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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  December 8, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm GMT

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i want to be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted — be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted by— be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted by the _ be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted by the ghost. - be haunted by the ghost. i want to be haunted by the ghost.— be haunted by the ghost. precious love. be haunted by the ghost. precious love- your — be haunted by the ghost. precious love. your precious _ be haunted by the ghost. precious love. your precious love. - be haunted by the ghost. precious love. your precious love. i - be haunted by the ghost. precious love. your precious love. i will. love. your precious love. i will build my _ love. your precious love. i will build my world _ love. your precious love. i will build my world around - love. your precious love. i will build my world around you. i l love. your precious love. i will i build my world around you. i will bless the day — build my world around you. i will bless the day that _ build my world around you. i will bless the day that i _ build my world around you. i will bless the day that i found - build my world around you. bless the day that i found you. build my world around you.“ bless the day that i found you. and now bless the day that i found you. and how i_ bless the day that i found you. and how i know — bless the day that i found you. and how i know i — bless the day that i found you. and now i know i never have want to be without _ now i know i never have want to be without tw0~ —
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applause. and now to the next readin: applause. and now to the next reading please. _ applause. and now to the next reading please, thank _ applause. and now to the next reading please, thank you. - more revelations. eden restored. then the angel showed me the river of the water of life as clear as crystal. flowing from the throne of god down the middle of the great street in the city. on each side of
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the reverse to the tree of life bearing 12 crops and fruit bearing its fruit every month of the tree are for the healing of the nations. no longer will there be any curse the throne of god and of the lamb will be in the city and his servants will be in the city and his servants will serve him they will see his face. and his name will be on their foreheads there will be no more night. they will not need the light of the lamb but the light of the sun the lord god will give them light. and they will rain forever. and
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ever. �* ~ ,, applause.
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# i have been lovingly long time down all the _ i have been lovingly long time down all the years down all the years down _ all the years down all the years down the — all the years down all the years down the days. and i've cried for all your— down the days. and i've cried for all your troubles smiled at your funny— all your troubles smiled at your funny little ways. we watched our friends grow up together and we saw them as they fell some of them fell into heaven
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# some of them fell into hell # i took shelter from a shower and i stepped into your arms # on a rainy night in soho. # the wind was whistling all its charms. # i sang you all my sorrows you told me all yourjoys
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# whatever happened to that old song? # to all those little girls and boys?
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# now this song is over we may never find out what it means # still there's a light i hold before me # and you're the measure of my
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dreams, the measure of my dreams applause. thank you. now it is time for our
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psalm. the lord is our shepherd.
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applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen — applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen to _ applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen to a _ applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen to a recording - applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen to a recording of- applause. bono can't be with us but we will listen to a recording of his - we will listen to a recording of his reading we will listen to a recording of his readin: . . we will listen to a recording of his readina . . . we will listen to a recording of his readinr , , ., ., we will listen to a recording of his readin-a , , . . ., . �*,
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reading this is a reading from all's letter from _ reading this is a reading from all's letter from verse _ reading this is a reading from all's letter from verse 11. _ reading this is a reading from all's letter from verse 11. when - reading this is a reading from all's letter from verse 11. when i - reading this is a reading from all's letter from verse 11. when i was i reading this is a reading from all's| letter from verse 11. when i was an infant _ letter from verse 11. when i was an infant at _ letter from verse 11. when i was an infant at my— letter from verse 11. when i was an infant at my mothers breast, i gurgted — infant at my mothers breast, i gurgled and could like any input. when _ gurgled and could like any input. when i _ gurgled and could like any input. when i grow up, i left those infant ways _ when i grow up, i left those infant ways for— when i grow up, i left those infant ways for good. we don't yet see things— ways for good. we don't yet see things clearly, we are squinting in a fog, _ things clearly, we are squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. it won't _ a fog, peering through a mist. it won't be — a fog, peering through a mist. it won't be long before the weather clears _ won't be long before the weather clears and — won't be long before the weather clears and the son comes out. we see it all clearly _ clears and the son comes out. we see it all clearly as god sees us. knowing _ it all clearly as god sees us. knowing god directlyjust as god knows _ knowing god directlyjust as god knows us — knowing god directlyjust as god knows us now. for the moment, until that completeness, there are three things— that completeness, there are three things to _ that completeness, there are three things to do to lead us towards that conservation. trust, trust steadily in god, _ conservation. trust, trust steadily in god, hope unswervingly, love
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extravagantly. and the best of the three _ extravagantly. and the best of the three is— extravagantly. and the best of the three is love. hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. and the best of the three _ love extravagantly. and the best of the three is love.— love extravagantly. and the best of the three is love._ we . the three is love. applause. we stand to greet — the three is love. applause. we stand to greet the _ the three is love. applause. we stand to greet the gospel. - gospel sings. the lord be with you. a reading from
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the holy gospel according to luke. as jesus and the holy gospel according to luke. asjesus and his disciples were on their way, asjesus and his disciples were on theirway, he asjesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named martha opened her home to him. she had a sister called mary who sat at the lord's feet listening to what he said. but martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. she came to him and asked, lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? tell her to help me. martha, martha, the lord answered. you are worried and upset about many things but few things are needed. or indeed onlyi mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her. they
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encountered jesus again. a man named lazarus was sick from bethany, the village of mary and her sister martha. this is sent word tojesus. lord, the one you love is sick. when he had this, jesus said, this sickness will not end in death. no, it is for god's glory so that god and his son may be glorified through it. jesus loved martha and her sister and lazarus so when he heard that lazarus was sick, he stayed there for two more days and then said to his disciples, let us go back tojudaea. he found lazarus had already been in the team for four
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days. bethany was less than two miles from jerusalem and many dues had come to martha and mary to comfort them and the loss of their mother. when martha heard jesus was coming, she went out to meet him but mary stayed at home. lord, martha said tojesus, if you had been here, my brother will not have died. but i know that even now, god will give you whatever you ask. jesus said to her, your brother will rise again. martha answered, i know he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day. jesus said to her, i am the resurrection and the life, the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. do you believe this? yes lord,
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she replied. i believe you are the messiah, the son of god who is to come into the world. the gospel of the lord. shane participated in nick's rendition of the dylan classic death is not the end. for the tree of life is growing how the spirit never dies and the bright light of salvation
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shines in dark and empty skies. not the end, not the end, just remember that death is not the end. not the end, not the end, just remember, that death is not the end. i grew up listening to the music of lizzie, the undertones and the pogues. cheering as teenagers, the music and lyric alerted us to what was happening around us. . , alerted us to what was happening around us. . , around us. there was also the pride of bein: around us. there was also the pride of being lrish- _ around us. there was also the pride of being irish. that _ around us. there was also the pride of being irish. that they _ around us. there was also the pride of being irish. that they could - around us. there was also the pride of being irish. that they could sing l of being irish. that they could sing and share what was right and reasoned. as far as we were
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concerned. in fact, reasoned. as far as we were concerned. infact, shane reasoned. as far as we were concerned. in fact, shane and the pogues made it international and cool to play the tin whistle, the banjo, or the accordion. and for a young fellow, that will salvation. as teenagers, not being able to verbalise our uneasiness, displeasure, and comfortable assessment of what was happening all around us, we found an outlet, a channel, a conduit in the music and lyric of the day. in the words of dickens, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. but the
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music and the lyric were tremendous. and shane was the master of them all. �* �* ,, as in prose, shane mcgowan did in poetry. the raw, vibrant, energetic, soulfilled poetry. the raw, vibrant, energetic, soul filled expression gave us hope and heart and hankering. what they expressed in the life of liturgy shane mcgowan expressed in the raw life of living. he connected to the
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cultural, sociological, spiritual, physical, the metaphysical into a coherent translation of what was happening all around us. he also contributed to a rendition of the little drummer boy. performed by the catholic priests who said it shane that if he came across as a deeper, richer person who had a depth and sincerity that wasn't often picked up sincerity that wasn't often picked up by people. our modern day bard, the social commentator, the songsmith, the son, the brother, the husband and friend.
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i know he adored you, victoria, and hugh him. and you were so loving and supportive and kind throughout your lives together. you carried and cared and caressed him. write to the very end. and i'm also aware of the strong bond of love and affection that bound together as a family, morris, siobhan and anthony. i know you will miss him terribly, a voice and presence around you and with you is suddenly silent. and coping with that loss is always difficult but in that loss is always difficult but in
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that group, you are supported by the friendship and concerns of other people and you are supported by what our christian faith tells us about death and what it means. for shane had great faith in our blessed lady and received holy communion from this church regularly. a man who often knelt before a fellow human being on the side of the road and offered kindness, assistance and care. born on the birthday ofjesus, passing the same days as oscar wilde, patrick kavanagh and his funeral celebration of this great feast of mary and also sinead's
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birthday, something seems right about all of this. in one of his best love songs, the sickbed of kilcullen, he... and shove you on the ground and you stick your head back out and shout, we will have another round! but mortality was always at the heart of his music. a poet, lyricist, singer, trailblazer, he reflects life as lived in our time, calling out accepted norms that often times appear unacceptable. but in order to speak, he had to be
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heard and you have to have that revolutionary edge to life. and if you have to have it, the first step is to listen and shane was a great listener, obviously. mary's story in the gospel story listens and she is deemed to have chosen the better path. she recognises the revolution ofjesus taking mortality on so life could have another round. there lazarus would feature at the prequel of his own resurrection, he listened to the plight of the sister's grief.
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his listening morphed into something life—giving. the poet, the lyricist, singer and trailblazer gave successive generations the benefit of his listening to the disquiet of life. shane spoke and sang from the listened depths of his own journey and so did as poets lyricists and trailblazers do, he spoke to life's realities for the many who had been numbered as his fans. life—giving words. as for martha, she responds to jesus with those words. as for martha, she responds tojesus with those life—giving words, yes, lord, i believe you are the messiah. for the tree of life is
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growing, how the spirit never dies, and the bright light of salvation shines in dark and empty skies. not the end, not the end. just remember, death is not the end. your life gave growth to so many of us, shane. and your bright light gave salvation to our often dark and empty skies. may the lord on earth and sky welcome you into eternal light and salvation as you knelt before alter and is the person in need. may you now stand before your god who loved you in life and now welcomes you in death. not the end, not the end, just
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remember, that death is not the end. rest in peace, shane. rest in peace. applause. i call sarah jess, peter, i call sarahjess, peter, and bob to lead us in the prayers of the faith.
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good afternoon. maestro. we pray for a deeper— good afternoon. maestro. we pray for a deeper spirit of compassion in a world _ a deeper spirit of compassion in a world where we feel the pain of others — world where we feel the pain of others. understand their need and reach _ others. understand their need and reach out — others. understand their need and reach out to all that suffer in any way with — reach out to all that suffer in any way with the continuous love that is rooted _ way with the continuous love that is rooted in _ way with the continuous love that is rooted in faith and peace. lord, hear— rooted in faith and peace. lord, hear us — we pray for nurses, doctors, and health— we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care — we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care workers. _ we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care workers. in - we pray for nurses, doctors, andj health care workers. in particular those _ health care workers. in particular those in — health care workers. in particular those in st— health care workers. in particular those in st vincent _ health care workers. in particular those in st vincent hospital- health care workers. in particular those in st vincent hospital whoi those in st vincent hospital who cared _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for— those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with such - those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with such love l those in st vincent hospital who . cared for shane with such love and compassion— cared for shane with such love and compassion in— cared for shane with such love and compassion in recent _
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cared for shane with such love and compassion in recent months. - cared for shane with such love and compassion in recent months. we| cared for shane with such love and . compassion in recent months. we ask god to _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in their— compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in their work. -


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