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tv   BBC News  BBC News  November 27, 2023 1:45pm-2:01pm GMT

1:45 pm
at that time we agreed the chief medical officer at the time, professor sir liam donaldson, would lead our briefings without politicians present. i advocated that that would have been a better approach. clarification, on saturday bbc please interview with a palestinian prisoner, because of a production error, comments were not included in the version played. here is the clip in full.
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that was one of the now former detainees released by israel over the weekend. some other news now — homelessness in bournemouth, christchurch and poole has risen to pre—pandemic levels. that's according to the government's department for levelling up, which found the area has the highest number of rough sleepers outside of london. the region has been chosen as one of five pilot areas for prince william's charity homewards. tristan pascoe reports. # silent night. bournemouth town centre, glitz, baubles and festive decorations. you don't have to scratch too far below the surface to see for the homeless it is far from sweetness and light. it is really hard basically.
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every time we set up some sort of tent or something like this, we have it taken of us and moved on. it is scary, especially somebody who has been in like abusive domestic relationships. last night i had nowhere to go so what i am wearing now - is what i slept in last night. you can imagine how cold it is. here in bournemouth, the council won praise for the way they responded at the start of the pandemic for the call to bring everybody in. it proved in exceptional circumstances street homelessness could be eradicated almost overnight. now 3.5 years on from that lockdown and the number of rough sleepers has started to creep up to and above pre—pandemic levels. one of the groups working with the homeless in bournemouth is the charity we are humans in boscombe. a drop—in centre, cafe. so we feed the homeless three days a week here in bournemouth. we do street feeding down in bournemouth square and we do
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street feeding here in boscombe. we also provide tents, sleeping pods, warm clothing, advice and support and we also assist with housing. every night charlie sleeps in a tent pod provided by the charity. she has been homeless for 3.5 years. the authorities just need to accept and help that there are people who need help, people with mental issues that are screwing them up mentally and physically on the streets. the authorities are not doing what they are supposed to do. stories like charlie's are partly why prince william chose to give bournemouth £500,000 towards projects. he wants to help end homelessness altogether. that is sticking your neck out. if you're going to ask somebody to stick your neck out and engage with this issue, why not have the future king of england as the guy that says, i am going to stake some of my reputation.
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bear that in mind, some of his reputation on ending homelessness. charlie just wants to be listened to. start looking out for the younger ones with mental health. start looking widely at all the homeless people are notjudging them. do notjudge before you get to know. october was the worst month in history for pothole—related breakdowns, it has been revealed. heavy rain and standing water from storm babet has submerged hidden potholes, leading to misery for drivers. if you are a driver you have probably noticed some of these. pot holes. smaller ones can be an inconvenience. but the bigger ones can do some serious damage. the aa had a record 0ctoberfor a pothole related breakdowns, receiving more than 52,000 call—outs. that is 12% more than the same month last year. so far this year, the breakdown service has been called to more than half a million
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incidents caused by potholes. common damage includes, punctures, bent wheels, broken suspension springs. it is not cheap to fix, either. the rac says drivers are paying an average of £440 on repairs for any damage more serious than a puncture. when we survey drivers we ask them what is the most pressing transport issue? 96% say, the state of the roads. drivers are really fed up. they want the potholes to be filled. it cost them a lot of money. 0bviously, for those on two wheels, it can also cause injuries. earlier this month the government announced an extra £8.3 billion of funding for a local road maintenance in england, it says that it's enough to resurface up to 5000 miles of road. the local covenant association says councils need more longer term funding to keep up with demand.
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in lincolnshire, a month after more than 600 properties were flooded during storm babet, experts are warning that the risk of further flooding remains high. scientists say that groundwater has risen at a record rate and that means further heavy rain creates a greaterflood risk. paul murphy reports. for a month now these huge pumps have been working around the clock to get water off the fields and back into the rivers. this is short ferry on the river witham and it gives an indication ofjust how much rain has fallen on lincolnshire. now these are the problems we can see, but it is the water beneath this saturated county that is the hidden menace when it comes to flood risk. the amount of water stored underground in the rock, known as ground water, has increased significantly in recent weeks.
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it is one of the steepest rises i have ever seen. next time we get a rainfall event, that rain will be more likely to create flooding because the capacity of all the rivers and drainage ditches is that much less. the added threat of groundwater flooding is the last thing this county needs. more than 600 properties were flooded one month ago. jean's home was flooded for a second time in four years. i can't describe it to anybody that hasn't experienced a flood. as soon as it starts to rain, your anxiety goes right up, constantly getting out of bed, opening the doors, checking everything. and that happens all the time. with further winter storms likely, scientists are closely monitoring underground water levels. when it is really high, it can start emerging in basements, overwhelming sewers and that type of thing. it is a key thing that is often overlooked. this type of flooding is difficult to defend against but the environment agency does offer specific ground water warnings.
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further rainfall on a county that is already being drenched could unfortunately mean a raised flood risk for many communities. when hughie was diagnosed with leukaemia three years ago atjust ten years old, his best friend freddie started doing a running challenge to help raise money for hughie�*s hospital. now the pair have raised thousands of pounds to help children who have to stay in hospital. here's their story. iam i am having chemotherapy today. when hu~hie i am having chemotherapy today. when hu . hie was i am having chemotherapy today. when hughie was facing _ i am having chemotherapy today. when hughie was facing tough times, his friend wanted to help. the idea was simple. run two kilometres per day for 50 days. this turned into a
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mammoth fundraiser raising more than £300,000 to help children with cancer. since then, they have one a pride of britain award, rubbed shoulders with celebrities and stars, and even written a book. all while hughie was undergoing treatment for leukaemia. after doing so much to help others, on saturday hughie got some news about his own cancer treatment. got some very good news. i had some bone marrow tests at the hospital, and of the best microscope in the country at manchester. they can see absolutely no leukaemia cells. it just means all the treatments that i have had in the past three years and more has worked, it is incredible
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news. all the doctors and nurses that have looked after me over the past three years, i could not have done it without them. massive thank you to my family as well for sticking there with me. they have been so important to me. lastly, freddie, he is an absolute hero. i could not have done it without everyone. i want to see a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me. thank you so much. now it's time for a look at the weather with darren bett. we have seen a lot of cloud, showers
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long spells of rain. we we have seen a lot of cloud, showers long spells of rain.— long spells of rain. we have seen this area of _ long spells of rain. we have seen this area of low _ long spells of rain. we have seen this area of low pressure - long spells of rain. we have seenj this area of low pressure bringing the rain. that is sliding towards the rain. that is sliding towards the south—east at the moment. that low pressure then moves away, things will turn drier, and colder air moving back down from the north, across the uk. after today's wet weather things will turn drier over the next few days. still one or two wintry showers. it is likely to get colder as well. there could be frost around at night. still quite a few showers coming in on that north—easterly wind from the north sea. some rain to clear away from the south—east. 0nce sea. some rain to clear away from the south—east. once that goes, showers will get pushed further inland across england, towards wales. clearer skies further north. a band of wintry showers were moving to northern parts of scotland. clearer skies across the northern parts of the uk, this is where it will be coldest, this is where we are likely to have a frost. it should stayjust are likely to have a frost. it should stay just above freezing further south. the odd shower on
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tuesday morning will continue in the south—west. 0therwise, tuesday morning will continue in the south—west. otherwise, a couple of bands of rain and snow over the hills, moving down across scotland. for many places, tomorrow looks like it will be dry, and this should be more sunshine. still cold beer, temperatures at sixes and sevens. 0vernight, a frost developing more widely. this area of low pressure is moving down from the north sea. it will charge me if wintry showers down these naughty coasts. they could be a bit of snow over the north york moors and that cheap eats. away from here, wednesday looks like a dry day. it will be a cold day. temperature is around two celsius at best in glasgow. later in the week temperature —— weather doesn't look quite so bad. more likely that this area of low pressure will now steer to the site of the uk. if it does move further
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north, we ran the risk of seeing some snow. at the moment, we remain in colder air, it is likely to get colder as we draw in some very cold airfrom scandinavia.
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live from london, this is bbc news. with the temporary ceasefire between israel and hamas in its fourth and final day, international pressure mounts for the pause to be extended. i call for an extension of the pause, this would allow for much—needed relief for the people of gaza and the release of more hostages. the agonising wait for those with family members still being held — we hearfrom a relative. we are waiting for her to be released. we know we are talking about women and children and mothers. tech billionaire elon musk is in israel to discuss combatting online anti—semitism with prime minister netanyahu.
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and in other news, controversy at the climate change conference. the bbc reveals that the united arab emirates planned to use the summit to discuss possible oil deals. hello, i'm lucy hockings, welcome to bbc news now, three hours of fast—moving news, interviews and reaction. it's the final day of the four—day truce between israel and hamas. we are expecting there to be a further release of hostages and prisoners, but there is a hold up. both sides have issues over the lists of names of those set for release — and until there is agreement on those names, a swap can't go ahead. while we await those potential releases, talks about extending the pause in fighting are continuing. the current deal will end at midnight tonight, but egyptian negotiators say the sides are close to agreeing an extension. nato chiefjens stoltenberg has joined us presidentjoe biden
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and the eu's head of foreign affairs, josep borrell, in calling


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