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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  December 21, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm GMT

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is university faculty of arts. this is of the scene at live in prague, where darkness has fallen. emergency services say ten people have been killed, nine it seriously injured. mass �*rizz�* say that there won't be any talk about prisoner swaps until the offensive in gaza ends. a top eu court rules at uefa's man on a european super league is unlawful. christmas getaways are ruined for thousands as cross—channel services are suspended due to an unexpected strike in france. hello. welcome to this edition of verified life. let's start with breaking news coming out of prague. we know now that apparently up to ten people have been killed in prague as a shooting in the
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university in the centre of the city. now we are here being that many more have been injured, a number of people have been injured. —— now we're hearing. one of those who has died is apparently the shooter. police have confirmed that the shooter has been in their words are eliminated. this is the live scene in pride. night has fallen in the city but this happened a few hours earlier during the daytime hours earlier during the daytime hours inside the university's faculty of arts building. now, the charles university faculty of arts is very well known. this is the building. you can see the light still on inside a university building. it is a very well known building. it is a very well known building dating back to the university —— universe itself dates back to the 14th century and is one of the best universities in the country and we hearing that the shooter opened fire inside the building and people then barricaded themselves inside classrooms, people try to run away as quickly as they could. we also saw verified that you
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can find on this website x, formerly known as twitter, appearing to show people clinging on to the outside wall of the university building several stories up. we know that police entered the building a couple of minutes after the first reports of minutes after the first reports of gunshots. this is what we believe happened in a few moments later the police then confirmed that the shooter has been eliminated. so just to reiterate what we know in terms of numbers. rescuers say 11 people have been killed. one of those is the shooter, so ten victims and the shooter and we're hearing that nine are seriously wounded in this university shooting. that is coming to us from the prague emergency services the shooting of course happening just a few days before christmas. i am sure that the streets would have been thronged
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with tourists and people visiting family and friends in prague because, of course, this is the beginning of the holiday season for many cities across europe. you can hear there the silence and you can see the emergency services all positioned just along the river bank close to the shooting happened. —— you can hear there the sirens. what we know is that witnesses described hearing gunshots just at three o'clock, the 15 local time. witnesses then say that many of people were seen running out of the building across the bridge and along the road to try to get away from the active shooter. the police then confirmed not too long afterwards that the shooter had been eliminated, and the building was being evacuated. in fact, staff and people working within the building and students received an e—mail from
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the university warning them to stay inside their classrooms, inside the rooms and buildings where they found themselves because at that point it was a very active situation. there has been, of course, reaction from various quarters. the prime minister, yet a fella, has confirmed that he has cancelled upcoming engagements in light of these tragic events. —— the prime minister, petr fiala. we also know that around that specific area in prague, several streets and the bridge had been close to those who may want to cross them. a little bit earlier, denise who is from wales spoke to the bbc. she is in prague on holiday. she said we could see it isn't serious because of the amount of police. denise then returned to her hotel but added we are a bit afraid to go out now because we are concerned and
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have no idea if it's all over. what behaving out as it is over and that the shooter —— what hearing now is that it the shooter —— what hearing now is thatitis the shooter —— what hearing now is that it is over and the shooter has been eliminated. i spoke to journalist for the very latest from the ground. it’s journalist for the very latest from the ground-— journalist for the very latest from the round. �*, i, the ground. it's absolutely shocking for everyone — the ground. it's absolutely shocking for everyone here _ the ground. it's absolutely shocking for everyone here in _ the ground. it's absolutely shocking for everyone here in prague. - the ground. it's absolutely shocking for everyone here in prague. the i for everyone here in prague. the situation on the scene are still ongoing. we know the shooter has been neutralised. we know there are dead and injured. we have heard also from people who are on the scene that more and more ambulances are coming to the building of the university, which is exactlyjust to give you a hint how it looks like. it is just near the river and its just, i would say, hundreds of metres from the charles bridge, so it's a very popular destination, very crowded place. even during the
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afternoon, and many tourists are around. i've seen also the videos of people just running through the charles bridge out from the scene. the whole nearby positions, near the faculty of those where the shooting took place, has been completely cornered off. people and the police department are there. we heard that prime minister, minister of the interior, are heading to the scene. we can see right now that also ambulances from the central that he may impart a heading to prague to help treat all the dozens of injured who are right to bear. i help treat all the dozens of in'ured who are right to bear.�* who are right to bear. i have 'ust been looking �* who are right to bear. i have 'ust been looking at i who are right to bear. i have 'ust been looking at x, i who are right to bear. i have 'ust been looking at x, formerly h who are right to bear. i have just i been looking at x, formerly known who are right to bear. i have just - been looking at x, formerly known as twitter, and the police have posted something where they see the goodman was eliminated. the building is currently being evacuated but there are several dead and dozens of wounded people on the scene. dozens
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of wounded people. the sounds of pretty big. it of wounded people. the sounds of re bi. , of wounded people. the sounds of re bi. �* pretty big. it is, actually. i've been covering _ pretty big. it is, actually. i've been covering this _ pretty big. it is, actually. i've been covering this kind - pretty big. it is, actually. i've been covering this kind of. pretty big. it is, actually. i've l been covering this kind of story because i'm a formerjournalist and i have covered this story also in other cities in europe —— this kind of story. i have to say this is actually something we didn't think would happen in the czech republic. the czech republic is still one of the safest countries in the world so, yes, it's a major story. i'm just trying to check twitter and i'm also checking live pictures provided by the czech republic tv broadcaster and we can see that even more and more police department vehicles are nearby, nearthe more police department vehicles are nearby, near the building where the shooting took place. we've heard that also is you have already mentioned just a minute ago that students had to look up —— had to lock up themselves and their names. they put furniture in front of the
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doors. they were ready, and i've just heard a tweet of one student who was in the building during the shooting and he tweeted that they were ready to fight with the suspect if the suspect will come inside their room where they have been locked. so that's what we know. at the minute —— at this moment, i will say the most important thing is, i will say, and i would like to repeat it again, is that the shooter has been neutralised. we know that they are dead. ., ., , , are dead. there are dozens... is riuht. are dead. there are dozens... is right- that _ are dead. there are dozens... is right. that was _ are dead. there are dozens... is right. that was a _ are dead. there are dozens... is right. that was a journalist - are dead. there are dozens... is right. that was a journalist who | are dead. there are dozens... isl right. that was a journalist who is in prague talking to a little bit earlier. since then we found out that ten people have been killed in the government has been killed so 11 deaths so far have been confirmed by emergency services miss ten people have been killed and the gunman has been killed. we are getting a little more information now and let's take
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you to live pictures a practice very briefly before we move on because i want to show you emergency services still are much happening on what is going on in prague. they had been scrambled to get to the location, ambulances and of course police. we can talk live now and speak to a professor who was inside the charles university building in prague when the shooting occurred and has since been evacuated. professor, i'm very grateful to you for talking to us. it was a very shocking what happened here. ., ~ , , it was a very shocking what happened here. ~ , , , ., here. hello? weight yes, professor, can ou here. hello? weight yes, professor, can you hear— here. hello? weight yes, professor, can you hear me- — here. hello? weight yes, professor, can you hear me. you _ here. hello? weight yes, professor, can you hear me. you might - here. hello? weight yes, professor, can you hear me. you might guess, | here. hello? weight yes, professor, | can you hear me. you might guess, i can you hear me. you might guess, i can hear me. can you hear a? weight yes, ican can hear me. can you hear a? weight yes, i can hear. can you hear me? yes. . . . , yes. 0k, can i tell? can i hey -- can you — yes. ok, can i tell? can i hey -- can you hear— yes. 0k, can i tell? can i hey -- can you hear me? _ yes. 0k, can i tell? can i hey -- can you hear me? my _ yes. 0k, can i tell? can i hey -- can you hear me? my life? - yes. 0k, can i tell? can i hey --| can you hear me? my life? please tell us what _ can you hear me? my life? please tell us what happened. _
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can you hear me? my life? please tell us what happened. we - can you hear me? my life? please tell us what happened. we were l tell us what happened. we were inside. i was _ tell us what happened. we were inside. i was in _ tell us what happened. we were inside. i was in the _ tell us what happened. we were inside. i was in the auditorium l inside. i was in the auditorium giving a lecture and at first didn't quite realise what happened. because there was some sounds. well, the students i think heard it better because i was so much concentrated on my talking, and my lecture, and accidentally it was by politics of putin and by politics of war. i think that the line to the professor has frozen. we may need to just redial the line and try and get him back. can you hear me? yes. redial the line and try and get him back. can you hear me?— redial the line and try and get him back. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you- — back. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you- so _ back. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you- so you — back. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you. so you were _ back. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you. so you were just - hear you. so you were 'ust describing. i hear you. so you were 'ust describing, professor, h hear you. so you were just describing, professor, the| hear you. so you were just - describing, professor, the moment that you were there in your lecture room and you are concentrating on giving a lecture to students and the students heard a commotion or something happening. described to me how that moment went down. well.
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how that moment went down. well, then we stayed _ how that moment went down. well, then we stayed in _ how that moment went down. well, then we stayed in the _ how that moment went down. -ii then we stayed in the auditorium and something big was happening and there was nothing online yet and nothing in the czech press or the networks and then at some point the special operations when storming in commerce search the room briefly and then went out. i understood that something big has happened. then there was some shooting, probably already shooting by the police forces were liquidating the shooter himself. then we stayed inside, we stayed away from the doors. we barricaded the door with all the desks against the door and turned off the lights and didn't stay close to the windows. then one hour later another police squad broke in and put us on the floor, briefly search does and then evacuated from the building. so we are now in the neighbouring concert hall and all
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assembled here and there were documents checked and waiting for further developments. haifa further developments. how frightening _ further developments. how frightening was _ further developments. how frightening was that, - further developments. how frightening was that, to - further developments. how frightening was that, to have to barricade yourselves and that lecturing for a whole hour before you knew what was happening and you could get out? —— to have to barricade yourselves for a whole hourin barricade yourselves for a whole hour in that lecture room? i don't know, hour in that lecture room? i don't know. maybe _ hour in that lecture room? i don't know, maybe the _ hour in that lecture room? i don't know, maybe the fright _ hour in that lecture room? i don't know, maybe the fright will - hour in that lecture room? i don't know, maybe the fright will come later. i wasn't really frightened at the moment. also, when there are students, you feel responsibility so we were really thinking about the people whom you are responsible for. no, it was more like an curiosity. i didn't know about the human loss then, so maybe it will dawn on me later. as we were evacuated, we were walking on the stairs and these historic marble stairs there were all splashed with blood. there was lots of blood on the stairs and i wouldn't say i saw the dead bodies but i saw the crutches and probably there will bodies on the crutches and probably they were already
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evacuated by then. then we were briskly evacuated from the building. that must have been just horrible to see that as you are walking down the stairs? ., ~' ., see that as you are walking down the stairs? ., ,, ., ., ., stairs? you know what, in the moment that it is happening, _ stairs? you know what, in the moment that it is happening, you _ stairs? you know what, in the moment that it is happening, you are _ stairs? you know what, in the moment that it is happening, you are not - that it is happening, you are not thinking about how horrible it is. you are just acting. you are thinking about how horrible it is. you arejust acting. you are going, you arejust running you arejust acting. you are going, you are just running to safety. maybe it looks horrible when you watch it on tv but as you are inside the storm, in the eye of the storm, you just think of, you know, you should make a next step. you youjust think of, you know, you should make a next step. you should move forward- _ should make a next step. you should move forward. how _ should make a next step. you should move forward. how common - should make a next step. you should move forward. how common is - should make a next step. you should move forward. how common is gun l move forward. how common is gun crime in the czech republic? hat crime in the czech republic? not that i've heard _ crime in the czech republic? iirrt that i've heard of. i think in terms of crime, in terms of you know, gun shooting, it is one of the safest places on earth, i can think of. it's really, like... it's really shocking that it's happening in prague, in one of the quieter
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european destinations in the middle of the christmas season when the city is packed with tourists and it's actually the very heart of the city, at the heart of the old city just outside the windows of our auditorium seeing the prague castle just half a mile away. it's a gorgeous site outside the window. next is the historical synagogue and it's really the heart of the city. the christmas fair is half mile away on the old city square. it's quite impressive that whoever the shooter was struck right at the heart of the celebration in a very popular global destinations so they might be a link here. somebody wanted to make a global impact. here. somebody wanted to make a global impact-— here. somebody wanted to make a global impact. well, we have no idea about the motives _ global impact. well, we have no idea about the motives or _ global impact. well, we have no idea about the motives or anything - global impact. well, we have no idea about the motives or anything to - global impact. well, we have no idea about the motives or anything to do | about the motives or anything to do with the attack quite yet but let me ask you this before i let you go. you have all now been evacuated. you said you were with lots of students
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in a lecture hall, so i'm assuming the university was running. i mean, it's still term time. because i know that in many institutions in the uk at least, it's the end of term already. yes, i didn't get all of the question because they are making lots of noise around here. welcome is almost the end of the term. there are still a couple _ is almost the end of the term. there are still a couple of— is almost the end of the term. there are still a couple of lectures - is almost the end of the term. there are still a couple of lectures left - are still a couple of lectures left in january are still a couple of lectures left injanuary and then examined after that. so yes, it was to be the last lecture of this calendar year. i you've all been evacuated now? do you've all been evacuated now? do you have any idea... de have any idea when you can leave go home? ida. idea when you can leave go home? no, no idea, idea when you can leave go home? no, no idea. but — idea when you can leave go home? no, no idea. but i — idea when you can leave go home? ilfr, no idea, but i hope soon. because they say that this shooter has been killed so i hope at some point. but actually in good condition. we have in safety where this gorgeous interior is shown around a little bit and the art deco main concert
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hall in prague. we have all been given water and have seats and those who have seen something had been interrogated and the police are quite polite so thinking of, you know, the evacuation measures, we are in the best comfort one can imagine in the situation. professor, it's iood imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to — imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk _ imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk to _ imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk to you. _ imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk to you. i _ imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk to you. i hope - imagine in the situation. professor, it's good to talk to you. i hope you | it's good to talk to you. i hope you find your way home soon. it must be very difficult thing to go through. i'm sure you will be processing that throughout the rest of the evening. thank you once again. we can now speak to a high school teacher from we can now speak to a high school teacherfrom pride. what more do we can now speak to a high school teacher from pride. what more do we know? ~ ., teacher from pride. what more do we know? . ., «i ., teacher from pride. what more do we know? . ., ,, ., teacher from pride. what more do we know? . ., ~' ., ., teacher from pride. what more do we know? ., ,, ., ., know? what we know so far as there was one goodman _ know? what we know so far as there was one goodman with _ know? what we know so far as there was one goodman with a _ know? what we know so far as there was one goodman with a long - know? what we know so far as there was one goodman with a long rifle . was one goodman with a long rifle and perhaps several side arms went to the faculty of arts in the centre of prague, as the previous speaker
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said, and that happened approximately around half past three local time, so half past one gmt. and then the new started coming in, there were various reports about the gunmen walking through the corridors of the faculty and also about students barricading in their classrooms. there were pictures posted by various students in social media of them being either barricaded in their classrooms or seeking refuge on the balconies or actually even on the roof of the building to heighten this shooter. we saw verified pictures of people on the top of the building, several stories up, clinging onto the side. it looked for their daily lives, to try to get away from the shooter. do we have any more details about the identity of the shooter, and other policing anything about this point? i'm not talking about conjecture, i mean officially, at the policing anything at this point.-
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mean officially, at the policing anything at this point. well, the iolice anything at this point. well, the police have _ anything at this point. well, the police have not _ anything at this point. well, the police have not identified - anything at this point. well, the police have not identified the i police have not identified the shooter officially. there have been one item circulating about a man born in 1999 who was being searched. i mean, who the police were searching for, who left his home early this morning. and his father, apparently, was found dead in the house. the connection is now being made that it is likely that this is the shooter but it's not been officially confirmed yet. weight right, ok. tell me a little bit more about the university itself. i was talking early along to someone he was telling me it is one of the oldest universities in the world. it is very centrally located, isn't it? talk me through for those who don't know anything about pride, about this university and where it is. the charles this university and where it is. iie: charles university this university and where it is. "iie: charles university in this university and where it is. i““i2 charles university in prague this university and where it is. ii2 charles university in prague has been established in another 14th century. this charles university
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faculty of arts in the very centre is a much younger, from the last century. it is very centrally located, actually across the river from the government offices and there is a concert hall nearby. it's a couple of minutes walk from the famous charles bridge, the medieval bridge in the centre of prague, and it's the faculty of fine arts so that were departments of philosophy, arts, languages and other similar fields. �* ., . arts, languages and other similar fields. . ., , ., , arts, languages and other similar fields. . ., , , fields. and, of course, iwas 'ust talkini fields. and, of course, iwas 'ust talking to — fields. and, of course, iwas 'ust talking lo the i fields. and, of course, iwas 'ust talking to the professor �* fields. and, of course, iwasjust talking to the professor there . fields. and, of course, i wasjust| talking to the professor there and he was telling me that initially no—one really knew what was happening and then at one point the police came into the room and told everyone to barricade themselves into rooms. you mention yourself that you have seen pictures of people having done just that you have seen pictures of people having donejust that, literally barricaded themselves into rooms. that must be quite shocking thing to see at a university in a country where this type of gun crime is very rare. it
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country where this type of gun crime is very rare-— is very rare. it is indeed. this country is _ is very rare. it is indeed. this country is not _ is very rare. it is indeed. this country is not used _ is very rare. it is indeed. this country is not used to - is very rare. it is indeed. this country is not used to such i is very rare. it is indeed. this - country is not used to such events. we had a shooting four years ago about this time of year in another town in prague where a shooter entered a hospital and killed people in hospital and then we had another shooting in 2015 with the lone gunmen shot eight people in a little town in the east of the country so it early, as you say, really rare and we are much more used to seeing or hearing about shootings especially from the united states and elsewhere are not here. we have 'ust heard and elsewhere are not here. we have just heard in — and elsewhere are not here. we have just heard in the _ and elsewhere are not here. we have just heard in the last _ and elsewhere are not here. we have just heard in the last few _ and elsewhere are not here. we have just heard in the last few minutes - just heard in the last few minutes and the president of the czech republic, petr pavel, who has said he was shocked by the pied university student shootings. we have also heard earlier that the prime minister is cancelling all events in the coming days because of what's happened. —— shocked by the prague university student shooting. i haven't checked local media or czech media but there must be a huge amount of shock across the country right now? amount of shock across the country ri . ht now? , amount of shock across the country ri . ht now? . , right now? yes, well there is indeed. right now? yes, well there is indeed- as —
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right now? yes, well there is indeed. as we _ right now? yes, well there is indeed. as we have - right now? yes, well there is indeed. as we have said, - right now? yes, well there is - indeed. as we have said, actually, this kind of events or tragedies is really not common in this part of europe. and definitely there is a loss of shock because it's a building full of students are a of young people who are all of of a suddenin young people who are all of of a sudden in a very dangerous situation and there are many. i mean, myself, i have friends who are actually teaching at the faculty who just happened to decide to go home this afternoon and otherwise they wouldn't have been in the building so i was relieved to find that they were fine but unfortunately some of the students didn't make it. do were fine but unfortunately some of the students didn't make it.- the students didn't make it. do you know people _ the students didn't make it. do you know people who — the students didn't make it. do you know people who are _ the students didn't make it. do you know people who are struggling - the students didn't make it. do you i know people who are struggling there were working there? yes. know people who are struggling there were working there?— were working there? yes. two of my friends are actually _ were working there? yes. two of my friends are actually lecturers - were working there? yes. two of my friends are actually lecturers or - friends are actually lecturers or teachers at the faculty.- friends are actually lecturers or teachers at the faculty. have you heard from _ teachers at the faculty. have you heard from them? _ teachers at the faculty. have you heard from them? how- teachers at the faculty. have you heard from them? how they'llas| teachers at the faculty. have you - heard from them? how they'llas much i heard from them. i don't know about each other but they both
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decided to work elsewhere this afternoon but otherwise they would have been there. that afternoon but otherwise they would have been there.— have been there. that must be in itself a hugely — have been there. that must be in itself a hugely shocking _ have been there. that must be in itself a hugely shocking and - itself a hugely shocking and difficult thing to process, to think that you are so close to something so tragic and so shocking. it is indeed because _ so tragic and so shocking. it is indeed because as _ so tragic and so shocking. it 3 indeed because as you said, these things don't happen here too often so when something like that does happen it is a situation where people you know who are just meeting regularly he might be in such a dangerous situation. ii regularly he might be in such a dangerous situation. if anything been said about _ dangerous situation. if anything been said about the _ dangerous situation. if anything been said about the police - dangerous situation. if anything i been said about the police reaction because from my understanding the police reacted very, very quickly to this. i in, add a train for this type of event?— this. i in, add a train for this -e of event? , ~ type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction _ type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was _ type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was a _ type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was a in _ type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was a in ten - type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was a in ten or i type of event? yes, indeed. well, their reaction was a in ten or 15 i their reaction was a in ten or 15 minutes already in the location. one
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factor here is actually it was in the very centre of town and there are many, many police precincts located in the centre of town so this might have been a factor. otherwise, i'm sure they have trained for that and then again, these things don't happen too often here. ., ., these things don't happen too often here. ., ,, ., ., , ., here. talk to me a little bit more about the actual _ here. talk to me a little bit more about the actual event _ here. talk to me a little bit more about the actual event and i'm i here. talk to me a little bit more i about the actual event and i'm just reading bits and pieces from check media and one television station in the czech republic reported there was a blast and the gunmen was on the roof of the building. doing only more about that? have we seen pictures of the gunmen on the roof or not? , . , ., or not? there were pictures of the lunmen or not? there were pictures of the gunmen on _ or not? there were pictures of the gunmen on the — or not? there were pictures of the gunmen on the roof _ or not? there were pictures of the gunmen on the roof and _ or not? there were pictures of the gunmen on the roof and also i or not? there were pictures of the | gunmen on the roof and also there has been an eyewitness from the building across the street from the faculty who said on television he actually saw the shooter who was on the balcony the faculty and was shooting towards the river, should
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probably shooting the direction from which the police were coming so that's been already reported. then he was just going from door to door on the upperfloor of he was just going from door to door on the upper floor of the faculty and just trying which classrooms he could go into and searching for his targets. could go into and searching for his tarlets. , could go into and searching for his tarlets. . ., ,, i. ,., could go into and searching for his tarlets. . ., ,, i. . targets. listen, thank you so much for takinl targets. listen, thank you so much for taking the _ targets. listen, thank you so much for taking the time, _ targets. listen, thank you so much for taking the time, robert - targets. listen, thank you so much for taking the time, robert miller i for taking the time, robert miller who was a journalist and a teacher in pride. thanks once again for taking the time to answer all my many questions. thank you. butjust when you some more lines we are getting here at the bbc. as we mentioned before, we know so far that ten people have died. one more person also has been killed, that of the gunmen. nine people at least have been very seriously injured. we are getting another story coming into us through pa about a newlywed british couple who apparently has told journalists at the moment police officer ordered them to stay
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down during the mass shooting. tom and his wife rachel who were on their honeymoon in the country were drinking in a museum close to where the shooting occurred. he said a policeman came in and started shouting loudly in what i assume was checked. i asked for it in english and he said there was an active shooter and to stay inside and stayed around. —— and stayed down. that is a story from a newlywed british couple who were on honeymoon in the czech republic. this is a breaking story and we as i was on bbc news of a closet for you so do stay with us here for any more information on bbc news. i will if you know it live pictures of the scene in prague where the scene in prague where the mash shooter has been killed after killing ten and injuring nine. —— a mass shooter. hello there. storm pia has been bringing some very strong gusts of wind, particularly to the northern half of the uk. and those winds have been causing problems. an overturned lorry here
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on the barton bridge, which is one of the higher bridges on the m60, manchester's ring road just by the trafford centre. there has been then some disruption. top gusts so far, 81 miles an hour across in shetland. but we have seen some very strong gusts of wind elsewhere, 76 in inverbervie, which is in aberdeenshire and over the tops of the pennines. the winds have been gusting quite close to 80 miles an hour across the very, very peaks. now the centre of storm pia is actually quite a long way to our east and it will be bringing some very, very strong winds into denmark as we go through the next 12 hours or so. meanwhile, for us, those very strong winds will very gradually begin to fade away through the afternoon. but that said, we're still looking at gusts of wind well into the fifties or even sixties of miles an hour through the rest of the afternoon. so there still could be a few issues in terms of power cuts and a bit of transport disruption through the rest of today. then overnight, it
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stays quite windy. outbreaks of rain across the north and the west, starting to turn colder in shetland, where we are looking at some snowfall here. could be a few centimetres, leading to some icy conditions. and for a time with those strong winds, blizzard conditions in shetland seem likely as well. on into friday's forecast, we've got some rain pushing in from the north and west. still quite a blustery kind of day. the coldest air still across parts of northern scotland, where temperatures not getting much above freezing. in lerwick, the mildest weather. further southwards for northern ireland, england, wales, where temperatures typically be around 11 or 12 degrees celsius. it continues to be relatively mild across most of the uk on saturday. the cold air really confined to northern scotland. but as the weather front bumps into that cold air, we probably will see a spell of snow friday night and into the first part of saturday across northern scotland, even potentially down to low levels. but, ultimately, the milder air will push its way in, so any snow will tend to turn back to rain as we go through the day on saturday across northern scotland. and we'll finish with these kind of temperatures —
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12 or 13 degrees celsius. it will end up being pretty mild for most of us. staying mild, then, as we head into the weekend. for christmas day itself, might see the weather cold enough across northern scotland for some mountain flurries.
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this is bbc news, the headlines: czech police say a gunman has killed several people at a university building in central prague.
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kick the number is believed to be ten people killed and nine people injured. these are the life pictures. teachers and students were ordered to lock themselves up. an absolute catastrophe, diplomats described the humanitarian situation in sudan following the suspension of aid work in some areas. let's return now to that breaking news — ten that breaking news — people have been killed after shooting ten people have been killed after a shooting in the university of prague. dozens more have been injured. we think that nine of them have been injured seriously. these are the latest figures coming into us from emergency services. police say that the gunmen who shot at people inside the university building has also been killed. we know that in the emergency services were called to the scene at around


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