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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the challenges with the, [000:00:00;00] the, to on the bulk of this is the news, our license coming up in the next 60 minutes day for of, as well as military operation of the occupied westbank. 22 palestinians have been killed and many are forced to flee. i'm not all the ends in, in wars arose carrying out some large of military appalls in
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gaza is radio strikes and showing flats in homes and homeless around refugee camp. at least 48 palestinians are killed across the strip. plus the infants become the 1st to get a pony of vaccination in gaza ahead of a plan rollout for children and humanitarian forces and support defending champion . novak a joke of it says he played some of the west tennis of his career. a 20 full time grandson champion, suffered the shocks of faith in the search bond of the us open. the thanks for joining us. we begin this new zone the occupied, westbank is ready for use of killed at least 22 palestinians since wednesday when the ministry operation began. allowed sco rate is underway in the city of jeanine where there's being confrontations between palestinian fighters and his really forces is also replace the city on the siege, leaving his residence without food, water, electricity,
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winter. an access is where the media reports and we have been besieged for 4 days. unable to leave the refugee camp. these really occupation forces to warm the area without warning. things got heated as these really soldiers opened fire on our house. we 1st took shelter in the kitchen, but later these really soldiers opened fire from all directions. we started screaming as i have young children and a baby. the more we scream, the more these really soldiers opened fire on and on. try the media is are forcing one soldier was killed and the number of injured is ready. soldiers are being transferred to a hospital in haifa. israel is conducting us launch is military assault across the occupied westbank. since the 2nd intifada more than 2 decades ago, is that which is left behind the trail of destruction over several cities. they've rated home stuck up roads and destroyed crucial facilities. we know road a trends as live functioning in the occupied westbank of nor it's the coast time
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behind you. what are you seeing and hearing that well, the only thing we hear is the sound of gunfire and explosions. we know that there's an exchange of fire that happens every now and again. we've heard sporadic gunfire as well. the only thing that we can ask 13 is how difficult it's been for paramedics to get into the refugee camp and to access those who have been injured. one case in particular, a child was reported to have been injured with a gunshot to the had more than 3 hours of goal just before coming uh to do this live shot. we heard confirmation and the paramedics were finally able to get to him and bring him to hospital. we don't know what his condition is as of yet, but there are people on the street for yet to be able to receive medical attention . and as the day progressed, we've seen more and more families forced out of their home,
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leaving the refugee camp and trying to seek shelter with family and friends in the engine institute. but i know who they is ready say they're looking for who are they targeting? what's the basis for this operation as well? these really aren't the claims that it is pursuing fighters belonging to palestinian factions, namely, how much on this planet you have, but also the left, some largest brigades of the fact that most of these a young man are between the ages of 18 and 25. they were either very young children or not even more. and the last time is real carried out a large military offensive that left much of the refuge account destroyed. and these kids, these young men have grown up in a reality where there is shrinking physical and political space unprecedented line grab. more and more is really supplements and stuff lar, violence and
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a reality. and as well that not only rejects any notion of palestinian statehood or freedom but projects, the idea that they have any rights, especially for palestine, refugees and attaching this refuge account is quite symbolic. first of all, it continues that history of a constant assault against the right of palestinian refugees to re to return. but it also targets the center of palestinian resistance if you will, in the occupied westbank. a place where the spirit of this sense has never waned, has never dissipated despite the many and repeated is really military assaults. leave the doors who say, i mean the longstanding story of the city is one of destruction and rebuilding. is there any indication, any sense though, how long this leg just rate that we lost it doesn't really look
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like the military operation is winding down. what we've seen over the past hour since the morning that we since we arrived here is, is really military vehicles, armored personnel carriers and jeep a coming in a, to the refuge, a tom bringing in the d 9. bringing in those equipments that plow this tree, some called the massive destruction. we've been reporting on over the past few days, engineering and elsewhere in the northern west by so residents here are bracing themselves. they don't expect this or deal to and anytime soon, certainly not in the next few hours. and that's why they're pleading with international aid organizations to help them get at least access to food and water . electricity has been cut off. communication is very, very shaky. and they have, you know, suffered tremendous devastation to the infrastructure. so the water, the sewage, all of that. and those networks have been damaged inside the refugee camp. and only
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those who try to lease or are forced to flee their homes from the refugee camp. are able to get to the city, which of you said, really is a ghost on we haven't seen people walking around. the shops are all closed and the only residents we've seen are those were brave enough to come out and hand this water, us and other journalists and appreciation for our presence here and for, you know, telling their story to the rest of the world. not nor you've explained and describe so eloquently to the picture there. engineering gives a sense of what's been happening elsewhere and you'll find westbank. obviously hebron featured heavily in the video rates by these ready ministry. that's right. the name of overnight there were 2 explosions in the illegal supplements block of go shop field one which lives between bethlehem and hebron. 2 men, one apparently designating a car in a gas station,
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and he was subsequently killed another or trying to ram. the guard of any legal is ready at supplement called cabinet sword. he was also shot and killed, but this car also explode. the is riley occupation, army issued a statement earlier in the day i done to flying those 2 men as a residence of hebron. they have rated their homes and interrogated their families no claim of responsibility from any palestinian faction has been issued. but however on which is the largest district in the occupied westbank house, think about 1000000 people has been basically under locked on the entrances to that large and district have been closed off by the is really army as it continues to search and investigate those double exposure, right, nor many thanks to that nor the engineers occupied westbank on the largest is ready military operations. and you'll find west bank and at least 2 decades from stuff
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about go to use the sexy general of the palestinian national initiative. he says, he's right, i'll punch the onyx the occupied westbank and destroy any kind of putting in we will have the tree. we have to understand exactly what's happening with the bank is on that is that are in the military occupation since 1967. so what you'll see here is that is an idea army using its military might attacking civilian ok, bye people. it's old on ok. you bite people, which is our thoughts on and get a violation of every international. and so this isn't what i would between 2 armies . it's not i would between even i strong ballasting him for the military, for the son done is early. might the army notice on, is there any army attacking mainly civilian population with some focus of resistance here on there that the thing to that is this, this attack. but the reality is that is it,
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or is goal is to break down any form of resistance to the political plan. and the political plan is, must think about the expansion of and you've got supplements all over the west bank . eh, i'm accession of the west bank is gradually piece by piece destruction of any public opinion kind of authority i think is, and is practically dismantling the police do not know sort of a taking that way. and you know, if it's, the responsibility is making good, nothing but a small alternative on, but is there any form of military occupation? so what you'll see here it is, i know if you're buying power ink to maintain its occupation. i'm trying to expand that supplements and that i and, and that's the most dangerous thing to do is nikita collins, the palestinian population, out of data on that along pink house as a form is really different bound. he was, i'm boss of the console general of his rarely new york. you joins us from tel aviv
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if i will work to help 0. so i'm not sure if you heard what mist off about duty the 60 general the past the initial initiative had to say that. but under no illusions in his mind, the ultimate goal of his role is to completely occupy um, amex, of course the occupied westbank could do is really share that view or no, no i, you know, we could, we could look at the border. i heard what was the follow up with the set names and i and i happen to agree with much of what he had said, but i don't think there's any plan to uh, to next uh, wide swats of the uh, the west bank. only because y'all is too afraid to do so and has been very reluctant to do so for many, many years. that being established. and while a military operation could be somehow, i'm not familiar with the exact details could be justified on grounds of um, actionable intelligence in terms of counter terrorism. the political um goal,
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the political aspect is far more important. and this is where i agree with mister byrd. this government is intent on weakening the calls to new york. call me just a few months ago, even though everyone stopped talking about if there was there was talk of a post or guns, a plan that would include the palestinian authority, extending its governance to the west bank. now that talk and stop for some reason because you aren't from other regions schedule, what's recalcitrant then defiance and engaging it. but now with this operation, israel is weakening the palestinian authority to the point that there's no, there's not gonna be any want to negotiate within that. is the grand plan that the government has. what do you say that israel is a freight to add extra occupied westbank who? well, what are they afraid of you talking about the united states? it as well? no, no, no, no. the little 1st there is something very simple, you know,
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between the jordan river on the east and the mediterranean sea. on the west. there are roughly 15000000 people and the distribution is 50 percent as rarely use 50 percent of pals. the in house you take, take the percentage off here and there, it doesn't matter in terms of demographics, it's an equilibrium. that means that if it's your next is territory with population, not only is it illegal from an international point of view, let's assume that israel is not worried and i'm not concerned by that aspect. but in terms of, of governance, what are you going to do? are you going to in franchise the palestinians? that's fine. that's okay. um that means a one by national state of chances of bad working are lower than 0. just look at here beside you. is israel going to disenfranchise the balance sheet as well? then you have a full blown apart by 2 years, something which i don't think exist, right? let me one. i know they just let me jump in that because many part us thing is of course with all you the,
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what we're seeing and what is supported by this right wing is there a government is already a form of creeping antics ation. when it comes to exhilarated settlement building, what? yes i, i know that argument, i'm familiar with that argument, but if you look at the map closely, you will see that the expansion of settlements, which i am not advocating one bit, but the expansion of settlements, or in the 3 settlement blocks to even if you go back to the clinton parameters following jump. david, in the year of 2024 years ago. the settlement blocks will be on next to israel in, in, according to those parameters according to that plan. now, i don't know how relevant the plan is today. how, what clickable it is. it probably isn't. we need to look at different modalities where you're not gonna find any more down at these if you're coming the palestinian
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authority into complete dysfunction. which is why i understand when people are saying, as just sent me, that they uh, that there's a creeping annexation the up. but, but it's not real. i'm excited because that has legal implications of israel has not used them till now. okay, i'm very key into a cost at all and what's going on inside israel, on the power play, the power dynamic supply at the moment the, i mean, you recently wrote that israel's entire political opposition should resign as a form of resistance to nothing. yahoo! is that what you meant by that? the yeah, yeah, this is explained in the article itself. look, uh the opposition has been very weak, very stable, very lethargic, out of ideas, devoid of any creative anti. when i asked them to do, obviously in an article, not the not that i had any expectations of them actually rising to the occasion is to you need laterally and collectively resign to a part of that's a constitutional crisis that essentially will bring down the go. now you can,
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you can find 57 reasons why won't happen i, i subscribed to all of them. but my point is, the dynamic right now is that there is an extraordinarily popular prime minister of the latest call from yesterday shows that nearly 70 percent of his really want him to resign. including almost including 46 percent of people who said they had voted for him in, in the latest election. that was 2022 just 2 years ago. um yeah, at the same time his, his parliamentary blog is, is pretty stable despite what many, including me, many people thought uh that it would crumble get, did you know, the, uh, the, the sense of power and perhaps the case them too much. um, but uh that is why i called to the opposition to do you know, a hail mary. she will have to borrow a christian dinner and do something out of the bath out of the box. and so are you
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not of the ordinary? i don't have any hopes that they will do so, but again, mister natania is doing something very problematic here. very ominous here. and that he is creating a situation and environment in which further negotiations with the policy is $34.00, or 5 years from now, would probably impossible because be impossible because of the weakness and fragility of the policy and authority. i don't think us for me, is there any diplomats index investor, uncomfortable general of israel in new york? it's being, they're really good to hear a photo of them. thanks for joining us. lounges are saying community 22000 now. and here is there any bombing across this trip has killed at least $48.00 palestinians since the early hours of such a day. that number includes at least 20 people killed in multiple strikes, targeting mr. right refugee camp and central gaza. several of the injures were
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taken to our hospital and load of gaza on posting in my last 7 members of his family in the strike. you know, they were in the house. these railways fired alternately, shows them talking to the refund on one of the family members got injured and they went up to help him win a 2nd shelf. target took them such things i hadn't been made to joins us from darrow by that and send for causes. so honey, more catastrophic as strikes targeting residences in this right complement. not more more. can you tell us the very, very tragic situation then the hour this morning and the lady military people here is twice that coupled with the heavy artillery is on the venture. then of course, just the pattern that's been going on for the past month. the, the costs are taking place without
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a prior warning whatsoever. we talked about this morning. people were still inside these residential homes and they've been children again. and the fact that they are displayed people of from northern, ga, the children who residential building in missouri. and if you do is still in bed sleeping with the heavy artillery, the bombs fell on on the residential 9 members and from one family were killed right at the spot of the other critically injured. the other 3 attack simply to attack the he comes in with these really monetary describe as targeted to the front dangers arriving, drive the hospital in the denver here, children and women are making all the majority of the casualties, whether they're the did was, or the critically injured, these people didn't change overnight, attacks and this morning and then you get into the,
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into an area for the northern part of the neighborhood. were looking at 5 people who killed in a package room attack and residential building. and more of these people at least 17, in hon units in a city where more of families were targeted inside their residential buildings. the patterns of delivered that tax. 7 the family. 1 the families of either 2 generations or 3 generations, the grandparents appears, the children or the parents and their children. old ones seduced one conclusion. there's really none of the after palestinians. family author, palestinians exist as after what makes a palestinian society, which is the existence of a family that it brings and keeps the society together the patterns of this attack . so just that is really monitor right now because the vast majority of, of casualties arriving to health facility is remaining of the facilities are
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civilians. so just that is really military doesn't have any military objective right now, because when you see children brought to the hospital is shredded at in peace of their young young adults in the same manner. that is one conclusion that the, this work is against civilians against civilian population. and there are no military targets in it at all. how do you stay with us because one of the many have if it comes to crunches of the ongoing war and guys it was the spread of disease. but there is now a response to that because infants and gaza being the 1st to get a pony of explanation, the head of a planned roll out for children. the babies were vaccinated by pulsating health workers. and the pediatric ward of nurse the hospital and con, use the immunization campaign will be led by the united nations a little bit at a loss on. as soon as we heard about the start of the podium next nation campaign, or when i came here, i had concerns that he might be affected by the disease or that it wouldn't be same
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fucking to think going on. so they confirmed that the vaccine was safe amongst the vaccinate. my son and my son was a 1st child to take this maxine, today he had one day and there's another day, it's up to 4 weeks by then he would have had the full dosage and that will prevent him from guessing the disease and the coming in i thought of a frequent a lot far enough people to some of the dangers that every 2nd for our children as a war continues strikes and everywhere. it was a big risk to take my child to and also the hospital with this company and started and to move from one place to another. but thank god i arrived and i wasn't late and i didn't leave until my son got the vaccine, which i hope will be safe and will prevent infection. well, yeah, i'd like to honey and tear about us. so as we saw that honey, some babies already received a podium vaccination, but this isn't the sort of the official campaign as well. that is correct. so how did a was just the launch of the vaccination campaign and what, what just to be looking at is more about marketing that the,
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the campaign has it started with $10.00 to $15.00 gates is that not the hospital? the role i will officially start tomorrow or tomorrow, a many of the designated sites here in the central area. the central area of the golf is to begin to be the 1st location of the entire goes to where for, for, for the coming for days will be a roll out of vaccination for children under the age of 10, in designated sites here in by designated sites. we think about honor was schools that had to turn into evacuation centers as well as public schools. those who is still intact and kind of accommodate a large number of people be coming. the other 4 days will be in hot units. and then the last roll out will be in the northern part of the strip. now as soon as people heard about the roll out of vaccination, the required a please would be a nose. but this is just one of many of the problems that need to be encountered, particularly when it comes to the shoulder. did forget there was still looking at 17000 and children who lost one of their parents either their mother or their father or some of them is still
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a good number of them. have lost it both their parents, the mother of the father and have been ordering by as a result of this genocide, the one who are missing or being made separated from their families or staying in the northern parts or ended up in the central area or the southern part of district, the other concern here is there isn't a clear safety map of where these people are supposed to go to sam's. if people are concerned about the safety of their children, moving it from one place to another, we have damage infrastructure, we have them as public facilities, a drug traffic at a transport station, or meet very difficult by sentence. bombing, convince the health facilities where, where l or the sides that designated for the rollouts happened to be in the area that have been previously been attacked by these various military. and there isn't guarantee of their safety. what's concerning right now that things good. have things to change, all of the sudden, within the span of, of minutes things could turn on to really terrible things. then we've seen defend
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the pop. and that's why people did not trust these really military narrative any more because they have terrible experience with that particular when it comes to safe zones and humanitarian, the designated by the army. are people getting killed within weeks, days or hours of their arrival? what's the guarantee right now? nobody knows how stupid for people, nobody knows yet. honey, my maiden dare. obama, how many sites? when many people are starving and gaza, then to see is one of the few reliable sources of food to proficient and facing homeless risks from his way the attacks. many of died most boats and disappear. and despite this, still finding ways to make the cash is abraham kennedy reports. how senior official remaining guys are using whatever the can to get out to see. this old door is now and make shift about the facility has force them to use whatever the have to
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continue fishing and you want me to some of the most of the, in this war we have lost all of our boats and fishing. yet, we are left with nothing fishermen started to improvise using very primitive methods. i'm even using this noise. the raw doesn't simply to floats on the water and try to catch some fish to feed our children. the fishermen say this way, the forces routine, the attack. anyone who ventures beyond the harbor what i bad, but despite the danger, the do what needs to be done. i hope all of a sudden the thought when we go on our fishing routes, as soon as we leave to port these ready navy starts firing on us indiscriminately. will we ask for us to go out to get some food and come back safe to our children? we want to have a future. very little aid is getting into god. that means finding food can be the difference between life and death. but why don't hit and now you see has westcott on the cell,
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there's no safety to be found. ensure either one and then the danger is always present. for example, only 2 days ago as this is, our neighbors said they were sitting here, but trying to mend their fishing that some of the when is really drone, fired a rocket at them. and here's the blood of the pool and fisherman. he was sitting on this chair at the end of the day, and we'll just catch but enough to make the trip worthwhile. coming back alive is more important than seeking more fish in deeper waters. many palestinians take their chances on the sea, although they can't go far. these really ministry has made it virtually impossible, regardless fishermen to enter their waters in search of food, they just put the lead. they've tried to return without the least some fish. yet most often, it's barely enough to feed themselves and their families. the situation is this
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great, but that supports people here would be resourceful. and even without poets, the fishermen of geysers to find the ways to survive. the human side really does your port of gaza, palestine the fewest minute trees to 7 of his soldiers have been injured in an operation targeting i saw in iraq. it happened to me and bob doesn't during a joint right with the rocky forces us central come out and says 15 fighters arms with grenades and suicide. belts were killed in the incident. the injured soldiers a set to be in a stable condition, but made up to what had report somebody that of the lucky, defense ministry as well as the intelligence at the right to set have confirm it. the no peroration was conducted by
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a counter tourism. perhaps the iraqi counsellor tourism approaches along with the the us forces that since i have combined forces and also in code nation at with and the assistance of by the international coalition for a fighting get ice. so they manage it to that kill 15 ice of members, a number of problems according to the sent to come. but the rocky intelligence up or up to says 14 by so the members we would have killed in this operation according to the, a rocks, the intelligence apparatus, a by virtue of but it accurate information, the manage it to that spot and defy for a height. oh it's of are you still use the by i still members and that is above province in western a lot and then they manage it to rate them on the 29th of august with this recent
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to operation. so it seems that i sort of still poses a threat. it's remains a threat, not only in bought a province because we have been witnessing a lucky counter terrorism, perhaps engaging with you so fighters and also reading i sort of hide out in other locations, especially in the province and also in the disputed areas between the at central government in baghdad, and also the areas disputed by that it is similar to any of us could this region between the 2 regions. and also that this also means that the rocky forces are on the flat, not only the iraqi forces, the american allies and the international coalition for fighting ice. and as the central command says, and it's a page that this operation, it aimed at to disrupting and degrading. i suppose the ability to the attack to conduct attacks against the iraqi forces under allies,
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including the american and international corporation for fighting, get it isom in terms of what his evidence holloway have. right. so because cycling making its way towards the arabian peninsula, that is not massive plowed here, swelling away, it has a name. this is tropical psych, current asthma winds have around a 2 kilometers per hour, is making its way to general wesley direction. it will rain out is it makes its way towards the right in the place, the place to stay, but still some way, whether grass he making his way towards that eastern side all the amount over the next couple of days. so the potential for a little bit of flash flooding coming through here much open. it's now will be dry . still a few showers around the southern end of the red, safe of the know a lot of the drive by that, but some showers rolling away across the guy. we may see one or 2 showers just creeping towards the little the sections of the bands for the south. it's set to stay lost each why we have plenty of sunshine trying plenty of sunshine to across
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much of north africa. although the seasonal rates are a lot further north and they should be that continuing to drift the way further west with grassy pushing across the southern parts of molly into more tiny pushing over to us liberia and see i really i next puckett of really heavy writing that you can see just heading towards each and all the nigeria, lots of southern africa, general re try but we have to some showers for in mobile nice and big times in the or is there a still a head one year off to a to top of the bottom go dentistry in gumble and people are calling for a transition to democracy. it was a busy transfer deadline day raheem study was one of the big move is teachers coming up and support the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the
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e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not the need for the effective he of the story on told to how does era, the latest news as it breaks, access to products are very limited and they tell and the road networks are badly damaged with detail coverage, with thousands of prisoners still being held by russia and ukraine. the release of a $115.00 prisoners each comes as a welcome to congestion from around the world. the reconstruction of that was could take several by the government would have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, or move the mouse way the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the to without. is there a, is there mind about top stories? this now is where the forces are conducting a large scale rate and janine the occupied westbank. the city is nearby refugee camps of long being the focus of israeli military attacks. at least 22 palestinians have been killed of the territory since wednesday. and goes or is there any bombing has killed at least $48.00 palestinians sincerely as of such a day. that number includes 20 people killed in multiple ass strikes, targeting them to thrive refugee camp in france and southern gauze over the 1st to receive the podium vaccine. ahead of the plan rollouts on sunday, as well as agree to pauses in the fighting to allow children to seize the shots. the campaign will be led by the us. now it's being a here since
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a ministry to over through governments, president of the bone go ending the decades long roll of the phone, go family dentistry. people in the central african nation. and now quoting for a transition to democracy because talk has more in the bones capital e, b, a parade to celebrate the military coup that brought down one of africa's longest standing political dentist. and the one year anniversary after the downfall of the 55 year long gone, go found the rule, thousands gathered on the street to mark the occasion. so tease means the taking back of gab them by giving these people. so of course i'm going to celebrate. i'm even going to, well, my government jersey because we are going to say that briefly. we are all longing for justice. and so for us, this liberation is a kind of just the president of the bung go, is under house arrest and members of his family are in jail. a gentle leader in the so called president of the transitional government piece,
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or the in whim. i seem doing with the phone goes with not vacationing. no, it's in europe at luxury hotels, but at home with the people have gone the gentle leader, even dances with it, the citizens. his supporters have nicknamed him moses to describe the near religious fervor and hope that he will open the doors of change in a tv address. or you can give them up, proposed a referendum to amend the countries constitution and limit terms in office with our customer data across the div. did i give a call? the doctor, the liberation qu, we consulted the nation's driving forces. the idea of an increase at nationals dialogue was born from this exchange. i am delighted with the success of these meetings, the proposals of which will be submitted to the referendum to be held in the coming weeks in accordance with the transition time table on so. but critics think he's moving too slowly. he has basically corrupted the politically lead the civil
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society giving them positions, making sure that those are accepted government positions. we're going to be barred from running for president. what we've seen is that the regime has concentrated really on building the regime for itself. that seems to suggest that didn't tend to stay in power beyond the 2 years of the transition. beyond the celebrations, many people in gabon are waiting to see change. they say that after the party, the agenda needs to get to work and create jobs for the young, affordable food in the markets, and a return of power to the people. nicholas hawk alger 0. well, people in good bona demanding better living conditions and a fed distribution of wealth. the nation is a 7th largest oil producer in the region. yet a 3rd of its 2300000 people live in poverty cabal. and is one of several countries in western central africa to experience a ministry,
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coo and recent news. molly and asia and book, you know, for us. so i've ordered all foreign troops out, but the bone has roughly $400.00 french soldiers permanently station there. and the reason is, ministry rulers have been increasingly looking towards moscow for security, hundreds of russian mysteries on the front lines in money and latino fasta. but spring to victor, doug k is professor of international politics, peace and security code for united international peacekeeping center. he joins us from car welcome time 0. so it'd be a toppling of the bungalow leadership. but it was followed by scenes of joy and assumption that the nation's or wealth would reach the people. how have the country support? she was changed in the past. you well thank you very much. i thing for the police before they see this change it us and so on the 22 in q 2 more will be you. what are the, how did you to invite,
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why they just seem to be doing more the people in point? so for a long time, okay, now the best selection of the world and reaching them as to what they tell me. all they do to ask for me wherever i will be in there. so yeah, can somebody just transparency in dealing with this. com for these resources? and now that we saw this one in 10 come back and the country is one of the people calling to be happy in unit one. yes. and now they always seem to be doing stuff in the line. they have, i waning. okay. the hassle been in the minds of the people in general, so we will move updates continues to the cost to gauge the benefits that people, the mazda is restrooms, level latch. what do you think of the concerns? but so the, the, the current leadership, the junk service, many,
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letting the ground work for remaining and power as long as they possibly can essentially replicating the kind of power base. so they over through the code or it may be so now what if we leave issue, okay, will that june or for be democratic leadership? does a still when the hassle, the money in the mind so that people buy mean? so the implementing point is that the people seem to agree with that what, what is the wind subsidies? so it's laid across the, when the house of the people that age decides to make some hopeful size in a civilian aspect. they by themselves. ok to brian. ok. democratically to be the electorate. then the lady that implies
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me the policies down now. so when it gets big, it makes it easy for them to be lifted back into the iowa. it's 2 ways they may not be interested in spain so long, but just leave it a long time, leaning point. she's building the structural confidence of the country that there was a letter in the windy side toward elections and then it looked up to get a policy to pull off that. that is the chart shaw companies regard to pick one on the main entree, screeching in the old couple benefit people pro. i see it in 2 weeks down the the foundation though, for the, for the next leadership to comment will be one of the house. and by still the people that when they decide to even run, it makes it easier for them. okay. that sounds like an extremely optimistic political roadmap for god long given that so clearly already happened a year ago. i mean, is it a natural transition now to simply a much is a,
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an open free and for democracy, given what we've seen in neighboring countries across the whole web military jump sort of been in charlotte skinny but keen a fast so. nice. yeah, for instance, to and then long so. ok, now these leave issues, how would i gender then? what is the agenda know the how be what is that for them to watch a lot of times they don't have to be in a lot for that long because then it was doing software, but his comment about that and how to do the people because yeah, calling a democratically elected leadership. now also all the juices, right. the leadership? yeah. mindset. yeah, gender would be to be as low as possible. ok.
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in play as much as they can do whatever you can. and then buying the sessions. i will say for this one. yes. side to do that, been doing that goal or she am with regards to the long term development. in respect to the challenges from civil side, she told me that i saw organizations, agencies that are going to do a project for the leadership program. i handle the transition to democracy for the people to elect by the mindset, the goal, these juices east to long term how some sustainable products with them being in talent and nobody else. all right, thing to do, okay. profess of international politics, peace and security, the cofi and international peacekeeping center. thank you so much for your time.
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thank. in the world health organization is optimistic that impulse outbreak and african countries can be brought under control within 6 months. the 1st shipments of vaccines, the jews arrive and the democratic republic of congo within days, about $15000.00 cases of being confirmed globally, both of them and the d. c. health officials say they are struggling with low rates of testing and pulse is infectious disease caused by the monkey pulse volume as it causes flu like symptoms and painful rushes gone later. it's easy to assess the representative in the democratic republic of congo. he joins us from control, so welcome to ounces. here i'm fuss. why are children in d. c typically vulnerable to the spread of this more deadly variance of impulse? for children uh, living in the equity so far as though um sometimes um
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uh, access to a range of um uh, illnesses such as uh, measles but also many suffering from acute mobile attrition. the whole mentoring the immune systems will fall to this new barrier to and fox, and we'll see over 80 percent of the fatalities and related to the children of the 5. the majority of these sort of under 15, the majority of which of children under file uh, honestly, um, ongoing finance, political instability in the country. it has a big pond to play as well. how is it complicating the spread and the response to impulse in the country? certainly in the back to the body, the conflict and risk, we tend to see the, the delivery or basic. so social services,
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we can understand the children when with an all the pots and also all the, this is the 1st question is the, the, the effect of this as high entity diagnosis. so the survey of the systems in early diagnosis is one of the boxes, but then simply not, not necessarily having access to the effective health care as you would expect. uh, and it's far easier to do live out of a more stable regions. how would you over or describe the state of health care profession in the country given all of the complicated challenges, the face of the modem and the, i mean, i'd also of course, given all the previous pundum mix and academics of this is the minister of health this is randy, they, uh they really are they chris, um, recovery following the deck. uh we have seen for example uh
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a range of academic outbreaks as, as many countries vaccination decrease through the years we have since seen which vaccine there are. busy other cases where the very rapid action was taken and the reduction has gone down to 90 percent as compared to 2 years ago. measles of academics of also being brought under control to the c as a very. busy well developed capacity for responding to rapidly contain a academic groups. yet, as you've suggested, the challenges remain huge. i mean, how does the, ah, see any d. unicef? go about protecting children, given all of these significant challenges, this is supporting the ministry of a role in both as long as regardless the prevention of a spread of and boss and also the treatments. so just to go into those. um,
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on the prevention side, 3 key areas, the 1st it's absolutely essential to get the right information out to the effect of the communities. so they may need to understand the risks of the appropriate mitigation matters. because epidemic outbreak style a stop. we communities in our communities. the 2nd aspect is in terms of uh, working on how to improve bins or limited the transmission. so in this particular case, we have an xbox, the, now i'm transmitted by touch. so that can either be seen to scan or in need a contact with comp, time related services, such as a bed or a or maybe a, you know, where, where, where kids are going into
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a house structures and schools for example. certainly we have the preparation for the new that sees which we're going to be rolling out. these are some more complicated operations to those. uh and uh, and the, this will require some uh, further training on the action backs in ages. tease also especially the, the communities you need us to show that we've done something to a problem on the scene hesitancy. on the treatment side, we'll. busy move, attrition isn't absolutely critical, adamant way. we're supporting the authorities that other boss total. so there's a strong element all the size psycho social simple because they with the size of a rapid of diseases with hard, sharp mortality. that can be a lot of a big factor, so we need to help children and their families to manage. all right,
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so grand lance, a unit that step insensitive to the deal. so you many thanks. thank you so much. still have an address. there are some premier league action coming up next that was frustrating day for us. no details on the way with some of the
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government challenges here with the safety. i mean big summit as an international anti corruption excellence award nominator hero. now the, the the type of support his son. thank you very much and he will also with some permit need action an arsenal have dropped the 1st at points of the season as they were held to 110 against bites. and they're going to start the campaign. it was 3 straight wins
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that and because it's a side that took the lead in the $58.00 submitted habits and nothing that his 2nd goal of the season. and then came a controversial mom and to as best of them rise that received assessing yellow card for kicking the ball away of the can. seating the files arsenal is down to 10 for most of the 2nd half and it proved costly is. so pedro struck the decisive equalizer a week off. this going injury time when a guest matches the united. 11 is how it finished. both sides are on 7 points and also involved, and one of the stand out deals to come out of 5. this transfer deadline day as well home starting made the move across london from chelsea. the england forward has signed on a season long loan deal. the deal comes off to chelsea has coach and so i'm, i guess i told the 29 year old that he's unlikely to get playing time. awesome. i
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also brought this in spanish, matilda. you can make a note last week and to another huge talk at the us open is defending champion, know about the delta which has been knocked out in the fed round. just a day after carlos has got a surprise defeats the 24 time grand slam champion. lost in full says it's all straight and alex, the footprint, is going to be the 1st time in 22 years. none of the big 3 tennis star steel can be 12000 adult. oh, just a one. a grand slam title. and yeah, the last time jokers which miss out on a major championship was in 2017 mostly the way i felt in the way i played from the beginning of this tournament. 3rd round is a success. i mean, i've played so the worst finish i've ever played. honestly serving my father worse ever. and you're kinda, you're kind of win, especially against the, the guys waiting for him. like i like say the serving big, but it's a lot of pressure in your service game. so yeah, it's just awful much for me. this process tsr is to move off the american to see to
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compassion, bench elton and a 4 hour my son at the oxford i. they also asked stadium the pad, put on a quite a show for the home crowd, saffel event as his quote. the final last to shelton last year winning and the 5 set for the full seat alexander's visit is into the full from the gym. and that came back on the set down to be a thomas at martine it together. it and my to the ended at 2 35 am and your time making it the 2nd latest ending. imagine us open history. e 2020 fine. this is variable faced brandon knuckle. see my next go. golf remains on quotes to successfully defend her title. as she advances to the last but 16, the american came back from the set down to beat and as if it is only not in the said run up next, the federal american and my navarro who defeated golf at wimbledon just over
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a month ago. so also roommates at the palace and fix and will be battling for a place in the quarter finals. his m. uh yeah. um, i feel like that much at wimbledon. i think i mentally just literally collapse on the um, i was very frustrated and, and she played while she that was the, i think the to me the best 10 and she played like that tournament i. i will obviously i didn't see her 1st round, but i watch like a little bit her 2nd and 3rd. so i think that it was like the best she played that week. um yeah, so i think take going into this match, i have to expect her to play her best tennis and in the late shows how well the number 2 are in a sub, olenka beach, a category not alexandro, ova and reset. to reach the last 16. the match started just off at midnight, setting the record for the native stars of the men's or women's match in the history of the tournament. sutherland cut, we'll face belgians at least marston's next 4 spots. and her 1st major quote,
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the final interesting decision looking between why just to have this like one hour, 20 minutes golf. i was like, no way i'm going to start to like, i don't know, it made nice. and i mean that's actually what happened. so yeah, that was pretty key, but we just stay with the team while we try. so kind of way to relax the present the to the mine is going to be like in 5 hours. so whatever just to you, don't think about that for me. i don't want to lose hamilton, that could be the one to be to add the italian one k. if it is foss this in practice, 3 with qualifying taking place, full to hamilton, that lead mercy. this want to buy 100. so the 2nd over team it towards russell russell is back in his class to kimmy antonini christ and it's crossed into in practice. on friday, anthony has been officially announced of hamilton's replacements for next year. with the 7 time champion heading to fill out both snacks for sap and looking for us 1st, when and 5 races only finished in 6, it was a successful day for brazil in the power olympic games as they sealed triple gold.
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on the 1st day of the athletics, who says that as an opinion santos, that one has 5000 mesa t 11 race and it was well time before the 100 me to victories for you to see will fit as ricardo gomez them on bosa, brazil. i now said on the meadows table behind, great britain and china will have topped every game since 2008, a good time to meet her champion. and let's say that it's available, continues to show that he is one of the foss, this man on the planet, the puts one on one, the 100 meters in the room, diamond league meeting on friday, and even had time to look across to his competitors, winning with the time of 9.87 seconds. and so hey, o'conny is in the history books again as he became the 1st player and major league a history to hit 43 home runs and seals 43 bases in
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a single season. the daphne saw help the los angeles still just beat the hours on a dime about 10 to 9. and that's it for many, many things. so that's on, that's it for me, the bulk of this new use up using it while the a documentary series exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities, tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we journey across new mexico and meet those will fight to protect their culture and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and pollution under secret land. first nations frontline native nations voices of survivors. no just the wave of criminal bivens has ecuador drug cartels. brazen,
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challenging authorities, prison riots. assassinations, ecuador has plunged from one of the safest countries in latin america to one of the most dangerous, with the government declaring war on the guns and corruption. people in power investigates with causes behind the search and violence under devastating impact on the nation, ecuador, and the fire on a jersey of the teachers proved testing in front of ogden. tina's congress are met with strong resistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and to protest against a new law if the government wants to pass. that will declare education, an essential service, which would deny teachers the right to strike. the government of have you had any legs implementing a very harsh austerity plan to renew government spending on fight inflation. it has reduced the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is as follows. price.
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the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity. and most of the professors have received a minimal raise in spite of the inflation relays plan is a disaster for us. have yet to place convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate. but universities in the public sector saying they need more resources now. and many are not convinced. mean days ready kind of go nomic plan. we succeed. the day full of israel's military operation of the occupied west by 22 palestinians have been killed. many a force to fling, i'm not all the engine in wars rose carrying off the largest military a falls over the on the bulk of this. so i'm just there
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a lot from don't will so it coming up. and guys are always ready as strikes and showing flatten homes. and now most refugee come at least $48.00 palestinians are killed across the strip,


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