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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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just visit scotlands, alto, headboards and meets those fighting to see that either this way of life in the face of its population. a sense of community on a jersey to the of israel's biggest attack on the west pine can decades into a 2nd day 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday the my money in sight. this is all and is there a life or so coming on? one of to home come, jen is found guilty of sedition in a case that strong and international supposed to be filed. chris top cools the climate, no one expect to emission targets and alignment case involving an embryo. pension
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is pushing that case. i'm good in argentina, off to the president and spouse to veto an increase in spending. the, as well as into the 2nd day of it's largest military operation in the occupied westbank in more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday morning. in raids on the cities refugee kens, is raising fees that israel may destroy the territory as it's done in garza. this is riley army says it killed 5 palestinian fights. it was in a most in the north sham refuge account early on thursday. it says one of the men was the leader of the tow crim battalion and faction linked to the atlantic. she had as go to a correspondent near the abraham. she joins us from tow, carmen the occupied westbank. there's a you, of course,
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someone who lives in the west bank and has been covering these raids and attacks for a long time. how would you describe these attacks, especially the intensity us? unfortunately, we seem to have lost connection with nija here. brandon will see if we can re establish connection. meanwhile, the european union's foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, says, is ready, ministers happen, issuing hate messages against the palestinian people. for all says he's asking member states if they want to impose sanctions on some is really ministers. he was speaking in brussels, where you foreign ministers have the meeting. i initiated the procedures. i know that was the mander stage. if they want, they can see the have created including, you know, a list of sanctions from these really mean this. this has been ad launching hate to messages. unacceptable. hate to messages. a gaze of,
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of the stadiums. i'm proposing things that goes clearly against international law. and there's a new station to commit war crimes. but these really foreign minister israel tab says also said his country is working with its european allies to prevent the blog from adopting anti israel decisions, pushed by anti as roll elements. when deputy mounts meet on thursday, cap says israel faces multiple threats from iran on its proxies in the region. is just the free well, to stand with israel north against it. but you inspect the general has expressed concern and says, is roles, actions of feeling and already explosive situation. i'm telling you good terraces, judging israel to comply with international humanitarian. though gabriel alexander has moved from the un headquarters in york, are you and secretary general antonio gutierrez is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied. westbank is spokes person
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here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by air strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th, they've counted $630.00 palestinians that have been killed in the occupied westbank . but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the development since this morning with the grave concern and are very worried about what we're seeing, or humanitarian colleagues at o char warning, the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international
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policing standards where um, leave full force and firearms or the last resort. it can only be used to gets imminent threat of death or serious injury. meanwhile, the us state department has imposed new sanctions link to is riley settler violence in the occupied westbank and non government organizations provide supportive set. staffing groups is included on that list. a white house correspondent, committee hole kit has more to the bottom administration has sanctioned on n g o inside israel known as summer yosh as well as 3 members within this group. now this group is funded in part by the is really government and is affiliated with ministers bank of year as well as smart rich. we also understand that it raises money inside the united states as well as online. now, according to the bike administration, there is also another individual that has been section, allegedly for acting outside the scope of his authority as
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a law enforcement officer in the west bank. he allegedly let an effort to prevent $250.00 palestinians in a village from returning to that village after the volunteers in that area walled off the village, preventing those from returning to their home. now uh the u. s. is concerned and all of this is that this ongoing and escalating settler violence is undermining peace and security in the region. and as a result, that is why the bite and ministration has taken this action. the hope is that it will leave israel to hold these individuals accountable, even as the is really government is funding much of this operation. now, the is really government has taken issue with the sanctions. in fact, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has released the statement from his office, say the is really government views with the s at most severity, the imposition of sanctions on the citizens of israel. the issue will be
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a pointed discussion with the united states. we should also point out that amnesty international has also looked into these instances and says that this is part of a wider state fax campaign to displace oppress palestinians in the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. given the fact that many of these acts of violence have 1st, well the is really military has been price, can really help get out to 0 white house less to now, to need to abraham. she joins us from to carry them in the occupied westbank and a you all outside to karen which is where we've seen the brunt of is really a tax talk. so exactly what's happened over the course of the last 2 days. and what is the latest that now of all the latest is these really announcement that these really forces have managed to kill one of the most wanted young men, which is
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a boat should yeah, this is the nickname of the how the bit. so you and that has been operating here in a wood cutting, but also in the north sham. so a few gmc survives several assassination attempts before these really forces announced that they hit him off. locals. tell us that the hit came to a house near the mosque and we've seen these really forces saying that not only was it i wish the jack killed but for others and they've taken and the rest is another member of the bit. so, you know, we've been standing here in to it cutting and we've been hearing the sound of the drone hovering overhead. but also we've heard the mosques announcing the names of those who have been killed, saying that the people have been left to known by the international world left, dealing, one of the largest armies here. and remember, this is not the 1st by any means. this is not the 1st to read to the north sions,
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and to cut them refugee camps. we've been here before. and one of the reason, april 2, a 3 days before these really forces withdrawal leaving most of the damage to the infrastructure, to the ro, then we've seen indeed the bulldozers really damaging the roads this time as well. and the infrastructure that people really have stopped repairing some of the damages because between the time they depend, it's the time that these re, the forces are they, it is really a short period of time leaving people as they bundle to the attacks. again, we're talking about a large scale. the biggest military assault against palestinians in more than 2 decades is not only happening here, but also in jeanine and into boss. and we've been there yesterday. we've heard that some of the fighting groups targeting these really forces fighting backs. we've seen the video is also of some improvised explosive device things. devices
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designating when these really bulldozers are moving around in these refugee comes. but indeed, these really forces have been saying that they want to crack down more on the policy and fighting groups. let's not forget that palestinians see these fighting groups as part of resisting israel's decades long occupation. there is a be basically a feeling that these really forces are carrying out their plans against palestinians, reminding people here who has the ultimate power and control over every detail of their life. thank you for that. and if for him the for us in till crim and the occupied westbank. meanwhile, les tons of garza where overnight strikes by the is really on the have killed at least 15 palestinians. the strike on a home in the town of olives. why the in central goals are killed a young girl, an injured more than 10 people. they were taken to the nearby likes the hospital and darrow by law. as well as on slow its own goals. i has killed more than 40600
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palestinians since october. most of them women and children. so the well seed program is suspending the movement of its employees all city is randy ministry talking to one of its vehicles on tuesday night. it happened. it is rarely check point. shortly off the stove had a school to trucks carrying humanitarian supplies. from the time we sell them voted, crossing the vehicle was hit at least 10 times. no one was injured. the wi fi says it was targeted despite coordinating its movements with the is riley on the schedule. honey, my lady joins us from 0. bala in central cause that honey. so bring us up to date with, with all the latest strikes of the night. and this morning as well, let's start with the current report of is really partial withdrawals from eastern part of their the city. this withdrawal, the highest is large diversity, is by the local residents and by the people in the area. but i see that as
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a tactical withdrawal by these really military, there isn't an official statement yet. 5 is really military about the nature of its withdrawal from the area. but just judging from what we have been able to see from the city circulating right now, it's for years of devastation. pause to the area at the eastern part of the city. we're talking about it today, or that is only half kilometer away from this health facility. of so i had been rude to the eastern part of the entire residential cars that are known as a passcode and residential locks and all of the whole live residential bucks been destroyed, devastation and destruction costs the old means of might be good and public facilities all of this happened during the night while at the same time, almost simulate tenuously. there's really monetary carried out here at the top in the why the area and in western part of the city. and as far as the northern part in golf, if you would have killed 8 people and one building an area better known as the most
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hotel and a neighboring house that caught on fire, needed very difficult for the civil defense. drove for the paramedics to save lives and waited until yearly hours of this morning to be able to remove bodies from under the rubber that were fully burned. 8 people, including the children, were killed inside this house. and as far as we know from medical, a staff in the 8th people were killed are from one family that i want to family to were shouldering inside of the building that was attack me or another for sale. meanwhile, these really military, in a couple hours ago, the target price tyco in the parts of roof i city and the western part of the city killing a free people to bring the total number of people have been killed in overnight, a tax and early hour of this morning just 15 people, but still this number is going to increase as still more people have been missing, have been buried under rumbles, and if the conditions are created on the ground are making it very difficult.
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almost phase one, not only for the, the paramedics and the civil defensive, but also for volunteers. people are trying to remove it, remaining surviving family members from the rebels. that is almost an hour old was an aftermath and a tragedy because the time goes by quickly. and there are basic equipment that only available to remove large pieces of hunk reason rumbles to hopefully remove people who survive these attacks. and from under the that's what we're expecting, the number to increased within the coming hours and the situations on a humanitarian level. then since the bombing campaign, the, the mass evacuation or there's an eastern part of there, but i think not only pushed on or what to suspend operations, but also not the deputy f b, the organization that is responsible for the delivery of food for the display population is go and has already suspended at the delivery of basic food supplies
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because of its warehouses and because of the, as the came of the members of the, of the organization and in police came under direct fire. bite is really another try her name. i mean the 1st and 0 by that and central girl. so thank you. i as the, the course in hong kong is found to jim is guilty of publishing seditious content on the news website. this was tomb queen quinn as he entered the course area. today . he and patrick lam, both edis is a fee pro democracy publication style news, which was critical of beijing. they could now face the maximum jail time of uptick 2 years. let's get reaction from under k p long as the hong kong based janice joins us now from london. thank you so much for your time. this was the 1st sedition case targeting media in hong kong. what is your reaction to this morning today as
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well? there was some as follows. the imposition of the nice time is national security role in hong kong. and the reason why the law has to be inaccurate is because of the um, the change, the dynamics of the home call. it says that, um, it needs to be off to the handle over in hong kong, united, the largest 7, b j. make absolutely sure that there was no interference. engaging in hong kong is in color fast. and to the extent that even a football game between the, the police forces on both sides, i have to be referred to by jane for the approval of fear of an economy been defeated is. but that was 1997 as the 2 phases of the getting to be in the twine economically and socially. and people do people exchanges ideas and products and
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money. but the 2 pieces have to be, um yeah, it's decreasing the in the connected and the whole generation the, the whole call have lost their sense of nationhood and protocols over 30 or 40 years and this and then as soon as the, they're handled. so um the ad, the sense of nationhood has been eroded for many, many years. and then the winds, i experience device that myself, when i, hong kong, you know, doing the whole period. um and they increasingly turn by the only that they try to buy them. so in petrol, bombs and surrounding with these patients, i'm challenging facing so far. but then you can see the flags that they are holding the phone calls um independence from um from b j a is fine to the fact that the whole call had become especially admitted to
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legion of china. the chief executive in hong kong act. what would page and you have to be trusted to be james, and when's the election? the big they're the one man one vote at an election positions. right. so a lot to getting the basic law in the don't take the ration with britain, but it seems to in the whole cost constitution, i'm on be james initiative for why the candidates have to be pre screened because right off to all these years of separation. that's the only way that paging make sure the whole call remains especially a minute to beach and so that's the back row. and i need if i just, if i could just get in the stuff i'm just getting most reliable bro. 5. if i thought of the position of the national security global culture reading the little mr. long story, i apologize if i could just, uh, getting the uh, your a gymnast yourself, as you say it, this is in the latest case. that's been a series of cases aiming at
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a squashing press freedom in hong kong. how does this impact people like yourself gen this like yourself? how are you able to continue, continue to work and do your job in home home as well? there's absolutely no difference at all because the, the, i don't want to contribute in the little. um, there was no reason why i shoot and i've always failed the phone call is part of china, but unfortunately, um the, the, the, the rise and then the, the various calls is, you know, finding this kind of irrational and, and violent movement against beijing is conduct with up to but every day, even though the phone calls the many choose and all calls um, both from uh, from the mainland, but also an overseas proud of trees, including from the west. and you didn't experience the, the, the big, the sort of the difference in, in the kind of freedom you enjoyed, your phone call, including that should have been to the listing freedom. because i mean,
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for example, you look at the chinese press and even in some of the dependent language, breast, they're off with the system. so the government, but of course you con, contravene provisions of the naturalist. could it be more than wrong, that sort of think we've been lost in the west, including the united states and many other countries? um, so i think that you got to live with the and the change dynamics and according to law, but as far as a day to day likelihood is concerned, there's absolutely no knowing the fuse and again, business has continued to been best to hold calls and then hong kong still remains to, to be very, very different from the rest of the m a city using in china. i appreciate your time. andrew k. p. long hong kong base, generally speaking to us back from london. thank you. thank you. still ahead on the out is there a of the crate and seizes more territory and rushes coast region.
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how drones are becoming a big concept of the the have a lot of there has been very hot and dry across move in central areas of australia . in contrast to that, we've had heavy rain across the southeast asian, you can see from the satellite image, those count haven't gone any way. we got more heavy rain on friday, pushing into the eastern islands of indonesia. and we're expecting the rain to pep up again across the move of the philippines. we have already seen flooding in many less of the threats is still there. and that's to watson heavy rain as well on such a day for parts of indo china, especially for southern parts of can bodya and vietnam. and as we had down on the
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however, it is a very wide and hot story across the move and the interior of a stray alice spring seems 37 degrees celsius. now this is late winter here, so these temperatures are very high. so this time of year then lower across the south, and that's because we've had a cold front sweep very quickly across the bike, bringing some severe wins to the southeast corner bits and pieces of rain as well as a corner field to pass on friday. lots of heat. however, in sidney, we will see temperatures sits around the mid twenties through the weekend with lots of sunshine. in contrast to this, we're going to see thing to things a ton pretty wild in new zealand on saturday the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the washing out, is there a mind desktops, or is this alex, as well as into the 2nd day of his largest military operation in the occupied west pine can move in 20 years, the least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday morning. raids on cities,
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refugee counts raising fees is wrote, may destroy the entire street as it's done in casa, overnight strikes by these randy. all mean dos i have killed at least 15 protest against i'm a talking at home in the town of i was a way to kill a young go image and more than 10 people the quotes in hong kong is found to just guilty of publishing seditious content. on the news websites and the tongue week when attended the fedex, he and patrick lam, what editors, deep pro democracy publications found news which is critical. now in alignment case, south korea is constitutional court has ruled the country's climate change and what was unconstitutional says more quantitative emission target for needed for future generations. the case was filed by 200 people, including 62 children activists accused. the government is failing to meet legally
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binding commitments to reduce carbon emissions by licensing human rights is kim, is outside the course. and so with the latest for a partial victory for the young plaintiffs, as the constitutional court has unanimously ruled, the government needs to further outline greenhouse gas reduction targets. beyond the year 2030, the country's climate crisis law and its current form falls short of ensuring the basic rights of its citizens, which includes environmental rights. the ruling is title, the ministry of environment and response that it respects the verdict ad will take necessary action. the ball down in the government's port, it will need to work with a national assembly to come up with a revised climate crisis law by the court mandated deadlines of february 2026. now, critics said the south, pre and government is still quite far from reaching its current un mandated a commitment of cutting emissions by 40 percent of 2018 levels by 2030
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active as say. now with this legal mandate in hand, they will keep sliding, to urge action by the government to change the future that their young people will inherit unit skim algebra. so the quite new troops capturing more territory in rushes coast region have carried out hundreds of long range strikes. thoughts, despite some native countries refusing to allow keys to use western supplied munitions. claims president is judging westinghouse to reconsider that policy. and that goes by to the most part that we are working with partners to supply the front line, supply it not only with, with things and not only with channels, but also with the power of i unity or the we continue to insist the restriction
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should be lifted on long rain strikes will help us to in the war soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine and the world as a whole. lease for seeing people have been injured in a russian attack using a guided farm. happened in the town of cookie on skin east and ukraine, the bloss damage, the city hall, or the use of drugs, has become an integral parts of the will based russian, an ukraine in forces or using the latest inventions to gain an advantage. as a result, ukraine's drone industry is expanding rapidly. alex gets helpless reports now from keith on display for all to see the latest generation of land sea and the address being shown to the ukrainian public. the war and ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs. and now hundreds of small companies. so how did work developing unmanned system that will help you create in sold to get the edge of the battlefield? they so desperately need? my, my, we want them to send them. we have to fight with machines with knowledge,
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not with people. when we send our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback. there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was incorporated to keep the guys safe. i'm around to the gathering of informational books and what doesn't is collected on the front blowing to the given to design and then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces . this feedback is a vital component and rapidly speeding up design. while you're doing cool, i think many fixtures need to offer solutions based on feedback, but this week is also in parallel bases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom up strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is what a bones and ask you for designs. it will take to him to be approved loose guidelines to issue to many small companies competing with each other to produce
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working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much of the road at pollution resolution drone does ally and it's not just about weapons seen here this in 50 years old to read vehicle contrib support food to the munition to ukrainian units. the front lines can also take booted soldiers quickly from the battlefields to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine is seen in the explosion in designs of online systems, from se and land. what sort of his crude weapons, and are extremely sophisticated, integrated all levels of the battlefield, but not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how these could topless, how to 0, t. they've been purchased in argentina against president, how the malays plans to veto and increase in pensions, such as improve the bill that raises retirement benefits by more than 8 percent
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below. it says it's irresponsible. exorbitant theresa by reports from one is there is gales in front of identity. has congress pension is have come to protest against heavy enemy lays planned to v to a little past by the position that would increase their monthly allowance to police use to your guys on the protesters and prevented them from blocking roads. if they read every 4070 years old and says she has had to go back to work to make ends meet, that they are taking everything away from us. do understand, and they're not even paying what we deserve. reducing the medicines we get, we are paying malays austerity plan. the bill that congress has stocked is starting to see a monthly obligate according to inflation and an extra compensation of around 8 percent. the government has said it's going to be to ms. law, however,


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