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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 10, 2023 5:00am-5:31am GMT

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hello, i'm lucy grey. the head of the israeli army has called for the military campaign in gaza to he stepped up. general herzi halevi told troops at a ceremony injerusalem there were signs that hamas was falling apart after two months of bombardment of the gaza strip. more video has emerged showing palestinians apparently surrendering to israeli forces in northern gaza. but questions have been raised about footage which shows a man putting down an assault rifle. two versions of the video have appeared, with the weapon held in different hands. meanwhile, israeli tanks are reported to be slowly advancing towards the centre of khan younis, as intense battles continue in southern gaza. there are reports of house—to—house fighting in the city. there's also fighting in the north. these are the latest pictures from the israel defense forces, showing gun battles
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in the jabalia refugee camp, which remains surrounded by israeli tanks. people there say they've been without food and clean water for several days. our diplomatic correspondent, paul adams, has the latest from jerusalem. it is clear from what we're seeing in the north and the south that there are intense battles going on. hamas and other palestinian factions continued to put up stiff resistance in other areas, effecting casualties on israeli forces. each day there is news of two or three israeli soldiers killed. i don't think the end result is any doubt. israel has overwhelming force on its side and it will prevail but the question is obviously how long it takes and how much suffering will be inflicted on the civilian population. what
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the civilian population. what the israelis are trying to do at the moment is give the impression that they are gradually breaking up hamas as a fighting force. we have seen images released, not officially, but by israeli soldiers leaked onto social media accounts showing what appears to be hamas fighters or fighting aged man, dressed in their underpants, giving themselves up. we saw one video of a man coming forward, following instructions being delivered on a megaphone carrying an automatic weapon, putting it on the ground and retreating. those images are starting to flood social media, whether that is the deliberate strategy of the israeli military whether soldiers are doing that on their own volition, we do not know clearly the impression that is intended here is one of showing hamas slowly being defeated.
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and this is the view of gaza. live now to behnam ben taleblu, who's a senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracies where he focuses on middle—east security and political issues. thanks very much forjoining us. what do you make of the head of the israeli army saying that hamas is falling apart after two months of bombardment of the gaza strip? fix, after two months of bombardment of the gaza strip?— of the gaza strip? a pleasure to be with — of the gaza strip? a pleasure to be with you. _ of the gaza strip? a pleasure to be with you. in _ of the gaza strip? a pleasure to be with you. in short, - of the gaza strip? a pleasure to be with you. in short, tool to be with you. in short, too soon to take a victory lap. i think it is a politically motivated victory lap. the israelis earlier this week mentioned the main artery, the new focal point of the battle be the town of khan younis and further south the challenges of navigating urban warfare, using
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human shields and as human sniperfire, this will human shields and as human sniper fire, this will grow human shields and as human sniperfire, this will grow in complexity, let alone the political implications, what this win will look like once khan younis is held. it is good news if people want a swifter end to the conflict. there are hamas fighters giving themselves up, whether you believe those videos or not, in the tens or dozens. but they have munitions like rockets, which have been fired again over the weekend. i5 which have been fired again over the weekend. is it possible _ over the weekend. is it possible to _ over the weekend. is it possible to say - over the weekend. is it possible to say in - over the weekend. is it | possible to say in terms over the weekend. is it. possible to say in terms of over the weekend. is it possible to say in terms of the leadership of hamas, how much that has been affected by the bombardments? i that has been affected by the bombardments?_ that has been affected by the bombardments? i have not been able to confirm _ bombardments? i have not been able to confirm from _ bombardments? i have not been able to confirm from social - able to confirm from social media or news from the region this morning, during the khan younis campaign, what the status is of the leadership. we
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saw this week that the idf did move in closer to khan younis, going after one of the leaders who is believed to be there. do exect who is believed to be there. do expect things to increase even more, and we had the general asking for things to be stepped up? i asking for things to be stepped u - ? ., asking for things to be stepped u . ? ., , , asking for things to be stepped u? ., , , ., ., up? i do, it depends a great deal how— up? i do, it depends a great deal how one _ up? i do, it depends a great deal how one should - up? i do, it depends a great deal how one should define | up? i do, it depends a great| deal how one should define a significant increase, a tenfold increase? particularly as talks increase? particularly as talks in the international community continue to be present in the background, and the vote of the us to veto, in the un and that may spur things to go further and then domestically within israel, we cannot forget about the pressure on the administration internally, to bring back all of the hostages, there is a concurrent hostage campaign as well. as well as
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considering a political solution in the aftermath of a successful military defeat in gaza, what that would look like as well. all of these things may insight israelis to go faster, and forcing more images of what success may look like. that may be things like those hamas surrendering images. it does seem to have involved in the last few months in terms of what the us has been sang, almost unequivocal support and now pressure mounting publicly i suppose from the us about the civilian casualties. do you sense a frustration from the us or where do you think things are going in terms of that relationship? could we see the us may be threatening to withdraw support a bit if israel does not do what it seems to want it to do? i’m seems to want it to do? i'm lad seems to want it to do? i'm glad you —
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seems to want it to do? i'm glad you mentioned - seems to want it to do? i“n glad you mentioned the external factor in the us there. they secretary of state alleged to have said on one of his trips on israel not having enough credit for that in these sorts of lines, if they are true, is music to the ears of the greatest external foreign patron of hamas, who has long tried to use the images coming out of the middle east to force my political space between israel and the us and concurrently opening up a theatre of operations, iraq and syria, weather has been over 70 attacks, forcing america, for fear of an escalating conflict in trying to politically constrain and restrain israel leading to the line and many of her, that israel will not be permitted to win — — many have heard. that is precisely what the patron of hamas will lead
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to hamas surviving and that will lead to more political challenges within washington as well as within the us in terms of how different parts of american society are looking at what does success look like as well as the new coalition politics and democratic party will do here, and if they were standby israel. it is very fast moving. as the israeli bombardment of gaza continues, the united nations says half the population of the territory are starving and nine out of ten can't eat every day. the un world food programme insisted that only a fraction of the food supplies needed were coming in. but an israeli military spokesman said they were doing everything they could to get aid into the gaza strip but trucks needed to be checked first for security purposes. the un is negotiating with the israeli government over the possible opening of the kerem shalom border
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crossing from israel, to help increase supplies of aid. now to hiba tibi, who's an acting deputy regional director for care international. how much aid is getting in at the moment because we did see an increase during the truce stays? an increase during the truce sta s? ,., ., an increase during the truce sta s? , ., ., ., stays? good morning. unfortunately, - stays? good morning. unfortunately, even i stays? good morning. - unfortunately, even during the truth days, the numbers got higher and higher in terms of the trucks allowed in gaza, even by that time, the quantities were not enough. i these days, the numbers vary, which are less than half, even sometimes 25% of what was allowed during the truth days. this means the number of people as you have mentioned, half of the population is starving, the remaining are hungry, and we are unable to secure and even distribute humanitarian necessities in terms of water,
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food, even winter related items like blankets, thermal blankets, whatever is needed by the people. if it was already catastrophic last week it is beyond catastrophic now, if i can describe it in this moment in gaza. in the south and the north. ~ ., ., , north. we have heard these warnings — north. we have heard these warnings from _ north. we have heard these warnings from israel - north. we have heard these warnings from israel that i warnings from israel that people have to leave certain areas and they are telling people where to go. 0ur areas and they are telling people where to go. our people constantly heeding the warnings? is there a lot of movement at the moment? unfortunately, they are asked to move further to the south and if you can imagine, the southern area, back on october 13, when everybody listened to the orders, it became extremely crowded. those who already left to rougher secured themselves, some in shelters and some in rafah next to the border so not well equipped to receive many people. what has happened is
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the buildings were already equipped, already these families are hosting additional families. with the additional evacuations, i'm sure you have seen on the media, the number of people who taking shelters the street, trying to bring plastic sheets that they can use. the number of people moving there is massive. that being said, there is in rafah. those people receiving evacuation orders now, the new orders, eitherthey evacuation orders now, the new orders, either they are moving to stay the streets under no cover, all theyjust prefer not to move because there is no place, no safe space to move to, to go to a most importantly, we have seen in the last few days, the camps are under bombing and extracts. for some of them, they say they want to stay where they are and it cannot get worse. {line
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want to stay where they are and it cannot get worse.— it cannot get worse. one of the temperatures _ it cannot get worse. one of the temperatures like? _ it cannot get worse. one of the temperatures like? i— it cannot get worse. one of the temperatures like? i expect - temperatures like? i expect it's colder now?— it's colder now? winter is arriving — it's colder now? winter is arriving and _ it's colder now? winter is arriving and arriving - it's colder now? winter is arriving and arriving in i it's colder now? winter is arriving and arriving in a l it's colder now? winter is i arriving and arriving in a bad moment. 0verthe arriving and arriving in a bad moment. over the last few days there was no rain but the temperature is very cold in the night. unfortunately, people left their houses without warm clothes and no—one expected this would last for 60 days now and so they left very quickly. they were on the move constantly. the very few items they had left in second or third or in their constant evacuation, they were left behind, and we were distributing a limited amount of thermal blankets and blankets but these are not how we used to describe it, a drop in the ocean, i cannot even say these are the items we were able to distribute, i cannot say they were even a drop in the ocean. say they were even a drop in the ocean-— the ocean. thank you for talkin: the ocean. thank you for talking to _ the ocean. thank you for
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talking to us. _ the ocean. thank you for talking to us. and - the ocean. thank you for talking to us. and this i the ocean. thank you for talking to us. and this is| the ocean. thank you for - talking to us. and this is the live shot of gaza, the huge plumes of smoke rising above gaza and we have seen quite a few in the last three minutes, actually. that is the situation live there now. let's get some of the day's other news now. storms and tornadoes in the us state of tennessee have killed at least six people. many homes and vehicles were damaged or destroyed in the north—western suburbs of nashville, as well as in nearby clarksville. more than 80,000 homes are reported to be without power. futher tornado warnings remain in force for parts of tennessee. for the second day running, there's been a confrontation between boats from the philippines and china in contested waters of the south china sea. the philippines coastguard accused the chinese of firing water cannon and ramming two of its supply boats near the second thomas shoal. the south china sea is at the centre of a territorial dispute between china, the philippines and other countries.
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votes are being cast in local elections in hong kong from which pro—democracy candidates have been banned. under new rules, all candidates have been vetted by pro—beijing committees, and far fewer councillors are being directly elected. the turnout is being watched as an indication of the level of support for china's tightening control of the territory. the university of pennsylvania president has resigned following days of intense criticism of comments she made to the us congress about anti—semitism. elizabeth magill was widely condemned for failing to clearly say whether calling for the genocide ofjews would breach the university's code of conduct. the british prime minister, rishi sunak, is facing a very busy week. he's appearing at the covid inquiry on monday and then on tuesday he faces a key vote on the rwanda bill. but today's sunday telegraph newspaper is reporting that lawyers for an influential group of pro—brexit tory mps say the legislation isn't watertight enough to prevent legal challenges.
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here's our political correspondent, helen catt. this is a blow to rishi sunak because the verdict of this so—called star chamber of lawyers is seen as pretty crucial to informing the decision of mps on the right of the conservative party. 0nce the conservative party. once the conservative party. once the bill is written in the sunday telegraph, at present, they don't think the wording of this legislation is sufficiently watertight. they're going to publish a full report ahead of the vote on tuesday. now, a government source has said they will consider that report carefully but remain confident the current drafting will best allow them to get flights off to rwanda in the spring. it's notjust to rwanda in the spring. it's not just mps to rwanda in the spring. it's notjust mps on the right who have concerns about this. the one nation group already has concerns and it has asked for its own legal advice, we don't know the outcome of that yet. rishi sunak is appealing to labour — labour is planning to
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vote against this on tuesday — he's called on labour to act in the national interest and rise above political games. labour, sir keir starmer, is preparing to give a speech on tuesday, also on tuesday, where she's going to say that mr sunak�*s ability to govern has collapsed. he'llaccuse ability to govern has collapsed. he'll accuse the tories of fighting like rats in a sack. now, even if the vote does pass, does go rishi sunak�*s way on tuesday, there is the potential for a lot more trouble down the line, because quite often what mps who don't agree with legislation will do is vote it through at this stage, but then try to change it further down the track. before we even get to tuesday's vote, on a completely different subject, rishi sunak is facing challenges, he is going before the covid inquiry tomorrow, he's likely to face tough questions, particularly about the eat out to help out scheme he launched as chancellor, as scientists told the inquiry they didn't know about it in advance.
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it's been a weekend of extreme weather australia. first a severe heatwave swept across the country's eastern coast followed by intense rain and flooding in south australia and now there are reports tropical cyclone jasper is currently accelerating towards the queensland coast. the recent heatwave has also raised the risk of bushfires leading authorities to ban fires in large parts of new south wales state. live now to our correspondent phil mercer who joins us from sydney. it's all going on there at the moment. talk us through it. well, australia is a land well used to nature's extremes. here in new south wales, here is australia's most popular state, we have 86 fires burning according to the authorities, 26 of those are uncontained and large swathes of new south wales are under a severe heatwave warning. if we were to have been chatting 2a hours ago here in sydney parts of
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australia's biggest city, temperatures in excess of a0 degrees celsius. mercifully for the people of sydney temperatures have cooled right down today, it's in the mid—20s today. but in other parts of the state and other parts of the state and other parts of the country the heatwave is continuing. we do know in south australia for example, in the last few days, they've been facing some of their worst fire conditions in many years. yet today, sunday, there's a warning of very heavy rainfall as well. so this really does sum up australia if you like. capricious, unpredictable, and potentially deadly, when it comes to the weather and the climate. , ., , .., comes to the weather and the climate. , .,, ,~ ., climate. this tropical cyclone, how prepared _ climate. this tropical cyclone, how prepared is _ climate. this tropical cyclone, how prepared is australia - climate. this tropical cyclone, how prepared is australia for l how prepared is australia for these extreme weather events? i think every time australia goes through a catastrophic event such as the 2019—2010 black summer bushfire disaster this countries becomes better
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prepared in terms of being able to fight fires and crucially giving residents the warnings about what is around the corner. when it comes to tropical cyclone jasper, this is the first major cyclone of the season. it is bearing down very slowly on the north queensland coast. it's expected to make landfall on wednesday. so, when it crosses the coast it could well re—intensify. these are particularly worrying times for the people of that part of northern australia. elsewhere, earlier this week, we had heatwave warnings covering almost half of the australian continent. and this is a very big country. australia is the world's sixth largest country. so, summer has begun here with somewhat of a bang. thanks very much. it's been a huge year for the video gaming industry but while sales are soaring, not everyone has been able to play. blind and partially sighted gamers have often been left out of the fun but new technology, and some gaming companies, are working to change that.
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andrew rogers reports. video games have never looked better. with lifelike visuals and stylish sin mattics, many are a feast for the eyes. but some players have to rely on other senses. some players have to rely on othersenses. players some players have to rely on other senses. players like ben, also known as sightless kombat, he's testing out a new kind of game, code name project black. —— black kat, based entirely on sound. -- black kat, based entirely on sound. �* , , ., sound. there's menus that will seak as sound. there's menus that will speak as you — sound. there's menus that will speak as you go _ sound. there's menus that will speak as you go through. - sound. there's menus that will speak as you go through. and | sound. there's menus that will| speak as you go through. and it will speak the tutorials. there's audio description before. fit. there's audio description before. �* there's audio description before. ~ ., , before. a cold corridor extends before. a cold corridor extends before you- _ before. a cold corridor extends before you. it's _ before. a cold corridor extends before you. it's kind _ before. a cold corridor extends before you. it's kind of - before. a cold corridor extends before you. it's kind of hand i before you. it's kind of hand holdin: before you. it's kind of hand holding but _ before you. it's kind of hand holding but it's _ before you. it's kind of hand holding but it's a _ before you. it's kind of hand holding but it's a way - before you. it's kind of hand holding but it's a way of- before you. it's kind of hand i holding but it's a way of doing it that feels relatively dynamic as you play through. he's also an ambassador for the
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royal national institute of blind people, and live streams his gaming on twitch, to thousands around the world. i just wanted to showcase how things work from my perspective, having no sight whatsoever. i had a lot of people come in and be very friendly, very curious, very interested. in watching me and saying, wait, you can't see, and you're better than i am at this?" so that's always a fun compliment to have paid. $55 compliment to have paid. as more of us start picking up a controller, game studios like this one in oxford are finding ways to make sure their games can be played by everyone. 0ne can be played by everyone. one day is hiring specialist accessibility consultants. so more accessibility consultants. sr more people canjoin in and play them. it's the bestjob in games. my entirejob is helping more people play games. that's just the bestjob. her
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more people play games. that's just the bestjob.— just the best 'ob. her game is 'ust a just the best job. her game is just a prototype _ just the best job. her game is just a prototype for _ just the best job. her game is just a prototype for now. - just the best job. her game is. just a prototype for now. we're seeinr just a prototype for now. we're seeing progress _ just a prototype for now. we're seeing progress and _ just a prototype for now. we're seeing progress and progress l seeing progress and progress will snowball and hopefully those platforms will realise, eventually, at least, that accessibility, if you want to be really shallow about it, increased accessibility means increased accessibility means increased sales.— increased sales. karri says access isn't _ increased sales. karri says access isn't just _ increased sales. karri says access isn't just about - access isn't just about reaching access isn'tjust about reaching more disabled players, but future proofing the games industry. i but future proofing the games indust . , ., ., , industry. i still want to be -la in: industry. i still want to be playing games _ industry. i still want to be playing games when - industry. i still want to be playing games when i'm l industry. i still want to be i playing games when i'm 80. industry. i still want to be - playing games when i'm 80. i want to play games when i'm older. but my capabilities change as i age and show does everybody�*s. it's wanting to make sure games are still supporting people who have been playing all their life. everyone should be able to play — everyone should be able to play. you should be able to enjoy— play. you should be able to enjoy the same games as everyone else.— enjoy the same games as everyone else. enjoy the same games as eve one else. �* everyone else. untilthen, ben and cari can — everyone else. untilthen, ben and cari can still _ everyone else. untilthen, ben and cari can still play - everyone else. untilthen, ben and cari can still play some - everyone else. untilthen, ben and cari can still play some of| and cari can still play some of their favourite titles by sharing the controls. giving them another reason to game together. the royal family has
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revealed their christmas cards — with king charles iii and wife camilla choosing a picture from his coronation earlier this year. and the prince and princess of wales releasing this picture — a monochrome photograph of theirfamily. the photo shows the royals with their three children, prince george, princess charlotte and the youngest prince louis in windsor. william and kate have shared their family christmas photo publicly each year since 2015, the year charlotte was born. the hollywood sign is 100 years old and to mark the anniversary a spectacular lighting ceremony was set up by the hollywood sign trust. millions of people visit this tourist attraction every year — in search of a photo or selfie of those huge, world famous white letters. to celebrate — the hollywood sign trust lit up the letters — with the original a,000 vintage bulbs that illuminated the real estate sign — hollywoodland — back in 1923. they also bought a00 gallons of white paint to give the letters a makeover — which is no mean feat — considering each one
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is iam tall and at least 9m wide. she's definitely ready for her close—up. this is really a coming out moment for la, because the hollywood sign is our global icon. it's the reason people choose to come to la, notjust because of getting that bucket list photo with the hollywood sign in the background, but also because it represents the fact that la is the city of endless possibility. to show you more live pictures of gaza. we can show you images of gaza. we can show you images of the gaza strip from israel, this is going into gaza. we've seen plumes of smoke billowing across the skyline. we have been hearing from the head of the israeli army, he has talked about how he wants to press harder into gaza. he's also claiming there are signs that hamas was falling apart after two months of bombardment of the gaza strip. we have also
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heard that more pictures on emerged on israeli social media showing palestinians apparently surrendering in northern gaza. there's a lot more on our website. there's details there about the un talking about how people are starving, half of gaza's population is starving as the fighting there continues. plenty more from us throughout the day. hello again. the weekend started off on quite a wet and a windy footing, thanks to storm elin. it did bring some heavy rain. we have still a number of flood warnings in force. a bit of localised flooding here on this picture in lancashire. now, the strongest winds from elin came through during saturday evening, just to the south of the centre of the low pressure. the strongest winds recorded at capel curig in north—west
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wales — 80mph gusts here. not far behind that, western cumbria's coastline got hit with a gust of 7amph at st bees head. now, the low pressure is now working out into the north sea and pretty quickly, we are seeing those winds die back down. still a bit of patchy rain to come through northern england and scotland. otherwise, the weather will become dry with some clear spells for most and not that cold a night — temperatures typically around 5—7 but down to about two degrees celsius in the colder spots in northern ireland. now, for northern ireland, england and wales, it should be a fine and sunny start to the day but quickly, cloud and rain will spread into northern ireland and this band of rain will then extend across england and wales. "rain at times" probably best summing up the weather in scotland. the rain bands are all associated with an area of low pressure that's over the republic of ireland, and that has been named as a new storm — storm fergus. it will be a mild day. temperatures for most io—ia degrees but a bit cooler
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in scotland with temperatures stuck at around 7 or 8 here. we get some strong winds, then, working across wales during sunday night. gusts could reach around 60—odd mph around western coasts. and the remains of that area of low pressure still with us on monday, bringing cloud and patchy rain to start off the day, although the weather should improve as we head into the afternoon with most of us having drier weather with some breaks in the cloud, a bit of sunshine coming through. it continues to be on the mild side — for most, temperatures around 9—13 degrees but again in scotland, still looking a little bit colder — looking at around 6—8 degrees celsius here. through tuesday and wednesday, another area of low pressure crosses the country. 0nce that's out of the way, we'll start to see pressure build from the southwest and that will really herald something of a more significant change in our weather patterns. so, still a bit more rain to come through during tuesday and wednesday. still relatively mild. then, we get a dip in temperatures later in the week. high pressure then takes over with the weather there settling down, becoming drier
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and sunnier.
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this is bbc news, the headlines: the head of the israeli army, general herzi halevi, has called for his troops to press harder in gaza, saying hamas was falling apart and its fighters were surrendering. the un's world food programme has warned that half the population of gaza is now starving because of the war. rishi sunak has been dealt a fresh blow over his government's flagship rwanda policy.
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a legal assessment for tory mps on the right of the party has found that his rwanda legislation is not fit for purpose in its current form. following severe heatwaves and intense flooding in australia, the country now braces for the arrival of tropical cyclone jasper. storms and tornados in the us state of tennessee have killed at least six people. many homes and vehicles were damaged or destroyed in the suburbs of nashville, as well as clarksville. now on bbc news, talking business. hello, everybody! a very warm welcome to talking business weekly with me, aaron heslehurst. let's go and take a look at what's on the show. it's crunch time for the climate emergency — but is business ready to rise to the challenge of a new generation? as world leaders meet in dubai for cop28 and billions are committed for the carbon
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transition, we ask if the workforce around the world is skilled up and ready


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