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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 22, 2023 10:00am-10:31am GMT

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local media have named the suspected gunman as david kozak. police are investigating his social media posts. the us says it's now ready to support a crucial un resolution on gaza, hours after the vote is delayed for a fourth time. the british teenager missing for six years before he was found in france has spoken for the first time after returning to the uk. and tickets at the ready — it's el gordo. spain grinds to a halt for its christmas mega lottery — with almost 2.6 billion euros up for grabs. hello, i'm nicky schiller. we start in the czech republic where the government declared that saturday will be a national day of mourning following a mass shooting in which 13 people were killed and dozens more injured. in the past few minutes,
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the country's interior ministry said one of the dead in yesterday's shooting is the head of the institute of musicology of charles university faculty of arts, lenka hlavkova, adding that three of the injured —— faculty of arts. this is the scene where we expect the police news conference very closely turn shortly. lenka hlavkova was at the head of the institute of musicology. tow killed in the shooting are foreign citizens — one from the netherlands and two from the uae. all the deceased were czech nationals. the shooting happened in the heart of prague as the gunman opened fire at charles university's faculty of arts — in the city's old town — a major tourist attraction.
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authorities evacuated staff and students, who were told to stay put — and lock themselves inside classrooms. as you can see from these pcictures — some climbed on to rooftops and window ledges to escape the gunfire. police said the gunman was a 24—year—old student who's been named by local media as david kozak. he also died at the scene. sarah rainsford reports from prague. the centre of prague was suddenly transformed into a major crime scene. armed police rushed towards a university building as a gunman stalked the corridors there. at this point, he was still on the loose. and these were the scenes at charles university. desperate students clinging for their lives to a ledge. their fear of falling overtaken by the fear of the gunman metres away on the roof. as the shooting began, students had to barricade themselves into classrooms. told to hide with the lights off. down below, crowds scattered in fear, ordered to clear the area and take cover.
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although many had no idea what danger they were running from. prague is full of tourists this time of year. some described hearing shots fired and panic. multiple ambulances were sent to the scene. some of those injured are in a very serious condition. so the gunshots, gunshots weren't obvious at first. i remember the... i remember the first one i sort of looked atjoe and i said, "is that...?" almost questioning myself. and then you heard... you saw people running and heard a few screams and you thought, it can't be. you tell yourself, almost, you see it on the news, you always think... you don't want to believe it, do you? _ you always think you're not going to be in it, in that situation. and then you hear another one and another one, and we're like, and then we hear the police sirens, and then it becomes clear
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that we need to get out of here. the attacker has been named now by local media as david kozak. they say he made disturbing posts leading up to the shooting on a social media account. translation: l have no - understanding of the motive yet. i'm talking about a high performing student who got inspired by another heinous act elsewhere in the world. the czech government announced that the man behind the attack had been eliminated, as they put it. his father had been found dead at his home earlier in the day. the motive isn't clear yet, but the government says there is no link to international terrorism. it is the worst shooting in this country in decades and a huge shock. sarah rainsford reporting from prague. i want to take you live to prague. i want to take you live to prague where there is a police press conference going on at the moment, they have started by showing what we believe to be body cam footage from the police who were the first to arrive at the scene. i should warn
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you this is coming live from prague, so we don't have any control over these pictures, we do not know what they are going to show, but the police are showing this video at the moment to the assembled media that are there. we have seen what looked like running through the streets, we think it is possibly going into that university building at the moment, which is what is going on at the moment. once the police start to actually speak and give us more details on that footage, we will return to prague to do that. michal tomes is a staff writerfor denik newspaper in prague. i spoke to him earlier. he described the scene after yesterday's attack. the city centre was quickly closed by the police, people couldn't go anywhere and the subway station was closed, the tramways had to take a detour, so people were kind of shocked at what was going on.
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but later in the day police announced that there are several victims of the shooting and in the evening they confirmed 14 dead people plus the shooting. —— plus the shooter. at first confusion and later of course shock, because this is something that does not happen in prague. how rare are shootings in the czech republic? very, very rare. the last big shooting was in 2015 when an elderly man decided to shoot up a restaurant and eight people died. i think this is a different story because the shooter was a young man and this was not his first murder, as you mentioned in the story. he killed his father sooner in the day, and also police announced that he may be linked to the murder of a man and a small child on friday last week.
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do the police at the moment have any idea of a motive for this? well, the police president talked about the possibility of a link or some connection to the russian... the situation in russia in december, that he may be inspired by the massive shooting in russia. but this information, we very closely watched them and police followed this telegram account that belonged to the shooter, but according to the latest information on this telegram account probably didn't even belong to the shooter, so this information cannot be confirmed. there is a day of mourning in the country tomorrow, what is the mood like this morning? of course, it is a few days before christmas, usually prague is a bit emptier
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on friday but i had a feeling that prague is even emptier today, i don't know whether it is because of christmas and family already being on holiday or whether it is because of the shooting yesterday, but definitely in the city centre yesterday the mood was very sad, the christmas markets were empty and tomorrow we can expect more events that people will remember. remember the victims of the shooting. there are already places with candles near the university and we can expect politicians to go to the streets tomorrow. it is just that the time before christmas is very hard for everybody. that is michal tomes, a proud
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newspaper staff writer. let me take you back to the news conference, they have been showing body cam footage from the police as they dealt with the incident yesterday. the gunmen with a 24—year—old student named locally as david kozak, a student at charles university. police said he had no prior criminal record but a huge arsenal of weapons and ammunition were found under the last half—hour orso were found under the last half—hour or so the czech interior ministry has confirmed that one of the people who died the shooting yesterday as the head of the institute of musicology of charles university faculty of arts. three people injured in the shooting of foreign setting —— —— of foreign students, one from the netherlands and two from the united arab emirates. they have been showing some body cam
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footage recorded yesterday as they were dealing with that incident. a national day of mourning has been declared for tomorrow in the czech republic, as we heard from a journalist in prague, mass shootings in the czech republic are very rare. the president has appealed for unity and restraint and warned people not to take advantage of the incident are not to spread misinformation, he said, on social media. let's listen and see if we can hear what the police officer is saying. translation:- police officer is saying. translation: �* ., translation: also cordoned off the area around the _ translation: also cordoned off the area around the building _ translation: also cordoned off the area around the building to _ translation: also cordoned off the area around the building to make - area around the building to make sure that other people in the area are safe. at that moment, they were looking for the perpetrator going
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through the rooms in the building and then they received information from their colleagues on the outside of the building that the perpetrator was on the roof. so they immediately went to the roof where, as i said at the beginning, it is not coordinated, all the units acted in unison, they try to find the perpetrator and they attack from all directions. the entrance to the roof was not marked very well and we were not able to find it very well at first, but then we got the and the perpetrators saw us and decided to commit suicide. you can see the police units here heading to the
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roof and finding the perpetrator there. that was at 3:19pm, when we receive the information that the primary front was under control. now it is important to switch your thinking from search and find to helping the injured on site. they need to first aid. at the building, as such, is still dangerous, it is not under control. right now it is “p not under control. right now it is up to the police force to provide first aid to make sure that the injured are carried away to the safe area outside. police commanders started organising the situation at
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this point, the one outside organised the area outside and cooperated with ambulances, they picked a safe place where the injured were treated. they set up a secure corridor and then the commanders inside the building organise providing first aid to the injured. they also tried to get the building under control so the inches could be transported in the ambulances and other people could be safely evacuated to the outside area.
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this costume was impacted the most by the attack. we were doing triage, making sure those needing into the most were seen first. —— meeting it the most. the guys were doing first aid immediately, most importantly trying to stop the bleeding. you need to stabilise the people to take them to the ambulance. on the camera you can see what the policemen are doing. another team try to get the building under control, to make sure that people could be transported and
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evacuated. here you can see the corridor, the ambulances already in the safe area. the insureds are buried on these improvised stretchers and they are taken care of. so all the regular procedures have been respected. so they hand over the insureds. —— the injured. so we provided acute first aid. the building and searched
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slowly, one floor after another —— the building is searched. you can see most of the students barricaded themselves, as they had been told, in classrooms. so during the gradual search of the building, sometimes our police force had to use a bit of force to get through the barricades, to get to the students and evacuate them, and it we created a safe corridor, and through the safe corridor, and through the safe corridor everybody was caught —— was told to go outside. we picked a safe building which was the concert hall opposite the faculty, we told everybody to go there because it provided a safe, warm space for them to be, and then we continued with the work.
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the students barricaded in the classrooms and you can see how we safely allowed them through the corridor and guided them outside, and we made sure that no unauthorised persons entered the building. that is it, thank you for having just grabbed the video. now the director of prague police.
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translation:— the director of prague police. translation: ., ., , translation: good morning, ladies and gentlemen- _ translation: good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i— translation: good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i wanted _ translation: good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i wanted to - translation: good morning, ladies| and gentlemen. i wanted to comment on this _ and gentlemen. i wanted to comment on this we _ and gentlemen. i wanted to comment on this. we were also active outside of the _ on this. we were also active outside of the building, notjust inside, because — of the building, notjust inside, because the perpetrator was on a balcony. — because the perpetrator was on a balcony, shooting from the balcony, endangering the lives of people outside — endangering the lives of people outside of the building. we also tried _ outside of the building. we also tried to — outside of the building. we also tried to secure the perimeter inside of the _ tried to secure the perimeter inside of the building. despite the fact that we — of the building. despite the fact that we had many policemen there, the perpetrator injured three people on the _ the perpetrator injured three people on the outside of the building. at the time, — on the outside of the building. at the time, so that the police member only had _ the time, so that the police member only had short guns and they were not sufficiently protected —— at the
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time, _ not sufficiently protected —— at the time, some — not sufficiently protected —— at the time, some of the policemen there. they use _ time, some of the policemen there. they use their guns and when they -ot they use their guns and when they got to— they use their guns and when they got to the — they use their guns and when they got to the balcony it is yet unclear what _ got to the balcony it is yet unclear what exactly happened. we think the perpetrator dropped the gun and thanks— perpetrator dropped the gun and thanks to — perpetrator dropped the gun and thanks to this intervention the area was secured. in the end, he decided to commit— was secured. in the end, he decided to commit suicide. he had a long gun with him. _ to commit suicide. he had a long gun with him. we — to commit suicide. he had a long gun with him, we think it was a long gun that ended — with him, we think it was a long gun that ended his life. we think it was a shotguh — that ended his life. we think it was a shotgun. after the crime was
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committed, the police had to secure the perimeter. we had to clean out the perimeter. we had to clean out the individual rooms, because we had information— the individual rooms, because we had information that the perpetrator was not alone, _ information that the perpetrator was not alone, that he had a lady with himself — not alone, that he had a lady with himself. someone else said there was a man— himself. someone else said there was a man and _ himself. someone else said there was a man and a _ himself. someone else said there was a man and a woman with him. we could not confirm _ a man and a woman with him. we could not confirm this information. when we are _ not confirm this information. when we are there on the spot we have a way to— we are there on the spot we have a way to do— we are there on the spot we have a way to do that, so we had to act on it. way to do that, so we had to act on it later— way to do that, so we had to act on it later it— way to do that, so we had to act on it. later it was confirmed it was a tone _ it. later it was confirmed it was a lone shooter, but we did not know that at _ lone shooter, but we did not know that at the — lone shooter, but we did not know that at the time. people might be surprised — that at the time. people might be surprised that we ask the evacuees to raise _ surprised that we ask the evacuees to raise their hands when walking out of— to raise their hands when walking out of the — to raise their hands when walking out of the building, but at that time _ out of the building, but at that time we — out of the building, but at that time we were not sure if there were any accomplices so this is why you have _ any accomplices so this is why you have to _ any accomplices so this is why you have to do — any accomplices so this is why you have to do this. we have drills for this, _ have to do this. we have drills for this when— have to do this. we have drills for this, when we train this we have had
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six or— this, when we train this we have had six or seven — this, when we train this we have had six or seven of them this year, we trained _ six or seven of them this year, we trained our— six or seven of them this year, we trained our units in this. so everybody did as told. everybody respected the rules and regulations and everything correctly. during the [ti l ht and everything correctly. during the night we _ and everything correctly. during the night we search the place, we evidenced everything and we identified victims. currently we have _ identified victims. currently we have 14 — identified victims. currently we have 14 confirmed victims among the students _ have 14 confirmed victims among the students and other people in the building. — students and other people in the building, and one dead perpetrator, so 15 victims in total. we have 25 injured _ so 15 victims in total. we have 25 injured and — so 15 victims in total. we have 25 injured and the rescue service director— injured and the rescue service director will speak more about that, about— director will speak more about that, about what— director will speak more about that, about what is happening with the injured. — about what is happening with the injured, where they are, which hospitals — injured, where they are, which hospitals etc, so i will leave that
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to him — hospitals etc, so i will leave that to him by— hospitals etc, so i will leave that to him. by the morning, we have managed — to him. by the morning, we have managed to identify all 25 injured. they are _ managed to identify all 25 injured. they are in — managed to identify all 25 injured. they are in hospitals, they underwent surgeries and follow—up treatment. we have also identified all treatment. we have also identified aii 14— treatment. we have also identified all 14 victims. while identifying the victims we have of course contacted _ the victims we have of course contacted their family members in coordination with the intervention service _ coordination with the intervention service and the office of the president of the police. as a member of the _ president of the police. as a member of the public you might feel this took a _ of the public you might feel this took a bit — of the public you might feel this took a bit too long that you have to realise _ took a bit too long that you have to realise that — took a bit too long that you have to realise that i cannotjust show took a bit too long that you have to realise that i cannot just show up at somebody's at all, a father's, and tell— at somebody's at all, a father's, and tell them that their child is
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dead. — and tell them that their child is dead, just like that. does show up somebody's front door. we needed to do the _ somebody's front door. we needed to do the identification process properly, you do notjust look at their— properly, you do notjust look at their id — properly, you do notjust look at their id card and it is done. we have— their id card and it is done. we have done _ their id card and it is done. we have done everything as we were supposed — have done everything as we were supposed to and i thank everyone for their involvement. i also thank psychologists and nonprofit organisations who have helped us with att— organisations who have helped us with all these activities. right now we have _ with all these activities. right now we have a — with all these activities. right now we have a helpline set up where peopie — we have a helpline set up where people can call. we have people calling _ people can call. we have people calling with information but also with requirements for psychological heip~ _ with requirements for psychological help we _ with requirements for psychological help. we know that three members of the police _ help. we know that three members of the police force have already asked for this— the police force have already asked for this help as well. i was there on site. — for this help as well. i was there on site. i— for this help as well. i was there on site, i was severely affected and shattered _ on site, i was severely affected and shattered to see it and i have been with the _
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shattered to see it and i have been with the police force for 40 years. around _ with the police force for 40 years. around 220, 230 policemen took part. hundreds _ around 220, 230 policemen took part. hundreds of— around 220, 230 policemen took part. hundreds of policemen. there was a regular— hundreds of policemen. there was a regular car— hundreds of policemen. there was a regular car and a police car also, but there — regular car and a police car also, but there are no injured policeman in relation — but there are no injured policeman in relation to the shooting. i said that the — in relation to the shooting. i said that the police used guns against the perpetrator. they fired back at him from — the perpetrator. they fired back at him from the ground when he was on the balcony— him from the ground when he was on the balcony and again people could criticise _ the balcony and again people could criticise us— the balcony and again people could criticise us and tell us that we should — criticise us and tell us that we should have done it earlier, but you have to _ should have done it earlier, but you have to realise that it was an active — have to realise that it was an active situation and there were many buildings _ active situation and there were many buildings around, people were watching that situation as it unfolded and it would have been most
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unfortunate if the police used a gun and there _ unfortunate if the police used a gun and there was an accident and somebody else died or was injured. so the _ somebody else died or was injured. so the police used to buy guns when they were _ so the police used to buy guns when they were sure they would not hurt anvbodv _ they were sure they would not hurt anybody else. i would like to go back— anybody else. i would like to go back to — anybody else. i would like to go back to what the police president said yesterday. some people might say that— said yesterday. some people might say that the police came too late. ladies— say that the police came too late. ladies and — say that the police came too late. ladies and gentlemen, the reaction time was _ ladies and gentlemen, the reaction time was four minutes. four minutes from _ time was four minutes. four minutes from when _ time was four minutes. four minutes from when we receive the first call to when _ from when we receive the first call to when the first policeman stepped into the _ to when the first policeman stepped into the building. you can say it is too much, — into the building. you can say it is too much, you can say it is fast, i don't _ too much, you can say it is fast, i don't really— too much, you can say it is fast, i don't really want to comment on that, _ don't really want to comment on that, we — don't really want to comment on that, we just send the units that we have _
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that, we just send the units that we have we _ that, we just send the units that we have. we had to equip them with weaponry— have. we had to equip them with weaponry because they themselves might— weaponry because they themselves might have been eliminated and would not really— might have been eliminated and would not really have been helpful. allow me to _ not really have been helpful. allow me to say — not really have been helpful. allow me to say the following. some of the peopie _ me to say the following. some of the people here might even be inspired by this _ people here might even be inspired by this at— people here might even be inspired by this. at night, at half past midnight, we received a call saying that this _ midnight, we received a call saying that this person calling would get inspired _ that this person calling would get inspired by this perpetrator and start— inspired by this perpetrator and start shooting at people, and in the early— start shooting at people, and in the early hours — start shooting at people, and in the early hours of the morning we were able to— early hours of the morning we were able to secure this caller. i don't have _ able to secure this caller. i don't have more — able to secure this caller. i don't have more details about that right now but _ have more details about that right now but what is important for me is
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there _ now but what is important for me is there might — now but what is important for me is there might be potential perpetrators being inspired by this incident, _ perpetrators being inspired by this incident, and we have to watch out. we will _ incident, and we have to watch out. we will also — incident, and we have to watch out. we will also watch out online, we will watch — we will also watch out online, we will watch out for threats, be there on social— will watch out for threats, be there on social networks or anything else, and we _ on social networks or anything else, and we witt— on social networks or anything else, and we will try to distinguish between inane threats and real threats — between inane threats and real threats. of course we will try to inform — threats. of course we will try to inform the _ threats. of course we will try to inform the public and journalists in due time — inform the public and journalists in due time. most importantly, we will focus _ due time. most importantly, we will focus on _ due time. most importantly, we will focus on imminent threats. as director, — focus on imminent threats. as director, i_ focus on imminent threats. as director, i will not comment on the case _ director, i will not comment on the case in _ director, i will not comment on the case in the — director, i will not comment on the case in the forest. there are investigators who are charged with this case _ investigators who are charged with this case we will provide you with more _ this case we will provide you with more information. at the end of this
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press _ more information. at the end of this press conference you will be able to ask more _ press conference you will be able to ask more questions were the criminal code in— ask more questions were the criminal code in the _ ask more questions were the criminal code in the investigation proceedings allow us, we will provide — proceedings allow us, we will provide the information. we want to be open _ provide the information. we want to be open and transparent but we have to understand that there are limits set by— to understand that there are limits set by the — to understand that there are limits set by the law, and to act within those _ set by the law, and to act within those limits. let me repeat what the police _ those limits. let me repeat what the police president said yesterday. ladies— police president said yesterday. ladies and gentlemen, there are various— ladies and gentlemen, there are various types of information online, that we _ various types of information online, that we have the perpetrator, we don't _ that we have the perpetrator, we don't have — that we have the perpetrator, we don't have him yet. and so on and so forth _ don't have him yet. and so on and so forth please — don't have him yet. and so on and so forth. please follow our official accounts _ forth. please follow our official accounts, we always provide verified untrue _ accounts, we always provide verified untrue information. —— and true information _ untrue information. —— and true information. we appreciate you cooperate with us. we were able only
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to do some _ cooperate with us. we were able only to do some things because you informed — to do some things because you informed us, so let's please cooperate and follow our official accounts — cooperate and follow our official accounts. christmas is upon us, we will have _ accounts. christmas is upon us, we will have more people in the street, more _ will have more people in the street, more policemen. we can never prevent a lunatic— more policemen. we can never prevent a lunatic from _ more policemen. we can never prevent a lunatic from doing something like that but— a lunatic from doing something like that but we will try to do it. we will try— that but we will try to do it. we will try to — that but we will try to do it. we will try to do our best. i also have two share — will try to do our best. i also have two share a — will try to do our best. i also have two share a personal opinion. i was on site _ two share a personal opinion. i was on site when— two share a personal opinion. i was on site when there was a lot of shooting. _ on site when there was a lot of shooting. i_ on site when there was a lot of shooting, i was screaming at people to some _ shooting, i was screaming at people to some of— shooting, i was screaming at people to some of them were underestimating it, to some of them were underestimating it. and _ to some of them were underestimating it. and what— to some of them were underestimating it, and what i saw, what it looked like in _ it, and what i saw, what it looked like in the — it, and what i saw, what it looked like in the top floors of the building, iwas like in the top floors of the building, i was immediately convinced that the first arrival of police _ convinced that the first arrival of police prevented more. i saw piles
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of ammunition in the corridors. it was incredible. i think he may have continued _ was incredible. i think he may have continued if— was incredible. i think he may have continued if we did not go to the balcony— continued if we did not go to the balcony where he eventually died. so when i _ balcony where he eventually died. so when i saw _ balcony where he eventually died. so when i saw everything he had prepared _ when i saw everything he had prepared and everything he was ready for, prepared and everything he was ready for. my— prepared and everything he was ready for, my emotion was very strong and all that— for, my emotion was very strong and all that is— for, my emotion was very strong and all that is left for me is to thank my peopie — all that is left for me is to thank my people for their professional intervention, and if you have any questions — intervention, and if you have any questions, anything you want to ask, we are _ questions, anything you want to ask, we are here — questions, anything you want to ask, we are here for you. thank you, director~ — we are here for you. thank you, director. and now the investigation deputy _ and now the investigation deputy. allow me to give you the timeline of what happened yesterday.


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