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tv   The Context  BBC News  January 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm GMT

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judge, lost before a trump appointed judge, and thenjudges. trump lost lost before a trump appointed judge, and then judges. trump lost before the united states supreme court. all of them he lost.
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trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani was just trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani wasjust hit trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani was just hit with a million—dollarjudgment for cruelty and affirmation that he infected against them. other state and local effect elected officials faced similar personal attacks. in addition, fox news agree to pay a record $787 million to the dash for the lies they told about voter fraud. let's be clear about the 2020 election, trump exhausted every legal avenue to overturn the election everyone. but the legal path just took them back to the truth. that i had won the election and he was a loser.
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—— knowing how his mind works, he had one x left, one desperate act available to them. the violence of generous asked. since that day, more than 1200 people have been charged with the assault on the capital, nearly 900 have been convicted or pled guilty. collectively to date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison. �*s and what has trump done, instead of calling them criminals, he has qualities insurrectionist patriots. they are patriots. and he promised a part of them if he returns office. trump said there was a lot of love on generous asked. the rest of the
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nation, including law enforcement, saw a lot of hate and violence. one capital police officer called it a mediaeval battle and that same officer was called vile reese's names and said he was more afraid in the capital of the unitas is of america in the chambers then when he was fighting as a soldier in the war in iraq will stop more afraid inside the halls of congress than fighting in the war in iraq. entrance to rewrite effects of generous six, trump is trying to steal history the same way he tried to steal the election. but we knew the truth, because we start with our own eyes. it wasn't a story being told, it was on television repeatedly. we start with our own eyes. trump's mop wasn't a peaceful process but a
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violent assault. they were insurrectionist, not patriots. they weren't there to uphold the constitution, they were there to destroy the constitution. trump won't do was an american president must do. he refuses to denounce physical violence so hear me clearly. i was a what donald trump want, or political violence is never ever acceptable in the united states. applause it has no place in the book democracy no place none. you can't be pro-insurrectionist _ democracy no place none. you can't be pro-insurrectionist and - be pro—insurrectionist and pro—american, but trump supporters not only embrace political violence but enough about it. as —— at his rally hejokes but enough about it. as —— at his rally he jokes about and improve intruding —— intruder wanted to take a hammer to nancy pelosi's school
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and echoing the same words used on generous 6" where is nancy? " he laughed about it, what is sick... my god. i think it is despicable, seriously. notjust for president but for seriously. not just for president but for any seriously. notjust for president but for any person to say that. but to say to the hole where listening, i was overseas... anyway. trump's assault on democracy is notjust part of his past, but what he's promising for the future, he's been straightforward. he's not hiding the ball. his first rally for the 2024 campaign opened with a choir of generous six insurrectionist singing from prison on a cell phone. while images of the january six were played under big screen behind him and his rally. can you believe that?
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this is like something out of a fairy tale. a bad fairy tale. trump began his 2024 campaign by glorifying the field violent insurrection on our capital. the guy that claims law and order souls disorder. trump is not concerned about your future, i disorder. trump is not concerned about yourfuture, i guarantee disorder. trump is not concerned about your future, i guarantee you. he is promising a full campaign of revenge and repute retribution, and his words, for some years to come. his words not mine. he went on to say he would be a dictator on day one. imean, if i mean, if i write in a book of fiction that an american president said that, and he he fiction that an american president said that, and he— said that, and he he said and i uuote, said that, and he he said and i quote. the _ said that, and he he said and i quote, the termination - said that, and he he said and i quote, the termination of - said that, and he he said and i quote, the termination of all | quote, the termination of all the rules, regulation and articles, even
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those found in the us constitution should be terminated if it fits his will. it's really kind of hard to believe. even found in the constitution, he could terminate. he's threatened the former chairman of the joint chiefs he's threatened the former chairman of thejoint chiefs of staff he's threatened the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff with the death penalty. says he should be put to death because that chairman put to death because that chairman put his oath to the constitution ahead of his personal loyalty to trump. this coming from a president who called, when he visited the cemeteries, called dead soldiers suckers. and losers. remember that? sometimes i'm really happy the irish
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in me can't be seen... because right around the time i was at the grave of tommy, how dare he? who in gods name does he think he is? the former aides, trump plans to invoke the insurrections act, which will allow him to deploy, but she's not allowed to do, allow him to deploy us military forces on the streets of america. he said it. he calls those who oppose him vermin. he talks about the blood of america is being plays and, echoing the same exact language used in nazi germany. he probably posts on social media the words that best describe his 2024
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campaign, "revenge, power, dictatorship." there is no confusion about who trump is. what he intends to do. i place my hand on ourfamily bible and i swore an oath on the very same steps of the capitaljust 14 days after the attack onjanuary the 6th. as i looked out over the capital city whose streets were lined with national guards to prevent another attack, i saw in america that had been pushed to the brink, and america that had been pushed to the brink. but i felt enormous pride in america because american democracy had been tested. american democracy had been tested. american democracy had held together. when trump had seen
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weakness in our democracy and continue to talk about it, i saw strength, your strength, it is not hyperbole, your strength, your integrity, american strength and integrity. ordinary citizens, state election officials, the american judicial system that put the constitution first and sometimes at their peril, at their peril. because of than, because i feel, the will of the people prevailed, not the anger or the mob or the appetites of one man, when the attack onjanuary the 6th happened, there was no doubt about the truth. at the time, even republican members of congress and fox news commentator publicly and privately condemned the attack. as one republican senator said, trump's
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behaviour was embarrassing and humiliating for the country, but now that same senator and those same people have changed their tune. as time has gone on, politics, fear, money, all have intervened, and now these voices who know the truth about trump on january the 6th have abandoned the truth and abandon democracy. they made their choice. now the rest of us, democrats, independents, mainstream republicans, we have to make our choice. i know mine. and i believe i know america is. we will defend the truth, not to give in to the big lie. we will embrace the constitution and the declaration, not abandon it. we will honour the sacred cause for democracy, not walk away from it. today, i make this sacred pledge to you, the defence,
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protection and preservation of american democracy will remain as it has been some of the central cause of my presidency. america, as we begin this election year, we must be clear, democracy is on the ballot, you freedom is on the ballot. yes, we will be voting on many issues, and the freedom to vote and have your vote counted, the freedom of choice, the freedom of a fair shot, the freedom from fear, and we will debate and disagree, without democracy, no progress is possible. think about it. alternative democracy is
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dictatorship. the rule of one, not the rule of we the people. that's what the soldiers of valley forge understood, we have to understand it as well. we have been blessed for so long with a strong, stable democracy. it's easy to forget why so many before us risked their lives to strengthen democracy. what our lives would be without it. democracy means having the freedom to speak your mind, to be who you are. to be who you want to be. democracy is about being able to bring about peaceful change, democracy, democracy is how we open the doors of opportunity wider and wider with each successive generation, notwithstanding our mistakes. but of —— if democracy falls, we will lose that freedom. we will lose the power
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of we the people to shape our destiny, if you doubt me, look around the world. travel with me as i meet with other heads of state throughout the world. look at the authoritarian leaders and dictators trump says he admires, he out loud says he admires, look, remember how he refers to what he calls a love letter exchange between he and the dictator of north korea. i women and men out there fought for air the american military, which do you ever think you would hear a president say something like that? his admiration for vladimir something like that? his admiration foeradimir putin, i something like that? his admiration for vladimir putin, i could go on. and look at what these autocrats are doing to limit freedom in their countries. limiting freedom of speech, freedom of press, women
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rights, people are going to jail. so much more. it's true, the push and pull of american history is not a fairy tale. every stride forward in america is met with ferocious backlash many times from those who fear progress and those who exploit that fear for their own personal gain. from those who traffic in lies told for power and profit, for those who are driven by grievance, consumed by conspiracy and victimhood. from those who seek to bury history and banned books. do you ever think you would be in a political event talking about book banning? fora presidential banning? for a presidential election? banning? fora presidential election? the choice and contest between those forces, those competing forces between solidarity and division is perennial. but this time it is so different. you can't have a contest, you can't have a
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contest if you see politics as an all—out war instead of a peaceful way to resolve our distances. all—out war is what trump wants. that's why he doesn't understand the most fundamental truth about country. unlike other nations on earth, america is not built on ethnicity, religion, geography. we are the only nation in the history of the world built on an idea. not hyperbole. built on an idea. we hold these truths to be self—evident that all men and women are created equal. it is an idea. declared in the declaration, created in a way that we view everybody is equal and should be treated equally throughout their lives. we've never fully lived up their lives. we've never fully lived up to that, we have a long way to go, but we have never walked away from the idea. we have never walked away from it before. and i promise
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you, i will not let donald trump and the maga republicans force us to walk away. we are living in an era where a determined minority is doing everything in its power to try to destroy our democracy for their own agenda. the american people know it, and they are standing bravely in the breach, remember, after2024 and they are standing bravely in the breach, remember, after 2024january breach, remember, after 2024 january the breach, remember, after 2024january the 6th insurrection to undo the election, in which more americans had voted than any other in american history. america saw the threat posed to the country. they voted him out. in 2022, historic midterm election and state after state, election and state after state, election after election committee election after election committee election deniers were defeated. now in 2024, trump is known as the
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denier in chief. the election denier in chief. he want under the results of the election if he loses. trump says he doesn't understand, well, he still doesn't understand the basic truth, that is you cannot love your country only when you when you stop you can't love your country only when you win. i will keep my commitment to be president for all of america, whether you voted for me or not. i have done it for the last three years and i will continue to do it. together, we can keep proving that america is still a country that believes in decency, dignity, honesty, honour, truth, we still believe that no one, not even the president is above the law. we still believe. the vast majority of us to
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believe. the vast majority of us to believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at making it. we are still a nation that gives hate no safe harbour. i will tell you from my experience working with leaders around the world, and i mean this sincerely, not a joke. america is still viewed as the weekend of democracy for the world. i cannot tell you how many, how many world leaders, and i know all of them, virtually all of them, grabbed my arm in privacy, he can't win. tell me. no, my country will be at risk. think of how many countries you know that are on the edge. and imagine. we still believe in "we the people" and that includes all of us, not some of us. let me close with this. in a cold winter of 1777, george
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washington and his american troops of valley forge waged a battle on behalf of a revolutionary idea. that everyday people like where i come from in the vast of you, not a king or a dictator, but everyday people can govern themselves without a cane or a dictator. can govern themselves without a cane ora dictator. in can govern themselves without a cane or a dictator. in fact, can govern themselves without a cane ora dictator. infact, in or a dictator. in fact, in the rotunda of the capital, there is a giant painting of general george washington, not to president washington, not to president washington, and he is resigning his commission as commander—in—chief of the continental army. the european king at the time said after he won the revolution, now is the time for him to declare his kingship. but instead, the mob that attacked the capital waving trump flags and confederate flags stormed right past that portrait, that image of george washington, gave them no pause, but it should have. the artist who painted that portrait immortalised
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that moment because he said it was, "one of the highest moral lessons ever get into the world." george washington was at the height of his power, havingjust washington was at the height of his power, having just defeated the most powerful empire on earth. could have held onto power as long as he wanted. he could have made himself not to future presidents but a future monarch. and by the way, when he got elected president, he could have stayed for two, three, four, five terms until he died. but that wasn't the america he and the troops at valley forge had fought for. in america, genuine leaders, democratic leaders don't hold onto power relentlessly. our leaders return power to the people and they do it
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willingly, because that is the deal. you do your duty, you serve your country, and ours is a country where the of service, as many republican presidents and democratic presidents have shown over the years. we are not perfect. but at our best, we face head on the good, the bad, the truth of who we are. we look in the mirror and ultimately never pretend we are something we are not. that is what great nations do, and we are a great nation, we are the greatest nation on the face of the earth. we really are. that's the america i see in our future. really are. that's the america i see in ourfuture. we get up, we carry on, we never bow, we never banned.
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we speak of possibilities, not carnage. we are not weighed down by grievances. we don't foster fear, we don't walk around as victims. we take charge of our destiny. we get ourjob done with the help of the people we find in america, who find their place in the changing worlds and dream and build a future that not only vague but all people deserve a shot at. we don't believe, none of you believe america is failing. we know america is winning. that is american patriotism. it's not winning because ofjoe biden, it is winning, this is the first national election since january six, insurrection placed a dagger at the throat of american democracy, since that moment, we all know who donald
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trump as. the question we have to answer is who are we? that is what is at stake. who are we? as you talk to yourfamily and is at stake. who are we? as you talk to your family and friends, caster ballots, the power is in your hands. after all we have been through in our history, from independence to civil war, 22 world wars, to a pandemic, to insurrection, i refuse to believe that in 2024, we americans will choose to walk away from what has made us the greatest nation in the history of the world. freedom, liberty, democracy is still a sacred cause. and there is no country in the world better positioned to lead the world than america. that is why i have said it many times, that is why i have never been more optimistic about our future, and i have been doing that's a hell of a long time. just remember who we are. with patience and
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fortitude, with one hearts, we are the united states of america, for god sake. i mean it! there is nothing. there is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together. nothing, nothing, nothing. i mean it. the only nation in the world who's come out of every crisis stronger than when we went into that crisis. that was true yesterday and it's true today. and i guarantee you will be true tomorrow. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. that was president biden speaking in philadelphia this evening at the montgomery courts community college.
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his first major campaign speech of 2024 this is an incredibly important year. the election in novemberjust ten months to go we will be analysing what you have just heard there from presidential biden speaking for, whatjust over a half—hour there. democracy can a really, the watchword, the word that he said over and over and over again. appealing to the people listening to the people listening, saying that the power is in your hands. i refuse to believe that in 2024 that we will walk away from freedom and from liberty. we will be analysing that speech with the panel after this little break. please stay with us. good evening. i'm sure you really don't need me to stand here and tell you just how
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wet and miserable it's been for the start of 2024, butjust take a look at these statistics. some of us have seen close to orjust above the average monthly rainfall already, and we're only five days into the month. but there is a glimmer of good news because high pressure is set to build as we look ahead, and that will quieten the weather story down. there is likely to be little significant rainfall for the foreseeable future. and we can see the first signs of that as we move into the weekend. yes, it's going to be a drier weekend. it will be a colder one as well. and with clear skies developing through the night, we could have some mist and fog first thing in the morning. favoured spots out to the west. a few scattered coastal showers through northern ireland, running down through the cheshire gap into west wales, and some nuisance cloud to the east of the pennines as well.
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now, we'll have some more significant showers across the northern isles and a stronger wind here, but not looking too bad into scotland generally. 5—9 degrees our afternoon highs, so the real cold air not arriving quite just yet. now, as we move through saturday evening, that nuisance cloud will start to break up a little. we'll see a freshening north—easterly breeze driving in a few showers across the essex and kent coast. clearer skies further west. that's where we'll see the lowest of the values and some frost and fog to greet us first thing on sunday morning. but that's where we'll start off with the best of the sunshine. this nuisance breeze could continue to drift in some cloud through east yorkshire, east anglia, down through the south—east. but further west, it'll be a dry, settled day with some sunshine coming through, but you might need a couple of extra layers as those temperatures are going to be just below the average for the time of year. so we're looking at highs of 3—6 degrees. now, as we look further ahead, the high pressure is set to establish itself as we go through the week, and it will drift its way a little bit further north—west. the isobars always slightly tighter packed south of that high.
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that's where the freshest of the winds are likely to be. but there'll be a good deal of dry weather with our week ahead once we've got rid of early morning frost and fog and we're chasing a little bit of cloud around, but there will also be some sunshine. take care. hello, i'm sarah campbell. you're watching
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the context on bbc news. in what is sure to be a stormy election year in the us presidentjoe biden has delivered his first major campaign speech of the year in philadelphia. biden�*s speech comes a day ahead of the three—year anniversary of the insurrection at the us capitol, where supporters of former president donald trump attempted to stop congress from certifying biden�*s 2020 election victory — and president biden is expected to refer to it prominently. last night republican presidential hopefuls nikki haley and ron desantis went head to head in a debate on cnn. this was seen as one of the final chances for the two candidates to make an impression in race which has been dominated by one man.


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