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tv   Time of Pandemics  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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which is 0. the i'm sammy's a done in the headlines here and i'll just say are now israel is, has multiple homes in a relentless bombardment of gaza. at least 29 palestinians has now been killed since every friday. 9 members of one family died in another night striking an apartment building in the north side, all refugee camp 5 with children. another, a pregnant woman is ready for these targeted civilians. in the center of july, the refugee camp in northern garza, at least 4 people die. the molding, 2000 were injured. and these right, the armies had the home and that involves the refugee camp in central gaza. at
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least 2 people were killed and another full wounded. kindly my mood has mall from data by law in central garza, of the inclusion here. they're all misleading their vague, their contradictory people make their way back to their home to check on their belongings. so whatever is lifted from their homes in their neighborhood, the v that's talk being shut out by is really military. it doesn't mean there is try to have whole seeds because in one area of the central part of the strip is really monitor woods root partially or what has been part, steve as a topic of withdrawal. but the same time for the northern part of the vin, from the area of the piece, is really as high predators via talking through and are talking people with are the, are in standing in front of their homes. are they're going into their daily business, finding water and food. the deal is drug of the people have been experiencing for the past and months. and since the beginning of this unit side, the war across the, the gaza strip, more people are being killed in fox, the vast majority of their me,
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they're making these. the children are making the of the vast majority of casualties arriving to the hospital just the past hour. so it 10 of the casualties arriving to the hospital to report it goes right up because they were hit by high fly high, speeded crap. those in there had been caught, there was 11 chart arriving here that we could not i, i look at all, they put a journalist here. they could not take the picture of that little chart because literally it, it wasn't blowing over the gray and part of the brain was coming out. is this just examples of this thing that we are? we cannot continuously covering here because how it graphic they are. but this is the fee and that we witness on a daily basis among the $10.00 casualties arrived at the hospice to were killed as well as for in a critical conditions. they are at the i see right now and the hospitals because of the evacuation orders in the past few days are forced to go out of service. they
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are ready to be transferred to the hospital invested under fire out refuge account . that health facility is already over crowded and doesn't have enough is, is the comedy more people's arriving do is yes through one hand, there are withdrawal as it from areas for the same time. they are stripe continued to create much more difficult conditions and much more tragedies on the ground for civilian civilian population. now is very falls, is a stone 3 cities in the occupied west bank on the 3rd day of a large scale attack. they've carried out as strikes, got roads and destroyed the infrastructure and to boston, caught them and jeanine, killing at least 19 palestinians. well, 3 of those killed on friday. we're in a call south of jeanine, the med feet set fire to the vehicle and confiscated the bodies in violation of international humanitarian law. these right, the army says one of the 3 fights as well as the have mice come on there in jeanine, but there's been no confirmation from from us itself. almost all venezuela is
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without power. the communication minister is blaming sabotaged the blackout, which began early on friday in 2019. that is why they experience 3 national power cots, some last in 3 days. authorities link those, the government opponents, the director of libya, central bank says he and all those serious stuff of fled the country in fear of their lives. it's also the presidential council, low disease removal at a point to the new board tension is growing between libby as rival governments of a who should control the institution. that was a headlines that news continues on. i'll just here off to the, the presently were being
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confronted by a new series of pathogens that are emerging out of the deep forest. primarily because planet earth is better now. now as planet far, the animals that are reservoirs for pathogens are coming up, right up against new agriculture, spilling over into the livestock. and then from there, spreading out onto the global travel, the science is in the middle of a political battle. what direction are we going to continue to conduct our civilization? are we going to continue on this pathway?
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or are we going to choose a different path? in the past that the lends itself to have a better balance between our right to be here on the planet and survive and the animals and landscape upon which we depend in order to do that. the human societies have long faced the structure of disease. despite so many breaks and loaded medicines, we find ourselves living under the shadow of pandemic that we struggle to contend. we have destroyed by that, we have the time. and the time. was he so at our expense at the expense of these global market?
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it's just an inevitable. the warranty is that there's no handle. this thing is going to be a force all over to the southern africa. i so recently live series, the worst impacts c h i. v, pandemic. millions of people have died. millions of lives to be turned upside down. then along comes covered. and we have another pandemic to tackle on top of h r v c h r v experience taurus, as adults about science, vaccines and house of justice. but when it comes to code 19 that the, well,
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the anything from us before i became a filmmaker, i worked in h, i v prevention back red hot lessons with that. not just in south africa, but globally. we loved the few and people suffer and die whether strong commitment to public health and that with this, the political will. everyone can have access to the medicines they need. as a cert wheeler this the hard way an ugly off to a lot of unnecessary suffering. that is now a danger which has become a threat to us all. it is a deadly disease and there is no known cure the sofa and it's being consigned to
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small groups. but it's spreading. if you ignore age could be the death of. so don't die as many of us were 1st introduced to h r. v. susie's kind of messaging of the plantation was, if you become infected, you only have yourself to blame the people who are most affected by h r v, which somehow narrow down to the for ages, according to the us center for disease control in the 1980s. these were homosexuals, patients, periodontics the we would tell the virus originators enough to monkey which we now know to be true. but the lack of information about how the virus jump from one species to another,
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collect to some pretty offensive conclusions. i spoke the plain game to the emerging health crisis. the subject matter is so i've seen so remote until we are ready to discourage and do our duty level best to eliminate the types of activities which have caused the spread of the age that put them in god only wherever. going to solve it. 1978 representatives of 134 countries, 67 international organizations. and i've also asked h h s to add the aids virus to the list of contagious diseases, for which emigrants and alien seeking permanent residents in the united states can be denied entry. the you, so when you ask the question, does a type the pause a question,
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it does advise cause central, how does a 5 us cause a single the it's called the, the 19 nineties and becket argued against assigned. so it was deeply skeptical of anti retroviral drugs. well enough for goodness his argument was that h r z a was part of it. continuing, conspiracy against africans treatment of age was declared near, impossible in practical and not cost effective. people deny listen and name. he was so adamant about how toxic and twitter laws with that it almost seemed that they would do anything. and he's paula never to allow them to be used in south africa.
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the moved to them have been put to this age of in south africa over this 2 day conference then will be infected in either the united kingdom or the us and the whole of this. yeah, and i think that's an important and frustration was ronnie. hi, because richard nation, so to access to the new drugs develop to treat h r v. but not south africa. northern, unless you had lots of money that is for most of us, h r v infection was a death sentence. we had to find some medical schemes really odd around the exclusion that they had about which person was considered innocent enough to access a l. v. as those were regarded as nooses, who a needle stick introduced somebody who was right, could access and these, but not somebody who has a, the, somebody who had consensual sex and then became a try the positive. those are really difficult and off times and then think of so
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young lawyer active is it really opened my eyes the the faded off as duck does, doesn't lie with science. the failure of not teaching a chevy lies in the political will all government to pieces. it was a difficult time. it to the power of the people through the treatment action campaign to make a r v. keeping a degree out of it. we don't square to the as well as the problem they keep trying to deny the existence of treatment action campaign put up
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the entire miserable effect of a tri, denise face, the camera stating from them and politically whining. and they put it into healthcare 5 years. and rubbing school all students and teachers. in the course of a few years, the treatment action campaign, aided by former president nelson mandela, ensure that this issue was firmly placed on the international agenda of the as the lead is the global health response president george bush, on se, but championing the child typical efforts the doctor and rule south africa described his frustration. he says we have no medicines, many hospitals tell people you've got age. we can't help you go home and
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die and age and we're right, there was medicines. no person should have to hear those words. the programs being hated by don't to anthony fancy it benefits it, some of the decision, one of the major companies to drop the patients voluntarily. this of the, to drugs being made available at a fraction of surprise. but just for the developing world, for millions around the clouds, the age came too late. in south africa alone, we currently have 9000000 people who are h, i v positive twin name, and individual. and i'm at this time in the ninety's. do a no pause, used to see a person changing to
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a skin doesn't use me so scary. so yeah, i h a v. i don't want to to the less because of the great campus the just by having one of the largest interests about keeping programs in the world. we still have not been able to control a chubby transmission for this in terms of the work
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done. and so i turned my attention to working in a heavy vaccine research so that you could find effective ways to prevent transmission. and i'm so glad that you've chosen to participate in this study. thank you for contributing to finding solutions personally for myself at home. and uh oh my whole family is getting a bit emotional when i'm i'm talking about h i v was my mother, my father, my uncle's, everyone. so we suffered a lot when i lost my parents because of the age i re told me, oh, that's help me. my husband was was let me tell you it's good to go live and people get a good big food from people because i've been trying to understand. if my mother was
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still alive, my parents are still alive, my life would have changed. so h a v is, i don't know how to explain. i'm very scared of a chevy. so that's why, what is what when the ties to something does going out in the future for this i, it has to be presented. glenda gray is leading an international collaboration to find an h i v vaccine spearheaded by the h i v. vaccine trials network recovery heads up this fost organization that is publicly funded for the us government. the
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vaccines had been left to the development by pharmaceutical companies. stay, in essence with decide what vaccines they were going to investigate. and the reality is, is that that often is a balance between their perceived market and societal need. and h, i fi that was a huge, the sales i made. there was an enormous amount of infection in the other develop world and the non pharmaceutical market. so you saw very rapid dropout rapid this one really needed to provide the clinical infrastructure to do the clinical trials. this is the most expensive part of the to a drug development. and we are going to, as a society, creating infrastructure the
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i'm learning about the one, the antibody media to differentiate a clinical trial with the most beautiful cutting edge faxing science. it is taking decades to develop something, the targets, each of these unique ability to evaluate their traditional vaccine. it feels like we're on the costs of something really big here. the, the reason we call it number one over here, c o, one was the 1st potent antibody that we were able to obtain from one of the volunteers turned out to be an individual who was in clinical trials volunteering at that age . donated his blood and the serum had these tremendously potent antibodies against
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the virus. he was happy to was here and she knew that we isolated this out of the time. and when that was done, several labs found. and we're actually making the lab protein the anybody that was able to kill block each ivy, very po in the study, we're not giving a vaccine. we're actually giving the antibody protein itself. if a person individual had those and a bodies before they were actually exposed, it could be completely prevented from infection. so we're almost taking a step beyond the vaccine. we're skipping a step and actually giving the body the immune proteins itself. the human this stuff, this, that someone who has h i v infection could actually provide someone who doesn't have h,
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i v infection to actually prevent them from getting which i deep what a wonderful story what, what a wonderful example of biology. the, the genesis of this undertaking started on a napkin on the 19th floor of this hotel. we sit down and sort of trod on an napkin . like, how would we test this? was ended up being a pretty massive undertaking. the global pandemic sneak global effort loss. so when you're dealing with viruses that are rapidly mutare to the reason we know what we know today is because scientists have cooperated across many countries for travelers. we've been moving increasingly in the direction of research, becoming a private effect determined by competition and exclusivity.
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the big take out some h r v was the only massive investment thing to public health. we sharing research to contain a deputy pandemic in 2020. this put us in a prime position to collaborate numerous international coverage. faxing problems of the to have cars involved the hood of a tech scene, patina to research. and we need to, to make sure that even though we do these calls, we have to make sure that we have access to fix it. save the
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guys. so we have to be committed to the in game. yeah. and in game is an affordable intervention for the feels like a festival. when we started with h i d. it was very difficult to isolate an antibody from person in 20192020 . we can do that in a matter of weeks, or we can do it 10 times a 100 times faster and more efficiently, that we have isolated antibodies from cobit infected people by the hundreds in a few weeks. i think of h, i v a little bit like the nasa space program it,
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it brought to bear all kinds of technologies that are bearing fruit in other areas . and one of those areas is emerging. viruses like called the, the biotech firm during a therapeutic so nouns this morning that the 1st a participants in the 1st phase of its cobit 19 vaccine trial develop some antibodies after just one single dose. now that's a promising sign from the trial done in collaboration with the national institutes of health nations. we've vaccine producing capacity pulled billions into the development of cause we track scenes in return for funding their manufacturer. vaccines participating drug companies like mcdonough were given, full intellectual property rights, probably the finished product. the government have essentially stepped into the risk investment and in the idea of, well,
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public money should be great. public access, the changes of thousands of volunteers signed up to participate in clinical trials. i to join join is a charles in the belief that my country would gain access to those vaccines. that was successful. the by to now we've got the us, get the baby for 16 and fonts from 3 of 3 eating group development next year. so that means our opportunity to gain access to the effect seems i really remember that as an individual country. this was perhaps the 1st sign that things were going astray, was south africa's access to vaccines. as
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a middle income country alonzo involved in vaccine development, there was no excuse for us not to have pre purchase surprise for our own population . still, they would always be kofax. kofax pillar aims to ensure that a free country gets fair and equitable access to eventual cove and 19 vaccines. it's not about one country versus another. it's about one warren protected the sitting at the center of infectious disease control because tony found change. for decades. he's being behind a for key interventions, set up preventive outbreaks from becoming global pandemic about the z code sauce. you name it, but his life's work. his passion as centers around
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h. r. z. any questions about that? the unique perspectives, the mark establishment is going to go into the dr. using kamala harris's identity of the black women on heard voices, people who are close, political affiliations, can get a way that can connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. are we going to live in a world where it absolutely normal journalists are targeted and blamed for their own little place on earth is changing the world order. the stream on algebra. ready too often of kind of style and it's put tray through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks to the braves, individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary
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film archives funding for decades reviews, difficult includes of the countries mold in history. the forbidden real part to the communist revolution on a just either even if you look at reach countries which are now being infect about climate change. almost invariably, the most vulnerable of people who are suffering now are poor people in the u. s. for example, it's one of the richest comes in the world and the 25 percent of the population who live in substandard housing. but it's important to understand that, so that's climate change is an issue that a shot through with any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms. first and foremost, i guess most obviously we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing missions. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the consequences,
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the simon se, then time for another look at those headlines. israel's head multiple homes in a relentless bombardment of the gaza strip. at least 29 palestinians has now been killed since early friday. all 9 members of one family died in another night striking an apartment building in a new site on the refugee camp. 5 with children. another was a pregnant woman. as well as false is targeted civilians in the centre of jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza. at least 4 people died that more than 2000 the injured and these right, the armies had the home and that in my because the refugee camp in central garza, at least 2 people were killed and another 4 injured is very false. is storm 3
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cities in the occupied westbank to that's the day of a large scale attack. they've turned out as strikes, dug up, roads, and destroyed infrastructure. and 2 of us to cut them and jeanine. they've killed at least 19 palestinians. all 3 of those killed on friday were that call south of jeanine, mid reset fonts. the vehicle in comes this case if the bodies in violation of international humanitarian law is ready. all me says one of the 3 phases was the how mass come on during jeanine. this be no confirmation from us on that. almost all the venezuela is now without power. the communication minister. he's blaming sabotage for the blackout which began early on friday in 2019 venezuela experience 3 national power caught some last thing 3 days. the world health
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organization says the spread of em poke. some of the african continent is unprecedented. the democratic republic of congo has the most cases, more than $600.00 people have died from and punk since last year. the director of libya, central bank says he and other senior staff of fled the country in fear of their lives. that's off to the presidential council, all disease removal and appointed a new board a, ty, food, and that hit japan has been downgraded to a tropical storm, but it's still affecting hundreds of thousands of people. all right then use continues analogies here off the time of pen that makes or the
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science vaccines. house of justice. i'm trying to find out it's a well lot anything from out. i enjoyed the experience in south africa for this
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time of global cove at 19 human societies have long faced the fact of disease. and despite so many breaks, it was a motor medicine. we find ourselves living under the shadow of kind democrats that we struggled to contain any priority of the people that you're worried about that sitting at the center of infectious disease control. because tony found key for decades, he's being behind a for key interventions that have prevented outbreaks from becoming global pandemic about the co sauce united. but his life's work, his passion as centers around a charge me. why don't you do this? why don't you, why don't you those successful vaccines
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are against the diseases in which ultimately the new system clears the virus. so when you do a vaccine, you design it exactly to act like a natural infection. don't want to do that with h i d because you know, the natural infection doesn't induce a good movie spots. so you've got to do better with h of the know managing sub levels and she doesn't sullivan gives us an amount of vice by number ma'am, as the windowsill pile was 179. got we're novice, so the total amount is us. and then given i know, find it with some 7, you have
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a pleasant hey click the minus 2. and it gets to visit the other kids. what i'm saying is that so total passed from one another to how much i was going this distance and i'm driving this isn't some what then? it was which isn't p, don't you? some of the, i see is the agents that women need. it's the agency you don't have to worry about the high h i v because you have something in your body to protect c. s any palm and to the
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with the salt in mind that causes an h i v only 2 of the many. so, you know, take viruses that have jumped into humans. we need to know why in recent decades, this is happening with increasing occurrence, the presently we're being confronted by a new series of pathogens that are emerging out of the forest and spilling over into human populations. and that seems to be increasing since the start of the century. there's been some brilliant work done by scientists to illuminate the origins of h. i v. for trees han in her group in 2006. we're able to identify 2 chip populations in southeastern camera room that were hosting,
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simian immunodeficiency viruses, that were the closest related to h i. b one a group that followed 2 years later led by michael barbie. were able to put a date on that spill over event. the event happened in 19 o 8, give or take 20 years on either side of that of what was going on in 19 o 8 in this particular spot in south eastern cameron. it was a period of colonization, and you had the french and german attempting to subjugate the local indigenous groups into a new global economy. the, the loading of central africa is right infers, required to launch workforce to keep up with the loans for exports from that level to feed. all these workers corporations actually employed people. mice to hung down
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push meet the they will probably individual jumps of virus from chips because humans because they use it as bush me a man gets in fact he's out hunting with jim. he gives it to his wife. she gets infected. they're monogamy is they both get sick. they both die. if you don't notice until you've returned civilization, the,
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it could have happened 50 years ago a 100 years ago, 200 years ago. but it happened with the right constellation of perturbing society. people start doing trucking. they stay away from home, just the normal practices of your society retail, the spread of infectious disease, the same way, and tori lambs can be shifted upon cobit 19. the stars one emerged in 2002. it came out of fats and central china and
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a lot of work since then mapped out all the different types of corona viruses, cross central and southern china to increase expectation the landscape increase the spill over events into all sorts of other species that are suddenly finding themselves being sold at market the planet or is better known now as far as the, there's a lot of focus on the gps coordinates, the actual spot in which the virus immersion, the focus that was serving as a means of green washing the broader global political economy. that was, in fact, driving the emergence of these new pathogens we began to look at
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what it costs are. it gives a capital, how capital moves on one side of the world to the other. we came to the conclusion that places like london in new york, hong kong which are the centers of capital, are the worst disease hotspots on the planet. in part because as being the source of the capital, driving the deforestation and development from one side of world to the other, they were serving as the primary causes for the spill over events of pathogens from wildlife into my stuff in humans. the and then one day, a virus jumps from a back to another animal to human. and then now it's not sexual practice. we're on lucky enough to have a virus that's spectacularly efficient in spreading from person to person by the
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respiratory room. and there's not much you can do about that, but as you guys would do in an effort to lock and use goes into your house. but you can't do that forever. and that's our respiratory infection scripts. every time we have an epidemic that's just an affirmation of our scenes. we all have the receptor for the virus and her nose the but she will or the viruses density. virus is closer to personal contact. people who live in high density. so those disparities some brought out and i'll talk to patients throughout the world. you got to understand the social determinants of health. you know, in the united states with cove it we have an extraordinary disparity. where is
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african americans and latina x and asian americans? their inspection rate in depth rate is known as the higher the. so when you approaching a disease, you need to understand if you don't understand that you're not going to get your arms around the disease. so many of us particularly view black and pull doesn't match interview in a level sounds or living in a wealthy nation. you're hanging on to life bias right? then these pancakes come along, toby, h r d, and the all it's against you just desktop the
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how do we need to if it demick when we have no support for the prayer and we have no support for the sick. and so not only are we gonna see people dying from cove at 19 in the country, you're gonna see people dine from other diseases like a chevy, and to be the new york state now has more reported corona virus cases than any country in the world. world wide, it's clear as a public health care systems as a last fortress against pandemic, watts. if bertram's, and in the united states, the pioneer privatization colors are showing how deadly these to modify the social
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right to house the us was not prepared for this pandemic in effect a band in public health cove at 19 outbreak show this in a, in open clarity when the top and ministration took over into the pandemic preparation, he divested out of public health. that's in part how we've arrived at this apparent clash between science on the one hand in front on the other. the where do i catch up with toby found he remains diplomatic about the groups that phone between him and the side president. we were consider the best prepared country for paying them. but as it turns out, when you get a walk or light cove, it 19,
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you never as prepared as you really want it. so that was the tension that sort of merged into some political divisiveness in the country. the 28000000 americans are without insurance, even after obamacare. 24000000 americans are under insured. whole swats of the country are in essence disconnected out of our capacity to intervene in their health. hm . and he told me vaccine to get where it is, but was covered with we're looking at the end of this year. well,
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it's been more than a decade re uh, we started that vaccine, we're in h. i z a 1986 is the the apps study, or if it works, if we do get protection, will be the 1st in a multi step process of getting very good detection. bypass the transfer, the definitely worth the invest, particularly among women in south africa who are at such a norm is risk of getting infect at around the same time is the 1st coverage vaccines were gaining emotions here, approval of the results of the trial were released, providing some hope at last for a charge, the vaccine, the
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so now i'm going to show you the results. ok. ok. so this shows you that the, that the infection rate was low in the, in the treatment arms. and then fusion, um, it shows us that the infusion did with cookies. so let's say you see the same cheese a positive, a positive results. i'm very happy. is there an amazing, amazing? well, this is the legacy to your parents. okay. so on and tearing in the, it's a good results coming out of the trial. i've actually that prevents
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a charging is finally insight. what was really mean for the well, it's paul, who's the vaccine get to the people who need it. or like covered will pay tends to be used to live in supplies, ensuring higher profits for a small group of powerful companies. there is growing concerned, as we end 2020, about why it is taking so long for the country to receive the curve of 19 vaccine. the entire world has promised solid direct to the beginning of this pandemic. but at the same time, rich countries were already buying up supplies. what we call the advanced market commitments will pre dosages of something that has not yet on the market. 13 percent of the wills population who reside in which countries had bought toppled and half of the walls. potential supply of vaccine
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is keen vaccine nations and youtube vaccine nationalism a vote for the other countries. in fact, some cases to a $3.00 and $1.00 cause even 5 times the amount that's required for the population . generally when it comes to other vaccines that they're being introduced into public immunization programs against life threatening diseases stick and can't to 20 as before. does that seem to become available in low income countries compared to india, and could you can find from this is where we were with the h i. v. pandemic. 80 is asked. and is there a few techniques that are available in the west? we have not received them and we lost 10000000 people. is the old movie again? we have no access to vaccine. the
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. we will let down the garden parks. okay. we've got to december believing that the whole world was coming together to purchase vaccines. not knowing that we'd been curled into a little corner, whilst others ran off and said to it, the surprise who's delivering those with the resources pushed their way to the front of the queue and to control their production assets. same thing, the paid on an age of 8. if you rely on charity. and if really not only on the benevolence of the pharmaceutical industry, you will secure not that are doing hard, sorry to take such a risk, to peg a whole nations health and welfare of charity. it seems crazy to me, especially as we know, there's some very, it's
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a closing worldwide concern because of their ability to dodge anti bodies. surely the safe thing to do would be to flock the world with providing scenes to get the virus that extra to mutate. viruses do not mutate unless they are allowed to replicate and spread. if you prevent the virus from spreading, it will not mutate and you will not get another very using the idea of this being a gigantic clinical trial, dr. glen to grey and professor larry curry. organize a shipment of 500000 vaccines into south africa that would work against the very dominant at the time, and beginning to overwhelm our hospitals. a long, long day, and long a long,
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14 days. the hope for the level $26.00 nights, ha familia, and healthcare, which is the we then get the vaccine to them. the said, raise the game to be been tossed. is this going to be misery? the, we have millions of immunosuppressed people in our country and these millions of potential ways of was full variance of concern africa becomes the fis pool of variance of consumers. and we've done have vaccines. and so things of this going to get worse and worse, the throughout africa. we have see that wherever h i v became endemic. so the tuberculosis,
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the way so infectious diseases are influencing chava. at the same time, the higher the button of disease, the more public health systems get on the mind. because we comp care for our sick. we all threatened by deadly mutations that one day may not be able to respond to our fax scenes at all. this is a vicious circle trying out in our lifetime with deadly consequences for the entire will. as the peyton cit prevented people getting a chart of the medicine. what devastating for that level of self failure to love this with covered because it might be a big, nothing less than a crime against humanity. it's somebody capitalism marching festival. it's a mutual disruption. the surely
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it's time we find the breakout dependency on the pharmacy. typical companies actually began introduce our 20 years ago was h i v drugs, the so water society from this time, this time, democrats that we have encroach from nature to the extent that now it's only a matter of time before we face. and now the effect that seems clear enough. but what about the most difficult issue of how prepared we all faults to come? the coverage has revealed that outcome to approach to public health is simply not working. maybe this is our last challenge to go back to our the pulse we once
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traveled have as a basic are right now letting the market determine who gets access to innovation. know, treating the drive yourself as a charity case and setting us into a petri dish or variance. not letting requests for profit status a further into catastrophe. is it really such a radical idea to put people 1st? the have a lot of that is the lots of quiet weather across south america with very hot and dry conditions for central and northern areas. and all that hasn't helped wild fires burning in brazil know in southern parts of equitable those have been fueled
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by some strong winds and it doesn't look like there's going to be any rain or significant rain fully in the south. on friday we'll see some showers across the north, but the west coast of the weather across the venezuela and strengthening on saturday, across the guy on as we'll see some storms developing for the south of this move in argentine not uruguay. moving into southern parts of brazil and it'll be knocking down temperatures for cities like as soon shown we go from $34.00 down to $23.00. instead, we'll see the heat turned up slightly in santiago will be 20 degrees celsius. the onset to date with sunshine, was also sunshine to be found a cool central america, and the carrier being a scattering of showers remains on friday for much of mexico. heavier requests that you could time potentially heavier as well. for weston pops of cuba on the southern states of the us, we all going see some very heavy rain here in the days ahead, coupled with a band of severe storms pushing east, across the great lakes of the
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bold. and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out just era, the safe them even from it as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award,
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denominator hero. now the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sam is a them, this is the news out live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes from the con eunice in the south. so jamal in the know these right, the armies campaign of violence kills $29.00 palestinians in store, increasingly targeting city and areas. the world health organization says it's


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