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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am AST

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the youngest of the pricing on some different claims, his brother's life selflessly. so to provide for his family. the see won't scare us with this on i just the, the israel steps of attacks in central and southern guns are killing us. these 40 power simians across the street, the, you're watching out a 0 light from a headquarters and del fine getting navigates also coming up. if there is an impact on the board, materials is there and the consequences would be extreme d. c. a warning from the u. n. watch dog is fighting rages near
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a russian nuclear plants. a vaccination campaign against and foxes delayed in the democratic republic of congo. the un says it could be devastating for displace people and federal prosecutors file. a revised indictments against donald trump, accusing him applauding to overthrow the 20. 20 us with much hello. we're beginning garza where israel was intensified attacks on the south and center of the strip. but at least 40 palestinians have been killed since early tuesday. and among the crowded sites, it was a home in the middle of a markets and then was laid off the refugee camps. hundreds of thousands of flood being pushed out of areas once considered safe lights, con eunice, and dated by the thought of mazda of reports from central garza of
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the blooms, so screwed tunes discreetly yet in the force of as well as from some waning up to 2000 pounds, each one of the tray to this area of them is a wrong choice and you can type is really problems in the of my goals, the refugee come cube 6 than those of the samples from last night. please gather around the body, the full who relatives say good boeing. one of the not seen has this is their target. a woman, her children and her sister in law, sleep in their home and messiah hits them. what religion or law could possibly allow this. even the laws they uphold. what do they target children? a 4 year old boy, an 8 year old girl and the eldest son was 12. is very fiercest. here we go to
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see you is a true, exclusively goes on tuesday, killing dozens of people who shook these people, including eunice struggling to comprehend what happens. the residential block is in boons. the flash f 16 rocket contain in the area and destroyed the hoops, say, we can't get the march is out of here. still lots of people in there. this house was full. i tell you young people, old people, women for homes killed in the homes. so you hundreds of thousands of times can use out trying to escape still being pushed out of pocket. so every time i am ton eunice 1st, but it's very is that to ation food is into the remaining 11 percent of the goals a strip was come up. i don't have that because you can see this piece is full of people that you can do to fix and talks about entering the security and what that is completely evacuated. people almost 90 percent of the people and citizen was
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left. we're looking for a safe place and to lead me i could his most safe place and then type gaza strip is ready. evaluation order is all making families desperate as they look for some way to sleep soon they will get another challenge. getting water with 70 percent of disciplining. so the plans and what to wells in guns are located instantly evacuation areas. they have been caught from the main sources. some people even considering getting back the risk of getting killed target comprises which is 0. there is the palestine. israel says that it is free to captive and southern gaza, but there are conflicting reports on how the 52 year old was phones. and now the families of dozens still being held or pushing for a cease fire to ensure more return home alive. iran con reports these radios. he says this video shows the movement guide for the hon. i'll call
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the was rescue cooling it, a complex rescue operation. however, other reports suggest that he was alone with no captive or no captives, which seems to contradict the military statement as suggested he had been released or escaped. the mr. benjamin netanyahu was quick to call that a success both of the front coming. welcome home, far hon. l. kaji. i commend the audi f and the i say for another successful rescue operation, we're working relentlessly to or to an all about hostages. we're doing this in 2 main ways, negotiations and rescue operations. the 2 of these together require our military presence on the ground and constant military pressure on him us. we will continue to act until we were to and all of them home. the hostages finally form the umbrella organization that represents the families of resort and captives with critical thing that's in, you know, who simply isn't doing enough to get
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a ceasefire and to bring the captive. so what kinds family a bed to in a community long discriminated against by his where you far as he's according to local human rights groups that have long criticizes rose destruction. a better when village is in the homes. today though, i feeling of relief that he's back safe and wishes that the $108.00 remaining captives would also be home soon. the simple, this policy and this happiness will be for all the hostages. we hope that it will come to them today before tomorrow that there will be a deal of reading and all the hostages will be released. and all the happiness that we feel is felt by the families and parents of the house, which is according to these ready meet. so to 3 of the remaining captives, a dead would cease by tools bogged down and is right, insisting on changing the structure of the deal an immediate cease fire. it seems unlikely. so was this release is being celebrated, the captain suddenly,
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the only serious option ahead is a truce similar to the one last november which led to a $105.00 captives big exchange. the palestinian prisoners americans deserve the tonic watchdog chief profile grossi his race concerns of a new clear incident following a visit to a power plans in russia's curse creature and gross. he says he saw evidence of drone strikes near the facility. moscow accused ukrainian forces, if attacking the plant last week as their incursion of russian territory continues to ortho jabari reports of the city. of course, it's off where the nuclear site is located. a city of nearly 40000 people, named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program, eguard chord shots of his larger than live statute greets visitors. as soon as they
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entered the city. about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility and russia. the curse because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest producer of electricity in the country. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since you create launch, it's incursion into russian territory in the car screeching on august. the 6th, across this lake is the curse of nuclear power plants where russia says fragments. so if you creating drugs were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times. again, putting the safety of nuclear facilities at the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happens does not deny the fact that there has been a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown. some of the remnants goes and assigns
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of the impact they had, the director general went on to express concerns for the safety of the plants, which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the car reactor of the curse, nuclear facility is not protected by special, don't making it much more susceptible to any kind of attack. but nuclear safety is not the only concern here. kind of snyder demtrius the video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a cover solution, including our city security measures. us tip top schools will start with a book loading to prevent unwanted defense for children or lots of public offense of prohibited while the city continues to function. despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia and ukraine in forces only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. door such a for alpha, 0 court shots of city russia. edwin lyman is the director of nuclear power safety
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at the union of concerned scientists. she says the design of the curse, nuclear power plant, makes it vulnerable. unfortunately, director general gross is right. the 1st lead to a reactor, as a cursed art turn, oval type reactors. and you may recall the, the terrible general disaster and 1986 that was a doing large part to deficiencies and the design the reactor. so these are very obsolete designs, a series safety issues, although there were some modifications to these types of reactors after turn all of them and make them less unstable, they still have significant vulnerabilities. so they do represent a significant risk. and in other words, the director general grocery pointed out these reactors do not have the same kind
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of robust, concrete, containment structure that most nuclear reactors around the world have. and the nuclear fuel, the, the core of the operating reactor has very little that there are very few barriers between the core and the environment. so it is certainly there has to be a, a redoubled effort to avoid any kind of inadvertent a military strike or a collateral damage that could actually impact the nuclear fuel or the spam fuel on this reactor. ultimately, you certainly could have damage to the cooling systems that might lead to an escalating condition and potential fuel melton release of radiation. so, and also like any nuclear plant, it's very vulnerable to loss of offsite power, as well as fighting intensifies an eastern ukraine. there is a renewed focus on the prize city of pol cross. alex could topple us as more from
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keep the war and the east of ukraine. and so next, because reaching reaching a critical juncture, the russians were advancing or leave because know behind the russian front lines as the russian units advance west towards port cross across is the grand prize. here the russians need to take it. ukrainians need to defend it. both sides bring up months of amounts of troops hangs artillery because the bottles of across is about to begin. now this is absolutely vital because we have a controls for cross controls. the net. it's a by full logistics of a rail hub. route road cross roads. it is absolutely crucial. now, it is also crucial with the russians, so they take this within the next month or so, because the offensive will start to run out of steam or offensive. do men get exhausted? troops of depleted supplies are depleted and everything grinds to hold. you craig knows it has to defend across up until then,
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but that's the big if kindly hold onto the across the jewel, jeanette. before the russians run out of steam, will the russians overrun them. so this is what we're going to be seeing for the next few weeks, and this is the vital point of the war. this is the crucial point of the boy here, right here in the next note in cross rarely thousands of fighting. it's an important area, but the net is the absolute focal points for the war. the moment alex was helpless out to 0, keep the democratic republic of congo is delaying a vaccination campaign against am pox. more than 600 people have died and 18000 cases had been recorded. the united nations as worried any further delay can devastate displaced people in refugee comes out to zeros. gabriel, always on the reports in the democratic republic of the congo, delayed
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a plan roll out of the inbox vaccine until at least next week. congolese officials blamed the delay on processes and regulatory matters. the un says the delay could be devastating. india sees uh, south cable province, one of the regions how does teats, uh, by impulse, or least, uh, $42.00 suspected cases have been identified among the population on finally have suspect of cases that will also be reporting. so earning countries in the republic of congo as well as in rwanda. according to the world health organization, there are over $18000.00 suspected cases. and more than 600, this attributed to inbox in the d r c. the country has over 7000000 internally displaced people fling war many that are refugee camps are particularly vulnerable due to overcrowding, shelters, pour water and overall unsanitary conditions. so that gives a need mean it doesn't, immunological deficit. it's an immunological weakness,
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which makes them more likely to become more ill with anything they get in south kiwi province. doctors are doing all they can under difficult circumstances. a la city personnel, we have more people here under treatment and we didn't have a choice to put them all together here as there's no spaces due to the number of patients forgetting. others are even waiting outside as this is the only place to treat and fox for now, all patients are referred here and this is exposing more patients to the infection . some patients are getting treated my job, which in which in i started feeling time without knowing that it was the beginning of ample expires in my body. i am getting better under the treatment, but we need more, especially the vaccine in order to protect others from infection. and to vaccines can reach those who need it. the virus could spread, putting more people at risk of death gabriel's on do, i would just eat a, a, still
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a head on all the 0. have protested mexico over plans. you additional overall that has less with diplomatic, started with washington the banding together again, the brothers were uniting after one of rocks because the the, so now the and talked to told hasn't been seen very much. our strategy of this winter so far is more that's been kept over the water. that's the next bit which will get snow to task manager in a fairly windy day. in fact, to be fairly windy through victoria. so you'll get cold feeling showers in melbourne, maybe the next batch or shelves on
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a frontal system comes through west australia through pass during says they often and you can see, but most of the action still active with the water as the rest of australia. enjoy the sunshine and you won't ask for new zealand looks like a fairly slow every day in the mountains is the wet day, northern side of south island, trash churches and the phone effect. which means is much more than that. you might expect 5 to 6 above average. i have to say it into these. yeah. the liner shares has been quite active recently. this 13. yeah, yeah, through the find a c and back to what sort of why is the is just just drifting a bit further, surf bonia and it's a little bit dry. maybe because most the right is a bit for the know focusing through the philippines through southern vietnam. coming through me and i mean towards tyler, this is seasonally correct. of course. the story for each day, she's really focusing around so i'm trying to tie food, which is slightly losing strength from the full cost, make it towards cag. ashima during says they still strong enough to cause some damage.
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the vicious artistry adventure, short documentary strike african filmmakers from the name kenya, and algeria, the alimony in the village throttled queens. let's go ahead. and the canes africa direct on algae, sierra the the the
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hello again, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour. there has been intensified is really a tax and central and southern gaza. at least 40 power simians have been killed since early tuesday. hundreds of thousands have been pushed out of the cities of finding us, and it ends on the head of the un nuclear watchdog is warning the fighting company through a serious accidents and rushes for a screeching pro. fail grossi visited and nuclear power plants in the area. ukraine launched its incursion incurs 3 weeks ago. a vaccination campaign against m fox and the democratic republic of congo has been delayed. the one is warning, further delays put foot lives at risk. more than 600 people have died in the country from the infectious disease. donald trump has responded to a revised federal indictment brought against him in the 2020 presidential election interference case. he describes it as an unprecedented abuse of the criminal
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justice system. while the indictments keeps the same criminal charges, but it narrows the allegations against him. the supreme court ruled in july that presidents have brought immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts while an office morrow. and this with my kind of joining us from washington dc. so i just explained this to us, mike and tell us what this means for trump and what it is, what is called a super seating indictment to the prosecutor, jack smith, as we went to the indictment in the light of the ruling by the supreme court on the 1st of july in which it said that a sitting president should be immune from ex, carried out in a uh, a, a official capacity. however, it also said not in the personal capacity. so what the justice department has done, the special prosecutor has removed all reference to the relationship between trump and the justice department with regard to overruling the results of the 2020 election. this was the specific point made by the supreme court in his judgment,
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in what was otherwise an exceedingly vague judgment. now what is going to happen is that this will go to the federal junction, the case tanya check can go and i'll decide whether the case is to proceed. very interestingly, this case, the indictment was put before a new grand jury which had not seen the previous evidence, a remarkable that this was kept secret in effect that nobody knew the grand jury had been convened. but now the prosecutor has a new indictment that will go to the judge. she will decide whether to proceed with the case. now that the supreme court, the parameters have been accepted or perhaps that is something she's going to have to run as well. and what has trumps, i have to say about this as well, it's kind of hard to put into words his reaction apart from to say that it's exceedingly long. he's posted a series of eye rate post on his cruise as social platform at fault,
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for separate posts, very long one's clearly deeply down good by the new indictment brought against him just to give you a taste of it. no presidential candidate will candidate for any office has ever had to put up with all of this real fast. and with an i zation directly out of the office of the political opponents. he's putting this on his opponent mid november election. he describes the special prosecutor as deranged. clearly this indictment has got and the republican contenders skin. alright, thank you so much. my kind of reporting from washington. hundreds are pretty pole or protesting in mexico, against the proposed traditional overhaul and presidents under as many lopez over doors. controversial reform would make judges subject to elections. demonstrators are also concerned that all 4 of these want to do away with independence, regulatory agencies. the changes require approval by mexico's congress. that's
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where the governing coalition has the majority this is this trouble, but we have to wait as work because we are independent and we don't want to be submissive to the government and not because we do not want to live because justice must be completely independent and impartial, so the resolutions do not have to be in line with the government from mexico has paused its relationship with the us and canadian embassies off to the us and basset, or criticize the plan to elect judges. the mexican presidents insist it's a matter of self governance. i didn't get put in, did they have to learn to respect? mix goes self and that's no small thing. we're not going to give them advice over the john whole, none has more from gloucester, lahardo and mexico. of the mexican president, under his manual lopez open a door, has announced
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a pause in the relations between his government and the united states embassy and mexico not might not be as big a deal is it 1st sounds because it is not between the mexican government and the united states government as a whole, that would be a big thing. the 2 countries, each of us biggest trade in partners, it is just with us embassy. and also because hundreds manual lopez over at the door is an outgoing president. and among he'll be going on, a new president will be sworn and met sky. but what is this about? it's about traditional reform and mexico, which and today is monroe. lopez over the door is pushing the us, i'm busted uh. kensal has published a public letter saying that he was worried about the aspect of the referral, but which means the bouncing in the election of judges in mexico. the moment they selected by pulsing exams, by qualification and experience, what he and other people have said is that it could politicize the process in
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mexico. critics have said that if a judge has to complain just to make promises or she has to make promises to get elected, that it could mean that the then aligns with political interest with civil interests that they just decisions might be based on. once they actually gets into office robin and being a part of the referee for little an order in the country, president lopez over the door says, no, that isn't the case which will just clear up corruption in the judicial process. in mexico, a boat is expected in mexico. is congress on this in september? so it could be as early as next week. the this is being voted on june, holman. out, is it a while a how to next car run as well as opposition leader has ignored a 2nd. someone to appear in court over the disputed presidential election, edmondo gonzalez, or rich here, has been in hiding since venezuela's top court declared president of last month 0.
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the winner of last month's votes. the opposition has posted electronic records showing gonzalez' heads by arizona. the margin, prosecutors are investigating him for a legit crimes associated with publishing those details. maria corrina machado was banned from running in venezuela's election. she says the government is making the population angry or really sweet. and we know in venezuela, deep and potentially dangerous feelings are boiling, we have a deep range of people who say you are not stealing my destiny away. people know in one to one and that just as my door a warranty would do. he intends to steal the election. so there's that feeling rage over the intention to steal people's sovereignty or what is hundreds of faith passports have been, sees dr. police busted a major, counterfeiting ring and peru. 3 people were detained during that operation. having been under surveillance for 3 months, police alleged that the gang sol, passports,
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from visitors, and locals, and lima is the airport and tourist hotspots. and the documents from countries like spain, japan, and the u. s. were then forged before being sold for as much as $15000.00. the people and parts of the us are being urged to stay indoors at nights to stop the spread of a rare mosquito borne virus. one person has died in new hampshire from eastern a klein and so for light is there's no treatment for it, an up to 30 percent of people who get it. di victoria getting be reports these public health work as a spring pesticides to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus. notice easton at kwan and stuff like this or triple a is spread volume of skeeters, and large parts of the us state of massachusetts are affected in areas where tripoli risk is very elevated. some of the entire state of parts of the state. we
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make a recommendation that people avoid outdoor activity between the hours of dusk and on 10 towns in massachusetts designated at high or critical risk of triple e. according to the states department of public health, the virus is spread to humans through the by to been infected mosquito symptom, show within $4.00 to $10.00 days and include aches and fever. in ras, severe cases they can be followed by seizures and coma close by information of the brain. there on a vaccines to prevent will medicines to treat triple e. approximately 30 percent of people who become infected di, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. there are cases in massachusetts cases of islands, the cases in connecticut tends to be areas that where there were a certain kind of mosquito lives that tends to be areas that used to be swampland. that's been converted and less swampy now. but the mosquito still fight good have
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a to a scientist, blaine global warming for fueling the outbreak of the triple evolve risk. and the number of cases in states such as massachusetts is likely to increase as someone's the longer wilma and what to victoria gates and b, l g 0. worshippers of staged color full celebrations to mark the birthday of can do lord crush, not in india. the abilities formed human pyramids in the state of my roster, all in order to break a clay pot hanging in mid air known as da. hey hon. the, the event pays tribute to one of the popular acts of christmas childhood, as he's believe to have been fond of butter occurred dairy products. and finally, i didn't get them looked up. we eagerly wait for this day the whole year. this day doesn't come off and it only comes once so we all enjoy it. and i'd like to say i've been like, i've been taking part in these events since my childhood, the festival set. it breaks them by on a grand scale. every child green except for
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a few minutes claypole, at least once in a lifetime. i've been thinking of breaking this grateful since i was 5 years old. the weight is finally over for the fans of the popular british band oasis. its members are reuniting and will be hitting the road again for a world tour. the announcement comes 15 years after the band broke up because of a feud between 2 brothers in the group imaging. kimber has more use of anger pointing and lots of like music making a great ripple legend weiss has been around 15 years. so in these agreements the gallagher brothers are confirmed. they will be reforming. we'll see you case. biggest po, box.


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