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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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sits from destruction. an extraordinary film, archives funding for decades, reviews the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part to the communist revolution on a, just the, to the these rarely ami strikes across the occupied westbank with more planes in times than what it says is the largest operation in the is the around the clock. this is out 0 life, the holes are coming out is real steps up of tax and central and southern gaza can be at least 40 palestinians across the strip. the face on impacts on the for the material is there and the consequences would be
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extreme d. c. a warning from the u. n. watch donors fighting rages mirror russian, youtube and federal prosecutors. father revised in diamonds. a good summer. trump accusing him of posting to the through the 2020 the . so yes, let's begin in the occupied westbank, where at least 10 pallets thing into being killed in a large scale attacked by these ready army. and is there any will pain hit the city to bus with an strike? they're both being flossed as palestinian fighters. confronted soldiers with improvise explosives in the city of to cut them is really bull days is being ripping out the pavement and all but vehicles have vented several cities in the northern region. did abraham reports not from bethlehem in the occupied westbank as soon as midnight. these really forces every 3 areas,
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simulate pena sleep. we are talking about jean, who's getting the jordan valley. they've been reporting that they face some at arm confrontations with passed to me and fight the the they have been over. it is working against and intensifying the grades in the occupied to us bank. you know, we always talk about, ready to be occupied with the bank. so since the war started, the numbers of these raids have more than tripled. we're talking about 30 to 4380 lead to an average book. in the past few weeks, we've seen an intensification in the use of aerial strikes against palestinian pointers. driving forces has been saying that they are combating the use of i. e. d, through each of the inter improvised explosive device. the device is often used. my policy is by to, against the,
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the cesar reclusive mount we have are seeing that these are the forces are talking about the largest operation in the new york supply to expand since the 2002, which is when the 2nd intifada broke out. and these are the forces, have launched a large military operation that included in reading the many cities around the occupied westbank. ultimately, we are talking about the situation with tell us to me and feel that the under the threat of these really forces bottles. so they've been on the fire by these very close, who has been rampaging and in talking close to the cities in town and making positive lives more and more difficult. the about the is a middle is political and less than says the is really prime minister,
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is looking for a political victory off to failing to achieve his full goals in god. israel is under tremendous pressure of the fact that they are stuck in gaza without a strategic victory. they promise that they will be able to defeat time as quickly that they will be able to free the hostages. they've been able to achieve neither of these things in the north, they're stuck in a status where they're supposed to restore their deterrence and intimidate, has by law across the loving on board, or they have failed miserably at that. and i think whenever it will find yourself corner, it is in desperate need for a victory for its public. all they know how to do is on these indiscriminate violence against palestinians. and this is the playbook that they actually go to. and i think that this is the moment that we find ourselves and it doesn't have to be on who is desperate for some sort of image of an accomplishment. and he thinks by launching this mass of large scale operation in the us bag in which relatively speaking, given the dynamics under occupation. israel can claim some sort of victory out at
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the end of this that this is somehow going to play well for an attorney all politically. but until now there have not been meaningful consequences from the world. it's only been condemnations and criticism. and unfortunately, is what i've seen, that they can get away with this. they don't know for how much longer. and i think that they're still reading it to try to get as much lot as possible while the world will put up with this government without imposing any meaningful consequences. and i think that the recipe for changing that would be ending all military funding for israel, all diplomatic relations with israel, until it's recognized as policy and humanity and start dealing with palestinians as equal who will be, who are deserving of the same dignity and respect in human rights that is really enjoy the quality is the only way the most that we currently find ourselves in. are willing garza is ready for us, is they've killed at least 40 policy news in the past 24 hours amongst the crowd. and science hits was a home in the middle of a market in the mr. right refugee camp. hundreds of thousands of fed pushed out of areas once considered safe, like telling you this and durable target boom reports from central casa,
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the blooms, so screwed tends discreetly yet, and the food is full. so as well as from some we go to 2000 pounds each one of the tree to this area of the road to a could you can, you can have cell is really problems and the, oh my goodness, the refugee come cube 6, windows of the family night buzz gathered around the body to see who relatives say. good boy. one of the team has this is their target. a women her children and her sister in law, sleep in their home and messiah hits them what religion or law could possibly allow this. even the laws they uphold. what do they target children? a 4 year old boy, an 8 year old girl and the eldest son was 12 is very fluid says here we go to
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series of choice easterling tools on tuesday, killing dozens of people. each of these people in one unit struggling to comprehend what happens, the residential blow cars and boons. the flash f. 16 rocket contained in the area and destroyed the food safe. we can't get the marches out of here. there's still lots of people in there. this house was full, i tell you, young people, old people, women for homes killed in the homes. so you hundreds of thousands of times can use out to him to escape, still being pushed out of pocket. so every time i am telling eunice, the food spike is red, evacuation food has been to the remaining 11 percent of the goals a strip was come up. i don't have that because you can see those pieces full of people that you can do to fix and talks about entering the scaling and what that is
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completely evacuated if people almost 90 percent of the people and citizens left, we are looking for a safe place and truly to be a could is no safe place. and then tab, gaza strip is ready. evacuation order is all making families desperate as they look for some way to sleep soon they will get another challenge getting route to with 70 percent of disciplining. so the plans and what to wells in guns are located in slowly evacuation areas. they have been caught from the main sources. some people even not considering getting back the risk of dissing killed. tar recognizes, which is 0. there is the palestine. israel says it's free to come to have in southern gods, but there are conflict to report to the how the 52 year old to sound. and now the families of thousands still being held, the pushing for c spot to ensure a more return hi live. in mind, con has these ready allow me says this video shows the moment guide for the hon.
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i'll call the was rescue cooling it a complex rescue operation. however, of the report suggests that he was alone with no captive or no captives, which seems to contradict the military statement as suggest he had been released or escaped. the mr. benjamin netanyahu was quick to call that a success. both of the front cover. welcome home, far hon. l. kaji. i commend the audience and the i say for another successful rescue operation, we're working relentlessly to or to an all of our hostages. we're doing this in 2 main ways, negotiations and rescue operations. the 2 of these together require a military presence on the ground and constant military pressure on him us. we will continue to act until we were to and all of them home. the hostages finally form the umbrella organization that represents the families of resort and captives with critical thing. that's and you know, who simply isn't doing enough to get
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a ceasefire and to bring the captive. so will cause family a bed to in a community long discriminated against by his radio far as he's according to local human rights groups that have long criticizes rose destruction. a better when village is in the homes. today though, i feeling of relief that he's back safe and wishes that the $108.00 remaining captives would also be home soon. the yes in this policy and this happiness will be full of hostages. we hope that it will come to them today before tomorrow that there will be a deal of reading and all the hostages will be released. and all the happiness that we feel is felt by the families and parents of the house, which is according to these ready meet searching, 3 of the remaining captives, a dead with sci fi tools bogged down and is right, insisting on changing the structure of the deal an immediate cease fire, it seems unlikely to watch this release is being celebrated to catch his family.
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the only serious option ahead is a truce similar to the one last november which led to a $105.00 captives being exchanged, the palestinian prisoners in wrong con or does it depends of getting says a greek oil tanker types by few fighters of the red sea last week appears to be leaking. oil is turning about 1000000 barrels of crude. the british military says it was hit by miss oswald drains of humans, policy depot data. the crew was rescued officer, brand new b, u. c. fight. this would be an attack you ships as opposed to policies in gaza on the so an oil deck who's quote fire off the ukraine, launched drones into southern russ raven night flames could be seen at the depot. and the real stuff. region,
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russian authority say that defense systems into set to 12 trains talk the rest of and buttons at for the know you in a tell me what's the chief profile glossy, has raise concerns. we need to instant fully visit to a pop counter versus cost region course. he says he's or evidence of drain strikes . the of the facility must go accuse you created forces of attacking the plot. last week is the incursion into russian charge. we continues dosage bar reports now from the city of coach ethel, where the nuclear side is located are a city of nearly 40000 people, named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program. igor chord shots of his largest and live statute greets visitors as soon as they entered the city. about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility and russia occurs because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest producer of electricity in the country. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since you create launch,
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it's incursion into russian territory in the car screeching on august. the 6th, across this lake is the curse of nuclear power plants where russia says fragments. so if you creating drugs were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times, again putting the safety of nuclear facilities at the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happens does not deny the fact that there has been a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown, some of the remnants, those signs of the impact they had. the director general went on to express concerns for the safety of the plants, which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the car reactor of the curse, nuclear facility is not protected by special don't making it much more susceptible
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to any kind of attack. but nuclear safety is not the only concern here. can you snider demtrius of video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a co solution, including our seating security metro's office. tip top schools will start with a both loading to prevent unwanted defense for children or lots of public offense are prohibited while the city continues to function despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia and ukraine force is only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. doors such a for alpha 0 chord shots of city russia. related with alignment is the right tribute pound safety of the union of concerned scientists. and he says, the design of the costs, nuclear power plant does make a venerable unfortunately. uh, director general gross is right. uh, the 1st, the 2 uh reactors are cursed, art turn,
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oval type reactors. and you may recall the, the terrible general disaster 1986. that was a uh, doing large part to deficiencies on the design the reactor. so these are very obsolete designs, a series safety issues. although there were certain modifications to these types of reactors after turn or hold on and make them less unstable, they still have significant vulnerabilities. so they do represent a significant risk. and in other words, the director general grocery pointed out these reactors do not have the same kind of robust, concrete, containment structure that most nuclear reactors around the world have. and the nuclear fuel, the, the core of the operating reactor has very little that there are very few barriers between the core and the environment. so, um is certainly there has to be a,
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a redoubled effort to avoid any kind of inadvertent a military strike or a collateral damage that could actually impact the nuclear fuel or the spam fuel on this reactor ultimately. right. you certainly could have damage to the cooling systems that might lead to an escalating condition and potential fuel melton release of radiation. so also like any of the nuclear plant, it's very vulnerable to loss of offsite power as well. still, head here announces era of vaccination campaign against impulse is delayed in the democratic republic of congo view and says it could be devastating for displace people plus to dancers. you can see that here have taken over argentina. the
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in depth analysis of the days headline was strategic purpose. do you think this, besides the nation serves israel informed opinions. people who have been 18 years seem to be given a chance to best to be a vote critical debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story, how fluid change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey, around hearing the people with disabilities. they gauze off, are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or i'll just see you as teens across the world. when you closer to the house of the story, the midst of how much is happening before
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the end of the question, why it's happening. it's like letting denise to disclose your mind it's area and really foundation the of the and again you're watching out 0 reminder about the top stories this and at least 10 people have been killed during the launch scale. attacked by these rarely ami in the occupied westbank. it involves strikes and multiple rates with hundreds of troops is ready, build dates, as opposed to being revealed. payton to this to just to kind of is there any
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strikes of killed in the 17 people across garza or the wednesday? the only is talk to times in crowded areas including con, you this, the, on this about risk g. compton, central garza, the head of the you and you care was told this morning that fighting could lead to a serious accident to the russians. cusp region. i fell across the visit to the nuclear power plant to the area, cranes voltage and 60 cash and into the task 3 points. the democratic republic of congo is delaying of vaccination campaign and gave them pulse both and 600 people have died and 18000 cases will be recorded. united nations as worried that any further delay could devastate displays. people in refugee comes out zeros. gabriel, and it's under us this report in the democratic republic of the congo, delayed a plan roll out of the inbox vaccine until at least next week. congolese officials blamed the delay on processes and regulatory matters. the un says the delay could
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be devastating. india sees uh, south cable providence uh, one of the regions had is teats uh by impulse. at least $42.00 suspected cases have been identified among the different the population on finally have a suspect of cases that will also be reporting. so earning countries in republic of congo as well as in going to, according to the world health organization, they're over $18000.00 suspected cases. and more than 600 this attributed to inbox in the d r c. the country has over 7000000 internally displaced people fleeing war . many that are in refugee camps are particularly vulnerable due to overcrowding, shelters, pour water and overall unsanitary conditions. so that gives a need mean it doesn't. immunological deficit. the immunological weakness, which makes no more likely to become more ill with anything i guess in south keybo
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province, doctors are doing all they can under difficult circumstances. law say they pause. now. we have more people here under treatment and we didn't have a choice to put them all together here as there is no spaces due to the number of patients forgetting. others are even waiting outside as this is the only place to treat and box for now. all patients are referred here, and this is exposing more patients to the infection. some patients are getting treated by jo, which in which in i started feeling pain without knowing that it was the beginning of impulse expires in my body. i am getting better under the treatment, but we need more, especially the vaccine in order to protect others from infection and to vaccines can reach those who need it. the virus could spread, putting more people at risk of death gabriel's onto. i'll just eat a the former us president donald trump is facing a revised federal indictment in the 2020 election interference case. indictments keeps the same criminal charges,
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but narrows the allegations against him. changes by prosecutors are response to a supreme court, rudy last month that gave sitting presidents fraud immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts. trump is called indictment, an unprecedented abuse of the criminal justice system. clair finkelstein is a professor of national security lord ethics at the university of pennsylvania. she says the changes prevent the indictment from being dismissed by the court of this illegal optics should not be dramatic. this should not be seen as rescuing the indictment from the jaws of the supreme court. most of the case really stands intact. as i wrote with the co author in bloomberg some weeks ago, the supreme court really left open to tanya chuck in the trial judge to determine
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what constitutes a fit to conduct and what constitutes personal capacity, conduct the supreme court. i think really money that in saying that any contact between the president and the attorney general constitutes official conduct. you can imagine that if the president were to call up the attorney general and say, vote for me. does he be acting as a candidate? not in his capacity as president, but yes, according to the supreme court, that would be official conduct just because it's communication between the president and the attorney general. but yet, the supreme court was so clear about that that jack smith couldn't take the risk of keeping those charges. hundreds of people protesting in mexico again to propose judicial eva whole as president that as manual lopez overdose controversial reform would make judges subject to election 7th straight is what was
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the concern that they'll throw cheese was to do away with independent regulatory agencies and the changes required approval by next because congress with the governing coalition has the majority of the country has paused as relationships with the u. s. and the canadian embassies of the american ambassador to criticize the plan, to elect judges and mexican president. it says it is a matter of self governance. i didn't get put in there, they have to learn to respect. mix goes self and that's no small thing with not going to give them advice over the now venezuela's opposition need as ignore the 2nd summons to appear in cold over the disputed presidential election. i'm under gonzales has been in hiding since venezuela's top court declared president nicholas missouri the winner of last month's things. the opposition has posted a link to our records, showing gonzalez, a head by a resounding motion. prosecutors are investigating him for image crimes associated
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with publishing. those details or monsoon rain for this cold, for the in and around the philippines. capital of manila street so funded in the budget. the northwest is a floating people living in low light areas along the toilet river. i've been bold to prepare for potential flooding a couple others from around the world of grace the stage at the tank of world championships intelligence. he didn't even continues to grow and international relevance sets a record for participation, tourism, but it is this from one is that it's a den, it's music and it's also foy tweeted, we present the heart of winter site is the and we are the tangle fast event in world championship take over the capitals. my niece, i see that are the ones the some of the lively are from columbia. this is the 3rd time they're participated in the championship. which align. yeah, the coming here is very difficult for us because we have to save money since
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there's no government support. but it's worth it because tangle gets into your body and takes over your life. but the general was born in the 1800s, and there was a plate the natural border between argentina and you were why it was recognized by the u. n. in 2009 as part of the nation's cultural heritage. the competition includes categories for classic dental, but also stage daniel and more acrobatic variant that allows dances to jump and wake the traditional embrace. the over the thousands of people showed up at the event, but the $55.00, which runs for 2 weeks has a lot more to offer live music,
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dance classes in milton gas, where people just want to get together to dance in water. the water came about was am i don't, he says the tangle embrace is about respect and emotion. well, it's a luxury to see young people dancing to be able to come here some dense people that come from all over the world to live and they come to a place with tangle, runs in our blood. and there is no age limit to learn because had to save those since he started dancing only 9 years ago. it was on there, but of them were near. it's important for humanity, for the people, for children. it helps to keep the culture, it feeds the spirit. it's only 3 minutes of pure love. love, passion, and joy is what brings people together in one of situs. all of them agree. it's a moment to focus on the beauty of this music and dens. and let go of everything
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else. 87, i just seen it went outside and without that's it. so what was coming out the inside story looks at the struggle to get food and medicine to go through the end of it the the split of daily occurrence. it carries on the big sun, the storms on the rest of the saw that you had been in the mountains or west inside . he is fond offers mecca, plenty of pictures on social media if you want to pick them up and the forecast carries on the same day with around rather few and maybe on wednesday, in southern pakistan including crush the stipulation means yet more flooding is quite likely. but between the 2, with the exception of few showers and talk to you, it's a dry looking patient dry and talked of course,
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every now and again the wind picks up and that's we probably going to lose the fifty's by degree. maybe come down to $48.00 and the full cost in baghdad. the breeze a hot breeze comes down through the gulf knox, the humidity back a little bit, which is a good thing, of course, around the gulf states. but it also picks up the dust and the sand. yeah, this time the air is fairly hazy to be honest. that throughout trump scholastic other shows have been on the northern side of coast time of year and we get them increased again. i think in sedan, south sudan, and across through chat as well, and then dropping south, they tend to say that and it looks like despite the on shore breeze, the shots could disappear from tons of the can. you and some of the jury wednesday . quite a stormy time across the eastern cape and running out through into something positive, mozambique. not much rain, but it's very much a breeze and it's still in the sink, them documenting 2 decades. and one of the most in baffled coolness of the globe
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child of afghanistan, 20 years of war, follows me from boyhood to manhood. a life that has no no peace shaped by hardship, resilience, and adventure. the unique zoom that captures the complex in a way which has never been seen before. witness on tuesday or of israel again, oldest palestinians to move in garza not supporting the un to relocate that space for 8 operations, causing huge disruption. honestly means all the facing malnutrition and disease well trying to survive as well as attacks. so how can the situation go on? this is inside storage, the
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hello again on chains phase the amount of age getting into gaza has plummeted to some of the lowest levels of the war says the united nations getting supply.


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