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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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the widow's office on how to see the israel is coming out. it's not just a minute you operation occupies westbank, can use targeting for cities at the same time. at least 11 palestinians have been killed the but on carry johnston, this is i'll just hear a lot from the also coming humans whose these agree to allow rescue vessels to reach an oil tank that's on file in the red sea. the founder of telegram is put down the formal investigation for ledge to criminal activity on that part of the messaging half an order not to the funds on the games begins the opening ceremony of the parliament games kicks off price
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the is really forced, is stepping up a tax on palestinians as the war approach has the 11 month mark. while as strikes have intensified in south and central gauze. imagery has increased its targeting of occupied westbank, as well as well, has conducted its all just a minute. you're still there with more than 2 decades. kidding. at least 11 people . hundreds of troops have conducted grades, which are ongoing, more than 24 hours later. and as strikes of hit the cities of to bus and janine need to abraham begins our coverage for you to another day. literally why and his brother, most of them are confined inside their house, outside their windows is what no family wants their children to experience. really, soldiers and bulldozers storming, did you need refugee camp accompanied by drones and flights or just the we usually
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distract them by getting them to play. we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as the biggest, the 3 of salt and be occupied west bank in more than 2 decades. the rates are concentrating, also into cutting and mental boss with ariel strikes, adding to the number of casualties. the book of the raid was carried out on that neighborhood by surprise. beforehand. some young man named my house and asked me for water to drink. i went to bring them a bottle of water when i opened the door to give it to them and seeking this, we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. i couldn't understand what was going on. i didn't when i put my hands on my chest, i felt friend, known for them and blood medical teams are finding it difficult to attend to the wounded. this is the, the way used to the way the israeli occupation violates all international
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principles breaks the law by targeting civilians and medical teams. we've seen this in gaza over 11 months and they're doing the same thing now in the occupied westbank. israel says it's meant target is palestinian fighters in full refugee camp. the military says that the armed groups are planning attacks against this way, the targets and are getting better at making improvised explosive devices prevent us. any of these groups are part of resisting israel's decades long occupation. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with threats from occupied westbank like it has in gaza. palestinian see what has been described as israel's poly loved tor on the occupied westbank is not so silent any more. such as condition may alarm the international community, but will come as no surprise to palestinians living here who have seen rates
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intensify and expand every day since october the 7th. the that. but i mean, i just needed to boss the occupied westbank palestine. you're not a nation, says israel's actions in the occupied westbank appeared to exceed international standards for law enforcement. gabriel, that is on the as more from the un headquarters in new york. you and secretary general. antonio gutierrez is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied. westbank is spokes person here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted the palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by air strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th, they've counted $630.00 pallets damian's. they have been killed in the occupied westbank,
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but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the development since this morning with grave concern and are very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at o char warning, the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards where um, leave full force and firearms or the last resort. it can only be used against imminent threat of death or serious injury. or what kind of ross is a visiting professor at princeton university. he's also the former executive director of human rights watch. you're drawing this life now from new york. welcome 12 to 0. what do you make of these rarely on these conduct in the occupies westbrook in lights, of this current operation. crudely,
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this is the largest military operation that we've seen in the west bank in years. i think the big issue really has your corresponding just mentioned is what are the legal standards that are governing it all the ordinarily with israel's and let's occupation the standards should be that was that apply a lot of course to the police on the street and that means you as a correspond it just said you cannot use legal force except as a last resort to meet an image be full threat. ordinarily you have to try to detain people. now it looks like that's not what israel's doing it, it's bombing away. and indeed, he's rarely foreign minister. israel katz said, this is a more now one more you can just shoot the other sites to that, so you don't need to try to capture them. nothing about last resort. so here's what i was now, escalating it standards for the use of leslie to force towards standards. that is a very rave development for the people in the west bank. and even in that case,
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it still has a duty to all take all feasible precautions to spare civilians her about the conflict, but it can just shoot to kill people whom it deems negligence. now that would be a big, big stop. and i think the secretary general and the un, our right to be pushing back on that because we've seen what that can mean for gaza . the last thing we need is for that to be replicated in the west bank. you mentioned dallas with them and to what extent have the horrors of gauze allowed israel's operations in the occupied westbank to happen almost under the radar? as i mean, the world as far as i, but what's happening and gas and you know, why don't fully our attention has been focused there. but you know, we shouldn't neglect the fact that, you know, quite apart from these kinds of ways by these raving military itself. is really settlers have been continually attacking policies, civilians at minimum, doing it with the driving security forces, just kind of closing their eyes to us,
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often actively assisted by very security for so, you know, there has been a really, you know, degree of violence by is re lease ends or the forces that we just haven't seen in recent history. and it seems now to be getting worse. what about the timing that know of this particular operation in the occupied westbank? why now? yeah, i mean it's so hard to put one's mind inside of it and that's a yahoo, who's in a corner with he's on interested in peace in golf. so he keeps you know, finding ways to obstruct the ceasefire negotiations. but you know, one particular you were saying you don't want to talk about, you know, possible parallels between gaza and the west bank and gaza as we know the devastation costs. but these really military has forcibly displaced some 90 percent of the population. and that too far, right. ministers of that kind of boost government,
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small bridge and then give or have talk openly about you know, their interest in interest. you know, next, spend $1.00 to $2000000.00 to the interest, removing them from the demographic balance sheet and pushing them into egypt that he just doesn't want that, that resistance. but suddenly, with these really foreign ministers start talking about the need to displace people in the west bank as well. and i think we really have to nip that sentiment in the bud. because the last thing we want is this kind of massive displacement taking place in the west bank june. and you know, frankly, the dream of the far right ministers in that tenure whose government is to get a solve the problem of the westgate solve the problem with the apartheid regime. israel has maintaining their, by just getting rid of the palestinians, and that would be, you know, a massive work fine. but you know, this is what, you know, certain numbers of antonio government whose votes in the can asset net needs to stay in power. this is what they talk about. so, you know, again, this is an urgent reason to nip this in the bud and not to let this continue down
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the path. and we've seen enough, given what you said, then how much pressure is benjamin netanyahu on the, at the moment, especially domestically well, you know, domestically, she seems to be able to get away with whatever you dance. so, you know, apart from the families of the hostages, who are really upset with him for basically sacrificing the hostages to his and this war. and also he doesn't seem to be under a lot of domestic pressure. the big source of pressure that could make a difference is joe biden. but joe, by, you know, says the right thing periodically cheap, you know, did stop delivering of a mass at 2000 pound bombs that were devastating pals to the neighbors and java. but all the map, it's a complete green light for ongoing our sales, ongoing supply and military aids. and so you know, by who says the right thing, but completely undermines it with what he does. kinda throw off me very much appreciate your insights. thank. thank you. the state department has
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imposed new sanctions related to a secular violence in the occupies westbank and is rarely non governments organization that's provided supports for successful groups is included in the sections list. i want task correspondence. kimberly healthcare has more to the bottom administration has sanctioned on n g o inside israel known as a summer yosh as well as 3 members within this group. now this group is funded in part by the is really government and is affiliated with ministers bank of year as well as smart rich. we also understand that it raises money inside the united states as well as online. now, according to the bike administration, there is also another individual that has been section, allegedly for acting outside the scope of his authority as a law enforcement officer in the west bank, he allegedly led an effort to prevent $250.00 palestinians in
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a village from returning to that village after the volunteers in that area was off the village, preventing those from returning to their home. now the us is concerned and all of this is that this ongoing and escalating settler violence is undermining peace and security in the region. and as a result, that is why the vitamin ministration has taken this action. the hope is that it will leave israel to hold these individuals accountable, even as the is really government is funding. much of this operation now be is really government has taken issue with the sanctions. in fact the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has released the statement from his office say the as really government views with the us at most severity. the imposition of sanctions on the citizens of israel. the issue will be a pointed discussion with the united states. we should also point out that amnesty
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international has also looked into these instances and says that this is part of a wider state fax campaign to displace oppress palestinians in the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. given the fact that many of these acts of violets have hurts, well, the is really military has been presents. kimberly, healthcare algae 0, the white house in gaza. israel has attacked palestinians across the strip killing at least 51 people since wednesday morning. the 18th, inside, when an s tried to get to tens housing displaced between dental below and central guys, and the victims included 2 brothers is really forces have killed at least 40435 people since the war on guns at the gas. meanwhile the well food program is suspending the movement of its employees. often one of its vehicles came on that is
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very far on tuesday. it happens and it is really check point shortly. office stuff is quoted trucks carrying humanitarian supplies. from the time we sent them crossing, no one was hurt. you and it says they would target, despite coordinating their movements with the only adult to say that each day is a struggle to find space for the wounded enough of med smart fuel to run hospitals . honey, my mood reports now from the out of the hospital in elizabeth, in the central coast. this is the hospital, the only remaining operation of those facility in the central area. what you see behind me is the facility itself, design and one building here designed to accommodate a 100 kids on a daily basis. but judging it from what we're seeing, the hospice that has been pushed to operate beyond this capacity is just from the crowd behind me. right here at this whole facility it's,
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we're looking at 30 times more than its capacity and just to show you the extent of it challenges and difficult conditions, this hospitality is going through. we're taking you inside the emergency departments of the hospital right here as a judge and a from what we're seeing. large number of people are waiting in line here and 6 when the large numbers of people here. and there is just very is because of the evacuation orders, if advisors really in the military that push the vast majority of from a law offices on whether they injuries the patients a box with to leave the hospital immediately. just adding more pressure on this most health facilities in the wrong area and making it very difficult for the making it difficult for the medical and everybody to receive the proper medical care. this is the pediatric department of the hospital here, and i do see it in the frame of the camera. there's so many people here and when,
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when we just talked to a doctor inside the hospital describe the situation as very horrific here. the written, never seen this large number being in one place at one time. here it goes on to explain this is because of the valuation or does the weights of the off the hospital pushing more people to move do. and they'll say it off in other parts of the central area, mainly those who are in need of medical care. and then up in this cost results a hospital that is designed for minimum of a maximum of a $100.00 case on daily basis. now is that to provide medical care for close to 3000 people on daily basis, just adding more pressure on are really crippling health care system across the gaza strip. us around says humans who suffices have agreed to allow rescue ships to tow a damaged oil tank of burning in the red sea. the great floods of sunni on the was attacked by the who uses of human support city for data. last week,
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the crew was rescued off to a band and in the vessel, the pentagon says the tank. it appears to be leaking oil last on l time. but isn't that just the to have direct to for middle east policy at the friends committee on national legislation. he says without a ceasefire and gaza region won't be able to see a permanent de escalation. the absolute last thing that we need right now on top of all is regional violence is an ecological disaster. it's not the 1st agreement of its kind. we saw an agreement in 2023, brokered by the un to get the who sees it in the saudis and everybody to basically agree to off load the crude from the software oil tanker. so i think this is in line with that. um the who thies, i think it's in their best interest to not have any good logical disaster. it's in everyone's best interest, but unfortunately without a ceasefire in gaza, we're not going to see the type of regional de escalation that all of us really
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want to see in the red sea, but also 11 on jordan, syria, rock and iran and elsewhere. and not to mention all of the immense suffering going on and gaza and the west bank right now. so. so that needs to be our focus. obviously a really good and welcome staff that we can prevent this humanitarian and ecological disaster, but more needs to be done. so really secure. read, see shipping, sort of head, hair analysis era we look at what's causing a hung across to some parts of nigerians. hundreds of thousands of children could stop weeks a new detail so much about the gunman who tried to kill a former us president donald trump. or he may have talked about the cheating. the
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had a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather for north america. a lot of heat across the midwest has been knocked out thanks to severe storms and there's more of those to come pushing their way across. central parts of canada towards the great lakes. we are expecting some very heavy rain with these storms and we could see some flash flooding stretching all the way down to most southern parts of the next few days. not so the last required out west was temperature is continuing to run life for western parts of canada. fine conditions as well. stretching down the west coast, we could see some misty and murky mornings. however, around some places like los angeles and as the weather picking up out east, we are expecting some rain for the likes of new york on washington d. c. in the days ahead. so rain as well coming into texas pretty intense storms f, oklahoma as well. and the bus of rain continue for florida on friday, and that's thanks to frequent showers across much of that region,
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particularly for the caribbean too. but seeing some very heavy rain. so it's day into friday. the rain continues as well from mexico's, you could time potential with heavy falls along the west coast. the mexico city seeing 22 degrees celsius hold in monterey, at 33 degrees celsius on friday in the
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the the last thing i'll just say a reminder of our main stores. now, the death toll from israel submitted to a sold in the multiplied westbank. this visit to 11, it's been described as a non just a time and more than 2 decades rates on getting 24 hours from $8.00 to $12.00 food program is suspending the movements of its employees and concepts of fitness. very forces, tax. one of the cons u n says they were targeting, despite coordinating the humans whose the finances have agreed to the rescue ships, to reach damaged oil, which see the greek such as soon you own that was attacked spots last week in this
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port city for the data by gera is on the edge of a 100 crosses you and says, more than 26000000 people going to have enough to eat in the coming weeks. so it's obviously appealing for more than 300000000 dollars to help save lives and warning, some of the images in the address is report from the by the very distressing most patients here office in a ways against time to the hospital. so the intensive care unit conte take in any more your hundreds are waiting outside. desperate to get to them that are coming on consoles, some coming from one thing. some come in in the head. the reason i'm so. so it's very, very by the the number of people suffering mother, christian and hungry nigeria is wise and sharply those in the northeast. that's stuff with a 15 year. and so you can see by the book on, on,
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on the group and also the northwest way. i text by bended coming, all suffering the most. the number of patients admitted to this facility run by doctors without borders abilities 100 a day. and for every patient given a bed. yeah, 5 more waiting for one more than 13000000 i did is estimated to be facing severe pulled shortages. you'd have called failure, rising foot prizes. and because the conflict of preventing from us from guessing to the, from the doctors expect the number of children and adults suffering from severe acute my electricity to continue to grow until they go by what floods reported in green, producing areas of the country. 8 agencies that consent nigeria, i may experience more increases with prizes and case as a severe mother tricia and they are already almost reached to there's a near certainty of one of the most of the biggest fund is pulling off, which would result in a very much limited number of bits in my degree,
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and as we know without the capacity to refer and the beds being full, the whole system might seem and would not be able to give the quality of care to the patients that are getting government dis, wait, duties on some for imports and started distributing greens to the most vulnerable people. it says it's now looking at ways to increase agriculture to output electrically. it's already been been been, been subsidize, be because of how much they've been given implement the progression line for pollution. these is happening comedies investing heavily in mechanization, but it will cause a much more is needed to stabilize the situation. i don't see this a beat because the factors that drive it not addressed. right. and on seen factors that we even don't know about for many different mothers fighting to save their children's lives. that's not the
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kind of things they want to hear. how many degrees of 20 made friends cool. it has placed the found of telegraph on the formal investigation for allegedly allowing criminal activity to take place on the messaging of russian born people do of was detained in the parish on monday, as the thoughts as investigate telegrams roll in, organized crime is lawyer says it's absurd to suggest their office responsible for any offense is committed on the app. but it has more from past drum. i found the hovel door of houses $5000000.00 your rose bows, about 5 and a half 1000000 us dollars. the conditions are that he kind of leave french territory. he must report to police twice a week. he's being investigated for what a very serious crimes. and the, essentially, the prosecution judge believes that a serious indications of crime has been committed in the french system. that's the
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stage before somebody will be formally charged with any crimes. investigators will now look into them, but this could take a very long time, months, maybe even years. we know that a 12 particular crimes that are being investigated the door of is alleged to be complicity in i'm out generally so around the distribution of pornographic images of mine is an complicity in drug dealing people using telegrams for dealing drugs. i won't particularly investigate as a focused on is a refusal. they believe of telegram to respond to a request through investigators. when they want information on uses of services, telegram is note not to respond to those requests. it is said, his lawyer says, telegram always responds or pays you regulations the door of free to go for the must stay in front furnace.
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and i'll just say era. past the f b, i a says the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump spent months looking for information on the us presidential candidates campaign showed you thomas cook, sol, so search for president joe bivens would ask me so trumps with public couldn't read even though somebody from pennsylvania as a target of opportunity. if the i says the 20 year old did multiple online searches for explosives in the past 5 years, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. adam fisher has more from washington dc as well. there has been this widespread investigation ongoing since july, the 13th and the f. b, i during that time has obviously scan through everything that the sure to put on social media is computers is phones and the thing they could access to spoken to more than a 1000 people. and they say that has ideology is not clear, but what they did find out was that he had googled and set for events that both
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presidential candidates would be involved in. and when he realized that donald trump would be in his home state, on the 13th of july, he became laser focused on that, that these investigations are still continuing. but they say there's no clear idea of what his ideology awards. and we know that the house is already conducting an investigation. in fact, within butler this week, taking a look at the actual site, there's a number of parallel investigations on going to. and it could be some time before we get to the bottom of this because the house committee is not due to the port to sometime in december. so after the election itself. but donald trump speaking, you're on american media in the last 24 hours a was blamed joe biden, and coleman the hottest saying that they had refused to increase the secret service detail around him. even though there is absolutely no proof of that. so these
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investigations continue, the allegations continue, but what is clear is that the shooter has looked for both events involving both joe biden and donald trump before settling on that event, which changed american history. on july, the 13th, the us national security advisor and the chinese foreign minister when he held a 2nd of talks invasion drake of sullivan's visit to comes as visual neighbors, a tooth, china of fuel intention as the units came, explains now us as a us security advisor and china is top diplomat engaging closed door meetings. they do so against a backdrop of heightened tensions between beijing and america's allies in the region. on sunday and again on monday, the philippines and china treated blame after back to that maritime skirmishes at the sabina show. one of many hotly contested areas of the south china sea,
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of which beijing takes a large claim. the philippine defense secretary at a military conference tuesday set the solution is stronger collective multilateral action against beijing in this region. china, although without saying it, then i'd say had saved for you these the biggest disrupt or of getting their national lease in the japan and the philippines upgraded their military relations last month. green lighting was typical excess and joint exercises. tokyo zone suspicions of aging flared on monday when a chinese wind 9 reconnaissance played fluid to us air space. and a 1st ignoring warning calls to the space violation is a threat to our security.


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