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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the i'm the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news out live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. at least $25.00 palestinians killed since stolen as well as on the car is out showing an ass strikes across most of it. in areas of district world health organization says it has procured more than a 1000000 doses of tonia vaccine. for garza, there were concerns a 3 day pause and fighting might not be on off view. an agency for palestinian says,
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tens of thousands of been affected by as well as offensive unoccupied. westbank u. k is also warning of instability in the region. vital delivery is boston oil, wealth, central bank is quoted in a 5 so console as its governor leaves the country as for the huge shock in the south around the us, open full time, grand slam champion. carlo sounds kind of has been knocked house and straight set at flushing meadows. the . we begin the news out in gauze though it is a no laptop. it is on the bottom and of the strip is ready for us is they've killed at least $25.00 pound of sydney. and since early on friday, 9 members of one family died. and then overnight strike on an apartment building a new site on refugee camp 5 with children. another was
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a pregnant woman. this is ready for us as of killed at least 4 people them injured . mold in 2000 and a strike targeting a group of civilians in the center of the giovanni refugee camp in northern garza and is right, the forces of killed at least 2 palestinians in the targeted psych on a home and other montage. a refugee camp in central garza for people were injured in the attack. the world health organization says, as well as agree to temporary pools in fighting to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin say, 1200000 doses of now being delivered to the strip the w. i. jo, it aims to vaccinate 640000 children younger than 10 against the highly infectious disease in all k. a sions will take place in 3 areas over 3 days, starting in central guns up on sunday. according to the agreement,
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the polls in fighting will take place during 9 hour windows every day. a groups of blame, the re emergence of polio on these, right, the armies, destruction of water and sanitation systems. margaret harris's a spokeswoman for the world health organization. she joins us now from geneva. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how confident are you that this vaccination campaign will actually begin september? the 1st is blind. well, we welcome the commitment and we have to be confident that the committee will hold, that we will have the pause in, in function that we need. because we need the security for the fax they just for it . also for the families, for the children to be able to come to the sites and to be vaccinations. so it's not perfect. we wanted a full ceasefire, but it's the best workable solution we have at the moment. so have you received any
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guarantees from is right, the officials that that will be a complete pause to their operations, to the strikes in all of golf and 9 out of this. or is this a commitment to polls in only certain areas? it's a commitment to a pause in certain areas. so it's, it's a localized uh pause, and the 1st will happen in central garza, as you've mentioned. and then pause for that period that you described will happen for 3 days. now we've also said it may not be possible to reach older children for 3 days. we may need longer that, that, that has been understood and discussed. but what we've got at the moment is a pause. first and central calls are for 3 days, followed by south casa boulevard by north dasa, each area covered over 3 days, but consecutively. let me off this thing longer because i was talking to our team
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on the ground just before we came to where and it seems like that kind of information is not clear for everybody. does more need to be done. to explain to paula stands, where to go, how they can get there. and are there any safety guarantees for people to access poder vaccinating sites? right. so indeed, that's a very, very important part of any of the ex nation campaign. big mess campaign like this is to ensure that the parents know what's going on. the parents know why they would want to vaccinate their children. they know where to go. and of course, the safety must be guaranteed. if we have you received those guarantees from this, right, a, a forces margaret. the agreement has been for a pause in the different areas being rolled out. so that's the agreement we have and we have to post the agreement will be held to
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all right. you mentioned that 3 days might not be enough and you said it's being discussed. what does that mean? have you received some commitment from these by the side that they would extend this pulse this? so it may be an understanding that the, the, this will be necessary. 6 so we've made it very clear that due to the insecurity as we just discuss and but also damage to roads and infrastructure. very hard for them. vaccinate us to be of also very hard for the people, the families to move out. these are the really, really difficult operating conditions, and so getting it all done in 3 days may is a whole lot to be sufficient. so we're going to monitor the vaccination, covent coverage, and currently my team on the ground site, we had agreed that vaccination will be and then, but one day, whatever necessary one day. but you don't have a, as we told now, there is no guarantee, no agreement,
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no commitment from these right. decide that they will extend this until all there is particularly what about northern gauze. so the most desperate area, perhaps in garza a nose and also we're going to have 3 days this. so each of the sections each it's the strip, has been divided into a central bozza south garza north and gaza. and you're quite right north and gothic definitely. it's not just back to nation, bought all the health services. so we were really worried about the hospitals, the like the fuel being that provided to the hospitals and supplies that you're a don't have situations. so that's really what we want is the ceasefire. let's be honest. we um, uh, accepting that this is what's being made possible because it's such an emergency to get these children back so that but what we want is a safe spot. i'm show everybody appreciates the efforts that the w h o and that you're doing that vaccinations. no doubt, very essential,
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but any sign of any effort and agreement to try and deal with the root causes that have close this polio outbreak. the destruction of gauze is infrastructure, particularly wall to sanitation systems and so on. but precisely, again, that's why our starting point is we need a sci fi now we need this conflict. and if this is not going to get back to maximizing the children will protect many of the children from the consequences of polio. polio shouldn't be that it hasn't been in gaza for 2 and a half decades for a quarter century. and it's only that because of the destruction of the infrastructure, of all the phillips, the water off the completely separate to isn't people being crowded together and impossible conditions. so they, you might be said, why are you focusing on polio? it's what we can do. but what we all need,
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what the world needs to do is they fixed on the safe spot. all right, thank you so much for sharing your time with us, margaret harris from the world health organization. thank you. this is very full, is installed into 3 cities in the occupied westbank on the 3rd day of a large scale attack. they've carried out as strikes down golf roads and destroyed infrastructure. and 2 of us to common jeanine killed at least 19 palestinians. now 3 of those killed on friday were in a car and the village of is about the south of jeanine, the minute reset, fonts of the vehicle and confiscated. the body's violation of international humanitarian law is ready ami says one of the 3 fights is, was the hamas come on the in jeanine. but it's been no confirmation of this from hamas itself. and he's ready to ami a send reinforcements to janine whether a confrontations with palestinian sciences electricity has been taught to most areas in the cities, refugee camp,
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communication lines. the down and troops have surrounded the main hospital. is where the forces say the targeting factions, palestinians say they deliberately attacking homes and destroying rodents. the structure of the british government says it's deeply concerned by as well as methods during its operation in the occupied westbank. it's warning of a risk of serious instability and cold for the escalation. the commission, a general view and agency of palestine, refugee says, is why the security forces operations and then all of them westbank continued to impact the palestinian refugees. tens of thousands of people in full refugee camps have been impacted by this operation, including through the destruction of public and private infrastructure. we've had to suspend, under our services to communities in several camps. it is time to reach a political solution to this decades long conflict when the suffering of civilians,
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wherever they are to me that it will have joins us from north shelves. refugee camp in the occupied west buying so many that we understand these radio operations still on the way in jeanine. what are you hearing from inside the well, people and janine are telling us that there are certain areas from within the refugee camp itself that are with missing confrontations between the palestinian fighters within these really forces that are continuing their raid on jeanine. why they have withdrawn from other areas, it name, lead to boss, and to cut in where we are right now. and every time when i read ends, people come back to their homes to try and assess some of the damage. remember, these people are scared for their lives. some of them have no other option, but to leave the areas, they believe that the is really forces are going to be hammering on. and they come back soon after these really read and, and try and bring some sense of numeracy to the refugee camp. this is here,
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one of the streets in the future become that has been targeted. and, you know, we've been here before, we've seen these really forces do that in north shoves for free to come in other refugee camps here in the area. but this is by far, the most destruction we've seen in size news shims since the war on does that sort of, as you can see here, a policy is, are trying to fix or try and remove it, please. the threats that resulted from these homes. this could be, you know, falling apart any minute they've been destroyed, they've been set on fire as well. remember, this is a crowded refugee cab has a lot of children and families. people who really have nowhere else to go. but we've been talking to some families who say that they have to leave their homes feeling for the lives they say. the intensity of the attack x by these rated forces
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against palestinians. since the war started has quadrupled and multiplied with ariel strikes, taking place close to residential areas, killing palestinians. people i've been talking to here, talk about instances where women were inside their homes and they've been heads in killed by these really use a fire, a shoulder miss files or air strikes as well as the continued shooting tossing in, in refugee camps. that yes, israel says it's targeting palestinian fighters and members of on functions for the real goal is to end any aspect of life inside refuge account to secure to leave her alone. relatives of december, i asked her to leave the tooth cutting refugee camp. camp is the one who for that is really forces where did arity on wednesday,
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part of the biggest assault on the occupied to us banking more than 2 decades. the fulton demo, but what they used to leave us women alone. now, after october, the 7th, the shooting left right and centre. my neighbor was killed in the comp i. she was just making coffee in her home. to continue the salt, make some too worried to stay in their home. so one place where they should feel safe at home. how would you, i'm of these radio, keep patients creating an environment that pushes people out by destroying the infrastructure, almost completely cutting electricity and water. they want to lead people with nothing. so they would ultimately have no other option, but to legal never to cut in and you need to have seen the largest raids and highest numbers of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank. since the world got the started intensifying air strikes, hundreds of rooms, damaged, roads destroyed, or some people have fled to come totaled. this evaluation is only temporary and dependent on the user id forces, leaving their running away from the tower for
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a while. no one's talking about leaving the campbell together is right in the army says it's targeting palestinian fighters, members of armed functions. but palestinians believe is released targeting what discounts and for resisting these radio occupation and reinforcing refugees right? to return to their line. if you don't get those away from her home, if the sam is worried about her come and the neighbors she locked behind, service didn't. i didn't want to leave my home. it's difficult when the rate is over. i can't wait to go back. if this um and many others echo a similar sentiment, they say these really forces want them out and this is exactly why they intend to stay need that. but he just eat off to cut in palestine as, as you most had on the news out, including ty phone's been downgraded in japan,
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but it's still causing widespread disruption. plus we've got to get a deal done. we, we have a road in doha. we have to get a deal done. this war must, and cadillac harris calls for a gallons of ceasefire. and at 1st begin to view since becoming the democratic party nominated for us president the, the director of libya, central bank says he and all the senior stuff of flight, the country in fear of their lives is off to the residential accounts, the load it is removal and appointed a new board tension is growing between libya's rival government service, who should control the situation. the dispute is led to the suspension of most banking operations, leaving many people struggling like trying the results from tripoli. a battle for control of libya,
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the central bank has led to bank suspending operations the value of the country's currency coming under threat and people unable to reach their cash or transfer money. the presidential council and tripoli ordered the removal of the banks governors. so think it could be an appointed, a new board of directors and the new board of directors needs to focus on a few things. first, the libyan people under domestic market banking operations having close for days. now that means a suffering because they cannot transfer money or cash. this is a huge challenge for the board of directors, and it gives us the order is illegal and only libya's legislative houses have the power to replace him. the instability is raising concerns to live in the nor could lose value or with big transfers halted and threats by war lords because we have to, to shut down oil production and exports in response to the take over at the central bank. the price of the dollar on the black market is rising,
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and people here say the price of goods is increasing. then most from the day this program started prices are going up good to any store or pharmacy, even the price to medicine is higher. why did people work? they work to get the salaries to pay for their needs. now they say the salaries are frozen and there is no talks that it could be that way. for months, however, people go into this home without. he says, if he doesn't get paid soon, he won't be able to pay for what his family needs to survive. watson, the highest, the average person is living and precarious times. we have no idea what's happening . one day, there's a fuel shortage. one day, there's no money in the banks, we work in wait for our salaries, then we go to the bank and they tell us they have no money to fight over. control of a central bank has delayed the payment of salaries for public employees for august . more than 2300000 people work in the public sector depends on those funds for their lives. with libya has advocates largest oil reserves and should be
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a prosperous country. whereas politicians fight over the country's resources and institutions, its ordinary people were suffering and they can only hope the instability can be overcome. so their financial hardship can be ease mount trina, which is 0. tripoli. all right, and it says commodity now is the founder and director of sonic institute, the 1st public policy thing time libya joins us now live from a stumble. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, that's all about why the presidential council ordered the removal of the central bank government in the 1st place as well. there was a deep, probably as you know. and as you find some of the contacts, if you're still divided between 2 levels, governments, one in the west, the international recognize government interpreted a g n u and a rival administration in the east that is controlled by for the foster. not for several years that has been the case and i since 2021 boss in the last several years. the power and the balance of the books, the economic lifeline,
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the central bank has been funding the government in the west and not funding the government lease. that is not as starting to shift because of a rivalry between departments stopped the debate back from the central bank governor. and i guess you have to think of it this way. then a country web portal is the life blood. would you think of the central bank as being the heart of the pumps that wealth through the system? and if whoever controls that central bank is going to control which of those 2 level affections is going to throw it on, which one of them is going to with her on the volume. and that's now take the place in real time. as we see in tripoli with the shift a power presidential counselors degree last week, and then a physical takeover of the bank premises leading to the bank, the bank government himself. so that could be definitely the country. so just to simplify things for view as, as this was a situation wasn't not in which the central bank governor was seen as closer to the eastern government. and the western government wanted to get him out because they don't want,
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based in government to be in control. of the one institution that is authorized to keep oil revenues, the life lot of the economy. right? absolutely. and i think to go one step further, that office is not just the bank volt, it could become a joint type of weight because the keys to that system passwords the international recognition of who signs the checks. so that could be the swift system that allows the transactions to take place from maybe overseas that is also being turned off. so in effect, they haven't entered the building in frequently, but they've turned into a drawing paper weight because they don't have access to the system. but as a major problem now, because the libyans on the street are going to have empty one, that's an empty one. that's we'll then turn over into anger on the street because the, on the average and coming to be honest with showing that in your, in your reports, that the ones that will feel the pinch, the other ones that are going to disappear the recession, that gets fuel economic on the get and no access, the cash that interest, the salaries, no access to atm, no physical transactions,
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the financial transactions taking place. and it could lead to a run on the banks. and we saw that over the last several years, a liquidity crisis, where you can get more than a $1000.00 today to about $200.00 or even less if the bank rate goes up. so in effect, in the final bottom line on that is that libya is photo wealth limits or libya as the price of the dinar is going to start to do as well. so the central bank could decide whether or not the denali dunces and survives, or it stumbles and fools, and it's not fools, and purchasing power goes down. its wealth. does auster an economic disaster happening in real time? okay, hang on, hang on. hang on. that is, before we go into dates that you, cuz you know this stuff inside out, but let's give us a chance to catch off on you'll, you'll probably knowledge on this, but the, the, the new board of governors that's being appointed. are they going to be able to get things going again, things like transfers, cash, withdrawals, and salaries. if,
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according to the analogy you've given the central bank, galvan though is close to the east, he's left with the keys. so even the appointment of a new boulder governess can they solve this? you know, it's going to be a negotiation. that'd be a smoky room somewhere in libya, outside of libya. because microshare, she's on a start and to take shape because the un has made a request for desperately, if you will, to store all of this, you know, out production. we'll start off by, on the side of the, the final stuff has been shut down. as of last week, and so that there's now also a new emergency that's taking place designed to write the decision to take place and assign a new board member and you governor access to the physical vote. none of that matters. the international community also has to decide whether or not they want to work with just the board of governors, and they need a governor and they haven't made a decision yet. assume vermont to thank you very much for coming from the sonic
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institute. a heavy rain as close to the collapse of 3 dams and you have in killing at least 24 people. thousands of homes was swept away in floods and at least 200 was damaged. so jeff, it's around the way to find 17 missing people. in japan, a severe tropical storm, meanwhile is disrupting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people downgraded from ty, food and shun shine. that made land full on the 1st day is killed at least 5 people injured. hundreds stones also cause widespread destruction and shot down public transport, shops and facts. where is michael? apple has more. torrential, rain drenched is southwest japan. so one of the strongest high foods in decades type food intention will set broad gusts of wind up to 200 kilometers per hour when it made land full in the south west, leaving a trail of destruction is it headed north on friday. people in the south have
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stocked up on essentially it's often like this better to wait to normally receive relatively minus damage. so i never stock up for tie foods, but this time are out, given the size of it when it's made landfill, i did buy things to prepare the streets of keys who are quiet with many people, staying in those and factories, shut down all sorts of clothes and we find everywhere and we, we feel very disappointed in the space we spoke about a public transport trains and a travel suspended. hundreds of thousands of people have been stranded including tourists. the tons of the what am i just the refund for them? they will do fond dollar flights tickets and book and other flight. we have stayed an extra day in japan. then the saw in the news that all slides from day one good
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and then and jump on and had to turn around. we're trying to find a way home notices advising people to be ready to evacuate. their homes have been issued to more than 5000000 people across the country. tension which has been downgraded to a severe tropical storm, is not heading for tokyo and is likely to reach the capital over the weekend. mike level l g 0 o heavy ryan is calls flooding and pods of west and india. thousands of people to be forced from that homes near the rape and sea coast in the states of good jobs. many less stranded and flooded neighborhoods that were lying on deliveries of food and water. rescue work as all using inflatable boats to take people to shelters. full cost as a warning the way the system could develop into a site cloud. it's the 21st day of product tests and strikes in the indian
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city of called kata. it follows the rape and murder of a junior dr. earlier this month. chief minister of westbank all state he's calling for the main suspect the face of the death penalty. victoria gates would be now is the, the squared test is in co cost of the say, the members of the pieces of a political policy. they simply marching to highlight the issue was women, safety after training don't deal with rates in killed inside a government hospital on august the 9. this is the 4th time a citizen may lead to by young women and the students have suspended. and i'm sure that this movement is going to go on and we find that on so as to what happens so that our faith is restored in police and judiciary. some demonstrations the demanding, the resignation of the chief minister of westbank who states they say has failed
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and how responsibilities people are angry because they want the justice. but somehow, the point to go to the, to sort of state currently they're not, they're like, you know, give out just face or even try to do something just to prime minister in read for moody's government. the g p is in a position in west bengal policy. cool. the 12, i'll strike on wednesday after offices 5 to gas and move to candidate demonstrators . treatments them to managing says the b. j. p is politicizing the issue with women safety to their room gain. she says she's guessing going with the job of governing . 7 next friday we go to mont capital punishment, so those guilty students will take to the streets to protest. so the same i ask my support is to stand by the cause. if you are involved and i will talk to you, you must also be present for the protest. many protest is, believe me,
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people were involved in the attack on the doctor. then the woman who's safe of being charged, that demanding investigators identify ways responsible and bring them to justice. victoria gates and b i, which is the still ahead on al jazeera where live in the democratic republic of congo, whether a wire is about the low rates as testing. so i'm folks, virus on vaccination is yet to begin. plus, i'm doing home to the international festival, somebody out to music in guadalajara, mexico, white groups from all over the world have gathered to play like this. the andrea and madrid dropped points in the league again and a certain super stuff still lost the mock details coming up in school. the
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the had that there's lots of fine dry and some re whether to be enjoyed. okay. the central parts of europe at the moment, we'll see temperatures continue to pick up out east as a summary conditions extending further west. but we've got some heavy rain lingering out the edges, with warnings out for greece, for those funds. a storm, some went to weather as well, around coastal areas of the black sea and a band of heavy rain that will move its way from scandinavia on was to the baltic states in the days ahead and some heavy rain as well coming into western parts of europe's and northern areas of front seeing that some thunder storm continuing from northern areas and will central areas of spain on friday, saturday will be the south west of front. this is the west of that. what weather but further north for britain on the island of on and the shop was, will ease it is looking fine i we all going to see some bright skies their own sack
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today in terms of temperature as well that we coming down across the library and peninsula to some relief to come for places like lisbon will be lingering around the mid twenties. but they'll be on the out full the balkans and got warnings on for the likes of croatia as well as the sub. yet temperatures will be touching up into the, the thirty's. it will be a little bit cooler. however, in athens, on saturday the, the harmful passages are increasingly affecting our lives. we've terrible consequences . a documentary asks whether we've learned any lessons from the h i v. i. in the fight tickets cobit 19, we ignore the global side to port products. people the cost
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time. appendix on notice as the world economy, those strikes are those with a strong result. indonesia is where it's supposed to be solved by the right place for your business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise, with this strategic downstream industry on the client, your better tomorrow the the i'll come back here watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines, the director of libby,
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a central bank says he and all the serious golf have slides. the country in favor of their lives, but it's off to the presidential council odor. these removal and point to the new board tension is growing between libya's rival governments over to should control the institution is right. the forces of stormed into 3 cities in the occupied westbank on the 3rd day of a large scale attacked. 3 of those killed on friday were in a cos south of jeanine. these ready on me, it says one of the prizes was the how mosque monitor engineering has been no confirmation of this from from us. it's right, a full series of killed at least $25.00 palestinians across kansas and stolen on friday. 9 members of one family died in the silence refugee camp. 4 people have been killed in the giovanni refugee camp in the north. and at least 2 palestinians were killed in the center of the strips and the halls the refugee camp. let's go
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now to hand the man move the joins us from dad and bella in central gaza and had a while. we've had news today of these radio occupation forces with drawing the ground troops from the some pots of gaza. that doesn't mean any laptop. so this strikes on gaza right of the will these withdrawal all the tactics. sam, you look very much familiar to the evacuation orders. the is ready, but it didn't be nationally for the past in months. the all the conclusion here, they're all misleading. they are vague. they are contradictory, people make their way back to their home, to check on their belongings, the whatever is lifted from their homes in their neighborhood. the venus hoc being shut advise is really military, it doesn't mean there is 5, have whole seeds because in one area of the central part of the sip is really
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monitor, withdrew partially or what has been part, steve at the topic of withdrawal. but the same time further, northern part of the central area of the states is really as high predators. the attack and ruins are talking people who are there are the arts in standing in front of their homes. are they're going into their daily business, finding water and food. the deal is drug of the people have been experiencing for the past and months. and since the beginning of this unit side, the war across the, the gaza strip, more people are being killed in fox, the vast majority of their me, they're making these. the children are making the of the vast majority of casualties arriving to the hospital just the past hour. so it, 10 of the casualties arriving to the hospital to report it goes right out because they were hit by high fly, high speed a trap. those in their heads and talk, there was 11 shot the arrival here that we could not i, i look at all, they put a journalist here. they could not take the picture of that little chart because literally his, his,
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it wasn't blowing over the rain. part of his brain was coming out. these are just examples of the things that we are. we cannot continuously covering here because how it graphic they are. but this is the fee and that we witness on a daily basis among the $10.00 casualties arriving to the hosp or 2 were killed as the last 4 in a critical conditions. they are at the i see right now and the house because because of the evacuated orders in the past few days are forced to go out of service. they are ready to be transferred to out of the hospital. that's it. i'm afraid that refuge account, that health facility is already over crowded and doesn't have enough to space to accommodate more people arriving. do it? yes, true and one have there are withdrawals or from areas, but at the same time there's trying to continue to create much more difficult conditions and much more tragedies on the ground for civilian disability and population. all right, that's on a mac mode for us from gaza. thanks so much for the sound as
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a kind of joins us here now in the studio. he's an associate professor of golf politics. a coffee university. good to have you with us is not only the situation which you know is quite a bleak and gaza, or a close missing attack spies, railey occupation forces in the west bank picking up why. while it seems that there is no safe place, neither even in the west bank and that there is at least one of the competing to be where or feeling that will happen is already happening at the start of decided that and there is no placing which any member of what we're active as of how mazda the can see here that this was back, we'd be safe, it, but the fact that they are able to contact in ethics and in, in the west bank, of course, is thought a good thing. other people around $600.00 people already died since the beginning of the war. 140 feet, our children in the west bank. it has nothing to do with what is going on. and
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gustovo fixed bump justified because of the operation against ham us in augusta. so, but this been, this been a, quite the history of these right, of the occupation forces raving places like janine right is not the 1st time and how it sites is, has it been in dismantling nothing out on groups resisting that occupation? well, it depends on what this the objective is to the objective. it was. the question is now, well, what is the objective of executive search field? i can how much it would not be effected because what the, the forces not they are for system the that there could be some in augusta arc. and gus, i'm looking in westbrook and therefore we don't know exactly what it's, i'm thinking maybe. and we can that our system is thoughtful for the police on a message is given directly to the people who respond not to side or not to start the ball game. against the base trying to completion of these happen,
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mainly conceding that this set the, the simplest that they are collecting on swap the box. i mean kind of this, that i see on the west bank where as a result of the tax collected the settlers. so in general, the policy in which is probably is trying to force feel this on particular lead me to see how much i'm avoiding that there. the, the birth of another kind of movement into, with bucket back may support a task. you mentioned the term that we can in the will of the general population does not explain some of the images we see in these operations of the structure of civilian infrastructure. well what, what they did in, in gus, i would those in all the, the, the 1st settlements otherwise there in, in, in the 6th or 7th. this shows that they did the fact that the one that took with
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them to nowhere is showing the dental ones and the post for augusta. so of course if, if with using the wheel is making them hello as thing in the west, 5 everything up, the roads and tom x being destroyed, the postings are complaining of volta and connections being damaged. it seems that the now is becoming the same, but they are doing it gus that they are trying to do in a westbank. we don't declaring that they are having this offensive to to affect some specific group of people. all right, thank you so much. and so as a caught us from culture university, thank you so much for coming in the, the world health organization says the spirit of impulse and the african continent is unprecedented. the democratic republic of congo has the most cases, health officials say struggling with low testing rates,
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and the delay in the vaccine rollouts on the island or county is in comfortable in the democratic republic of congo joins us live from that. so let's start with the clinics. you've been at clinics today, how they dealing with the increase in impulse cases. well, certainly i still live in the the opinion of to now, as you can see just behind to me, that if you will, some of the severe cases on the treatment right now. we haven't just visited some of them with doctors here. goods the most vulnerable here and also one of them even died this morning. again. dr as uh, complaining already, the dog enough. dogs do not even know in the absence of deluxe in dope, does a nearly a doing their best to treat the majority of casting. that is even yeah, daddy sitting almost opposite cuz he's a day though,
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even though bloodshed foretold it is always full of useful for him. so to people well blog for the open to other centers out of this area to stop people from coming . all of them here because it's too crowded here and you know, we treat them. i don't think folks, it's also a matter of contacts. we have seen for example, we met in this room here being effected from the fort from their daughters. because the way of taking care of their daughters, they cannot leave them alone. then some of them good effected 5 minutes. plus what i did this morning they went on which came with the door to the then the new money is now under the freedom at the very picture going forward. you still decide to see trish on, which is going on here. all, most cells don't know for them in different rooms, just behind to me here and city show state of very die of to now in this area. and i will be in hearing for days that the vaccine campaign is yet to deploy is yet to the full that why the once delaying the distribution of vaccines that are already
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then why tests being so difficult to administer while in the past with the c or she'll say that the noise is the way it was coming from different fucking, i've been here that day, the cdc, to the deal, to see an official was performed. that's the off. and now the african union, secure for the court in an almost $1600000.00 of those is which would be our suspecting among them for most or $200.00. $15000.00 on those is to be deployed from next week. but the issue is the challenge which this country is facing different name, the vaccine wheel drive, we don't want to do sufficient or we see on the ground here because these are growing the number of doctor as well through the receiving people every day. as i mentioned previously, that's going to be another challenge for this deployment of the bucks. and this is
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a huge conflict with logistic problems which you cannot imagine the often does it private profile roads. there is no, uh uh, it'll plan on that to meet with the probably those bucks in dr. would be another delay which may cause which may have impact on the treatments here in this place. this is why doctors we have been discussing with them. they said the helps the of the of i've seen because that is the only way it would have stopped the spreading of the base of the brick among the population here. but as i said, this would be another college for the deployment of this book sitting in different areas for now doing what they can do here with the means that they are in this area . thank you so much on the economy. the us now the u. s. residential candidate, capital harris has pledging an unwavering commitment to as well as defense, while also calling for a cease fire and gaza. she's taken bottom the 1st to extend it into view as the democratic policies. normally,
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it was the 1st johnson versus the hair from an on script to terrace $66.00 days out from the election. hard to jo, castro has more now in the middle of her campaign bus blitz of the swing state of georgia. cala harris told cnn she would have pointed a republican to her cabinet. i think it's important to have people at the table and when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences, she defended or move away from some progressive policies. let's be clear. my values have not changed and outlined us policy on israel mirroring that of joe. by that i'm unequivocal and an unwavering and my commitment, israel's defense, and its ability to defend itself. and that's not gonna change far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. and we have got to get a deal done. we, we have a road in doha. we have to get
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a deal done. this war must end. in the meantime, we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. let's give the ceasefire done. but no change of policy in terms of arms and, and so forth. no, i, we have to get a deal done. the republican, donald trump tried to preempt harris's much anticipated interview with his own series of appearances in michigan and wisconsin. there. he announced he would require health insurance companies to cover the costs of in vitro fertilization because we want more babies to put it very nicely. distancing himself from some republican proposals to ban i v f. he attacked harris on the border and economy, but was on the defense against accusations. he recently used arlington national cemetery for fallen us soldiers as a campaign photo walk. so i go there, they ask me to have a picture and they say i was campaigning. i don't need the one thing i get is
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plenty of publicity. i don't need that. i don't need the publicity. a set of new polls show harris, leading trump by one to 4 points. the break neck speed campaigning of both candidates, reflects their shared urgency to reach swing state voters with 66 days until election day. how do you do castro algae 0 washington? no celebration of one of nice guys. most popular musical genres is taking place in the city of what the heart of hosting the world's largest money out to festival event brings together some of the best money out to musicians from right around the globe. john holman, has mall from the events in west and mexico. no history of moving 100 money out. the none of them,
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mexico. it's the annual festival. the musical started and at least go it's best i. that means yearly charts. the groups from low to the will to come and refine across the mex kemati yochi academy. they come from as far away as from portugal and japan, home to the kind of at a medical group who are playing and many a cheap version of a famous japanese. so for us, i ok so. so what i need to do there is another money ethics. this is the cradle of mary, actually music. so we can learn from the teachers, see the shows and get to know our international mariachi colleagues to to the teachers at the academy. the monday they sending out a bus, it is for a tradition that's been around for about a century and a whole performance with charles suits room by minutes. can cowboys back in the day and play unique instruments? the we'll get that on a basic utah. they sing songs of loved jealousy, tequila,
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horses, and seduction during the festival, which is expected to bring about $250000.00 visitors the highly skilled before it ends. crack local bands will supply the majestic bengal. yeah, they'll see it. meanwhile, the phone groups isn't of to prove themselves to the room, at least go public the portuguese, true maniachi, mexico. my data have a particularly demanding assignment. legend has it. this facebook cooler is the book by somebody out of that way, but then they would never guess. they'd be agree, lane, this music, they come from all the way from the other side. the single fact to me is on a 1st visit to mexico. she doesn't speak much spanish, but she feels she's ready by me by through the set, the groups 13 new local funds. i feel proud of another countries playing our music
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because maria and she was born here and i loved the other nations like it. but it comes up in trying to do miss cynthia. i think joy, i don't know how to explain it. it was unique for me. i come from portugal, i seen mexican music and i love it. and it was incredible. by next week, the 1st one will be over the overseas marietta cheese on their way home. that task, according to the teachers, to spread the gospel of money, etc. and makes it kind of to across the world. don't human out, is it a highly skilled mix card? so, so i had an al jazeera installed a shot defense for chelsea in europe. find out off through the break just how costly it was. the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the alright, let's catch up on all the sports news with center. thank you very much, samuel. we saw with the one of the old hom huge folks at the us open, has called us, has cut us that has been knocked out. and the 2nd around the 2022 attempt in the last to on see the dr. glass spot, the vendor is on the sub in the st sets. so it's outside us as early as exist as a grand slam, since wimbledon 2021. and just the 2nd time he's lost at the outside of the top 50 and a 15 and much winning streak at grand slam for the spaniel. having won the french open en wimbleton, today was a mean, i guess the plan that he was playing, i guess myself, you know my mind. so was, i mean,
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no emotion that i couldn't control was a up in some points, then i lose some points. a guy i get down or he was voted costs it, let's say my mind. so he can be like that if i want you to think about big things, so i have to, i have to prove it. i have to to, to learn about, oh, no problem. so well, number one. yeah. and etc. as he defeated alex initials and in a straight says, dropping to 6 games in the process. it's hot and has had to endure online abuse at following the latest open controversy center failed to drug tests and launch. c has been kids of wrong doing 2021 champion, done image with of as through to the said run the russian. it was a comfortable space. that's when it gets to a 5 year end model, son of hungry. however, the 15th is admitted that he was struggling with the noise from the crowd that he will face 51st, see the slab. you'll come bully the match to the felt like a and then it's all interest or, and you know, the, the food is great. the like the off the face is great,
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but you'll have is like basic was so noisy. solve the batch. i was like oh, try to focus try to focus that and it was uh yeah, if i'm feeling to tom champion now me. oh, soccer has been knocked out in the 2nd round. also. i've got one back in 20182020. she's struggled performed since returning to the sports, following maternity leave and, and mental health break responded. reset points as she lost in straight sets to car line and will cover the ends the full year in grand slams. what will soccer have them failed to progress plus assessing ron's and any of them. substitute egos, why is that a has sailed into this the wrong that flushing meadows as you aims for her 2nd title in new york? the well noble on dominated. how much of guess japanese qualify a no show behind the 5 time graphs them when i didn't face single break point and it looks like just over an hour to wrap up 6 log $61.00 victory. and there's
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a brand new form i took for the us, i champions league, and it's thrown up plenty of interesting fixtures as a jewel was made in monaco on says the legends of the competition. castiano. rinaldo enjoy new z. before we're there to do the drill has the new practice. he's $36.00 teams that competes in a single meeting with each team playing 8 matches as a oh and to qualify for the knockout status. tompkins, real madrid will come up. i guess bruce. yeah. document in a repeat of last season's final. well, p a c will face not just the seats in arsenal. job jo. laws that will faces form of clubs as finally because in play livable, the dates will be released on saturday. and it was a frustrating night for real madrid as they were held to $11.00, draw a gas. las palmas are based on my level, opened the scoring for last fall and this is just junior, was rescue the point for last blank close from the pals you support,
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but it means they've yet to win away from home. this season and front stock in buffy is still looking for firstlight iga goal the tension on just as a virus scan, they really are the lead conference league. they last $21.00 for service on the 9th it but the $13.00 to an aggregate. guess this with side christian folk who opened the scoring for chelsea, but it was a know this final 20 minutes for the london side holding on to progress. so the power olympics and powers and vecchio who that id has made history by becoming the 1st actually that from the rest of the team to win a medal at the games 25 year old made her power. olympic said, you in tokyo just says off to fling, i've got a son for years later, she's and now and that the list off to secure in bronze and tell quando after her opponent withdrew before the about. she was granted asylum by from us and cheered
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on by the home support throughout for me, no one has to icon and come on sir, for the time and call and pay this weekend. and much of the focus will be and how the title fights could develop with 9 races, remaining the car and drive atlanta. norris secured the convincing victory at the dot gall and pre last time as he aims and macs for stipends. dominus, this by the 5 race will a streak though the document holds a significant 70 point advantage, heading to it to the best way to go for a 100 back to summit buying some ice sent off. well, that's it for this news out. you can get much more information and all those stories have been turning you about to head over to our website, l g 0. don't com. laura kyle is back in the moment, was another cool shows to stay with us here for mountains. here
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the a unique perspectives be marked and stablished, and it's going to go into the dr. using kamala harris's identity of the black women on heard voices, people who are close political affiliations, can go with crimes. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. are we going to live in a world where is absolutely normal, but journalists are targeted and blamed for their own little place on earth is changing the world of order. the stream on out just the or a call for recognition from mexico. indigenous community. they march to mexico's capital mark international day of indigenous peoples. this is notice integration. this is a way to put this. the government know that we are there are around 70 different indigenous groups which make up 15 percent of mexicans population. most lack the
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influence and resources to make decisions about their own community. we go to health centers and we did not care if one of us has to change that denied from the transmission from that time. we're also going to be made visible. there's an underlying theme to fit your large project, being promoted by president elect cloud. yes. shameful. which promises to enshrine and to the rights and customs of indigenous groups in mexico. incoming president space is a big challenge, making a difference to these communities that have been pushed to the margins for far too long as the world economies those strikes are those with a strong result. indonesia is where supposed to be. it's all about the right place for your business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise, honestly,
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with the strategic downstream industry on the client, your better tomorrow the at least 25. hottest indians killed since storm as wells only carries out selling and as strikes upfront. most of any in areas of the gaza strip, the kind of them or it hello, this is alex, is there a life from? also coming up? you an agency for palestinian says tens of thousands are affected by israel is


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