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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a little bit and we'll talk to the communist revolution on a, just the, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe colleges here. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this, and this is use our life from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes, 9 members of one family dying guys as israel's bottles of attacks across the strip chills at least 29 palestinians. we don't think that poses enough and we still insist on us use 5,
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because ultimately the best medicine in the best boxing is actually piece world health organization machine for new use calls for cx. 5 as a 1000000 doses of polio vaccine, a sense to guys 0 crossing hurdles, end of the fight, to talk over the impulse epidemic in africa. we're going to report from one of the concepts, worst case regions. unfairness. we're not goes doc. a major power outage across the country. the government says it's an act of sabotage is for this been a huge shock in the 2nd round of the us open, full time grand slam champion. the cost of size cut us has been knocked out and straight set. that's flushing meadows the and welcome to the news are in nearly 11 months of war and gaza and israel's attacks continue at least 29 people have been killed across the strip since dawn on friday. include 9 members of one family that happened when it is really striking
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that a pop, the building in the, on the set of refugee camps in central gas of 5 children and a pregnant women were among the dead in the size and is very striking. it has to be almost cause a refugee camp, killing at least 2 people off to a 20 to day offensive is ready for, says, have not withdrawn from the eastern part of con eunice in southern garza palestinians have returned, so they find their homes of water supplies completely destroyed and then off is where the forces have again attacked. garza's largest refugee camp, obviously is unofficially for reports from the scene in jamalia. and some of you might be disturbed by parts of this report. as the football out the saw, easy to jump on is really war plain spite and we saw that to group of civilians in jabante, a refugee come in northern gauze. as a result, a number of them were killed and others enjoy the map. and these are traces of the
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lot. a civil defense team came to their rescue. opponents has helped paramedics take the victims to hospital. the rates of his radio stripes on temporary shelter gatherings and residential homes, has intensified and filled up medical video only has time to practice for these really occupation forces on the day, if not hourly basis in moving cause. oh no, i'm on. when i i oh and look even animals, the sped, i'm just cause carrying firewood was i'm the don't kill more money yet. also from was the middle continuous mass list from boston and nothing is sacred. nothing is spent. women children, most when schools live on even animals, many calls i like the somebody at the chevy dealer. i am sure that your target market was joining us live from general, bothering the central guys of more devastation for the people that you guys on honey. the rob, you know,
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the of the scale of devastation and destruction caused by the ongoing gear attacks across defense from areas beyond imagination. it says can, can even only imagine what's going on we, we did a report yesterday in eastern part of their velocity. we seem to share level of destruction of almost old means of life, and i'm pretty much sure people are going back to more of the waste land, not a neighborhood shed. hughes, do to accommodate all the residences. beautiful homes, the, the gardens at the hot, the, the, their properties, everything that they own is gone and turned into a pile of rubble. then, earlier this, this morning and overnight a task continued to create much of this deposition animals. i run rough as you come, that is one of the refuge account that has been equally bomb dukes similar to other places, equally bombs in the same level of this direction in terms of scales and magnitude, like
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a refugee camp in jump value for example. but the destruction costs do these trend, pardon upon you. and it says people to try to make their way back to their residential homes. up the ged military pulled out from the areas is perfect. people found nothing of their belongings. none of their homes is a standing of this is not the 1st time. there's really no military conducted a ground incursion to that area. as far as people recall the many recurrence, evacuation orders in force evacuation order that many times the recurrent incursion of that area has turned into a battle zone. and each with right now, people taking matters in their hand because there's no options left for them. they're setting up their tens next to the ruffles of their home, just destroying much of what the hold for as the way made their way back to find some need to stay and find that part of their home to stay and skills are not a talk, has gone so far, the 29 people, 9 of them from one families. and that happened to be
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a mother of 5 children and one apartment and a residential zoning of a girl. she happened to be also a pregnant when the, from the drop and cause the explosion, killing everyone in the family up earlier hours in the matter of the records. you can, a group of people were next to their residential home when a drawn fire, the missile advance to be reported guild and a father arrives to the hospital. any critical condition. 4 of them fit in the hospital until later hours this afternoon of work where transferred to better medical care in the american field hospital. and we learned later on that they were sent to allow the hospital because there isn't any medical care going on in the facilities here behind me on a thank you very much indeed, honey. my hotel controllers from the bottom, as well as house organization says israel's agree to template or re pauses in fighting and gaza to allow a polio vaccination campaign to begin the un names to vaccinate 640000 children
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under 10 years old. people will be not connected in 3 years. starting in central garza, on sunday. the fighting is going to be paused during a 9 hour period each day. a group say the polio virus is emergent because these are, the army, has destroyed water and sanitation systems. but the world health organization spokeswoman has told i'll just say that the pauses may not be long enough to vaccinate everyone. we welcome the commitment and we have to be confident that that commitment will hold, that we will have the pause in, in function that we need. because we need the security for the fax data, but also for the families for the children to be able to come to the sites and to be bucks the nation. so it's not perfect. we wanted a full ceasefire, but it's the best workable solution we have at the moment. now we've also said it may not be possible to reach older children for 3 days. we may need longer that,
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that, that has been understood and discussed. but what we've got at the moment is a pause, 1st and central concept for 3 days, followed by south casa, followed by north side, each area covered over 3 days, but consecutively, vaccinating the children will protect many of the children from the consequences of polio. polio shouldn't be there, it hasn't been in gaza for 2 and a half decades for quarter century. and it's only that because of the destruction of the infrastructure of the, of the phil see what was your, of the complete lack of segmentation and people being crowded together in impossible conditions. so they, you might be said, why are you focusing on polio? it's what we can do about what we all need, what the world needs to do isn't fixed on the safe spot. well, joining us here on site is kind of how much is professional public policy. the hot institute for graduate studies is also
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a palestinian from guys and thank you very much indeed for being with us. the w. h . always making it very clear that even a 3 day pose of any sort isn't going to give them enough time to be able to vaccinate everybody. and that would suggest that obviously the risk of polio and all their diseases is still going to be there. why do you think that israel has agreed at this point to have these temporary pauses? it's a little, uh, it seems to me like is what it is doing. a fee that the dentist or the community by even allowing this to happen or agreeing to give dc they suppose ford uh, ford related entity is to provide vaccine to, to the children and gaza. i mean, that's so pathetic. i mean, to get to the stage with this and this community is begging is a direct seeing children. and this thing is due to up extend. this world hasn't come in modern engine to cite them under the water of the national community. i mean, this is unprecedented. in modern history to see this happening. and yes, i mean,
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you're the speaker from the black churches that i thought about other vaccines. and what about if they all get vaccinated and then the kidding continues. i mean, i mean kids and children, particularly i've been the highest casualties and victims of this war of this human side of the world. so yes, this one needs to and the soonest, the nice and i mean the health sector and. busy has been systematically destroyed and targeted 3 days for sure would never be enough to vaccinate the 30 or 40 percent of us populations, which are the young and children and for sure it's it's, it's a joke. it's a sick joke by days today is to say, we also do you with the base to, to back seen the children knowing that the been telling us that the health sector has been destroyed the no clinics, the no, no basic conditions whatsoever to provide dyslexia. but again, this is learned, it's acts as a, as a part of states of international and suddenly we are at this point. now we've obviously heard the integration from the engine. our quotes are adjusted several
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months ago saying that there were grounds for and the belief of a genocide was being committed in, in guys that does this kind of auction in any way. give israel any leverage against that. are they able to say no more? we were doing sure, monetary and activities, but on by allowing these vaccines to be in. i don't know, of course, lots of old because, i mean, i give you, i mean i put a tend to allow some conditions to provide some bucks the like, you know, these are like, you know, impossible conditions, principal, logistically, 3 days and then continues to kind of of the same target, the group, i mean you provide them vaccine or for a long time, but then you can do for one other hand. so this is definition, this is the view this, i mean, no one can accept this human being. so not accept this definition coming up x of this and we did stop of this. what should be the only condition to move on. and then to another book seen and kids and most important stop for killing unless i can think of kids. that's a little play all covered. we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much.
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indeed. my pleasure. and you all can buy westbank is really forces have killed 19 palestinians as it continues its largest rate on the palestinian territory and 20 years. and it strikes have targeted 2 of us to have them and jeanine, where civilian infrastructure and roads have been destroyed. 3 have been killed and an attack on a cost side from jenny. israel says one of those killed was a homeless local come on, but that hasn't been confronted by all of us. i think tricity communications being charged to most areas in the cities refugee count it. abraham's reporting no from the notions refugee camp or palestinians are picking up. the piece is also one of the most destructive is really of age. in recent memory is one less left home streets and neighborhoods in ruins. this is yet another episode of a series of destruction that has been targeting refugee camps during is radio aids to the occupied the west bank. but people in north sams web already seen a lot of damage and destruction to their homes. say that this one was by far the
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most destructive. this is really started getting palestinian fighters here in the occupied west bank. then why would they create so much damage to the infrastructure to the roads they're digging them up. and the smell here is really bad because the sewage lines have been destructive as well. that in the last raid they threw a mis. i'll let my house, i want us to fix it, but i didn't think i should. i'm scared, they'll come back. a civil defense themes try to assess the damage and bring back some sort of infrastructure facilities back to people in the camp. everyone is taking part in the operations in the cleaning up and trying to bring some normalcy to the abnormal situation in the refuge account that i'm moving always stones. and so people then cause can move during the rate is really bold as arrive to this area . and i thought they demolish my home. i see us then you. this isn't intentional,
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is riley policy to expel people from the refugee camps, but it's not working. yes, some families have left out of fear, but they returned as soon as the raids and austin has been speaking to say this is the only home they knew after they've been displaced from their homes in 1948 when the state of israel was created and that they know the israel wants them to leave their homes, and this is precisely why there's intending to stay that, but he just eat all the occupied to us bank. how to sign of the british government says its quote, deeply concerned by israel's assault in the occupied westbank. the vote on office issued a stipend saying we recognize israel's need to defend itself against security threats . but we are deeply worried about the methods israel has employed and by reports of sufficient college casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. at a statement from the commission in general of the un agency for palestine,
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refugees says we've had to suspend on what services to communities in several accounts. it's time to reach a political solution to this decades long conflict to end the suffering of civilians wherever they are. not always joining us live now from ramallah, nor it's obviously not just about the desk. it is also of course about the longer time impacts and the daily lives upon the standings in the west bank. absolutely, and right now all lies are on jeanine and there's a need, a refugee camp where an unannounced for a curfew is in place. nobody has been able to leave their home. anybody attempting to do so is being shot at by is really occupation forces as residents are telling us nearby in for water further to the south. and they occupied westbank and is rarely subtler. took to the street shot at palestinians in that street and was protected as per usual by, as rarely, soldiers bringing life in that main arteries also to a halt. so there's
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a bigger picture here about what all of that means. and what this mass of assault means and with me to discuss it, if follow his as the, the policy coordinator for the media movement. thank you so much for joining us here as the we've seen the scenes from to boss from to cut them. and now we know the engine in a lot is happening and residents are talking about a lot of destruction. but if we zoom out a bit, how does poll study and civil society view what's going on and the impact it's had on civilians across the territory? and the context of such a colonialism here is crucial, is role is a separate company that is intent on replacing the indigenous palestinians with the colonial suckers. and it does so to genocide, like we're seeing gaza live stream to ethnic cleansing, like we're seeing right now in the north and west the middle of the west bank. i feel apartheid against all of the front as soon as people are treating refugees for the night. the right sort of time. what we're seeing is not qualitatively different
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. it's perhaps quantitatively different, but we've been experiencing this criminal activity. this is the domestic killings, domestic fortune, systematic destruction of property and livelihood for 76 years. as well as intensive does that it says so clearly to politicians, funding intelligence, but also to policies and laws that it's once palestine without the palestinians to establish its, its comments to that point. so less israel says that it's targeting specific individuals fighters of belonging to the various hello study and factions. we're hearing from ordinary families, but their lives have been up and this talk to be a bit about what you've been seeing, what the impact of that is on those families on daily life in the west. by this disposition, it's what kind of thing is called the ongoing medical that's about 94 days. that's in cleansing in the most because that is real carries out against the palestinians . has been ongoing. it's non stop and its aim is to palestinians leave their homes,
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leave their towns and cities. so that is where it can establish a septimus. and the only reason is what it can do with this is because of it's a nation compass. helpless be off states. corporations and institutions and is where the 2nd with that complexity, what do you want us tell us? then you have civil society. so that's just pattern is broken section is right now we have to international courts of justice or this. i'm finding the possibility of genocide, then we're going to use where to stop. it's kind of started out and that is what is the presence involved? if i started to, is this legal, it's close on the 1st stage to impose sanctions. you cannot make diplomatic, financial and administrative about it on as well. this must happen, right. thank you so much for being with us here at times as you guys. so as you heard, sanctions as what tell us any and civil society feels is the only way to stop this deadly pattern of dispossession and violence back to you in the know thank you very much indeed does middle day talking to us from ramallah the
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the promotion of talking to brings 2nd biggest cities killed 5 people, including a child and a playground. the bomb had a 12 story apartment block on a plate area in coffee fire sides of the building following the blast at least 40 people were injured. off to be a sold present in front of me, is it asking renewed a call for western allies to a long range of tax on russian military air bases for the right sort of libya, central bank says he and other senior staff of left the country after being threatened by on groups the presidential council based and triplet last week ordered the removal of the director and appointed a new board. and that's increase tensions between libya's arrival functions over who should control the institution. internationally recognize government is based in tripoli in the west and all the rich region in eastern libya is controlled by the wall on the faithful halftime. most banking operations have been suspended,
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and many libyans can get to their money by the china reports from tripoli. a battle for control of libya, the central bank has led to bank suspends, you know, proration the value of the country's currency coming under threat and people unable to reach their cash or transfer money. the presidential council in tripoli ordered the removal of the banks, governors. so think it could be an appointed, a new board of directors and the new board of directors needs to focus on a few things. first, the libyan people under domestic market banking operations having close for days. now that means a suffering because they cannot transfer money or cash. this is a huge challenge for the board of directors, and it gives us the order is illegal and only libby as legislative houses have the power to replace him. the instability is raising concerns that lived in the nor a could lose value with big transfers halted and threats by warlords because you have to, to shut down oil production and exports and response to the take over at the
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central bank. the price of the dollar on the black market is rising, and people here say the price of goods is increasing the most from the day this program started, prices are going up good to any store or pharmacy, even the price to medicine is higher. why did people work? they work to get the salaries to pay for their needs. now they say the salaries are frozen, and there is no talks that it could be that way for months. how are people going to live home without? he says, if he doesn't get paid soon, he won't be able to pay for what his family needs to survive, then watson, the ice. the average person is living and precarious times. we have no idea what's happening. one day, there's a fuel shortage. one day, there's no money in the banks, we work in wait for our salaries, then we go to the bank and they tell us they have no money to fight over. control of a central bank has delayed the payment of salaries for public employees for august . more than 2300000 people work in the public sector and depends on those funds for
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their livelihood. libya has africa's largest oil reserves and should be a prosperous country. but as politicians fight over the country's resources and institutions, its ordinary people were suffering and they can only hope the instability can be overcome so their financial hardship can be ease. now, trina out, is there a tripoli? the world health organization is trying to speed up testing to detect the cases of the em. pox virus, democratic republic of congo is the most number of, in fact, as people house officials say they're struggling with low rates of testing. and the delay in the rollers and vaccines. more than 600 people have died from the impulse in d r. c. since the start of this year, the virus is spread to several african nations, as well as parts of europe and asia. as i walk on, the reports from atlantic uncomfortable in the democratic republic of congo, doctors, they're struggling with the largest number of cases. and yet they have barely enough gloves or supplies. yeah, yeah. and one of the tricking with central hordes,
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a couple of the problems are solved with this as well. dope does. i've been dealing here with the info guessing 0. that was on this is on the take them, it seems that last month and almost the end of the was really reported the one with the here. everyone in the to come with them here trying to choose. this is the i guess is, and those were coming because they're receiving all, most people every day according to the head of opportunities of this prophecies. and then this is where the trying to put some of them, but the planning or would they don't have enough blogs since they've been dealing with this image. just the situation in the there is a crowd of women children the, the, the, the, all those. but what they can tell their kids here is the last weeks you have seen some of this t, v,
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i guess is here to live in this morning. one that was reported by the 430 to 0130 to people who are expecting the vaccine to come in order to store this funding . this toby is only hosting why to no more than 4 different, keep them at the center. and the case is still coming and people are moving from walter susie to come in. this is why the most the middle of the deluxe, the in here is giving hope among this position. because there's the most notable the most of the people under the christmas here and then the father, it's many women also expose the volume is this properties you have been discussing with dr. young complaining about if it's even some of the. 2 medical team or would on the defensive because they were honestly started. this is why the calling for more will be like this one in order to allow to stop this virus spreading across the population here. island like on the other,
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does it up of the opposition candidate of last month's disputed presidential election in venezuela could face arrest and wonder consolidate as accused of 14 public documents on carrying of cyber crimes. it could be jailed if you ignore some of this from the prosecutors for a 3rd time, a lot of medicare i just said in the 2nd human report, some should i use capital santiago then as well as opposition presidential candidate has been issued a 3rd and final warning by the prosecutor general appear in court this friday from questioning about charges of alleged conspiracy of face arrest. the incentives who support is believe he wound estimates. presidential elections, violence slide is, is hiding. and this refused to obey the summons, arguing lack of guarantees of due process, or president and eco, last month. who do i?
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has defied domestic earned international pressure to release the boating tallies describing the situation as critical. the european union's high representative, the foreign affairs invited gonzales to speak to you foreign ministers via video link. i said before the meeting that they believe that clearly my doodle cannot be recon nice as a legitimate way, not of this venture election. let's see, what does it mean? it says, have to say the need you decision of to recognize been as well as president who is this he won the july 28 elections, despite strong evidence to the country must be unanimous into these capital. meanwhile, the head of the us military southern command, general laura richardson told a regional security gathering the global democracy is under threat. and we don't have to look any further than venezuela. we're nicholas missouri continues to
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undermine the democratic will of the venezuelan people. having already caused 7 and a half 1000000 venezuelans to flee, increasing irregular migration, threw out south and central america. general richardson clarified that a political rather than a military solution is needed. as for the man who was fighting to be recognized as venezuela's, legitimate, president elect, it's unclear whether the med, legal government will go ahead with his arrest risking further international pressure. c and human out to 0 santiago was saying in venezuela, the government's blaming a massive power outage on sub a charge by the opposition. most of the country has been effected by the black hands. the government hasn't provided any evidence. the political rivals are responsible and 2019 venice way to experience 3 nationwide power black has the longest lasting for 3 days. a forward is also link those to government opponents is
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the one i still have seen in the air from defend this one. i knew we had no power for that thought that it would come back. but when my alarm went off, i woke up and realized it was a power outage. first of all, i have to work to get the bus, then i will because the metro it was working. and now i have to go up 14 floors on that building that have to go to work because there's no elevator, the 1000 pounds of the policy at all $24.00 states are reporting total or partial last from increase the supply at 4 45 am. all teams and public services were already active, as well as the entire government to overcome this new aggression and to bring you your tricity service and your peace of mind, which is what they basically want to take away from us with these actions of buying violence that are going nowhere for adults as an independent journalist who's joining us live from the in the west and venezuela. thank you very much indeed for being with us defendants rollins believe the government funded blames all these
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power outages on the opposition while the 3 is, as well as the government this call some electrical crisis is believed by a very tiny percentage of the population. the credibility of the government expectations when it comes to these other areas, including the elections last month, is almost at 0 amongst them. and that's why the populations of a why is it then that the government given a fight, the very few people are actually going to believe the government when they say that it's done to opposition sabotaged? why does the government decide to carry on with that? that particular line of argument, or one of the solution to the lexical crisis, was in barely the elements which wouldn't be final statement for the government in touch screen cleaning and evaluation frames on one of the level of corruption in this stage,
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lead industry would also have to look at industry mismanagement from the minister of the vice ministers in charge of the national grid. but it would allow us to look at the elements, including the tractor to trade networks that change most of the wiley when it comes to replacing electrical power across the country. and in all of these areas, the government, the management of a state run industry a wouldn't be able to see our quite red face to be honest with you, given the amount of impact that this has across the venezuela. is there any indication that people are getting to the point where they're fed up with their time as a result may time to take some action? and if they did, what kind of action would they take on the point is already be processed. we have seen strongly acceptable events way to the population and for the 5 to 6 years, the electrical crisis deep. one of the key elements we just paid at the cost of these options. so here are talking about, for example, you said a 1000000 administrators who decided to leave the country,
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break the bodies to very severe conditions in many cases. now these other countries don't find the best way that we also have to look at the results of last minute selections, which was still not clear would seem to indicate that this point, that the vast majority of best buy is all the time, but voted against the government and the electrical prices, the daily and power cases and some of the kind of these play a big part of this. so you said that people have been, had reached this point about 5 to 7 years ago. and they think that because of the recurring power outages that they're seeing, that they've been taken up with this being reflected in the elections and never, never the less of course. and because my daughter was still in power is government seems set to continue. it does sun from what you're saying, that the only answer that people have is to leave the country. this is certainly been considered by many ah, we will be
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a no surprise if we saw another law wave of immigration in the coming weeks. most of those, the years, due to the electoral situation here, a situation which could be very easily solved by any of these by simply saying good breakdown of results which is a major dom off of the events, but in civil society. but on the government under the government, this was so many of these issues. how many minutes waiting, just a thought to, to, to, to research trust and the authorities. it's really interesting to get your thoughts on this. paul dobson is an independent journalist who's been talking to us from western venezuela. thank you very much indeed. so i had and i'll just say, don't really, south africa owners have big games. say they've got big concerns for their financial future. as the government phases out, the breeding of lines in captivity, the drop points and the read again on the surface star scale is also marketing. 0
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is coming up in sports. plus i'm doing the home of the international festival, somebody out to music. and what about how to mexico, what groups from all over the world have gathered to play like this the, the, the had a lot of that is the lots of quiet weather across south america with very hot and dry conditions for central and northern areas. now that hasn't helped wild fires burning in brazil know in southern parts of equitable those have been fueled by some strong winds and it doesn't look like there's going to be any rain or significant rain fully in the south. on friday we'll see some showers across the north, but the west coast of the weather across the venezuela and strengthening on saturday,
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across the guy on as we'll see some storms developing for the south of this move in the argentine not uruguay. moving into southern parts of brazil and they'll be knocking down temperatures for cities like as soon shown we go from 34 down to 23. instead, we'll see the heat turned up slightly in santiago will be 20 degrees celsius. the onset to date with sunshine, was also sunshine to be found a cool central america, and the carrier being a scattering of showers remains on friday for much of mexico, heavier course, the yucatan peninsula, heavier as well for weston pots with cuba, on the southern states of the us, we all going see some very heavy rain here in the days ahead, coupled with a band of severe storms pushing east, across the great lakes of the documentary series. exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous community
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to tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we journey across new mexico and meet those will fight to protect their culture and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and pollution on their secret land. first nations frontline native nations voices of survival. now, which is the latest news everywhere there is ongoing indiscriminate bombing and palestinians. he said, that's even no, that's congress being garza with detailed coverage. israel has declared at 48 hour state of emergency while as well as that is, forces are in their highest readiness from the heart of the story. this abuse say to honey, come on, those kind of thing. if there have been living here in the hospital for more than 11 months,
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and now they do not know where to go. the the what, what is it a reminder about child stories? this is really a types of children's 29 people across and gaza. since dawn and 5 and connie, and it says that the forces have withdrawn from eastern parts of the city after a $22.00 day offensive. oddest indians have returned to find homes and water supplies destroyed. and the occupied westbank is ready for us to say they've killed a homeless commander in an air strike is a name. at least 19 people have died during the largest range and the palestinians had to drink more than 20 years, as well as the house organization has welts and plans for the series of temporary causes and fighting gaza. to allow a polio vaccination campaign. the w h o plan,
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so inoculate the 640000 children against the highly infectious disease. we will start with essential jobs that moved to this house and then we moved to the north. everywhere we do 3 days. this company is a business target. we need to reach 90 percent plus but i think it is everything is in place as we discussed that. and then we have focused that community strategy and, and then the community communication strategy and that's in place as well. so we're really looking forward to starts coming sunday, 3 days in a central every day. and alice's as of the g pointed out, we are almost sure that we will need an extra day in agreement for that. we will go certainly see where we have to go to can place the mobile teams assessment that we move to the sounds off and goals are going to lead to the northern. so, speaking from geneva area of the w h,
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jose director general is that the pauses in the fighting must be respected. what i would like to say is sort of the phone. we will come to oppose. and 2nd, we hope all parties will respect that. but at the same time, we don't think that poses enough. and though we still insist on cease 5, because ultimately the best medicine in the best boxing is actually piece a u. s. presidential candidate and capital house as provide some unwavering commitment to israel's defense. while calling for a cease fire in gaza, she's taking part in her 1st extended interview as the democratic party has no money. it was the 1st chance for voters to cure from an unscripted house. 66 days odd from the election type of jo, castro has got more in the middle of her campaign bus blitz of the swing state of georgia. cala harris told cnn she would appoint
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a republican to her cabinet. i think it's important to have people at the table and when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences, she defended or move away from some progressive policies. let's be clear. my values have not changed and outlined us policy on israel mirroring that of joe. by that i'm unequivocal and an unwavering and my commitment, israel's defense, and its ability to defend itself. and that's not gonna change far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. and we have got to get a deal done. we've, we've in doha, we have to get a deal done. this war must end. in the meantime, we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. let's give the ceasefire done, but no change of policy. in terms of arms and, and so forth. no, i, we have to get a deal done. the republican,
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donald trump tried to preempt harris's much anticipated interview with his own series of appearances in michigan and wisconsin. there. he announced he would require health insurance companies to cover the costs of in vitro fertilization because we want more babies to put it very nicely. distancing himself from some republican proposals to ban if he attacked harris on the border and the economy, but was on the defense against accusations. he recently used arlington national cemetery for falling us soldiers as a campaign photo walk. so i go there, they asked me to have a picture and they say i was campaigning. i don't need the one thing i get is plenty of publicity. i don't need that. i don't need the publicity. a set of new polls show harris, leading trump by one to 4 points. the break deck speed campaigning of both candidates,
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reflects their shared urgency to reach swing state voters with 66 days until election day. how do you do castro algae? 0 washington? so don't forget, it says it's going to freeze the breeding of lines in captivity. global conservation groups are welcome to decision saying the practice is cruel and exploitative, but that's been questioned by some in the industry farm. and a bill of reports about 8000 lines live in captivity in south africa. it's the largest captive population of the big cats in the world. bigger than those in the wild. they are beautiful profit sold legally domestically and internationally. some lions are used for cats trophy hunting where they are confined to an enclosed space, to insure hunters, a guaranteed kill all the governments implemented recommendations to end the practice 5 months ago. there's no clear deadline. we are not involved in the let's say the negative or what the public perceives to be the negative aspects of this
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industry. and we now face a very difficult situation. is the government going to give us exemption for the work that we do? and if they do of a prepay to support us further, this knowledge allows torres to participate in guided educational works with lines . with jo, nobody loses helps pay employees and fund research is also involved in not officially productive research with local and international universities. many diseases of one life that need to be researched in the 6th stream. it is difficult to do it and outside captive animals in front of joseph captive animals that you can have a disease free population. so we can study the diseases of the ones in the wild and in contrast to what goes on in the facilities i assist with. so definitely to being the biggest export to a big cats and their body parts. conservationists of welcome to ban on captive reading,
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grocery standards needs to be improved. it means that the facilities are currently have. these animals needs to be held accountable for the welfare in many cases for forcing complete opposites of this lack of wealthy being increments of because these animals of many commodities. the news will also limit the export of lions elephants and limpets with the hope of cutting the demand from asian countries. the government, once breeding facilities to close by utilizing or sterilizing the animals, others will be released into the wild move to centuries. lemetre. mila ultra 03 east of all is the director and kind of a black monitor at bloodlines. there's campaign lobbies against predatory breeding . i'm trophy hunting industries in south africa. she's joining us now from cape town. thank you very much indeed for being with us. when i ask you, 1st of all, i mean some of them i was just mentioning there and her report that although this essentially was implemented about 5 months ago, there isn't really a deadline for it. how concerned are you about that?
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yes, i think that is part of the problem at the moment. there is this policy position document that has been released so that those actually point out to the closure of the industry. and but the on any implementation plans to on to any time lines at the moment. which is a bit of a concern higher ed for i think the government has to really do this properly. they call and brush interest and make mistakes. and otherwise the industry will dictate on that. we'll just set us back. i'm sorry, the legislation will need to be put in place to make this whole face like we're on to put the legislation into place that makes a current key legal industry and
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a legal or to guess it's faced art. but it's going to take some time. if i understand correctly they're, they're essentially 2 basic types of, of hunting out there. there's wild trophy hunting. there's also a captive line hunting that night i found that i was talking about it in her report . can you tell me what your stance is with regard to to both of those? i'm sorry the, the um, the wild flying homes in south africa is actually a very small portion of the turn fi hunting that is conducted in the country. the 1st majority of lions that are hunted are the so called count or captive homes of which are in these small inquiry shares. they are a lawyer and specifically bred for this purpose and, and it's just a, it's an industry that is ethically him already the and just
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not the right thing to do in our current climates. it has absolutely no conservation final you in there or a from report start if may be detrimental to our tourism, and our consultation reputation's sort of think are full that to sort of the captive. lillian hunting is really seen us as a, a, a something that puts a very dark spot on south africa's reputation a full semester and why we're giving some interest to you. but i want to want to pick her up on that point because they, they informed that as a report we had one of the, uh, a couple of people who are involved in the captive industry saying that no, this actually helps to funds guided uh, educational walks with lines, it allows people to understand better the of the, the nature if you like, of the, of the lines themselves and talked about artificial and reproductive research. but one would also imagine that there's an economic benefits of all the people are going to be working on these. and these places as well,
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that is going to have to be addressed if that's their inc and source of income, it's taking away a sure. no, that's absolutely true. old, the number of jobs that are available with industry it and in this industry is, is quite to them it's, it's, i think we have to be very careful in terms of educational value because we can also ask the question, what do we teach our children when we're actually telling them and showing them the wild lions in captivity a lot animals think of 50 some an institution or the the low end. sorry. i think also from of the educational for the few of been to many of these places and the information that is often provided is extremely limited, often incorrect. um, so the educational value is, is, is debatable as well as the volunteer for here. but i'm,
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we're going to have to leave it there. unfortunately, i am, sorry, your time is against us, but least of all these director and company manager at bloodlines. thank you very much indeed. thank you. thank you for helping me. so ahead and i'll just say that those thompson's potential mercedes replacement has the dates of projects on so filled up. so we have time. next. the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the some of the sports of his on it. thank you very much, rob. well,
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we saw with the one of the old time huge shocks at the us open as carlos as good as has been knocked out in the 2nd wrong. you 2022 champions last on. see that flat bars as on the sunday shows in straight sets aside as, as early as exists as a grand census wimbledon 2021. and just the 2nd time his last day, outside of 1250 and a 15 match winning streak at grand slam before the spaniel. having won the french open and wimbledon today was a meeting, i guess they'll put in that he was playing, i guess myself, you know, mine. so as i mean, no, it wasn't that i couldn't control was uh, up in some points. then i lose some points, a guy i get down and he was voted costs at, let's say my mind. so he can be like that if i want you to think about big things. so i have to, i have to prove it. i have to to, to learn about the problem. so well the number one unique center,
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as he defeated alex mitchell send in straight sets, the italian has had to enjoy online abuse. following the latest doping controversy, enough failed to drug tests in march latasha and kids of long 3. you'll see that, that some people there are sick those, you know, there's different things. what come in my mind? and i said, okay. and then is, this is big for me because it showed me what i am as a person and how important the sport is. i believe that i have grown also as a person this period, regardless of, of how everything is going um, which hopefully can help. and then in the future or 2021 time, 10 dining meant of a dev is through to this the wrong the russian was a comfortable, straight set when i guess 5. yeah. and model son of hungry. well, however, the 5th seat admitted that he was struggling with the noise from the house to time champion now we'll soccer has been knocked out in the 2nd round or soccer one back
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in 2018 in 2020. but you struggle with the full form since returning to the sport full in sense, he needs a and a mental health break. he lost in straight sets to call the number correct and a full year in grandsons at fort worth, soccer having failed to progress, plus the 2nd round in any of them. top seed egos, 5 tech has sailed into the fed, rhonda flushing meadows ashy aids for a 2nd title in new york. will another one dominated her match against japanese qualify in a to the higher the 5 time graphs them when i didn't face a single break point to, to just over an hour to wrap up 6 love 61 way to formula one and it was a practice one on one side ahead of sundays, attending goal and play and a disastrous start for the driver. who could be lewis hamilton's replacement at mercy. this next year, 18 year old kimmy anthony is expected to be announced as their new driver over the next couple of days. as hamilton head to savannah and next year, he gave george russell's car
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a try and practice spot. he lost control into an 11 and smashed into a barrier. he walked away safely. once the session resumed championship lead the max of a stop and was fast as i see, looks to wind for the 1st time in 5 races as well. it is a brand new format to for the champion, seek and it's blown up. plenty of interesting fixtures. as a drill was made and monocle on 1st day legends of the competition, castiano rinaldo john, new sheet before the to do the journal. as a new plan, she's $36.00 teams compete in a single league with each team. playing 8 matches is a all and to qualify for the low cost stages. we've champions we're on the do, it will come up, i guess. blue shield or edmund and a repeat of last season's final op us do a face match the city an arsenal. chevy. alonzo. will face his former club as by liver cruz and play live a pool. the dates will be released on saturday. and it was a frustrating 9 for re on the do it as they were held to 11 draw
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a guess last fall unless i best to narrow open the scoring for los palmas, finishes junior rescue. the point for rios from the pallets is spotty, but it means they have yet to win away from home, the season and front stock and buffy is still looking for that sir. let me go, go the far lympics and paris and is that the who did daddy has made history by becoming the 1st athlete from the rest of the team to win a medal at the games. e 25 year old made her of our let me fix that view in tokyo, just days off to seeing as son. his son, 3 is today, tennessee is now a med list of to secure and bronze of type window of the opponents, withdrew before the box. she was granted asylum, apply from us and to the on, by the home support to us. and that is always full for me, a $100.00 to rob. so i know thank you very much indeed. you know, the streets of the mexican,
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the city of guadalajara are ringing to the sound of the world's largest maniachi festival john home and has moved from the event in western mexico. a new keystroke of more than $100.00 of money at the none of them, a mexican it's the annual festival of the musical style in highly school. it's best that means yearly charge to groups from low to the will to come and refine the across the mix committee. gotcha academy. they come from as far away as from portugal and japan. home to the kind of at a medical group who are playing and many a cheap version of a famous japanese. so for us, i key to somebody to day. there is another money ethics. this is the cradle of mary, actually music. so we can learn from the teachers, see the shows and get to know our international mariachi colleagues to,
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to the teachers at the academy. the monday they sending out a bus. it is for a tradition that's been around for about a century and a whole performance with charles suits room by mintz can kyle boys back in the day and play unique instruments that they will get that on a basic utah, they sing songs of loved jealousy, tequila who uses and seduction during the 1st school, which is expected to bring about $250000.00 visitors, the highly skilled before it ends. crack local bands will supply the majestic bengal. yeah, they'll see it to be well performed. groups isn't of to prove themselves to the room, at least go public. the portuguese, true maniachi, man, he co, my data have a particularly demanding assignment. legend has it. this facebook cooler is the book by somebody out of that way, but then they would never guess. they'd be agree playing this music. they come from
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all the way from the other side to what a single thought to me is on a 1st visit to mexico. she doesn't speak much spanish, but she feels she's ready by me by through the set, the groups 13 new local funds. i feel proud that another countries playing our music because maria and she was born here and i loved it other than nations like it . but it comes up in trying to do miss cynthia. i felt joy. i don't know how to explain it. it was unique for me. i come from portugal and i've seen mexican music and i love it. and he twisting crazy. but by next week, the 1st one will be over the overseas money out. she's on the way home that task according to the teachers, to spread the gospel of money, etc. and makes it kind of to across the world, john home and how does it a highly skilled mix card? i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these thoughts. i don't forget you can get
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a lot more pictures and video and background to all i stories and the website course. obviously the don't com. i'm robotics and stay with the 2nd. the on counting the cost, major central banks are lowering bar and costs for all they winning the fight against inflation. why is the japanese yeah, now volatile. and is it still a safe haven asset plus the strategy and what? because can now like no books is outside working now is counting the cost on out is there a wave of criminal violence has the export to the drug part tells, raising the challenging authorities prison riots. assassinations, ecuador has plunged from one of the safest countries in latin america to one of the most dangerous, with the government, declaring war on the guns and corruption. the people in power investigates with
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causes behind the search and violence, and its devastating impact on the nation. ecuador, and the fire on that jersey. you know, the challenges with
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the system even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the . ready the largest is there any military operation in the occupied west bank for decades, continues for the 3rd straight, nice drawing criticism from the u. k. on the you and the to the i'm about this and this is audra 0 live from doha. both of coming up video and prepares to launch a polio vaccination campaign and gaza on sundays. but it says that success will


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