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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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all the way down or kyle, this is denise our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready minute tressles and occupied westbank answers of the day at least 20 people including palestinian fights as have been killed and central gauze are as ready as strikes colleagues and apartments coming 9, members of the same family. also ahead we've got to get a deal done. we've, we've worked in doha. we have to get a deal done. this war must and come are as calls for. i've gone to the safe spot
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and have 1st major interview since coming to democratic off and nominate for preston. and we live in the democratic republic of congo, whether i'm worried about the low rates of testing for m. folks, virus, nations. all yet to begin the beginning, this news out in the occupied west banquet as well as large scale military results has ended as the day is what any trips stored in the cities of 2 vast, tow chrome janine on wednesday carrying out strikes and destroying and destruction . it goes at least 20 palestinians. 3 fighters were killed on friday, is ready forces, talk to the call in the village of the south of janine. and then the 3 set fonts of the vehicle and confiscated the bodies in violation of international humanitarian. no, it is where the army has sent reinforcements to the city of janine. meanwhile, troops of reporting pulled up the notions refugee cabinet. holcomb is ready for
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says save the targeting on fractions. but palestinians say that deliberately attacking homes in refugee comes and destroying rhodes and infrastructure as we're gonna need to abraham. she joins us from notions, refugee camp in the occupied westbank. we'll get to where you are in just a moment's need, a festival just updates as of what's been happening. but south of janine yeah, let's 1st start by saying that the operations that have started wednesday is only continuing now in the janine area of the occupied west bank for pa, this city is i've been telling us that the big roof of pointers confronted, made attorney with these really forces and they chased the these really forces chase the car as it was leaving. did you need a refugee camp towards the village of the baptist? when the confrontations continued,
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one person has been hit. he was inside the car. the locals are not sure how the car has burnt, but they believe that these really forces that throwing something that might have put the fire in the car. now then, and is really a drone, hit 2 men as they were us keeping the car, killing them. now he's really forced to say that they manage to kill and eliminate is sell fighters. that was working against the is ready for us is this is the main announced whole all the, this large me, the 3 of the largest in more than 2 decades of the number of participating in terms of the best to. so it has been really impressed for sure. and what have you and we are also to set it with the latest just ended late last night and people are still picking up the pieces of what used
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to be their home, me right? and then b to b is very much you believe was pulled out now from way you all just give us an idea of the damage that they've left in the way this area was turned into some sort of a workshop. i'm not. so if you can, you're the sounds of the bulldozers, the palestinian civil defense teams. we're trying really to it correct or fix some of the damage. again, if your walter goes in april, you might think, well this is an old video of what happened. same situation, a 3 day rate then cause this massive destruction. now we could be telling you about even more destruction put, for example, this area. look at the home is the only demolished. there are also signs of a fire, at the ro is really,
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has been destroyed to the extent that it's making life much more difficult movement, much more complicated the only here, but also in the main street leading to the inside of the refugee camp. massive damage. we're talking about the tools kind of area that has already seen a lot of destruction. hundreds of homes have been hit by these really forces in previous raids destroyed. and now we are looking at seminar, see, and really since the beginning of the war, we've been seeing this massive destruction as palestinian say. israel wants to make sure that the palestinians lives for security in refugee camps gets more complicated, that they have no option, but to leave it. we've been speaking to someone from the neighboring to cut a refugee camp yesterday. and she says, yes,
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she had to leave during this major assault, which is going to be back to her home at to really she has no other place to go. no other place to go need a book. but what is the mood like amongst people who are facing such destruction? not just this time, but again and again and again, especially since the war on guns that began or i can tell you that people talk about defiance a lot. they say, because they know that these really forces want to make their lives more and more difficult. no electricity, no infrastructure, not just here, even engineering. yesterday we reported that the lines have been cut in. did you need refugee come? and the eastern region of the janine, but people say because they know that this is the goal of these rarely forces. that's exactly why they're here to stay. yes, sometimes they find it difficult to fix the damage from raids because ultimately as
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you can see, these really forces soon come back again and destroyed that homes one more time. if they fix one electricity line, we're one water line that these really forces might be back very shortly to do in the us again. but as far as boston is, tell you here, these other homes, this is the place they've been displaced to, since it's not bad. and since the dates when israel and the war really that when israel was created, so they know that this placement is not an answer. they've been steadfast for 75 years. and they say they're going to continue to do so to basically, for any is really plans to make them leave their home. so great resilience in the face of such destruction. need a many things. indeed for joining us that from notions refugee come. now in central garza is riley forces,
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have killed 9 members of the same family and an overnight strike on an apartment building. and on this threat, refugee comes 5 of the victims with children. and the, with a pregnant woman is where the army has killed more than 40600 palestinians and as more on the office until october, most of them all women and children. honey lockwood is joining us now from darrow bala in of soul garza and honeywell, hearing that these waiting minutes has been sold from east and hon. units in the south. tell us about the theme that you're hearing about that the old familiar themes are from the area of the military aggressive they operated in within the past 10 months, whether it's based in part of the view or this morning, it early hours the student is leaving behind a trail of devastation and destruction, to literally the old means of life. and we talk about the ground. there is nothing
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left for people. this is not the 1st time the city of our noon is being attacked. valenda survive is really military. there is, there has been ongoing recurrent incursions of many of the areas of the eastern part of the city. we can safely that the eastern part of finding it has turned into a waste land. there is nothing left in terms of residential homes in terms of public facilities that infrastructure, what people are doing when they go back, they don't find their home. they're in. if there is any building that is a standing, it's not, it's nothing more than a standard pallet and that is not a spot for, for people to see in or, or do you. there is your level of destruction that has eliminated old means the live and old social services to the point. people will not have any other option. but believe the from a, from the area on top of that, that, and go and get tragedies, accumulated tragedies for the past few weeks since the last round incursion where
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people thought they're missing families, they're going to be found in these areas where they're under, whether they are under rumbles or do or somewhere else, but the, the shock is that they're being collected from the streets already did. and this is part of what these really military had done within the past few weeks, the deployment of the quad copiers, these are small, it's drones that talk a drones with machine guns of tops of them and what they are doing for the kids to keep it chasing people as they try to leave their their homes in 250. there was a good chance to save these people as they were injured. paramedics civil defense who could not get it closer to the body that they were bleeding in the street. because the quite got this give chasing the paramedic, the civil defense corps on their vehicles and push them away from the areas to the point. these people have led to death and we're not remove until the early hours of this one. the so far we're talking about according to the laws of the houses that look to 15 bodies of different age groups,
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selected different based and part of it is highly office that and they spend parts of the city of tanya and how they just decided to give you so we get another body being carried away from the hospital that full burial. it reminds us of the strikes that continue constantly last night and there was a strike in that new threat comes which wipes out. so many members of one family. well the spot behind here behind me here at the hosp to the right next to the emergency department of a lot of the major side of all the bodies it brought here for surviving family members to bid farewell for. they meant to perform fine other pre before they were taken to the graveyard. i earlier hours to the bodies of the 9 family members who were killed in an overnight ears. crockett, early hours of, of last night, $89.00 members were killed including a mother and a pregnant who was a pregnant,
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as well as died in the killed in the talk and just a half an hour of the time between, between the attack and another attack. and there is, but i see the 3 more people were killed as well. and just within the past 4 in 5 minutes, a drone fired the miss. all right, at the group of people who are trying to go back to their homes of the eastern part as these noses, eastern part of their blocks would be an area better known as that and sunset district in the eastern part of all that had been road one person reported killed that was the body of this person, but the crowd that you see behind me, these were the people, some of them who were critically injured from the line as providence of that missile, fired by the drawing. those were the remaining surviving family who reported going back and found nothing, not no signs of their phones, no signs of any of the of life as the new within the past in the eastern part of, of the bulk of the area. but over night, attacks and nearly hours this morning,
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it continues to create the tragedies and more mystery for an already traumatized, displace population, trying to survive these difficult living conditions. honeywell, what do i need? is that from central garza? thank you, honey. of the world health organization says israel has agreed to temporary pauses and fighting and goals are to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin w h. o ames, to vaccinate 640000 children younger than 10 years old against the highly infectious disease. you know, collections will take place in 3 areas of the strep over 3 days. starting in central garza, on sunday. now, course they agreements to pauses and fighting will take place during 9 o windows every day and age groups of lanes. the re emergence of polio on these ready armies, destruction of water and sanitation systems. rich people go on as the w h has
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representative and multiplied west bank and gaza. he says, moving a 1000000 doses of the vaccine all over the in the strip. the $82.00 wrong vaccinations, the bank is uh, will actually start in the 1st of september and it got it your each round to convey the bar, steven missed your house and calibration of its virtual units. uh and well, and far, cuz the bill provides uh, bill bill was like 2 drops to no whole world polio vaccine tied to shopping and all the features to more than $614000.00 children. and the 10 years of age christmas, lemay reports out from the you in the agreement to allow for the distribution of vaccines and gaza was met with relief on the international stage. announce just before an emergency meeting, called by the united kingdom and switzerland. we work in
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a news with agreements with you as well, and the rental on those arrangements were not. but humanitarians made clear the plan to get the shots to $640000.00 children under the age of 10 is the bare minimum of what's needed. the current though breaking gas is a stock reminder of how quickly infectious diseases can reemerge, right? health systems are compromised. many other diseases are spreading while our collective capacities to prevent the detective respond to them. continue to be hindered. and the people of gaza need so much more than vaccines. medical supplies, food and shelter are all lacking. we can not plan more than 24 hours in advance because we struggle to know what supplies we will have when we will have them, or where we will be able to deliver to the lives of 2 point. 1000000 people cannot depend on luck and hope alone. a deliveries already complicated
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by 16 evacuation orders and just one week were suspended after is really forces shot at a clearly marked world food program convoys, whose root had been shared and approved. the security incidents make the work of these organizations significantly harder. these incidents should not happen is almost not only take ownership for its mistakes, but also take concrete actions to ensure the audio does not fire on un personnel. again, further, all attacks and threatening rhetoric against the un engine monitoring. and cios need to stop is really military activity in the west bank also do concern and condemnation. the world health organization says it has nearly 2200 health workers ready to distribute the vaccines, and they're committed to getting them to the children who need them. but what is most needed, according to humanitarians and the security council is a ceasefire. christian salumi, elders era, the united nations luciana is
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a kyra joins us now here in this year. he's an associate professor of golf politics at castle university. great to have you back with us. do see on a listing of particularly intense assault on the how's the at the moment. so lots of the strip is on the evacuation order is why now, while it seems that the front of the negotiations have stalled and gave its relative time to move forward in the 2nd objective was that there was assemblies of this and immediate in time as thoughtfully and making it difficult for the, the other thing and people to be found by home, if they are with those in everything that's definitely part the said where they would come back to. so it is making the future of these people the post war at by the sound that they would, if i will got something out there that he's talking about more complicated than ever before. a i'm, i'm looking for what the larger objective of trying to reduce and dixie settlement got so much. so where are we at with spiceworks where we come from that is
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much anticipated towards gatherings and highway. what we saw from us delegation goes ratings us. abram is the convent quiet since then. what are we out with this? a dig sound? it wasn't mentioned that there are have been progress. but so far we don't know which the dance had been discussing that that they could send out that negotiations have been going on along the week in order to reduce the gap that exist between the 2 seasons. but we see that the 2 main, the months are totally incompatible to each other, remaining forces and in any sort of confident that they are very far across. and the control of the return off, they've fucked a. but when it comes to the north, they own on the other hand, eh, how much expecting to be all the day and that it took 3 times on the long term and $65.00. so as far as this. yeah, i mean, i don't know what the dates that they're working with as far as the 2 big pieces. i'm not sorry about. i don't got the close. i'm not getting closer. i think we have
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seen on the assignment, and i don't see how in the future to this in the future months, we would have a 2nd look at the pony as vaccination campaign. some good news, but the as what he meant is allowed 9. our pauses in fighting over 3 days, but it was late, so it's got to vaccinate 650 or 40 children, 12000 children in that time. is that feasible? well, i mean, i know we have to believe that the, i mean the, the, the, the many, the music mid, the sense that they're working, that they can do it. but honestly, i don't think that they have the infrastructure on the compatibility to the so it's such a long, it's such a short time. i'm always difficult. every time we have the posts in, in the, in the districts that keep the keep a fight. and so every time there was a sites on the carry in order to produce something, this, this a song, so it was brought back. so it's very difficult to, to, to think how the,
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with the boxing they kits and preventing them to be a target. especially because we just have the w, f p, posing itself, pricing doctorates, and echo was fired on a clearly marked vehicle was filed on a checkpoint, going to you and appraisal headquarters in darrell by having to be relocated. so we can really, there's no infrastructure back in the carry out that campaign like no, i mean, we don't know if there's a field one, the hospital a open up the there. i mean i'm, i'm to host so many kids to be bucks and they do the same time. and in any case, we're still talking about the funds they that they are putting to a population of to and then the, the already in these, on the i where the starving, you know, for the getting killed in many ways for your son. other one that we've tried to avoid so many kids to be effective, but it's not going to have to read news, the mortality of the children. so i sad situation to see on as a car many things and date for joining his head in the studio. the
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come a harris has puts an on waiver and commitment to as well as defense. spots have cooled for a ceasefire, and garza, the vice president has taken pos and her 1st extended end to view as the democratic policies presidential nominee. it was the 1st chance for votes as to have from an unscripted harris 66 days away from the us election. i just know castro has more in the middle of her campaign bus blitz of the swing state of georgia. cala harris told cnn she would appoint a republican to her cabinet. i think it's important to have people at the table and when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences, she defended or move away from some progressive policies. let's be clear. my values have not changed and outlined us policy on israel mirroring that of joe. by that i'm unequivocal and an unwavering in my commitment israel's defense and its ability
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to defend itself. and that's not gonna change far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. and we've got to get a deal done. we've, we've, in doha, we have to get a deal done. this war must end. in the meantime, we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. let's give the ceasefire done, but no change of policy in terms of arms and, and so forth. no, i, we have to get a deal done. the republican, donald trump tried to preempt harris's much anticipated interview with his own series of appearances in michigan and wisconsin. there he announced he would require health insurance companies to cover the costs of in vitro fertilization because we want more babies to put it very nicely. distancing himself from some republican proposals to ban i v f. he attacked harris on the border and the economy,
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but was on the defense against accusations. he recently used arlington national cemetery for fallen us soldiers as a campaign photo op. so i go there, they asked me to have a picture, and they say i was campaigning. i don't need the one thing i get is plenty of publicity. i don't need that. i don't need the publicity. a set of new polls should a harris leading trump by one to 4 points. the brakes deck speed campaigning of both candidates, reflects their shared urgency to reach swing state voters with 66 days until election day. how do you do castro algae 0 washington? that's the only thing that's happened upon has been downgraded to a tropical storm, but still cause wise went destruction and killed at least 5 people that skipped the latest from whether presenter, car leg, a tie soon. shan chance slammed into southern japan as the most powerful typhoon to
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hitch upon this year. and the strongest in decades. it moved into can you show on the 1st day bringing to run shall rain and powerful winds causing disruption and destruction. and japans was on over just yet wrecked cold rain to pots of keel. should we still record figures for august more rain then the more than a decade in some areas. and the most rain ever recorded in some areas as well. now it's moving very slowly north and to the east, and it's falling apart. it's already become a tropical storm. it will don't downgrade even further, and that's the full would speed. so it's moving very slowly. so lots of rain over the next few days. if we have a look at the numbers as it works, what you cocoa and then on to ensure we're expecting moving 300 millimeters in chicago and central areas. it's a saturday lunch time. we'll also see a 150 millimeters in tokyo and the surrounding area. you can see that's more than
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the average for august. it was, we go through the we can, that is going to for the pot bed, but we're still seeing that bulge of rain pusher calls into horseshoe direction to her condo as well on monday. so that takes us into next week. and it's only going to be to say that we see it's not to move out to see the remnants of that tie food before it. we will see it will settle weather coming in by tuesday. oh, i'm on the stolen. let's speak to friday's holiday joins us from take a so you can give us like this friday. what damage the warm sunshine has done well, most of the damage that has gone on to know is related to the heavy rain. that is the cutting long slides have been reported in white areas, especially in the crucial island on to know the sort this i prefer to have confirmed the 5 days because of the lot because of the lunch lights and also the
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funding for the voters that the the sites on is moving very slowly, as has been mentioned, the just now it's almost moving at the speed of things, get them. it says that our, that's the, almost the bicycle, the speed of suffix, this is the reason why it's a, it's putting down so many. but i didn't so much really the, the amount of the that in full, in some areas that each around $900.00 millimeters during the bus to 24 hours. that's almost double the average for our, for the whole month to those sort of these have been, what do you think of uh, i've been showing what things offline slides in 12 pictures of stretching from do show insight in this house to send it to japan, to even to come to area, which includes the talk you here here and talk to when the, the, as you can see, you know, maybe from a background that in has this thoughts. but the we are expecting again i have your
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name in the evening as the 51 is going now to what is the use of also some the might not them as has been reported in some urban areas. and so joe, but so the main uh, the main damage or the main uh, the, the main effect of the site one is still in the queue show. and she cool, cool. uh, items that asian of funny how does to upon path of weather like this, extreme weather events like this as well as a bind is uh, very familiar to uh, such uh, national uh, not sort of disasters. and in fact uh recall despite for instruction, but uh here in japan, they give it to a number. it's the type phone number to in. so this is the type one, the number 10, that's a good that's across as japan. this gives you an idea of how well prepared the vision is people not for subsidies offices, but the problem is that even if they have such a import of such
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a good infrastructure, such good training sorts of do therefore these are says, but still sometimes the uh, the size of the, of the, not you, the disasters is overwhelming to the and they cannot say they couldn't cope with it . as i mentioned that in for a during the last 24 hours in some areas it is sort of about $900.00 millimeters. that's the others for the month. so whatever revisions you have, you can deal with that. so the, on the, the, on the whole day you can do with is the cooperation between the people as the, especially new local communities. and the 4th. uh uh the that is that some certain procedures that are being taken uh, the warnings from the account agency have been issued days before the site for each . so this, so people sort of better mode for the disaster. okay. bodies element many thanks indeed for that update from took in heavy rains and pots of west and india, of course flooding. thousands of people have been forced out of the homes,
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nivia re b and c coast in the state of goods or at many who were left stranded and flooded. neighborhoods are relying on food and water deliveries. ask us because they using and faithful things to get people to shelters. heavyweight has been caused by a weather system that local officials would, could develop into a slight claim. no matter what. because i'm an auto rickshaw driver i have to earn and bring food to my family every day. what do i do now? my auto ritual has nothing functionally since last week. the houses on the ground floor of our building are completely destroyed. some people here also need medical care, but we also kind of calling the ambulance case of an emergency. what do we do? so it has hair. on alex's era, even a bone of rice is a luxury why the min mom military's economic management is on the screen, the
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clear sky. so now returning to central pop supplement, it's right, and you can see how the class starting to break the 6 that moving a little further east west. we've got some lobby storms rolling across, the bulk is pushing across the what was the blacks a little more clap to up towards the north west of europe. we've got to this web a system here. this from that set tried to slip a little further south with the nation, was it will bring some right into paris as we go through uh, friday, some wet weather around the western side of france just pushing down into central areas of best buy at this stage uh dr. bryce requests a good part of the purchase. charles central area store dry bright ad for t wolves. 33 south. just the indiana into the such as 2 for belle. great and full book rest. while the, my wife's 1st showers, as we go on into widen state down towards that southeast corner. oh, so if you like, just running into ducky, i still a few shells into west composite view of the front spying. maybe even though the
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positive portugal seeing a shower or 2 in the coming days. funny, a shower is still across central areas of africa. i still a little farther north and they should be so positive chat, pushing across indonesia. well, in the areas of nigeria, things and big showers over the next few days, though safely wise continues to pump that rain by the west of the week. the look at the world still placement stores. what kind of response can we expect from china? if tech talk is in the back of the markets and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects daily 9 south asia is growing for employment levels. that actually only why is that counting the cost on o g 0 as the world economy,
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those strikes are those with a strong result. indonesia is where supposed to be solved by the right place for your business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise, with this strategic downstream industry on the client in your better tomorrow of the 3rd annual watching out there. as a reminder about top stories this uh couple of harris has puts in a waiver and commitment to israel's defense funds also told for facebook and also
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it was positive for us, vice presidents passed extended into view as democratic policies. presidential no money. is there any forces of continued federal operations targeting civilians in gaza? at least 15 people have been killed across the owners or at refugee come in the center of the step to bother you, sir, i'll fall off 5 of the victims for the children. another was a pregnant women and is ready for his appeal. 3 pallets and foxes and the village of the about the sound of janine and the occupied westbank on friday. the military talk says that call at least 20 palestinians inside of the tide. westbank since wednesday was the last. what is the head of a center for applied international nor the policy and human rights organization? i'll hack the joins us now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. good to have you with us. we'll see is israel's objective with these ways the most extensive that we've seen into decades across the occupied westbank a good. thank you laura. look,
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the is really military offensive that so taking place in the northern west bank and targeting to mean to get him to boss is not an isolated incidents as part of a broader, systematic campaign of colonial violence that can be separated from his real genocidal campaign dresser in both areas, the goal is the removal of palestinians to facilitate the expansion of israeli settlements and territorial control removal to where well, there's objectives that has been throughout the conversation in palestine. the removal of the post. i mean, people i think get, and the attacks in the drugs that are very indicative of this and the tax in the west bank a very much share connect to this broader policy. i don't think there is much
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concern of where they end up so long as they remove them from the costs or new territory. we've been seeing it at any rate in the occupied westbank since the south of the war and gauze a back in october. but why do you think this thing, this particular escalation now? well, i mean, it's uh, it underscore is israel's a brazen minister in disregard for, for international law. i mean, the international court of justice has recently declared israel's occupation settlement activities and occupied, tossed into or to raise the legal and the ongoing military defenses. in both the rest, the ends of westbank are not just military actions. their acts of aggression design to enforce and expand the illegal occupation. and did the advisory opinion underscore, is that israel's actions, including its military campaigns, are part of this illegal occupation that should be dismantled, not secured or expanded. and israel can no longer try to justify maintaining the
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security of an illegal act, rather than destroying posting and infrastructure killing and displacing more more palestinians. they should be dismantling the settlements and removing the sellers to go through the new policy and move them instead of a much to the people who are fed up with the states has quite a who all the on the groups who are retaliating as well. the natural response to subjugation and oppression is going to come organically from society in various forms. and we've seen a response to these atrocities that have been committed against the posting and people that take different forms throughout the posterior society, but also internationally. i think it's important to, to keep the uh, the, the status of the developments in a particular sequence. and it wasn't the occupation or testing and it did not go
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into an occupation occupation was imposed upon them. and the reaction to that is what we are seeing. and israel is continuing to try to secure that occupation which has been deemed illegal. the only way to end the cycle of violence is add for an adherence to international law and the international community taking its responsibility to enforce international law and not continue on. zillow is real to enjoy this environment of infinity, which only emboldens its actions. february, the pharmacist, as it was assaulted to respond to what he called iranian atlantic terra infrastructures. we see any evidence that they presented any evidence of ronnie and presence there in the occupied westbank. i mean, i haven't seen anything yet to support this. and the, the justifications that have been put forward throughout this genocidal campaign and by uh, by israel to justify its actions have good consistence consistently been uh,
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been proven false. uh, but uh the problem is that the no one is holding is real to account uh for its actions. and that give it to the time uh to uh, to operate the freely without the any consequence. and this is the only a natural escalation when his real has seen that is able to operate that with him community. uh it does. uh, it is a natural that it will continue expanding its broader colonial project within the west bank as well as the lockwood. we appreciate you take the time to talk to us on the alta 0, many things and a so thank you. well, health organizations, as the spirit of impulse on the african continent is unprecedented. the democratic republic of congo has the most cases, health officials say that struggling with low testing rates, and the delay in the vaccine roll out in the county is in the consumer,
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in the democratic republic of congo. and elaine, your outside clinic, the one that is taking in impulse cases, what is the situation that's a lot of interest on in this clinic just behind me. yeah. it's very severe because this is one of the area simple. some of the properties of salt give with a big well now for treating the impulse can see is but this one is the most of the places we have because the majority of people under the threat on the inside here shooters. and i've been just discussing with dr. as of right now, they've been reporting another case of death this morning from them on with this. if you're casey is under the treatment they are on with the house on the, on the most of the under the control of the, the doctors and they will not to because of the non but which dad is the thing.
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yeah. or most of the top 2 people, the dual bloods to all the different apps that goes from this place down to them. just say it all in this place because then pops conditions or take them at these also people are good. thank you for the event. when the under the treatment because obviously for example, so we made and applied to, to take care of the doctor, adult, those and doing for children. they decides why the under the truth were then some of them. well, so if i could buy the, the impulse because seek this one is very di, this particular 80 i young out of this. plus there is also another area code. it's got me to go. there is another just as i did as well as dope, does not complain here. they don't have lied to now. many a means in terms of printing people, but they're still receiving. we have seen why didn't we hear? yes, still receiving people. so thank you so seen a very, very difficult to get aside here. and uh,
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this is why they are calling for more means to deal with this addition there around here. and because we don't really highlight the agency of needing a vaccine. are there any updates regarding the vaccine roll out the what was the, the, to the, the obviously you had it for free shows even before coming here were discussing with some of the officials even here in the hospital. they said, there is, those is there. i think i'm told you the monday to secure order, most one would fix. one of those is why to know, but to be honest, the zip scripting almost $215.00 on those these which would have stopped coming in the country across the country for next week. but they won't do those as those it would be on for the, for the neighboring countries, but don't difficult forward because both of these just in the border with this property. so subject you will even guess is wound the report that came from me. i
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called in to, to some officials and officials here. this is why don't those i've been discussing with them, you know, just say on the lead fox think on have to stop the spread the off this a virus in this area and the cost of the program itself is what do not submit the again, offer. they've got the coming of us the next week is again, a big hole, full dump does the and also people in this area, particularly of the prove useful. so i want to keep me out of money. thanks in the, the county that reporting some of the all c, the tensions of flooring in libya is a who should control the central bank institution is considered a vital economic income. as it holds libya, as oil revenues, it directs us as he fled the country to protect himself from potential attacks by on groups. will just be just let the suspension of most banking operations, leaving many people struggling. like trying to as this report from aaa. a battle
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for control of libya central bank has led to bank suspending operations the value of the country's currency coming under threat and people unable to reach their cash or transfer money. the presidential council in tripoli ordered the removal of the banks governors. so think it could be an appointed, a new board of directors, and this the new board of directors needs to focus on a few things. first, the libyan people under domestic market banking operations having close for days. now that means a suffering because they cannot transfer money or cash. this is a huge challenge for the board of directors, and it gives us the order is illegal and only libby as legislative houses have the power to replace him. the instability is raising concerns that lived in the nor could lose value. or with bank transfers halted and threats by war, large police have to to shut down boil production and exports in response to the take over at the central bank. the price of the dollar on the black market is rising, and people here say the price of goods is increasing the most from the day this
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program started, prices are going up good to any store or pharmacy, even the price to medicine is higher. why did people work? they work to get the salaries to pay for their needs. now they say the salaries are frozen and there is no talks that it could be that way for months. how are people going to this home without? he says, if he doesn't get paid soon, he won't be able to pay for what his family needs to survive. watson, the highest, the average person is living and precarious times. we have no idea of what's happening. one day, there's a fuel shortage. one day, there's no money in the banks, we work in wait for our salaries, then we go to the bank and they tell us they have no money to fight over. control of a central bank has delayed the payment of salaries for public employees for august . more than 2300000 people work in the public sector depends on those funds for their lives. with. libya has africa's largest oil reserves and should be a prosperous country. but as politicians fight over the countries,
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resources and institutions, its ordinary people were suffering and they can only hope the instability can be overcome. so their financial hardship can be e mailed to right now. i'll just here, a tripoli of one more, advise it to me, and most government has a case the ruling ministry of economic mismanagement. inflation is rising and basic goods all in short supply. many people a living hand to mouth, tiny tongue revolts on a busy morning of one of young guns. what markets, lots of produce for sale. the bills have gone through the roof recently. shuffles say that in the past 2 months alone, prices have increased by 60 percent and that's not the only problem. domestically produce goods are in plentiful supply, but anything imported is difficult to find. the saga, we have less variety of stock now, especially products that used to be imported from china and china, mainly because of the political instability. over the past 10 months, me,
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a mazda military has lost control of its boat, is this bridge? and to me, a body was the gateway to me and my from thailand. now the asian highway that runs from his young going is controlled by rebels. some trucks get through, but it's a costly, uncomplicated process inside me and my that's leading to fuel shortages supplies dropped in from thailand, a fall less frequent them before. and suppliers, one payments in foreign exchange, queuing for fuel is the daily and for some nightly routine. they were around 50 vehicles, already chewing at the gas station, even though i went there at 3 am off the fuel prices are directly related to dollar exchange rates. we have to import all of this. yeah, most currency, the job has fallen dramatically against the us dollar and the type bought since the military to today it's only was
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a culture of its previous value. and the military is holding the foreign currency that is available to one advantage of another trailer i. jane has a video position is a to leave with new nations, but so that i need foreign exchange. and so all of the policies has been bank to that a. the basic costs to now so high. the many people are simply living day by day. yeah, i mean it, and i have 3 family members at home. we can only survive and get enough to feed the family. i don't make any profit from the store because of inflation on just one, literally customer where they used to be a lunch time rush in these difficult times. even the bowl of fried rice is a luxury you can afford. tony chang out, is there still a head head on out? is there a as i'm doing homeless, the international festival for money out to music in guadalajara, mexico. where groups from all over the world have gathered to play like this?
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[000:00:00;00] the panama has to oppose it. does she microns from ecuador off to the across the dorian got thousands west the dangerous journey through the jungle on the border with columbia on the way to the united states. the deportation flights as part of an agreement with us to reduce the flow of people having no to the physician in kansas
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and monday gonzales spaces arrest if he knows a 3rd court summons. he's accused of forging public documents and computer crimes. suppose that say gonzalez won that last month's disputed election or last name. i can add salisia, newman reports from what you learned capital. santiago, miss willis, opposition presidential candidate has been issued. a 3rd and final warning by the prosecutor general, appear in court. this friday for questioning about charges of alleged conspiracy or face arrest incentives whose support is believed. he worked in estimates, presidential elections, violence slide is hiding. and this refused to obey the summons, arguing lack of guarantees of due process or the president needs the last month who to has defied domestic and international pressure to release the building tallies. describing the situation as critical. the european union tie,
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representative of foreign affairs invited gonzales to speak to you foreign ministers via video link. i said before the meeting that they believe that clearly my doodle cannot be recon nice as a legitimate we not of this venture election. but let's say what the ministers have to say, and you decision of to recognize venezuela's president who is this he won the july 28 elections, despite strong evidence to the country must be unanimous into these capital. meanwhile, the head of the us military southern command, general laura richardson told a regional security gathering the global democracy is under threat. and we don't have to look any further than venezuela. we're nicholas missouri continues to undermine the democratic will of the venezuelan people. having already caused 7 and
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a half 1000000 venezuelans to flee, increasing irregular migration, threw out south and central america. general richardson clarified that a political rather than the military solution is needed. as for the man who was fighting to be recognized discipline as well as legitimate president elect, it's unclear whether the med, legal government will go ahead with his arrest risking for their international pressure. see in human out to 0 santiago. the social media platform x. this is bracing for operations in brazil to be shot down on wednesday. supreme court judge accused the company of failing to look accounts linked to miss information, you know, to, to a point, a legal representative by the end of the state. that deadline has now passed and that you know moscow's coup, the judge a dictator on the order of illegal david name a is a professor with media studies at the university of virginia. he says 0 mosque has
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refused to comply with present laws as a brazilian laws governing the internet. so media must have a representative based in the country. so what the mosque is doing is truly over reacting to the fact that he does not understand. and he doesn't want to comply with the local law as a result, he's totally b. i can like a supplier, right? because he doesn't understand, they got to go with local laws, not just based on who's on the understanding of free speech or how big is through the government in other places, the question should be, is x that important to result? and that is a different answer. it's no x only ranks number temp in terms of number of active users. in brazil is even below the trust in linkedin. and as a platform it does not reach the part corners of the country. it is an important
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platform in the sense that that's where you find journalist experts, professors researchers, implants, but when he comes to implants a whole country, that platform is not that effective. as a print test is always found to do mode, eyes is a very polarizing speaker. so is, is a mosque rides, zillow mosque has been cooperation with far ride politicians and results. this is why he's so interesting, so invested in the country. so obviously those that lead towards conservatives and the far right will criticize just as obviously do more eyes and praise mosque as you know, the, the hero of, of free speech. but for those members who lean towards the left and towards progressive thinking, then obviously they have been backing and supporting. i was trying to do my eyes. and finally, a celebration of one of mexico's most popular musical genres. every year,
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the safety of guadalajara has the world's largest mariachi festival on home and was a busy is event in west and mexico. a new keystroke of more than $100.00 money out. the none of them a mix could it's the annual festival, the musical style in highly skilled. it's best i that means yearly chance to groups from low to the will to come and refine the across the mix committee, yochi academy. they come from as far away as from portugal in japan, home to the kind of at a medical group who are playing and many eci version of a famous japanese. so for us, i ok so. so what i need to do there is another money ethics. this is the cradle of marietta music. so we can learn from the teachers, see the shows and get to know our international mariachi colleagues to to the teachers at the academy. the monday they sending out a bus, it is for
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a tradition that's been around for about a century and a whole performance with charles suits room by minutes. can cowboys back in the day and play unique instruments? the we'll get that on a basic utah. they sing songs of loved jealousy, tequila, horses, and seduction during the festival, which is expected to bring about $250000.00 visitors the highly skilled before it ends. crack local bands will supply the majestic bengal. yeah, they'll see it to be well before in groups isn't of to prove themselves to the rule, at least go public the portuguese. true maniachi, mexico. my data have a particularly demanding assignment. legend has it. this facebook cooler is the book by somebody out of that way. but then they would never guess, they'd be agree playing this music. they come from all the way from the other side
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to what we're seeing. if that to me is on a 1st visit to mexico. she doesn't speak much spanish, but she feels she's ready a by me, by through the set, the groups 13 new local funds. i feel proud that another countries playing our music because somebody else who was born here and i loved the other nations like it . but it comes up in trying to do me, cynthia, i felt joy. i don't know how to explain it. it was unique for me. i come from portugal, i seen mexican music and i love it. and it was incredible. by next week, the 1st one will be over the overseas money out. she's on their way home. that task according to the teachers, to spread the gospel of money, etc. and makes it kind of to across the world. don't human out, is it a highly skilled mix? card and that's it for me and laura kyle full. this means i'll move back in just a moment though with most of the day's news for you.
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the unique perspectives, the mark, and stablish that it's going to go into the drive using kamala harris's identity of the black women on heard voices, people who are close political affiliations, can get a way that can connect with our community and tap into conversations. you will find elsewhere. are we going to live in a world where it absolutely normal journalists are targeted and blamed for their own? little place on earth is changing the world order. the stream on algebra. the summer days in this lot, the libya is 3rd largest city and the economic hub private development like this beach resort in recent years has made this a destination for holiday makers across the country. livia has suffered conflict and political division since small market deputy was toppled in 2011. how did the
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did fax us having to rival governments in libya has had a negative impact on its economy, but it's also created opportunities. people cannot afford to travel for the 1st of additional new sites. the business people are investing in results, amusement parks, and the restaurants clearwater. please guys, and sandy beaches. libya has africa, longest mediterranean coastline. private investors are developing small peach resorts like this one across the country, but because of the conflicts and libya, most countries advise their citizens to stay away. cultivating food is the foundation of human civilization, but food today is a global commodity. if the industry did not make money, how many people who and how it's cultivated, the contentious debates, public interest and the public safety is definitely not taking precedence and in depth examination into agri business. and the conflicting interests play industry
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doesn't want any regulation. they just want to put the products on the market. the price of progress on o, g 0. the is there any minute treat yourself in the occupied westbank and says of the day at least 20 people including cost and the end of places as being killed the headed down or a kyle, this is out 09 from doha. also coming up in central gone so is really strikes


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