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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 1:00am-1:30am AST

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is now and many are not convinced malays ready. click on the plan will succeed. the the world health organization such as rail, has agreed to 10 pre pools in fighting in certain parts of garza to allow totally vaccinations. the products that are going to say were like, well, headquarters here in the whole, so coming up well, attacks and threatening rhetoric against the un into military. and she owes it to stop the un security council, the best call of israel to ensure the safety of humanitarian work is a garza of the soldiers fund. don't have clearly bought to un vehicle. the us national security advisor that meets the chinese president in beijing. does the
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vital superpowers seek to ease mounting tensions and international condemnation of to, to hong kong, childless, a phone guilty of sedition? the welcome to the program, the world health organization says, as well as agree to 10 peoples and fighting garza to allow a polio vaccination campaign. to begin, the what agency says the polls is will take place during 9 hour windows in different parts of the strip, the south center. i know i've been to each the 3 days of polls separately because of health authorities they've, they've recorded the 1st case of the debilitating disease industry for 25 years. a groups of blame, the re emergence of polio on israel's destruction of water and sanitation facilities. while the us representative of the united nations is searched as well to refrain from bull falls to evacuate. notice during the time set aside for the
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vaccination, dr. and it is especially important for israel to facilitate access for agencies carrying out the vaccination campaign. and for it to ensure periods of calm and refrain from military operations during vaccination campaign periods, we urge israel to avoid further evacuation orders during this period. the bottom line is that you mandatory ends on the ground, including you in agencies and other n g o's must be provided the space and security conditions to distribute vaccines and inoculate the at risk population and to do so safely. children's lives depend on their success. kristen slavery has moved from the united nations. this is a welcome announcement for the security council in the international community that had been voicing increasing alarm over the possibility of the spread of polio amid the children of gaza. and the announcement came just before
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a security council meeting that was called by the united kingdom in switzerland. again, very concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in gaza. the w h o briefing council members said that the agreement not perfect, not ideal, but something that they can work with. they've divided the gaza strip into 3 zones, middle south and north, and they will spend 3 days at minimum, in each of those zones, trying to reach $640000.00 children under the age of 10. and that's just the 1st dose. there's a 2nd dose that they'll have to do as well. and they've gotten an agreement from israel if they need to go an extra day beyond 3 days. they can do that. they say that's very likely something that they will need. but they've got more than 2100 workers ready to go to make this happen. very difficult circumstances
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to get it done. but they're committed and they're relieved. at least this baby step forward given the deteriorating humanitarian situation. margaret, ours is the spokes person for the world health organization. she explains the things that need to be in place for the vaccination campaigns because it out we want to be sure that everything's in place. and one of the critical things is this preliminary commitment to area specific, tremendous harry and forces. now this may so the causes will only happen in certain places at certain times. and we have to ensure that the vaccinate is, can move around and safety and the foster parents and children can reach the vaccination points, insights to succeeds are actually already in the streets. we've already delivered a 1260000 doses of vaccines, along with 500 vaccine carriers. there are things that go country latest that keep
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them at the temperature and it's absolutely critical that the vaccine is kept at the right temperature. otherwise it's no good. so everything really has to be in place. we managed to get all that equipment in. we've also managed to train a $1200.00 a day to is and community outreach workers who will be doing the hard yards who will be getting out there. and reaching all the families, but the really critical. 5 space is the guarantee of safety and security. the us representative out the you and has expressed concern the balance of the humanitarian back. we'll talk soon by israel. well, food program suspended the movement of it stuff in garza. i think after these really ministry, charlotte and one of his vehicles, the wi fi says it cultivates its movements with these really minute tree beforehand . the simple fact is almost 11 months into this conflict incident such as yesterdays remain all too common. we are also concerned by another incident in
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which the idea of fire tor, to unicef vehicle the security incidents make the work of these organizations significantly harder. these incidents should not happen. these are almost not only take ownership for its mistakes, but also take concrete actions to ensure the audio does not fire on you in personnel. again, further, all attacks and threatening rhetoric against the un engine monitoring. and cios need to stop. meanwhile, moles inside the palestinians have been killed and is really attacks across cause a since thursday morning, several people were killed after a strike on tens housing displaced people near the city of called you this. well, since october, more than $40600.00 palestinians have been killed, most of the victims with women and children. pin code 3 is in data by that with more of the latest is really strikes is still escalating across the god. those 2
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plays really forces just to argue to a rule, stuff in us. the ones who building were a t 3 policy and children were killed. also in drop off and eastern parts of roof a head group policy news were targeted where at least for policy news were also killed. and this is not the 1st air strikes that have been targeting the gaza strip . but also there has been a couple of targets in the why then in alberta area in that and but also there has been a couple of targets in the western parts of the gulf of cities. brantley's 8 times is, pinions were killed and then um, and which i bought today, palestinians in eastern parts of debt and but were allowed to go back to their houses after that is where the forces announced that they finished their operation in those areas. policy went back and found a massive destruction. they literally did not find any houses. everything has been destroyed. infrastructure schools and some policy. and you said that they set up
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their tents on oh, for the rubble of their houses. now the fact now is palestinians are waiting, where is the next evacuation order and where are they going? and going to go next. and then i'll just see it all off to the hospital guards are part of the 2 days into israel's major assault and the occupied westbank palace. danny, and say these ran the army is deliberately targeting is refugee guns. is there any pulls that say that cracking donald fine to is that palestinians say that they have other motives that if you're able to pull stuff into crime in the occupied westbank are too scared to leave her alone. relatives of december, i asked her to leave the tooth cutting refugee camp account because of order for that is really forces where did arity on wednesday, part of the biggest assault on the occupied west bank and more than 2 decades. the fulton demo. but what they used to leave us women alone. now after october,
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the 7th, the shooting left, right and centre. my neighbor was killed in the comp i. she was just making coffee in her home health and to continue the salt mix. i'm too worried to stay in their home. so one place where they should feel safe at home. how would you, i'm of these radio, keep patients creating an environment that pushes people out by destroying the infrastructure, almost completely cutting electricity and water. they want to lead people with nothing, so they would ultimately have no other option but to leave on their own to get in and you need and have seen the largest raids and highest numbers of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since the world got the started intensifying air strikes, hundreds of rooms damaged roads, destroyed the latest killed as mohammed jab, but the heads of the tude cutting battalion and a few others. he was a young man, is real, considered one of its most wanted. some people have fled to come on. this
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evaluation is only temporary and dependent on the user 80 forces leaving the running away from the terror. for a while, no one's talking about leaving the cam pull together is running. the army says it's targeting palestinian fighters, members of armed functions, but palestinians believe is released targeting with these comp spend for resisting these radio occupation and reinforcing refugees right. to return to their line. if you get home, it goes away from her home. if the sam is worried about her come and the neighbors she left behind, that sort of thing and i didn't want to leave my home. it's difficult when the rate is over. i can't wait to go back. if this um and many others echo a similar sentiment, they say these really forces want them out. and this is exactly why they intend to stay need that, but he just eat off to cut him palestine. the
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about one of the united states most seen, the diplomat says that china is present changing, paying jake sullivan, so strip to beijing us. the us national security advisor aims to is tension between the suit, the pounds. the me thing comes ahead of a scheduled phone call between us president joe biden and president sheet in the coming weeks. president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship to ensure that competition does not be or into conflict or confrontation, and to work together where interest align. or can we help get testable about drake sullivan's visit from the white house in terms of whether the national security advisor think sullivan's trip to china was the success? it was not 100 percent, according to the words of the national security advisor. it was
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a vigorous given take, but there was not an actual agreement coming out of those meetings. instead, what he says he was able to do was to raise us concerns about the import of chinese technology into the united states. and how that does affect not only us national security, but also economic security. the other goal of this meeting was to try and, or rather the 2 days of meetings was to try and send the message ahead of the us election in november. but if the common le harris is the correct us, vice president in the, by the ministration is to become the next president of the united states. but she does have the experience of dealing with chinese leaders that she would be able to carry on what is currently a somewhat stable relationship between the united states and china. the message that was sent by the national security adviser is that harris chairs biden's view
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of what has been under joe biden, a responsible managing of the complexities of the us china relationship. and, but she shares what joe biden shares, and that is that they believe that a high level of communication is the best way to manage the friction points and tension between the 2 nations. now all of this comes ahead of what we expect will be a high level conversation between the 2 leaders. not only is the us president expected to have a phone call with china as president, she didn't ping, but there is the possibility in the future. 5 of an in person meeting in the fall, potentially on the side lines of an upcoming summit that will be multi lateral in nature. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house into these are the straight ahead, solid. what the, calling a treaty level defense cooperation agreement, australia is defense. minnesota,
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richard mills visited the indonesian coast pots in the city of maga. lang, after holding torques, the ministers announced a deal which entails basement of trees. being able to operate from each other's countries, that australia and indonesia, the wells long guess maritime boundary and have already collaborated on a number of issues including security and drug smuggling. so it'd be a has site, a $3000000000.00 deal with funds for the sale of french war planes present, but we will buckle this above grade on thursday during the basic savvy is that these are the which announce the agreement 2 by 12, rafael, multi purpose 5 digits for these codes about the move indicates a shift away from savvy as dependence on russia. this is as a country full bly. 6 a european union membership ukrainian fine to pilot has died. why the f 16 jet crashed? well, so would you say it went down while repelling a russian attack early this week is don't play what caused the crash or the special
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commissioners be launched to investigate. the jet was recently provided to you crate as part of western support towards the war effort. ukraine says it's still getting ground that the task region, both in 3 weeks of the largest surprising caution is western russia. ki, released a military video of 1st day that shows bubbles being dropped old homes in the cold rain co. what russian soldiers was said to be holiday scroll still has a, although it is era, these feathers probably bit as to concludes of free nation visit to west africa will tell you why. and where he visits, they sign little southern so that as well as being a physician leader as he faces full to be charges the the
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hello part. so when they pretty much sums up the weather across australia, at the moment, it's the last, the clear sky, full many down towards the south, 20 packed ice above. and we're looking at wave. is there any rattling through the fight? severe weather warnings enforced the fall. se encoded particularly into victoria into tasmania. some must be showers, reckoning the way through them as we go on through friday. but i don't know if it is about the hates into the meet the high thirty's once the game for alice. 37 celsius him friday afternoon. so ready for your cell system rising in brisbin. you're going to fit $35.00 come saturday, that will be a new winter record full of breast, but inside the heat, very much in place. and that continues to be going into sun by $33.00 a possibility. so what we can here, hello, sorry about the course mountaintop, australia still some shelves into the southeast corner. longest spells of rain as it has made yet what to weather, making his way towards new zeta in plenty of weather, making his way into japan. of course, with our tie fairly, there's
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a weakening feature, but some very heavy rain is a southern areas of japan as we go through friday into a fast day. some of these pots could see maybe 200 to 500 millimeters afraid it will cause flooding implants slides. the sense of a below me. we are very close knit community. everybody knows everybody and the every day here, keeping communities together. this is the same sort of set of my universe, i just visit scotlands out or headboard and meet those fighting to say that either this way of life in the face of its population, a sense of community on a jersey to a news
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the book about you want to go to 0 is lisa hill, robin, a hall, remind to of all top stories the world health organization says israel has agreed to temporarily pools fights and you've gone to allow polio back. sedation campaigns to get a case was a quoted that the 1st time in 25 years, the well food program is suspended. the movement of it stuffing goes after the is really been a take shots at one of his bagels. the w r p says it had to cool today to only have tools day to that sleep. it's with these ready bellatrix ahead of time. the us national security advisor drake sullivan is but china is present teaching. take it banking sullivan's trip to china. pains to ease the tension between the soup, the powers a subject by the presidency, all set to hold
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a phone call in the coming weeks. space probably, but it's the has completed a 3 nation visit to west africa. arrived at the cutting migration. petro essentially side deals to fight too, but trafficking promote legal routes into europe. nicholas how accessible from set of goals, capital dot com on the edge of the african coast is a father aching for his son, balsamic to cries here in senegal, his 8 year old son is in france. an ocean divine to them. but how do you get there when you are a mountain with no high school diploma and have barely enough to eat denali the legal visa to cora has sketched out a plan, raised the perilous atlantic on a wooden boat, and sailed to spain. the gateway to europe. i know it didn't, it is, it's a risk journey, but staying here is it is to i am freeing hardship. i left money to come to the center. got to find a way to europe. they are young people are,
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have their own kind of an apartment. they leave, you know, wait, we come here is a record of $22000.00 migrants and refugees from africa have landed on spain shore so far this year on a 3 day visit to west africa, spanish prime minister pedro sanchez, is seeking closer cooperation with countries from where migrants depart, he's also signing agreements to allow more visa permits for seasonal migrants. sanchez acknowledges with other european leaders have not. europe needs african migrants to fuel its economy, but illegal migration needs to stop. he says, let's start with the the. so we'll do that then once it is also essential that people who have arrived illegally in spain return to their own countries. mainly because such a return seems a clear and strong method of deterrence as to the mafia's and those who put themselves in the hands the compliment. while a police patrol the coast on the beach, we find to egyptian men haggling with traffickers for
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a place on the next boat to spain. the captain of the vessel says there's no stopping what is a booming and organized trade. he's made the journey twice already. this year we now have local knowledge and technology to avoid being caught. the biggest challenge is the wood and the swell of the ocean. under the sites i get picked up by n g o, i didn't make the journey easier. while some make it undetected, many vanish at sea. for to go out, it's a risk worth taking. he believes that in europe a new and better life awaits him and his son nicholas hawk. i'll just see where the car is ready to tug just north of su dogs. capital call to him is killed at least 12 people. it was counted up by the suit and he's all be in the city and county the all these trying to reclaim the area from the power military rapids support forces . while yvonne, as far as letting that full school that a 100000 people from the home, the un says to don is suffering. the wells was too bad. it's heavy and crisis.
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people who fed say they've got no way to go. so the sites that have gone to 40 people have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that has not been buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses, and others were swept away by the floods. good evening to the morgan hospital from the capital call to a heavy rains. and so a rental floods have killed at least 140 people, according to this it needs government and has this place more than 30000 families across 10 states in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways, the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior and assistance is one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials and put them. she has met the head of the sovereignty council general. i have them put that behind and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access,
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especially because getting access from one area to another from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the spots of the fighting aid from us within these army territories into areas controlled by the r as that has been handed, as well as a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controls by the signees army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers who many tamarind workers have been killed as they try to reach those in need of assistance and the fact that the 2 sites, the signees army and the r as have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year is yet to actually happened on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially in light of the fight. but in addition to the fighting, there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them in hard to reach areas a wasting, evacuation a wasting, who and tearing assistance with knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies
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and the fact that there are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance, even more going onto 0. how to, to a dispute between libya's rival government says save the country's oil production cut by bold of off, around $700000.00 barrels per day. because it's a book based eastern parliament has rejected, attempts by the internationally recognized governments in tripoli to replace central bank. going to see the look of the critics accuse him of this have legal revenues. best of luck is always feels the east of control, and they've gone to shop production until he's restored to the post 11 on for straight to protest as of a tank. several banks and able to draw all that deposits for 5 years. many have be locked out of the out of accessing the bulk of the savings fight for struck the bangs level that has been experiencing once being dumped. as one of the worst economic crises in both the history attributed to corruption. the country shows on
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foreign currency. the banks have imposed strict limits on withdrawals. why? there isn't any so you can, therefore we are escalating and will continue to escalate until to improve the tea and transparent tens for all the positives that are not a res deposits w. i n money from working abroad or return time to rest of the issues with my health and will say, i'm missing my family and now i'm left with nothing. i want my money and i will no longer accept the $300.00 the bank is offering me humiliating. fed, as well as the pulse of utah general has issued a final summons. the opposition presidential candidate that button the gonzalez to respond to allegations of faltering public documents association to commit conspiracy. the computer crowds topic sob says that gonzalez must appear in court this friday will face arrest allotted america to lucy and even reports from santiago in july. then as well as opposition presidential candidate
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has been issued. a 3rd and final warning by the prosecutor general appear in court . this friday for questioning about charges of alleged conspiracy or face arrest the incentives. the supporters believed he worked investments, presidential elections, violence slide is hiding. and this refused to obey the summons, arguing lack of guarantees of due process or the president needs the last month who to has defied domestic and international pressure to release the building tallies. describing the situation as critical. the european union tie, representative of foreign affairs invited gonzales to speak to you foreign ministers via video link. i said before the meeting that they believe that clearly my doodle cannot be recon nice as a legitimate we not of this venture election. but let's see what the ministers have
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to say. and you decision of to recognize venezuela's president who is this he won the july 28 elections, despite strong evidence to the country must be unanimous into these capital. meanwhile, the head of the us military southern command, general laura richardson told a regional security gathering the global democracy is under threat. and we don't have to look any further than venezuela. we're nicholas missouri continues to undermine the democratic will of the venezuelan people. having already caused 7 and a half 1000000 venezuelans to flee, increasing irregular migration, threw out south and central america. general richardson clarified that a political rather than the military solution is nice. as for the man who was fighting to be recognized as venezuela's, legitimate, president elect, it's unclear whether the med, legal government will go ahead with his arrest,
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risking further international pressure. c and human out to 0, santiago, the former south african president and jacob's the but has been in court for the pre trial hearing of a long wedding corruption case by sizing charges of fraud and money. little drink related to an on sale with the french company. the case has been delayed for years as the funds to have the prosecutor disqualified it will resume next year. a course at home called miss onto jim is guilty of publishing seditious content on the websites that they face up to 2 years in prison. the united states has denounced the verdict cooling. it's a new blow to the cities, reputation laura westbrook. how's this report from home? com, the members of hong kong is media gather to hear the budget of one of the own. this edition trial is the fast and the territory against john list. since it's hyundai investment versus the chinese rule, in 1997 edit is jim if we can. and patrick line of the now defunct stein,
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news in the outlets parent company were found guilty of conspiracy to publish the dishes content. the colonial ears, additional head not being used with decades until 2020 critics say it's now being used to crack down on descent. the court said articles and commentaries published between 20202021 cited hatred against the authorities in beijing and hong kong. during the trial champ, we can testify that the outlet was a platform to free speech. he helped to build, done using to one of the territories leading media groups. it was forced to shut down in december 2021 after it was rated by the authorities and had it assets frozen. the case was seen as a test for press freedom in hong kong, but national security police see that differently, according to the international copeland's on the civil and the political whites out 32 so that that's the freedom of this nature. it is not the answer to one. i mean
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the into itself, the national security and public safety of the public folder restrictions can be imposed. that's the aging, impose the national security law on hong kong. also the 2019 process in march, the territory positive own domestic load that increased the maximum jail time for sedition to up to 10 years is the so called external force was involved. another form is done use editor says generous and hong kong facing new reality. we are just afraid that it just all depends on your content, but depends on where you are, who you make a speech on. i, i hope that is the and the for the action against the media. all i think that.


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