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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the as well as the salts on the west bank stretches into a 2nd day raves across the occupied territory of killed moved in 18 palestinians since wednesday the money inside this balance is there a light from the house? so coming up ukraine seizes more territory in russia's cost region. the use of drones is becoming an integral costs. south korea's top court
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rules that climate lord needs best emissions. hawkins enlightenment case where an embryo is named as an effective talk to the vet his way to know position holds another ronnie in the capital a month to be to speech and re election of president nicholas the we begin this bulletin indeed occupied west spine, quit as well, as long just submit it to y'all. peroration in the territory in more than 20 years has killed at least 18 palestinian since wednesday morning. the raids in palestinian cities in refugee camps and now into the 2nd day with the troops. um its vehicle was unvil days is involved. it's racing fee is the israel may carry out a full scale destruction of the territory as it has done in gaza. is really all me says at killed 5, how the city and fights is in the most in the north shelves, refuge account in the ali alice assessed de says,
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one of the men was the lead to feed till greenville gains and on faction linked to the stomach. jihad square to abraham, she joins us from till param and the occupied westbank. it is someone who has lived in the west bank and has been covering is ready, raids, and attacks for a long time. how would you describe these latest suspects attacks, especially the scale and the intensity of them? and it's definitely on a different scale. i mean, we are talking about and is really read the targeted 3 locations all in the noise of the occupied to us back at the same time. yes, it's been 35 hours. this is not the by far, the largest and the longest. let's see. time we've seen these really forces read areas, but we've heard from these really forces the announcement that this military operation could last for days. and indeed we've been hearing from palestinians in italy getting on in june. how these really forces have been bringing in more
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a reinforcements have also been bringing with them is some is sun shave basing them in their soldiers and locations, creating some detention centers, basically local detention centers where they bring palestinians and they in 3rd gave them in the field, so the feeling here amongst palestinians is that the, this operation is going to last, but indeed we've been seeing these really forces at read the area withdrawal from it like the case in the food cut them refugee camp behind me. where a strike have taken place and killed 5 palestinians, that is really forces is say that they are a 5. and the fact that a boat should job was one of those palestinians killed and not necessarily the strikes, sorry, but he was killed in that the operation. it's important because i was a jazz when it came with the hands of a battalion here in the to get him. i know some refugee camps and he's been wanting
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to buy these really forces for a while surviving several assassination attempts. now we've heard here in the it mosque, calls it by the people saying, you know, morning, the dad saying that the international community has been leaving palestinians alone dealing with these long is really roots. and indeed, we've been seeing as rated forces coming here, reading and storming and arresting and killing palestinians it before the war, even. but the intensity of those reeds into increase since the war started on since it the hours the midnight of the wednesday to thursday. we've seen the numbers with of is really forces being involved in this a rate increase and increase. let me tell you that there are also talks about these really forces withdrawing from to boss. we were there yesterday in we've heard sporadic a gun shots between the posting and fighters and these really forces but the
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tension and then divide the amounts. palestinian remains very high. thank you for that. and it the, it for him, the, for us into a crime in the occupied west. mike, see your opinions foreign policy. chief, joseph paralysis is there. any ministers have been issuing hate messages against the palestinian people. he says that a process has begun to function. a number of these ministers. i initiated the procedures, you know, that was the mander stage. if they want, they can see the half of the aged, including, you know, at least of sanctions from either way, the meanest. this has been ad launching hate to messages. unacceptable. hate to messages. they gazed at the stadiums. i'm proposing faith that goes clearly against international law and there's a new station to commit war crimes. but they is really foreign minister. israel
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cuts has also said his country is working with its european allies to prevent the blog from adopting anti israel decisions. pushed by anti israel elements when tips amounts me on thursday. cut says israel faces multiple threats from iran and his proxies in the region. he's the free will to stand with israel most against it. steve unsexy general has expressed concern and says israel's actions off fueling on already explosive situation on turning the terraces, urging israel to comply with international humanitarian. no cable l, as on the has more you and had courses. you and secretary general, antonio gutierrez, is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied westbank is spokes person here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted
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palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by error strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th, they've counted $630.00 pallets damian's. they have been killed in the occupied westbank. but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the development since this morning with grave concern, and we're very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at. oh, sure. warning. the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues. remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards, where lee full force and firearms or the last resort, it can only be used to gets imminent threat of death or serious injury us.
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meanwhile, the us state department is impose new sanctions. the link to is riley settler violence and the occupied westbank. non government organization that's provided support for subject groups is included on that list. given the whole could, has moved from the white house. the bottom administration has sanctioned on n g o inside israel known as a summer yo's as well as 3 members within this group. now this group is funded in part by the is really government and is affiliated with ministers bank of year as well as smart rich. we also understand that it raises money inside the united states as well as online now, according to the bike and ministration. there is also another individual that has been section, allegedly for acting outside the scope of his authority as a law enforcement officer in the west bank. he allegedly let an effort to prevent $250.00 palestinians in
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a village from returning to that village after the volunteers in that area walled off the village, preventing those from returning to their home. now uh the u. s. is concerned and all of this is that this ongoing and escalating settler violence is undermining peace and security in the region. and as a result, that is why the bite and ministration has taken this action. the hope is that it will leave is real to hold these individuals accountable, even as the is really government is funding much of this operation. now, the is really government has taken issue with the sanctions. in fact, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has really the statement from his office, say the is really government views with the s at most severity, the imposition of sanctions on the citizens of israel. the issue will be a pointed discussion with the united states. we should also point out that amnesty international has also looked into these instances and says that this is part of
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a wider state fax campaign to displace oppress palestinians in the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. given the fact that many of these acts of violence have occurred while the is really military has been pro. kimberly help get out 0 white house to go. so now, way overnight strikes by these really all may have killed at least 15 palestinians . strongly going to home in the town of all the way the incentive garza killed a young girl and injured more than 10 people and were taken to the nearby alex. so hospital 0 by the israel's on slow some golf is killed movie, $40600.00 pounds of simeon since october, most of them women and children weld feed program is spending the movement of its employees off to the is really ministry talk. said one of the vehicles on tuesday nights happened in his reading check point. shortly off, the stuff had
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a school to trucks carrying humanitarian supplies from the term of southern border crossing baker was hit at least 10 times. no one was injured. the wsp says it was talk, so despite coordinating its movements with the is really ministry go to honey. my heard the joints from darrow by the central garza on 8. so bring us up to date with the latest strikes this morning. the yes value. well, we have a confirmation now that in fact, it were actually 2 girls who were killed in over night attacks. wondering if the why the area and if the warehouse but the, the residential building, that's a 9 year old girl. and the other one from the 180 family in the restaurant part of there is but i city and the word killed as a result of the talks. and the line is wrapped in. and these are little pieces of, as the explosion takes place, or the bombs explode, the why into multiple directions at the highest speed. and you were hit directly in
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their head that, that caused there. that's why the way these are from the over at night a talks in both. and so i, the area that's, that's at the entrance of the city and the other one and the western part of the 6 on separate attacks is reading, military continue to put power, city and civilian. exposed came to the deadly environment, then environment that is incorporating the ongoing violence, the blood sitting in the dotted predictive of folding bonds, were there in garza city of the western part, an area better known as the hotel area. and is there a neighboring home that were destroyed by vibes? is really a try that causes the old facility to catch fire, where there is a footage that we look tie. then we could clearly hear people inside the building that the hotel and the neighboring residential homes. screaming for health, while the fire is raising inside the, the building that itself and the talk happened without prior warning whatsoever.
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and this is what has been concerning for the past month or so. these really most of these is really a tox, whether by artillery or, or era type the are taking place without any prior warnings whatsoever, and leading to further civilian casualties, as well as the sheer level of devastation of destruction that is a quite visible right now when we can just from turing briefly in parts of defense, they are you as of yesterday and when you reported from a lot of the hospital, you can clearly see the trails of destruction caused by the intense bombing campaign with are due to the recurrence ground incursions or by here, nice things about honey. my knew that 1st in there about a in central garza, iran says humans who sees have agreed to allow a damaged time cutting, leaking oil into the red sea to be tired. the greek flies vessel was carrying 1000000 barrels of crude oil. when it was a tax,
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it was hit by multiple of projectiles, fine from humans, port city of a day to last week. the crew were rescued on a binding to ship the cleaning troops to capturing more territory and russians. coast region also carried out hundreds of long range strikes and russian territory thoughts despite some nato countries refusing to allow keith to use western supplied munitions to do so. you credit the president is urging weston powers to reconsider that policy. that goes by to the most part. we are working with partners to supply the front line supply. it's not only with with things and not only with channels, but also with the power of i unity or the we continue to insist the restrictions should be lifted on long range strikes. will help us to in the war soon as possible . in the fair way for ukraine and the world as
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a whole at least 14 people who've been injured in a russian attack using a guided bomb. it happened in the town of cups, young and east and ukraine, bloss damaged the city whole. another pass and was killed in a ukrainian attack and rushes felt around region. that's what we use of direct and this has become an integral parts of the world, both russian on ukrainian forces trying to utilize the nation's inventions to gain advantage. as a result, ukraine's drone industry is expanding rapidly with new designs developed almost daily. alex, good helpless reports now from keith on display for all to see the latest generation of land see the ed drawings being shown to the ukranian public. the boy ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs and now hundreds of small companies, a heart of work, developing unmanned system that will help you quine and sold to get the edge of the battle field. they so desperately need my money. we want them to send them or we
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have to fight with machines with knowledge mot with people. when we send our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback. there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was incorporated to keep the guys safe. i'm around to the gathering of informational books. what doesn't, is collected on the front blowing to then given to designers, can then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces. this feedback is a vital component and rapidly speeding up design. while you're doing cool, i think many fixtures need to offer solutions based on feedback. but this week is also in parallel vases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom up strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is what it wants and asking for designs. it will take to him to be approved loose code lines
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to issued to many small companies competing with each other to produce working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much as road at pollution resolution drone does ally and it's not just about weapons the seeing here is the sensitivity, as altering vehicle can transport food into munition, to ukrainian units on the front lines. it can also take booted soldiers quickly from the battlefields to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine is seen in the explosion in designs of online systems, from se and land. what sort of his crude weapons, and are extremely sophisticated, integrated all levels of the battlefield, but not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how do you tell us how to 0 t? so it has on knowledge. is there a one of $200.00 comb janice found guilty of sedition in a case that strong international scripts name?
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on the found a telegram is put on the formal investigation, fed alleged criminal activity on the popular messaging out order not to me from the have that let's have a look at the weather full cost to your over the next few days. and summer has central areas. finally in it script, we've seen lots of fine dry, sunny weather here with temperatures continuing to rise. certainly across the eastern areas. but we're still seeing some stormy weather biting at the edges. what warnings out facilities are southern parts of it to me. seeing some storms on says that they will push a further east into greece. we've got the eastern hoff, lot amber, that for that, whether as we go into friday and you can see the west to weather as well,
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gathering around the black. so you know behind that things are looking mighty fine and driving up from over parts of france. we all going to see some wet weather here on it. so some of the stories for the i do and potential that some welcom, whether moving into spain, the, as we go towards the end of, of the week. but it's looking much dry and settled because the person on the island of islands, what's the weather moving across into scanned an agent in terms of temperatures. they have been below average for spain, and portugal will come up slightly in the days ahead. but the heat is really blasting into the bulk of what temperature warnings out for sylvia. and you can see bell grade continuing to see those temperatures. roy's will be at $35.00 degrees on sunday, or the wave of criminal violence has the export to the drug talk tells, raising the challenging authorities prison rights for political assassinations.
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ecuador has plunged from one of the safest countries in latin america to one of the most dangerous, with the government declaring war on the guns and corruption. people in power investigates with causes behind the search and finally discover stating impact on the nation. ecuador, on the fire, on that jersey though, the, [000:00:00;00] the, watching out as a reminder, on top stories this hour, as well as the largest ministry operation in the occupied west banking decades, has killed at least 18 palestinians beyond me says that killed 5 points in a mosque in the north chum,
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refuge account testing in gauze overnight strikes by the is really on a have till they least 15 palestinians and a topic on a home in the town of alkali, to killed a young girl and injured moving 10 people and the taken cdl accents on an east and ukraine, at least 14 people have been injured in russian attacks that use a guided phone. it happened in the town of cook in the past and was killed in a ukrainian attack in russia's belgrade region goes in hong kong has just found to jen is guilty of publishing seditious content on the news websites. this was too frequent as he entered the cool, short time ago he and patrick lamb, what editors of the pro democracy publication, stan news which was critical of beijing and were charged on the a colonial era rule that critics say is used to talk to sent a could face
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a maximum jail time of up to 2 years. now in alignment routing, south korea is constitutional court has ruled the country's climate change and what was unconstitutional. it says more quantitative emission targets and needed for future generations. the case was filed by 200 people, including 62 children active as the keys. the government is failing to meet legally binding commitments to reduce carbon emissions bodies in human rights. it's good to hear the penis kim, she's outside the court for us. and so, so you just tell us about the vetted reached by south careers. constitutional court of the yeah, hi molly. this is a partial victory for the young, plaintive says, the constitutional court has unanimously rules that the government essentially needs to do more to ensure the basic rights of his citizens, which and compasses, the right to life,
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the pursuit of happiness and environmental rights. it's zoned in on the countries climate crisis law and pointed out that there are no carbon emission reduction on the year 2030. and that that binds against the spirit of the constitution. now this is a judgment that is final. now south korea's you, when a commitment is to cut carbon emissions by 40 percent of 2018 levels. by the year 2030, the court ruled that there was no problem with that river against what the plaintiffs had been saying. but this initial, the initial reaction from the civic groups has been that very careful jubilation with one of the slips. persons breaking down in tears as she tried to read out a statement. this has been a combination of a year as long efforts to try to pressure the tire. i meant to do more,
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as they frankly see the fax of a changing climate around them. newness, how is the government going to comply with this verdict then and meet the climate targets? that's a great question. oh boy, we've heard from the environment ministry saying that they respect the judgment by the constitutional court today and that they will take the needed action. now the court has issued a deadline for the change february of 2026. so the government will need to work with a national assembly to come up with a revised law on climate crisis. but the critics have said that south. yeah, i already stem to not meet its existing target of 40 percent reduction a because of its high reliance on fossil fuels with one think tank. putting south korea as the 2nd highest emitter per capita among g 20 countries. so now
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with this legal mandate in hand, the active se, they will continue campaigning and continue raising their voices for change with hopes of changing the future that will be inherited by the young people here in south korea. eunice came outside the court in sole thank you. is one of the united states top and up to months is missing with chinese president using pain check. sullivan's 1st trip to beijing is us national security advisor has aimed ease mounting tensions between the 2 superpowers. the earlier met with the chinese defense official is young you. why on thursday morning, the french code has placed the founder of telegram on the full investigation for
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allegedly allowing criminal activity to take place on the messaging at russian border pop. i'll do roles was detained near paris on monday as the north east investigate telegrams possible involvement in organized crime to rome's lawyer says that some said to suggest he is responsible for any offenses committed using the app and grounds and fail on condition that he pay $5.00 and a half $1000000.00 and his bond from leaving front. and smith has moved from paris . drum, the founder of hovel, door of houses, $5000000.00 your rose bowels, about 5 and a half 1000000 us dollars. the conditions all that he kind of leave french territory. i mean, must report to police twice a week. he's being investigated for what a very serious crimes. and the, essentially, the prosecution judge believes that a series, indications, a crime has been committed in the french system. that's the stage before somebody
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will be formally charged with any crimes. investigators will now look into them, but this could take a very long time, months, maybe even years. we know that a 12 particular crimes that are being investigated the door of is alleged to be completed in i'm out generally so around the distribution of pornographic images of mine is i'm complicity in drug dealing people using telegram for dealing drugs. i won't particularly investigate as a focused on is a refusal. they believe of telegram to respond to a request through investigators. when they want information on uses of services, telegram is note not to respond to those requests. it is said, his lawyer says, telegram always responds or pays you regulations the door off, free to go for the must stay in front punishment. alger 0 power.
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what position need is in venezuela have returned to the streets to protest against the re election of president nicholas and the dura. they say that was widespread food. and last month's poll, the electro council in fis let me do a one over 50 percent of the votes. alexander, i'm here to report from bull with the neighboring columbia with demonstrations, also health, the position leader, many equity, not much of the remains the fi and despite having been hiding from the able to reduce to reemerge to attend the rally, incorrect cause on wednesday this, when exactly a month after president, because my daughter was declared the winner of the presidential election deposition claims it has proven was stolen. those who say the passage of time save is mid you are wrong. every day he's more oscillate has more toxic, knows a single democratic country in the world recognizes him. wednesday's riley was smaller than previous protests, likely due to the government,
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rounding up in jailing of more than 1600 people in a non president did crack down. most of the positions says political either be i'd repeat yet, he was the latest to be arrested after he appeared death to rally alongside my child. the moments earlier he had denounce being thrilled by security forces in a b, b o. published on line groups have been swelling, so also gathered in another latin american capitalist, and nickelodeon, capital bogota, white balloons denounced the detention of supposing, fickle prisoners capital one on each balloon represents one of the more than 1674 political prisoners in venezuela, today, each of them is a life 127 of them are miners behind bars. each of them is a voice in the door. once on silence, the venezuelan people will remain the firm in their opposition to this fraud if ago . meanwhile, from lacking american countries continued to question my daughter's victory on wednesday, the inter american commission on human rights present the damning reports accusing
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the government of nicolai's, my sort of significant human rights violation and creating the climate of intimidation and fear that they say amounts to state terrorism, the government supporters also held rallies on wednesday following through defend my daughter's victory against what they claim is an attempt to solar rest throughout venezuela. the countries attorney general said he will issue a 3rd summons for opposition. presidential candidate, the wounded gonzales, who we accuse is a be legally posting the voting tallies on a website. but i, as the web page was created to disturb this debbie life and to create excitement of an ease which they did not achieve. as i passed earlier, this week, president bundled on them. so we shuffling the cabinet. the opening lawyer listened hardliners in control of a key post. another indication that despite the lingering doubts, he had no intention to give them power. at least some of them did. just so you know,


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