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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the . ringback the is rarely ami cars out raids across the occupies westbank. once it says is the largest operation for years. the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming israel steps of attacks and central and southern gaza. kidding. at least 40 side of things across the street. it varies. an impact on the board. materials is there,
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and the consequences would be extreme d. c. a warning from the un watchdog as fighting rages and there are russian eclipse on federal prosecutes. his father was licensed arguments against donald trump, choosing consulting to us through the 2020 us election, the beginning with breaking news out to the occupied westbank. these rarely armies conducting at one of the largest operations in the northern parts of the occupied westbank for years. um, with vehicles of entered the cities of to car to buy some jeanine. theres been heavy financing in both janine and then the shop is refugee camp is the abraham reports from best with him in the occupied west back as soon as midnight. these really forces every 3 area, samuel pena, sleep. we are talking about gene who's getting the jordan valley. they've been
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reporting that the faith, some at arm confrontations with pass to me and fight the the they have been or where it is working against and intensifying their grades in the occupied to us bank. you know, we only took about ready to be occupied with the bank. so since the war started, the numbers of these raids have more than 2 pools. we're talking about 30 to 40 ready way to an average book in the past few weeks week seen an intensification in the use of aerial strikes against palestinian pointers. draining forces has been saying that they are combating the use of i. e. d, through each of the, into the improvised explosive device. the device is often used. my kind of thing is by just against the, the, the, again, caesar reclusive,
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mount we have, are seeing that these are the forces are talking about the largest operation in the new york supply to expand since the 2 $1002.00, which is when the 2nd on the far though, the cloud, the and the is really the forces have launched a large military operation that included in reading the many cities around the occupied with bank. ultimately we're talking about the situation with the tell us to me and feel that the under the threat of these really forces bottles. so they've been on the fire by these really close, who has been rampaging. and in that talking close to the cities in town. and making positive lives more and more difficult in gaza is ready for us as of killed at least 40 pounds of state instance. any cheese that amongst the crowded sites hits
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was a boom in the middle of a market. this route refugee camp, hundreds of thousands of fled, pushed down to the areas once considered safe by con eunice and there on the power as the reports from central garza, the blooms so screwed that tends discreetly get in. the food is full, so as well as phones some waning go to tooth sounds. it sounds each one of the tray to this area of dentists around the tooth can type system is really bombs. and the other, my goes, the refugee come cube 6 than those of the samples from late 90. please gathered around the body to see who relatives say. good boy, one of the not seen has this is their target. a woman, her children and her sister in law, sleep in their home, a messiah hits them what religion or law could possibly allow this,
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even the law as they uphold. what do they target children? a 4 year old boy, an 8 year old girl, and the eldest son was 12, is very seriously scary down to see you is a truly exclusively goes on tuesday, killing dozens of people who show these people in one unit struggling to comprehend what happens the residential block is in boons. the flash f. 16 rocket contained in the area and destroyed the food safe. we can't get the marches out of here. there's still lots of people in there. this house was full. i tell you. there's young people, old people, women, for homes killed in the homes so you hundreds of thousands of times can use out trying to escape so being pushed out of pocket. so every time i am telling eunice fu spike is red, evacuation food is into the remaining 11 percent of the goals
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a strip was come up. i don't have that because you can see this piece is full of people that you can do to fix and talks about entering this, getting on with that is completely evacuated. of people almost 90 percent of the people, the citizens lift. we're looking for a safe place and to lead me i could is no safe place in the entire gaza strip. is ready evacuation order is all making families desperate as they look for some way to sleep soon. they will get another challenge getting route to with 70 percent of disciplining, see the plans and what to wells in guns are located instantly evacuation areas. they have been caught from the main sources. some people even considering getting back the risk of dissing killed. tar recognizes, which is 0. there is the palestine. israel says it has free the captive in southern goss about there were conflicting reports of how the $52.00 was, was found. now the families of doesn't and still being held up, pushing for us,
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see spots to ensure more time my life in mind connor points these radio and he says this video shows the moment k, the foot hon. i'll call the was rescue cooling. it's a complex rescue operation, however, of the report suggests that he was alone with no captive or no captives, which seems to contradict the military statement as suggested he had been released or escaped. a promise to benjamin netanyahu was quick to call the success bolts of the front. cutting welcome home, fire hondo kaji. i commend the audience and the i say for another successful rescue operation, we're working relentlessly to or to an all about hostages. we're doing this in 2 main ways, negotiations and rescue operations. the 2 of these together require a military presence on the ground and constant military pressure on him us. we will
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continue to act until we were to and all of them home. the hostages finally form the umbrella organization that represents the families of resort and captives with critical thing. that's and you know, who simply isn't doing enough to get a ceasefire and to bring the captive. so what kinds family a bed to in a community long discriminated against by his right you far as he's according to look like human rights groups that have long criticizes rose destruction. a better when village is in the homes. today though, i feeling of relief that he's back safe and wishes that the $108.00 remaining captives would also be home soon. the yes and for this policy and this happiness will be for all the hostages. we hope that it will come to them today before tomorrow that there will be a deal of reading and all the hostages will be released. and all the happiness that we feel is felt by the families and parents of the hostages. according to these ready meet, so to 3 of the remaining captives,
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a dead would cease by tools bogged down and is right, insisting on changing the structure of the deal and immediacy. so it seems unlikely . so was this release is being celebrated to catch it. suddenly, the only serious option ahead is a truce similar to the one last november, which led to a 105 captives being exchanged, the palestinian prisoners wrote code, or does it the, you know, tell me what's the chief profile grossi has raised concerns of a nuclear incident following a visit to a path to investors cost region gross, he says he saw evidence of trend strikes near the facility, or sco, accuse ukrainian forces of attacking the plod last week because they're incursion into russian territory continues dosage. a body reports from the central control of where the nucleus site is located. in
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a city of nearly 40000 people named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program. eguard court shots of is larger than life, statute greets visitors as soon as they entered the city. about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility and russia occurs because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest producer of electricity in the country. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since ukraine launch, it's incursion into russian territory and the car screeching on august. the 6th, across this lake is the curse of nuclear power plants where russia says fragments. so if you're creating drugs, were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times, again, putting the safety of nuclear facilities at the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happens does not deny the fact that there has been
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a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown, some of the remnants, those signs of the impact they had. the director general went on to express concerns for the safety of the plants, which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the court reactor of the cursed nuclear facility is not protected by special don't making it much more susceptible to any kind of attack. but nuclear safety is not the only concern here . can you snider demtrius of video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a cover solution, including our seating security measures. us tip top schools will start with a both loading to prevent unwanted defense for children or lots of public offense are prohibited while the city continues to function despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia
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and ukraine force is only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. door safari, l to 0, chord shots of city, russia. russia as foreign minister has won the us against allowing ukraine to strike a deep into its territory using western weapons. so they live. ralph says, world war 3 would not be confined to europe. when i 1st saw you, we have our own document including the document of using nuclear weapons, which by the way is now being clarified and which american officials know very well . but this is simply for jensen. you know, the 3rd world war is bad because we do not want to up to suffer. so is the entire american mentality of the master, who sits on the other side. you convinced of the safety and confidence test for him to do is to work won't be done, and not only will leave green his dice, but now, so we'll go over the answers as it turns out for us to do this as fighting intensifies in eastern ukraine there's a renewed focus on the prize,
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the city of holcroft on top of this has mode from keith, the the war and the east of ukraine. and so next, because reaching reaching a critical juncture, the russians were advancing or leave because know behind the russian front lines as the russian units advance west towards port cross across is the grand prize. here the russians need to take it. ukrainians need to defend it. both sides bring up most of amounts of troops times artillery because the bottles of across is about to begin. now this is absolutely vital because we have a controls for cross controls. the net. it's a by full logistics of a rail hub. route road cross roads. it is absolutely crucial. now, it is also crucial for the russians, so they take this within the next month or so, because the offensive will start to run out of steam or offensive. do men get exhausted? troops of depleted supplies are depleted and everything grinds to hold. you craig
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knows it has to defend across up until then, but that's the big if kindly hold onto the across the jewel jeanette. before the russians run out of steam, will the russians overrun them. so this is what we're going to be seeing in the next few weeks, and this is the vital point of the war. this is the crucial point of the boy here, right here in the next note, in course, we're only thousands of fighting. it's an important area, but the next is the absolute focal points. for the, for the moment, alex was helpless out to 0. keep. donald trump has responded to a revised federal indictment both against him. the 2020 presidential election interference case. he describes it as an unprecedented abuse of the criminal justice system. indictment keeps the same criminal charges, but narrows the allegations against the supreme court ruled in july that since rhodes community from criminal prosecution, sufficient x,
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y didn't know if it's what kind of has more from washington dc and what is called a super seating indictment. the special prosecutor has brought a new indictment against donald trump written with the supreme court judgement back on july. the 1st in mind. in that judgement, the supreme court said that a sitting president can be immune from actually carried out in his official capacity, though not in a personal capacity. as a special prosecutor has taken out those sections in terms of which trump was relating to the department of justice in an attempt to undermine the results of the 2020 election. that section has been taken out completely. however, the full felony charges remain including crumbs roll in the events of january the 6th, as well as his attempt to get mike pence to not certify the election results. the prosecute to arguing that these are ex, carried out by a political candidate not by the president of the united states. this will now go
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back to judge time. your check in will decide whether or not a to proceed with the case that comes to response has been absolute. the victory i like in a series of lengthy post on his true social media a channel. he has described this as a continuation of a witch. and he says that the special prosecutor is the range. he also puts us on his challenge in november, come on the harris saying this is part of a width and nice ation of the political process. by the nonetheless, the judge in the case time your check in will decide with a now to go ahead on it. remembering to that this as a result of a special gerry investigation, a new special jerry looking at evidence it had not seen before. so she will now decide whether to proceed, but no doubt comfortable as will attempt to get it back to the supreme court, montana which is the era washington. so to come here and i'll just,
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they're hung across this and not jerry warnings that moving 26000000 people have enough to eat within weeks. also the protests in mexico website. and that to the issue over let's, let's diplomatic, despite the in depth analysis of the face. headline, what's strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years seem to be given a chance to best to be a bold critical the bank. russia has defended the war crane as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or
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the boy to and daughter. boy, you shut it up and see them in catalogs, laughlin and see. and also i'm calling to see last month. see, i'm ok. see part in boy showed the home daughter, the calling daughter i to the funny one, know it all funny. i've and even when it all body to a letter, i don't acknowledge you by the to the board on the re coordinator. she, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the without just the air mind to of the top stores the saw is ready. armies conducting one of the largest operations now occupies the west bank to get these 2 people have been killed in the city of dreams. ahmed vehicles of also to car, to pass them intensify these very attacks and central and southern guns, at least 40 protestant tips on the head of the un it nuclear watchdog is warning that fighting each with serious ex investors. chris can reach a field row seat, visited a new clear house built in that area. ukraine launched its incursion into 3 weeks ago. nigeria is on the verge of hunger crosses. united nation says more than 26,
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but any people won't have enough to eat in the coming weeks. with interest reports not from either a. this is one of the dozens of health facilities across nigeria, struggling to deal with the increasing number of children present, severe acute electrician doctors in this hospital for those that on average, they receive 100 new patients and they are running. they've already run out of space to take care of new arrivals in products. and lots of patients are outside waiting for one patient to be decides for another to take a test page. we understand becoming very conditions now doctor. so say that the situation spotted this. yeah, the situation started earlier, in fact, it's usually in the month of july when they start to see this number of children coming to hospitals for support or medical care. what the problem,
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the model impression imprint of 24 started 12 months before july. in fact, it started even april, which is 3 months before the original time, and they don't expect this ease until probably the month of november when probably people will start troubleshooting prompts from the farms and probably will be a little cheap off by the time. but right now what they say is that what the doctors all say is that it does which i've crisis point, especially in northern nigeria, you cannot expand enough. right? and so we actually overwhelmed, we feel that a, this is a little too much. right? yes, we cannot stop, because if we do of the consequences of dire officials, government officials are telling us millions of children. our countries invested in products that are some others. i have to report in hospitals. we are told by
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doctors in percentages like this. that sylvan continued to die because some of them arrived these facilities too late for any help to be given to them and the conditions we understand the course of this problem, multi pacific congress. first of all, the security in parts of the country is that hundreds of thousands of farmers, some of them i'm unable to come to cultivate that inflation hospitalizations. to more than such as 3 percent, i mean products that are also the las vegas also the life of the families can use to keep themselves children. now appreciate i saying that the situation could get worse before they get a degree. obviously the doctor seemed but every night is the country i presented to the doctors without borders in nigeria area. he told us about the efforts to stop the process. you know, just be done, but it's not enough. uh, for instance, uh the government or major has
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a toners to officially crisis. the federal ministry of hell has mobilized some resources to address this issue in the states as well. some of the states really have also acknowledged that this is an issue. but for us as an a set up in some probably be a mattress, ours isn't broken the bucket of the number. this is staggering and we feel very well in terms of our response to assets. we know 1st and foremost monitor, she takes a hard hit on the meeting system, isaac were then to come over to other ailments. and we know these areas are affected by the fact seem preventable diseases like measles meningitis. and of course we have one area as well. so i mean, in, in some of course have a, a to what 3 a diarrhea and a confirmation of only attrition in
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b c a whole. but it is like the problem is that this is what really puts some of them are very high risk. now the long term outcomes. i read your nice because then the children don't change the developmental milestones that they're supposed to obtain. many of them and which know what internet it's and, and, and, and i, we don't really need these kids to brought to be adults hoping so really existing problems. and so, yes, it'd be their prospects on look very good i, when, when they were exposed to mom, nutrition to hundreds of people are protesting in mexico, i guess, to propose judicial over the whole sandra's at monro lopez on for those controversial reform would make judges subjects to election demonstrates as also concerned authorities want to do away with independent regulatory agencies. the changes required approval by next because congress,
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but the governing condition has the majority of mexico has pulls this relationship with us on canadian embassies. also the american and best to criticize the plan, to elect judges and mexican presidents and says it's a matter of self governance. didn't get put in. did they have to learn to respect? mix goes solvency. that's no small thing. we're not going to give them advice over the people in parts of the us, subbing goods to stay those at night to avoid contracting a red most key type one virus. one person has died off to testing, posted the eastern a quad and stuff like this. and you have shipped victoria again, the reports for these public health workers this spring pesticides to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus. notice easton at kwan and stuff, the lightest or triple a is spread by most ski, toes,
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and large parts of the us state of massachusetts are affected in areas where tripoli risk is very elevated. some of the entire state parts of the state. we make a recommendation that people avoid outdoor activity between the hours of dusk and on 10 towns and massachusetts designated at high or critical risk of triple e. according to the states department of public health, the virus is spread to humans through the by to been infected mosquito symptom, show within $4.00 to $10.00 days and include a some fever in ras, severe cases that can be followed by seizures and coma close by information of the brain there on a vaccines to prevent will medicines to treat triple e. approximately 30 percent of people who become infected di, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. there are cases in massachusetts cases in rhode island, the cases in connecticut tends to be areas that where there were
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a certain kind of mosquito lives that tends to be areas that used to be swampland that's been converted and less want be now. but mosquitoes still fight good habitat . scientist blamed global warming for fueling the outbreak of the triple evaluates . and the number of cases in states such as massachusetts is likely to increase as someone's the longer wilma and what to victoria gates and b, l g 0 was supposed to stage colorful a celebration is to mock the best the into load cushion. i didn't do that, i tease phone to human permits and the state to the restaurant to break a clay pot hanging in with the nose hyundai. the events of pays tribute to one of the corporate acts of christmas child a part of the time you didn't get them looked up. we eagerly wait for this day the whole year. this day doesn't come off and it only comes once. so we all enjoy it. and i'd like to say, i feel like i've been taking part in these events since my childhood,
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the festival set of price them by on a grand scale. every child green except for a few minutes clay, for at least once in a lifetime. i've been thinking of breaking the scrape or since i was 5 years old, the weather is next and inside story looks at the struggle to get food and mets into the dog. stay with us here on alps here and like so the the, the rains clearing from northern china. no, but the type students continue. schanzer schanzer, which has reached peak strength is starting to turn around and go in that general direction. so we think during says, days will be over the top of congress, e mail or quite close to congress even, but it will have lost some strength. is it still possess enough and probably still be co to tie food and so wind and rain both stretching the city,
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but it takes most of the energy out of the system so further west, apart from a few thunder storms as far as, as, as hong kong as a dry it and looking picture, the full cost to ship transit lose his strength across she. cocoa, i mean to was home she by. we don't guarantee that's exactly where it goes. never. this is going to be a westman when the time for chicago and southern homes, sheer a jumping size and it's a sudden stuff to go. science as you'll see bigger and bigger showers further and further south. but the thrust seems to be loose on and maybe the central philippines and a line that takes you through born year to was west pop here. and of course, thailand, viet nam, encumbered you are going in there, which is month 9 more floods for good. you're right and that circulation will continue bringing heavy writing is already been twice the months. average in good. you're right. that heavy right extends towards the southern pack is done with funding will continue. the
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10s of thousands of children were born in to well live down to the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are in kemp. i the role funds of with the, with the mothers, rejected by their own communities checking the things that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation on l. g. as in israel again, old is palestinians to move in garza not supporting the un to relocated space, but a don't for i sions causing seems disruption out of students that will be facing malnutrition and disease. well trying to survive israel's attacks. so how can the situation go on this is inside story, the


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