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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the the console robber, they want to be all just the renews online for the headquarters here in the home. also coming up in the next 60 minutes, the w i chose says israel has agreed to limited pauses in fighting and set them positive garza to allow for a po to vaccination campaign. what, what tax and threatening rhetoric against the u. n. and mandatory. and she owes it to stop us security council members calling as well to ensure the safety of
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humanitarian work as a concept of to sol. just find on a claim off to you and vehicle also a push to stabilize relations to us. national security adviser needs present teaching thing as events of his visit to china. and the case new government makes a diplomatic push in europe as the prime minister can't stop the post holes with the french presidency by the crow. the welcome to the news i will be getting calls, so limited pauses and fighting have been announce to allow, desperately needed polio vaccines into the strip. the world health organization sizes royal has agreed to a series of area specific pauses earlier this month. helpful forward, he's recorded gauze as fast case of polio and nearly 3 decades. age groups say that disease is being badging because water and sanitation facilities have been decimated by the role poles in the fight to get you to begin on sundays. but in the
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meantime, is there any of times hoping that top the latest strikes so the out of this refugee kind of of killed at least 9 people and dozens will have been killed since told on the state. the united nations security council has been meeting to discuss the wall representatives have been calling on as well to ensure palestinians can safely access the vaccines locust and slightly choice from the united nations. you'd be listening in to the security council of what they've been saying. let's just talk about what they'd be saying about the vaccine rollout and the hope that lots of people across the gaza strip will be able to access well, this was a welcome announcement for the security council in the international community that had been voicing increasing alarm over the possibility of the spread of polio amid the children of gaza. and the announcement came just before
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a security council meeting that was called by the united kingdom in switzerland. again, very concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in gaza. but the w h o briefing council members said that the agreement not perfect, not ideal, but something that they can work with. they've divided the gaza strip into 3 zones, middle south and north, and they will spend 3 days at minimum, in each of those zones, trying to reach $640000.00 children under the age of 10. and that's just the 1st dose. there's a 2nd dose that they'll have to do as well. and they've gotten an agreement from israel if they need to go an extra day beyond 3 days. they can do that. they say that's very likely something that they will need. but they've got more than 2100 workers ready to go to make this happen. very difficult circumstances to get it done. but they're committed and they're relieved. at least this baby step
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forward, given the deteriorating humanitarian situation, that is a deteriorating humanitarian situation. chris to been sol, so a deteriorating security situation. so if a agencies are going to try and get this polio vaccine out, what hope today have of security when the u. n's own vehicles are being targeted by these rallies. they want to, the un security council have to say about this, are you, i absolutely, the world food program has suspended it's a deliveries because one of their convoys was shot at several times. luckily, no one was injured. even after the un, coordinated with israel, about the location of the convoy and what they were doing, it was all approved. israel apparently says that there was a miscommunication between their headquarters and the people on the ground. this
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according to the united states and bassett, or who discuss that during the security council meeting. but the united states said israel has to do better. here's what the in baset are said. the simple fact is almost 11 months into this conflict incident such as yesterday's, remain all too common. we are also concerned by another incident in which the idea of fire toward the unicef vehicle the security incidents make the work of these organizations significantly harder. these incidents should not happen is, are almost not only take ownership for its mistakes, but also take concrete actions to ensure the audio does not fire on you in personnel. again, for the all attacks and threatening rhetoric against the un engine monitoring. and cios need to stop and of course,
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that's just one of the concerns for humanitarians. it's so difficult to move around guys, because so many people have been forced to move so many times only about 11 percent of gaza is considered safe. and according to you, on officials, every square foot of available space is being used to house people on the run and their families. there's been 16 displacement orders over the course of one week, according to the us. that's a new record in terms of forcing people to move in. it's just k us making contacting people, getting a to them and moving anywhere are extremely difficult. christmas thing that for us at the new thanks, chris know 10 months old published any baby in garza has been possibly paralyzed in public. in the 1st confirmed case in the strip for more than 25 years. the baby's mother says her family has been displaced. numerous times,
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which is the reason the son was not vaccinated there. and while i'm going show her how to download the time chime in this afternoon, i'm in my lot. ation that i'm going to present hold at a me mechanic and we can use as will have different on how this how i'm off and given clever nash. i have an, i'll show a lot of that of mine from the my shoes and i'm the finance us. we can use how, what kind of food to the veterans please. a little bit said, one of the stuff, the what i mean, how does all sorts of fun? what's the name showing us? how was that to them such as i like? so i put in and get mechanical in my model to all the alien as well. have them and i, and i mean i, you know what some of us have in our business men look to see what
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haven and match and i'm, i'm a chemist on my end you start with the noise name. so i got a lot of tools presented of how to scan. i have the relation as it also shows, you know, some new and give me the head when i look as see a n, as in autumn, can had a if i had some shy fish, as old as that's the longest play, mcmann, what, it's a lot of my mileage and move as to is that individuals who just adore new customs area and then coming back to the am not a small hey is room and have a car 1177. we met in marshall. we usually have exec, i've been going out of there and let's just talk lisa who is lot we have we're gonna try and i'm in the low fan and not a man. i knows when i talk to bunker tyrese's spokes person for the world health organization enjoys us from geneva. dealt time is always good to see you on the
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program. can you confirm the roll out is going to happen on the 1st of september. why do people in garza have to wait another 48 hours? if so you could just use the have well, a way saying it is um something we don't want anybody to do. but we want to be sure that everything's in place. and one of the critical things is this preliminary commitment to area specific, tremendous harry and forces that this may. so the pause is why don't you happen in certain places at certain times. and we have to ensure that the vaccinate is, can move around in safety and as opposed to parents and children can reach the vaccination points, insights. so it's good news, obviously, to have access to the route into garza in some form. so let's just clarify about the logistics. i mean, you've touched on it, just that, how are these vaccines going to end to the strip
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a by what route if there were 3 particular zones that these ladies of the ball k to to succeed is, are actually already in the street. we've already just leave it as a 1260000 doses of vaccines, along with 500 vaccine cherry. is there things you pull country late, is that keep them at the temperature and is absolutely critical that the vaccine is kept at the right temperature. otherwise it's no good, so everything really has to be in place. we do manage to get all that equipment in . we've also managed to train a $1200.00 a day to is and community outreach workers who will be doing the hard yards. who will be getting out there and reaching all the families. but the really critical. 5 speech is the guarantee of safety and security. i see you've answered my next question, which the interesting, cuz you just said you've got over a 1000 people who trained vaccinate is how do you being able to do that in a zone way? people have been told that they've got to move constantly and that way every year
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is safe and that i thing to all of that. you've had medics that have been killed out of hospitals and medical facilities that nile unusable. certainly it hasn't been easy. uh, one of the things to that of polio program is it has worked in the most difficult places. for instance, after i was done during a continuing conflict there, i, myself worked in d. c, on polio in the middle of conflict. but this has been particularly difficult, so right now we stopped by a training the, the people who will be training the rest of the people and cost cutting it down. so we train some people, me in jordan, then train all the people who further train people within the street. so even though of course we couldn't bring a huge team in, we do have quite a lot of people in the street. and also remember when doing this with one row,
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who's got? no, that's a fantastic a infrastructure. they're the ones who provide most of the basic primary healthcare in the um, in ga sir, and of critical to ensuring that everyone has reached, it might sound like i'm trying to reinvent the wheel here. but time is of the essence. so might say it's, it's starting late, as we mentioned at the beginning of this interview because of may be, is riley, bureaucracy, and gauze. and in security, i mean, they have about 2 major factors that have to be considered. i mean, was changed in the dynamics of this particular polio drive for you to tell us that you've managed to get the equipment and the personnel in position. i think it's really exactly like you related to the urgency of the situation. you know, we've already got one little boy paralyzed. that's one little boy too many. uh we, but terrible to we've. we've got the perfect storm in terms of enabling
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a virus like pulling you know, just spread like wildfire because you've got no clean water that you bought for, for sanitation, you but overcrowding. so for us, what has been the drive has been the agency and the need. and so we have done everything possible to get to this point time. and she talked about, i've got a son being one particular scenario that the w h. i have had experience solve garza and what's been happening with the boy on caused by as well as something very different that for the last 10 months there are always challenges seen and unseen. ahead. i mean, what can you tell us a certain will happen when it comes to this vaccine getting to those that need it? most of what can we not full see in terms of i'm thinking of it spread. so if we can rachel, the children we need to reach, and we said as a very ambitious target, we want to reach over 260-0000 children and 640000 children because
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that's every child on the 10 does. this is a very strange. it hasn't been seen in gaza. full well it hasn't been seen and goes and the children who are vaccinations but not section 8 with the kind of back saying that would protect themselves against is there and strange. that's why we've taken this very large number of children and we need to reach over 90 percent of those children to be successful. so what we will be doing as of x age sex and i just will be doing is, is going to, as they gave us a to reach it every child. so many of the children and parents will come to big sites, but they will also be outreach teams that go to $10.00 to $10.00 to go to all the people who come come out. well had terrified old a simply not is full. so it's not possible to, to move around. and then we'll also need to do several rounds of this because we
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showed him as children. this happens in every campaign, no matter where we are, you missed children, and you really, really, really need to reach them all. so if we don't reach them, i think that's what you mean by the i know we will see many, many cases. it will be many cases of, of children to become paralyzed or even worse call you can kill me. i'm sure we'll be speaking to you more about this as the sessions have put a back sedation begin and progress. but for that i've been to dr. monica time is always good to speak to you from geneva. thank you for joining us and t mobile. 13 palestinians have been killed and is rarely get types across calls that since thursday morning, several people were killed on for a strike on tens housing displaced people that the city of con unice. since october, more than $40600.00 palestinians have been killed, most of the victims with women and children includes res instead of bella with more
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on the latest is riley strikes. it is still escalating across the god. those 2 plays really voices just targeted. our roof stuff and as the one who's building were a t 3 policy you children were killed also in drop off in eastern parts of roof or a group of hot listing youths were targeted for at least 4 palestinians were also killed. and this is not the 1st air threats that have been targeting the gaza strip, but also there has been a couple of targets in the why the and in america area in that and, but also there has been a couple of targets in the western parts of the gulf of cities, grantees 8 todd, is pinions were killed. and i'm and which i bought today, palestinians in eastern parts of debt and but now we're allowed to go back to their houses. after these reports has announced that they finish their operation in those areas. policy mean went back and found
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a massive destruction. they literally did not find any houses. everything has been destroyed. infrastructure schools and some policy. and you said that they set up their tents and over the rubble of their houses. now the fact now is palestinians are waiting, where is the next evacuation order, and where are they going to going to go next? and i'll just see it all off to the hospital because of policy go. central goals was really bombardment has reduced in time neighborhoods to rubble, honey. but nate has been speaking with palestinians. they've been false to 3 multiple times as a they still have that was safe to go. the sucking level of vision here is there is the city based in part of all i have been rows for a week is really military has operated aggressively here. and as you can see, it has destroyed almost all means of life in this neighborhood, the residential buildings, infrastructure, public facilities, and we can see entire entire buildings have been flattened completely. this has led
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to enforcing people into further internal displacements that what we're looking at is more of a waste land, even if the war has going through and people are coming back to more of the waste land. this is more of a and i a lation of this entire neighborhood and we're just still at the, the, in front of this residential lock at the eastern part of the city. i know really shocked by the level of destruction of residents of this neighborhood and making their way back to secondary home. and just seeing where they are able to salvage it from whatever belongings are lifted inside. we could hear people talking about this really military has left nothing for them. it either. it's either burned their belongs inside the their homes or destroyed all of their houses and flattened them to the ground. and that's not even when we were forced to evacuate her homes. 5 days later, we came back to see it all and ruins this picture. speak slowly,
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and we're now homeless. know where to go. we are now living in the open with no roof over our heads. the job, we're luck in prison. my family's other home in the east, a 4 story building was leveled to the grounds of my father and mother. nephew's nieces, cousins, and brothers in law were all killed. i'm not of my family had lost more than 800 members. when i came to this, my family, 2nd home, it is also flat and the what we're left with, nothing nowhere to go nowhere to say, just this huge hole on the ground here is caused by at least one ton bonds that been deployed and used by this really military, they're just not only destroyed buildings, but these saves the very foundation of all the residential buildings in the area. what you're seeing here is the aftermath of an intense bombing campaign carried out by these really military for the past week. all of the non stop violence and non stop genocide deluxe on the ground here,
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because the aftermath of we're looking at here, not just the physical landscape of this area has changed, but the psychological and the physical trauma cause the reason is here as they are pushed into the internal displacements, 2 days into a major is ready, assault will be occupied, westbank impala city, and say, these really all be as deliberately targeting its refugee comes. he's really forced to say that cracking donald fighters, but tell us to be and say that they have other motives that abraham repulse of them took them in the occupied westbank too scared to leave her alone. relatives of december come, i asked her to leave the tooth cutting but a few g. com account because of what a for that is really forces where did arity on wednesday part of the biggest assault on the occupied to us banking more than 2 decades. the fulton come home, but what they used to leave us women alone. now after october, the 7th, the shooting left right and centre. my neighbor was killed in the camp. she was
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just making coffee in her home. copeland to continue the salt mix. i'm too worried to stay in their home. so one place where they should feel safe at home. how are you? i'm of these radio occupations, creating an environment to push people out by destroying the infrastructure, almost completely cutting electricity and water. they want to lead people with nothing, so they would ultimately have no other option but to leave on their own. to get him and jeanine have seen the largest raids and highest numbers of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since the war and got the started. this intensifying air strikes, hundreds of rooms damaged roads, destroyed, the latest killed as mohammed job, but the head of the tude cutting battalion, and a few others. he was a young man is real, considered one of its most wanted. some people have fled. the com totaled this evaluation is only temporary and dependent on the user 80 forces leaving that
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running away from the terror for a while, no one's talking about leaving the cam pulls together is right in the army says it's targeting palestinian fighters, members of arms functions, but palestinians believe is released targeting what these comp time for resisting these radio occupation and reinforcing refugees right. to return to their line. if you get home, it goes away from her home. if the sam is worried about her come and the neighbors she left behind service didn't, i didn't want to leave my home. it's difficult when the rate is over. i can't wait to go back. if this um and many others echo a similar sentiment. they say these really forces want them out, and this is exactly why they intend to stay. need that, but he just eat off to cut him palestine. the
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so one of the united states may see a diplomat says that china is peasant, featuring ping, jake sullivan's 1st trip to beijing. as the us national security advisor aims to ease tensions between the super powers. the meeting comes ahead of a scheduled phone call between us president type 5 and the presidency in the coming weeks. president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship to ensure that competition does not beat or into conflict or confrontation, and to work together. we're interest a line given to help get testable about jake solven's does it from the white house in terms of whether the national security advisor jake sullivan's trip to china was a success. it was not 100 percent, according to the words of the national security advisor. it was a vigorous given take, but there was not an actual agreement coming out of those meetings. instead,
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what he says he was able to do was to raise us concerns about the import of chinese technology into the united states and how that does affect not only us national security, but also economic security. the other goal of this meeting was to try and, or rather the 2 days of meetings was to try and send a message ahead of the us election in november. that if the coma harris is the correct us, vice president and the by the ministration is to become the next president of the united states. but she does have the experience of dealing with china is leaders that she would be able to carry on what is currently a somewhat stable relationship between the united states and china. the message that was sent by the national security adviser is that harris shares biden's view of what has been under jo by been a responsible managing of the complexities of the us china relationship. and,
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but she shares what joe biden shares, and that is that they believe that a high level of communication is the best way to manage the friction points and tension between the 2 nations. now all of this comes ahead of what we expect will be a high level conversation between the 2 leaders. not only is the us president expected to have a phone call with china as president, she didn't ping, but there is the possibility in the future of an in person meeting in the fall, potentially on the side lines of an upcoming summit that will be multi lateral in nature, kimberly healthcare algebra 0. the white house. well as the us presidents will, campaign hates up. federal stock differences in style and messages from the 2 candidates, but a couple of hours on the little trim panels on the campaign trail. now these are live pictures from that event. trump is impulsive hill in michigan and houses in
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savannah in georgia, both all crucial swing states. the 2 candidates so hoping to appeal to that simple basis while trying to win of undecided voters. but the getting about isn't very different ways as rob rentals explains donald trump's rallies are full of dark pronouncements and personal attacks. we're very close to world war 3 and people don't realize that we're closer than we've ever been in our country is going to hell. that's all i can say. we're a nation in the line, while campbell harris has a different kind of messaging. our nation with this election has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. america,
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we are not slowing back. let us know each other in the world who we are and what we stand for freedom, opportunity, compassion, scholars of political rhetoric here, appeals to opposite emotions. he has told us repeatedly that everything is now worse than ever, and the we're on the edge of the of the s and that are, we're a 3rd world nation. donald trump represents dues, rolling harris and walls represent hope scrolling. when trump goes all the script he often flings insults. have you heard or last? that is a laugh of a crazy person. you know why she hasn't ordered it to be because she's not smart. she's not intelligent. i'm a better looking person, said pamela harris, take some shots too, but it's less personal near policy. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class,
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not he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. instead he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. in many ways, donald trump isn't on the serious man. to find some of this stuff to just be plain weird. an ad hominem attack is attacking the person instead of their argument and what the other responses saying they're out of their mind saying they're weird is actually directly attacking their their argument, right, it's about policy. the question is which rhetorical approach will strike a chord with undecided voters in a handful of swing states? and we won't know the answer to that. to election the rob reynolds how to 0. the ukrainian find supply that says don't worry down to the and 16 jets they were in
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crushed well forward. he said the jets, when done well repelling a russian to attack earlier this week is i'll tell you what caused the crash and the special commission has been launched to investigate the threat tools recently provided to ukraine as part of western support towards the war effort. well keeps, as it still gaining ground and the cask region more than 3 weeks afloat took a surprising caution into western russia. ukrainian ministry video released on thursday shows buttons being dropped on homes in the cooling combo was russian soldiers was said to be hiding. or such items have become a key weapons to buy a few crazy and russian forces in the will. ukraine straight industry is rapidly expanding as officials up to gain an advantage on the battlefield. as alex good populace explains from keys on display for all to see the latest generation of land sea and the address being shown to the ukrainian public. the war and ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs and now hundreds of small companies. so how
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did work developing unmanned system that will help you create in sold to get the edge of the battlefield they so desperately need? um, remind me of where you want them to send them or we have to fight with machines with knowledge, not with people. when we send our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback. there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was incorporated to keep the guys safe. i'm around for the gathering of informational books and what doesn't is collected on the front blowing to the given to design and then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces . this feedback is a vital component and rapidly speeding up design. while you're doing cool, i think the new pictures need to offer solutions based on feedback. but this week is also in parallel bases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom up strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is what
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a bones and ask you for designs. it will take to him to be approved loose guidelines to issue to many small companies competing with each other to produce working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much of the road at pollution revolution, drone design. and it's not just about weapons. the seeing he is the sensitivity as altering vehicle, can transport food into munition, to ukrainian units on the front lines. it can also take good soldiers quickly from the battle field to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine is seen in the explosion in designs of online systems, from se and land. what sort of his crude weapons, and are extremely sophisticated, integrate to the old levels of the battlefield, but not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how do you tell us how to 0
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t still head hey albany is trying to stop the flow of illegal migrants from africa . spain's probably minister isn't set to go for testers in the eastern indian city of coal tons of justice for the race and the opportunity until the the clear sky. so now returning to central pot supplement, it's right, and you can see how the class starting to break the 6 that moving a little further east west. we've got some lobby storms are rolling across, the bulk is pushing the cost of those, the box a little more clap to up towards the northwest of europe. we've got to this web a system here, this from that set, trying to slip a little further south with the nation was it will bring some right into paris as
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we go through uh, fraud. i some went to weather around the western side of france, just pushing down into a central areas of best buy. at this stage. i'll try bryce because a good part of the purchase, charles central air is still dry, bright and pretty wolves. 33 south, just the in vienna into the search is to for belle great and full book rest. while the widespread showers as we go on into what, straight down towards that southeast corner. also if you like, just running into ducky, i still a few shells into west positive view of the front spike maybe even though the concert of portugal seeing a shower or 2 in the coming days. funny, a shower is still across central areas of africa. i still a little farther north and they should be so also chad, pushing across indonesia. well now areas of nigeria, things and big showers over the next few days. though safely wise continues to pump that rain by the west. the.
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the latest news as it breaks, according to unit, the rate of, of children dason. this complex is unimpressed. attempted in the history of modern wars with detailed coverage as well. what do we think it's so cold? humanitarian phone has led to less access to nearby. we'll just sort of says from the heart of the story people come gets exercised, but it's also important for mental health the gym for, for a brief respite from the heroes of war. as the world economy, those struck for those with a strong result. indonesia is where supposed to be solved by the right place for your business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise, honestly with this strategic downstream industry on your better tomorrow of
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the the book about queue. what are you interested in with me? so robin, to remind you of all the top stories the world help organizations such as royal has agreed to area specific goals is in fighting goza to allow a polio of oxidation. continue to be carried down. both of them in the induct seem, those is already in district is only a 100, some dollars that have killed at least 30. tell us 3 since thursday morning. several people were killed actress dry cold in 10000 displays people the city a con units. and there's also, there's been drill pricing in the occupied west bank will continue for several days or longer. at least 18 palestinians are being killed and raise old cities in
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refugee camps since wednesday morning. the bridge is probably minister kissed all besides, he was a wider recess, all relations between the united kingdom and the european union. he was speaking in paris, why he held tools for the french present, but ruled by chrome. it comes a day of to stop the job and translate and those ponds to set up a biological treaty. it aims to bring the 2 countries closer through trade and defense over the autopilot troll with the president. whilst i'm here to discuss a number of issues, obviously the firm policy issues which of pressing. so we discussed the situation in ukraine as you would expect, situation in the middle east by the electoral issues in terms of afraid of defense and security. but also the way to reset that i was in relation to our relations don't just with problems, but with a you in general to david heading is a direct to the european center for international political economy,
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joins the stuff from london. just had a good time. you with this on the program. i wonder why security and defense with top of the agenda adults sort of economy and the migration security and defense are really the issues in which france and germany and indeed many european countries want to see grades of golf ration with the u. k. so in why the u. k is trying to build good will you guys main asks, are around, tried in the economy, but this is a government mutual office. it has a legacy of a previous governments that have been quite hostile towards europe. so that building goodwill by talking about security and defense exec cause of things that you were banned council thoughts want to to talk to them about database to assess relationship. because we do keep having this phrase date, we resetting the relationship, resetting the button with the u. k. and e you, it doesn't seem very happy relationship, a one that has been happy all over the past. what? 1520 years?
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well, i'm going back to the referendum in 2016 and for the 5 years after that, really, that was a loss of unhappiness, a lot of tension in the brakes it negotiations and then the negotiations for trade incorporation agreement. in fact, the last couple of years while we're, she soon i was you guy, problem in the stuff that have been, if you like some sort of reset, but still very much on the, on the backbone. that's something that you kind of government didn't really want to talk about. so this reset is really about taking the stability that, that brought the prominence the soon i could brought. once i get into the opens angle, we actually won. so mature relationship with the you, with european countries, and to show the way serious about last, we're going to make visits. we're going to talk about the issues you want to talk about. and then we'll come on some of the things that we would like to talk about as well, which are around the economy and trade. yeah, that relationship is a lot wide with me because pan stop assaulted with units to law, just the you economies, germany and friends. he's also sees that is quite influential within the g 7
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partnership when dealing with defense and trade, when it comes to the us in japan, i will absolutely. there is a, a us collection of goals coming up in november and there is a sense of across europe that your past to be ready for. what happens particularly president trump is elected, and the france, germany, the u. k. may have to say greater responsibility for europe and security. these all the 3 of the g 7 patent or pain g 7 pallets. so that is, that is important to, to all of them of well friends and you kind of always being serious about security for germany. this is quite new and a strong positive that you got germany reset is around germany. one thing a much deeper security corporation and we've seen ready for many years and then offering here, we're paying later, certainly very protective of the nato alliance that will be concerned about a potential trump presidency or another. trump presidency. i'm sure those
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conversations will be quite intense behind close tools of those conversations of already still see that i've already been policy to some of them with the representatives from a couple of those countries. yes, the, there's a lot of discussion, a lot of desire to prepare for whatever happens in the us understanding really that whoever is elected president, you're probably does have to do more. but perhaps it has been asking too much of the united states. and there is a need to, to step up on this is a ton of warning, what might happen. but europe needs to be better prepared and having the u. k. alongside france, germany, other countries such as poland got seen as tremendously important across europe. and those relationships, i'm sure will be very important to the people of the u. k. but the ground realities all that many people in the u. k, especially those that are under the t. well hoping for more of a conversation about the sort of free movement between the you and the u. k. and
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perhaps young people across the u. k. feel the voices and not being heard from suddenly the sounds that probably be the stop was making at the moment after his visit to both by lane and paris to functions. that's entirely financing. what's happening in the u. k. government has some hesitancy about how to play negotiations with brussels. they haven't really started yet because the it was in the process of from having new commissioners forming it, forming a new commission which was happening before the end of the yeah. i don't know why the apple was still thing with, with germany in front. but i think once we get towards the end of the yeah, i mean, so next year i think the focus of negotiations will turn so long the number of souls and the issues like use mobility like improving the u. k. trading go version agreement with the you, virus, we'll move to census stage of the moment, really these engagements with friends in germany,
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a language foundations. and we'll start filling the gap because folks with the you come to in fact, stalls really miss before the end of the always see what happens in the website. david heading that, joining us from london. thanks so much for your time. so those things probably been a slip, petro center, it says being visiting synagogue as part of a tour of west africa are aimed at cutting migration. such a says that he wants to find human trafficking and promote legal roots into europe . nicholas, i propose from the capital of setting out on the edge of the african coast, is a father, eking for his son, mohammed to cries here in senegal. his 8 year old son is in france. an ocean divined to them. but how do you get there? when you are a mountain with no high school diploma and have barely enough to eat denali the legal visa to cora has sketched out a plan, raised the perilous atlantic on a wooden boat, and sailed to spain, the gateway to europe. i know it didn't, it is,
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it's a risk journey, but the thing here is it is to i am freeing hardship. i left money to come to the center, got to find a way to europe. the young people are, have their own kind of an apartment. they leave, you know, wait, we come here is a record of $22000.00 migrants and refugees from africa have landed on spain shore so far this year on a 3 day visit to west africa, spanish prime minister pedro sanchez, is seeking closer cooperation with countries from where migrants depart is also signing agreements to allow more visa permits for seasonal migrants. sanchez acknowledges what other european leaders have not. europe needs african migrants to fuel its economy, but illegal migration needs to stop. he says, let's start with the the. so we'll do that then. what's that? it is also essential that people who have arrived illegally in spain returned to their own countries. mainly because such a return seems a clear and strong method of deterrence as to the mafia's and those who put
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themselves in the hands. the compliment, wild police patrol the coast on the beach, we find to egyptian men haggling with traffickers for a place on the next boat to spain. the captain of the vessel says there's no stopping what is a booming and organized street. he's made the journey twice already this year. we now have local knowledge and technology to avoid being caught in. the biggest challenge is the, with the swell of the ocean on the sites i get picked up by n g o. i didn't make the journey easier. while some make hits undetected, many vanish at sea for to car, it's a risk worth taking. he believes that in europe, a new and better life awaits him. and his son nicholas hawk elgin's the right, the car was an attack, just north of citizens come to call to him is killed at least 12 people. the strike was carried out by the suit and he's on the and the city is audi. it's trying to reclaim the area from the power military rapids support forces. well live on it as
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follows, letting the full small, that a 100000 people from the homes, the you and said sit on is suffering. the wells was to mandatory and crisis. people who fled say they have no way to go of the sites that have gone and people have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that has not been buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses, and others was swept away by the flood. take it even to the bulk and how small from the capital call to a heavy rains and to a rental floods have killed at least 140 people according to the new government and has this place within $30000.00 families across them. safe in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways, the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior assistance is one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials into them. she has
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met the head of the sovereignty. consul general, have them put the behind and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access, especially because getting access from one area to another from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the south of the fighting aid from us within these army territories. into areas control by the r a stuff has been handed, as well as a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controlled by this. it means army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers when it's tammy and workers have been killed as a tried to reach those in need of assistance. and the fact that the 2 sides, the signees army and the r as have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year, is yet to actually happened on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially in light of the fight. but in addition to the fighting,
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there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them in hard to reach areas, a wasting, evacuation a way thank you and tearing assistance. but knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies and the fact that they are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance. even morgan algebra 2. so we see 20th day of protests and strikes in the indian city of calcutta that follows the rape in the of a judy adult to any of this month. the chief minister of west bengal states is calling for the main suspect to face the death penalty. victoria gave the reports the, the, the square test is in co cost of the say, then members of the places of a political policy. the simply marching to high, like the issue was women safety after training don't deal with rates in killed inside a government hospital on august the 9. this is the 4th time a citizen may lead to by young women and the students have
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suspended. and i'm sure that this movement is going to go on. we find that on so as to what happens so that our faith is restored in police and judiciary. some demonstrations the demanding, the resignation of the chief minister of west thing, who states they say has failed and how responsibilities people are angry because they want the justice. but somehow, the pointed to go need to sort of state currently they're not, they're like, you know, give out just face or even side with this. i'm just the prime minister in range from eighty's governing the g p is, you know, position in west bend to policy. cool. the 12, i'll strike on wednesday of to offices 5 to gas and move to candidate demonstrators treatments. dom managing says the b j. p is politicizing, the issue of women safety to their own gain. she says she's guessing going with the
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job of governing next friday, we go to mont capital punishment. so those guilty students will take to the streets to protest. so the same i ask my support is to stand by the cause. if you are involved and i will talk to you, you must also be present for the protest. many protest is, believe me, people were involved in the attack on the doctor. then the one man who say saw being charged that demanding investigators identify ways responsible and bring them to justice. victoria gates be i, which is well, still a head here all the i'll just every use to home come to unless, if i'm guilty of the addition to the case and scroll international. scrooge date of the power outlet games, especially on the way in paris, mortgage full files, and actually taking part in the lesson. dave the
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. the king of the indigenous re, people of new zealand has died at the age of 69. king to a t a died early on friday morning, local time and 100 quotes of the beat and hospital recovering from heart surgery. he was con, the body king in 2006 and celebrated the 18th of s. ravens coordination of this month. the king is expected to lie in state for 5 days before being buried. the
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coals in hong kong as son to jen is guilty of publishing sufficient content on the website. they face up to 2 years in prison. rights groups have condemned the take lower westbrook proposal from home cold. the members of home comes media gather to hear the budget of one of the own. this edition trial is the fast in the territory against john list. since it's hyundai best and persisted chinese rule in 1997 edit is jim we couldn't. and patrick line of the now defunct stein, muse, and the outlets parent company were found guilty of conspiracy to publish the dishes content. the colonial ears additional had not been used for decades until 2020 critics say it's now being used to crack down on descent. the court said articles and commentaries published between 20202021 cited hatred against the authorities in beijing and hong kong. during the trial champ, we can testify that the outlet was a platform for free speech. he helped to build stan,
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use into one of the territories leading media groups. it was close to shut down in december 2021 after it was rated by the authorities and had it assets frozen. the case was seen as a test for press freedom in hong kong. but national security police see that differently. according to the international copeland's on the civil and political whites of 32 so that that's the freedom of this nature, is not the answer to one. i mean the into itself, the national security and public safety of the public. although we 6 and 10 being posted, the aging imposed and national security law on hong kong onto the 2019 process in march, the territory post its own domestic load that increased the maximum jail time. this addition to up to 10 years is the so called external force was involved. another form is done use editor says generous and hong kong, facing new reality. we are just afraid that it just all depends on your content,
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but depends on who you are, who you will make a speech on i, i hope that is the and the for the actual game, the media hall. i think that the freedom of speech is fresh, all the home phone. the government insists hong kong still enjoys these freedoms as guaranteed by its own constitution. but they all subject to restrictions. as far as these here, se owed the unsuitability have been restored in the years since the 2019 anti government protests. but for critics, this project is another worrying sign of the limits on freedoms. once enjoys in the city. laura westbrook houses 0 hong kong. 5, many people have been told to leave the homes of japan is hits by one of the strongest ty, students in decades. sunshine launched the south west on size day. can i get these full people? of these 237000 homes are without power. what is the name of this type?
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food is scary. intensive disaster. we're getting a large amount of rain so i don't know what will happen going forward. i really hope everyone will stay safe. to tie food has changed its course frequently and stayed in the area for a long time. so the amount of rain has increased dramatically. that's what i'm concerned about. i mean, i'm concerned because i obviously do not want to miss our flight back to new york on september. second, are thousands of dead fish of code being collected in the waters of the greek po to vall, all softer and mass dial, thoughts feeling to climate fluctuations. the fresh water fish came from lake cala in central greece. venmo audio by gosh, the course and the pack of such a gulf comp be treated as if it were a rubbish dump. potentially the company used as a landfill successfully. this is what's happening now. the 2nd to potentially see was widespread pollution from pathogens that could develop, potentially harming marine mammals in the gulf, such as gulf ends in total sales,
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we don't know yet the full extent of the damage. we'll have to see how things develop over the next few days. we're worried couple rooms. and finally, the power olympic games are officially on the way and power says over 50000 people lie the french capital to the opening ceremony from sizes and tons of the story of the paris 202411 days of school thing action has commenced as power as host the power olympic games, and for the 1st time you are opening ceremony, city events has been staged outside of the stadium. a warm summer evening will convey the full 1000 current athletes along the she wants to these a and through to the plus the concord by the managers that define frank society carries stronger meaning than ever before, leaving us in the rights to leave freely and without oppression. up and coming to every person with a disability deserves your turn it to the right and leave life,
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free from barriers, free from discrimination and free from marginalization. the olympics. opening ceremony space along the river, sending to rental conditions 6 weeks ago, was heavily criticized wednesday night spectacle was treated as a success. organize this over 2000000 tickets have been sold for the event so far. that was a crazy good, wonderful, wonderful, i need to get some of the nancy uh with the toner where, where the i p and lots of, uh, visa on jones china. be the dominant force of the game stretching back to 2004. bill looks to keep that record going. as the parent athletes compete for $549.00
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gold medals, across $22.00 paralympics sports pump size and out to 0. that is the news that will be about the middle of the other side of the bay, but until then, thanks for your time. and your company, the a pod hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the f one of these governments with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we can uptake the effective use of the present as not any important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era say operating current, say if the religion was the fear that you might be left behind. delving into the
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dark side to reveal how tuesday calls and still fear to exploit and manipulate to journey powerful force featuring 1st time testimonies from those with skate their narratives and the lessons that should be here. you get the right person in charge of an insane script. the script becomes believable. a fucking lips made the end of fear on a jersey, teachers protesting in front of our containers, congress are met with stronger assistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and to protest against the new law if the government wants to pass. that will declare education and essential service, which would deny teachers the right to strike the government of have you had any legs implementing a very harsh or scary to plan to reuse government spending on fight inflation. it has reduced the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is as follows.
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price. the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity. and most of the professors have received a minimal raise in spite of the inflation relays plan is a disaster for us. have you had any names convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate. but universities under public sector saying they need more resources now, and many are not convinced. mean days ready kind of going on. the plan will succeed . or the, the world health organization says israel has agreed to 10 pre pools in fighting in certain parts of garza to allow polio vaccination. the problem is there like a headquarters here in the whole, so coming up with tax and threatening rhetoric against the un into military. and


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