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tv   Iraqs Lost Generation  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 9:00am-10:01am AST

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how sir henry beach still fighting to save their 5 this way of life in the face of its population. a sense of community on a jersey to the . ready 11 o'clock and day how with the top stores here on al jazeera and is ready for us is a conduct a launch scale military assault on the occupied westbank is now stretched into the 2nd day. at least 16 people have been killed in more than 20 others. injured management, reinforcements have been sent into the city of jeanine and that'd be additional raids on thursday as well, including running the ship at refugee camp and occupied easters rate was carried out to the neighborhood by surprise and before handsome young man named my house
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austin for water to drink, i went to bring them up to the boats. when i opened the door to give it to them in seconds, we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was some explosion. i didn't understand what was going on when i put my hands on my chest. i felt shrapnel. i'm blood un secretary general says israel's actions are fueling and already explains the situation. and tony gutierrez is urging his route to comply with international humanitarian law. gabriel, and it's under his mo, from you and h q in new york. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied. westbank is spokes person here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by air strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th, they've counted $630.00 palestinians that have been killed in the occupied westbank
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. but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the development since this morning with grave concern and are very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at. oh, sure. warning the people they are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues. remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards, where lee full force and firearms or the last resort, it can only be used. it gets imaging, threat of death or serious injury in dogs. there is ready for us as of killed at least 11 palestinians in overnight attacks across the strip. one of the strikes down to the far west of garza city, coming a people in central gallons. a little girl died with a who were speaking. how is the way to the army also from residential penalties?
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i'll trust you count the well food program is suspending the movement of its employees across the goals. the strip off to one of these vehicles came on the is really file and choose day. it happened, the end is ready to shortly off the stuff of school to trucks can q monitor and supplies from the cut them, obviously level crossing. now it was herds view and says they would talk to despite coordination that meetings with the army around says yemen through the fights as have agreed to allow rescue ships to tow damaged oil tank and branding in the red sea. the greek flight, so unit was typed by the he's ease of humans, port city for data. last week, the crew was rescued off for binding. the vessel depends, consists of the tank. it appears to be leaking oil. 5th wheel. i says the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump spent months looking for information on the us presidential candidates campaign scheduled. come as soon as i search for
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president, jo biden's event was always from this republican riley last month in pennsylvania. is quite a talkative opportunity. the f b, i says a 20 year old did multiple online searches for explosives of the past 5 years. the french cold has placed the founder of telegrams under form and investigation for allegedly allowing criminal activity to take place on the messaging up. russian born puddle dirt off with the team in paris on monday, and so far it is investigate telegrams, role in organized crime is lawyers says it's upset to suggest or of is responsible for any offences. committed on the problem became surface the underway following a full out opening ceremony in the french capital, paris is hosting more than 4400 athletes with physical visual and intellectual impairments. they will compete to more than 20 sports over 11 days. stay with headlines, more news coming up here and i'll just share a ride off the racks. last generation buy from the
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the elias off the lot that we owe the
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whim as to why in michigan? earlier in the new dash got most of the the gum with, i don't know. i don't like i said look, a shot in motion, a rack. 3 years after the end of the war against mayfield and the liberation of the town. these children are everywhere, sons, and daughters of ice on members or former child soldiers. these are the people, the armed group has left in his way the most vulnerable let's me, i'll pull the fish out of the social on this man is going to wash my life money that i sort of a massive shania just a little hold on my cellphone. 8,
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what is to become of this generation? who have grown up under deisel? how will they be able to reconstruct their lives? and this was going to country. will iraqi society even give them a chance since the from 2014 to 2017. i still held the territory as large as the united kingdom straddling iraq and syria and administered the lives of several 1000000 people. most of the 2nd largest city in europe was one of the 2 capitals of the arm mcgrew . this is where the restoration of the so called caliphate was declared. today, tens of thousands of their children survived in the impoverished suburbs of the cities. the security forces refused to give them new identity documents. and
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without those legally they do not exist. they have no access to medical care or food aid, and most importantly, to schooling. yes. or was born at the same time as the so called caliphate. under i saw his father was a high ranking official in the mosul administration. the very sadly that he does have a plan, then you go show book and the ship law apply a bad now he couldn't think of less than the police and go look at blood sugar now left. i need to zoom up for
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a club. i need to have pushed him. i knew all which, which i look sure. if i lived through on the coast, i married i need to tell you why age me? right. the chair on that or hello neil and some for you guys. have josh to nadia and see she never got she came in that she missed a half foot and if pardon me, missed half the
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last child rush my d the for 3 years now. yes or has been growing up in a vacuum together was 10 or so brothers and cousins the women band together for fear of reprisals. and like his mother try to clear their names with the help of lawyers that she about the
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the, the needs of the sooner the heavy to me. oh mama could see on the, in the broken me in the living how we can. a masonic masonic la di da da. she might be there. so we have a she just wants to know a lot more to and what about the piano? my kind of question. no. any or how did she get? i'd be out of that $1500.00. i mean, i'm not that her father, she. i mean wanting lashing i. yeah, no, the don't just hold on. i'm, i would do it any more about the instant hannah, this blah, blah, blah, blah. and i said this is more of the beast way
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to solidify the buttons those. it's missing my buddy. yeah, he's old. you said if i even knew was a lot of stuff but even the sort of funny but i'm not falling with them, not and stuff. i know how they said almost, but the higher on that that, that issue well much better when was all just that issue in which very i'm in. yeah . and even up, so control clip, whom am i mean madame joanna mashhad, a reconstruction and most so has come to a full stop. the old town was ravaged by the fighting in 20179 months of urban warfare and unspeakable violence. still alive in everyone's mind. no one is ready to forget the navy in the hunt on you. this is the most of the rest of the district. his role is to provide a link between the state and the population. she is the one who decides which
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families have the right to resettle. let's say i am saying i love the menu method in india, just some of the month. i mean, i need to put the one in the home. i have that as cost of joan for that i'm here to for them to, for village to me. i mean, does that how the way to actually buy a new house? i do enjoy. i do have a sheet in the gym and a couple of shots, potable, and even if you, if i did, the businessman the basement dash, wasn't so little malcolm for the, the economy. i didn't know how to reach us or how that because i left without them out of my dash is in the kind of book, the mentor, municipal contributing. i am not going by acting as you say of us, but i am by the way of doing what i would like to have somebody give you an idea, a level of california. so talent to play out. i did you the shift by telling me that she could do that, how to evaluate, she could do legacy of
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a higher said that this will find that can solve that the shuttle from does a lot of work to stuff like literally checking tanya, i tell them i didn't miss out or nothing which i do. as the setup must allow me to button the shade of no less to miss dunn looks the ha ha who died? 2 lovely ice and a lot of them. how many a lot of humble they're shown as well as just as i don't have them. how much of the of the bull bull, or shall come with the who's the name of the look of what shots and most of the time i get it shut the mother. i give it to me. i will look i do not. it was,
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it was just the odd shot. well yes my jan numbers would. you mind know? i got to them generally, definitely making people say the show stuff like that anymore. you can definitely make either the system and though i should give them a can you see if you will because the doors not over a 100 a month. okay. yeah. 100 a month if i'm going to local or i, or to the ship loaded onto to, of where there's a no show, not an unprofessional ankle, or somewhere in the room or diamond. since those are the ones you all need to go look at even welcoming unhealthily on our who of, you know, a little know, feel i have enough. leona issue that you but any, and i'm kind of you what else? one of them as well, i'm a little lead colors, one of them as well,
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kind of going to you, one of the, one of them were a little manageable to just a little bit as you the little ones i was just the most old but has won the whole wish of them and this show the battle and but imagine this, i would imagine to come in to say, look, i knew i was the witness, the feasible, the since the retaking of the city security forces had been relentlessly hunting down these little helpers. the so called cubs of the caliphate. the guards, suicide, attacked volunteers, members of the intelligent services of which i so made wide use indoctrination, started with theoretical training for which the youngest children are now paying
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a high price list. and that will be on the 10, not the bottom, but in the complement. they are going to as a life of the whole. and i, and i'm, or i have all of my as good any they should find the show. it was hoops to the lot of times. so where the patch of the notes, how you get the asking, you know, nice to a local us on a timber or not something can do math and most of my k, i know a lot of plans are kind of limited. you can have the job, which i don't know how to put in a lot of seattle offices in question,
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but it so you know, an issue of how we are like a month or online, a visual, fully a mindful end, of course, and i'm not sure i'm on but on, but i feel is not and is i don't, i'm not i'm fine. and i don't want that of jonah today, but otherwise derrick was arrested more than a year after the liberation of the city. he was immediately taken to prison where he remained for 19 months and the familial par, i'm 7 out of 5 months out. and let me just turn in
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my check has been assigned us is not on my bottom of they would have been no today today is what i did on the whole. if i just use the bottom of this book sat here, let me ask what is what must be in the the prison with eric was held is located in the north as myself, somewhere in till the we were allowed to enter without cameras in what is supposed to be a re education center for young child soldiers the then
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exceptionally, we were able to capture these exclusive images from surveillance cameras. we can see 6 cells and each one there are close to $200.00 at a lessons a quarter of them have not even been sentenced. the they have all grown up between these walls. some of them from the age of 12, the they are allowed out into the courtyard for a few hours a week. no bed, no chair, and no education. a blatant breach of human and child rights and of iraqi law,
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which forbids the imprisonment of miners unless accompanied by rehabilitation measures the will have said that the decided on an wouldn't be valid. i then, not a doubt as it was by hey i to, you know, by me and walk on when you finally looked to him once we did on monday. i don't remember that this is, this does a lot and that's hoffman was with him and they've definitely seen the item for clicked online by them. we still look at the a hulu. i'm in my office here at the monroe for a my i that the here to florida. so i have an issue that i'm, we would love,
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i look for them and how they know as positive before that equipment wish 15. i know how to handle that. i say they sit there shortly. you one more boss that is when you, when that and by at the interesting my e up above, in memphis had did there. so when the, let's see if that had this was a point joining if you're going to hear how this you thought i how much we did on the homework done. we the, and he a go ahead. it's been, i think you know, that it's have a good with you, but if you has the right to have that are that it's only that smelled or why i would love i couldn't with them and couldn't get it till the end should look like i do except on fridays actually. so i suppose the that i send that over to the see as far as the, the billing and then is how much do you still wish you definitely get. that is what
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you guys have had in a bit thought. well, but if and do we have stuff that i do, we send you on this if you doesn't. and i according to the judge, right? these files reveal that i so recruited up to $4000.00 minus and then it will call them like the wash most all of the heavier. i mean, i to, to have you heard of, of how to get out of a my, i will i the is the of them i'm like the how or do more with it don't leave or within him. i still have to come in. i was on with as a home uh, but they can be home for the call is not at best. and i'm gonna have to call a couple of a headache one second and to send me home the higher, higher, at the high end with some items to my mom's deal and know it had that is the kind of stuff that i know and, and, and then i'm like, that's what i say,
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i show about this, but i think that it hello it, it didn't give him a stomach. so i'm a bother between that and i do it. he will it. how did autopay and know a doing that, that he's always doing the hospital, the hot hot with that and i had that when you go to that, because i'm when we go to the out of his mind what. but let me tell you to write down a few weeks after our visit. we learned that a new rehabilitation center for minors was finally going to see the light of day. conversely, all the young people who have reached adulthood until calf had been transferred to an adult's prison where the conditions of detention are equally horrific. the it's difficult not to imagine the worst for these young men crushed by their imprisonment. all the more because they have already experienced the failings of the iraqi justice system. revenge bunched inquiries, filing errors,
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torture. some young people who have none the less serve their sentence, cannot even return home. the several 100 of the lessons were captured by the kurdish forces with ice and south convicted. they have since been freed, but they fear fresh arrest if they return to the most in region. so they languish in this account between the 2 territory. the fly in which can messaging a close out across the colors to fly messaging. think the what's going sound nice example 9 the head of the account of the want a shot, but they'll offer a kind of fiction home on that on. so i'm hoping enough from an actual home move
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on to any, any tasks or how to shoot the any tab that says that i'm not in my heart. if it's not she how basically and human most modern you know me after months of a only a stone, you know me is that the assignment that i had thinking this must have another in the set of at least. and then i have one on my end, listen that all my most definitely in that i can phone number 5 as in the right. has one button than that though, right? oh, so the, so how does the concept of level be to ship out in hampton? so mean that something was there, honestly, i thought i pressed me on a short a february surface. allow me something to ship it any steve for anybody else, that's it. with the see, i mean all of us night though, right in the down there might get out of town for some lunch at a minimum homeless thing going on. and what i can do, my kind of mcdonald viable,
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and i am shed that con ridge was not aware of the recruitment and training of the so called the cups of the caliphate with centrally controlled from rock on the official capital advice on today in ruins. the to create the new man who the organization dream. iceland relied on young people everywhere. the
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sizes covered its territory with the military training camps. for child soldiers. several kilometers from the town, the memory of them still haunts the inhabitants. many ella not joined the syrian democratic forces. i saw killed his uncle, his brother, and 2 of his cousins, the it was meant to be that the just here is the carriers going knox creek like, like, for the tragic attack, stun the world. and the us president, a guy came in and whispered something into the prisoner's ear. what did he just say to print? for the school children present?
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the events of september, the 11th defined, the will, they grew up in just a huge moment. these are the stories. 911, faith witness. oh no. just say right. here's from, i'll just say around on the go and need tonight. out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it the the
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to come on the clock and that help with a headlines here and out 0 and is ready for us. is that conducting a large scale ministry, a sold to the occupied westbank that's now stretched into a 2nd day? at least 16 people have been killed and more than 20 others injured. among the dead was a commander of the islamic jihad, great ministry. reinforcements have been sent into the city of janine have been additional rates on thursday, including one in the ship at refugee camp in occupied easters. dunphy the rangel's carried out to the neighborhood by surprise and the full handsome young woman named
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my house austin, for water to drink. i went to bring them up to the boat. when i opened the door to give it to them in seconds, we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was some explosion. i didn't understand what was going on when i put my hands on my chest. i felt truck. no, i'm blood in gauze, or is really forces of killed at least 11 palestinians and over night, attacks across the strip. one of the strikes thoughts of the far west of gauze, the city killing 8 people in central gulf cse vertical gal died when a who was hit in august way to the army, also bombed residential buildings and no shot to come in the fall of the world. food program is suspending the movements of its employees across the gaza strip. off the one of his vehicles came on the is ready fire on tuesday. it happened in his ready check point shortly off the stuff at school, the trucks kind of humanitarian supplies. from the time i was to them crossing, no one was around says humans who see fights as have agreed to allow rescue
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ships to tow a damaged oil tank burning in the red sea. the greek flanked it, so union was attacked by the he sees off evans policy, different data last week. the crew was rescued. officer of i'm the vessel or yeah, yeah, it says the gunmen who tried to assassinate donald trump spent months looking for information on the us presidential candidates, campaign schedule. thomas cook, saws us for president j. biden's events, but sor trumps riley. last month in pennsylvania. that's quite a target of opportunity. a french colt as place the founder of the telegraph on the formal investigation for allegedly allowing criminal activity to take place on the messaging up russian born pavel dude of was detained near paris on monday as well. so it has investigate telegrams, role in organized crime as low as it subsides to just door off is responsible for any offences committed on the the headlines now, it's back to the rex, last generation. the
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recruitment and training of the so called cups of the caliphate was centrally controlled from rock on. the official capital of ice come today in ruins. to create the new mans to the organization dreamed of iceland relied on young people everywhere. the ice covered his territory with the military training caps for child soldiers. several kilometers from the town, the memory of them still haunts the inhabitants joined the syrian democratic forces by so killed his uncle, his brother,
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and 2 of his cousins had to turn him room. uh and that's one of the product. little kind of had a lot of fun to do and how did you come to know how to i'm a special our city knew them kind of with the audio video got so kind of hit on them. and i thought it was a lot of the show home per month and the bathroom. gotcha. gotcha. let me uh, pull up. uh, let me, let me run a search for you will accept you here. so what type of the associate, i mean, will it kind of go for a little more to look up the policy? well, i'm not sure. comp affiliated for 10, looked at the just the no, no, no, actually the whole family would have let's say the last day, dana, i'm going to put on file associated to the
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for the, for the, for the i had that little sort of how the ocean. sure, so we must so we know how you on the, on the she had a city of china that one the one the up and what are we the way we don't know we as yeah, the on the corner of a defensive enough to another agenda and i found that definitely the some of them are little nominal. i should send a lot of stuff that i sent out. and then let's look over the last 8 of the article she, you don't wish to have all of them monica know more about the for that's not less than enough. so what i'm gonna say any offensive enough. so i don't handle the, it was in march 2019 that i saw last last territory in syria.
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the after the defeat, children of the fighters were taken to discount at home the the inside the account, save the children, a child's protection and g o teaches math,
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science, arabic, and english. the size of the log file, the new kind of definitely my daughters. so someone without an issue, i don't you don't remember a sick of believe me die congress or this? my then the, but the law joe, with all the more know really mother said my worried how soon the food have and how does an assessment and individual of the fun, the highest lie the come on the, the, i'm kind of me and i can see why even now you don't, you don't have that. oh is that my community does it? i was calling it you haven't before and flipped over. the stuff that you close, she left the important would have to hire the mohammed is 13 years old. is family have followed the retreat of the organization across the rack? from remedy to mosul, then into syria, where his brother scott,
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until the final battle about 2 years ago. 3, i know that the 1st time the height i any time was the so those some in some type of the as a collaborative high once a month plus and some consult, martha any? don't know if any, on what the fuck up going on or for us to tell them about that. yeah, i'll just, you know, and it has to watch it and must and muscle and then have it. and can hire from watching and the model from the blow. well, let a student smart, this is one holly. yeah. that even to fight i wouldn't belong. he's sure if you're
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leasing us, what's you've done? a lot of them come, said the slimy on as if i'm going to do a lot of those 10 gums, the years shut like the shuttle. why should i some of the ottoman and on and off the phone allows him well, he is just so no out of my son a photo. what else? one day, most of the, i remember assuming been the only the don't know about the michigan. so i am officially um, normally pay on 5 also started on the so off and some of the shuttle blinding my name is shonda. you said you or how does one not know, do radicalization program has been introduced at our home and a rack like so many other countries refuses to repatriate these children
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the let him know as to what i'm the one but the odd you were. so i do work on, i would be the some child soldiers among the most fanatic sized, like a par, have none the less been able to return to iraq to their family. a treatment offered to the children of his community, which is 1st and foremost, a victim of i. so the
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my heart is easy to one of the oldest religions of mesopotamia. in the summer of 2014, i still attacked their lands in singe r a rack. the men were massacre, the women and girls subjected to sexual slavery. the boys like ma, to at the time was only 10 years old, were recruited into the ranks of the organizations a mile within the mobile. no. is it easy because it will only go on with an nobody mind go home with that alone. c so the most it was that one visa with us publicizing was, and they show bush doing well. the wonder we got it in the in
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the although the city child soldiers have been able to re integrate into their community, the same cannot be set up. the children born of the rate of use of the women captures iso somewhere in the northeast of syria, zora siena, herself, the city takes, and these women who have escaped from iceland and who continue to arrive every month. the c 5. will you initially data to have head?
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this is deborah, you know, i will either get i will yeah. john, i just needed to not they have a famous rama. is you mother? he's in to get to she on he's rich simmons. yeah. john, i for the women who have had children as a result of these rapes, a new ordeal awaits them. the entire use of the community refuses to accept these children, and it is ara who has to prepare the mothers to abandon them. what am i to give you if i want you to go, i've had to get an idea of what i was getting out of the as long as you can get an exam of robert village. examine
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the on willoughby the one on the job to the good the citizens. i'm all good. any that person of the on on a that is huge. i'm jealous of that is all these this is with little wood. oh, use your cuts on this one will j, and you don't want jr. advocates. com. these are of you with this being 9 in the mail for the game that will deal when the game is issued with you just don't what you did was the g of john. i'll hold you to good to be one of you know, i live on a will not going to be unless,
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than what and when was it is you need to know for him or her last know that will get back in the dozens of women and therefore return forced to abandon their children in syria. most of them do not recover from being torn apart like this. the baby isn't gas chests out, i'm not for the gotcha. what about the has to send those fund position over dish my supervision. if i want to kind of do is your house is on put down nickel, not with district, nice manuals. i'm not sure if you've seen that, gosh,
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so i don't know how to now the us on the day and decide what day. yeah and oh yeah. which up to shake and maybe met as if it were tied along the z that the or is that a mobile? yeah. i mean was in google. good. that's nice in google. not until i nominated with that. oh, but that, that is what i am, is you, i'm a, i'm how many good i thought about what was going to try to us to say i'm about frustrated us and as a believer. what do i do here? is that was i'm going to put it on hold for a month and how may i book it in a minute?
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i'm sorry, i'm a little much of what's going the the what i, i didn't what i'm a more i the sort of dye this one does not apply to any good look at least one to ocean modified and not that i might get up. i much would. i'm an image and if i was yet i'm not very well. i'm going to be single of what i have as long as you connection of the it's issues of a shaker my dining room had i had happy mobile shifts and i did come up with a month that watch beautiful going the she had a home is the oldest and my for the for a checkup, a piece. i know. sorry about that, about the young man i'm us in are no big because you that that was i didn't have to cover the, the amount of money that inside of my mother the i need about
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a vague and my they must, they didn't have that cuz i didn't much how much on the monthly and i've been a james young man on the chest. here we go. look, i'm of the simple the fiction. this orphanage managed by the syrian kurdish forces that her daughter layla. now this is where she left her in april 2019 and we're filters. hope to see her again. the
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good news lila is now 5 and a half years old. she does not know that her mother is trying to reclaim or the english but any edge walker's keys in the us with us, the speed of gets to the victim of the card and has to be put in the beginning of the hub. it will have to get a policy for the trying to get it just as many people trying to show up as quickly as possible to any bundled global scale. can you put a twitch, messiah on a hot here, and you have to go to a particular issue and even connection. i'm precise, just the middle of it. i mean, is it good enough for the day to give it to the guy to see
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my gosh, i'm going to put a car you or you could this theory type visit is you give still what the, the amount of what for as you get all those on it meaning and use that will give them enough of which q moses and the meaningful 1000. now what does the computer go? no, jacob, meaning the name of the the you can to, to by not look the shovel. how do you do any as of to well, kind of just come pick what the table annual the, what's been about who is it the local? who is god, who will you know? cuz funny show hi. and if nature one and a good in the schedule for the. yeah and you know the whole would you always do but because they how would you go with the district? local husband could you was fame. that's good. i'm
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a vehicle. come into play. nothing to do with comma 0. that's all good. and could you call me? i know one, as i said, one does. she asked when joe does not know a degree of the season, what do you want to watch on and have had it has a function of sort of a german, a tenant and didn't have time to have the some vision for them. but they want to use just so you know, what could she do? i reach a few of additional. i'm sure i can. i'm upset or is it that you have to, i'm gonna keep going to benefit us that we do that. so people should that she will know what specific are those nothing i've been to she and he just took nowhere to be that body that the video and then that did the husbands that have the most of the video and bunch they've given will be sure to show on the after to use of separation. leila has finally been able to return to iraq and re unite with her mother once more. they are now living in hiding, waiting for an opportunity to leave the country. the use of the community continues
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to ban the children born of fathers, for i saw fighters, the senses returned 3 years ago. my har has reconnected with his family and his trying to find his identity again, the mazda edition, in this company of the dentist and the good one, move in all in goodman, and ask you to google and love it. and nobody show that is around my eyes. items as you know, just to distinguish, i've been staging not to buy one of them and no one knows nothing that offers you bad that go my role in money for this. and also going to start on the
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as long as you saw, if you now, if you had a number she is asking, that is why it's all it's and that should be getting. but then for those items to the honda, i'm a little so what we have done was you come deem that for the evaluation will be for today fund travelocity. and when i'm going to get mileage i, we go to the, to the mileage i, we get like on my will focusing on the day of this new. okay. my oh, what i do believe in this room clear less. does anybody say so long as i didn't know if i was getting a want to yeah, i'm not sure if i'm there now share best as good work line in. hold on one uh it wouldn't him shut up, shut a dice. okay. uh and with uh,
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no dial going more pushed in and brand new push down the without me and chloe, my the so little is done in iraq for the children sacrificed by history for this former child soldiers, for those who are growing up without any legal existence the fact that you can die that nadine, i'm being and most of them have a lot to look at. i didn't have to look whether i'm active. so do you buy a shuttle sunrise window up at night? that's fine. you show no in the morning. but i have had this up on me, so i need to forward to that. and then we'll say
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lots of intentional, but i have certainly done the, but i hate them of them when i do some of the the of the highest high level uninstalled lives here had then told by the muscular upon the man in the, on the side of how many times the why, why therefore because out the bottom on has anything to sell. mine has any of that size and even sort of thing to put another on them when things that, that stuff heavy other stuff had to be the, the,
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the latest news as it breaks, access to boats are very limited and they tell and the road networks are badly damaged with detailed coverage, with thousands of prisoners skills being held by russia and ukraine. the release of a $115.00 prisoners each comes as a welcome to congestion from around the world. the reconstruction of that was quick take several by the government will have to decide whether to keep that, if you just, yeah, for move the mouse way, the or harmful passages are increasingly affecting our life. we've terrible consequences. a documentary asks whether we've learned any
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lessons from the h. i v as in the flight tickets cobit 19. we ignore the global sucks to port profits for 4 people. the cost, the time of $10.00 desks. oh no, just the had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for the middle east. got dense cloud lingering around south west and pops of saudi arabia and west in yemen, where we are like you see more rain in the days ahead for the north from this it is a laundry, dry picture, very hot, but dusty as well. thanks to shamal when that's expected to pick up those 8 into friday pushing across the gulf states for the knolls. it is a fine dry picture cause much of the event. and it has been pretty dry across most
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of africa. but we all seen the arrival of some wet weather for the likes of morocco on thursday. i mean what warnings out for heavy rain and thunder storms, the southern pots of libya, that central band of rain across africa stretching further north than expected. so this time of year with heavy falls to come from nigeria once again on friday. for the south of this, it is a much of dry a picture that we are expecting. so what, what a to develop across the eastern parts of south africa moving across s with teeny, where we have a warning zone for lower temperatures in the days ahead. you can see that reflected in johannesburg. 2017 degrees celsius, the on friday, much warm and bright to in cape town at 25 on saturday to weather update. the the the
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which is with the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. why money inside you. this is the news out life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really all me kills 5 honest opinion. fights is on the 2nd day of its biggest military operation in decades. in the okey pod, westbank,
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ukraine seizes more territory in russia's coast region. the use of drones is becoming an integral part of the south. cory is top court was climate. no one needs best to emissions targets. and


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