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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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to fund destruction. an extraordinary film archives, funding for decades reviews the forgotten truth of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part to the communist revolution on a just either is this rose war on casa, now spinning, or the is the occupied. westbank is where the forces have conducted the largest assault in decades killing and injuring thousands of palestinians. the escalation is coupled with increasing cetaphil and so what are the consequences? this is inside story. the james base on wednesday is riley forces north, the large scale military operation, and the occupied westbank for days they've carried out drug and strikes and hundreds of troops of storm cities and refugee camps is there of insistence
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targeting, fight to is but policy insight. it's attacking homes and civilian infrastructure. the escalation is raising fee. is that the war on going as a spreading into all the palestinian territories? so will be a sold open another military front as well. we'll explore all this without guessing a moment, but 1st this report from katia lopez, ahold of you on, on the scale and scope of the latest as really assaults mark the largest military operation in the occupied westbank. in more than 2 decades, the troops accompanied by armored vehicles, drones, and both those are stormed for northern cities and future camps, tearing up roads and destroying infrastructure. homes left to burn, now lined the streets of these posts, and in neighborhoods no means a lot of civil defense teams came to put out the fire. but is there any forces didn't let them through. we broke the bathroom window and managed to get out. my
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wife's shoulder, i'm almost done. thank god, that was all the palestinians. say the frustration is overwhelming. the month with no hand kinda through and into this house belonged to an old woman. they destroyed it. the revolt a road here. they destroyed them. my relative house was damaged with missiles and drove the photo israel's, as it's targeting palestinian armed functions with links to iran and what it describes as counter terrorism operations. we have the evidence of the iranian a trying to smuggle the weapons. and we have seen why the deal with acts the in as well. so we take a, the measures necessary to prevent, they'll give you these in these, well, the days long, the salts on the occupied westbank is raising fears that israel's, or on casa could escalate regionally. israel is already preparing for to ron's promise retaliation after the assassination of
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a most political leader. you said i me and is exchanges of fire with huntsville law along the border with lebanon, have intensified the wage must expand the goals of the war and include the safer ton of israel's northern residence. today homes on the northern 11 on board a safe need to have an increase in illegal settlements is also fielding tensions. more than 700000 is really settlers live in the occupied westbank and violence against palestinians has arisen since october the 7th. the use for policy chief, joseph morales, calling for sanctions a suggestion back by some leaders. we wouldn't be supporting the threat of recommendation for the sanctions in respect of secular organization. and it was frankly mentoring over facilitating expansion of sacraments. all these developments cast out on the chances of reaching an agreement for
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a ceasefire and gaza and the release of the captive katia, hello. this is william alger 0 for inside story. the, well, let's discuss all of this in much more detail with today's panels of guests. and today we have from west jerusalem, but not complying. he's a professor political science at ball lawn university. and the joe dining capital amman is to honey, most of us senior palestine analyst at the international crisis group. and in ramallah abbas knew him. the executive director of the policy in farm is union and his family farm was attacked by israeli settlers last year. so let's start out discussion of what's been going on in recent days and the westbank. let's go 1st to you a boss because you all panelist, who's that in the west bank? i know that you are in ramallah and most of this has been happening in the, in, in the northern parts of the west bank. but tell me,
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what does it feel like that because this we're told is the largest is really offensive since 2002, which has been the then prime minister ariel sharon took over the major cities of the westbank join. the 2nd intifada as low as non 2000 to absolute the, i mean it's like i didn't buy out an invasion of that tax. i guess they would think it was started. it's the army on the ship. those who are the way the invasions on these are facts you know, about getting. ready the finally communities on farm us across the problem land areas was switched back from you. do you need in the south? so if i'm sorry, if i'm here in the south to genuine dental, yes, i'm based on the love of my farm and my family. i'm from jenny and i actually work and give them a lot because i'm day by the union. but my farm lands on my time of the farm lands and my town is in union area that has been on the, on the way, got backs on by with, on spies of those on. i think, you know, i think be. ready invasions by his lady on me since october 7 on through now,
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although the is lady i fax, i guess diploma that must pop from the foot by 7. not was it didn't see 5 by 7. yeah. it's actually for the 7, i guess bottom of the problems of those was 3. i thought that they pop now the average of that tax on it is an thoughts i use almost there they i'm these are the tax have resulted in the bikes killing salt farm was going to be a farm land like what happens with a farmer boost boss of the union and i saw your town, but we have on my, on that list who was shopped in the chest and killed by a group of fiddlers. why this, by my while, this thing is all the groups last year, other farmers from sort of the town near novels while lowering their farms on their way to also buys it goes in addition to other students on farmers on farming communities who will attract the severely by too close to groups who are doing these attacks on the channel. the is what a, the army i'm the i'm fine on. so i'm supportive financially by the municipal
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finance. that is run by a simpler leader. it'd be, is a way to government voice. some of these so the situation was the bank is more and more difficult, but complex. done the one in 2002. well that's not the not good, but let me bring in an argument with jerusalem. a boss has made it clear this has been going on for many, many months. in the last few days though, a major military operation of israel is saying it's planning to tom, get what it calls on terrorist who poses a threat to security forces. explain to me what you understand is the object table aim of israel is operation is really trying to regain control over the west bank. the p a. the, the bus, the nano. sorry, the lost any control over the area from the south up
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to the north. and already before october 7, there was a small uprising in the west bank against balls the bus be a red dream. m is ryan the, the name of the most cooperation between the p a and this right, this security, the not. so if you look at the p a hoping seriously weekends by israel have to not this really, these really goal is to control the area and the actually it reminds me what happened because a street before the, these war, the were small raids, phase 2000 for the 7 into the street and then the photos that we see from the time reminds us what is going on in the gas trip to the
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destruction of the found is that these really army uses. and in garza, the mass sold in the smaller scale is implemented in the know in the northwest, the bank it is, it is a red flag showing what may happen is the next stage. okay, so at the beginning of the program and catches report, we heard the claims of the recycled ambassador to the united nations of israel donita. no, i'm now back in his old job that israel is that so they're on the supply palestinian fighters with the weapons. that is something putting everything in the hands of a rom that i've heard many times for mr. dunham having had dealings with him myself to honey. what do you make of those claims? well, no, it's round at the moment hooked up to the driver onto itself to us and trust and
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the region. and yes, these groups may be receiving financial support from iran. however, they're just there for coming from in some instances as well as in the region like drawing them. for example, they may be getting some of it from another non, from pensacola. you know, if it's irrelevant in terms of where they actually getting the other districts from these organizations on not random puppets, they all their own organizations. and there is a context that is effectively leading to that re establishment in september. these groups were practically and effective. in some cases, they were non existent in places like novelist jeanine. they were severely weekend through, talked to the fascinations arrests. today they have minus to re establish themselves . and that is precisely because of the there's to be a level of buying and so these communities are facing these groups, take a very different defense of pasto. that is what they are. they are community defense mechanisms that are pushing back against the violence and occupation. now israel thinks that i can just re establish a sense of security that i lost on the 7th of october by acting preemptively the way that it is. by creating the kind of items that we're seeing
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a more localized levels in the west bank. but we're seeing cause a is really ministers, have made no secret about this. they've actually come out. i know. can you say to it that they do intend to create a sort of mini garza scenarios across the west bank. and there's a coming from virginia levels. the finance minister, for instance, is open the state to that they intend to do just by the boss of the dental and who i just mentioned was spacing in his on some of the you and in reply to a question from alger 01 that he deliberately side stepped and that was about comments of us that were made by israel tots. the is really foreign minister on axis said we need to deal with the price exactly as we deal with tyra infrastructure and gaza, including the temporary evacuation of palestinian civilians and other steps needed a box. what do you make of that? the idea of going to stop moving large parts of the population in the westbank potentially what they do,
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the government is doing good with the bank is exactly implementing the policy and exceptional background on ponds studies. but he's doing this, how to be announced by the whole government in 2020, when he was quoted for the extension and imposing by his later move on the we spank area as well. something give you it's low. yes, yes i, it's been such a guess of us, but we haven't, you've seen what's happened and gone in to our pump. so the gap relation constantly on the move, forced it back to x. yeah. how fearful all you that sort of thing is coming to the westbank. they are doing the same. and this is where they bought. blakely said they even facebook page and said that we will do exactly what we are doing, getting gaza. and that's why with the suicide, the word war is happening, does that there's an easy blue book building and which side global the more focusing on garza, in terms of this massive dyslexia who basically living below the living dining guys
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are the eyes of basically the government as it was on the west side slammed billy the mind in different i'm farmers and different people to do so they are imposing, i'm conducting all types of because they have i'm the minder. i'm really shocked. do it to disagree with. guess from what to do is i didn't say about it is because what was in geneva doing so i'm told what streaming why most people are going. so it is because your patients are still better since 75 years. i'm putting out most people are resisting. i'm bet message. i'm the senior people. there's no, i probation was back. know most of the months and it was back this long because i want to buy learn. i'm the mind is owned by studios. and from the time when 1st thing is accepted, this is put a position on site and also i agreement on thing. now, what we have deemed was last last on learn for this is for basic, for the sake also to expand in this going on, but not been even beast,
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lots of good lice. but it's thing and independence slides. who will i was given the existence of but it's thing is i think human beings, you won't be out for me. it depends. you need to go boss, i'm different spots in both. but most the area of respect is exactly what we are doing. and you guys are basically the same policy that same to the machine that the, the was they didn't guys are using, going to respond. and yes, i feel a month, but it's getting a little was bright. is on the height of the bill. they know that they are with missing my site does not want to buy the, i'll be, but also by the i'm so i'm going to buy on me as well. i'm the ice is i mix. i'm the polls the senior man. i'm the justifies the using, know my big guy just to find that getting but 40000 people. he does a hot women and children. nothing kind of just if i go truly understanding destroying goal, i'm going to come should old palm lines in was bank. i don't know for, for what lies they are using. i mean the best,
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the process was noticing that the points you made on occupation are actually now backed by the top court in the u. n. system, the international court of justice with its ruling in july and not contending to you. i am still despite what you will told me, a little confused about the timing of this current escalation by israel. because if you look at what israel currently has on its plate, its still fighting in gaza. its leadership is still supposed to be involved in detailed spa negotiations. that those, those seem to have paused for the moment only days ago. that was the heaviest exchange of a fire between israel and his bullet in lebanon. i'm still pending. we have the freight of, of rain in retaliation of fully assess the nation into wrong of isabel how, how many of the, how much lead a so, why now is ro acting? it is you're an authorized in the west bank,
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but bases on him. can he just collection and operate authoration it opportunities and whenever it is possible, as right operates, israel does not take into consideration. the west strand would protest and the anger and it's, it's feels that it has free hand to do whatever she wants been. that was to bag promote some radi come hopes and visions of its government ministers that they, they plan to go in the west bank. once they've been in the casa, they started with small portions. say, do they feel weeks ago?
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they did send mail, jerry cool expulsion of weekend population happened in the golden family. and so, so you have room, it is a big problem with these really from the perspective, the problem of the north west bank, the refugee goods is different. so they need to build up big army units and destroy the roads, the roads leading into and connecting different areas within the rest of jacob and the city and being fair stayed there for 2 days, 3 days before going back to the state to phase, right. okay, is that how i mean if i could bring you in to honey, if i can bring you in, as you've just heard from the knocking that he said is. busy is acting on
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intelligence. we've seen the various palestinian fighters have died including it seems some come on this including the come on to the to call them battalion the palestinian islamic jihad. do you think there was a deliberate target list here? i mean, if this job has never been able to substantiate a lot of the evidence, it supposedly has, and it's of never been any pressure on it to do so. right. it is able to go into these areas, conduct to talk to sometimes that to talk to the fascinations arrest it can go in literally raise them. ok, sorry, local communities to the ground, which is what it's doing. by the way, this isn't just about targeting. suppose it resistance infrastructure means you're talking about targeting health workers, mosques of schools, hospitals. these are not supposed it resistance infrastructure. and they've not been able to provide any substantial periods that any of the people that they are looking for are actually operating from those areas. so it, you know, it,
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it is again, very much taking these rallies that are p r, talking points at face value and then having them completely on scrutinized. but what we're actually seeing on the ground is something small. software was sorry that more israel is painting it is doing now. as i said earlier, these groups set themselves off as a community defense mechanism. they try to protect the communities. when it is right, it was very windy. israel does conduct its incursions, which often do call we protestant, invited to use an alternate times. it's not just resistance devices that get put up . and i'm not going to pull across via because it's often palestinian civilians. i get caught up, you know, what are the targets the israel claims that it's, that it's supposedly aiming on the, you know, how many kids can i just kill down on who these palestinian fighters are. exactly. because in the post, in the northern part of the westbank, they would have been the like so much as brigade, i think, which would have been lied with fata, there was a group called lyons den,
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but now we have processing and it's not me to how to operate things well in the westbank and home us. i mean, do these labels matter anymore or in any rivalry between these groups or is it all they are working together now is a matter of survival? this is a matter of survival that these bricks established themselves in 2021 as a mattress. the bible, they, when you talk about the lines the and the janine brigades, the tool carn battalion, you know, even even now the latest group that set themselves up with a lot like these are old cross alliance based groups. these. by the way, primarily the members should actually stands not from the most extreme as elements and promising his fights, either often coming from more or less destruction at adams like center. for example . this is a lot of this has to do with the fact that this cross roots have no space in their own partnering, not in their own political tier, would. they do not feel like their own party speaks to them. can resonate with the reality that they live under and therefore have taught to time to write. the problem is like come ask that as long as you had to try and get the logistics and
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support that they needed to fight and to patient. this is a matter of survival and that's exactly what these groups are. they don't really have an identity and, and of themselves. they don't have a clear, uh, come on structure. they, you know, ultimately there is no identity in and of themselves that comes out of these groups . they are across the minds mishmash of, of different a starch political factions, individuals that have joined for their own rational. but what does you know like, what is holding this momentum together? is this fight against an occupation? i don't to, patient by these riley military, but also a bus set close the incitement. the harassment of the settlers, often with collusion from these radio authorities. these really cool these riley miller trees. and you yourself had your own farm attacked at the end of last year. by settlers? yeah, it's not loading me. i'm one or money. got this all farmers in my town and you need
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area code before like where most of the quote that goal is classified as any of the which is supposed to be on the occlusal all the but it's getting and also to be despised, that the blogs have i've got like $15000.00, which is almost $4000.00 acres. all these 9, the, the biggest thing, the excess of the cdn farm is the only thing that included my own farm and buy property um from the know we, i'd be able to get access to that line and it is a farm land in a farm down the golf and last few houses, we didn't even harvest a lot of cops and now we are approaching the company all of the season. everybody's fine. and all these farmers in my town, and as, as little as so many hundreds of farmers in the other area are really uh, security. you can also be able to, to harvest this, all of the cops this you do with this uploads. i tax,
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i'm submitted by you then signed. so let's go to told him that i'm the only area. see it's gonna be on the bottom of $88.00. okay, and what options are you in all on the settlers? none of them are supposed to be there according to international law, and that was reaffirmed by the international court of justice in the last month or so. but despite that, if israel one said it could rain these people and couldn't touch, the suck less are incorporated, they are the same. you don't need, they are the same of the ministration. what the pentode, that's not the criminal in the cold. got it and they but they already come up ministration, get paid to very, very wrong they sanction into features instead of social is the state. and the state is behind deep se they form up the same as the deed with 2 different arms. so that, that's,
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that's the problem here that, that this subclass or the file then subclass or not in the future was implementing attack against it. they are be fusion or they are because of operation of the input comp, charlie. the army is there and does nothing in order to protect up on a stand. yes. okay, and so how many? oh, last point we had fresh sanctions. again settlements from the us state department on wednesday. they sanctioned and n g o that it said provided materials support for settlements and one individual in one settlement who was a security coordinator as been all can says these are not separate. these riley state and the settlers, but the us is saying they all set pro is that a deliberate the state by the us? because they know that if they admitted that israel was behind the whole settler
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project, then they would have to think about stopping goal military aid to israel, which is something that this administration to bind into ministration. and it seems, if she is elected as president couple of harris they want to do, that's precisely yes, the, the u. s. is very much well aware that this is something that goes well beyond a few 100. something is that this is a systematic state sponsored problem where you have quotes that ideas about sometimes drawings into drawings in with the spinal. today we have the scaring of the lines between stuttering sol job considering that many of those that as a repeat offender is known to discourage establishment. now dawning military animals, i mean, is very well aware of this. the sites that are supposed to sanction regime the, the us is busting about in terms of trying to, to present itself is always trying to remedy or do something about the issue of side of the violence has been fueling the prices in the west bank. if completely bogus, they came up with this idea of back in 2223. and at the time on the support of the
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us state department, those that were trying to formulate and implement this functions working knew that it was a total failure. they knew that it wouldn't address the problem. they knew very well that this was a systematic problem. the reason why they decided to go ahead with it was to prove to those back in dc that were fused at that time to try and push for any kind of political process. thinking my new could maintain the status quo that many on the ground, including the own practitioners affiliated to the not us security coordinator. the us state department were wondering uh, was unsustainable. so they, they were very much aware that this, the sanctions regime what the policy that was not going to, that was not gonna remedy the issue. what they were trying to do was to exhaust all technical solutions so that they could go back to dc. i make it very clear that right now is the time to start incrementing political pressure specifically on this route. that was absolutely adamant. i'm not receiving any diplomatic route with the policies. so i do all 3 of you for your time today, all guess,
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but not can climb to honey. most of the on the bus know him out, is there a has teams reporting across the occupied westbank and on the ground in garza? stay tuned for extensive coverage. pos, comprehensive analysis on how to 0. don't com. yeah, comments about the program and post them on facebook. you'll find us at facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story or use x, y. we are at page a inside story for me, james base and the team here, please stay safe. i'll see you again. very soon, bye for the news . fishing town in synagogue, losing it to the dreams of a better law. emigration because cynical doesn't offer an opportunity out g 0, well tells the story of a community by a wave of immigration and leads to women. next,
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i lost my husband. and again, we don't of this on how to see as it was meant to be that the just here is the carrier is going ox quickly. i could put a tragic attack, stun the world, and the us president a guy came in and whispered something into the prisoner's ear. what did he just say to print? for the school children present? the events of september, the 11th defined, the will. they grew up in just a huge moment. these are the stories. 911, faith witness. oh no. just say right. we don't simply focus on the public itself, the conflict. it's the consequence of war, the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious spouts of violence in recent years. we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all
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sides. the the latest news, as it breaks, access to broadside, very limited, and they tell and the road networks are badly damaged, with detailed coverage, with thousands of prisoners still being held by russia and ukraine. the release of a $116.00 prisoners each comes as a welcome to congestion from around the world. the reconstruction of that one is could take several months. the government would have to decide whether to keep that if you just, yeah, or move the mouse way. the in news
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how many books are in the top story. so now just a rough, a large scale is ready. rate is underway in the city of janine, but at least $22.00 palestinians killed in the occupied westbank of the past 4 days . there was heavy fighting and confrontation between palestinian fighters and these rating forces. janine and it's nearby refugee camps of long being the focus of israeli military attacks. and a home for postilion fights is resisting these really occupation no days in geneva as this update. we've seen residents from the refuge account fleeing their homes after an ordeal of 4 days people are unable to and really lift their high.


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