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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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0 now the is there any follows, impose confuse and older people to leave that homes in the occupied westbank semi say then this is i'll just say i live from dell hall. so coming up, refusing to be silenced more on position writings a month to often nicholas madura is re election as venezuela's president and the delicate dogs, the us national security advisor, inmate jane to tone down the tension between china and america is allies plus the games begin to countdown on for the care costs of the current and fixing
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the is ready for us is a stepping off of the tax on palestinians as the war approaches. the 11 months mach thousands of people were killed in gauze or on wednesday, but the occupied westbank is becoming more of a target, as well as conducted its largest minutes for the operation data more than 2 decades . and it strikes the cities of to boss and janine is killed at least 10 people that abraham begins on coverage of what's being called israel's hidden war and the occupied west bank enters in you feelings is really media are calling this assault the largest since 2002, concentrated around to boston, the jordan valley jeanine scene here. and to cut him. it involves drones, fighter jets, and the large contingent of soldiers, person,
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ambulance workers. how do we use it a way to is really occupations violate all international principles. break the law by targeting civilians, medical teams and ambulances. we have seen this in gaza over the 11 months, and they're doing the same thing now and occupied westbank palestinian fighters say the attack then his reading and the 3 bull. those are in the account. but the death toll among palestinians is mounting late. this was a raid was carried out on a neighborhood by surprise. before hand some young men near my house asked me for water to drink. i went to bring them a bottle of water when i opened the door to give it to them and seconds very fast. we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. i didn't understand what was going on when i put my hand on my chest. i felt shrapnel and blood. israel's foreign minister,
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israel cats has called for palestinians to be forced from areas in the northern occupied westbank, comparing the situation to the countries war ongoing. so it's the clearest indication. yeah, that as well as why you're getting a tour on this trip to the west bank, such as condition may alarm the international community, but will come as no surprise to palestinians living here who have seen rates intensify and expand every day since october the 7th. the that but i mean, i just need all to boss the occupied westbank palestine. so now most talk about who is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. now you says it's rarely violating international by launching a war on an occupied population. these are not just periods, it's a huge military operation. it's actually on act before and that is taking place in reading sort of major areas. but not only that,
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they are envisioning so many communities and villages all over the west bank to address people. the most important thing here for the audience to understand is that the west bank is unoccupied. 33 by the is there in the army. we've been on that is that in the military. okay. patients since 1957 years. and what is that and is doing now is going back to our own occupied people, which is a ton violation of any international, no deductibles. how are you paying by what should behave they are using expedite, they are using the ad force. they are using tax, they are using windows. and what that i to do now in the bank is to transfer here the acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing that they are doing in does that until the us bank. and that is all done by this is what are the fascist government? which is that on by, in the gum set, the likes, most of the time being view, who are trying to destroy the whole infrastructure of these areas. and their goal
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is clear to catch the foot in minnesota, visiting and has just the club that ethnic cleansing should be conducted for this of the cities of, of the west bank. and to do these that a few times, we have to stand up to them. we have to say that fast, we have to do this because we will not leave our country and we will not be of our homes. and we will not accept to be slaves of the system of apartheid and discrimination that is right and is conducting. so you have but i've done nothing. but what is this the stead of an impression understood of a genocide that is imposed on us us state department will impose sanctions on is radio organization that's providing support for settler groups. our white house correspondent, kimberly how could joins us now from washington, dc. so what are us officials saying about this group about why they're imposing sanctions? yeah, according to matthew miller, the state department is folks person the sanctions by the treasury department and
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the issued by the state department that came down the last few hours are being directed towards an n g o known as has shown where yosh and it's and this really group and also within this group 3 individuals also being sectioned as well as another separate individual. now, the reason for this is that they are targeting palestinians, also known as billions in this press release issued by the state department. what we're being told is that this group, essentially, it was funded by these really government is affiliated with ministers, bank of year, as well as small fridge and raises money inside the united states as well as online . now, what we know about this is that this individual is the section because it's, this individual is apparently, uh, we understand the security coordinator for westbank settlement. he was acting allegedly outside the scope of his authority. and within this,
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he let an effort to prevent 250 palestinians from returning to their village. and as a result, this is of great concern to the united states. the united states says that as a result is trying with the sanctions to encourage these really government to act as a whole. these individuals and the sends you accountable. but again, given the fact that this is a state funded operation, it appears unlikely. the other point we should quickly mention is that in many of these instances of these acts of violence, the is really military witness. these acts and did nothing. all right, thanks so much. kimberly, how could all white house correspondent the now a june list and the system are among the laces. the victims of is why the strikes in central garza, they were killed in the family home and the side of refugee camp. so t 9 people have been killed since the are the hours of wednesday. the doctors say
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each day is a struggle to find space for the wounded in enough medicine and fuel to run hospitals. i mean, my mood reports from allows a hospital in the silent in central garza. this is the hospital, the only remaining operation of health facility and the options drugs area. what you see behind me is the facility itself, design and one building here. design to accommodate a 100 kids on a daily basis. but judging it from what we're seeing, the hospice that has been pushed to operate beyond this capacity is just from the crowd behind me. right here at this health facilities. we're looking at 30 times more than its capacity. and just to show you the extent of it challenges and difficult conditions this hospital is going through. we're taking you inside the emergency departments of the hospital right here is just, you know,
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from what we're seeing large numbers of people are waiting in line here and 6, when the large numbers of people here at the risk just varies is because of the evacuation orders if advisors really low the military that push the vast majority of from a law offices on whether the injury is the patient, the box with to leave the hospital immediately, just adding more pressure on this most health facilities in the central area and making it very difficult for the patients to begin, it's difficult for the medical and everybody to receive the proper medical care. this is the pediatric department of the hospital here. and as you see it in the frame of the camera, there's so many people here. and when we just talked to a doctor inside the hospital describe the situation as very horrific here. the written, never seen this large number seen in one place at one time. here it goes on to explain. this is because of the valuation or does the place at the hospital pushing
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more people to will do. and they'll say it off and other parts of the central area mentally, those who are in need of medical care. and then up in this cost results a hospital that is designed for minimum of a maximum of a $100.00 case on daily basis. now is that to provide medical care for close to 3000 people on daily basis, just adding more pressure on our really crippling health care system across the gauze. now, this variety, drones strike on the border between syria and lebanon is killed for people. syrian sources say a call was hit on the road between damascus and the lebanese capital bay route is rather step top strikes across neighboring countries since the war and gauze assaulted in october. the
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ukrainian drones of hit oil depots into regions of russia. the kid all region is around 1500 kilometers from ukraine's border. the deaf o in the come on school district overall stuff was engulfed by flane's. russian authorities say at defense systems intercepted 12 drones and the rest of the auto nation training drones tongues of the area. 10 days ago. the governor of kit off says the attack did not cause any casualties. all fires and the facilities operations were not disrupted. the opposition in venezuela is refusing to back down despite pressure to accept the re election of president the customer. do ro, morales taking place a month off to the vote? opposition to say that was widespread votes afford for the electro council says madura one more than 50 percent of votes. i sons around pnc, it has this update from both time neighbor and columbia or opposition activists of
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how their own running it has become increasingly difficult for us id authorization to have these a big, huge gatherings that and cut off because the mostly due to the arrest sending simulations on part of the government and the feeling is that to the hope of a major mobilization, popular mobilization against them, i do a dream. i might be slow. busy the fading away there have been other protests in other parts of the world due to the large that you ask for our most. so 8000000 people that are flat, the, at the economic, social and political crisis in the country in the last decade there. so here in the capital book that earlier today, there were members of the positions in other venezuelans who have put these balloons up here in central plaza, believe it or with the names. and in some cases,
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the pictures of a, some of these people are in a position activists that have been arrested by them. i do a james, 1600 of them. and the last months since the dispute said the elections and among them at the opposition in saying more than a hundreds who are minors and are now inside, been swelling, prison now to egyptian ministry planes have arrived and somebody is cap. so long as the issue is part of a ministry cooperation deal to both countries agreed on earlier this month or off is the deal could escalate tension in the region? yeah. oh yeah, i'm good. some on a when it signed the preliminary deal with the break way regional some, all the lines, the cold would allow landlocked ethiopia to lease coastal land. egypt is also adults with ethiopia over its construction of a dam on the nile river. amount of web is following developments from neighboring kenya as to addiction,
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military transport planes landed at the apple with as small as capital mobile issue on tuesday. some of the federal government sources told us that the cdn egyptian ministry offices were on board that came for me. thing, which is nice agencies reported the domestic and somebody government associates saying that the cost to say carried weapons and ammunition as well as a recent buy last through deal signs between egypt and somalia. for security assistance, i need it to go say pledge to provide troops to the international african union, united nations for support. some of these governments in securing the country in troops make it a significant part of that force. it will 7 small area on the bilateral agreements . small area has recently said that the intrigues must leave. meanwhile, media has tensions with the idea of buttons. here is grand renee sold them on the upstream part of the river nile,
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which he did says is an existence with threats to the volta. it depends on for agriculture. now this military support from me here is the 1st to come to some of the are in mold and full to yes. why do you see as posing a risk, to increasing tensions in the region? malcolm web. i'll just say era. my baby can yeah. hello, still ahead on al jazeera, the cases of severe mountain nutrition rise in nigeria. hundreds of thousands of children could stalls just weeks the same depth analysis of the days. headline west strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions? people's would have been 18 years old to see that they have to give it
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a chance to pass the bolts critical debate. russia has decided to the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story house, fluid change and security relationship between both come on out jersey around the showcase of the best document resumes from across the network on the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the back here watching out just due at the time to recap, the headlines is radio strikes and brides across the occupied west bank of killed at least 10 town experience as well. says the military opperation easy, its largest best. and the 2nd intifada, moving to decades ago, a journalist and his sister are among the latest victims of his radio strikes and central garza to a killed in the family and asylum refugee camp. so the 9 people have been killed since the be wednesday. the,
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the opposition in venezuela is back on the streets. the protests, 3 election of president. it costs to do to move around. is that taking place a month off to the vote position the to say it was wide spread vote to from jerry is on the verge. of a hung a crisis, the united nation says more than 26000000 people will have enough to wait and the coming weeks. health care workers say a high number of women and children not already suffering severe hungry amount nutrition. it's estimated at least a 100 children are being admitted to hospitals, daily doctor's treating, malnourished patients, say the situation is reached crisis point, especially in the north people. in nigeria, i've seen food prices sold due to violence by on groups and the removal of fuels subsidies. the price of basic goods, for example, that's increased by 33 percent in recent weeks and the address has moved from my
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decoding in east to nigeria of the things to get worse. so yeah, before they get assessed. in fact, the main season elijah, was supposed to have started going by a fast uh, incidence. this was supposed to happen until the month of july. but now we see now the number of cases that continued to arrive. hospitals in i did it as personally, but most of the country started since the month of april, which is 3 months. um yeah. and from the doctors projection and 8 agents of production, this is not, this is based no, um, expectations, but this will reduce the next few months or so they expected to continue until the month of february. let me move out of shop now and see to show you what is exactly helping me. yeah, this is only the outpatient department in this facility. ended up any of these facilities, all 3 of these departments in the doctors without borders facility here in mind.
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you can respond to 300 bets for this. but what's in the view? it's been one of the 500 admissions at a time. a series of tools and all that most difficult time. and then we need for the most to expands. what i meant to have done is that it says it's a better way, but it's activities next year, things to get worse, simply because partners for medicine, some frontier or doctors without borders putting out of this uh, agreement. they had what they do here. usually when they treat the case is a money deposit green, they send them to have the facility just for the continuation of treatment. unfortunately, the doctors without borders are saying that some of the partners, some of that process that they're not going to continue with this next year. i need help us feel this. yeah, certainly. next,
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that could be catastrophic. already. doctors without borders calling this a catastrophic situation. and now general features are saying that this is a crisis situation in this country. and now the opening ceremony for the paris paralympics is less than an hour away. let's bring you some light fixtures. some supposes may have difficulty getting there, though you see the french capitalist prepared the use for this event, the lympics, which ended just a few weeks ago. but it's been in smith reports, still not easy to navigate. people with disabilities power skits another chance to show off the summer this time it's the power olympics, but still with the same spectacular backdrop. wednesday's opening ceremony will again make use of the cities landmarks. it's the 1st time in history that the vibrating opening a painting, power and big so many debts is in defense of a city. and that's very political and like
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a big mock because we know that's hard to sit down, not a deputy. it's completely focused on to be disability. yeah. tonight may be like going to change the, the looks of the society about bessengers disability and that's very important for me. moving 4400 asked me to take the costs of the game. they arrive in a city notoriously difficult to navigate for those with disabilities. i said to council, says, has made improvements. for example, you cannot book online for help to get on to trains. most of the underground system is not wheelchair friendly. we are very on cd and we have a very old metro. we have very old streets and we needed to work adults with our, our team. and it's a really legacy for us. a thanks to the filing games a to have transformation game to organize the say several events. we're ready sold out. there are a record number of participating countries and organizations had to be
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a lympics parisians. fled the city in drove spearing inconvenience and traffic. kyle: they were on the games where hit so much so that the majority of tickets sold for the power olympics. i've gone to people living in the parish region, bonus points. i'll just say one hours. a furnace smith joins us now from a fine zone in paris. so the transformation was mentioned in your pull that boat and how much of a transformation though, has power squarely on the gone i think for disabled visitors to power as it's very much a work in progress. i mean, even the head of the regional transport system admits the power says metro network is impossible for disabled visits is just a handful of stations at the 300 the they're all a wheelchair accessible. only 25 percent of trains, equally wheelchair accessible. but you can get around on a pulse these any buses can take wheelchairs. so the lympics of the pilot picks, excuse me,
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they have laid on 100 extra mini buses to ferry disabled businesses to inform the different menus. and the city has opened up its box again as it did pull the lympics, well able bodies. i'm disabled visitors to come and enjoy the games by the big screens. crowds gathering a veil, opening serenade installed in about half an hour's time. the organizes upset that this olympics. ringback is about changing the way people look a disability hood tama jo fee in the top, joly, in my report that talking about that in the how the opening ceremony will reflect that. there is certainly one significance advantage of the opening ceremony has over the olympic opening ceremony. and that is that it is not writing is a beautiful full power as evening. so hopefully it's moving certainly will go along without a hitch. something. let's hope indeed thanks so much. bennett smith,
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the us national security advise that in chinese phone boost a long jo holding a 2nd day of talks and badging. jake solomon's visit comes as regional neighbors accuse china of fueling tension. the soonest can explains us. as a us security advisor and china is top diplomat engaging closed door meetings. they do so against a backdrop of heightened tensions between beijing and america's allies in the region. on sunday and again on monday, the philippines and china created blame after back to that maritime skirmishes at the sabina show, one of many hotly contested areas of the south china sea, of which beijing takes a large claim. the philippine defense secretary at a military conference tuesday set the solution is stronger collective multilateral action against beijing in this region. china, although without saying it, then i'd say had saved for you these the biggest disrupt or of getting their
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national beast in the japan and the philippines upgraded their military relations last month. green lighting was typical excess and joint exercises. tokyo zone suspicions of aging flared on monday when a chinese wind 9 reconnaissance played fluid to a squarespace and a 1st ignoring warning calls to the space violation is a threat to our security. and we consider it totally unacceptable. china responded to japan's dismay by pledging an investigation into what clearly it said was not intentional. it's a delicate dance that sullivan and one will have to make a made deep distrust, including concerns over chinese interference and us elections via mis information campaigns. we are working to ensure the competition is not here in the conflict. and if we find ways to work together, interest align whether or not the to late ground work for our final joe biden. she
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didn't being summit before the us president leaves office. the main mission remains clearing the air to keep their intense competition from entering our red zone unit skim. alda 0 of the us china rivalry, also playing out as some of the pacific island leaders. some have endorsed the $270000000.00 plan funded by a strong area to improve police training leaders of tongue of fiji powwow and pop in new guinea. how you say it will help island states tackled drunk traffic and illegal fishing across millions of square kilometers of ocean that comes with the straight. it looks to reduce china. security presence in the area aging is deployed police on the solomon islands and kid of bus a lot said somebody for the show why the result next inside story would examine whether fighting between russian and ukrainian forces could lead to
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a nuclear does off the coast power plant in russian and of course you can get much more information to head over to our website out to 0. don't call the the that off to days if not weeks of giant thunder storms and west and saturday and west and you have and i think the full cross might be turning them down just a little bit. they'll still be around maybe not the same extent. possibly on the other side of the red sea, that would be that biggest, the same time, the circulation you see in some impact is done, which is part of the policy. the circulation is produced, letting go drop off a meter of writing that stuff do the same out through the middle of practice done both time types, letting on the streets as well. and that will carry on for next day as a. but if you don't hear and you don't in the read so your chances are you're just sitting in hot, dusty,
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hazy weather. does it breeze coming out to be rock that's pick you up on friday and come down the golf. which means you minutes, you'd probably be a bit reducer to come down a little bit. and that's the worst thing at this time of year for these gulf states . but that pretty is good, big enough to pick out some dust or maybe light sand and it's flow and possibly risk even worse thing conditions in riyadh to, to drop a glass together. she has always been out there west. the last couple of weeks. northern side of the course of the coming cyrus rebuilding the now and those and the see what the status of a list is. generally dr. picture this times a year. and the last, the temperature coming down in zimbabwe and botswana, the wave of criminal violence has risen export to the truck. the top tells appraising the challenging all sorts of prison riots. assessing nations,
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ecuador has plunged from one of the safest countries in latin america to one of the most dangerous, with the government, declaring war on the guns and corruption. the people in power investigates with causes behind the search and violence. and it's devastating impact on the nation. ecuador, on the fire, on that jersey though. the head of the u ends. nuclear watched old military action is posing serious risk to the course can nuclear power plants most goes as the facility in russia has been attacked by you quite in forces. chief hasn't commented . so how dangerous is the situation is inside story, the


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