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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am AST

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all save stones, there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go. next. the scenes, the devastation dispossession the janine rescue cheek of israel. best of the soul of the occupied westbank enters its full stay, the phillips that are like, but headquarters here and also coming up out of just the study which tends to some positive. but it's way the power outage plunges much of the country into darkness. pushing strong so late, nice ukrainian city of khaki kills that. be 6 people, including a 14 year old go into play with south africa where the big game is all concerns the financial future aspect of its phases of the breeding of lions in captivity.
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the, we'd be able to part with buying quite as well as large scale military assault is entering. it's full day with no sign of lightning up. at least 20 people are being killed with intense gun battle between these ready forces and palestinian fighters, confronting them. in the city of janine, the palestine. red crescent says a doctor and 2 medical workers to be wound advised by the fire. though they begins all coverage with this report from ramallah, it's the largest is really military offensive in the occupied west 9th. since 2002 all lies are on jeanine. more than half of the palestinian skills so far are from the refugee camp there. and these really army continues to send in reinforcements. entry into the comp is nearly impossible,
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but seems emerging from their reveal author devastation the scenes of dispossession . familiar in gauze over the past 11 months, repeated here in the west bank families carrying what they can as they're forced out of their homes under the threat of is really gunfire. yeah, the yeah, we've walked for 3 to 4 kilometers. we've been calling the military coordination number since tuesday to coordinate our evacuation, but they haven't been able to coordinate. we rang the civil defense but it wasn't in their hands. same with the red cross. none of the official organizations have been able to organize our evacuation and that's despite the difficult situation. we're done. fire, horrible killings, destruction of property, destruction of roads and even the mosque wasn't spared caught up. so i'm assuming the targeting of medical workers is being repeated to should paramedics are shot at as a retrieve the bullet written body of an 82 year old non you and experts have repeatedly
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condemned. these is really tactics as war crimes with little effect, a palestinian se governments need to do a lot more. that express concern section is right now we have to international court of justice orders. i'm finding the possibility of genocide and ordering is ready to stop. it's kind of started an act and that is, was presence and occupied territories is illegal. it calls on put states to impose sanctions. it cannot make diplomatic financial, and the military embodied on, on, as well. this must happen right now. as night, full suckles gunfire is heard across the janine refugee come sounds of a normalized and relentless reality that is under people's lives. the impact of these repeated is really military assault is devastating. the economy has shrunk by a 3rd family's experience, constant loss, fear, and repeated dispossession. and with nothing in the horizon to offer
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a break of this deadly pattern. palestinians fear the worst is yet to come. not all the address ita, rama, palestine. so we can join the news and as you said, the west has yet to come, but the worst continues day and night. and there is news of 2 developing situations as we speak nor yes us absolutely. so, and we have a 2 developing stories, one in, knock that job, but in the jericho area, where is really occupation forces are rating the refugee camp there. and using flares close to one of the illegals supplements in the area. but the major incidents happened at near the go shop ceiling at supplement block, an illegal block of several supplements. south of bethlehem, one car exploded in a gas station, and the driver of the car, or,
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or presumed owner of that car was shot at by is really occupation soldiers. the is really a spokesperson of, of the army said that this man is the suspected attacker that he was a neutralized in his word. the end of the search continues for possible accomplices nearby. there was another incident in the car to get sued, a legal supplement where another palace than unit presumed palestinian attacker tried to ram the guard of that supplement and injured to settlers. he was also shot out and we presume according to his really reports that he was also killed. the area of the northern hebron area has been completely sealed off lit up by flares of these really armies searching for a possible additional attacker. and as the story develops, we will see where the is really army will go in chasing after this,
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the rolling store really, really and trying to figure out how those 2 attacks happened. and if they are connected with cause will continue some bullets about situation with you through the night. way you know, do that for us in ramallah. thank you. as well, early as many as products targeted to best oakland and janine 3 were killed and the tackle of call south of janine is rosa is one of those killed was most commend, but that hasn't been consent by how about us did abraham report stuff and the neutrons refugee cub into chrome web palestinians up picking up the pieces of to one of the most destructive is by the rates in recent memory. this is yet another episode of a series of destruction that has been targeting refugee camps during is ready rates to the occupied the west bank. but people in north sams web already seen a lot of damage and destruction to their homes. say that this one was by far the
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most destructive, they say if israel is targeting palestinian fighters here in the occupied westbank, then why would they create so much damage to the infrastructure to the roads they're digging them up. and the smell here is really bad because the sewage lines have been destructive, as well as the in the last rate they threw a miss, i left my house, i want to fix it, but i didn't think i should. i'm scared, they'll come back. a civil defense themes try to assess the damage and bring back some sort of infrastructure facilities box to people in the camp. everyone is taking part in the operations in the cleaning up and trying to bring some normalcy to the abnormal situation in the refuge account that i'm moving always stones. and so people then cause can move during the rate is really pulled as arrive to this area. and i thought they demolish my home. i see us that you,
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this isn't intentional, is really policy to expel people from the refugee camps. but it's not working. yes, some families have left out of fear, but they returned as soon as the raids and to austin has been speaking to say this is the only home they knew after they've been displaced from their homes in 1948 when the state of israel was created and that they know the israel wants them to leave their homes, and this is precisely why there's intending to stay that, but he just eat off the occupied to us bank. how to sign? well says don't on friday is ready for us as killed at least $29.00 published studies across concepts. and it's really as dry kits and apartment building and the out of the set refugee come pronounce in central cause. a non members of the same family were killed. 5 children, the pregnant women, while amongst the, in the south is very close to the withdrawal. and from the east composite con, units of freight, 20 to day offensive on
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a city and 010 say they found that homes on the wall to supplies completely destroyed. the american navies, refugee age group, says that full palestinians and in a comb boy were killed, biased by the forces in a statement, the group says and is really asked why it killed full palestinians, and the lead vehicle of the amana age, called boy carrying food and fuel to the emperor, all the red crescent hospitals, the court today due to unclear transport time cold, and the security guards in the con, voice is ready to go forward. he's initially said that the lead call was carrying new bruce weapons. these rarely as strike was carried out without any prior warnings. all communication. while the spokesman for the un secretary general's attacks, all the aid workers operating millions of displace palestinians at risk of starvation . osho once of these incidents normally endanger the lives of 8 workers. with this ongoing crisis being the deputies on record for the un,
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but also limit the capacity for us to help more than 2000000 people who are engaged in a daily struggle for their survival. the powers are to get some positive that is way that foundation. what outage so the government is blaming on some baton that most of the country has been effected by the blank count, including the capital caracas. government hasn't provided any evidence that political arrivals are responsible in 2019, and venezuela experienced 3 nationwide pa blackouts, the longest lasting for 3 days full forward. he's also like those 2 governments opponents on the when i stop seeing the air from defend this one, i knew we had no power, but i thought that it would come back. but when my alarm went off, i woke up and realize it was a power outage. first of all, i have to work to get the bus, then i will because the metro it wasn't working. and now i have to go up 14 floors
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on that building neck to go to work because there's no elevator down at the c i o $24.00 states are reporting total or partial last from the tricity supply. at 4 45 am, all teams and public services were already active, as well as the entire government to overcome this new aggression and to bring you your tricity service and your peace of mind, which is what they basically want to take away from us with these actions of blind violence that are going nowhere what we can do without a sound rump. yet the from boca tell the following events for us from colombia, of course. uh, alexandra oh, we don't have the powers returning to some parts of the country, but not all of it. yes, indeed, that's also what we are hearing here. we were able to confirm that the electricity returned to some parts of the capital. a cut out cause in some parts that came in,
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then it went away again. we haven't seen any of special numbers, any information from the government for a number of hours now. uh the vinny, swear, last seam fees. but which is a digital rights watch dog that the, it keeps an eye on the power grid. the and venezuela says that just the 20 percent of the power grid. there's actually fucking functioning normally so far. so even if it, indeed, some electricity came back to some parts of the come through is still far away from normal. we spoke to people that the 11 hours since the start of these out a jar sale with out the power. it's been a very difficult day across the country with renaissance worrying if this indeed will continue because this situation for most of them, it's easier at least similar to what happened back in 2000. 19 the last major out
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age across venezuela was back in march of 2019 at just like in this case in the middle also of a political a fight the over elections. so people who are extremely worried and are blaming the government for this, given what they say have been years of neglect. and this repair of the power grid in the country, lack of maintenance, the lack of investments, things that have been denounced by electricity act experts in the country for years . now despite the fact that just as they did in 2019 the government, this instead the blaming their political opposers a kind of center up here to the above between venezuela for us from neighboring columbia. thank you. the
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they left an attack on ukraine. second, the largest city is killed 6 people, including a child in the playground. another bomb had a 12 story upon them belong to the play area and kind of keep the fire spread through the building, following the glass. so these 100 and at least $47.00, possibly people it just the strike pump to do crazy present, visited ski to renew close to west allies to allow long range attacks on russian ministry ad basis. i'll just say it was how sudden the suit. how's this report from khaki? we are here now in clark, if city you said you came to us targeted by a massive effect. as you can see in the space. that 12 story building was targeted by a boy bump, according to the monitor administration. that said that the subaru casualties occurred during this massive attack on car cuz in several areas of the city, among them severely injured beds and even children present didn't ski
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commented on this effect. so, you know, that's russia is attacking civilians in their houses and asked for a support to ukraine. was long range weapons. the 10 that's ukraine attacked the russian jets. is there locations now? why we are recording this message? we can also hear the silence in heart. if again, in a heavy attack that's happening all over ukraine, especially the board regents since the ukraine. an attack on cost region in the 6th of august has some us owed as a 0 pockets. and the spectacularly 3 people being killed and several more injured in the city of c may in the north of ukraine. this strikes it,
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a factory on the russian side of the both of the governor belgrade is proposing that ukrainian shilling is killed at least 5 people. officials, a dozens will have been injured. now, reporting finds that a number of buildings emergency subsets of being deployed. the presidents lensky has followed the head of the ukrainian apples. those who set sacked coming the command because of the ship 4 days after the quantity of about 16 jet which killed the pilots as well. ukraine received the crust from western allies, still head here on out to say whether you unloads the huge appeal to feed millions of people facing severe food shortages in nigeria. and get insights, create a deep faked images or like social media platform defaming teenagers. the
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on counting the cost, major central banks are lowering bar and costs for all they winning the slice against inflation. why is the japanese yeah, now volatile. and is it still a safe haven asset plus the strategy and what? because can now like your books is outside working now is counting the costs on al jazeera and vicious artistry adventure short documentary, spry african field makers from the name kenya and l g r u b. me, alan, minium village throttle. queen victor let her head down and the canes africa direct on algae sierra to turn out of the dangers here storm to try to sell human activity.
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the as as the right the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the feel watching out as a reminder of our top story, this roles but it's results on the occupied westbank has entered it souls today. the been heavy gun baffled between these very forces and palestinian sciences at
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least 20 up in killed tile is to leave attendance has a positive that is why there are for nationwide outage that the government is driving on some of the homes. but it hasn't provided any evidence of political arrival, so responsible. the new crane a russian to tackle the city of car key. let's go 6 people, including a child, the playground, the volunteers at 12 story apartment block to play area. the the with as little as the edge and appeals a hundreds of millions of dollars to help people facing. so they have food shortages in nigeria talk to the reporting arise, and the number of people being admitted to hospitals with acute malnutrition. that address reports from my degree in this market come to me say you do a shopping for health problems. you and she is not happy with like she see the one as well. 24 hours ago, a measure of rice was about $1.40. now they say it's around $1.55,
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that's more than a 10 percent increase in just a day. and that's just part of the arrival of newly harvested for to the markets and level courses. it's timely, missed the previous night and breakfast this morning, day and these days a meal of days and luxury. it's almost impossible to eat 3 times a day. this is particularly hard for us. rising for prizes or forcing more people into honda and media you think for that's cheaper, but as the investment appreciate together that's increasing the list and leading to the hospital admissions. wanted to say several practice of pushing a foot prizes. now juniors agriculture production costs typically decline because many families can't afford seats, supplies, and equipment added to. these are the effects of time of change and the volume stuff is kept hundreds of thousands of families from deadlines. these factors analysts say,
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contribute to the consistent increase in the number of malnutrition cases recorded every one of the status of what 15 years of an insurgency by the vocal are on. the government is intervening directly to feed people that especially the volume or need to protect him in the fall, but so they can go back to that farms. in this case, i wreck these and many other states in that area. hundreds of thousands of people having defend for themselves. but the reason i'll give you that way to go to the, the world health organization is trying to speed up testing for the impulse virus, especially the democratic republic of congo, which has the highest number of cases of officials say that struggling with low rates of testing guns, a delay in vaccinations. bolton, and $600.00 people have done it to the impulse that they all say. the virus has
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spread to several african nations as well as parts of europe and asia. brazil supreme court has ordered the suspension of the social media platform x. a judge said it defied orders to a point to lawyer. he also accused the company failing to bulk accounts linked to this information. x is over to you all must set the suspension, stifles free speech. yeah, that it's politically motivates as well as the french present. but on my mind, well, micro, upon me has defended a decision to grant citizenship to the chief executive of the telegram messaging at possible due to all who was born in russia. and there's also a citizen of the united arab emirates. he was detained in phones last weekend and faces a possible trial related to a legal content tasted on the app. i'll talk, let's keep it. and that's what i need to show regarding naturalization, it's a decision that we took, and i fully stand by law. this decision was part of a deliberate strategy to grunt french nationality to women and men. whether they are artists, athletes on, when a friend who makes the effort to learn the french language and contribute to wealth
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and innovation. and have have a global impact because granted fund nationality to mr. bureau to by the way, i took the effort to learn french that old and innocent. both ortiz and south gray have probably has 2 cracked out of deep fake images being spread on the messaging a telegram. it is kim, how's the story from so know? there was shock in south korea this week as reports of telegram channels showing the big generated pornographic content failed the media. the subjects are every day people, usually female students, teachers, soldiers, whose faces were applied using artificial intelligence or ai to sexually explicit content and shared with users. and the possibility that people, the victims know, could be involved is worrying many, you know, maybe going on time is now the person i should fear is not the one training me wearing a black hat. but it's because everyone in my circle failed. how are women supposed to live in
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a world that slow so much of our trusts to lee is among people gathering out this night live hot spot chanting. you can't humiliate me out with the faceless dfcs 6 criminal condensation. exit 10 has become a symbol of source of violence against women. after women entered twenty's was stab to death in a nearby bathroom by a man she did not know 8 years ago. today, some males with violent tendencies against women are operating online. and disturbingly, many of them are young police, a most of the perpetrators arrested says 2022 have been people in their teens and their victims were also miners read on this map marks the schools effected across the country. suggesting students who may know they face a lower threshold of legal account ability are using new technology to create the fake images, homes i'm running out. some may dismiss these as me products,
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but that clearly criminal acts that exploit technology under the shields of anonymity home jane, the national police agency has launched a cracked on the activity and a 24 hour hotline has been set up. politicians are considering new rules, including harsher punishment from minor offenders. the paper from the i'm somebody we are going to double the number of personnel monitoring, telecom and major social media platforms to quickly detect and remove such videos. but women in south korea say society also needs to change to stop them being regarded unexploded as objects you to skim. oh to 0 so. so that's what this says is going to phase out the breathing of lines and captivity level conservation groups of welcome to the decision to meet them in the ripples about. 8000 lines live in captivity in south africa. it's the largest captive population of the big caps in the world. bigger than those in the wild. they upgrade for profit sold
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legally domestically and internationally. some lions are used for cabs, trophy hunting, where they are confined to an enclosed space, to ensure hunters, a guaranteed kill all the governments implemented recommendations to end the practice 5 months ago. there's no clear deadline. we are not involved in the, let's say, the negative, or what the public perceives to be the negative aspects of this industry. and, slee, now, face a very difficult situation, is the government going to give us exemption for the work that we do? and if they do, all they pay to support us further. this knowledge allows torres to participate in guided educational works with lines. with jonah villaru says helps pay employees and fund research. it's also involved in artificially productive research with local and international universities. many diseases of wild life if need to be researched in the 6th stream,
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it is difficult to do it. an outside captive animals in frontage also is captive animals that you can have a disease free population. so we can study the diseases of the ones in the wild and in contrast to what goes on in the facilities i assist with south africa being the biggest export to a big cats and their body parts conservation. as of welcome to ban on captive breeding wealth, as dentist needs to be improved, it means that the facilities occurring to have these animals needs to be held accountable for the low fate. in many cases for pause the scene, the complete opposites of this lack of wealthy being increments of because these animals of many commodities. the news will also limit the export of lion's innocence and limits with the hope of cutting the demand from asian countries. the government, once breeding facilities to close by utilizing or sterilizing the animals, others will be released into the wild move to centuries. the meta muller ultra 0, the website continues to focus on the ongoing is already a sold in costs,
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but it will say focusing on those $2.00 situations, developing and occupied westbank and will keep you informed of those in on next bulletin. and just to huffines' time comes with the cost is next to stay with the hello. it's looking like a rather lively stop to meet for a logical spring, for se and possible strategy. a blustery shot was continue to raffle our way through the by the run, the way across victoria warnings in full states has made. you're also seeing some rather nasty weather as well. furthermore, as you can see, logically as guys for good part. so of awesome. all that warm sunshine continuing 30 full celsius and brisbin 25 celsius the for sydney. we can say the arrows on
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that shot here at driving when pushing right across the victoria. when, when the weather really nice, the weather is coming into a good positives, mainly as we go one through some that in the se, showers a little more widespread across victoria for sunday robin at around 19 degrees celsius. things in place lot is to go on and see monday in terms of the weather. still by plus 3 could even see a little bit of snow over the high ground. here we're restless way over towards the tasman meanwhile, full rugged pots of they said that it's not too bad and we tried the plus 3 showers, wet weather as well. still plenty of weather in to southern parts of japan. you can see from the stone shan sandwich will continue to make its way a little further north with waves, no problems, but that will be further flooding in the coming days. and the for calculus. refugees, english channel is more than
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a body of water. it's the final spring in a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for us from any see phone scare us. with this one i just the other that i'm nora. kyle, this is counting the cost on ologist era. you know, we can look at the world of business and because all makes this week,


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