclear watchdog, this warning that fighting could lead to
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a serious accident and rushes curse region for fail. grossi visited a nuclear power plants in the area. ukraine launched it's incursion into 1st 3 weeks ago as fighting intensifies in the east of ukraine. there's a renewed focus on the city of pol croft looks good, top of his reports from keys of the warranty, east of ukraine. and so next cause reaching, reaching a critical juncture, the russians were advancing or leave because know behind the russian front lines as of russian units and bones west towards port cross across is the grand prize. here the russians need to take it. ukrainians need to defend it. on both sides, a bring up most of amounts of troops hangs artillery because the bottles of across is about to begin. now this is absolutely vital because we have a controls for cross controls. the net. it's a by full logistics of a rail hub, railroad cross roads. it is absolutely crucial. now,
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it is also crucial with the russians, so they take this within the next month or so, because the offensive will start to run out of steam or offensive. do men get exhausted? troops are depleted, supplies are depleted and everything grinds to hold. you craig knows it has to defend across the up until then, but that's the big if kindly hold onto pulse the julie, jeanette. before the russians run out of steam. what will the russians overrun them? so this is what we're going to be seeing in the next few weeks. and this is a vital point of the war. this is the crucial point of the boy here, right here in the next note in cross where are the thousands of fighting. it's an important area. the next is the absolute focal points for the war. the moment alex, we talk with our to 0, keep more than 200 people have died and burkina faso after fighter is attacked the village and the town of bar. so logo,
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the military says they were killed while digging trenches to protect their village . and i'll try to affiliate his claims responsibility. just a warning that few words may find the images and nicholas hawks report disturbing. this i'll call you to a fighter on a motorcycle in barcelona going burkina faso is filming villagers. he just killed. of gunfire can be heard in the background. people from a local village like dead in trenches. the army had ordered them to dig them, saying they would protect them from the attack. aquinos just as dozens were killed, but a group of villagers say the actual number is at least 200 minutes with the top with bottom because then right screw, but use the just the centering information that on public television and use report showing officials meeting with those who been wounded, the journalist does not interview any of the survivors, and instead hands the microphone to the minister of security or july,
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the more we will not tolerate such prophetic x on our attention put you on submit to the response we will spend. although if it's supporting the victims of this code x, so they can find help and go back to the a normal nice little group. but the agenda has lost control of half of the countries territory to arm groups. tense, military captain, you brian chary, took power in a coo and 2022. there is discontent, and the armies ranks with a gentle strategy of using civilians to fight arm groups and protect the military barracks. some see it as an active desperation. some of the villages were killed during the attack were forced at gunpoint by soldiers to dig the trenches. civilians have already been you know, trying to wave from this kind of collaboration with the military. i'm with the government to carry out, you know, support a activities that have their money in 4th and the book, you know, they have forces. but then you see now that there will be more 2nd space. and next time when they are being caught a point,
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2000000 people have been displaced in brick unit 5, so by the ongoing conflict in need urgent help for the norwegian refugee council. this is the world's most neglected conflict. that is pip sense of discrimination in well solidarity and the saw him is an area which is his domestically overlooked. and now of course, on top of that, there is a diplomatic political crisis between the donors in europe and then the west and the new military governments. across this i have blankets, neighbors, and this a how burkina faso is gender is turning to russia for help. but for now, it's ordinary people who seem to be the ones forced onto the front line. nicholas hawk, elder 0 people and parts of the us are being urged to stay in doors at night to stop the spread of a rare mosquito borne virus. one person has died in new hampshire from eastern
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a client. and so for latest, victoria getting be reports of these public health workers this spring pesticides to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus. notice eastern at kwan and stuff like this or triple a is spread by most ski, toes, and large parts of the us state of massachusetts are affected in areas where tripoli risk is very elevated. some of the entire state of parts of the state. we make a recommendation that people avoid outdoor activity between the hours of dusk and on 10 towns and massachusetts designated at high or critical risk of triple e. according to the states department of public health, the virus is spread to humans through the by to been infected mosquito symptom, show within $4.00 to $10.00 days and include a some fever in ras, severe cases that can be followed by seizures and coma close by information. if the brain there on a vaccines to prevent will medicines to treat triple
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e. approximately 30 percent of people who become infected di, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. there were cases in massachusetts cases in rhode island, the cases in connecticut tends to be areas that where there were a certain kind of mosquito lives that tends to be areas that used to be swamp land that's been converted and less want be now. but mosquitoes still fight good habitat . scientist blamed global warming for fueling the outbreak of the triple evaluate. and the number of cases in states such as massachusetts is likely to increase a someone's diag longer, wilma and what to victoria gates and b, l. g, 0 of people living with complex diseases. an iran often struggle to get the medication they needs because of the western sanctions, the trade and bar goes mean clinics have to buy specialized machines on the black
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markets or try to make a lower grade versions. we're so sorry is our met. some of the patients impacted into her on 70 year old immunology has been going to this sees you as board, has them a few? do you have read disorder? english. the blood doesn't clock on its own post as needed to stop, but even even a minor injury can be life threatening for him. but the most dentist is the internal bleeding, which cannot be not as quickly as mothers, they had a lives in cost and fear. this was in the corner, he's a child. he needs to interact with other children, runaround and enjoy life. but i always worry that he'll sustained an injury stumble full this theories with me in the entire family, wherever he goes and whatever he does. when you care how much you get
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a type patients like anybody need a medication known as factor in which you run lex in sufficient quantities. mabel guy that used to be done in the medicines we produce a low quality because of the lack of high quality rule materials, and we have to import them. but our whole financial system is strictly sanctioned. yet 2 companies don't sell these materials to us because of the 2nd is with purchasing an insufficient amount from the black market from the sanctioning us that significantly higher prices that are 14000 him a few the patients in iran, one of the largest groups in the world, but experts say that the actual feeder could be much higher sections or effect in all aspects of iran's health care system. limited access to critical medicines and medical devices make the treatment of complex diseases like him. ophelia particularly difficult all generations from children to the elderly. how to face
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these consequences. 70 year old menu that sammy wasn't academic for more than 2 decades. when he retired to move to tent wrong, he lives on his retirement pension. last year he was diagnosed with him, a few of them, but for the hush forgive me, i have to take this medication. each of those costs $50.00 and i had 6 shots last week that the bleeding continued. so i came back for for more shots. how can i afford it? sometimes there's no medicine available and i have to wait for weeks. i want to tell those who didn't post sanctions that we all human beings. we've nothing to do with politics or government policies. many others, like, emulate images, frequently have to come to these m ophelia care center, hoping that would be medicine available. but some of the tools not know, maybe next time this was said that, oh, to 0, to hold on. a fire that hadn't been burning and southern kept croatia has been,
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contains more than a 100 firefighters have been battling the blaze which had been burning overnight. in the city of journeys from the flames came posts to residential houses within firefighters arrived on time to prevent them from spreading. the weight is over for fans of the popular british band, a waste this very uniting and we'll be hitting the road again for a world tour. the announcement comes 15 years after the band broke up because of a feud between 2 brothers and the group imaging. kimber tells us more the use of anger point thing looks of like, couldn't music, making you case. great. whitfield legend, my wife has been around 15 years so and.


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