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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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all the the hello until mccrae. this is then use our line from coming off of the next 60 minutes, escalating violence and the occupied with banquet. this ready forces using tactics witnessed and gaza at least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday. the cache crisis in gaza, the struggles for palestinians of to is ready forces destroying most of the bags will. so it hits open lines for communication. us national security advisor meets with john as president, a head office planned phone call with joe and bob and, and a bit just in the flow of west african migrant spines. prime minister rounds up
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this to a hope, the region with a visit to seneca. and as for the power olympic games is officially on the way, thousands a line to the streets of paris for the opening ceremony as over 4000 power. i see. so it gets ready for the 7th day of the say is being right is that is right and may carry out a full scale destruction of the occupied westbank. as it has done in garza, is the 2nd day of its largest military operation in the territory in more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday morning, and rides on the cities in refugee camps. in the apron begins coverage from 2 car on long as the dead here, a bushy job, the leader of the to look at him, but till the end of palestinian fighters, his best was confirmed by his family along side those of 4 other members. for those
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dropped in the middle of the rate in which they were killed, fear a new a and his brother model same. we are spending another day confined to their house. outside the windows is with no family, wants their children to experience reading soldiers and will lose or is accompanied by drones and fight. they're just old storming digital refuge account. we usually distract them by getting them to play. we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as role biggest $3.00 to $3.00 as sold on the occupied west bank in more than 2 decades. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with what he called thrusts from the occupied west bank. like it have even garza, the foreign policy chief says such words could be worthy of sanctions. i
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initiated the procedures. i know that was the mander stage. if they want, they can see the have created, including, you know, a list of sanctions from either way, the meanest. this has been ad launching hate to messages. those are all says it's main target, this policy and fighters in full refugee camp. the military says the armed groups are planning attacks against as rainy targets are getting better at making improvised explosive devices for palestinians. these groups are part of resisting israel's decades of occupation. the above is weighted rows hovering overhead, the piercing sound of explosions, a reminder that would be when described as a silent moore is not so silent anymore. that abraham and just need of course, got him the occupied westbank palestine. this is really foreign minister as well. tab says his country is working with you or p and allies to prevent the blog from
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adopting n t. israel decisions pushed by n. t is around elements when diplomats meet on thursday, kansas as well faces multiple threats from iran, n, as proxies in the region. he's urge the free will to stand with as well, not against as well from all on all of this of a cas if is a can, is it member of the jewish era dash party and he joins us now from tennessee. thank you very much for being with us here on elk 0. so that's a simple example. if you 1st of all the, these rights and the contents military operations that we've seen over the last couple of days. so the heavy, anything it all to do with is really security. absolutely not non 0. so the only reason or the only intention of date such as government the i and yet and not that much. so you violate the bed, the dark on that, but his senior deeper is around he's ation of the day is so called decisive of
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subjugation plan that was presented by that solace mortgage in 2017. i've been saying that for 10 months, just immediately after the master could commit to buy from us, which we owe against the goals. and once the a thoughts a by use i begun against the people of gaza, immediately states that these governments lived by fantasies like, let them, you know, bend via smoke. each of them is that i'm not interested to secure the deal for anyone including these leaves. and the best example is the negligence of these various pages, the day a fit, the have any kind of commitment to the security over these. or at least the 1st thing that these govern would that what they've done is to release those pages. but they're both interested in that they are interested in the subjugation of besides
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the blame, we should boys down to the next scene, the police spin. yeah. and they'll to fight, but a scene at the tories default, the police is from the home live and killing it there. but i'm still leaving tension of these governments. okay, well given that and we've seen ride space would be carried out in a daily basis since october the 7th. but why we seeing this mess of intensification now? what exactly are they trying to achieve? do you think in the occupied with bag? squarely, if you only if i already mentioned the day because 8 stops, the important thing you might do that the base day, a decisive book, subjugation planned by smart page. one is to understand the main issue. and the main goal of these flashing spin, race is colonial boost plan is to a next in a to contort or to leave the autumn a. but it's the and there is always the diesel combined $9067.00. so one, stay
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a i the yet a be ne, a poor king, the daughter of destruction of god, the sweep. now they begin a d, a destruction of the west bank. a have been say, it'd been saying that. why don't they oh, so as to understand it, pay attention to the theme the last few months, especially if you want to adopt the governor before there are a daily programs a i saw it's by set. it is in the west bank. it gets palestinians, eagles, statements like ship it within 5 miles of the old spaces, built to patient forces and all the patient forces carries on with the violence that they accept the lives they executed in the last few months. again, under the piece of documentation, a forces. so that's part of the general idea much the plant that most of glen, again, is to assault the police being and people to be stuck to the story. so we do this
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story, the police, do you need people to take control of, of a, the student people's land on land and do it next week. that's the leading tension. not only that you have nothing to do with the security of these ladies. it is against the security of these ladies. right. so here's kind of stopped. i think it's right, at least at this point in time and didn't yahoo enters, enters more cabinets. i mean, we've seen sanctions from the united states, again, some similar groups were saying that you chief, come out and push back against some of your colleagues in the it's really parliament. i mean, is there any, we're in near enough to actually hold forward as well as trying to achieve in the occupied with bank? with this i have to say that there isn't no position with the needs that i'm going to. i'm all know to be bound to feed it. i almost 50 different than human device a and i'm thinking to patient and we'll get these agents including cut option
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because money spot the or for my a member a we are our corporate and they demonstrate an a, an engaged, the many dvds against that a sort of gaza against the general side, against the other guides committed by design the government and full ending the occupation. you'll probably know that we are on the police to convince the kitchen for that. for instance, just in the last few days, a feeling that was directed by like friends at mccormick, but create a web sample limited scanning a betsy image up up at the ending i would have loved being 55, which was close by the police for 10 hours you know the to prevent i will position activity. so they're usually in a position a not picking off, but there isn't a position joyce out of the position with these i, but we do need the to the national community to support with us to present. so most put an end to this lab, the cleaning that will you guys up. and of course,
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to the continuation of dr. blowing the west bank and to release the hostages. and please announcing the tab and to and the to patient. that's the basis. now i have to say with your permission, one thing about the united states. i really cannot stand dc focus the of the united states on the one at the end, the by the committee strace. and that makes folks bad pass. so it is a speak or against a continuation of domestic gain gossip, but at the same time to continuously owe me either way at the feet or decision it is secure with the concept. this continuing, the continuation of this massacre, gods and the other cards to be mentioned and that many of those like fascism with the newsletter for pill that could never have happened had the united states what the doctor to stop. okay. and okay, does, it will have to leave it there, but we do appreciate your insight as of the case if uh can you send me and best for
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us from tell of a thank you. thank you very much. oh, death tolls rising from the lights as a tax binds ready forces in gaza at least 20 palestinians have now been killed since early on this day. a young girl has died in a strong and a home in the town, develops a way to it and central kansas holden, 10 others injured and color is lot for us from the i'll paula and central kaiser and dozens of palestinians killed the early this morning. and throughout the day, can you just bring us up to date with the latest on the strikes and the risk you with? it's a bit of going on right now. the well, the latest is our tele shelly in our bus and income unit and this has been going for the past couple of hours. but there were also a couple of targets in a bit of a area. and there has been a where a child was killed and also it is the why there were another child was killed and
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also in the gods of sits in the western parts of the gods. a city, a policy menus were killed when that is where the forces targeted and a man hotel with it's obvious that those policy news where this place and they were centering in this building. and not only that, they were burned alive because no one was there to rescue them. and we have been seeing this ongoing for the past couple of months where policy news were either trapped under the rubble or either there's a fire or reps and the ambulance isn't civil defense teams are having a lot of obstacles and challenges to reach those who are in need to in for rescue know, not only that there has been ongoing, quite comforters in this cause across the godless troops. and there are people who have been shot in that in different areas across the causes for by those plots. cop
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tours that are targeting policy and individuals from the east west, south north, everywhere, and the goggles trip. that is where desktops continue and it's 7 ok. that is on top of these latest attacks and in the strong through holes have been more of a collection notice from this is riley miller treat? can you just walk us through the ongoing impact of this constant force displacement of people last week there was more than 5 displacement orders. the people are on the move, it's on a then a slight call of endless displacement from one place to another. but today it was different at the is where these folks, man, uh, mentioned that 3 blocks were box to the humanitarian zone. and we're seeing people go back to these box. one of this box was at 128, where we are right now in the hospital. and that's why we're 5 on reporting from
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this location. but we are seeing people who are going back to setting up their tents on the sidewalks of the hospital. the poor displacement has been accessing the lives of promising you a lot there. i think a lot of misery and despair to their lives. imagine having only a couple of minutes to evacuate, a certain place under fire, and all of those thomas in use who have been displaced multiple times, are very exhausted, and green from the amount of displacement. and also the situation of places where everywhere is packed and overwhelmed. and not only that, also the sewage and the garbage plants in the streets where some people were actually before is to set up their tents in those areas. and we know that there are the pol you case ref recorded in because group and it's very risky for all of these children that are living in at 10 in the area right now. the displacement is
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ongoing and thomas sinews here are asking, where is the next evacuation order? and as a way to really do appreciate you giving us uh the latest from guys and country for us in down by many palestinians and gone to receive this salaries and donations through bank transfers. but a major cash shortage across the strip has made it extremely difficult for them to get their money to erica bozer and has the support from down by that and central cancer as it goes as cash based towing economy. was it truly money can be a match to the lowest and israel's military has this to me, the boss come to reduce the banks, of course goes according to the palestinians, want it to the authority of these made shift agents. people now have to be wholly commissions to access the money on the subject,
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then the situation is very difficult. if you need to get your salary or do any transaction, you'd be charged a fee or a percentage. cash still is also say bank notes are in short, supply and goose remaining are increasingly wound out. whole new name is a good in. this is a big problem for us all cash notes, even organizations of damage, then we are unable to do business. we need a bank to open and help us by collecting these currency notes and read us of this problem. people are unhappy with us. we are not because of his problem. the need for home currency has sewage since it's made defensive into roughly the coastal tens of thousands of posting is from 8 and force them to eventually to simply go. so this thing towing prices for basic only since keep raising of to each escalation
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in the flight to official, the people are suffering a lot, hold on the market. price is incredibly high and people don't having to come to buy shop pulling us don't care and increase and decrease price. we left the a will in the he is before the strips between and they had become to improve. despite the multi pronged is bailey locate. now and the hub finance recovery is from so late. but is there any restrictions have prevented the palestinian once we get through it? see, they used in rome, i left from sending you cash into the strip like used to and as bills for like the finance minister business which, which has written the banking restrictions that's good, excessive paid the proximate after almost 11 months to who was i know i'm functioning in the interior go as a said, the expansion of is by that time means that bang son's age, as has been only the destroy donald painted in areas that own correctly active
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military zones. cussing of tens of thousands of palestinians in need of a humanitarian support. another source of a, direct them as the algebra. there was but i had to sign the one of the united states most senior diplomats has made china is present, choosing paying shakes, sullivans the strip to beijing is us national security adviser items to ease tension between the super palace. the meeting comes ahead of a should your phone call between us present job binding and she in the coming weeks . president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship to ensure that competition does not be, or in the conflict or confrontation and to work together. we're interest align, but we can get more on this with our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how kit who's with us now and complete. everyone seems to be making the right noises here. so this will just how successful has this tripping of the? well, what we heard from the national security advisor, jake sullivan, is that well, both sides were able to articulate their points in their concerns. what he said was the, essentially, there was a vigorous given take, but in the end there was no agreement. so in terms of success, well, uh and really nothing's changed. so in terms of trying to move the marker as there hasn't been any sort of change in that. so wasn't 100 percent successful. a really depends on who you talked to. if there was the desire to advance anything that didn't happen. so what there was though, was the effort to try and kind of send a message. and that was the, the, by the administration was trying to lay the groundwork if you will. but if come to a hair as to when the election come november, there was also the message be sent,
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but this is going to be an administration carried on and the put time passed if you will, to come to la harrison. so that was really the other message that was being convey, but she would really share the values that are in place right now. that has kind of been sent by joe biden, in terms of his economic policy. kimberly what is likely to happen next. we understand that too late is that you to have a phone call in the next few weeks. i mean, 1st of all, how significant is that? as well as very significant, i mean, the bottom line and all of this is, this is a, a relationship that has been managed in that is exactly the term that has been used here in the united states show by then doesn't want to see this escalate. what we saw in the previous administration were heightened tensions under the former president donald trump. so what this us president believes that costs in communication that the highest level is the best way to manage the us china
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relationship. and so whether it's under joe biden or whether it is under a future president commer harris, which this administration helps, obviously what the hope is that this will be a constant change of communication that will continue whether under this president of the next. so, oh, as you mentioned, there is the plan phone call between the us president joe biden, and china as president, she's been paying. and what there is, the hope is that through this constant communication, there were will not be a further escalation of tensions between china and the united states. okay, thanks so much. kimberly, kimberly, how could there a white house correspondent, the ukrainian troops capturing more territory in russia's coast region. dove also carried out hundreds of long range strikes and russian territory. that is, despite some nice old countries refusing to allow keith to use wisdom supplied
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munitions to do so. your current president is urging wisdom pallets to reconsider that policy as that goes by to the most part that we are working with partners to supply the front line supply it not only with width and then not only which channels, but also with the power of i unity or the we continue to insist the restriction should be lifted on long range strikes. will help us to in the war soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine and the world as a whole. at least 14 people have been into the underbrush, an attack using a guided bomb. it happens in the town if could be on skin east and you crime the bloss damage the city hall. another person was killed in a ukrainian attack and brushes belgrade region. well, the use of drones has become an integral part of the war and you tried both russian and ukrainian forces are trying to utilize the latest inventions to gain an
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advantage. as a result, you cry and strong industry is expanding rapidly with new designs developed less daily. alex, good temple us reports from cave are on display for all to see the latest generation of land. see the headphones being shown to the ukranian public. the war and ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs and now hundreds of small companies, a heart of work, developing unmanned system that will help you quine and sold to get the edge of the battlefield. they so desperately need. my, my, we want them to send them or we have to fight with machines with knowledge, not with people. when we sent our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback. there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was incorporated to keep the guys safe around the gathering of information of what works and what doesn't is collected on the front blowing to the given to design and then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces
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. this feedback is a vital component and rapidly speeding up design. while you're doing cool, i think many fixtures need to offer solutions based on feedback. but this week is also in parallel bases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom up strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is for the bones and asking for designs, it will take to him to be approved loose code line to issued to many small companies competing with each other to produce working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much of the road, a pollution revolution, drone design. and it's not just about weapons seen here this in 50 as altering vehicle can transport food into munition, to ukrainian units on the front lines. it can also take with the soldiers quickly from the battlefields to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine
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is seen in the explosion in designs of online systems, from se and land. what's both of of his crude weapons. now explain, the sophisticated integrates at all levels of the battlefield, but not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how these could topless, how to 0, see the bomb attack just north of students. capital cartoon has killed at least 12 people, the strong cause carried down the city of gallery by the sudanese. i'm a is trying to reclaim the area from the terminal, the tree rapid support forces of the violence follows flooding that's displaced more than 100000 people. the you insisted on the suffering, the world's west military and crisis. people are afraid, the conflict side, they have nowhere to go to. the shirts that have gone to 40 people have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that have not been buried yet. there
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are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses, and others were swept away by the floods could even have a morgan has more now from the capital cost to the heavy rains. and so rental floods have killed at least 140 people. according to this it needs government and has this place more than 30000 families across 10 states in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways. the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior assistance is one of the issues that the you and deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials and put them she has met the head of the sovereignty council general. have them put the whole behind and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access, especially because getting access from one area to another, from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the south of the fighting aid from us to
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the needs army territories into areas controlled by the iris that has been handed, as well as a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controls by the signees army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers when it's tammy and workers have been killed as they try to reach those in need of assistance and the fact that the 2 sides, the signees army and the r as have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year is yet to actually happened on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially less of the fact that in addition to the flight thing, there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them and hard to reach areas, a wasting, evacuation a waiting to insert assistance. but knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies and the fact that they are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance people morgan onto 0. how soon a as
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a flash slots across northern nigeria has killed at least 6 people and live thousands homeless homes, farmland, and critical infrastructure as have been washed away. well thought he say the floods have come earlier than expected and took residence by surprise. the village, those affected to relocate to emergency displacement camps due to climate change and they looked at the top tools. this loads have come in yet than we expected. i need cold from a lot of people on our west and we have seen that day, the destruction of the houses. it means that schools to be close to this phone assigned. so that with a now his car had a lot of there is a laundry, quiet picture weatherwise across south america. we got high pressure in charge across that central fly. so barely a cloud in the sky paces wipers over. what you can see is smoke from the wild fires that flooded into cities like mouth affecting the quality that now we're not going
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to see any wet weather here over the next few days, which is bad news in terms of clearing out that smoke. but what's the weather we'll be looking at further north and listing the development of some severe storms in a very south for the likes of origin teen. and we'll see those rumble into one status. bringing rain on friday and saturday and nothing temperature is down. but for the knows of this temperatures all sitting very high, the power of y bolivia and into brazil will see those numbers come up in places like as soon shown as we go into a friday. so lots of settled whether to be found here. some circles whether as well, but last what, whether full the caribbean, as we move to central america and the caribbean, the waves, whether it will be pointing across the bahamas flooding into pumps of cuba with some heavy rain to come for eastern areas here on friday. so what the weather as well pulling into the you could time peninsula and we'll see that rain phone in mexico on friday says place. he's still a, he's here all now and is there including our country's going to hell?
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that's all i can say. great opportunity. compassion and mix of messages. we examined couple of harris and donald trump's rhetoric and the rice for the us presidency and defending us open champion of at joking, which keeps his bid for a records. the 25th. the grand slam title on track will be action coming up later in the sense of belonging. we are very close knit community. everybody knows everybody and the every day here, keeping communities together. this is to say, instead of getting a set of my universe, i just visit scotlands out there a headboard and meets those fighting to say that either this way of life in the face, it's population. a sense of community on
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a jersey to harmful passages are increasingly affecting our life. we've terrible consequences. a documentary asks whether we've learned any lessons from the h. i. b as in the fight against corporate 19. we ignored the global sucks to port process for 4 people, the cost the time of $10.00 desks. oh no, just the the you watching. i'll just hear a reminder about the top stories, the salad, the death toll is rising from the lights of satanic spies, ready forces in guns,
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or at least 20. i'd palestinians who have now been killed since early on thursday. the young girl has died in his truck on a home in the town. bells are white and sent from casa for the 10. others were injured in his rounds, into the 2nd day of its largest military operation, and the occupied with banking more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday morning and by its own cities and refugee caps. its rising phases around may destroy the territory. as it's done in garza, is dying to put to is a pillow, send the lawyer and full the advisor to the palestine liberation organization. she says israel is continuously allowed to act with impunity. it's terrifying to be posted in and it's terrifying to be posted in knowing that israel can do whatever it wants to do and the truly quite literally get away with it. and so we've seen that palestinians who are in the camps are the ones who are the most at risk.
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because israel's trying to systematically attack the posterior refuge account somehow as of a claim to try to get rid of palestinian refugees. nobody in the international community is supporting palestinians in their, in their right to resist. and nobody, on the other hand is protecting palestinians either. so we're left with a situation where pulse demands are effectively sitting ducks when you don't have anybody in the international community willing to put sanctions on israel. and when you have, instead people wagging their fingers at palestinians and telling them that they should not resist even when there's a foreign engaging army coming into their cities or towns their homes, then you can see what the rest of kids. and this is precisely what, what, how seems likely, lawyers like me have warrant against the spines prime minister pedro sanchez, is visiting synagogue as part of his to of west africa aimed at curbing migration. sanchez says he wants to find human trafficking between africa and the canary islands. earlier in the week, he traveled to the gambia and more tenea. well than $22000.00 migrants have arrived
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in the canary islands so far this year. while for more on this, which we are now by nicholas hock, who is in deca and nicholas spanish, pm's been selling migration agreements. uh they are on his trip as through africa. how helpful is he thought that it is, you're gonna make a difference in trying to stop this influx of migraines, of the well, we're just outside the presidential palace where the prime minister in the saint just spoke. and he had some strong words when it came to illegal migration to europe, especially justifying the fact that some of these illegal migrants need to return back to their homes. there's even discussion of in trying to get mine or is unaccompanied, not mine are to try to get them back to africa. he says, that's essential, in order to quote that most illegal trafficking of migrants. but it's going to be
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very hard task. we spoke to one of the traffic or is that a captain of a boat, which says that with the technology available there a lot, they're able to circumvent these spanish coast guards and to get to the other side . and in fact, this is the season when there is the most migrant, the most illegal votes traveling from the western coast of africa to europe because the weather allows for the boats to do so. a record of 22000 people have so far cross a made this crossing to spain. but the key element here in order to stop this uh, illegal quote of migration, the prime minister of spain says that or has made some agreements to allow legal migration to allow the labor or to come and work on the fields in spain. and spain is very much an outlier in europe. contrary to what the telling is, are doing to take this 10 migration in the mediterranean,
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they're actually ensuring or they've just signed deals to ensure that some people can go legally to, to, to, to spain, into europe, to work there. and what's interesting is that keith admits that to both the economy in europe, europeans need african migrants to do so in that's a key component to his visits. there will continue to be a joint operations between the spanish coast guards and the senegalese are the more in government postcards to stop migration, but from the people that were on the ground. there is no shortage of young men willing to take this dangerous journey. in fact, the danger of itself doesn't stop them from taking these boats. hundreds of people have died according to rides through trying to cross the atlantic ocean to make it to the other side, hoping to it's for a better life that they can not find at home. there's also discussions happening
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with spain and some of african countries, notably molly, because for europeans to control the borders of europe, starts right here in the heart of africa in this a health because many of the migrants don't necessarily come from set a goal where i stand here that the coastal countries have gather some coming from multi burkina faso where they're fully war. and we've seen also migrants from egypt using this route to get to europe. thank you so much, nick nicholas talk there for us and deca as the spanish police have been operating throughout west africa to strengthen border controls that the biggest departure points for migrant bites the route from west africa to the canary islands. so 154 percent increase in traffic this year. as nicholas was saying, nearly 22000 people made the dangerous journey in the 1st 7 months of 2024 and
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spanish routes. are these fer, up to 150000 more migrants from africa, but trying to make the perilous crossing in the coming months? for more on this, we are now joined by ruth for river toyota, who is a professor of political science at the company of tents, university of madrid. she joins us from the spanish capital. thanks very much for being with us. of the simple, i mean this seems like a massive problem, but how big of an issue is this in spine, especially if the century is in particular, that means, but what we have is she mandatory in crisis in canada. yeah. less than the guy else . as you pointed, it has to be a violation of the migration flow strongest center, made the rain in area towards the west, the maybe during an area which includes the north and parcels of morocco next to the media on the kind of yeah, yeah. so that's been the main focus right and right now, and there is a, a collapse, so they will be pcp instead, start receiving all these, all these populations and backed so they have to be to read the secret into the
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peninsula. um, and do you know to, to share, to share the they're biting off off of the, receiving the lease of migration for those. what the president of spanish 1000000, our content test to do is to sign up with them is with these countries in the, in order to organize the migration flows and open up some new ways of getting into it each day. legally, which is called in circular migration, he says no meal basis has been implemented thing. and it, by this time is government since 2000 that would be for and countries on the signing these by left. so that we minutes in order to, you know, get to the people getting a legally that into, into the job market, the labor market in this thing, basically for temporary, temporary jobs. okay. well, if these agreements uh, being made since 2000, i mean with the lightest round that's essentially just trying to get signed, actually do anything to help control migration or is this just
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a another policy to try and a paste public opinion and showed that the spanish government is doing something anything, i mean there is a combination of the, the a managing migration flows and controlling migration for those. so there's a difference. but for, for dealing with, with the, so there is a combination of get these open up these legal, legal access to, to legal market and also to get return agreement with a different government in order to them to control the migration on coming out of their country. so this is saying they european policy that this has been signed with the a in lately uh a, a proof of planning for a migration that i assume that the new fact more virus on our ceiling has been passed alternate pro this year. and basically they're putting all the focus on the and the control issues, which means externalization of management of migration for those to their, to those countries. so those guys, it's not going to receive probably an money coming from the spanish government,
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or have, i'm gonna be able to hon. um, they're also the biggest by this government wants to make some sign us to that, to those guys who are try to cross towards europe and by your friend, these temporary deals. the problem here is that they speak where maybe some has no sort at anything. and i mean, just a small piece of population kind of getting to those programs. and what we're seeing, as you mentioned, is that the husband is perspective what kind of the pipe house. and if people are crossing and from africa to europe, because we are talking about europe is not just the spanish europe. so this thing is we have to think about the model of migration polices that we are implemented. and basically, we need to more cooperation in the spring, but also with the rest of your customers because we need to open up legal access to labor markets for those people who want to cross on get a better life on that. so it's not a problem is to receive people. we've received
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a has been uh, over the last year as a around $300000.00 at ukrainians. and it has no, you know, probably enough consideration. they, they have been at the school. they have been using the house is an insurance on everything that sorts of services costs will be not collapse. is the same for all the countries. the thing is that the, it seems right is being using these, these migration for us to improve their processing. and in institutions, and we've seen that in germany as well. and we're starting to see that the not internal political debates in a bucket back in spain. and that's why when seen a over over the last the over the last month, you can, you could you just do it, we have a look. so if you have a look to the political discourse of the go said, why the far the right now they are saying that that is the open door policy and that, and they've been the products these that they go. somebody bought the was the one
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who allowed to take what that's the spend in 2000. so basically we're using the same eastern as dine to, to deal with the, with an issue. what does this have? phenomenon is a structural phenomenon that we'd have to deal with that with public bodies. we'll have to leave it there, but we do appreciate your time and insight into this. thank you so much. thank you very much. but cold and hong kong has found to general is guilty of publishing. suspicious content on the news websites. this was chung fuel kin. as he entered the course, he and patrick land way editors of the pro democracy publication stand news that was critical of beijing. they were charged on the colonial era rule. the critics say is used to curb defense or westbrook as the light is from home call. well, this was the 1st ever a suggestion trial that was used against hong kong journalist and editors here in hong kong since it was kind of back to chinese rule. in 1997, it was really watched very closely. we had
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a diplomats coming into court today to watch this as it was a taste test of alertness tests of press. freedom in the city has found use was a very popular and well known online news outlet. it was shut down in 2021, following a raid by some 200 national security police where we, uh, which, which follows you shut down and its 2 editors and its parent company were charged with conspiracy to publish the dishes materials and quote, today we had from one of the cities designated national security, such as you said, that when he was looking at the political atmosphere in hong kong, at that time, that's a many residents were unhappy with the cities, governments and even against the cities and staging authorities. and it was in that context that they found that he found 11 out of the 17,
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off the coast uh seditious. the prosecutors had pointed to 17 news, commentaries, and articles, as proof that's done. these had instigated contempt and hatred towards aging and hong kong. the storage needs. some of these articles included interviews with now jailed and self exiled pro democracy activists. and my kind of south korea's constitutional court has ruled the country's climate change law is unconstitutional . that says more quantitative emissions targets needed for future generations of a case was followed by 200 people, including 62 children. activists accused the government of failing to meet legally binding commitments to reduce carbon emissions, violating human rights units kim has moved from outside to court. and so a partial victory for the young plaintiffs, as the constitutional court has unanimously rules, the government needs to further outline greenhouse gas reduction targets. beyond
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the year 2030, the countries climate crisis law and its current form falls short of ensuring the basic rights of its citizens, which includes environmental rights. the ruling is fine on the ministry of environment and response that it respects the verdict ad will take necessary action of all doubt and the government support it will need to work with a national assembly to come up with a revised climate crisis law by the court mandated deadline of february 2026. now critic saved the south pre and government is still quite far from reaching its current un mandated a commitment of cutting emissions by 40 percent of 2018 levels by 2030 active as say now with this legal mandate in hand, they will keep sliding to urge action by the government to change the future that their young people will inherit skim algebra. so the type of insurance in,
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in japan, southwest has left at least 3 people dates 59 injured and hundreds of thousands without power. others will. so i'm missing off the land slots, open 250000 homes and 7 privileges that are experiencing power outages. come make it toyota as suspended operations at 14 plans. this is the u. s. presidential campaign. hey top. there stock differences in style and messages from the 2 candidates, couple of harris and donald trump hoping to appeal to their support bases while trying to. we know that i'm decided verses for reynolds has donald trump's rallies are full of dark pronouncements and personal attacks. we're very close to world war 3 and people don't realize it we're closer than we've ever been in our country is going to hell. that's all i can say we're a nation in the line. while campbell harris has
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a different kind of messaging, our nation with this election has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. america, we are not slowing back. let us know each other in the world who we are. and what we stand for freedom, opportunity, compassion, scholars of political rhetoric here, appeals to opposite emotions. he has told us repeatedly that everything is now worse than ever, and the we're on the edge of the, of the s and that are, we're a 3rd world nation. donald trump represents dues rolling harrison walls represent hope scrolling. when trump goes all the scripts he often flings insults. have you
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heard her laugh? that is the laugh of a crazy person. you know why he hasn't ordered it to be because she's not smart. she's not intelligent. i'm a better looking person, said pamela. here, let's take some shots too, but it's less personal near policy, so he doesn't actually fight from the middle class, not. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. instead, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. in many ways, donald trump isn't on the serious man. to find some of their stuff to just be plain weird. an ad hominem attack is attacking the person instead of their argument and what the other responses saying they're out of their mind saying they're weird is actually directly attacking their their argument, right, it's about policy. the question is which rhetorical approach will strike a chord with undecided voters in a handful of swing states?
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and we won't know the answer to that to election the rob reynolds, how to 0. well, so late here on l 20, show hey o, tony is usually the star of the show about the attention on him. so once it's coming off and scores with some of the
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the best of the school now, his son, thank you very much to tell him. while the paralympic games are officially on the way in paris. as over 50000 people lined at the french capital for the opening
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ceremony. some size when possible. he asked me of the paris 202411 days of school thing action has commenced his power as host the power olympic games. and for the 1st time you are opening ceremony for the event has been staged. outside of the stadium, a warm summer evening will conduct the full 1000 current athletes along the shorts, to the se, and through to the plants, the concord. the managers that define frank society carries stronger meaning than ever for the best in the rights to leave freely and without oppression. they got to every person with a disability deserve the opportunity to thrive and leave life free from barriers, free from discrimination and free from marginalization. the olympics. opening ceremony space along the river, sending to rental conditions 6 weeks ago,
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was heavily criticized wednesday night spectacle was treated as a success. organize this over 2000000 tickets have been sold for the event so far. that was the size. so crazy. wonderful, wonderful. i need to get some of the nancy uh with the phone where, where the i p and the on the old china be the dominant force of the game stretching back to 2004 bill looks to keep that record going. as the parent athletes competes of 549 gold medals, across 22 paralympics sports pump size and out to 0 depending time, do you know about joke of its caps? he is bid before reco 25th grandson title on track. as he reached the federal end
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of the us open last year the serbian had to baffle through 5 set to overcome his compact. it's the last little jerry in the said wrong and it seemed like the pet were set for another intense show down. however, an injury hanford did jerry's efforts geography to his leading 6464, to love it before the gerry retired with abdominal pain, brokovich will take on the 28th seas. alex's footprint next, this is not what we want. so the crowd wants, you know, to see it well for you know, c o, v, as he had an injury that took him out of the tour for some time. and he is struggling to come back to, i guess physically, these levels. i mean, he's such a good player, especially in these conditions. well, how about this from cost food and what might go down as $1.00 of the points of the farm and the 8 see the is through to be fed wrong after the seating game office and
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force that but not before with somehow winning this point. you know, region reach the final in 2022. i'll be looking to go one step closer in his pursuit of the 1st grand slam. the americans have impressed 2 funds. they look to become the substance and the road they can 2003 to when on the home ground. to also see that tele fritz beating italian mateo better tedious freight set. it could be as many as 7 from the us to feature and the round of that you 2 and one of them in the women's, through his reading champion, cocoa golf continues, have great form at flushing meadows as easy as into the fed run. the american cleaned up a few early mistakes to beat on see the german, tatiana, maria, 646, no. well, number 3 will face and they're not. this is literally my next she's
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a good all court player and she can do pretty much like everything. she's really solid from the back and you know, i play her in oscar and we had a lot of physical points. so yeah, i think the challenge will be just finding the balance between being aggressive and not letting her dictate, but also, you know, not making too many errors. she's a tough opponent and you know, regardless of whatever form she's in, i think she's always gonna be tough to be so well known and depending drilling comp time to it. but i live a close enough to, to the 2nd round off the hard for the when it gets a 4th at 10, you know, shabby. alonzo is man who famously won the blended liza without using a match last season or drawn a way to kind of size jenna join us hoffman, the man who eventually breaks the break through the southern at home teams defense to ensure a one now when yeah, if you really have to to fight de leon as jenna bean pushing they have had tried de
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leon. i was on the dc without sounds as to maybe just one of the 2nd one by the coordinate again as well. they did. they did really well on for us. uh, it was really tough. well, another game, another home run, so so tiny, but this time that he was held by friends at the the stadium, the ceremonial pitch before the game was thrown to by none other than his dog. decoy. and it did the trick as though tiny struck his 42nd, the home run of the season, and a 6 for victory over the baltimore orioles. only the new york yankees are in judge has more. he now has a pre, a high 104 runs. the season and that's useful for me, a $100.00 to tom. thank you so much center. oh, that is the ultimate tool. mccrae for this news out as much one use on a website, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the day as news to stay with us. the
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from his narrative to media was from propaganda to the changing face of journalism . i have never seen the elite media consensus change so quickly. questioning what is reported and what does not. the video's further reinforce a discourse. it is coming out of every sector. a, b is rarely official machinery. they're all palestinians are the enemy finishing the post, the codes, the media, or that just the you can eat the rest, the monk a don't people. this coming evil. moya. nice to match up by the
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price range of an auctioneer. the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now
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the, the fiscal icing violence and the occupied westbank was as ready for us as using tactics witnessed in gaza at least 18 palestinians were killed since wednesday, the, until mccrae. this is l, just their line from time. so coming up with the assault on gallons that grinds on overnight is rarely strikes, can at least 15 posting is open lines for communication. us national security advisor meets with china's.


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