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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the right spot. otherwise, with the strategic downstream industry on the clock. in the news, your better tomorrow, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life, or my headquarters in delphi and teddy. you navigate to, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the w h o says israel has agreed to limited pauses in fighting in certain parts of gaza to allow a polio vaccination campaign. israel pushes on with it's offensive in the occupied westbank,
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despite and widespread global condemnation. a push to stabilize relations. the us national security advisor meets president, cheese and ping as he wraps up his visit to china. trying to stop the flow of illegal migrants from africa, spain's prime minister, as instead of gold, the welcome to the news hour. we begin with breaking news and the world health organization says israel has agreed to limits with pauses and fighting in gaza to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin the u. n. agencies. so as the pauses will take place over 3 days in different areas of the strip cause us health authorities say they've recorded the 1st case of the debilitating disease in the strip for 25 years. age groups have blamed the re emergence of polio on israel's destruction of water and sanitation facilities. rick per corners, the w. h o is representative,
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and the occupied west bank and gaza. he says more than a 1000000 vaccine doses are ready in the strip. the $82.00 wrong polio vaccinations to bang this will actually start in the 1st of september in a gas with your drones to convey the pa, steven ministry of health and calibration of its virtual units. and why, and far from this bill provides uh bill will provide 2 drops to no whole world polio vaccine tried to focus on tv to, to more than 614000 children. on the 10 years of age, chris is salumi is joining us now from the united nation. so chris and talk us through this announcements because the w h o has been staying for awhile now, but humanitarian pauses are vital for that campaign to begin. so how did this come about or yeah, and there is a lot of international concern and
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a warning that the virus could spread to israel if it's not rained in very soon. and we know that not only have un officials and humanitarians been calling for these humanitarian pauses, but also the european union put out a statement calling on israel to allow the vaccination campaign to take place. and us media has reported that secretary of state anthony blink. and also push the case with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to allow this campaign to happen. the vaccines are already in the gaza. they're there, they're ready to go. the w i chose is 90 percent of children need to be vaccinated in order to have an effective campaign. to stop the spread of polio. as of 2022, the children of gaza met that 90 percent requirement, but that number has been slipping since the war there has been underway. so they do
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have those doses and they're targeting all 640000 children under 10 in the strip to get them to dose is to make sure that they are protected and they stop the spread. and they are going to do this by targeting 3 separate zones in gaza. there's the central north and south, they'll have 3 days in each zone, starting with the central zone, then moving to the south into the north. and they say they've also gotten assurances that if they don't get to everyone in those 3 days, that those, that time period would be extended as well. we heard from an or a spokesperson earlier, who was saying that, look the the, there are challenges ahead, particularly when it comes to the evacuation orders that are given to palestinians by his release. and that makes planning extremely difficult. so what more do we know about how the w h o is going to get around these challenges? yeah, it's an incredibly difficult situation just to put it in perspective. the world
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food program has suspended a deliveries. they're not moving any convoys or any personnel around because of the challenges of destroyed infrastructure and also the fact that one of their convoys was shot at the other night and that led them to suspend activity as well. these are incredibly challenging circumstances for any kind of humanitarian operation. uh, even for this vaccination campaign, the agreement is for causes of 8 to 9 hours per day. after those 8 to 9 hours, there is no guarantee that has still of these won't continue, that military activity won't take place once they set up shop and then closed up for the day. so it just highlights the incredibly dangerous and evolving every evolving situation on the ground, the spokesperson for the w h. o said,
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is it ideal? no. do we think we can make it work? yes, they're concerned, but they're pressing forward due to the gravity of the situation. and to make it happen. okay, thank you so much. chris is salumi reporting from the united nations as well a 10 month old palestinian baby and gaza husband personally, paralyzed from polio. the 1st confirmed case and the strip for more than 25 years. and the baby's mother says her finally has been displaced numerous times, which is the reason her son was not vaccinated there. and while i'm going show her how to download the time chime in this afternoon, i'm in my lot. ation that i'm going to present, hold at a me mechanic and we can use the house or have the show up in law. and given clever nash, i have an i'll show a lot of this man, a look at my shoes there. and i'm that as much as we can use how,
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what kind of food should have been asked for these to present a considerable of the stuff as well. what are the types of all sorts of on what the game show me? yes. how was that to them? such as i like, so i put in and get mechanical in my model to all the alien as well. have them. and i, and i mean i, you know what, i'm about to have it in your business manual to see what she haven and match. and i'm, i'm a chemist on my end, you start with a noise name. so i got a lot of tools presented of how to scan. i have the relation as it also shows, you know, some new given the head when i look as see a n, as in autumn, can had a if i had some shy fish as old as that's the longest play. macnado last one of my mileage and move as to is that individuals who just adore new customs area and
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then coming out to the am not a small hey is room and have a car 1177. we met in marshall. we usually have exec, i've been going out of there and i just we suffer. it's lot we have we're gonna try and i'm in the low fan and not a man. i knows when i speak to doctor lucas capella was a former emergency is doctor at the world health organization. he's also a professor emeritus at the university of manchester. joining us from geneva, doctor, good to have you with us on al jazeera. what's your reaction to this news coming out of the w h o saying israel has agreed to limited pauses in fighting to enable a pull your vaccination campaign to your welcome this news or i think this is the radius of the news from the region. but of course, it's too welcome, even if it's in spot, but it's really the so the interest because obviously conditions like for the respect know, a bought us. having said that, the,
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i think that's not under estimate the complex logistics ahead of a sudden a few days. i'm not going to be not, but it is the pause can be extended, maybe extended if it's needed. i don't know whether we can build up this sunday, do some other immunization as well, but some of that have on a certain age. but of course, this might be a pretty, i don't know which shows to file what sort of impact do you think this is going to have on actually stopping the spread of polio? because agencies are saying that they must reach 90 percent of the estimated 640000 children in the gaza strip, who are under the age of 10? or? oh, absolutely. so this means almost universal coverage is not a question of a good enough go and at least 90 percent. it's not move. you are really needed, including all the little ones who are uh, you know, uh, hidden away in here in the,
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in the cottage pounds and uh, also some other locations and getting too many of them. when we cross me, maybe a little less what's going on because of already being uh, uh, bomb to dislike to it. but the biggest showed up the safety giving me about patient old is and so on. so i'll treat from the agencies of plus, meaning the trust of the people to the when the children for i'm the assistant brought them but it doesn't bring what it's been which family enforcement. that's why i hope very much that people know fixated on 3 days. but the decent amount of time to get the job done well, and you're saying decent amount of time. um, what do you, what do you mean by that? exactly how long? so when i was dealing with the guns done under the banner, allowed the phones using the boss and people who much longer periods to sure his
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is building the smart battery and the agents, you know, ready? and they look like it supplies, and they're all about these boats and they've stopped. i just worried that the accepted the kind of do relation of the beginning. we don't want to mind the oppression. let's see how it goes. i mean, the all think at least the weakest for the, for the risk donkey. bless the doctor. we must reach on public upfront. and the gaza strip, of course, has been polio free for the last 25 years. so how big of threats is its emergence now? and also, when you said that the pope polio doesn't really respect borders, is it a threats to other regions as well? a super, it's so time through the whole region. always. the convention is very, i'm the adult and countries are probably a much smaller than they are. and also however,
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be doing generalizing security. i've just seen in other countries, a device that spread. i'm the one even on diction. great. sit, go, don't even gone through the eighty's, then the risk gets to come up to other. so i think the getting this, the control inside garza is extremely important. obviously, 1st and foremost of a to them in signed for casa. i'm going to know that the formula is present because a try that's even been assigned to finalize. and if they didn't want to try to do affected them, they can be sure there are others. well, what distracting the virus or do you know, i think it is a little bit too late, even the fucking but the 0 paralysis upfront for you. but this is why i'm a little bit disappointed that we have to wait till the 1st of february. i don't see why we cannot start this to try and go tomorrow. if you can get to the last few days, people have been announcing but a problem,
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but someone is accidentally supplied and everyone is ready and everyone is just waiting for why waiting for something. come up. okay, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much. the doctor my cast capella. thanks for joining us from geneva. thank you. me law more than 30 palestinians have been killed and is really a toxic cross clauses. since thursday morning, several people were killed after a strike on the tents. housing displaced people near the city of con unice. since october, more than 40600000 indians have been killed. most of the victims were women and children as well. the world for the program has suspended the movement of its stuff in gaza after that is really military shot at one of its vehicles cracked windows. so the impact of at least 10 bullets fired at the car that was marked as a u. n. vehicle. the attack happen year and is really check points on tuesday nights. no one was injured. the wsp says if coordinated it's movements with is really military ahead of time in the bodies and dated by the off with more on the
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latest is really strikes. it's still escalating across the god. those 2 plays really force and just targeted a roof stuff. and as the one who's building were a t, 3 policy and children were killed also in drop off and eastern parts of roughly a group of college news were targeted for these 4 policy news were also killed. and this is not the 1st air strikes that have been targeting the gaza strip, but also there has been a couple of targets in the why then in america, areas in there and but also there has been a couple of targets in the western parts of the gulf of cities, grantees, 8 todd is pinions were killed and then um, and which i bought today. palestinians in eastern parts of debt and, but were allowed to go back to their houses after that is where the forces announced that they finished their operation in those areas. policy went back and found
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a massive destruction. they literally did not find any houses. everything has been destroyed. infrastructure schools and some policy. and you said that they set up their tents on over the rubble of their houses. now the fact now is college students are waiting. where is the next evacuation order, and where are they going and going to go next. and then i'll just see it locks a hospital. garza of israel says its military operation and they occupied westbank will continue for several days or longer. it's the 2nd day of israel's largest military operation and the territory in more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in raids on cities and refugee camp since wednesday morning. and that, but i have reports and they occupied westbank or on long as the dead here, a bushy job, the leader of the to look at him, but till the end of palestinian fighters,
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his best was confirmed by his family along side those or 4 other members for those dropped in the middle of the reason which they were killed, fear new and his brother, most of them are spending another. they couldn't find their house outside. their windows is with no family, wants their children to experience reading soldiers and will lose or is accompanied by drones and fight. they're just a storming digital refuge account. we usually distract them by getting them to play . we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as role biggest, $23.00 as sold on the occupied west bank in more than 2 decades. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with what he called thrusts from the okay. probably to us bank like it have endorsed. the foreign policy chief says, such words could be worthy of sanctions. i initiated the procedures. i know that
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was the mander stage. if they want you to go and see the prophy aged, including, you know, a list of sanctions. some of these really mean this, this has been ad launching hate to messages as well says it's main target, this palestinian fighters in full refugee camp. the military says the armed groups are planning attacks against as rainy targets are getting better at making improvised explosive devices for palestinians. these groups are part of resisting israel's decades of occupation. the mazda was waiting to roll hovering overhead. the piercing sound of explosions are a reminder. that's what do you when described as a silent more is not so silent anymore of the day, but he does eat off both. got him. the occupied west bank palestine.
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the one of the united states most senior diplomats has met china as president. she, jim ping, jake sullivan's 1st trip to beijing is us national security advisor. aims to is tension between the superpowers. the meeting comes ahead of a scheduled phone call between the us president joe biden, and she, and coming weeks. president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship to ensure that competition does not be, are in the conflict or confrontation and to work together where our interest align more on this with our white house correspondent, kimberly how it gets. so how is this trip being seen in washington where you are yeah, well, it's be seen as kind of a continuation of the relationship. but in terms of making progress on trying to tap down some of the tensions that has not been achieved today. what we heard from
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the national security adviser is that he was able to raise the us concerns with respect to economic security. particularly when it comes to chinese tech imports into the united states. what he characterized the conversation as it was a vigorous given take. but what was the result was the sort of understanding about the level of national security risk in the united states sees as a result of those imports of chinese technology. and so that is still something that continues to be of great concern to the united states. the u chinese for their part also say that they have their own national security concerns with the china us relationships. so again, this is still an ongoing friction point between the 2 parties and one that they, they say that they will continue to try and manage. so in terms of trying to improve relations and those really haven't been achieved, but in terms of managing it is still maintains
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a status quote. so what should we be looking out for next that well, what we know, as you mentioned, is there is now plan phone conversation between the 2 top leaders, chinese president, she's in pin, and also you as president joe biden. and this is something that we've seen in for mentally through out the, by the administrator. and is that what has been a marked difference between the former administration under donald trump and wherever we saw heightening of tensions between china and the united states. and the binding ministration is but what till 5 and has tried to do is to have these frequent high level conversations in order to try and de escalate the tensions. and so that's what this phone call is on the sidelines of what we believe will be another multi lateral summit is all about today in terms of potential meeting. and the phone call is sort of like
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a continuation of that. but what we also know is that there's another goal in all of this, and that is to really try and put some guard wells on this relationship. i had a very tumultuous time and that is the us selection period that we are in the midst of. and the fact that we don't really know how that election is going to end up, but if it is carmella harris, that is the next president of the united states. well then joe biden wants to say, look at, she has the experience. she has the familiarity of working with chinese leaders under as a vice president for joe biden. and her policies would be very similar to what has already been in place under the, by the ministration. all right, thank you so much. kimberly, how can a court in hong kong has found 2 journalists guilty of publishing seditious content on their websites. so they face up to 2 years in prison. rights groups have condemned the verdict. laura westbrook reports from hong kong. the members of home
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comes media gather to hear the budget of one of the own. this edition trial is the fast in the territory against john list. since it's hyundai, best from british to chinese rule in 1997 edit is jim if we can. and patrick line of the now defunct stein, news and the outlets parent company were found guilty of conspiracy to publish the dishes content. the colonial ears, additional head not being used for decades until 2020 critics say it's now being used to crack down on descent. the court said articles and commentaries published between 20202021 cited hatred against the authorities in beijing and hong kong. during the trial champ, we can testify that the outlet was a platform for free speech. he helped to build stan news into one of the territories leading media groups. it was close to shut down in december 2021 after it was rated by the authorities and had it assets frozen. the case was seen as a test for press freedom in hong kong,
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but national security police see that differently according to the international copeland's on the civil and the political whites of 32. so that, that's the freedom of this nature, is not the answer to one. i mean the into itself, the national security and public safety of the public. all the restrictions can be imposed that the aging impose the national security law on hong kong off to the 2019 process in march, the territory positive own domestic load that increased the maximum jail time for sedition to up to 10 years. if the so called external force was involved, another form is done use editor says generous and hong kong, facing new reality. we are just afraid that it just all depends on your content, but depends on who you are, who you make the speech. on i, i hope that is the and the for the action against the media. i think
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that the freedom of speech is fresh, all the home home. the government insists hong kong still enjoys these freedoms as guaranteed by its own constitution. but they all subject to restrictions as far as these here, se owed the unsuitability, have been restored in the years since the 2019 anti government protests. but the critics, this project is another worrying sign of the limits on freedoms once enjoys in the city. laura westbrook colleges 0 hong kong. spain's prime minister petra sanchez has been visiting cynical as part of a tour of west africa aimed at curbing migration. sanchez says he wants to fight human trafficking on promote legal routes into europe. nicholas hawk reports from the car. on the edge of the african coast is a father, a king for his son. mohammed took her eyes here in senegal. his 8 year old son is in france. an ocean divined to them. but how do you get there when you are
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a mountain with no high school diploma and have barely enough to eat? denied a legal visa to cora has sketched out a plan, brave the perilous atlantic on a wooden boat and sailed to spain. the gateway to europe. i know it didn't, it is, it's a risk journey, but the thing here is that is to i am freeing hardship. i left money to come to the center, got to find a way to europe. the young people are, have their own kind of an apartment. they leave, you know, wait, we can't hear a record at 22000 migrants and refugees from africa have landed on spain shore. so far this year, on a 3 day visit to west africa, a spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is seeking closer cooperation with countries from where migrants depart. he's also signing agreements to allow more visa permits for seasonal migrants. sanchez acknowledges with other european leaders have not. europe needs african migrants to fuel its economy,
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but illegal migration needs to stop. he says that would be that the us, it will be that the most. but it is also essential that people who have arrived illegally in spain returned to their own countries. mainly because such a return seems a clear and strong message of deterrence as to the mafia's and those who put themselves in the hands the compliment. while a police patrol the coast on the beach, we find to egyptian men haggling with traffickers for a place on the next boat to spain. the captain of the vessel says there's no stopping what is a booming and organized trade. he's made the journey twice already. this year we now have local knowledge and technology to avoid being caught. the biggest challenge is the, with the swell of the ocean. on the other sites i get picked up by n g o. i didn't make the journey easier. while some make it undetected, many vanish at sea. for to go out, it's a risk worth taking. he believes that in europe a new and better life awaits him. and his son nicholas hawk. i'll just see where
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the car in a drone attack, just north of sue don's capital cartoon is killed at least 12 people. the strike was carried out by the susan his army in the city of gary. it's trying to reclaim the area from the parent military rapids support forces. and the violence follows flooding that's forced more than a 100000 people from their homes. the when says to don is suffering the world's worst humanitarian crisis. people who fled say they have no where to go. the shirts that have gone to 40 people have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that has not been buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses, and others were swept away by the floods. good evening, hey, but morgan has more from the capital costume. a heavy rains and to a rental floods have killed at least 140 people according to the new government and
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has this place within 30000 families across them safe in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways. the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior assistance is one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials into them. she has met the head of the sovereignty, consul general, have them put the behind and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access. especially because getting access from one area to another, from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the south of the fighting aid from us to these army territories, into areas control by the r a stuff has been handed as well as a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controlled by this. it means army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers when it's tammy and workers have been killed as a try to reach those in need of assistance. and the fact that the 2 sides,
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the signees army and the r as have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year, is yet to actually happened on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially in light of the fact that in addition to the slicing, there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them in hard to reach areas, a wasting, evacuation a way thank you and tearing assistance. but knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies and the fact that they are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance. even more going onto 0, have to still ahead on the all, just to reduce our, the ukraine seizes more territory in russia's kursk region. the use of drones is becoming an integral part of the war.
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the had a lie that was not in the middle east where heavy rain has cooled, flash flooding across the western pumps of yemen. the rain is still the on friday. it's not as heavy as it has been, that we are expecting that to pickup own fat to dave, some heavy bus western areas running off into the west coast of saudi arabia as well elsewhere across the region. it is very hot, very dr. ticket across that event, but temperatures for some of the gulf states offset to come down. places like doha, in katasha to the east, so that we're watching a circulation spinning is the south of pakistan that's set to bring some showers to the border with around. so some unsettled weather here in the days ahead with a one way of unsettled weather across the north of africa with showers for morocco . he'll be developing across moving parts of algeria and the thunder storm warnings remain for southern areas of libya. and that's because it rains across the central
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band of africa. also doing it for the north and expected for this time of year. we're going to see some pre 5th fun this loans on saturday, affecting news. you have some heavy rain as well for 9 cheerio. not to be launch a fine and dry for southern parts of africa, but we've gone. i see gloss that's brought some scenario to table mountain in cape town. it'll bring cool conditions to the east, the sunshine. we'll be back in cape town on saturday. the a sense of belonging. we are very close knit community. everybody knows everybody, and the every day he real keeping communities to get. this is to say, instead of getting a set of my universe, i just eat up, visit scotlands out there a headboard and meet skills fighting to see that either this way of life in the face of its population. a sense of community
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on a just to say, operating current, say if their religion was the fear that you might be left behind, delving into the dockside to reveal how tuesday comes and still fear to exploit and manipulate the journey. powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate, their narratives, and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end the fees on a jersey, the top stories and the i'll just see where it is our the world health organization
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says israel has agreed to areas specific pauses in fighting and gaza to allow a full year vaccination campaign to be carried out, within a 1000000 vaccine doses are ready in gaza. is really a tax on god so have killed at least 30 palestinian since thursday mornings. several people were killed after strike on the 10th housing displaced people near the city of con eunice. a lacrosse central garza is really bombardments has reduced the entire neighborhoods to revel tiny muscle. it has been speaking with palestinians who have been forced to flee multiple times and say they still have no words safe to go. shocking level of devastation here is there's bella, city based in part of the law had been rows for a week. is really military has operated aggressively here, and as you can see, it has destroyed almost all means of life in this neighborhood, the residential buildings, infrastructure, public facilities,
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and we can see entire entire buildings have been flattened completely. this has led to enforcing people into further internal displacements. the what we're looking at is more of a waste land, even if the war has going through and people are coming back to more of the waste land. this is more of an annihilation of this entire neighborhood. and we're just still at the, the, in front of this residential block at the eastern part of the city. i know really shocked by the level of the structure and residents of this neighborhood and making their way back to secondary home. and just see what they're able to salvage from whatever belong is, are lifted inside. we could hear people talking about this really military has left nothing for them. it either. it's either burn their belongs inside the their homes or destroyed all of their houses and flattened them to the ground. and this isn't enough property, but we were forced to evacuate our homes. 5 days later, we came back to see it all in ruins. this picture speaks volumes. we're now
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homeless know where to go. we are now living in the open with no roof over our heads. when the job we're looking, visiting my family's other home in the east, a 4 story building was leveled to the ground. so my father and mother, nephews, nieces, cousins, and brothers and log are all killed a little my family had lost more than 800 members. when i came to this, my family, 2nd home, it is also for on the default we are left with nothing, nowhere to go nowhere to say, just this huge hole on the ground here is caused by at least one ton bonds i've been deployed and used by these really measure the just not only destroyed buildings but the shape, the very foundation of all the residential buildings in the area. what you're seeing here is the aftermath of an intense bombing campaign carried out by these really military for the past week. all of that non stop violence and non stop genocide the last on the ground here because the after method we're looking at here,
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not just the physical landscape of this area has changed, but the psychological and the physical trauma caused. the risen is here as they are pushed into internal displacements. oh, okay. well now speak to him, how many most of the, who's a professor for media studies at the door institute for graduate studies? joining us here in doha, thanks again for your time. so if we just go back to the announcement that was made by the world health organization saying that israel has agreed to area specific pauses in fighting and gaza to allow a pull your vaccination campaign to be carried out. i mean, we hear from 8 agencies as well, but the constant evacuation orders make planning extremely difficult. we just saw one is report where entire neighborhoods are reduced to rubble. how difficult, or how challenging is this campaign going to be? it's going to be incredibly difficult. um, people are terrified not just uh, you know, guys and civilians, but also also a workers. we have to remember that israel has killed approximately 200 u. n staff. they've also killed about
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a $150.00 journalists are. these are both world record figures. you know, there was the tragedy a few months back. i believe it was on april 1st when the world world central kitchen. uh, 8 workers were killed, targeted by israel, clearly marked that they had shared their coordinates with what is real. and then just yesterday, as you all were reporting this world food program, van clearly marked, also had shared it's coordinates with these rarely army. they were targeted. so deed workers are also very scared and that's why the w h o was adamant that if they were going to be able to carry out this vaccination program, a pause in the fighting was going to be absolutely necessary. but do the people, the palestinians and gaza trust that the is released will actually adhere to this to these areas. specific pauses in fighting as being outlined. because we're seeing over and over throughout the 11 months of war is that when palestinians are told to
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go to safe, so called designated safe areas, there then subsequently bond. right. and to your point forensic architecture, which is an independent research, some organizations they did a study in july showing that right after israel had declared a particular area to be safe zone. they proceeded to bomb it at least 10 times in about 3 weeks. so and then this happened repeatedly over the past 11 months, right? israel tells people to go from point a to point b, and then they, they bomb and they bomb point point b. and so people are, are scared. and this is why many palestinians have still refused to evacuate. there are still some palestinians who are for refusing to not follow some of these evacuation orders. and that's one reason why. because they say there is no safe place to begin with. and many will say, look at as a cease fire that is needed right now. if you wanna insure public health safety, it is a cease fire that's needed. where are we now?
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do you think when it comes to a cease fire? and if you look at sort of the bigger picture and look at what's happening across the other palestinian territory, of course in the occupied west bank where the rates are ongoing by, by the is really military. i mean, where do you think things had to next? yeah, i, i think, you know, israel tells us things very clearly and very explicitly, but sometimes for some reason we don't want to believe them. they've told us for months that they have no intention of stopping of stopping this war. i could, if there was time, i could call up a long list of, of statements from that and yahoo and other are top officials so is real, has no intention of stopping. unfortunately, i wish i could tell you something, something different. and i don't think they're going to stop this war on guys on until the united states. and i don't like to use that phrase the international community, because really there's only one entity that's capable of exerting the appropriate pressure on israel. and that is the united states, which is the, i mean, how do you evaluate what the united states is, is sort of it's positioning right now because we hear optimised,
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the comments coming out of us officials, particularly when it comes to any 6 fire talks. well, this is what the us has to say to us has to present itself as a peacemaker and show it's public that it's doing everything that it can. but in reality, the u. s. is putting its full backing behind israel if they wanted to cease fire. they could have forced the ceasefire many, many months ago. so i think we're going to be unfortunately headed for more war and more instability and violence and aggression even in the west bank. unless the united states applies the pressure that it can exert on israel if it wants to. okay, and most of these, thank you so much. the . the european union's foreign policy chief is renewed calls to list restrictions on ukraine's use of western weapons inside russia. she says it's still gaining grounds in the course green june more than 3 weeks after launching
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a surprise incursion into western russia. ukraine and military video released on thursday, shows bombs being dropped on homes in coronado, as were russian soldiers were set to be hiding. so the thrones have become a key weapon for both ukrainian and russian forces in the war. ukraine's drone industry is rapidly expanding as officials looked at gain and advantage on the battlefields. alex could topple us reports from keith on display for all to see the latest generation of land sea and the address being shown to the ukrainian public. the war and ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs and now hundreds of small companies. so how did work developing unmanned system that will help you quine and sold to get the edge of the battlefield? they so desperately need. my, my, we want them to send them. we have to fight with machines with knowledge, not with people. when we send our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback, there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was
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incorporated to keep the guys safe. i'm around to the gathering of informational books and what doesn't is collected on the front blowing to the given to design and then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces . this feedback is a vital component and rapidly speeding up design. while you're doing cool, i think many fixtures need to offer solutions based on feedback, but this week is also in parallel bases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom up strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is what a bones and ask you for designs. it will take to him to be approved loose guidelines to issue to many small companies competing with each other to produce working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much of the road
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at pollution revolution drone does ally and it's not just about weapons seen here this in 50 years old terrain vehicle can transport food into munition, to ukrainian units on the front lines can also take booted soldiers quickly from the battlefields to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine is seen in the explosion in designs of online systems, from se and land. what sort of his crude weapons, and are extremely sophisticated, integrated all levels of the battlefield, but not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how these could topless, how to 0 t. let's speak to peter leaders, the director of the center of defense risk on resilience with the university of portsmouth. joining us from portsmouth gotten that you. okay, welcome to alj, a 0. so in your opinion and your view, how significant has the use of drawing technology been for you creating this for
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it's been significant from the very 1st date. as soon as the russian invasion began very small off the shelf commercially available drones where use with the cameras to follow the con boys to i think by targeting tanks, trucks, other vehicles and also to then provide coordinates to, to tell it a and shoulder. and so it has its own soldiers with show that held at the time i saw it was on the ground. so from the beginning that we're used to. but what's happened recently is a shift from of the cheap off the shelf goings to purpose built, shelf, a purpose built drawings. they can be used to target, not totally within, within the borders of ukraine. but can note penetrate, pardon deeply into russia, hundreds and hundreds of kilometers. and the top targets there and called russia to have to change the focus. so the drum, the drawing development as being quite spectacular in some regards. so do you think that the,
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the sort of the drone development has been able to change the course of the war? and i wouldn't go that far. yes, it's beginning to have a great southern, but the russia has so much resort, so many so many soldiers. it has a massive industrial machine that can generate weapons and munitions, and it can bite of from the international market. so i wouldn't go as far as to say that it's, it's a game changer and yet, but as the ukrainian growing industry is expanding, more and more, i say that tax different targets in russia, russian leadership has stood prioritize. what is it going to defend air defenses? are slower to produce and difficult to use. and so the more of your trading forces rush up to defend areas inside russia. the more life a little bit shots is that those, those resources will be drawn back from ukraine itself. so this is a very clever use of technology, but not a, not a war winning technology,
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but one that might just shift some of the balance and port russia to reconsider its military priorities and how it defends its own air space is trying to dominate the space in your train and the russia and ukraine is challenging, not very effective like, oh it whose the, whose use of drones. by that i mean, russia or ukraine has been significantly larger up until this point. up until this point, i think the ukraine use has to be more significant. i'm not sure about large of it is certainly more significant in, in its efficiency. and you, this, we have done an article a moment ago that the design knows that the ground level having good input into the drawing, manufacture and how we use of what it can be used for. and that innovation is happening at fi speed. that is not happening on the russian side. russia has a much more centralized control. so anyway,
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development is done centrally and then sent out to be used in a specific way on the front line. so your kindness able to adopt much more quickly to russian tactics and vice versa. so i think ukraine is using, drawing more effectively adapting them more quickly and getting more to go benefit and strategic beginning to get strategic benefit. as it advocates further into interruption and target areas of military bases and, and back in storage units, those, those kind of things it can do enough of that will make a difference of time. okay, thank you so much. peter lee, thanks for speaking to us from the okay. thanks. you're still ahead on the i'll just there and who is our our country's going to hell. that's all i can say. opportunity come pass in 2 parties, 2 candidates and 2 completely different messages. we looked at,
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tom le harris and donald trump's rhetoric and the race for the white house. and south korea's top court rules, climate law needs better emissions targets. and a landmark case where an embryo is named as an effective party, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, a, c, u. s. presidential campaign heats up. there are stars differences in style and messages
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from the 2 candidates kinda le harris and donald trump are hoping to appeal to their support bases. i'll try to win over undecided voters. reynolds has more. donald trump's rallies are full of dark pronouncements and personal attacks. we're very close to world war 3 and people don't realize that we're closer than we've ever been. tamela our our country is going to hell. that's all i can say. we're a nation in decline, while campbell harris has a different kind of messaging. our nation with this election has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. america, we are not slowing back. let us know each other in the
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world who we are and what we stand for freedom, opportunity, compassion, scholars of political rhetoric here, appeals to opposite emotions. he has told us repeatedly that everything is now worse than ever, and the we're on the edge of the of the s and that are, we're a 3rd world nation. donald trump represents dues, rolling harris and walls represent hope scrolling. when trump goes all f t often, slings insults. have you heard her laugh? that is the laugh of a crazy person. you know why she hasn't ordered it to be because she's not smart. she's not intelligent. i'm a better looking person, said pamela. let's take some shots too, but it's less personal near policy. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class, not. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. instead he fights for himself
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and his billionaire friends. in many ways, donald trump isn't on the serious man. to find some of their stuff to just be plain weird. an ad hominem attack is attacking the person instead of their argument and what the other responses saying they're out of their mind saying they're weird is actually directly attacking their their argument, right. it's about policy, the question is which rhetorical approach will strike a chord with undecided voters in a handful of swing states? and we won't know the answer to that, to election the rob reynolds how to 0. south korea's constitutional court has made what's seen as a landmark ruling in favor of young environmental lists and judgment found the countries climate laws aren't enough to protect citizens rights sooners kim has more from sole the south korea's climate legislation does not adequately protect
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basic human rights. that's the unanimous ruling by the constitutional court, which has called on the government to do more to curve greenhouse gas emissions. specifically to expand is carbon reduction plans. beyond the year 2030 young activists have welcome the verdict, saying this is just the beginning of the law. i hope this ruling will bring about pray to changes. so children like may won't have to file constitutional complaints in the future. the climate crisis is not a future problem, but a reality that everyone is facing right now. the south koreans like much of the world have experienced i'm seasonal weather patterns recently. summer is marked by powerful storms and a series of record hard nights, worse and the quality of life and driving up fuel prices. the crux of the lawsuit is that the government's commitment to cut carbon emissions like 290000000 tons by 2030. simply is not enough. they also accused the government of not prioritizing
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climate policies pointing to it's heavy reliance on fossil fuels, environmental of say, it's time for a change order from google, the routing concerns that kind of changes fundamental right? to see that everyone has the right to be safe from its impact. whether this right is upheld depends on the actions we take from now on the questions. you know, the environment ministry has promised to implement. follow up measures. the government will need to work with a national assembly to draft updated legislation before the court deadline of february 2026. this case follows a verdict kind of down in switzerland. in april. the european court of human rights ruled in favor of 2000 elderly women who argued the government wasn't doing enough to protect them from heat waves. at other extreme weather events, you don't catch them. don't put another touch it too. i would be say, side is my children never experience to be useful spring day if we can't prevent it, even if i'm sad, i think it's necessary to cherish and live each day how to how to do with
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a legal mandate in hand. the young activists and their parents have pledge to keep up the pressure on authorities to ensure difficult decisions are made in order to protect the world. they'll inherent unit skim oh to 0. so 5000000 people have been told to leave their homes as japan is hit by one of the strongest type foods. in decades, sean sean launched the south west on thursday, killing at least 4 people. at least $237000.00 homes are without power of thousands of dead fish have collected in the waters around the greek port of bolos, after a mass dial spots to be linked to climate fluctuations. freshwater fish came from lake carla and central greece. van body will progress the course of the pack of such a gulf comp be treated as if it were a rubbish dump. potentially the company used as landfill successfully. this is
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what's happening now. the 2nd to potentially see was widespread pollution from pathogens that could develop potentially harming marine mammals in the gulf, such as dolphins in total sales, we don't know yet the full extent of the damage. we'll have to see how things develop over the next few days. we worry tucker room at the paralympic. games are officially underway in paris. as over 50000 people lined the french capital for the opening ceremony, tom size lent has more of the paris 2024. 11th days of school. thing action has committed this power. suppose the power olympic games and for the 1st time you are opening ceremonies to the event has been staged outside of the stadium. a warm summer evening will convey the full 1000 current athletes along the she wants to these a and through to the plants, telecom called by the vendors that define frank society carries
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stronger meaning than ever before to the best in the rights to leave freely. and without oppression, it got to every person with a disability deserves the opportunity to thrive and leave life free from barriers, free from discrimination and free from marginalization. the olympics. opening ceremony space along the river, sending to rental conditions 6 weeks ago, was heavily criticized wednesday night spectacle was treated as a success organizer say over 2000000 tickets have been sold for the event so far. that was a crazy good, wonderful, wonderful, i need to get some of the nancy on the
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way or where the actually and the china be the dominant force of the game stretching back to 2004 bill looks to keep that record going. as the parent athletes competes of $549.00 gold medals across $22.00 paralympics sports pump size and which is 0. 0, okay, that's for me. thanks for watching us to hell rahman is with you in just a moment and he'll have much more of the day's news and all the latest headlines. thanks for watching all 20, the documents receiving, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities tackled to these environmental catastrophe. we journey across new mexico and meet those will fight to protect their culture and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and pollution on their secret land. first nations frontline native
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nations voices of survival. knowledge of hard hitting interviews is israel. it no political piece. i think that's the new thing, the f one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the present as another name
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for the effective he had the story on talk to how does era the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the . ready ready ready if you want to, i'll just bear with me. so robert, endo ha, reminder of all the top news stories, the world health organization says israel has agreed to limited pauses in finding him garza to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin. the with agency says the polls this will take place over 3 days in different areas of the strip. because it's helpful, socrates say that they recorded the 1st case of the debilitating disease in the strip for 25 years. hey, groups of blame,
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the re emergence of part of the as well as the destruction of water and sanitation facilities that make pipe


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