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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the safe, the meeting, and comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the, the w. h. o says israel has agreed to limited pauses in financing and certain positive garza to allow a polio vaccination campaign. the silver albany watching. notice they were like, well, headquarters here in the hall also coming up as well. pushes on with as offensive in the west side despite widespread global condemnation. a push to stabilize relations. the us national security adviser means present changing things as he
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runs stuff his visit to china. also trying to stop the flow of illegal migrants from fence cricket, spain's prime minister is in san diego. the welcome to the fact of the world health organization says israel has agreed to limited pauses and fighting in gaza to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin the wood agencies as the polls. this will take place during 9 am a windows over 3 days in different areas of the strip causes helpful if i were to say they've recorded the 1st case of the debilitating disease industry for 25 years . now, 8 groups of blame, the re emergence of polio on as well as destruction of water and sanitation facilities. read chemical is e w h. i is representative in the occupied west bank and gaza. he says, mold in a 1000000 vaccine dose is already in the strip a, a 2 rows of explanation to bang the he's will actually stars in the 1st of
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september. so in a guy that you're drones to convey the policy, the ministry of health and calibration of its virtual units and why and far from this bill provides a bill. bill provide 2 drops to noval world polio vaccine time to focus on the feature to more than 614000 children on the 10 years of age. christians like me to, as we know from the united nations. and it seems christian that the un has been talking about the w h has role in terms of distribution, humanitarian aid, and what their operation is like. so following garza to yes and this announcement that this agreement was reached with israel and the world health organization to distribute these vaccines is a huge relief to the international community here,
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the humanitarian community. here, it's something that they've been calling for. of course they say so much more is needed to get life saving a to the people of gaza. but this in particular was a growing concern given how easily this disease spreads amid on the sanitary conditions. so let's go over what they've agreed to there. there's temporary pauses uh 8 to 9 hours a day for this vaccination campaign to get underway. as you mentioned, the gaza strip has been divided into 3 areas, central south and north guys, a w h o workers will have 3 days in each of those areas to vaccinate children under 10. and if they need more time, they say that is real as agreed to give them an extra day if needed. and the w h o officials are saying that they expect it will be needed given the difficult
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situation that they are facing their they have the supplies, they have what they need. they have more than 2100 workers ready to provide the vaccinations. but of course, getting around gaza is so difficult and so dangerous right now, due to the destruction of infrastructure and people being relocated, they have to let people know where to go and give them time to get there and so on and so forth. but this is considered a very big breakthrough for humanitarians that at least this minimal access is being granted with a promise of us stop to the fighting for 8 to 9 hours a day while it's going on. yeah, the logistics, i'm sure one of the questions that many of the security council members would have been asking about, i mean, what else are they saying? what else did they say this evening as well, the security council is meeting as we speak, in fact, it's an emergency meeting that was called by the united kingdom and switzerland in
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response to the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation. and that includes the threats of polio, as well as a recent incident where a world food program convoy was shot at by is really forces forcing them to suspend their a deliveries. again, they say they have aid, they are working to get it to the people who need them need, who need it. but moving around is just impossible for them, especially when you're talking about big truckloads full of food and medical supplies. 11 percent of gaza is where all it is. only 11 percent of gaza is considered safe. that's where people have been relocated to. and we just heard from a humanitarian saying that every square foot available space is taken up by people trying to find some place to sleep. so moving around and getting a to people who have conditions, it's just getting harder and harder. and what we're hearing from members of the
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security council is a need for a more permanent ceasefire in order to address these concerns and something the security council has called for and endorsed, but still hasn't happened. it is especially important for israel to facilitate access for agencies carrying out the vaccination campaign and for it to ensure periods of calm and refrain from military operations during vaccination campaign periods. we urge israel to avoid further evacuation orders during this period. the bottom line is that a humanitarian is on the ground, including you in agencies and other n g o's must be provided the space and security conditions to distribute vaccines, and inoculate the at risk population and to do so safely. children's lives depend on their success to and the united states also called on israel to provide safe access for humanitarian workers and to investigate that
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world food program. shooting, they said that is real attributed to a miscommunication between the forces on the ground, even though the united nation says that the coordinates of the convoy had been worked out, agreed upon prior to it, it was a marked convoy and we heard some very strong words from the us and basset, or calling on israel to investigate attacks on humanitarians and make sure that they indeed do stop christmas before us the even the h q in new york. thank you know, 10 months old, published any baby in garza has been possibly powerlines from pony in the 1st consent case and the strip to move in 25 years. the baby's mother's eyes had somebody, has been displaced numerous times, which is the reason the son was not vaccinated there. and while i can show who knows how to kind of become chime and is that the issue that i'm going to
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presented at a me mechanic, a mechanic has to have different than others have a loss. and given, clever last shot in or show laws, either from man, from the my shoes and on that as much as we can, you have a ton of whom should have been asked for these. i was under control of the stuff the what are the power of the sources on what i am showing is how was that to them? such are the lock. so i put in, in the get mechanical in my model to call the alien and it was supposed to be on the 9. i mean, i, you know, at some know that's i have it in the heat haven and much, and i'm in a kind of sort of miami source within noise named. so i got a lot of tools presented of how to scan. i have the relation as it also shows,
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you know, some little given the head when i know if there's a few n as in autumn, can have a if i had some shy fish as old as that's the longest play. macnado last one of my mileage and move as to is that individuals who just adore new customs area and then coming out to the am not a small hey, a zoom and have we kind of in 77 we met in marshall. we usually have exec i've been going out of there and that's just we separate lot we have we're gonna try and i'm in the low. this family met him in 9 as when i and so to look as competitive as a folder emergencies director of the world health organization. he says, winning the trust of the palestinian population will be crucial for a high vaccination. right? it is not a question of a good enough go and the least 90 percent, if not, move
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a weekly needed, including the little ones who are uh you know, uh, hidden away in here and there in the cottage pounds and uh, all those other locations. i'm guessing too many of them will be for many of them will know what's going on because they've already been uh, a bone to dislike to a big a showed up the safety, giving me about patient orders and so on. so i'll protect from the agencies of plus winning the trust of the people for the $2400.00. and that must be absolutely right, but it doesn't bring what is big screen really important? that's why i hope very much that people have fixated on 3 days, but the decent amount of time to get the job done. meanwhile, more than 30 palestinians have been killed in as many times across the gulf strip since thursday morning. several people were killed for a strike on tens housing displays. people that are associated con unice. since october, more than 30600 palestinians have been killed legs to the victims where women and
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children. the program has suspended the movement of its stuff in gulf after these, right? the military shouts at one of its vehicles as mentioned by questionnaire cracked window, show the impact of at least 10, bullets, 5 that the call that was marked as a un vehicle of the attack happened. david is right in the checkpoint on tuesday night, no more was injured. the wsp says it toward today to its movements with these right . the middle tree ahead of time includes a, as in data by with bull on the latest is ready strikes. and it's still escalating across the god, those 2 plays really forces just targeted our roof stuff. and as the one who's building were a t 3 policy you children were killed also in drop off in eastern parts of roof or a group of hot listing youths were targeted for at least 4 policy news were also killed. and this is not the 1st air strikes that have been targeting the gaza strip,
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but also there has been a couple of targets in the why the in, in america area in there and, but also there has been a couple of targets in the western parts of the gulf of cities, grantees, 8 palestinians were killed. and i'm and which i bought today, palestinians in eastern parts of bidding, but now we're allowed to go back to their houses after that is where the forces announced that they finished their operation in those areas. policy mean went back and found a massive destruction. they literally did not find any houses. everything has been destroyed. infrastructure schools and some policy. and you said that they set up their tents on over the rubble of their houses. now the facts now is palestinians are waiting. where is the next evacuation order, and where are they going to going to go next? and then i'll just see it all off to the hospital because of palestine. israel says it's been a trip ration of the occupied. west bank will continue full several days or longer
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is the 2nd day of israel's largest military operation in the territory for more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in rates on cities and refugee come since wednesday morning. the abraham repulse, the meal supplied with bank on long as the dead. hear a bushy job, the leader of the to look at him, but till the end of palestinian fighters, his best was confirmed by his family along side those or 4 other members. for those dropped in the middle of the rate in which they were killed. fear new and his brother, most of them are spending another they couldn't find their house outside. their windows is with no family wants their children to experience reading soldiers and bulldozers accompanied by drones and fight. they're just old storming digital refuge account. we usually distract them by getting them to play. we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives
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and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as role biggest, $23.00 as sold on the occupied west bank in more than 2 decades. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with what he called thrusts from the okay. probably to us bank like it have endorsed. the foreign policy chief says, such words could be worthy of sanctions. i initiated the procedures. i know that was the mander stage. if they want you to go and see the prophy aged, including, you know, at least of science and some easier way to administer this has been ad launching hate to messages as well says it's main target, this policy and fighters in full refugee camp. the military says the armed groups are planning attacks against as rainy targets are getting better at making improvised explosive devices for palestinians. these groups are part of resisting
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israel's decades of occupation. the above is weighted roll hovering overhead. the piercing sound of explosions are a reminder that what do you, when described as a silent more, is not so silent anymore. that but he does eat a 4th guide in the occupied westbank, palestine. the united states, the city of to 2 minutes has met china is present changing, paying st. sullivans the strip to basing as us national security advisor aims to ease the tension between the super powers. the meeting comes ahead of a scheduled phone call between us president j by the end presidency in the coming weeks. president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship to ensure that competition does not be or in the conflict or confrontation,
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and to work together. we're interest align cable to help it has more about drake sullivan's visit from the whitehouse in terms of whether the national security advisor jake sullivan's trip to china was a success. it was not 100 percent, according to the words is the national security advisor. it was a vigorous given take, but there was not an actual agreement coming out of those meetings. instead, what he says he was able to do was to raise us concerns about the import of chinese technology into the united states. and how that does affect not only us national security, but also economic security. the other goal of this meeting was to try and, or rather the 2 days of meetings was to try and send the message ahead of the us election in november. that if comma la harris is the correct us, vice president of the by the administration is to become the next president of the
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united states. but she does have the experience of dealing with china is leaders that she would be able to carry on what is currently a somewhat stable relationship between the united states and china. the message that was sent by the national security advisor is that harris chairs biden's view of what has been under joe biden, a responsible managing of the complexities of the us china relationship. and, but she shares what joe biden shares, and that is that they believe that a high level of communication is the best way to manage the friction points and tension between the 2 nations. now all of this comes ahead of what we expect will be a high level conversation between the 2 leaders. not only is the us president expected to have a phone call with china as president, she's in ping, but there is the possibility in the future. 5 of an in person meeting in the fall,
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potentially on the side lines of an upcoming summit that will be multi lateral in nature. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house are still the head on al jazeera, well as to home. come john, with some guilty of submission to the case that strolled international scripts. they found this upgrades to pools climate loading. that's it. and emissions targets with a lot more case where the embryo, his name as the secretary policy, the the hello. how so when they pretty much sums up the weather across australia at the moment? still logically as guys, full many down towards the south 20 pac, the ice above. and we're looking at wave. is there any rattling through the fight?
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severe weather warnings enforced the fall. se encoded particularly into victoria into tasmania. some must be showers, reckoning the way through. then as we go on through friday, but further north it is about the hates into the meet the high thirty's once the game for alice. 37 celsius him friday afternoon. so 83 celsius and rising in brisbin. if you've got a fit $35.00 come saturday, that will be a new winter record full price, but inside the heat, very much in place. and that continues to be going into sun by $33.00, a possibility. so how we came here? well, that's probably about the cost montalvo strategy. still some shelves into the southeastern corner, longest spells of frame that has mania west to whether making his way towards new zeta. in plenty of wet weather making his way into japan. of course, with our tie fairly, there's a weakening feature, but some very heavy right is a southern areas of japan as we go through friday into a sas day. some of these pos could see maybe 200 to 500 millimeters afraid it will
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cause flooding implants slides the on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the fuel fields. that would be so robin. and remind the volatile stories. the world health organizations as well, has agreed to area specific pools in fund to getting calls a to allow a posting vaccination campaign to be carried out more than a 1000000 vaccine. those is already in gaza is rarely as 100 phone calls that have killed at least 30 pallets today. and since thursday morning, several people were killed after sprinkled 10000 displaced people there. the city of call need is it. israel says it's military operation. the occupied west bank will continue for several days or longer. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in rates on the cities with refugee comes since wednesday morning. space. probably minutes of hetero, sanchez has been visiting, setting up as part of a total of west africa and cutting migration such
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a sense that he wants to fight to human trafficking and promote legal roots into europe. nicholas huck has moved from dotcom on the edge of the african coast. is a father, a king for his son? mohammed 2 cries here in senegal. his 8 year old son is in france. an ocean divined to them. but how do you get there when you are a mountain with no high school diploma and have barely enough to eat the night? illegal visa to cora has sketched out a plan, brave the perilous atlantic on the wooden boats and sailed to spain. the gateway to europe. i know it didn't, it is, it's a risk journey. but the thing here is that is to i am freeing hardship. i left money to come to the center, got to find a way to europe. the young people are, have their own kind of an apartment. they leave, you know, wait, we can't hear is a record of 22000 migrants and refugees from africa have landed on spain shore so far this year. on a 3 day visit to west africa,
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a spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is seeking closer cooperation with countries from where migrants depart. he's also signing agreements to allow more visa permits for seasonal migrants. sanchez acknowledges with other european leaders have not. europe needs african migrants to fuel its economy, but illegal migration needs to stop. he says, yes, it will be that that much. but it is also essential that people who have arrived and legally in spain returned to their own countries. mainly because such a return seems a clear and strong message of deterrence as to the mafia's and those who put themselves in the hands the compliment. while a police patrol the coast on the beach, we find 2 egyptian men haggling with traffickers for a place on the next boat to spain. the captain of the vessel says there's no stopping what is a booming and organized trade. he's made the journey twice already. this year we now have local knowledge and technology to avoid being caught. the biggest challenge is the,
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with the swell of the ocean and the other sites i get picked up by n g o. i didn't make the journey easier. while some make it undetected, many vanish at sea. for to go out, it's a risk worth taking. he believes that in europe a new and better life awaits him. and his son nicholas hawk. i'll just see where the car. i am trying to type just knowles of citizens, capital call to him is killed at least 12 people. the strike was carried out by the sudanese on me, in the city of economy. it's trying to reclaim the area from the pile of minute power, military rapids support forces the southern but falls more than a 100000 people from their homes. the one says that on is suffering, the wells was the amount of terry and crisis. people who fled say they've called nowhere to go. and i said, i'm not sure i have going to 40 people. i have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that have not been buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses,
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and others was swept away by the slot to the morgan has moved from the capital call to the heavy rains. enter rental floods have killed at least 140 people. according to this with the new government and has this place more than 30000 families across them safe in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways, the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior assistance is one of the issues that the you and deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials and put them she has met the head of the sovereignty council. general. i have them put that behind and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access, especially because getting access from one area to another uh from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the south of the fighting aid from us to these army territories. into areas controlled by the r as that has been handed, as well as
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a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controls by the signees army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers. humanitarian workers have been killed as they try to reach those in need of assistance. and the fact that the 2 sides, the signees army and the iris have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year is yet to actually happen on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially lights of the fight. but in addition to the flight thing, there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them in hard to reach areas, a wasting, evacuation a way thank you and tearing assistance with knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies and the fact that they are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance people morgan algebra. how soon as the quotes in hong kong, as sound to jim is guilty of publishing,
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sufficient content on the websites that they face up to 2 years in prison. but scripts have condemned the verdict over westbrook a pull. so from uncle mendez of hong kong is media gather to hear the budget of one of the own. this edition trial is the fast in the territory against john list, since it's time to invest them versus the chinese rule in 1997 edit is jim if we can. and patrick line of the now defunct stein, news, and the outlets parent company were found guilty of conspiracy to publish the dishes content. the colonial ears additional had not been used for decades until 2020 critics say it's now being used to crack down on descent. the court said articles and commentaries published between 20202021 incited hatred against the authorities in beijing and hong kong. during the trial champ, we can testify that the outlet was a platform for free speech. he helped to build stan news into one of the
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territories leading media groups. it was close to shutdown in december 2021 after it was rated by the authorities and had it assets frozen. the case was seen as a test for press freedom in hong kong, but national security police see that differently according to the international copeland's on the civil and political whites of 32. so that, that's the freedom of this nature, is not the answer to one. i mean the into itself, the national security and public safety of the public, all the restrictions to being posted the aging, imposed in national security. you know, on hong kong, off to the 2019 process in march, the territory positive own domestic load that increased the maximum jail time for sedition to up to 10 years is the so called external force was involved. another form is done, use editor says generous and hong kong, facing new reality. we are just afraid that it all depends on your content,
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but depends on where you are, who you will make a speech on i, i hope that is the and the for the action against the media. all i think that the freedom of speech is french all the home phone. the government insists hong kong still enjoys these freedoms as guaranteed by its own constitution. but they all subject to restrictions as far as these here say old, the on stability have been restored in the years since the 2019 anti government protests. but for critics, this project is another worrying sign of the limits on freedoms once enjoys in the city. laura westbrook colleges 0 hong kong. 5, many people have been told to leave the homes as depends hits by one of the strongest type students in decades. shaun shaun the last the south west on sized a killing at least 4 people. at least 23700000 times
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without power south coast constitutional cold has made what seen those a lot ruling in favor of young environmentalist judgment the front of the country's climate laws aren't enough to protect citizens rights seen as kim found us from sole south korea's climate legislation does not adequately protect basic human rights. that's the unanimous ruling by the constitutional court, which has called on the government to do more to curve greenhouse gas emissions. specifically to expand it's carbon reduction plans. beyond the year 2030 young activists have welcome the verdict, saying this is just the beginning of the law. i hope this ruling will bring about pray to changes. so children like may won't have to file constitutional complaints in the future. the climate crisis is not a future problem, but a reality that everyone is facing right now. south koreans like much of the world


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