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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the right spot. otherwise with the strategic downstream industry on the client is your better tomorrow the sign palestinians killed that as strikes and raids across the occupied westbank. israel says the operation is the largest the since the 2nd intifada, folded 20 years ago, the phillips of robin. you want to, i'll just every line headquarters here in the also coming up tough tolts in china. the us national security advisor says both sides of watkins ritual. competition doesn't touch it. the conflict ukrainian drew the time,
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set oil tanks on fire in the bushes, real stuff, region and federal prosecutors. the us find the revised diamonds, gangs, donald trump accusing him of pelting to open the front of the us. selection results in 2020 the welcome to the problem is right. it strikes and rates across the occupied west bank of killed at least 9 palestinians. israel says the military operation is as large as this is the 2nd default both in 2 decades ago. and it strikes in the cities of 2000 janine also having just at least 10 people, palestinian scientists have been confronting these way. they all being using improvise. explosives is very minute. people dies with vehicles of also sold towns, both of them all up. well, since i'll tell you, but any hoss of palo city is killed in the occupied, westbank were in jeanine in the north and total crime to the west. that's at least
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310 of the 650 people killed. to boss is also increasingly being targeted in last month and tuesday nights and strikes killed 4 people by this is wellstar administered as commented on the log scale. milledgeville prices across the occupied west bank saying that the is randy abi is working hard and that you need until the problem comes to dismantle the arabian infrastructure bill that iran is working all the establishing of the eastern front decades as well in the west bank . similar to the model of gauze and beloved on, we have to address the threat to the west bank as way to the gall. so including the temporary evacuation of the population. and this is a void every sense of the word. we must win it. so the, if i just told you this stuff, i'm not blessed in the occupied westbank hide it. i mean, d as bailey's. i've got a halt in steel pied. westbank hope it always happens. yes,
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indeed. all started around midnight low, full time when these really forces waited. 3 locations in the occupied, the west bank, all in the north of it. at the same time, we are talking about res. that took place in gene. totally cut him to boss. these are the areas where we've been seeing some quite serious working from. and we've been talking to little kids who have already been seeing intensive rave in the past few weeks. but they can go further to us that they've heard and seen 3 air strikes in the 3 different locations. we're talking about 9 people walk being killed as a death soul for now. clauses injured as a result of this operation that these, including thousands of military of images are the soldiers and, uh, personnel. as we've heard from these really is sources. let's not forget that the
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west bank has already been under going through a lot of violence by these really forces. but not only that, we're also talking about violence by these really suck lawyers who have been growing in numbers when it comes to their presence here. it'd be occupied with the bank, but also they have been guessing more access to all the rest of the thing, any submit day thing, kinda city as a just yesterday we were best lab reporting and saw that really stuff says the side, the village. so we're talking about a situation and very now with the news of the we raise in the announcement from these really be the 3 that this is the largest military operation that is being carried out to the occupied west bank since 2002. we are already talking about terry racing situation, where we stand right now. the timing is everything. what you make of what's going on and why it's happening now. you know?
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yes, we talk about garza and yes, the massive. so when do we talk about how the students killed palestinians evacuated power city? is it being displaced? isn't gauze out, but in the occupies westbank. we cannot ignore that. there has been some sort of what's known here as a silent war. yes, it's not making the news every day. it does not in international media and what's not what this does not negate the fact that the palestinians are living under very heavy control, their restriction, all these radio corporation and the subtler already. we've been hearing the restaurant from these really the 3 officials intensify. anything we do. there's a lot of his fights with against the palestinians. of the west bank shields comparing jeans to the north of the occupied the west bank as a mini garza, we've been here in the front of the minister, realizing more and more use of this really aerial strikes against palestinian
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targets already since the beginning of the we're we're told me about the wrong, 50 airstrikes against palestinians, and sometimes we are in places where this happens in residential areas intimidating and creating a lot of fear and anxiety among palestinians. so already we've been hearing and these really means yes, a lots of incitement against the occupied to us back. and palestinians feel that is there a wants to use beside with all i go to the dogs off to expedite it. ill peroration that its occupation and cement, really the occupation here and the occupied to us bank. whether by these is ready raise by the invitation by the check points by the league. it is really supplements by the linking is really supplements. i'll post, you know, today we were talking about something that's happening for the 1st time engineer in the palestinians. fall as been in the hospital and the medical teams have received evacuation, or there is they've been notified to leave the hospital. this is a hospital that has 150 patients that are on 200 employees, medical's and stuff. so we're talking about it. you know, it's definitely
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a deterioration of that. i'll give you so near the occupies west bank so far. the hospital has not evacuated, but we'll be here updating you with did everything that force in douglas things new to joining us here in the studio is house and for all week for us of international sized cas hall, university, kentucky with us again, let's just summarize what's going on and be occupied westbank. how serious do you think this particular situation days in comparison to the analogy that it's very similar to the default of the past. well, i wouldn't say that this is similar to that of other, but i would, i would like to say that this is it, this fits into a brother context, which is these really design for the west bank. they want to create more facts on the ground. and they want to push, they put a scene into the, to the edge. and at the end of the one the whole lot, i mean, i try nationalist on and the government to, i've seen this public a publicly that this is editors. right. and that's of the land of as well click and
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coat. they don't even repair it, and it's a proper name. they use the word to do the answer, mary, in order to legitimize all of these accuracy of what was against the palestinians. we just have some new to that, you know, i've accusation old as all the other hospital, the results of this connection that these right, these are trying to make as we heard from the minister, but the road is involved. so there is an influence of around the deal can talk to us about the trying to make this narrative that will sit well. i think other, what do you think with the west, the e u. the us will get them to just embassy to go. it is in a similar vein to goes exactly, but even more important is, is to address these really public who are really not fed up with an attorney who has leadership the he has been using this kind of for a long time since, you know, 2009, it was talking about the arrangements, right. so using the iranian strict, we don't actually called frontier on, but at the same time he's, he's like implementing his vision of the grid to is right. and we have to say with
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no evidence on the ground. no, no, there's not. absolutely. i mean, i would have, i would have a boat in his argument if he's talking about boxes. but the policy is, have been under occupation since 196 or 7. and they have the right to sort of determination to have the right to, to defend themselves. so they've been standing up to this occupation and where they are. i exist on the map or not. so linking back to the iranian scheme. and the reason i think this is kind of deception and but at the same time, so you want to, um get the west and board with, with his expression his policy and the west bank. what do you make of the like reaction from the palestinian know pharmacy because we talk about intifada as a historical moment in time. and these ladies are talking about um to groups at the moment in the occupied westbank. are we talking about the generational shift to the divide within the palestinian, the sport in the occupied westbank about what he said into father,
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who would fight the israelis and who would you know, the, the, the, the, the wedge that is between the older generation of the younger generations, there's a lot of dynamics, areas that are bubbles when there's something in the making. i mean, i can't seem to put my finger on it, but this is definitely the, a new generation filled up with the old leadership last time with the bus and his connors. and those people i ping hope on negotiation and they've been reliant. and is that for survival event provide them with, with everything they need, they provide them with that kind of packet of the, with the, with the money it wouldn't because they collect the tax on their behalf and send it back to them. and in this way, they can control the policy and society as they are dependent going to be as late as, but this generation, you know, that they can find jobs and they see that their land is being dropped by these raiders and databases that they see. the expansion of settlement and they see that leadership doing nothing as especially when these areas have been at the site and
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guys and, and doing this genocide, the reward and guys and when and where their bus is just, you know, talking as if he's a political commentator hayes naturally and lead that with tools that can make a difference and, and the relationship with as well. so and more generations and more people and on the, for the same side, i've seen this leadership as something from the oldest time that does not really add on. this is a fit, the new requirement for the, for the student interest and see what does happen for them. it has a broadway, thanks so much for joining us in castle university. a june list on the system, monthly latest victims office by the strikes in the central gaza strip. they died in the family having the dis, with refugee camp 17 people are being killed since the goals of wednesday. that's got the very lights and stuff. monday about moody choices that will decide from districts in the central gaza, another bloody night overnight. how do you just give us an idea of the strain that many hospitals are now experiencing with those that would be the injured or
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or, you know, so for the past 2 days would be looking for a place to start our broadcasting. we ended up evacuating the lock, the hospital, and just to give you a little bit of description of what a loft hospital looks like, it's not always under the pressure of the huge influx of casual just for the past and months that it gradually pushed it out. of service, but the intent bombing campaign across the gospel as me, the other health facility is unable to accommodate the large number of casualties and those arriving dead or those will arrive in need of the critical medical care overnight attack. then what needs to be an old familiar scene to keep, keeps repeating itself over and over. we've seen a patterns of the aftermath of agree at the top. that means there's a further degree and kind of like the one a took place after midnight, a residential home that led to the murder of a journalist and his sister, along with the 3rd person from
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a neighboring house in an earlier hour this morning. the card in between an area between is that why the in the central part of the god for them beer, but i really was targeted and just within the past half an hour we learned it from a lot of the hospitals were just there that the number of bills arrive, killed a really pronounce it to the hospital. it has right into 5 people. the initial number was a 3 because of the lack of medical supplies and in medication. and now we talked about his stuff as simple as a basic stuff inside the hospital. the acute shortage of these elements made make big. the whole idea of providing me to goes get it quite difficult. so 2 more people, it pronounced it inside the immersion department, right? making the number head, bringing them the number up to 5 people that there are other injuries inside the hospital. we're still in need of a critical medical intervention to save life. meanwhile, is really military continues to strike. and connie on a city this time,
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particularly in the southern as some part of the city in which they very military. and it's in bidding forces scared out the southern a ground invasion of the area that without given any prior warnings whatsoever, just causing it may have been biotic situations. people will literally, for one hour, within a span of one hour, people were running for their life to just center part then the western side of upon unit city, the situation keeps the balding and do much more complex complexity right now. and in terms of health facilities, we can from judging from what we're seeing right now, we don't have health care and running right now. it's more of a, of the standing facilities that providing basic 1st aid, but not major major medical care. how about move that for us in district in the central garza? thank you. the pentacles as a greek oil tank or tanked by who the font is in the red sea last week appears to
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be leaking. oil is counting about 1000000 barrels of crude oil. the position of the tree says it was hit by missiles, all drains of the evans pulse. if you have your data, the crew has been rescued us to have funding the tank it. 85 to sub units, i can ship sense of pools of palestinians in garza. the m v delta sonia now sits by mobilized and the red sea where it is currently on fire and appears to be leaking oil, presenting both the navigational hazard and a potential environmental catastrophe. we are aware of a 3rd party that attempted to send to tugs to the vessel to help salvage. but they were warmed away by the who these and threatened with being attacked, which again demonstrates their blatant disregard for, for not only human life, but all for also for the potential environmental catastrophe that this presents a sole still head here on al jazeera, how sanctions able to,
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to arouse nuclear program on publishing. it's pete the now the late summer he's prevailing into your but it's generating some big sandstone and it's, it has been a place has been hit west and the last day aside from a particular reason. because the general thrust is to take the shares eastwards to its bulk area and remain here and probably eventually surface through grease. you can use the difference across the visuals, but not the big difference as you might think. it's still forecast be $27.00 degrees on wednesday in london for example, and 20 in edmond despite the likelihood of rain, the biggest shaft hours please be drifting, satisfied. eventually, these are smaller ones showing themselves up over the vulcans. live in spain is dry,
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but i think staying with the development of thunder storms, not particularly useful ones, and they would last longer. they're coming on thursday. but look what's happening elsewhere where the shells have gone, the temperatures are rising once more. it's still pretty hot from the rest of europe. and the darkest red shows where the hottest weather most likely is. but i think it will be concentrated a bit for the size for the rest of the week. so it's 35, as i say, we're up to about 36 in row. the average is $29.00 and it's still warm. as i mentioned, even edinburgh, once the writings comes through the average is 17. we stayed about that. they've looked at wilma, by the time stuff, the some shows 3. it was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach the well to similes and exclude. does
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the redesigns luxury living crafting of future today we create the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about see what you all just bear with me. so robin and doug, how reminder, volatile new stories is really strikes, rates across the occupied westbank appealed at least 9 palestinians as well. says this is its largest minute field probation. this is the 2nd intifada. folded 20 years ago, she had listened to the sister of books,
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the latest victims on his way to the strong see the central dogs district, 17 people living till since the early hours of wednesday. the little that was called fire after you paid last trades into southern russia. overnight, slaves and gulf pumps of the deco in the kaminsky district of russell rushed both forward. he said, defend systems, it is up to 12 tribes targeting that region and brushing it. so the knolls, the ones, the topic watched of chief has raised concerns of a nuclear incidents of the heat. so evidence of dried strikes their power plants and rushes, ca, screech, and most of the accused or ukrainian forces of attacking the plants last week. they'll survive report stuff in the city of coach tools, where the nucleus site is located. a city of nearly 40000 people
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named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program. igor chord shots of his larger than life statute greets visitors as soon as they entered the city. about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility. and russia occurs because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest produced for the electricity in the countries. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since you create launch, it's incursion into russian territory in the car screeching on august. the 6th, across this lake is the cursor nuclear power plants where russia says fragments of you creating drugs were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times. again, putting the safety of nuclear facilities of the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happens does not deny the fact that there has been a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones,
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how he was shown, some of the remnants, those signs of the impact they had, the director general went on to express concerns for the safety of the plants, which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the car reactor of the curse, nuclear facility is not protected by special, don't making it much more susceptible to any kind of attack. but nuclear safety is not the only concern here. can you just, i just am curious, the video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a cover solution, including our city security measures of tip top schools will start with a book loading to prevent unwanted defense for children or lots of public offense of prohibited while the city continues to function, despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia and ukraine in forces only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. door such a for alpha,
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0 court shots of city. russia as well as the present, best suited possess can says that he's open to a new to go sions with the west international sanctions imposed by the us side. it's all as the roles nuclear program, but it's often civilians who end up suffering the most as or so. so the report from the capital to her on the run is one of the richest countries in terms of for you and gas resources for 2 years ago. how many just saying you decided to take advantage of that and start the business impact with chemicals to quickly rose to prominence in the market. setting pets with chemical products, particularly determined to several companies was highly profitable. but things changed drastically when you're honestly an industry came on the sections and this is now he can really find claims to work with. sure. well, your thought base of it was exporting approximately 6000000 tons of bitch meant i
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knew it could compete with american japanese chinese and korean companies to easily win bits started by one side of our exports went to china. so now the sanctions apply to all transactions from and to iran. how come up even directly complex to my clients? i've to do business with dealers in the u. e. oman, iraq, all tech here, which complicates everything, needs me with almost nothing. the sanctions imposed by the west have these connected iran from the international series tie. national messaging system which facilitates some money transfers between countries. the sanctions automatically apply to any country company or the individuals involved in 3. the activities which section that you're running institutions, companies or individuals that towards not only the business sector here, both to assist really affects the run you have to interact with outside world.
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when tabs on it applied for the ph. d program in portugal last year, she knew it would be difficult. she says the acceptance or her application marked the beginning of her nice me like these totally any nationality prevented her from opening up bank account, making it difficult to pay for the expenses all way. i'd be careful the buying key there, so i needed to make payments to start a new life in portugal know bank account. it took days for me to find a locals would accept cash from me so that i could transfer school fees from her account. the same applies to run payments as the landlord requires the receipt. it is a deadlock when you need to get an official paper like a residency renewal. because when you are an iranian, even the most simple things become nearly impossible and the official goal of the sessions is to limit your laws, nuclear and me, science programs, and prevented from from way to human rights with nearly $100000.00 you many and studying abroad the impact of this sections forces some of them to drop out each
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year the of the 0 to around the full, the us present. donald trump is facing a revised federal and diamonds in the 2020 election it to say, or in this case, the diamond keeps the same criminal charges, but narrows the allegations against the changes. probably the prosecutors follow the supreme court ruling last month. the gate sitting presidents, broad immunity for official ex trump, has called the indictment and unprecedented abuse of the criminal justice system. last link looks fine, is a profession of national security law and ethics. he says the changes prevent the indictment from being dismissed by the court. the political optics should not be dramatic. this should not be seen as rescuing the indictment from the jaws of the supreme court. most of the case really stands intact. as i wrote with
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a co author in bloomberg some weeks ago, the supreme court really left open to tanya chuck in the trial judge to determine what constitutes a fit to conduct and what constitutes personal capacity, conduct the supreme court. i think really money that in saying that any contact between the president and the attorney general constitutes official conduct. you can imagine that if the president were to call up the attorney general and say, vote for me. does he be acting as a candidate? not in his capacity as president, but yes, according to the supreme court, that would be official conduct just because it's communication between the president and the attorney general. but yet the supreme court was so clear about that that jack smith couldn't take the risk of keeping those charges to the us national security advisor and the chinese foreign minister. why y'all
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holding a 2nd day of talks in beijing? fig. sullivan said both sides of working to ensure competition does not via into conflict. so his visit comes as regional labels accuse china a feeling tension as you this kim explains us. as a us security advisor and china is top diplomat engaging closed door meetings. they do so against a backdrop of heightened tensions between beijing and america's allies in the region. on sunday and again on monday, the philippines and china created lane after back to that maritime skirmishes at the sabina show. one of many hotly contested areas of the south china sea, of which beijing takes a large, clean the philippine defense secretary at a military conference tuesday set the solution is stronger collective multilateral action against beijing in the 3 john china. although without saying it then i'd say, had saved for you,
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is the biggest disrupt or of their national beast. in the i see a feature japan and the philippines upgraded their military relations last month. green lighting was typical access and joint exercises. tokyo zone suspicions of beijing flared on monday when a chinese wind 9 reconnaissance played fluid to us air space in a 1st ignoring warning calls to the space violation is a threat to our security. and we consider it totally unacceptable. china responded to japan's dismay by pledging an investigation into what clearly it said was not intentional. it's a delicate dance that sullivan and one will have to make a deep distrust, including concerns over chinese interference and us elections via mis information campaigns. we are working to ensure the competition is not here in the conflict, and then find ways to work together. interest align whether or not the to
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a ground work for our final joe biden. she just being summit before the us president leaves office. the main mission remains clearing the air to keep their intense competition from entering our red zone. unit skim. alda 0. so many people are so busy in central japan as a heavy rain both all by type food is. chandra schon triggered a landslide allies and railways have been forced to cancel services at least 190 flights, a mold in full 1000 passages or effects. it has also been power outages. well, homes tracking by wildfires have been evacuated. old people to be that activated in the proration city of splits strong winds, spread the flames quickly in the area, the strong big cha, hill, and the all bull fires in nearby areas. if it's to contain the funds have been hampered by the overnight grounding of creation that falls plays. it will be help
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with firefighting duties. couple so but around the world have grace of stage at the time it will championships and auction to that event continues to grow and relevant such as that. so record full participation as theresa bo found out for me. but as always it's a den, it's music and it's also point to me that we present the heart of when a site is the and we are the tangle fast event and world championship take over the capitals. my niece, i see that are the ones the some of the lively are from columbia. this is the 3rd time they participated in the championship till on. yeah, the coming here is very difficult for us because we have to save money since there's no government support. but it's worth it because tangle gets into your body and takes over your life. but the dental was born in the 18 hundreds and there was a plate the natural border between argentina and you were why it was recognized by the u. n. in 2009 as part of the nation's cultural heritage. the


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