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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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is a disaster for us. have you had a place convinced and will stay with the plan good and the high inflation rate. but universities in the public sector saying they need more resources now. and many are not convinced monet's, rather critical nomic plan. we succeed. the 11 palestinians that killed disease ready military rates, you all keep pied westbank come to view inspector general to call for a home to the operation the at on the clock. this is out and your life. and the also coming up, you have been through these agreed to allow rescue best souls to reach an oil tank because it's on fire and the red sea frustration on the streets of arch and teen off the president of a malay vows to be totally increasing pensions spending seats and let the games
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begin to paralympic surface. the underway offer an opening ceremony. in fact, the so is there any forces conducting a large scale minutes results on the occupied westbank? this now stretched into the 2nd day, at least 11 people have been killed, and more than 20 others injured, military or enforcements have been sent in to the city of janine. there's been additional raids on thursday as well, including one industry for refugee camp and occupied east jerusalem with hundreds of troops. a part of these raids backed by will paints, which if hate both the cities of 2 baths and jeanine with strikes me, the abraham begins are coverage now or it's another day, ridley, why and his brother most of them are confined inside their house, outside their windows is what no family wants their children to experience. really,
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soldiers and bulldozers storming, did you need refugee camp accompanied by drones and flights or just the we usually distract them by getting them to play. we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as the biggest, the 3 of salt and be occupied to us bank in more than 2 decades. the rates are concentrating also include cutting and mental boss with ariel strikes, adding to the number of casualties for the book. and a raid was carried out on that neighborhood by surprise. beforehand, some young man named my house and asked me for water to drink. i went to bring them a bundle of water. when i opened the door to give it to them and seeking us, we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. i didn't understand what was going on. i didn't. when i put my hand on my chest, i felt fresno unpleasant and blood medical teams are finding it difficult to attend
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to the wounded. this is the, the, the way used to the way the israeli occupation violates all international principles breaks the law by targeting civilians and medical teams. we've seen this in gaza over 11 months and they're doing the same thing now in the occupied westbank. so israel says it's meant target is palestinian fighters in for refugee camp. the military says that the arm to groups are planning attacks against this way, the targets and are getting better at making improvised explosive devices prevent us. any of these groups are part of resisting israel's decades long occupation. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with threats from the occupied westbank like it has in gaza, the policy and see what has been described as israel's tale lent or on the occupied . westbank is not so silent any more,
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such as condition may alarm the international community, but will come as no surprise to palestinians living here who have seen rates intensify and expand every day since october the 7th. the that, but i mean, i just need all to boss the occupied westbank palestine view in 60 general has expressed consent and says it as well as the actions of fueling and already explosive situation. attendant gutierrez is judging israel to comply with the international humanitarian. lo, gabriel, and it's under his mail from you and h q in new york. you and secretary general, antonio gutierrez is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied westbank. his spokes person here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted the palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by air strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th,
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they've counted $630.00 pallets damian's. they have been killed in the occupied westbank, but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the developments since this morning with grave concern and are very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at o char warning, the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards where um, leave full force and firearms or the last resort. it can only be used. it gets imminent threat of death or serious injury. what kind of ross is visiting professor at princeton university and also the former executive director of human rights watch. it says israel's new standards, a force in the occupied westbank is concerning to ordinarily with israel's. and
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this occupation, the standard should be those that apply a law enforcement to the police on the street. and that means it has a corresponding just said you cannot use reasonable force except as a last resort to meet an image to be false wrapped. ordinarily you have to try to detain. people now looks like that's not what is real as doing it is bombing away and indeed is rarely foreign minister. israel katz said, this is a war. now, one more, you can just shoot the other sites to that. so you don't need to try to capture them. nothing about last resort. so israel was now escalating it standards from east to west legal force towards standards. that is a very rave development because the last thing we want is this kind of massive displacement take place in the west bank to and you know, frankly the dream of the far right ministers in that 10 year whose government is to get a solve the problem of the westgate solve the problem with the apartheid regime that
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has realized, maintaining their, by just getting rid of the palestinians. and that would be, you know, a massive work fine. but you know, this is what, you know, certain numbers of antonio government, who's both in the can ask that nothing else needs to stay and power. this is what they talk about. so you know, again, this is an urgent reason to nip this in the bud and not to let this continue down the path that we've seen enough where the us state department has imposed new sanctions related to secular violence in the occupied westbank and is really non government organizations provide support for separate groups is included in the sanctions list. all white house correspondent can be how could, as well the bottom in ministration has sanctioned on n g o inside israel known as how summer yo's as well as 3 members within this group . now this group is funded in part by the is really government and is affiliated with ministers bank of year as well as smart rich. we also understood and that it
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raises money inside the united states as well as online now, according to the, by the ministration. there is also another individual that has been section, allegedly for acting outside the scope of his authority as a law enforcement officer in the west bank. he allegedly let an effort to prevent $250.00 palestinians in a village from returning to that village after the volunteers in that area walled off the village, preventing those from returning to their home. now uh the u. s. is concerned and all of this is that this ongoing and escalating settler violence is undermining peace and security in the region. and as a result, that is why the bite and ministration has taken this action. the hope is that it will leave is real to hold these individuals accountable, even as the is really government is funding much of this operation. now,
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the is really government has taken issue with the sanctions. in fact, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has released the statement from his office, say the is really government views with the s at most severity, the imposition of sanctions on the citizens of israel. the issue will be a pointed discussion with the united states. we should also point out that amnesty international has also looked into these instances and says that this is part of a wider state fax campaign to displace oppress palestinians in the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. given the fact that many of these acts of violence have occurred while the is really military has been pressed. kimberly help get out a 0 white house. in garza is ready for us as of killed at least 11 palestinians and overnight attacks. the army talked to residential buildings in the l. instructed kent garza city and dropped by a little girl donate. when a home was hit,
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the west of i was a way to in the central goes to the military killed at least $51.00 palestinians across garza, on wednesday. a thought to say each day is a struggle to find enough medicine and fuel to run hospitals. honey, my mood reports from the out the hospital and on this right in central gulf this is the hospital, the only remaining operation of host facility in the area. what you see behind me is the facility itself, design and one building here designed to accommodate a 100 kids on a daily basis. but judging it from what we're seeing, the hospice that has been pushed to operate beyond this capacity is just from the crowd behind me. right here at this health facilities, we're looking at 30 times more than its capacity. and just to show you the extent of it challenges and difficult conditions this hospital is doing is through. we're taking you inside the emergency departments of the hospital right here. that gives
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you an a from what we're seeing. large number of people are waiting in line here. 6 when the large numbers of people here. and there is just very because of the evacuation orders. if advisors really low the military that push the vast majority of from a law offices on whether the injuries of patients a box with to leave the hospital immediately just adding more pressure on this more health facilities in the wrong area and making it very difficult for the week and it's difficult for the medical and everybody to receive the proper medical care. this is the pediatric department at the hospital here. and as you'll see, the frame of the camera, there's so many people here and when, when we just talked to a doctor inside the hospital, describe the situation as they who are here. they've written, never seen this large number seen in one place at one time. here it goes on to
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explain this is because of the valuation or does the weights of the off the hospital pushing more people to move do. and they'll say it off and other parts of this central area, mainly those who are in need of medical care. and then up in this cost is also a hospital that is designed for minimum of a maximum of a $100.00 k is on a daily basis. now is that to provide medical care for close to 3000 people on daily basis just adding more pressure on are really crippling health care system across the gauze as well. the world food program is suspending, the movement of its employees off to one of his vehicles came on the is rarely file and cheese day. it happened and it's ready check point shortly off the stuff, a school to trucks, car and humanitarian supplies from the cut them episode of them crossing. no one was huts. the un says they were talking to, despite coordinating their movements with the army around, says humans, through the fights as have agreed to allow rescue ships to tow a damaged oil tank of binding. the red sea, the,
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the greek flight. so union was attacked by the who fees of the admin support 2 different data at last week. and the crew was rescued out for bands. the vehicle depends, can says the tank group has to be leaking oil for say no, because he is a political commentator and who's the 1st specialist. he says, well, the heat is of showing lenient. the stones on his ready linked ships remains unchanged. i believe that the, this the stage it shows the gym and he's actually they do care actually about the environment and they don't even want to to, to kill any of the crow. that's why they all of the things destroy. yeah. but they have such a ban against the oldest, they've been a company that's dealing with this right on this ship. and actually it has a broken that's the bottom of quotas. the chip was located at the door. the is, it are really part of the both of go, but the, the, the company, the shipping company that owns the chip with a quote at delta,
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which based in gary's, it has actually allowed one of its chip at, on the, and a month ago, add to the inside one of the is it any boat and does exactly with them and he's trying to do it. they actually have formed at the beginning a band against any. is it a 80 link zip? and then a 2nd band was against any a ship that's going door to any boat and is that it, despite the uh, the, the nationality of the ship, the band was still with the book at any shipping company that is dealing with is it i so it doesn't matter that the ship was going toward, is that i but as long as any of the fleet of that you didn't, company has it. it's designed to stay the way that i this mean the boosted would come on the attack. so the heavier now to sierra children in south korea, assuming the government favorites climate policies will be live on that and so. and the vain is wade and not position holds another riley in the capital one months after the re election of president. there of the
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in depth analysis of the face. headline, what's strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years. i've seen that they have given a chance to best be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between both countries? on out jersey, around a fishing town in synagogue using it to the dreams of a better law. emigration because cynical doesn't offer opportunities out g 0. well tells the story of a community by a wave of immigration and meets the women left behind. i lost my husband
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and again, we don't of this on how to see the, the challenges here with the the, [000:00:00;00] the, again you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories this uh and israel's launch scale ministry. a salt on the occupied westbank is now into that 2nd day. military reinforcements have been sent into the city of jeanine. at least 11 people have
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been killed in more than 20 others injured. the world food program is suspended the movement of its employees in garza to its rarely forces, taught one of the calls few and says they would talk to despite coordinating the movies. with the on the human series he fights us have agreed to allow rescue ships to reach damaged oil tanks in the red sea, the greek flight. so union was attacked by the group last week of humans. both of the data now quotes in soft credit was due to roll on a landmark clinic case brought by a group of young act vista gates, the government. they accuse the south korean governments of failing to make legally binding climate target commitments in violating the fundamental human rights. the unit game is outside the quote in sol. so units, 1st up, torkas through what this case is about precise yeah. hi, nick, this case is being deb wood packer at all versus south korea woodpecker being the
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fatal nickname of one of the 200 plaintiffs signed out by his pregnant mother at the time. really driving home. the point that this is a lawsuit being led by the youth of south korea who are genuinely concerned about the type of world that they will inherit in here. it's if business continues, as usual, we are outside of the constitutional court where we are expecting a verdict in the coming hours. and the crux of this lawsuit is that the south korean government simply is not doing enough to combat the changes we're seeing in the climate and that their basic rights are being violated, including environmental rights. they say that the un commitment to cut 40 percent of carbon emissions up of 2018 levels by 2050 simply does not go far enough. but onlookers will tell you that even that goal is very difficult to achieve at this given pace. given, for example, south korea's heavy reliance on coal as an energy source,
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an energy think tank and pass, put south korea as the 2nd highest carbon emitter per capita among g 20 countries. so what impact could this have? what could change if the court rules in that favor the right, so the constitutional court is mulling over both the law and the government ordinance of, of that 40 percent target. so it really depends on which way the ruling falls. if it is the law, that's problematic, it would go to the national assembly as it is, the ordinance begins. so your government would reconsider a new figure. but this is a case that's being watched beyond this country, especially given the momentum started in april by the european court of human rights in which 2 thousands with women had brought forth a similar case. and there are similar cases in the pipeline in japan and taiwan. but this would be the 1st such ruling coming out of asia interested in the unit
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when he was there for now. a unit came that and so thank you. a french colt. his place, the founder of telegram under formal investigation for allegedly allowing criminal activities to take place on the messaging app, a russian born puddle, dirt off was detained, the parents on monday, as well forward his investigate telegrams, role in organized crime. his lawyer says it is absurd to suggest it. durham is responsible for any offences committed on the up. he's been granted bell but is banned from leaving from the f b. i says the gunmen who try to assassinate donald trump, spend moms looking for information on the u. s. presidential candidates, campaign schedule. thomas crooks also search for president, jo biden's events, but sort of trumps republican rally. last month in pennsylvania as a quote target of opportunity. if it's a 20 year old, did multiple online searches for explosives in the past 5 years?
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the native for the shooting remains unclear. the opposition leaders in venezuela have returned to the streets to protest against the re election of president nicholas madero. they say there was widespread fraud in last month's pole. the like total counseling system during one more than 50 percent affects was on to ramp yesterday, reports from boca to our navy and neighboring columbia with demonstrations, but also helped a physician leader many equity. not much of the remains the fight and despite having been hiding from the able to reduce to reemerge to attend the rally. incorrect cause on wednesday this when exactly a month after president, because my daughter was declared the winner of a presidential election deposition claims. it has proven was stolen. those who say the passage of time save as many ro i wrong. every day he's more oscillates, has more toxic, knows a single democratic country and the world recognizes him. wednesday's rally was smaller than previous protest,
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likely due to the government rounding up in jailing of more than 1600 people in the unprecedented crack down. most of the position says political leader badge, yet he was the latest to be arrested. after he appeared death to rally alongside my child, the moments earlier he had denounce being thrilled by security forces in a b, b o. published on line groups have been swelling, so also gather the now they're lacking american capitals. in the colombian capital bogota, white balloons denounced that detention was supposed to pick up prisoners god, all the 10000 on each balloon represents one of the more than 1674 political prisoners in venezuela. today, each of them is a life, $127.00 of them are miners behind bars. each of them is a voice middle row wants it on silence. but the best way when people will remain the firm in their authorization to this fraud if ago. meanwhile, some latin american countries continued to question my daughter's victory on wednesday,
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the inter american commission on human rights present the damning reports accusing the government of me class my little of significant human rights violation and creating the claimant of intimidation and fear that they say amounts to state terrorism, the government supporters also held rallies on wednesday following through the fenn . my daughter's victory against what they claim is an attempt to sell and rest throughout venezuela. the countries attorney general said he will issue a 3rd summons for opposition presidential candidate, the wounded gonzales, who we accuse is a be legally posting the voting tallies on a website. but i, as the web page was created to disturb this debbie life and to create excitement of an ease which they did not achieve as i passed earlier this week president, but due to now, so we shuffling the cabinet. the opening lawyer listened. hardliners in control of a key post. another indication that despite the lingering doubts, he had no intention to give them power. at least some of them did adjust the
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purchase of her updated argentina in response to president harvey malays plans to be to an increase in the minimum pension. the senate approved the bill which increases retirement benefits by more than 8 percent, which millay has described as irresponsible and exorbitant to exhibit reports. now from point of service, the gales influence of large emptiness, congress pensioners have come to protest against heavy enemy less planned to be to a little past by the opposition. that would increase their monthly allowance the police use to your gas on the protesters and prevented them from blocking roads. if they read any 4070 years old and says she has had to go back to work to make ends meet, that they are taking everything away from us, do understand, and they're not even paying what we deserve. reducing the medicines we get, we a pain malays austerity plan. the bill that congress has fastest, obviously is a monthly up to date,
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according to inflation and an extra compensation around 8 percent. the government has said it's going to be to this law, however, the pensioners that have come here save up their lives, are at stake. in previous years, each new government has changed the formula for adjusting pensions in origin. tina pensioners have lost out with every one of them all pulsation politician. why the bit as was involved in drafting the beating congress. he says it was a way to compensate pensioners who have lost their income to the sewing inflation. critics say what's caused by heavy enemy last evaluation. last december. and i knew about sort of, you know, of those the end of last year and argentina, we had a 211 percent inflation rate. and pension is only received 100 percent increase because of the previous government was brutal. this government started at the very low pension, the lowest in history, and then it became even worse. so the opposition says no. the government wanted an extra 8 percent to strengthen its fiscal supply before the release implementing it
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will stay with the plan to bring down the deficit to 0. he says, the low makers that pass the bill are trying to destroy he's economic program and in suspension is, will be better off under. he's administration to let him know that he is worked as a painter and now has a pension of around $200.00 a month is going to need medication for collect stroll and high blood pressure. i'm trying to get some work to pay all the electricity and gas bills because everything is going up. we've never seen anything like this. the $5000000.00 pensioners in argentina who get paid the minimum allowance, which leaves them below the poverty line. that's why they say they want the government to allow them to age with dignity. they do so i'll just see to have one on site is a true correlation with crews of being back in the a wildfire corrupted net. a popular tourist spot of this was the 5 buttoning near the city. it's splits threatening homes and it's nearby suburbs. the 5 service says
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the flames have now being put out and no longer visible, but the threat to him is igniting. you flies still remains apparently, the games are officially on the way following a full out opening ceremony in the french capital, tyrese's hosting more than 4400 off leaves with physical visual and intellectual impairments. they will compete in more than 24711 days or the, i mean ceremony was big text here. it was really intimate with come over the $500.00. it's try. yeah. didn't expect anything like that. we did good things and tried to go, but that was suicide. it's like crazy good, wonderful, wonderful. i mean ceremony, the opening ceremony was wonderful because it was really good for parents. and also it shows that it's a big meeting with the vision for, for disabled people that don't able actually fund if you lose the, any member of your modem. what does that mean?
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like, but this is, do they have other competing status skills? that's it. so if you go to a website out there at dot com is the address. so when use becoming that kind of comment and analysis web is coming up then inside story examines where the fighting between russian and ukrainian forces could lead to a nuclear disaster at the cast cop phones in russia. i'll be back and help enough to the had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for the middle east. got dense cloud lingering around south west in pops of saudi arabia and west in yemen. where we are like see more rain in the days ahead for the north from next. it is a laundry, dry picture, very hot. but dusty as well. thanks to shamal when that's expected to pick up those a into friday pushing across the gulf states for the noise. it is
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a fine dry picture of course, much of the event. and it has been pretty dry, of course, and most of africa. but we all see the arrival of some wet weather for the likes of morocco on thursday. i mean what warnings out for heavy rain and thunder storms, the southern pots of libya, that central band of rain across africa stretching further north than expected. so this time of year with heavy falls to come from nigeria once again on fridays. so the south of this, it is a much why a picture that we are expecting. so what, what a to develop a cost eastern parts of south africa moving across s with teeny, where we have a warnings out for low temperatures in the days ahead. you can see that reflected in johannesburg. 2017 degrees celsius, the on friday, much warm and bright to in cape town at 25 on saturday. that's the weather update. the
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10s of thousands of children were born into well lived under the ice old regime in iraq and syria. now many are in kemp, i the role funds are with the, with the mothers rejected by their own communities. she thinks that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story for children throw stones at me erects last generation on l. g. as in the head of the u ends. nuclear watched old warms, military action is causing serious risk to the coolest nuclear power plants. most goes as a facility in russia has been attacked by you quite enforces, cheat hasn't commented. so how dangerous is the situation is inside story. the


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