tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST
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to the bottom line, the the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from dell, i'm coming up in the next 16 minutes. the siege on jeanine, vermont gets a set on fire, and families are forced from their homes, day full of israel's largest assault of the occupied. the west side of the room is ready side still. they are loudly baptist hospital compound. it goes by sitting at least $61.00. people have no been killed across the strip since early on saturday. a probably a vaccination campaign begins in garza. israel's war has destroyed much of the
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strips of water and sewage facilities putting 650000 to address. also ahead. i'm going to change the old east germany or the far right if the may be a back to when to keep states electric. on his photo boss alone or will head into the international right on top of the spanish league. boss of 18, grow via the lead 7 new and so might be always from full size fall this season. the we're going to begin in the occupied was to buy and what is it was military operation? there is no and it's for the day, at least $24.00 palestinians are being killed since wednesday. and major results across the area. families are cut off from food, water, and electricity in jennings city. from way of note all day reports, jeanine is like a ghost town. during the largest israeli military assault in the northern occupied
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west fund in more than 2 decades. the refugee camp is largely destroyed. is rarely occupation forces block the entrance to jeanine's, public spittle and ascending reinforcements. the sounds of gunfire and explosions puncture the eerie silence that prevails. one is where the soldier is reportedly killed. others injured. a number of palestinians killed. the injured isn't clear, though paramedics are not allowed into the comp and have come under fire from is really soldiers. some people were forced from their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. we have been besieged for 4 days, unable to leave the refugee camp. these really occupation forces to warm the area without warning. things got heated as these really soldiers opened fire on our
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house. we 1st took shelter in the kitchen, but later these really soldiers opened fire from all directions. palestinians view this assault as part of a big or is rarely strategy. and they put it to kind of plan is much think about the expansion of and you've got supplements all over the west bank and expression of the west bank is gradually piece by piece destruction of any palestinian kind of authority as the military assault drags on tens of thousands of palestinians are impacted displaced, distraught, perhaps love, love 5, give them it's hard. it's very hard for children and for everyone else. what else? good. what terrified look at the destruction. the my you gone a lot and yeah, the whole thing i would tricity and sewage no longer exist called basic necessities on non existent to non neighborhood. we have not breed, we are cut off from the world. we're living the trauma from 22 years ago. how the
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vine, who is this aggression is similar to the is really aggression on the janine camp in 2002, which reflects in the, came to the ground and resulted in the death of 58 people. no lit up and the islands here and the name hands are under locked down and is ready occupation soldiers on the streets for now there's no break for the residents here. not all the address data janine hollow time. i noticed that i bought it says it had to stop key medical operations engineering and the statement they said the scale and intensity of visuals for the incursion. and janine is very alarming. is where the forces keep obstructing access to health facilities and the kind of seligman hospital electricity and water supplies are compromised. the medical team has been forced to halt dialysis operations. israel must adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the west bank, including access to medical care, hospitals,
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ambulances, and the medical to monetary emission must be respected and protected in garza city . is there any attacks of killed at least 61 palestinians since early saturday? the latest strength hits in the vicinity of the ali baptist hospital. at least 3 people were killed in dozens more were injured. the same hospital compound was hit in october last year, killing hundreds of palestinians. it's one of the few partially functioning hospitals in kansas city. civil defense, things were quick to respond to the scene. rescue workers say israel is targeting hospitals and medical centers across the street within tennessee. and the best constitutes you another bull crime added to the many crimes committed by israel and the gaza strip is riley will find targeted and destroyed the building next to the baptist hospital. there reminds the medical facility catering to patients and the wounded guys, especially since of chief
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a hospital was flashing by his writing forces and medical evidence and gaza have started getting their 1st polio vaccines ahead of a planned roll load for children on sunday. the, you want to let the immunization campaigns going to be held over 3 phases. and that will cover site central and northern guys from honeywell mode as more the staff and the dog and north or hospital in hon. eunice are trying to save lives on 2 fronts. they have loans that desperately needed vaccination campaign to stop the polio outbreak. a while at the same time dealing with the everett a casualties of israel's devastating horse. the bodies of at least 27 palestinians were brought to the hospital on saturday, after being killed and his really air strikes. pull you had not been detected in garza for 25 years before the war. reduce much of the territory, sewage and water facilities during the campaign was loans after a 10 months old. palestinian baby was paralyzed. after contracting the virus,
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palestinian parents says they are worried about how they will bring their children to a vaccination center. or even if their children will survive attacks by these really army at night. and now they are in fear of their kids being affected with a virus that had been contained for decades, a cup out of a frequent a lot while nothing there was danger, every 2nd for our children, as the war continues and the strikes are everywhere. there was a risk to bring my child to nasser hospital when the vaccination campaign started to move from one place to another. but alas, daniel's health officials are skeptical of the camp and success. given the horrific conditions in gaza caused by israel is more natural and not how we can for real ceasefire for this campaign to succeed without this will the arrangements that have been made cannot qualify this coming, paying for success regardless,
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i would seize, will go everywhere. wherever there is a promise to new needs this recommendation, our teams will reach them despite the rest on that is what i'll say is it will have a 3 consecutive pauses in the fighting during certain hours. the 1st of those pauses is expected in central garza followed by the south. and then finally, in the north, the world hill organizations say is at least 90 percent of the children in golf and needs to be vaccinated twice with a 4 week gap between those and the vaccination campaign faces many challenges since is ro destroyed? most of the medical facilities, an old roads in garza, in the last 11 months. the more i was just from the central area of the gaza strip, how this time. no time will cause cover that is the fall when the mattress is that i told her the world health organization. he says 8 workers will struggle to meet the demand for vaccines. this morning schedule makes like even more complicated.
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good one, be the very moment put in a poses a morning till mid afternoon in each area and considering the logistics of travel people. this is going to make it easier for them to come and go safely. and then of course, so we already have a case and maybe several of us had paralysis. so this is literally a race against trying to get the job done. you need at least 95 percent of the eligible vulnerable population. good. now what that means is that we probably have the themes reluctance only get to at least 90 percent of the $614000.00 the children and they have identified so either the 2 doses as everybody knows who knows by now. so i think the people have been told that the distribution kills over to the present documentation given to the children. so i think this is not going to be easy. a mazda warranty is not why we have this amount of debt in folders,
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rolling questioning, done so. so what's going to happen as well? the thing is we have a dispute that this is really different, which is real good and they use it in the west bank. all the how much my guess going to done over the continuation of the 3 day pauses? if for example, we have the situation of the people in, in the restaurant getting worse as we some of the tax of indicators. so i think this is not just a drops for a few 100000 treating. but, you know, as this is, this is not just a practical logistic issue, which everybody knows, but all so it's a very significant political and it's to digit come blips issue, which i just hope it's the brand, hope that the people get on the job. but so inherently risky and what is going to be happening?
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the thing is one of the few reliable sources of food for the desperate population of guys a bed catching sea food can also be a life threatening task. going to is very attacks with most bolts destroyed or unsafe fishermen. talk to them for fires and super whom of honey reports. how senior official remaining guys are using whatever the can to get out to see. this all door is now i'll make shift both the facility has force them to use whatever the have to continue fishing and you want me to some of the most of the, in this war we have lost all of our boats and fishing. yeah. well, when we are left with nothing, fishermen started to improvise using very primitive methods. i'm even using this noise. the raw doesn't simply the flow to the water and try to catch some fish to feed our children. apply the fish for a minute, say this way, the forces routine, the attack, a new one, who ventures beyond the harbor what i bad. but despite the danger,
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the do what needs to be done? hope of the fellow thought when we go on a fishing route, so as soon as we leave the port, these rating may be starts firing on us indiscriminately. it will we ask for us to go out to get some food and come back safe to our children. we want to have a future. very little aid is getting into gaza. that means finding food can be the difference between life and death. but while heading out to sea has westcott on the sale, there's no safety to be found. ensure either the danger is always present, for example, only 2 days ago. this is our neighbors shed. they were sitting here trying to mend their fishing. that's when it's really drone fired a rocket at them, and here's the blood of the pool and fisherman. he was sitting on this chair at the end of the day, i will just catch, but enough to make the trip worthwhile. coming back alive is more
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important than seeking more fish in deeper waters. many palestinians take their chances on the sea. although they can't go far. these really ministry has made it virtually impossible, regardless of fishermen to enter their waters in search of food. they just put the lead. they've tried to return without least some fish. yet most often it's beverly enough to feed themselves and their families. their situation is discrete. but that supports people here could be resourceful. and even without poets, the fishermen of guys are still finding ways to survive it, but a human really does your port of gaza, palestine. the
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us military uses 15 fighters onto his grenades and suicide. belts have been killed in an operation targeting i saw in iraq. it happened to in the on board does have to join a joint range with the rocky forces. your central come on says 7 of the soldiers were injured in the operation. they're in a stable condition and hospital on the other one had reports from baghdad of the lucky defense ministry as well as the intelligence epo. right is to have confirmed that the operation was conducted by a counter tourism, perhaps the iraqi counsellor, tourism throughout us along with the, the us forces that since are combined forces and also in code nation at with and the assistance of by the international coalition for a fighting get ice so they manage it to that kill 15 ice of members, a number of problems according to the sent to come. but the rocky intelligence up
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or up to says 14 by 7 members will be killed in this operation. according to the a box intelligence apparatus at a, by virtue of but it accurate information, the managed to that spot and defy up for a height outs of ice of used by ice of members in the desert of above province in western a lot. and then, and they manage it to aid them on the 29th of august with this recent to operation . so it seems that i sort of still poses a threat. it's remains a threat, not only in bought a province because we have been witnessing a lucky counter terrorism, perhaps engaging with you so fighters and also reading i sort of hide out in other locations, especially in the province and also in the disputed areas between the at central government and about that. and also the areas disputed by that it is similar to any
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of us could this region between the 2 regions. and also that this also means that the rocky forces are on the flat, not only the lucky forces that american allies and the international coalition for fighting ice. and as the central come on says, and it's a page that this operation is aimed at to disrupting and degrading ice. those ability to the attack to conduct attacks against a rocky forces ended allies including the american and the international coalition for fighting get ice. some are telling thoughts director besides that, these 2 funds centered under the associated fellow at the international center for condo tag was and he's joining his live now from pittsburgh. thank you very much. indeed for being with us as monkwood was by pointing out there, it looks as though that despite with the world may faint, the threat from iso still remains it absolutely still remains. and there is a great disparity between folks like myself in the counter terrorism community and
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just policy makers, members of various governments, law enforcement, and others. we've been kind of screening from the mountain tops that this is a group. it's not been defeated despite many of the proclamations that it has been that revoking the territorial caliphate won't be enough. the ideology still lives on it resonates and as united states and allied bandwidth shifts to the war and ukraine. what's going on in gaza? there's less and less counter terrorism pressure that's being applied to isis in a rock and syria. and this is the result. it's kind of terrorism pressure, as you say, a gets less and less. how do you see i sold developing? what's the potential as well, the potential that it's not to bro, back into, you know, of a pro state as it was at, at its peak. i don't think that will ever happen again. however, it's certainly within, you know,
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the possibility of this group that can reclaim large spots of territory within a rock within syria that could launch attacks against the rocky security forces that could cause real trouble. enrique real have it in, in the region and isis as you know, it's not a monolithic organization. there's various affiliates, franchise groups, and branches throughout the world. and it's an organization where the sum of the parts is greater to our people in the hall. and so this is a group that even well might be down in one part of the world. it's surging in sub saharan africa or afghanistan. and if we see a real come back in the heart of the middle east, that's problematic on many levels. another element of this is a, the situation with any rock yourself. of course, that was a period of time when the iraqi government was absolutely determined that us forces should be ousted from from the country. and not it looks as though as far as i can see, there on seems to have postponed announcing an end date to what is known as operations and haven't resolved what kind of leverage of anything or influence does that give
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us within iraq, particularly when it comes to dealing with it, i'm groups like i so but i think, you know, if you look at some of the statements from su, dani, certainly that is some of the statements coming out of the united states military. there's no plans to leave immediately, but there are these external pressures. the iranians are certainly applying a lot of pressure to have the united states removed. i think there are various elements within a rock hard liners within hostile shelby and others that want the united states to leave. and, you know, looking ahead to november with us presidential election on the horizon, there are big pockets of the republican party that are isolating us and may want to remove troops from iraq, from syria. so that's going to be a big foreign policy issue that i think is not getting a lot of attention now, but may get more attention more focused as we get closer to november. because this is really an essential policy issue that we're gonna have to grapple with. now i'm going to look a little bit at the j a politics of this. i mean,
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the western onboard does that data points we've had. don't specify exactly where it is that this took place beyond baldes up and down by a governor. it is shoes at boulder, city of jordan. i'm sorry, a ravia. if i so was intending to expand and carry out more attacks. what do you think it's key targets? might be yeah, well i think you would attack a rocky security forces. i think you would try to intimidate logos, it will fall back on uh sectarianism right as a kind of main driver of its propaganda of its attempts to recruit and, and bar is still the wild west in many respects. you know beyond the sunni triangle into the greater reaches of van bar and think about, you know, some of the battles that are involved in places like ramadi and elsewhere. this is still very much a hard, hard for you know, of a rocky sunni stronghold and isis still looks to retreat from this area and still looks to bring in individuals into the organization. it's also still got a lot of money left over from the tate a it's, it's got money that it's longer,
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it has money that it's invested in front companies and other elements to kind of make sure that it has access to those resources. so, you know, this, this story is far from over. we've seen a kind of temporary low or reduction in an ice attacks over the past couple of years. those are now expected to double this year, according to centcom. and we could very much be on the precipice of entering another phase where isis coming back, whether you want to call that 2 point know, 3.0, etc. well, really appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise and this calling cause. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. thank you. no problem and explosions at a residential area and the southern you have any city of aging. last at a gas station since shock waves through the densely populated neighborhood what this is described, seeing flames engulfing the area just moments before the explosion because remains unclear. but there are reports of multiple casualties. in germany. polls suggest
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for the 1st time that the far right party is on track to winning the most votes in the states election. they'll tentative for germany. policy opposes immigration, and it's critical of the european union and sunday, millions of voters in the form of east germany. when i'd like to new assemblies in the states of subsidy and sonya dominic votes from saxony. the slogan is, it is time time for the eye of day an anti immigrant fall right policy that no other policy will work with. who's lita in the ring yet has recently been convicted of knowingly using not c slogans at his campaigns. so again, heck, at what seems to matter most is not what the quotes say, but what the people say, let's make the ring the family friendly state the most child friendly one. we don't accept that we so ring, guns and germans are simply dying out. we don't want to feel job gaps with migrants . we want to produce the skilled workers of the future, ourselves. never mind that some of these policies policies seem contradictory,
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judging voters to fight for freedom here, but ukrainians not to fight for freedom that because ending that war is popular in the old east germany. it's a key planck because of i can connect also to the people, to new fall left potty is attacking the if day while proposing some policies. similar to those. the social democrats, free democrats and greens of fighting just to get any seats in the selections. while the christian democrats are struggling to retain 1st place in saxony against the if day, we won't let anyone tell us how we should live, how we should talk, what kind of car we should drive or what we should eat, neither from the left door, from the right, we are sextants, we go our own way, we do our own thing. we have to leave for a permanent christie and democrat. to use such language demonstrates how powerful the extreme parties have become. and this comes, i think from this immense transformation experience of many germans of the
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reunification of being kind of the losers in a new system of feeling marginalized and insignificant. and this collective feeling amongst growing parts of the population remains following the recent standings and sewing on which is syrian failed to assign them c, g, a has confessed to carrying out, but is the smallest. and the far right st immigration is not working. the federal government has no tough on the immigration rules and started the pulsing ask and offenders back to the home country. the people being elected on sunday will take the seats here and for the 1st time the f day has a realistic chance of being the largest policy on supplanting the routing christy and democrats. a result that would reverberate around this country don't want it. kane al jazeera in the sex and parliament on the elections are being seen as a test of voters. sentiments ahead of next year's federal elections. any
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$5000000.00 germans are set to cost per votes on sunday, and has been going discontent about the governments. ukraine policy, energy reforms, and integration. reason pulse suggest the far right if day is on cause for big games. it could become the largest party and so we need a states was 13 percent of the vote and neighboring saxony. the if day is running, neck and neck was conservative. christian democrats. oh, this brooklyn is a political science professor at stanford university in berlin. he says, regional history is a major factor behind the shift to the fall, right? any eastern germany. one would think that the essence of democracy used the people simply disagree on policies. therefore, the change of government is the most common thing and the bulk received inception is a christian democratic union as being empowers students the walking down. so what change is something that is not on think about,
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but the circumstances indicate that this is not at all if people disagree on topics . this is, and a lot of people distance themselves from a western type democratic system. and on top of it, stay in the house, not so much to complain about because the state of sex and you never do better, it has a lot of infrastructure. the unemployment rate is kind of okay, installation is under control, but there is still a general ceiling off. we are 2nd class citizens. we don't see a rep assigned to people in, but didn't tell us what to do. tardies tried to imitate programs that weren't because the germans was on, if you still have the very awesome middle class and you really elections in the center. so parties that used to be very disciplined from each other, like the cream party challenges, taking the conservative christian democratic union become more as a variation of the site which allows to formulate core this type of stuff before we're, i think about the price is spent on the apps as of the political spectrum,
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no one really feels represented by these parties, but the class time the same time. and instead of communicating why they changed their program, matic positions, and wives id knowledge, the mattress slips they presented for a long time. but the seats are with all the alternatives, and if you stop communicating, you keep press 2 and alternatives that appears as obsolete as this one would say, no big races and very backboard oriented propaganda. germany is not an isolated case. seen similar developments in other countries. optimism is on the rights and a certain conservative mindset that people bravo one to go back to the good old days, whatever the beats built defense and protect themselves against the challenges and just the wrench from outside. this is a general sentiment that is exploited by talk to these forces. i need to come this
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one more independent from what's happening on the ground to once the actual situations, economically and socially. so yes, it will have an effect next year, but no one kind of general line is that this speech sport, germany is 2 parts of diploma tree. d r will vote tomorrow in a different way compared with the rest of the country. because this is still a special situation and in the west, some parts of germany which sent for $60000000.00 compared to was $16000000.00 east germany. been still a very dear friend and civil society is much stronger, and democracy is not as questioned as it has been some pockets in saxony. so they had and i'll just sit up as those top co techs on tech millionaire and on most looking access to social media platforms. x also ahead invitation of a lifetime. mexican parents and prisons for unites with endorsements to celebrate the coming of age, kind and sports more problems for the reigning formula. ones,
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world champion is rebels. rivals set the pace of newtonian. humphrey the the. we have a tropical cycling, making its way towards the arabian peninsula. that is not massive plowed here, swelling away, it has a name. this is that tropical psych, current asthma winds of around 80 kilometers per hour is making its way to general wesley direction. it will rain out as it makes its way towards the right in the place, the place to stay, but still somewhat windy weather grass. he making his way tools. that is the side all the amount over the next complet. they say the potential for a little bit of flash flooding coming through here must have been it's now will be dry. still a few showers around the southern end of the red, safe of the know
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a lot of the drive by that, but some showers rolling away across the guy. we may see one or 2 showers just creeping towards the little the sections of the bands for the south. it's set to stay loss each why we have plenty of sunshine tried plenty of sunshine to across much of north africa. although the seasonal rates are a lot further north and they should be that continuing to drift the way further west with grassy pushing across the southern parts of molly into more tiny pushing over to us liberia and see i really i next puckett of really heavy writing that you can see just heading towards these, you know, the nigeria, lots of southern africa, general retry, but we have got some showers for in mobile, nice and big contents in the the, the latest news everywhere there is ongoing indiscriminate bombing on palestinians . he said that even, no, that's congress being guns with detailed coverage. israel has declared
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i'm about to send you a watch, you go to 0. it reminds over time stories this are for the 4th day is where the forces have counted up major results in the occupied westbank. at least 24 palestinians are being killed since weapon states. frequently janine have been cut off from food, water and electricity and is really sold that was also kept engineering on saturday and is really started on that. as soon as the of the alley baptist hospital component of garza city has killed at least 3 people, dozens, mover has been injured. at least 61 palestinians have been killed across the step since alex and vincent, gaza has started getting the 1st polio vaccines. i had of a planned role lives for children and sunday. the immunization campaigns going to be allowed to put the united nations over 3 phases or access to the social media
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platform. x is now restricted for some users. in brazil, a supreme court judge has ordered a block on the network and a bottle of a free speech and censorship. in the latest development the company owned by the you know, a loan last mr deadline to appoint a legal representative. i did go castro has more. the brazilian supreme court issued an order suspending x, calling its own, or human mosque and outlaw, who would allow the massive spread of this information, hate speech and attacks on the democratic rule of law. some 40000000 brazilians who use the platform will lose access and will face hefty fines if caught using an encrypted connection. and response must call the judge who issued the order. alexandria de morales, an evil dictator trying to shut down the number one source of truth in brazil arises, played a critical role in president we now so who let us silva's efforts to crack down on right wing this information in brazil. the feud with x has been publicly brewing
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for months with mosque refusing to block certain accounts that the judge has accused of spreading fake news president does do, but to send to the court order to suspend x on friday. if you're left to kind of fit with the vehicle, kind of having a lot of money, it does not allow you to disrespect this is an in law's law mosque is an american citizen. you're not a citizen of the world. what kind of defend president's congressman the senate for the supreme court? does he think he is? the musk has been commended by conservative supporters of former brazilian president j your ball. so nato, who say they've been silenced by the dust silva government. musk has spot to make x and open platform. were almost anything goes the when india he notably agreed with the government requests to remove links critical of india's prime minister media experts, a mosque has become a polarizing figure of inciting with right wing governments. those that lead towards conservatives and the far right will criticize just as always,
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challenging wise and praise mosque. as you know, the, the hero of free speech must satellite internet company. star link has also been caught up in the brazilian dispute with the supreme court freezing the firms bank accounts because of x as unpaid fines is unclear how long excess suspension and brazil will last. but some experts predict mosque will eventually agree to the government restrictions. while claiming himself as the victim heidi joe castro, out to 0 valley is a professor at f. g, the law school and he says it's difficult to predict how this dispute will develop . i didn't say that so far, the adjust this device has to be opting within the boundaries of the due process and rule. of course, the way she has been leaving is not really orthodox box. but what c as being that runs by the kind of information he has to be with pressing more the ball sorting
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and thomas is press 5 bible. so to, to, to go right to understand the doesn't brian multiple cases of the same time. some of them, i'm sure the district probation officer pays beach mc information at fort east. yes . what advice that the boss ok. and some of those are we need to. so over the phone, the ship things, which is they suppose the of course amazing dot com have support with the tax in january last to yar investigator. so he's on the one hand always by some information on these lateral comes in on the other hand, requesting to blog those last writing a speech and, and his information. and yes, being the shooting set, all a sudden, all the disorders, some of them actually most of them at not being a 1st or reply to by acts. and this is the reason we reach this, the suspension of the thoughtful. he gives the he doesn't really drive all the sage
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trial that was less to as the, the voltage conversion over the past years has already found that some platforms like one size or, or category or even a x itself. they have been suspended for some of the is usually about for a couple of days. the bye week, the orders as well. my give me a shout back. i would have bad debts in a couple of days after the warranty. i'm losing buying a mosque and advantage that the executives will comply with the different orders. and i think that's now this quantity of water such proportions. and these would be the key is we of course, the most understanding what will happen and before see what will happen because also the 2 met the starting volt. each of these are very strong opinions. both the ends may be also, it'll be just
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a small in the way they deal with these. and so it's really are, even for someone who has been following these for years to, to go to reading, to define what will be the maximums is telling us it is returning to some parts of venezuela off to a nationwide power outage. the government's accusing the opposition sabotaged, but it hasn't given any evidence. alessandro was. i'm here to report some book, a time in neighboring columbia. venezuelans woke up in darkness on friday as a major blackout left most of the country without power layers. when i stop seeing the air from this time this, when i knew we have no power for that thought that it would come back. but when my alarm went off, i woke up and realize it was a power outage. people in the capital could i could, struggled outside, close metro stations, ending dark work places, unsure of how long the out with the last the government blamed the blackouts on some of the tours, but didn't provide any evidence that is political rivals were responsible. the
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toner that keep the state power company and the entire vice presidency of the public services were already active, as well as being time national government to of it comes new aggression. and to bring you your electricity service and you will peace of mind. but many people are blaming the government for the blackout. i'm not surprised because we've been suffering from a lack of maintenance in our electric installations. people had already said venezuela was on the verge of a national black us. for most venezuelans, the situation feels you really similar to march 2019 when the country was plunged into darkness for almost a week. i mean, it's a previous political struggle at the time to president my to, to blame to is political enemies, to black out as to the was of venezuelans, as the government remains locked in a dispute with the opposition over the outcome of the july's presidential elections . president, because my brutal has defied domestic and international pressure to release the
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votes holleys to prove his victory despite strong evidence to the contrary. on friday, then, as well as presidential position candidate depended on solace with been in hiding safety elections failed to appear in court for 3rd time on charges of alleged conspiracy arguing lack of guarantees when to process gonzales is now at risk of being issued an arrest warrant yeah, and if it wasn't clear if the someone remains valid in the middle of the blackout, and if they might do real government, well indeed the sides to move on with the arrest despite risking further international pressure. allison that i did. i just the bullet that violence measuring drug cartels and security forces has flared in mexico, seen a low est burning vehicles, blocks roads in gunman. the tank military personnel includes yukon and restful as a string of kennings in the region. and the detention of a drug cartel boss and the us. so they've been murder of virginia adults have at
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the hospital in cold cross that has thrown the spotlights on the problem, the sexual violence against women in india, experts and active this se, laws are failing to determine the perpetrators of such crimes. victoria gave reports to hardy, so okay, is a junior talk to the same hospital in cold casa where another medic with right to murder 3 weeks ago. she says she and many of her female colleagues have enjoyed use of sexual harassment by man. i work at surgery, so i used to work at the junction parties. the have me costs are also see me and also as nurses, do they meet their needs positive, their mood often serve them in the attack. on august, the 9th treated widespread strikes by junior adult does across india, demanding justice and better safety provisions that work the cases and so amplified and elevated the problem is sexual violence against women in india. rebecca,
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mom and joan has represented many rate victims. she says some rape is still believe they can get away with the crimes. these are systemic issues. policing is very poor . you don't know how to guard seems of crime. you don't know how to collect evidence. uh you find it very difficult to trace who the offender is. sometimes you may have reasons for that, but policing by and large country is, is extremely poor. print a decrease in how def, um and is a survivor of sexual abuse. she now supports other women to raise awareness about abuse online, which she says has increased significantly in recent years. it's very difficult for the survivors to speak god, because in most cases they are the victimized by the system by the authority, in many cases also by their own families. because there's so much ignorance around the issue. but there's also a lot of enabling or on the issue, which we don't talk about. we don't talk about the fact that some that was when
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someone is being assaulted or someone is behind us on the internet. it is a so it's the gang rape. imagine a young woman on a bus and you daily move in 10 years ago, let to changes to the criminal justice system, including top of sentences and the death penalty for repeat offenders. the campaign is saying this one has changed despite the type of news and they'll continue to make their voices heard until the government, adequately tackles the problem is sexual violence against women victoria case and b, l g 0. the world has organizations optimistic, the importance of breaking the african countries can be contained within 6 months. the 1st step is the vaccines are due to arrive and democratic republic of congo within days, about $15000.00 infections have been confirmed globally, most of them in d. r. c, health officials say they're struggling with low rates of testing. prod lacey is eunice as representative in democratic republic of congo. he explains why children in d r c are particularly vulnerable to the more deadly variant of impulse. with children
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uh, living in the equity. so as far as both um with sometimes um, uh, access to a range of all the um, uh, illnesses such as uh, measles but also many something from the cute, both nutrition. them. making that immune systems way more vulnerable to uh, this new barrier boss. and we'll see the 80 percent of the fatalities related to the children of the 5. the majority of these, sorry, $150.00, the majority of which the children under fire will certainly in areas affected by conflict and unrest. we tend to see the to the delivery on basic so social services we can understand
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the children with, with all the including impulse but also all the aliases that the 1st question is the, the, the effect of this i'm trying to the diagnosis. so the supervision systems in early diagnosis is the fact that it's simply not, not necessarily having access to the effective health care as you would expect. uh, it is far easier to deliver in more stable regions. health authorities in cuba buffing. they all are pushing virus, which is spreading rapidly in central and south america. government workers of fumigate in the homes of patients and havana. more than $500.00 cases of being reported since may, virus, which is endemic in the amazon region, is transmitted through bites from midges and mosquitoes. symptoms include headaches, fever and joint pains, but the disease is rarely faithful. the development for me as well on my side on
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the us a month before all the blocks was the fumigated weekly. so that would make announcements through lots because all local would know ahead of time, they would get ready and come and we would fumigate to kind of feed locks. but now due to the lack of fuel, we are only fumigation pacific places. only if someone comes down with fever symptoms, for example, i guess i got united nations as low as an urgent appeal for hundreds of millions of dollars to help people who don't have enough to eat in nigeria. soaring inflation is heartening. of the countries port report says, more than 13000000 people are facing food shortages. doctors are reporting a rise in the number of people suffering from acute nutrition flooding. and ne sedan has killed at least 30 people is due to the collapse of the auto body diamond . right? so you stayed on sunday, you unofficial to say the actual number of debt could be much higher. dozens of people are reported missing to venture random funding in japan have killed at least
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6 people as a tropical storm. the son son continues to boss of the country. officials say one person is missing and more than a 100 type, being injured. thousands of homes are without power, line slides and flood warnings. and also in place. at least 12 people have died in north west in pakistan. when a line slide has a housing up of dia, 9 of the victims were children. monsoon range have triggered floods and lunch lights in the region. since last month, nearly 300 people have died in rain related incidents, a tiny away. it can't get a kid. it's a huge tragedy. 12 members of one family died. it happened midnight. local volunteers, web talked to put out the buddies we build through the government and local and international organizations to support the relatives of those who died. still a had an autism and sports and dropped points out. the red card from primarily tied to whole foods, all 7 is going to be here with the
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fishing town in synagogue using it to the dreams of a better law. emigration because cynical doesn't offer an opportunity. outages here well tells the story of a community by a wave of immigration and leads to women. next, i lost my husband. and again, we don't hold on. i'll just see investigative journalism is quite chewing walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but it's a journey voices from different corners of organizations survival, it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from all the angles. life is actually music of the way people talk,
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the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the the, [000:00:00;00] the start of this board here is on the thank you so much trouble. boston line will be heading into the international break on top of the spanish league. they beat round by the late 7 mil to make it full wins from full games. so for ruffin, your head is going out tricks of also as a new coach house, if it continues is uh fixed on the club. the menu molly starting springs, you're paying championships high and low run on there is a setting up for seniors. 3rd, financial faucet,
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7 point clear of defending champions around madrid. they say come around francis on sunday. how early holland is hit to 2nd straight premier? the country for lunch is the city orleans latest f at helping his teams. with 31 went out of west time in london. its 3 winds from 3 games pacific sype. it's a win the league 6 consecutive season, holland disclose 70 goes his $69.00 lead games but also trump masters points of the season. like lots of these sites, the lady in sprites, and kind of habits. nephew, his 2nd go of the season, but then came a controversial monument. jacqueline rice receiving a 2nd yellow confidence taking the boy that was off to concealing the file also went down to 10 men from most of the 2nd house. and it proved to be costly. is joe packard wins on c score an equalizer? not just the we kept the scrolling, an injury time went up against much as united 11. it finished both sides still impedes,
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on 7 points on successive very unhappy without read coming for us. amazing, amazing, amazing. because how we can consistent decisions going to be in the 1st of the 2 incidents, nothing happens. and then, and i know 3 tick area, the boy he's bigger than him. he turns around. he doesn't seem to play for me till 2 little by little. he can make that go by load and he needs to make the next school, which is thank god. so we play then against and so these were amazing is and this level he's on his knee. amazing. alondo norris has continued his pushed the challenge for the issues for the one well championship. the british drive a qualifying and poll for somebody's accounting grown pre. if the current cigna oscar pastry was 2nd fast, this will populate amongst the stuff. when i read both down in 7, those lead the drivers championship by 70 points for the past 5. race is now being run by ivan. the clarence to me said, he's a good all weekend, but we're not
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a great. i mean, a great example. so what do you mean was means and kind of felt better all day today. and so i'm just getting the cold because it felt much hotter and doing so. and that's always a great feeling to have some very happy space for one to is even even just good 3 was very bad. i'm both of my price. i just picked up a lot of them this year, so i couldn't attack any corners anymore. i had to back it out a lot in the corner and you lose a lot of the apartment that so somebody like you to, it wasn't that bad. i mean, i did a point 6 of that fine, then you own was the quick is, i mean we know our invitations, we know our problems, but at that point i think we had it fairly under control loss in qualified full se aren't going mode. so g p, despite that crushed during qualifying 6 time world champion, mount mark has, he's on poll for storm rice in spain. the seasons time later, francesco vanya qualified 2nd is over 90 fulls of mock,
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as his career is 2nd of the. as well as the jump in south africa became a 10 point dev sits beat new zealand and the rugby championship. the old black school full tries and john is begging lead for much of the game this the things 1st consistence plus choose world cut fun, which stuff that's the one by single points. the spring box when songs are running to like trying to secure a $31.00 to $27.00 victory faster it's right. when keeps them on cools to lift this title for the 1st time since 29. so you know, defending us open champion of a joke of which wouldn't be lifting a ground at some trophy this season. just a day have to cause outcries is surprised to feed the olympic gold medal winner. losing air in full set steel straight is alexi pauper. and it'd be the 1st time moving to decade. so none of the big 3 of joke, rich, rough and a dollar roach. a spider of one of grandson's side, lena. yes. the last time joe could which ms. thompson, i major championship is back in 2017 mostly the way i felt the way i
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played uh, from the beginning of this tournament. 3rd round is the success. i mean, i've played so the worst spanish i've ever played. honestly serving my father worse ever. and you're kinda, you're kinda win especially against the the guys were informed like alex a be serving big puts a lot of pressure in your service game. so. yeah, it's just the awful match for me. the hours on deserve is in surround pool. the gym came back from us, sit down, speak, thomas moss, and that she very in a match that ended at 235 a in new york time making the 2nd latest finish and us type in history. thank you very much for staying so late. it's. it's a friday night in new york to be honest. if i would have a free friday night, it would be somewhere else, but i guess it's your choice, but the noise, it was a great atmosphere, was so much fun to play. and the women's dro,
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last year is run up for rena sutherland, who is also planning on saturday morning, who much began after midnight, making it the latest sponsors for them in history. the women that c v think x ray and sounds of it and 3 set to go through. so that i 6 cricket jo route is it see hundreds in the same much for the 1st time in his career with him. and i mean, control of the 2nd test, again sure lanka routes. but let's see, full centuries moved, some of of ours to football and was full time list full. so his quickest score and this one of just the 111. all right, that is, i suppose, looking for dining. thank you very much. indeed for mexican teenagers, the 15th birthday is a coming of age milestone and celebrated with family members. but that's not possible for those with the parent and present. however, a few families have been able to get together john, home and reports from mexico city. the, the makeup in the dresses familiar to anyone who knows mexican culture. the can see on use
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a big policy with families present that goes to the world at the 15th birthday. and this one's different. these goals are heading notes with dogs, so, but to mexico, cities women's prison incent them up. the i compete to celebrate with the j with mothers. it's an event the n g o l is the more organizers with prison authorities. the entrances trial and then there were unions and the tiers being here with them is a gift, a blessing for the family, my daughter and its beautiful. i couldn't control myself. i started crying. it's my boy and girl here and to celebrate both of them together. it's just while daniella is to use daughter said she hadn't seen a mom for 2 years. i feel very emotional. i don't know the tears keep coming. it's like a dream that i want it. i want it, my mom with me and i like the way she looks so happy. her face looks content on
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both sides. the parents and teenagers who have worked hard to take part. the mums take one extra work in prison and have to show good behavior. the daughters and sons need to get good grades. both policies have to send a letter saying why this is important to them. if they're successful, they can bring 6 family members with them. they can see on your celebration and mexico is not just important to the best they go up to the whole family to get together and reconnect. and that's what this event is trying to offer just for a few hours. and the really difficult situation. it's not on pink clouds and happiness. there were strong emotions to what through to recriminations at times. but at least these parents and not the lessons and getting a brief chance to do it together. john home and i'll just say to mexico city, i'm going to be buying for the headlines in a couple of minutes to process and stay with us.
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the hard hitting mean to be use is israel. it noticed the cold peace. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in gaza, no doubt. it should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you signed the president as not any important effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera, the you can eat the rest of the month, adult people is comfortable. moyer,
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denominator hero. now, the madison and joe, honda told stories on the xerox for the fullest day, is there any forces or cavities, major results in the occupied west bank? at least 24 palestinians have been killed since wednesday. people engineering have been cut off from food, water, and electricity, and his reading soldier was also killed a janine on saturday, not all day as engineering and has this update. the large scale military assault against the janine refugee camp continues throughout the day. we've heard gunfire
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