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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 5, 2024 1:45pm-2:00pm GMT

1:45 pm
lots of properties flooded here. this place does get funding but they say they have not seen anything like this since 2007. although they were prepared for something they weren't expecting to see their homes affected this badly, this early in 2024. not affected this badly, this early in 202a. not every property here is flooded. they do have some flood defences. some of their houses are built at a little higher. the owners of that white house were telling us that their house so far has been safe. but look how people are having to wade through the main street here to wade through the main street here to get around. because the entire street here, they need street through the village, is flooded. it is only possible to get about by wading through the water, which does of course come with a risk. it is dangerous trudging through that flood water. there are some manhole covers, and drains and are dangerous. we have only been able to get you by following the centreline of the road. we had a diver sticks
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pointing out where they raised manhole covers are. lots of people affected. most of them staying in place at the moment. it is the village hall that is open for people to take shelter if they want to get out of their homes. there are people who have also been raising all their property belonging to the upper floor to try to keep them safe. if you look down the street you might see a couple of residents just coming back with some supplies, try to get back into their homes, to assess the damage, and see how bad things are. people also have pumps running trying to keep their houses are clear of water, or try to get the water out. i was talking to an 80—year—old called rodney who lives down that street, earlier. he is absently flooded. five or six inches through his home. he says he has been funded four times as he was living here. he has got its really bad. his wife had to be to get to hospital this morning because she slipped down the stairs and damaged her leg. he says he is staying, he does not want to leave in difficult circumstances. notjust this circumstances. not just this
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village, circumstances. notjust this village, loads of villages along the severn have been affected. 0ur helicopter is up at the moment, we can't bring you live pictures from the thames valley show just can't bring you live pictures from the thames valley showjust how badly the areas there have been affected. thousands of acres of farmland that is under water. crops that will have been damaged. to some degree that is natural. when there is high river levels and flooding, these are flood things doing their job, but the reality is, some of these fads have extended beyond what people normally experience, that is why so many people have been experienced —— that is why so many homes have been affected. the warning that it may not have peaked here. the river severn is tidal, there is the potential for more water to pour into this basin come into this river system. hopefully the worst is gone and they can start working out how to drain away this water and move on. rhodri was
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telling us he was out of his home in 2007 after that flooding. it won't be as bad this time, but people have certainly had a dreadful few days this week. thankfully, the rain seems to have stopped and is holding off for now. but the next morning as it will be called by that with potentially snow, and it is affecting such a huge area of the country. so many homes and villages that are currently under water. rail services into south—western and continue to face major disruption because of the flooding. train firm gw er says it is still possible to travel in and out of the region. it has been a landslip. no trains are running between exeter st david's and yeovil. it doesn't rain that it pours. huge disruption across the south west rail network this morning. it is not a great day today, a lot
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of disruption. the disruption is because not only by the flooding that we had yesterday, but also by a major incident. fine that we had yesterday, but also by a major incident.— major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains _ major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains in _ major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains in south _ major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains in south west - major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains in south west for. major incident. one viewer said, it said no trains in south west for 12 | said no trains in south west for 12 hours. i said no trains in south west for 12 hours. ., �* ~' ., said no trains in south west for 12 hours. ., �* ~ ., ., hours. i don't know where that has come from. _ hours. i don't know where that has come from. we — hours. i don't know where that has come from, we are _ hours. i don't know where that has come from, we are operating - hours. i don't know where that has| come from, we are operating trains down to the south—west, but on an diversionary route. jean services there, we are serving all destinations. —— train services. one branch was close, it has reopened. weather is improving. hopefully those floodwaters will recede, in those areas at risk, and areas that are flooded, will hopefully remain open and we can get other parts of the network open and ready to operate the full service tomorrow.- the full service tomorrow. network rail advised _ the full service tomorrow. network rail advised passengers _ the full service tomorrow. network rail advised passengers not - the full service tomorrow. network rail advised passengers not to - rail advised passengers not to attempt to travel between exeter and
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yeovil. i attempt to travel between exeter and yeovil. ., ., ., ., , ., yeovil. i want to apologise to passengers — yeovil. i want to apologise to passengers whose _ yeovil. i want to apologise to passengers whose juries - yeovil. i want to apologise to passengers whose juries are l passengers whose juries are distracted today. following a landslip on the west of england line. this means that the line between exeter st david's and yeovil is close today while our engineers fix the repairs of a landslip as quickly and safely as possible. rail users are being advised to check the latest updates before travelling. and now, time for your questions answered.
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with me now is our cost of living correspondent kevin peachey and jasmine birtles, personal finance expert and ceo/founder of moneymagpie. so let's start with one of our questions. how do ni cuts impact those who rely on the state pension only? yes, they don't affect those on state pensions because if you are on a state pension you don't pay national insurance. that is one of the big talking points about this tax change because it is 27 million workers who are feeling the effects of the tax cut. and clearly, there are some pensioner groups who are saying what about us? but clearly, the chancellor wanted to direct this
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tax cut at people who are working. and that is the reason why he has gone for national insurance this time, i guess it remains to be seen if there is any change to income tax at a budget later on during election year. clearly, income tax paid by pensioners in some cases, but national insurance isn't. someone else is saying that the chancellor has denoting new to help pensioners who are still working and will not benefit from the national insurance giveaway? not that we have heard, people who are retired don't pay national insurance. so if you are working, then that should have some sort of an effect, but i think if you are working, it is worth having a look at how you can mitigate your tax payments generally.
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as kevin said, we do have a problem with the freezing of the income tax band because that has frozen at £12,570, that is how much you have to earn before you get to pay tax. this means that people who are retired and on state pension may actually pay more tax in april when their state pension goes up. the chancellor put the state pension up, he is going to be putting it up by 8.5% in april which is good news, except that because we have this frozen level for the income tax, actually pensioners may be caught up in tax whereas before april they _ haven't been. there is a question here that asks will voluntary
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national insurance class two contributions be affected? there are two changes coming in effectively, one is for workers and that is the one that will take effect tomorrow, this cut in class one national insurance contributions. but there is also changes for 2 million people who are self—employed but they don't take effect until april. this is the bit that has been mentioned, class two is voluntary contributions. those are actually going to be taken out of the system entirely in april. and then there is class four which many self—employed people also pay and that will be reduced in april. so there are quite a few changes going on, it is quite complicated for people who are self—employed, when it comes to doing their tax returns, it can be quite complicated and often a little bit of advice is needed.
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if if you want to get a full state pension— if if you want to get a full state pension you need to have paid a good number_ pension you need to have paid a good number of— pension you need to have paid a good number of years fora pension you need to have paid a good number of years for a national insurance, _ number of years for a national insurance, 30 or 35 years. for the self—employed they will get a credit, — self—employed they will get a credit, apparently. it is a very understandable concern. to make sure that you _ understandable concern. to make sure that you do _ understandable concern. to make sure that you do qualify for the full state — that you do qualify for the full state pension. so they will get credit — state pension. so they will get credit. rather like people who take of time _ credit. rather like people who take of time to— credit. rather like people who take of time to have a child, or to look after— of time to have a child, or to look after a _ of time to have a child, or to look after a dependent, you can get nationat— after a dependent, you can get national shoes credits for doing that, _ national shoes credits for doing that, so— national shoes credits for doing that, so that you can get the full state _ that, so that you can get the full state pension when you retire. and irack— state pension when you retire. and back to the political or
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long—term impacts, a question, how will national insurance cat affect inflation? we don't know for certain but the theory if you like is if you put more money into peoples pockets, they are more likely to spend it and that puts upward pressure on inflation. the government has been working hard to say they want the inflation rate to come down, the annual rate of rising prices, so there is a sort of a counterbalance there. but we have seen the inflation rate is dropping quite significantly in recent months, remember that the bank of england has kept those interest rates, which are the primary tool for the bank of iengland to control inflation. they have been kept at 5.25% and that is a pretty high level compare to what we saw for a decade or so.
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hello. it has been a very wet start to 202k. some places have seen all of their expected january rainfall in the first few days of the month. still lots of flood warnings in force and the weather is going to continue to cause some disruption. what is actually falling out of the sky is much, much drier over the next few days. there will be a lag between the rain falling and the flood water receding. high pressure is building and that will squeeze away most of the showers. low pressure clearing towards the east. still low pressure close to the north of scotland. one or two showers for the rest of the day, quite heavy around the north—east of scotland. cloudy skies in central and eastern england. through this evening and overnight, clearer skies. fairly light winds. a drop in temperature and a cold night, we will see some frost and mist and fog patches forming around parts of scotland, northern ireland. central and eastern england just about frost free where you've got more of that low cloud. but it could be quite a murky start to saturday
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one way or another with the low cloud in the east and the pockets of fog elsewhere. they should clear away relatively quickly on saturday. just the odd shower coming around part of these irish sea coast and the odd spot of rain to england as well. much, much drier than it has been of late. temperatures cool in the east, seven, perhaps eight or nine further west with more sunshine. heading into the second half of the weekend, high pressure still with us. not many isobars on the map so relatively light winds. fog on sunday could be quite slow to clear. down towards the south—east, a bit more of a breeze just one or two showers towards east anglia and the far south—east. certainly nothing heavy like we have seen of late. a colder day across the board, only about three to seven celsius on sunday. it will feel different heading through the weekend into next week courtesy of this area of high pressure.
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it is a large area of high pressure moving in, monday and tuesday then, we will see a change in air mass, the cold air moving in. as that wind rotates, high pressure coming in from an easterly direction. very cold in scandinavia recently. we are tapping into something a bit colder than we have seen. a lot of dry weather thankfully. things looking a bit milder from mid week onwards but expecting to see some mist and fog at times. goodbye. live from london. this is bbc news. israel's defence minister outlines proposals for the future of gaza
2:00 pm
once the war against hamas is over. but there's no let up in the fighting, the israeli military says it's hit more than a hundred targets in the last 2a hours. for many the situation is desperate. almost every hour someone is coming in with an explosive injury or a serious injury. people are losing their legs, their eyes, their lives. houthi supporters rally to commemorate ten fighters killed by us navy. disgraced former paralympian 0scar pistorius is released on parole almost 11 years after killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. flooding causes chaos in parts of the uk and northern europe with rivers bursting their banks, forcing people to flee their homes. a taste of music's next big thing.
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indie rock band the last dinner party are named


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