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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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the as global binding as a right, the fugitive of the leadership of libya central time. this led to the suspension of oil production with 2 rival governments, trading planes for the standoff, which has to be a 100. and what does it mean for libya's economy and security? this is inside story, the hello that on james phase. libby is central bank which controls billions of dollars . an oil revenue is at the center of the latest political dispute. the governor has fed the country feeling for his life style say they've been threatened by um,
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groups and banking services interrupted libya has to rival governments which are full for power influence and control of its vast all reserves for more than a decade. this week, the intern nationally recognize government in the west, replaced the central bank governor the administration in the east which operates most of the oil fields, objected and halted production. the national oil cooperation reported losses of more than a $120000000.00 and just 3 days. so how will this lexis viewed affect the economy and is it taking libya closer to civil war? once again, we'll explore all these issues with our panel of guests who joined us in a moment. but 1st this report from katya lucas hardy on security forces stand guard outside libya. central bank and aaa. rival factions are locked in a power struggle over who controls the institution and the countries oil revenue sang sab suspended operations and people can't access their can't
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read the minds that old banking procedures for 10 to normal as far as the political problems and the competition over the leadership of the central bank, they should resolve these among themselves. citizens should be able to go about the banking as usual. it's the latest fall out in a divided nation. back in 2011 long time leader and walmart. good off. he was overthrown during the spring political disputes followed, leading to the formation of 2 rival governments. one is based on tripoli and the west internationally recognized and led by prime minister after how many of the by the other is based and been gauzy in the east and supports war lord calling for half tar who controls most of libya's oil fields. and for years, both sides have depended on the central bank for survival. in a country where all is the life blood,
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we should think of the central bank as being the heart, the pumps that wealth through the system. and if whoever controls that central bank is going to control which of those 2 level affections is going to throw it on, which one of them is going to with are the 2 administrations compete for power, shifting alliances with arms groups. unrest has searched recently, fueling political instability, and disputes over resources. the status quote is not sustainable. in the absence of renewed political talks leading to unified government elections. you see where this is heading. in the fallout, central bank of governor, so deacons could be. it has flood the country, the tripoli base presidential council, accused him of mismanaging funds and forced him out. now the rival government in the east has promised to hold oil production until could be or is reinstated. so far, the countries output has dropped more than 50 percent to around $700000.00 barrels per day. what are the images of?
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they've shut down the central bank level people in a terrible state. most people just look around on the shops of m. c. without there were no services at nothing. i thought it might have. he said, now a divided libya is bracing for what could be yet another power struggle which could worse than an already french royal situation. patsy a little bit, so the n l g 0 for insights story the well let's discuss the situation in libya, florida now as we joined by today's panel of guess and in been going to see we have football. and as i'm a historian and political was such a, he's the oldest of tribe islam and the state in libya. and paloma italy is cody, a guys, the she's a senior living analyst at the international crisis group. her research focuses on libby and security, politics and economic governance. i'm in aaa, mustafah for tory and independent living an academic and award winning to in less time to all of you for joining us on today's program. so around about the heads of
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the central bank when, when you say like that for us, it doesn't sound particularly serious, but it is, is meant it's, it's a crisis. what a decent price is. it's one of those and not a kind of cross and secure life that would be and starting soon is the goal. so the institution of giving you kind of splits since 2014. um, this is a problem that has to be going on. uh, as i said, since 2014, but the subscriber has to be dominated by one man. uh, at a 100. you know, he has to be over the phone by his, uh, $400.00 and back ends. so this is just the number is, this is just the practice that you have to do with. i told you, let me ask you, do you think this is something that could potentially even bring libya to fresh conflict? well,
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so far we've seen our mobilization not lead to conflict. i mean there's being confrontation as being tension. but we haven't seen that out right. or large part because for the past year or more, there's very little appetite to do to bring the country back toward. i think the major risk in this current moment is to see a major repercussion of this feud over the central bank. i'm going to be an economy and that means more difficult living conditions for libyans and possibly a paralysis of, of the libyan economy. most stuff uh i read an article that you wrote recently on the middle east monitor website. and you looked at the events a this time in august 13 years ago that was wasn't good, definitely was toppled. i was in tripoli at the time, and it was actually in tripoli as well when he was killed in the october. you say there are a striking similarities with today? explain. yeah, sure, james, thank you for having me for
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a small on that. and this is the big similar i have to drive. she actually has to do with the economy because of the sanctions of the time and back in 2011 and making living conditions for mostly views are quite different from the shortages are for basic and depravity, especially in the car for the time as well as the longer to the wrong, the better all i need to get stations for be able to print their cars on the other similarity was a little bit difficult to you. the, the one with the cash money getting them from the backs. you know, it was the despite the war and everything and it wasn't back in 2011, wasn't as bad as we i see in later years. like in 2015, 2017 nissan this year. you know, a couple of months ago and they all have similar to use the loss of control over the over the. busy the government drawer in your state and institutions customized
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the tractor, the center back at sales for back in 2011 and was currently under control of the government. and the, even when the time i chose to flee in the country of new york, actually in preparatory, when trump is talking, the new replacement was made it to you, going to then the everything. but just mostly i've told him to do more on october. one of course not to smoke me, but to whatever happened doctor deck. i mean, after march 2011, it was due to the war itself has nothing to do with the bottles he's the governor looked at me, you know, accept what the situation guys have to do with the demonstrations of the nature and depression, of course, which destroyed much of the country. yeah. uh, you know, how do you feel like you, most of the governments, the,
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the state is that you choose getting them to the point where play off today? yeah, well that's, let's look at where we all today. so let's back up a little bit for those that are watching us today for us. because you are in ben gauzy. we have most stuff up in tripoli, and you're in the 2nd city. he's in the capital, but you have different governance. you have different people running those 2 hubs of the country and triple. you have the you and recognize government. prime minister abdul hamid, debatable, and then gauzy. you have an eastern administration and the main person that is the whole general khalifa half. so it's not one country really is at the bottom of the way it's being run. is it for rush? no, it is monday, should it some country, but it still states integrated as like a 2 governments. one government is um, elective, which is chosen by the international community. the government, which is in new jersey, expect that by the parliament, by the directors,
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all elected parliament and the country of the elected a very long time ago though for us this is the problem was the start of the institutions are different international efforts to try and rebuild the country and the latest elections that the international community planned never even happened. well, you kind of the way you want it, but it has to be elected towards elected by the people to be the one that would that be the opportunity to more elections that hudson's? and that's why we have this government do that apartment to do the do i agree with it? she does a lot of questions again, and this is where you are. you have a set of 2 states. do you have to? i'm distributions. so going back over there for about what, what are you uh the on the used to be jace, which is the under the on button, the bottom of what i do have,
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i can actually do the dishes. i mean, uh the actually, and will see that i just, uh evicting uh the, the, the, the going to be the back governor. i'm on the law is when you have business. okay. so let me tell you, if you look at the congress, right to look at the country does not national natural results is this is a relatively small population. on the 7000000 people, it's a very big country, much of it's, that's it. but most of them live on the right north of the country on the med training coast. and it has or should have vast, well, should it not? libya is a bank not utility of please be. the libya is a very wealthy country and has been because it produces 1400000 barrels of oil a day. and you know, the reserves of the libyan central bank. they're going to be in the state are over $80000000000.00. it generates about 20,
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between $20.00 and $25000000000.00 of oil revenues a year. so these are the big numbers compared to other neighboring states. and as he said that it's a, it's a very small population. the problem is that over the years they have being repeated accusations of mismanagement of funds and basil mat or what a former you and then boy sold outright foundation of state results. it is. so you have state officials that are actually using their positions of power to tap into these oil revenues. think the, even though they put it then given a lot. um, what is interesting to me is that given you companies to rival institutions to rival governments. there was only one central bark that seems to be the only institution that is common. i'm not seems to be why we have this really big problem right now. well, the, let's say that the central bank is normally unified even though defective. it isn't
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only for the past year, and you are the house. it has been divided into 2 rival branches since 2014 when the country 1st, but politically. so the political divisions brought with a split of the central bank. one was internationally recognized the headquarters in tripoli. governed by cindy could, could be and was being the governor of officially recognized governors since 2011. and the mother rival branch based in been guys who have his own, which had his, its own governor, but was not internationally recognized. so the central bank has been divided in the past 2 years, there's been an agreement in time because of the re kindled ties between authorities in eastern libya and the governor said you could, could be the, has been an agreement that the east, the point of deputy governor, a gentleman by the name of mother i bought a seat, would be recognized as such by sydney could do so only in the past year and
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a half. has there been a sort of a new found friendship over the management of centralized management of the central bank? of course, this is also because the funds have increasingly be being uh, directed also to the east and also where it is which for years have been sort of starved of state funds that haven't choose the governor and triple, you're not giving them the money. the parliament was not receiving the money, no drivable start using the ease. so this new, this fuel, that is a rough thing today, is actually a change of the, of the a, a lion structure in libya for many years, for almost a decade. it was those in the east towards using the governor and tripoli, all starving them off. they wanted him changed, and now because there's a refund friendship, they are the ones defending the governor and actually opposing the decision of the tripoli base of the ortiz to socket. so it's actually, we've come full circle in the future over the central bank. most stuff of then there was this understanding old bull, very tense,
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but it's broken down and it seems the dispute, the end was between the governor, all could be a and the tripoli government. the governor, i think, was unhappy with the spending levels of the tripoli, government concerned about corruption. a debate is government felt the governor of mass too much palate, is that the sort of tension we're talking about who was, who was in the right, who was in the wrong in your, if you must offer as well. that's about the way it went to. jim, so that's part of the reasons if the tensions between the 2 sides and the search can be on the website that the broad administer and the other side, the id, the broadening certain trimball you course, mr. bayman. but there's also the changing the alliance as because a license does uh, the group research speaker i mentioned which are shifting all the time. and we have seen some kind of
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a shift lately when it comes to the alliances that support investors could be as well as a mr bank about the same time for jobs in terms of you know. busy i'm going to go because in tripler, you know that mr. missing it could be, it was, it was protected by the, the tyrant forces or had that and then and then no gun. the same people are like drawer tool, tool tool tool. brian minister, mr. bay back and i don't know i like and beatrice yes. but the issue here is actually and also have to do with 2 more things striking. first of all the just the machine falsity options including mr to be in his position as a gover. i'm to got to you for their dog, and then there is a big question marks on that. when you look at what happened with the governor over
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the last 2 weeks, i mean, this is a man who was dismissed from his job twice before by december to try to keep the billing to den, which is the bon. first of the 1st time 2014 on the 2nd time of 2018. and we have to remember you guys being in the position since took $1.20. that's a very long time. no completely free. been managing the financial model. see if the country managing the value, the nar, which is which has to be blown looking for the whole decades or so managing the funds available to him on the phone for the order. and the people from the st. salem to get to know somewhere else. i'm truthfully, somewhere else in the country. the main problem is he has been trailing them in terms of availability of cash and what was widely available in banking services.
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the banking services in the country are for. there are no it in machines, you know, for them at least i think and to hold the car up and where i yeah, there is only probably 10 to 15 such machines and most of them on every do. yeah. and then the average day they're lower control. okay. have okay. not, not as bad as always what you say all his shortcomings for us though, the way he was got rid of had to flee the country, was very, very ugly, wasn't it? the siege is of that of the headquarters of the central bank. that was the head of the i t department was kidnapped, there were threats made the children of stuffed up threatened with being kidnapped . and then in the end, you have to leave the country. it was the way that to yeah, he was $6.00. so let's just say this was on constitutional cause it's going to be a constitutional declaration. and that was not the procedure that's normally in
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a southern country. you would do it. however, i'm having to see the back of a, a some the, just the model of the country. but i wouldn't like to do it the way that i've done it. it's just, it's the task given the, the, this, the institution about they as has called a, even a bigger function, the, treating, the rules of libya as the collins has exchange. now we are charged and, and, and both backs of the, the arguments content including the what, what type of now is that the eastern government, which is where most of the oil fields, filter based have shut down. the old poets. they've shut down the production. tell us, is this something you think could go on for some considerable time and what are the effects already on the libyan economy? how worrying is it? yes, i mean 1st. so let me say for somebody who has been following libya for over 10 years,
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just the idea that the eastern base so far it is a and you the hopped, are based forces, have their lead forces shots, the oil installations to protest against the sacking of the governor, who was their arch enemy for, for many, many years, is somewhat, you know, surprising, but the repercussions are going to be, the repercussions will be there. i expect this a disclosure to, to last, to go on until there is this assessment of this dispute. of course that he's based so start is want to see the presidential council. so the tripoli based off the warranties backtracked on their decision and to reinstate you to or at least have of some kind of faith saving declaration that re institutes. so you could, could be as, as the governor, so i expect the closure to go on for some time with not seeing any signs of this
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finding a common ground, despite the fact that this the un acting invoice. stephanie cory, us for a meeting to take place somebody some days. we saw you the state department issue a very strong statement. uh, just earlier today, condemning the fact that the, these moves on the central bank were done without consent to this. so the risk going forward is not only the stopping of oil flows and therefore the shortage of revenues. i mean oil has gone down from a 1400000 barrels a day to around 500000 barrels of production a day. so the, the, the relative to income is also a lot, but there's also the risk that if there's confusion as the us a story to, to use referred to. it goes on there might be some decision on an international level to close off transactions which have been, have been temporarily suspended with the central bank of libya. so there's been a to appetite of international counterparts to deal with
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a central bank. that is a contest. it so i think the risk side, the closing all financial transactions until this dispute is, is result stuff. so tell us how it feels right now in triple a. how, what read all people about the situation? is it affecting old and re, people's lives at this stage? how, what it all day about the value of the libyan the know how worried are they the, for example, salaries for people who work on the public payroll are going to get paid on. told that the figures are 2400000 libyans out of about 7000000. are actually state employees. you know that sir? yeah, that's the, that's the strength to one portion. see, most people are debated from the government, then actually they don't do it any, any, any kinds of flux. but this is the way to even triple the i went through the notes too much of change with the exception of the 2 things. one is the one is the. busy
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what is the uh, the problems with the, with the gas, you know, or on the gas stations, which, you know, the distribution company to go home and go distribution companies bring it, has been trying to, we should be good, but everything is fine and it has enough supply us in stock, so the much more is coming into the country, which is the other id and the current libya despite being good, big one, the producer and boss, most of the find the product. so it doesn't capture enough for the finding good. good. best. the that's one thing. the other thing is when it comes to banking, you know, i know it's to and, and in the shops i was the. busy one of the big sort of mocks yesterday in the city, and they have already now suspension of using the payments, you know, by the or any, any card the for bank cards, which is not why debated but anyway,
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but, but wherever they used to be, they are stopped using them. i also change the, you know, notes that the dollars barely was not, you know, call them much more button compared to other other times or price. so, you know, like, uh, 2 years ago or something. and uh, the other thing i know it says device is i've got all this, you know me just the boat, the nation and the car. can i please just really people not ready warren. i'm they are confused. ok. told the just were bring you want to people being was it? do you think the international community is, why would you use to look as an advisor to the van head of the un mission? um, it seems to me, i mean, back in 2020 we had world leaders having some, it's invalid and talking about libya. but that doesn't seem to be quite the same. focus on libya now. has the world lost interest in libya and is that worrying in
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itself? well, for the past 2 years, it has to be said. the world has taken a step back on the been mainly because there was comfortable statics quote, there was no war the to ride on the floor. these even though each had its own government and military condition in the east and the west of the country. these 2 arrivals or those entities weren't talking to each other behind closed doors. they were arrangements, there was a sort of a peaceful coexistence and people so many for and capitals thought that, well, you know, it's libby is not in such a bad place. now he's, there is no war and this is what caused people to uh, and institutions to, to, to follow less libya also because the region is aflame with other conflicts. so there was this idea that this, the, this peaceful state of school despite being dysfunction and despite being precarious, it would continue. now with this recent crisis over the central bank,
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which i should repeat was rather unexpected. because there was always this assumption, that the debate by the government of tripoli was talking to the half star dominated authorities in the east and that they were deals taking place. there was always this idea that this co existent will continue. so this, this, this crisis over the leadership of the central bank came a bit of the shop. okay, but i'm very soon, very, very concerned, very concerned for us last with, with you very briefly, do you think the conflict can be avoided? how, what would all you about the prospect of the conflict briefly if you may, i didn't think this timing on, you know, how to go from one of the complex. i think the, the trends step just prefer to see what he's trying to do on the band. and one way or another, i think would be sorted out. i did think that would be all ok. thank you very much
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for raj. thank you. to all guess today, for us to not jim claudio does any more stuff or the tory, if you missed any of this program or joined us like you could always want you to get it on our website, which is 0. don't com. what issue should get the in depth inside story treatment next time, let us know on facebook, facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story or unless you're in brazil you can find this one x as a j inside story for me james space and the production team here in bo huh. bye bye for now, the the voice to watch her. boy, he shut it up. once he left him, kayla, quoted,
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see him go. so i'm going to see modest amount of c to k. c. quantity boy showed, according to all right, though, the con daughter i to put a one. no, it all funny. i've annoyed even when it all body to a letter. i don't acknowledge you by the to the, the core data she of the, my wife and my 32 needed me to finish a 2010 today to need a new fund. visual has between about 1 o'clock, 5 mean you don't have a contract and now we have this was one, then you are the last to reduce the beneficiaries who have but on the kid about 400000 of those are the best advocate we believe not only financially, a bar and these don't have the guns with alternate training them. unimed, providing mentors for them to be on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private
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space of stuck with the states of the $90.00 on russian sites phase is to a fall or use uh, create technology oriented opportunities, worthwhile were driving over to you over to to sure, look at the lighting job creation. oh, well, so as sharing to sleep economic empowerment. because if the women move found, empowering african entrepreneur is the challenges here with americans more divided been ever a. we watching the end of the american era. the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line,
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the of the hello. i'm about this and this is the news online from dell, i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes. the siege on jeanine, vermont gets a set on 5 and families are forced from their homes day for of israel's largest assault of the occupied. westbank is ready side stay the alley baptist hospital call.


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