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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the and con eunice in the south to jamalia in the north is right. the armies campaign of vine and skills $29.00 college students in store and increasingly targeting civilian areas. the semi say them this is i'll just do a live from though also coming up at home today. but i came in the occupied to us bank. where is really forces cause mosse of destruction,
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to the refugee county. vital to olivia's boston oil wealth central bank. it's in a bicycle control list is coming up. please become free. where in the democratic republic of congo, whether a water is developed below, rates of testing for in august and vaccinations. again begin the right now is rails hit multiple homes in overland plus from boston to the gaza strip. at least 29 palestinians has now been killed since 30 friday. 9 members of one family died in an overnight strike on an apartment building and island the site on the refugee camp. 5 with children. another was a pregnant woman and he's ready ami struck a home in the policy refugee camp in central garza,
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at least 2 people were killed and another 4 injured now and civilians with targeted jabante, a refugee camp in knolls, in gauze, at least 4 people were killed the molten 20 wounded. this was shot a full it's from the account. it's the football a lot. the saw easy to jump on is really war plain spite and we saw that a group of civilians in jabante, a refugee come in northern gauze. as a result, a number of them were killed and others enjoy the video. the map and these are traces of that block. a civil defense team came to the rescue unfolding says help paramedics take the victims to hospital. the rates of his radio stripes on temporary shelter gatherings and residential home has intensified filled up medical video. oh my god, it's time to practice for these really occupation forces on the day, if not hourly basis in moving cause. oh no, i won't. when i i oh, i'm not even animals. the sped of this cost,
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caring firewood was. i'm the don't kill more money yet. also for me was the middle continuous mess list from boston and nothing is sacred. nothing is spent. women, children, most schools on even animals, me because i like the somebody on the chevy dealer. i am sure that was hardly my who joins us now from dad as bella in central golf as a honey. judging by that report, the find the of the israeli occupation, all me may have moved out of some areas on the ground in gauze that does not mean this being a less often strikes the you know, savvy, this is exactly what's going on right now. it has been par, saved as misleading contradict. you're very similar to evacuation orders in which people were ordered sharply, to evacuated to here. and there are supposedly safe designated by the army for
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people to would be involved in order to be safe. and they end up being killed in those areas these. what we're seeing right now withdrawal from some of the areas in the eastern part of the city and from eastern part of time unit. but at the same time, we see that storage in the tax is really monitors skilled up. the area like talks to the withdrawal doesn't mean the types of, uh, fees, the or hardly disease any time whenever possible. it's really monetary, keeps his tracking and the, the, the most recent that talks, the house and a lot of the refuge again work didn't. people arrives to the hospital to, we're ready data to pronounce that or from the side of the bon, residential home. and then the rest of you can one of them. so a graphic, a child at age of a 12. and we could literally see in the brain, out as he is his, it wasn't blowing out, the other person was hit the, the other child was hit by a strap knelt at the end of the chest that caused his death right away. 10 people,
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4 of them in a critical conditions are still in the hospital. they're looking for ways here inside the house is empty, transferred into either the american field. hospital allowed the hospital for better treatment, but the ears price continued to strike the overnights of tax. all the way through the early morning hour, the total number that we are looking at right now is $29.00. people confirmed it by here at the hospital, and by not the hosp to them in con units. and 9 of them are from one family in the overnight attack, the mother happens to be old. so who happens to be a about a mother and a and also a pregnant? at the same time, 17 of these people are from han, you and, and city, including the many people who were collected and removed from the streets of the city of han, you and as those who could have been as safe but because of the drones. and because of the, the quite the captors, they attacked the drones. paramedics and symbols could not see them when they were
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shot in the past a few weeks when there's really meditating back to the ground invasion. not tiny about moving from gaza. thanks so much. i now the world health organization says, as well as agreed to temporary pools in fighting and golf, so to allow a pony a vaccination campaign to begin. 1.2000000 doses have been delivered to the strip w h o ames device that 864-0000 children younger than 10 against the highly infectious disease. inoculations will take place over 9 days in 3 areas. bouncing in central gauze on sunday. the agreement allows pulls and fighting for 9 hour windows each day. a bruce blame the re emergence of polio on these, right? the armies destruction of water and sanitation systems, wells, health organizations, folks, when margaret harris says, forces in fighting might not give enough time to vaccinate the children. we
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welcome the commitment and we have to be confident that the committee will hold, that we will have the pause in, in function that we need. because we need the security for the effects they just, but also for the families, for the children to be able to come to the sites and to be backs that agent. so it's not perfect, we want it a full safe spot, but it's the best workable solution we have at the moment. now we've also said it may not be possible to reach older children for 3 days. we may need longer that, that, that has been understood. and discussed, but what we've got at the moment is a pause, 1st and central casa for 3 days, followed by south casa, followed by north goza beach area covered over 3 days, but consecutively, vaccinating the children will protect many of the children from the consequences of
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polio. polio shouldn't be that it hasn't been in gaza for 2 and a half decades for quarter century. and it's only that because of the destruction of the infrastructure of the all the pills, the water off, the complete lack of segmentation and people being crowded together and impossible conditions. so they, you might be said, why are you focusing on polio? it's what we can do about what we all need, what the world needs to do isn't fixed on the safe spot. so they occupied westbank, where is riley false is a storm 3 cities on the 3rd day of a large scale attack. they've kind of delta strikes, dug up, roads, and destroyed infrastructure, and 2 of us total cut them and jeanine killing at least 19 palestinians. 3 of those who died on friday were in a call south of jeanine, amid reset 5 of the vehicle and come to escape through the bodies, violation of international humanitarian law. these way the army says one of the 3
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fights is, was the how much come on the re engineering. there's no confidence a confirmation from us about. that is why the ami is send reinforcements to janine whether or confrontations ongoing with palestinian sciences electricity is being count. so most areas in the cities, refugee camp, communication lines are down, and troops have surrounded the main hospital. it's very forced to say that targeting um factions, palestinians insisted deliberately attacking homes and destroying rhodes and infrastructure as the presses guffman says is deeply concerned by israel's methods during its opperation in the occupied westbank. it's one thing of a risk of serious instability, cold for the escalation. and the commission of general all view and agency for palestine refugees says, is riley security forces operations, and then all of them by spine continue to impact of a sign refugees. tens of thousands of people in full refugee camps have been
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impacted by this operation, including through the destruction of public and private infrastructure. we've had to suspend, under our services to communities in several camps. it's time to reach a political solution to this decades long conflict to end the suffering of civilians wherever they all knew that abraham has more than the off them off of the west bank. right. this is yet another episode of a series of destruction that has been targeting refugee camps during is radio aids to the occupied westbank. but people in nor sam's web already seen a lot of damage and destruction to their homes. say that this one was by far the most destructive, they say if israel is targeting palestinian fighters here in the occupied west bank, then why would they create so much damage to the infrastructure to the roads they're digging them up. and the smell here is really bad because the sewage lines
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have been destructive, as well as the in the last raid they threw a missile up my house. i want us to fix it, but i didn't think i should. i'm scared, they'll come back as a civil defense themes try to assess the damage and bring back some sort of infrastructure facilities back to people in the camp. everyone is taking part in the operations in the cleaning up and trying to bring some normalcy to the abnormal situation in the refuge account that i'm moving always stones. and so people then cause can move during the rate is really pulled as arrive to this area. and i thought they demolish my home. i see us then you. this isn't intentional, is riley policy to expel people from the refugee camps, but it's not working. yes, some families have left out of fear, but they returned as soon as the raids and to us thing is, was been speaking to say this is the only home they knew after they've been
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displaced from their homes in 1948 when the state of israel was created and that they know the israel wants them to leave their homes. and this is precisely why there's intending to stay there, but he does eat all the occupied to us bank. how does fine demonstrates is gathered near the israeli embassy in the capital and the jo damian capital on mine in solidarity with palestinians, the protest as demanded and then to the war and gone surrender, as well as occupation of the west bank. jordan host molding to many in palestinian refugees and the same regular protests against the gauls of war. the message is that the will of genocide displacement starvation in violation of the occupied west bank in plain sight of the arabs and the will is a crime was witnesses and yet this has moved no one. it is no longer enough to give
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statements and condemnations. what is required is real action to face this enemy, the thought gets palestine all of palestine. the now russian attack on ukraine 2nd biggest city is killed 3 people, including a child in the playground, the bomb hays of 12 story apartment block and the play area in hotkeys 5 spread through the building following the bloss 28 people were injured. following the attacks president below them is the landscape renew the cold for less than that lies to allow long range attacks on russian minutes we add bases. so the director of libya's central bank says he and all the serious stuff had to flee the country in fear of their lives. as the officer, the presidential council ordered is removed from an appointed, a new board pension is growing between libya's rival governments over who should
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control the institution. the disputes has led to the suspension of most banking operations, leaving many people struggling. not like trying the reports from tripoli. a battle for control of libya central bank has led to bank suspending operations the value of the country's currency coming under threat and people unable to reach either cash or transfer money. the presidential council in tripoli ordered the removal of the banks governors so think it could be an appointed, a new board of directors, and the new board of directors needs to focus on a few things. first, the libyan people under domestic market banking operations having closed for days. now that means a suffering because they cannot transfer money or cash. this is a huge challenge for the board of directors and inconvenience as the order is illegal. and only libby as legislative houses have the power to replace him. the instability is raising concerns to live into nor could lose value. with big
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transfers halted and threats by word or the police have to to shut down oil production and exports in response to the take over at the central bank. the price of the dollar on the black market is rising. and people here say the price of goods is increasing the most from the day this program started, prices are going up good to any store or pharmacy, even the price of medicine is higher. why did people work? they work to get the salaries to pay for their needs. now they say the salaries are frozen and there is no talks that it could be that way. for months, however, people go into this home without. he says, if he doesn't get paid soon, he won't be able to pay for what his family needs to survive. watson, the highest, the average person is living and precarious times. we have no idea what's happening . one day, there's a fuel shortage. one day, there's no money in the banks, we work in wait for our salaries, then we go to the bank and they tell us they have no money to fight over. control of a central bank has delayed the payment of salaries for public employees for august
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. more than 2300000 people work in the public sector depends on those funds for their livelihood. libya has advocates largest oil reserves and should be a prosperous country. but as politicians fight over the country's resources and institutions, its ordinary people were suffering and they can only hope the instability can be overcome so their financial hardship can be ease. now, trina out, is there a tripoli, a mess of commodity is the director of sonic institute, the 1st public policy thing time, can livia? he says the central bank is vital because it holds libya's oil revenues. slip is still divided between the 2 level governments. one in the west, it's actually recognize government and triplet, a, g n, u, and a rival administration, the east that has control of us, any profit or not for several years now. it has been the case now since 2021 bucks in the last several years, the power and the balance of the books,
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the economic lifeline, the central bank has been funding the government in the west and not funding the government lease. that is now starting to shift because of a rivalry between department has stopped the debate on the central bank governor. and i guess you have to think of it this way in a country. web portal is the life blood we should think of the central bank as being the heart of the pumps that wealth through the system. and if whoever controls that central bank is going to control which of those 2 rubber reflections is going to swallow and which one of them is going to with her on the volume. and that's now taking place. and we'll time, as we see, and typically with the shift our presidential counsels decree last week and then a physical takeover of the bank premises leading to the bank, the governor himself so that it could be definitely the country that office is not just the bank volt it could become a joint paper weight because the keys to that system, the passwords, the international recognition of who signs the checks. so this could be the swift
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system that allows for transactions to take place from libya overseas. that is also being turned off. style still, i had an al jazeera, even a bottle of rice is a luxury. why the me and mom it actually is economic management is on the screws thing. and allegations of electrical sabotage, wine, millions of venezuelans and the capital and other states have been left and the dog the the have that will look to south asia with slow moving storm. pushing across the west. india has cools flooding in places like good, you're right, but also in new delhi. now, the good news is, is that the skies have dried across. moving parts of india will see sunshine in new delhi pushing through the clouds through the weekend. instead,
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it'll be oven pots of pockets done that deal with some very width and windy weather . thanks to a tropical cycling. let's move into the re b and c. i'm losing more heavy rain come back into eastern areas of india. we've got a lot salt for places like a diesel through the weekend with some heavy rain as well to come in from north eastern areas. now, heavy rain is still the story across japan as we move to east asia. that's thanks to tropical storm. shan shannon downgraded, it's expected to fall apart, but still take very heavy rain across horseshoe. eventually into her condo, you can see the remnants said, bringing that heavy rain further east, but it is slow moving elsewhere across the region. we've got dry a skies for southern pots of china and most central areas. instead, it's west to across in the china with heavy falls for vietnam and come bird, you will see the rain pick up across eastern parts of the philippines day on sunday . the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the,
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the welcome back to watching out. just to recap, those headlines is right, a full series of killed at least $29.00 palestinians across guns. things going on friday. 9 members of one's family died in minnesota on the rest of the camp. so people have been killed in giovanni or to come to the noise. and at least 2 palestinians were killed in the centre in the policy. so a forces is still owned into 3 cities and the, occupying the west bank of the day of a large scale of time. that 3 of those killed on friday were in a cause. south of 2 name is where the army says one of the 5, this was the come us come on during to me, but this be no confirmation of that's a mass russian assign calling ukraine 2nd, the biggest city is now killed at least 4 people, including a child from the 12 story of palm black, cyan area in some residence. a lot of them is that on skis renewed,
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a call for us to download to allow long range attacks on the motion of the 3 advise a former advise that to me in laws government is accusing the routing, the tree of economic mismanagement. inflation is rising and basic goods are in short supply. many people are living hand to mouth existence. tony chang reports on a busy morning of one of young guns. what markets lots of produce for sale. the bills have gone through the roof. recently. shop is say that in the past 2 months alone, prices have increased by 60 percent and that's not the only problem. domestically produce goods are in plentiful supply, but anything imported is difficult to find. the saga, we have less variety of stock now, especially products that used to be imported from china and china, mainly because of the political instability. over the past 10 months, me, a mazda military has lost control of its boat, is this bridge? and to me,
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a worthy was the gateway to me and my from thailand. now the asian highway that runs from his young going is controlled by rebels. some trucks get through, but it's a costly and complicated process inside me and my that's leading to fuel shortages, supplies dropped in from time to end, fall less frequent them before and suppliers. one payment in foreign exchange, queuing for fuel is the daily and for some nightly routine. they were around 50 vehicles, already chewing at the gas station, even though i went there at 3 am. the fuel prices are directly related to dollar exchange rates. we have to import all of this. yeah, most currency, the job has full and dramatically against the us dollar and the type bought since the military to today it's only was a culture of its previous value. and the military is holding the foreign currency
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that is available to one advantage of the trailer i. jane has a video position is a deliberate new nations, but so that i need foreign exchange and so on with a policy which has been bank to that a. the basic costs to now so high. the many people a simply living day by day. yeah, i mean it, and i have 3 family members at home. we can only survive and get enough to see the family. i don't make any profit from the store because of inflation on just one, literally customer where they used to be a lunch time rush in these difficult times. even the bowl of fried rice is a luxury you can afford. tony chang out as a gentleman, a has to pull to $28.00, ask nationals charged with criminal acts. it's the 1st such move since the thought on return to power and that's kind of stand in 2021. some of the k is embedded with the latest, so the decisions of default,
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these 20 individual was taken on sunday. the news of it only emerged off to the plain, carrying them to afghanistan on the left. leipzig, on friday, the details of the offences these individuals carried acts in this country, very serious involving child molestation mice, right. and that sort of thing. and in welcoming the news with individuals has been supported the shots that a off shots gave. this reaction that's happened is on 54 by tips on it. we have prepared this carefully without talking about it too much because such plants only succeed if you make an effort. if you do it carefully and very discreetly, that was carried out today. i would definitely like to thank everyone who helped to make this happen and it is a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses can not assume we won't report them. and then we will look for ways to do so clearly at the heart of the decision is what happened in southern and very recently where a siri and asylum seekers who had failed in his claim and was due to be supported
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as confessed to having stabbed 3 individuals, the other point here is this is not happening in a vacuum on sunday, or off to t elections in east german states. where the far right on tennessee for germany potty has put comebacks in immigration migration. and it's hot and is leading in the polls. and the government here is very conscious of what might happen if that policy works a win, which is why these measures are being implemented dominant came out a 0 balance french presidency manual. my call is defend the decision to ground citizenship to the chief executive of the telegram messaging up. people threw it off, was born in russia. there's also a citizen of the united arab emirates who was detained in france last weekend and faced as a possible trial related to illegal content hosted on the at, and also to skip the 2 bodies. as you'll see regarding naturalization, it's
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a decision that we took and i fully stand by law. this decision was part of a deliberate strategy to grunt french nationality to women and men. whether they are artists, athletes on, when i come to make the effort to learn the french language and contribute to wealth and innovation and have a global impact because granted fund nationality tends to do or do it. by the way, it took the effort to learn fronting on that old dominion of the world. health organization has announced impulse vaccines should arrive in the democratic republic of congo within days. it describes the outbreak on the african continent as unprecedented. the democratic republic of congo has the most cases, health officials that say they're struggling with low testing rights and the delay in the vaccine bowl out. now the w h o says the outbreak couldn't be stopped within 6 months through vaccination and preventative measures. it's vital distress that
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although vaccines out of pod for to they are far from the only tools that are many things that that lead to and our partners are doing to prevent and diagnose infections and treat the seek. the outbreak of played one b, m books is all getting in one of the products and most insecure regions of the odyssey complicating the response. despite these challenges, hundreds of that lead to a person out on the ground in the odyssey and the affected countries working with our partners to stop transmission and bring this out, breaks under control under the governments leadership and with the governments leadership and close cooperation between partners we believe we can install this out, breaks in the next 6 months and the zeros outlined, why you county is being at a clinic set up for patients in co move that's in the democratic republic of congo . yeah,
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yeah. and one of the treatment center chords. a couple look at the problem is, are sold to people. this is what does i've been dealing here with the info guessing 0. that was on kisses on the take the message that last month and almost the end of the was really reported already here. every morning the to come with them here trying to choose, this is the, i guess is, and those were coming because they're the same thing. all, most people, everybody i, according to the head of opportunities of this for obvious. and then this is the trying to put some of them, but to the planning or would they don't have enough blogs since they've been dealing with this image. just the situation in the movies, a crowd of women, children the, the, the under the, all those. but what they can kill their kid, see is the last weeks you have seen some of the c v,
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i guess is here to live in this morning. one desk. this was the 4th advice. as we're told it is the 120 to people who are expecting the vaccine to come. in order to store readings, this toby is only is hosting why to no more done for the front gate, them at the center. and the case is still coming. and people are moving for more policies in the coming days is why the most that the deluxe plan here is giving hope among this position. because there's the most notable the most of the people under the treatments here. and then the products menu, women also expose the volume is this properties you have been discussing with dr. young complaining about if it's even some of the medical team on with on the defensive because they were honestly scripted. this is why the calling for more will be like this one in order to allow to stop this virus spreading across the
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population here. island like on the other, does it up because of the democratic republic of fed as


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