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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 16, 2024 1:00am-2:01am GMT

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presidential nominee in the first contest of 202a. we are live from iowa watching as the caucuses unfold and we'll have the results as they happen. while the winner of tonight's contest is expected to be former president donald trump, anything can happen. but many are watching what is being called the race for second — as former governor nikki haley and current florida governor ron desantis battle for support at crucial phase of their campaigns. haley has surged ahead to second place in iowa according to recent polls, but desantis continued to make a strong showing in iowa in the final hours before the caucuses began. i think president trump was the right president at the right time. i agree with a lot of his policies. but, rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. you know i'm right. chaos follows him. and we can't be a country in disarray in a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. we won't survive it.
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donald trump is running for his issues — donald trump is running for his issues. nikki haley's running for her— issues. nikki haley's running for her donors' issues. i'm running _ for her donors' issues. i'm running for your issues and your— running for your issues and your family's issues and, to turn — your family's issues and, to turn this_ your family's issues and, to turn this country around. we are waiting to see who is tonight's big winner. and we are just getting in some entrance polling which shows the race leaning in favor of former president donald trump. that, of course, in line with all of the polls we've seen for the last days, weeks and months. of course, these voters could still change their mind as they listen to speeches and cast their ballots. bruce levelljoins me now — a senior advisor to former president donald trump you've been with him... forever. i've known him 33 years. forever. i've known him 33 ears. , ., ., forever. i've known him 33 years-_ sincel forever. i've known him 33 - years._ since down years. there you go. since down the escalator. _ years. there you go. since down the escalator. we're _ years. there you go. since down the escalator. we're still - years. there you go. since down the escalator. we're still in - the escalator. we're still in the escalator. we're still in the great battle.— the escalator. we're still in the great battle. tonight, what is the former _ the great battle. tonight, what is the former president - the great battle. tonight, what is the former president doing? | is the former president doing? is he going to turn up to any caucus location in person?
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yeah, he's out there now. they're working now as we speak. and thanks for — thanks for having me! love bbc. he's the true incumbent. the great advantage that president trump has is that he has a record. and the iowans here remember what he did for the farmers. that's a key element here. the negotiations with china in bringing back the $25 billion back to the state. but most of all, what the iowans see — i've been on the ground, i've been talking to a lot of folks at the airport, folks that work at the airport, folks that work at the hotels, etc, people that work in restaurants — just like, "hey, what's your thought on this? even if you don't participate." they see the news, they see what's going on, the state of the economy — especially the borders. so this great town that we're sitting in right here — it could be different. if they feel they don't put president trump back in office. that's the pulse of what's happening here. by the way, i'm predicting a record—breaking landslide tonight. i record-breaking landslide toni . ht. . , record-breaking landslide toniaht. , ., ., tonight. i was 'ust going to ask ou
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tonight. i was 'ust going to ask you - _ tonight. i was 'ust going to ask you - oo _ tonight. i wasjust going to ask you - do you _ tonight. i wasjust going to ask you - do you think- tonight. i wasjust going toj ask you - do you think he's ask you — do you think he's going to get to this 50% that he's hoping for?— he's hoping for? ironically, ou sa he's hoping for? ironically, you say that _ he's hoping for? ironically, you say that - _ he's hoping for? ironically, you say that - one - he's hoping for? ironically, you say that - one of - he's hoping for? ironically, you say that - one of our i you say that — one of our old—school political campaign guys, karl rowe — i'm sure you've seen him before — it was almost like it was killing him to say, "i think he's gonna get 51%." i was like, "come on, karl! squeeze it out." it wasn't so favourable for him. but what i'm saying is that... the polls have him more in the 40s bracket — fairly steady in every poll. do you think the weather is going to impact turnout at all to get him to that percentage?— turnout at all to get him to that percentage? no. let me tell ou that percentage? no. let me tell you why- — that percentage? no. let me tell you why. i _ that percentage? no. let me tell you why. i have - that percentage? no. let me tell you why. i have been - that percentage? no. let me tell you why. i have been to l that percentage? no. let me| tell you why. i have been to - tell you why. i have been to — gosh, so many rallies — i've opened rallies for him, i have seen people stand in the sweltering sun, lines and lines, in tents the night before, just to get in the arena. this right here is not gonna be a deterrent for someone that's so passionate of a voter that wants to get there and make a change for this country. and make a change for this count . ~ �* and make a change for this country-— and make a change for this count . ~ �* ., ~ ., country. we're talking about what's being _ country. we're talking about what's being described - country. we're talking about what's being described as i what's being described as life—threatening cold temperatures. we've also been told by certain officials to
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stay inside. told by certain officials to sta inside. ., ., , stay inside. unfortunately, you oet stay inside. unfortunately, you net to stay inside. unfortunately, you get to your _ stay inside. unfortunately, you get to your car. _ stay inside. unfortunately, you get to your car, you _ stay inside. unfortunately, you get to your car, you run - stay inside. unfortunately, you get to your car, you run out, i get to your car, you run out, and you go inside — fortunately, so hopefully there's heat. that's always the boogieman, you know? "it's going to be cold — don't show up!" come on... it depends who the source is, who's saying that. iowans are used to this weather. they've seen it before. yes, it is the coldest, but it's not far from it being historically cold before in other caucuses. so they know what to expect. and listen, i'm telling you — this movement is so strong, wild horses and dogs can't keep these folks that want a caucus for trump away. respectfully. it’s want a caucus for trump away. respectfully-— respectfully. it's his third time to run _ respectfully. it's his third time to run through - respectfully. it's his third time to run through the i respectfully. it's his third i time to run through the iowa caucuses, as it were. laughs yeah. w i yeah. we're hearing from everyone _ yeah. we're hearing from everyone about _ yeah. we're hearing from everyone about the - yeah. we're hearing from everyone about the level| yeah. we're hearing from i everyone about the level of organisation that he has put in place on a ground level. there's precinct captains there in every single location tonight to argue and to try and persuade folks for his cause. has he had to activate and escalate a little bit more his own presence on the trail here, given that we've seen nikki haley making a little push?
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well, he delivered pizzas and he went to — he loves to go out to meet first responders and farmers, etc. here's a different contrast — i'm glad you brought that up. in 2016, remember, we had seven other candidates. we had bush, rubio, huckabee... we had all these other candidates. in terms of the talent, the pickings to go around, that's a lot right there, versus the three or four we have now. going up to 2020 — my god, the country was shut down. for god's sake, the world was shut down. i don't want to say 2020 was fair for anybody, per se. say 2020 was fair for anybody, perse. especially say 2020 was fair for anybody, per se. especially for voters. especially for president trump. especially for president trump. especially here in the stateside, where we were told that we had to rely on mail—in ballots that had zero chain of custdies. come on, if you won the lottery, would you want them to mail it or would you want to go pick it up? i think it's not a — 2020 is not a fair contrast. but the 2016 — there were 17 candidates and he still
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came in second under cruz, and of course he went up and became the nominee — and the president. it the nominee - and the president.— the nominee - and the president. the nominee - and the resident. w , ., ., ., president. it takes a lot of time to run _ president. it takes a lot of time to run a _ president. it takes a lot of time to run a campaign. i president. it takes a lot of| time to run a campaign. of time to run a campaign. of course, president trump will be taking up a lot of this year with legal battles for different sets of criminal charges, various investigations into the january 6 insurrection, a whole host of other legal things. we're told even just tomorrow, he's going to turn up to the e. jean carroll trial in new york. how distracting is that going to be for him, having to deal with all of that?— all of that? well, it's an inconvenience. - all of that? well, it's an l inconvenience. obviously all of that? well, it's an - inconvenience. obviously when inconvenience. 0bviously when you want to be somewhere in front of a voter or bring out a message to a particular voter, you'd rather be there. but it's unfortunate that we have to deal with these bogus charges. well, they are charges brought through the regular system of justice in this country.- justice in this country. yeah, that's true — justice in this country. yeah, that's true - _ justice in this country. yeah, that's true - but _ justice in this country. yeah, that's true - but it _ justice in this country. yeah, that's true - but it doesn't i that's true — but it doesn't make it right. i mean, come on — i'm a civil rights child. my parents marched in the civil rights movement where black folk had to ride the back of a bus. that was the law. does that make it right? is bus. that was the law. does that make it right?-
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that make it right? is that comparable _ that make it right? is that comparable to _ that make it right? is that comparable to you? - that make it right? is that comparable to you? it's i comparable to you? it's comparable _ comparable to you? it's comparable to - comparable to you? it's comparable to say - - comparable to you? it�*s comparable to say — you can take any rogue prosecutor here in the stateside — and it's been proven — and they can take any type of instance and say, "you did this," and make a charge — and it's up to you to spend the money to prove yourself innocent. this is why this is notjust towards president trump, this is a movement towards america. and every time — and great question — when they charge him or come after him, his polls go up higher and the fundraisings double, because the american people are tired and they see through this.— through this. we'll see what ha-oens through this. we'll see what happens tonight _ through this. we'll see what happens tonight and - through this. we'll see what i happens tonight and beyond... 0h, it'll be a landslide. i'll say right here on bbc, it'll be a landslide. d0 say right here on bbc, it'll be a landslide.— say right here on bbc, it'll be a landslide. do you want to put a landslide. do you want to put a number _ a landslide. do you want to put a number on — a landslide. do you want to put a number on it? _ a landslide. do you want to put a number on it? i'm _ a landslide. do you want to put a number on it? i'm gone i a landslide. do you want to put| a number on it? i'm gone going to sa in a number on it? i'm gone going to say in the — a number on it? i'm gone going to say in the 50%-ile. - a number on it? i'm gone going to say in the 50%-ile. we'll i to say in the 50%-ile. we'll hold you — to say in the 50%-ile. we'll hold you to _ to say in the 50%-ile. we'll hold you to that _ to say in the 50%-ile. we'll hold you to that later! i hold you to that later! reconcile around president trump. we got the endorsement from the mayorfrom north carolina today. ihla from the mayor from north carolina toda . ., ., , carolina today. no endorsement from the governor _ carolina today. no endorsement from the governor of _ carolina today. no endorsement from the governor of iowa, i from the governor of iowa, though. from the governor of iowa, thou:h. ,, , ., though. she did it before, though- — though. she did it before, though. she's _ though. she did it before, though. she's backing i though. she did it before, | though. she's backing ron desantis- _
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though. she's backing ron desantis. anyway, - though. she's backing ron desantis. anyway, we've l though. she's backing ron i desantis. anyway, we've got to go. it desantis. anyway, we've got to no. desantis. anyway, we've got to a 0. ., ., go. it did nothing for him. zero. we'll _ go. it did nothing for him. zero. we'll wait _ go. it did nothing for him. zero. we'll wait and i go. it did nothing for him. zero. we'll wait and see i go. it did nothing for him. i zero. we'll wait and see what happens- _ zero. we'll wait and see what happens. senior _ zero. we'll wait and see what happens. senior sad - zero. we'll wait and see what happens. senior sad advisor i zero. we'll wait and see what i happens. senior sad advisor for former happens. senior sad advisorfor former president donald j. trump, thank you forjoining us. let's cross over to north america correspondent gary north america correspondent gary 0'donoghue. we're going to speak quite softly, because they're doing a prayer ahead of the caucus beginning here. we need to show some respect. they'vejust taken the 0ath some respect. they'vejust taken the oath of allegiance, of course, which they do at the beginning of meetings like this. this is a precinct that's a pretty big one. three precincts combined together. last time around, of course, ted cruz won here — as he did in the rest of iowa. donald trump came in a close second to him. well, i'm going to try to speak very quietly, if we can, to get the blessing of the
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caucusgoers behind me. that's finished now... applause i'll speak to jason smith, who's a missouri congressman, chairman of the house of ways and means in congress — really powerful guy. very heavyweight surrogate here for donald trump tonight. easy message to trump supporters. what are you going to be saying to the trump sceptics?— to be saying to the trump sceptics? to be saying to the trump sce-tics? ., ~ ., ., �* sceptics? you know what? we'll be describing — sceptics? you know what? we'll be describing how— sceptics? you know what? we'll be describing how great - be describing how great policies were when president biden— policies were when president biden was in office... trump, ou biden was in office... trump, you mean? — biden was in office... trump, you mean? yeah, _ biden was in office... trump, you mean? yeah, when i biden was in office... trump, l you mean? yeah, when trump biden was in office... trump, i you mean? yeah, when trump was in the white _ you mean? yeah, when trump was in the white house. _ you mean? yeah, when trump was in the white house. we _ you mean? yeah, when trump was in the white house. we had - you mean? yeah, when trump was in the white house. we had the i in the white house. we had the best economy in my entire life. real_ best economy in my entire life. real wages for average americans — increased 4.9% while — americans — increased 4.9% while he _ americans — increased 4.9% while he was in office. and it's a — while he was in office. and it's a totally different time to these times, where you've seen — to these times, where you've seen inflation over 17% since joe biden... seen inflation over 17% since joe biden-"— joe biden... under 496 now, though- _ joe biden... under 496 now, though. yeah, _ joe biden... under 496 now, though. yeah, but - joe biden... under 496 now, though. yeah, but in - joe biden... under 496 now, though. yeah, but in the i joe biden... under 496 now, | though. yeah, but in the last three years. _ though. yeah, but in the last three years, it's _ though. yeah, but in the last three years, it's increased i three years, it's increased 17%, _ three years, it's increased 17.3%, and real wages have declined _ 17.3%, and real wages have declined 3.7%. those are real things— declined 3.7%. those are real things that are affecting people putting the food on the table _ people putting the food on the table and clothes on their backs _ table and clothes on their backs. ~ ., ., ,,
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table and clothes on their backs. ~ ., ., ., backs. what do you say to -eo . le backs. what do you say to people like _ backs. what do you say to people like nikki - backs. what do you say to people like nikki haley, i backs. what do you say to i people like nikki haley, who've gone around telling her supporters what you get with trump is chaos — he was the man for the time, but no longer. it's all politics. it's a campaign. we know that donald trump's — campaign. we know that donald trump's going to win tonight. we know_ trump's going to win tonight. we know that he's going to be the republican nominee. and hell— the republican nominee. and he'll also— the republican nominee. and he'll also be the one — when you — he'll also be the one — when you look_ he'll also be the one — when you look at any poll — that beats _ you look at any poll — that beats joe you look at any poll — that beatsjoe biden better than beats joe biden better than anyone _ beatsjoe biden better than anyone else. beats joe biden better than anyone else-— beats joe biden better than anyone else. except she does re anyone else. except she does pretty well — anyone else. except she does pretty well against _ anyone else. except she does pretty well against joe - anyone else. except she does pretty well against joe biden | pretty well againstjoe biden in the match—ups. she pretty well against joe biden in the match-ups.— pretty well against joe biden in the match-ups. she does in some states, _ in the match-ups. she does in some states, however - in the match-ups. she does in some states, however she i in the match-ups. she does inj some states, however she has in the match-ups. she does in i some states, however she has a problem — some states, however she has a problem pulling through all the republican supporters. donald trump — republican supporters. donald trump gets the republicans. hell— trump gets the republicans. he'll be _ trump gets the republicans. he'll be the nominee. he'll be the next — he'll be the nominee. he'll be the next president. i he'll be the nominee. he'll be the next president.— the next president. i don't think anyone _ the next president. i don't think anyone will - the next president. i don't think anyone will be i the next president. i don't i think anyone will be surprised if trump wins here tonight in iowa. but what's a good win? aha, iowa. but what's a good win? a win is a win... no, _ iowa. but what's a good win? a win is a win... no, come i iowa. but what's a good win? a win is a win... no, come on... | win is a win... no, come on... if he win is a win... no, come on... if he gets— win is a win... no, come on... if he gets over— win is a win... no, come on... if he gets over 5096 _ win is a win... no, come on... if he gets over 5096 today, i if he gets over 50% today, that's _ if he gets over 50% today, that's better than anyone has done — that's better than anyone has done in — that's better than anyone has done in decades.— that's better than anyone has done in decades. mmm. and you think he will— done in decades. mmm. and you think he will tonight? _ done in decades. mmm. and you think he will tonight? because i think he will tonight? because the latest poll was just under the latest poll was just under the 50% mark. i the latest poll was 'ust under the 5096 mark._ the 5096 mark. i would be surprised _ the 5096 mark. i would be surprised if _ the 5096 mark. i would be surprised if any _ the 5096 mark. i would be surprised if any second- l the 5096 mark. i would be i surprised if any second- third- surprised if any second— third— or fourth—place ever even breaches 20%. donald trump will
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be between 40% to 50%. what breaches 2096. donald trump will be between 4096 to 5096. what do ou think be between 4096 to 5096. what do you think about _ be between 4096 to 5096. what do you think about the _ be between 4096 to 5096. what do you think about the second- i be between 4096 to 5096. what do you think about the second- and l you think about the second— and third—place thing here tonight? 0f third—place thing here tonight? of course, he's got to pick a vp if he's the nominee at some point. what's the chances he'd pick nikki haley? i point. what's the chances he'd pick nikki haley?— pick nikki haley? i would say the vp's not _ pick nikki haley? i would say the vp's not a _ pick nikki haley? i would say the vp's not a candidate i pick nikki haley? i would say the vp's not a candidate for. the vp's not a candidate for president. i would say it's someone else. i would say it's a governor— someone else. i would say it's a governor that is seated out there — a governor that is seated out there it _ a governor that is seated out there. it might be a governor in south _ there. it might be a governor in south dakota or a government in south dakota or a government in arkansas. 50 in south dakota or a government in arkansas-— in arkansas. so she wouldn't go down too well _ in arkansas. so she wouldn't go down too well in _ in arkansas. so she wouldn't go down too well in the _ in arkansas. so she wouldn't go down too well in the caucus i in arkansas. so she wouldn't go down too well in the caucus -- l down too well in the caucus —— in congress? i down too well in the caucus -- in congress?— down too well in the caucus -- in congress? i would think that he's it's going _ in congress? i would think that he's it's going to _ in congress? i would think that he's it's going to be _ in congress? i would think that he's it's going to be a - he's it's going to be a governor in south dakota or governor— governor in south dakota or governor in south dakota or governor in arkansas. gk. governor in south dakota or governor in arkansas. ok. in terms of— governor in arkansas. ok. in terms ofa — governor in arkansas. ok. in terms of a second _ governor in arkansas. ok. in terms of a second trump i governor in arkansas. ok. in i terms of a second trump term, if we get there — priorities for you? if we get there - priorities for you?— if we get there - priorities for ou? ., ~ ., for you? yeah - you know, when ou look for you? yeah - you know, when you look at— for you? yeah - you know, when you look at 2025, _ for you? yeah - you know, when you look at 2025, we _ for you? yeah - you know, when you look at 2025, we have i for you? yeah - you know, when you look at 2025, we have $3.5 i you look at 2025, we have $3.5 trillion _ you look at 2025, we have $3.5 trillion of — you look at 2025, we have $3.5 trillion of tax cuts expiring. thats— trillion of tax cuts expiring. that's something we're going to have _ that's something we're going to have to — that's something we're going to have to be — that's something we're going to have to be very focused on. because _ have to be very focused on. because that would be a $3.5 trillion — because that would be a $3.5 trillion... . because that would be a $3.5 trillion- - -_ trillion... tax cuts for the rich, trillion... tax cuts for the rich. of — trillion... tax cuts for the rich, of course. _ trillion... tax cuts for the rich, of course. tax i trillion... tax cuts for the i rich, of course. tax increase. for the rich. _ rich, of course. tax increase. for the rich. when _ rich, of course. tax increase. for the rich. when you i rich, of course. tax increase. for the rich. when you look i rich, of course. tax increase. | for the rich. when you look at the tax threshold, _
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for the rich. when you look at the tax threshold, it _ for the rich. when you look at the tax threshold, it goes i for the rich. when you look at. the tax threshold, it goes down - these — the tax threshold, it goes down — these are things that affect real— — these are things that affect real people. i represent the nine—poorest congressional district _ nine—poorest congressional district out of 435 in the nation _ district out of 435 in the nation. 0urfolks district out of 435 in the nation. 0ur folks are struggling. those tax cuts from 2017 _ struggling. those tax cuts from 2017 help — struggling. those tax cuts from 2017 help increase their wages. what _ 2017 help increase their wages. what about the rhetoric on things like the border? they're going to "poison our blood" as they come across, they're "murderers", "rapists", "drug dealers" — is that 0k? �*murderers', "rapists", "drug dealers" - is that 0k?- dealers" - is that 0k? what's not ok is _ dealers" - is that 0k? what's not ok is all _ dealers" - is that 0k? what's not ok is all the _ dealers" - is that 0k? what's not ok is all the fentanyl i not ok is all the fentanyl coming _ not ok is all the fentanyl coming across the border illegally. coming across the border illegally-— coming across the border illeuall . ~ t, a, illegally. ur. what about the other stuff? _ illegally. ur. what about the other stuff? we _ illegally. ur. what about the other stuff? we want - illegally. ur. what about the i other stuff? we want people illegally. ur. what about the i other stuff? we want people to enter this country _ other stuff? we want people to enter this country according - other stuff? we want people to enter this country according to | enter this country according to the laws, _ enter this country according to the laws, the right way. what's unfortunate is, since joe biden's_ unfortunate is, since joe biden's become president, we've seen _ biden's become president, we've seen more — biden's become president, we've seen more people across the southern _ seen more people across the southern border than entire population of this state of iowa _ population of this state of iowa times 2.5.— population of this state of iowa times 2.5. �* , ., , iowa times 2.5. but he promised to build the _ iowa times 2.5. but he promised to build the wall _ iowa times 2.5. but he promised to build the wall last _ iowa times 2.5. but he promised to build the wall last time - iowa times 2.5. but he promised to build the wall last time and i to build the wall last time and didn't do it. he to build the wall last time and didn't do it— didn't do it. he built a big portion- _ didn't do it. he built a big portion. well... _ didn't do it. he built a big portion. well... tens - didn't do it. he built a big portion. well... tens of l didn't do it. he built a big - portion. well... tens of miles. come on- _ portion. well... tens of miles. come on- he _ portion. well... tens of miles. come on. he had _ portion. well... tens of miles. come on. he had a _ portion. well. .. tens of miles. come on. he had a lot- portion. well. .. tens of miles. come on. he had a lot of- come on. he had a lot of democrat _ come on. he had a lot of democrat senators - come on. he had a lot of| democrat senators trying come on. he had a lot of. democrat senators trying to prevent — democrat senators trying to prevent the money from going forward — prevent the money from going forward. but he needs to secure the border. he did really good
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with— the border. he did really good with remain in mexico policy, which — with remain in mexico policy, which was very beneficial. title — which was very beneficial. title 42 _ which was very beneficial. title 42 was very helpful. ending _ title 42 was very helpful. ending catch and release was very— ending catch and release was very helpful. these were all things— very helpful. these were all things thatjoe biden reversed. ever— things thatjoe biden reversed. ever since _ things thatjoe biden reversed. ever since joe biden's reversed it, ever since joe biden's reversed it. we've — ever since joe biden's reversed it, we've seen an influx coming in from — it, we've seen an influx coming in from the _ it, we've seen an influx coming in from the southern border. to what in from the southern border. what extent in from the southern border. in what extent do you think the legal jeopardy what extent do you think the legaljeopardy he's in over the next 12 months or so is going to really cause him problems in terms of the general election campaign? i terms of the general election campaign?— campaign? i think that every oli campaign? i think that every policy and — campaign? i think that every policy and every _ campaign? i think that every policy and every decision - campaign? i think that every | policy and every decision that joe biden has done as president - he— joe biden has done as president — he clearly has made the wrong decisionm — - he clearly has made the wrong decision- - -_ decision... hang on. i 'ust asked you i decision... hang on. i 'ust asked you about i decision... hang on. ijust asked you about donald i decision... hang on. ijust - asked you about donald trump's legal problems. i asked you about donald trump's legal problems.— legal problems. i think what ou legal problems. i think what you need — legal problems. i think what you need to _ legal problems. i think what you need to pay _ legal problems. i think what you need to pay more - legal problems. i think what i you need to pay more attention to is_ you need to pay more attention to isjoe — you need to pay more attention to isjoe biden's legal problems. joe biden said... he's— problems. joe biden said... he's got— problems. joe biden said... he's got 91 charges against him currently. he he's got 91 charges against him currentl . ., , �* ., currently. he doesn't control the justice — currently. he doesn't control the justice department. i currently. he doesn't control the justice department. but| the justice department. but what — the justice department. but what he _ thejustice department. but what he does do — he said he was — what he does do — he said he was not — what he does do — he said he was not involved in his son hunter— was not involved in his son hunter biden's business dealings. we know that he was. so that's— dealings. we know that he was. so that's going to get interesting moving forward. gk. interesting moving forward. 0k. jason interesting moving forward. 0k. jason smith. — interesting moving forward. ok. jason smith, thank you very much forjoining us on bbc news. much for 'oining us on bbc news. . ~ much for 'oining us on bbc news. . ,, , ., much for 'oining us on bbc. news.i preparing much for 'oining us on bbc- news.i preparing for news. thank you. preparing for our
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news. thank you. preparing for your speech. — news. thank you. preparing for your speech. l _ news. thank you. preparing for your speech, i guess, _ news. thank you. preparing for your speech, i guess, now. i that will be taking place, the next few speeches. there will be tallies and then it will be sent back to eight quarters. back to you. sent back to eight quarters. back to you-— sent back to eight quarters. back to you. sent back to eight quarters. backto ou. ~ ., back to you. welcome back. you ma be back to you. welcome back. you may be asking — why presidential candidates care so much about iowa and why so many are braving the dangerous cold and snow to take part in caucuses there. helena humphrey explains. for the past half a century iowa has been a big tears. but it is a lot more than that. for some, for most, it is iowa or bus, according to the former republican presidential candidate, tim scott, he has already bowed out of the race. but it points to the fact that those candidates who underperformed in the caucasus,
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it may be the moment they essentially decide to throw in the town. alternatively, for candidates who do better than expected, they can inject some energy into their campaign, really seeing some momentum they hope will bring them through the other races. going into caucus like, how are the candidates doing? this is the most recent poll. donald trump at 48% of the vote. still very much the man to beat. nikki haley, interesting number, 20%. for the first time coming in in second place and re— flogging ron desantis on 16% and on the end, in fourth position, the entrepreneur go vivek ramaswamy. and all the other candidates also seeing singledigit bowling. donald trump is the person to catch up on. a lot of analysts saying essentially it is a race for
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second place between these two. here is a question for you, why would you want to come second? when this is about coming first in the race to the white house. there is some importance to it. one positive saying if nikki haley can run a close third, maybe even coming into second position, that will give further boost, that energy and also this is about cash as well because donors want to get behind a winner. if you cannot get those votes, you cannot get the money you need for the rest of the campaign. we will be coming out to vote on a freezing cold january dark night in iowa? a relatively small state. 3.2 million residents. also the majority, 90%, wide. one of the whitest states into the united states. and 30% of republicans
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identifying as evangelical christians. that is something you will hear about a lot tonight, an important part of the republican block and something the likes of ron desantis have been aggressively going after. what is getting people out? what are some of theissues people out? what are some of the issues they are concerned about? this is according to a recent poll from nbc news about some of the most important issues. the number one position, 81% would be caucus republicans are concerned about the economy and inflation, immigration and border security also high on that list, particularly at a time when we are seeing high record numbers on the southern border. an you have to get down to fourth position before you see foreign policy creeping in. there are worries about the israel hamas well. and china does have a special significance comes through iowa because keep in mind this is a farming state,
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they have been concerns china buying upland in iowa and also with regards to trade policies and practices as well. he was and practices as well. he was an important question, perhaps the all—important question, does winning iowa guarantee success later on? a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to the republican party. donald trump, of course amanda became president in 2016, he did not win. he came second to this man, ted cruz. you have to go back to the year 2000 and you will see george w bush, the last time that we saw a non— incumbent republican then go on to win a nomination and ultimately go to the white house. so what the iowa caucuses do is narrow the field and give a glimpse into any kind of unexpected strength, perhaps weaknesses, of the candidate and then ultimately, it is up to the american public of course to decide what to do
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with that all—important with that all—importa nt information. with that all—important information. and thank you for that breakdown. we are learning more. immigration right now is a top issue. followed by the economy. most also want a candidate that shares their values and a majority says that donald trump's legal issues are not a concern with six out of ten voters saying he is fit to be president if he is convicted of a crime. we are talking about immigration offer and how effective republicans have been in making this a really central issue for a lot of voters. i think the republicans have made immigration are pretty central issue but it is also in part because the biden administration has not been very upfront in addressing the issue and so the immigration issue and so the immigration issueis issue and so the immigration issue is very visual and you can see people on the borders, you can see people in cities all across this country, as the red states have exported their
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issues to some of the blue states and now you are hearing even blue state governors begging the white house for some sort of solution and i think every country has an obligation to its citizens, and securing its borders is a basic theme. it is an issue of the republicans are able to exploit because this administration has not been direct in addressing the issue. not been direct in addressing the issue-— the issue. yes, we all hear about the _ the issue. yes, we all hear about the chaos _ the issue. yes, we all hear about the chaos around i the issue. yes, we all hear| about the chaos around the former— about the chaos around the former president donald trump but the — former president donald trump but the chaos surrounding the biden— but the chaos surrounding the biden administration. they are doing _ biden administration. they are doing nothing in the polling in iowa — doing nothing in the polling in iowa shows they are doing nothing _ iowa shows they are doing nothing to address the southern border — nothing to address the southern border. iowa does not border any other— border. iowa does not border any other country, it borders the mississippi river and fellow— the mississippi river and fellow states but immigration is a number one issue in the iowa — is a number one issue in the iowa caucus because the biden administration has failed to address— administration has failed to address it and it has failed to address— address it and it has failed to address inflationary pressures and that— address inflationary pressures and that is going to be a problem. | and that is going to be a problem-—
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and that is going to be a roblem. ~' ., . problem. i think we do have the former president _ problem. i think we do have the former president donald - problem. i think we do have the former president donald trump | former president donald trump speaking. but we can listen in. we did not have terrorism, we did not have people pouring into a country, we did not have an invasion with people coming in from prisons all over the world, from mental institutions and insane asylum is all over the world. we have terrorists coming in now and in 2019, you probably saw the same chart, it was even hard to believe to me, we had zero terrorists coming into our country... 50. we had zero terrorists coming into our country. . ._ we had zero terrorists coming into our country... so, he was talkin: into our country... so, he was talking about _ into our country... so, he was talking about immigration, i into our country... so, he was l talking about immigration, what we werejust talking about immigration, what we were just discussing and clearly central to his campaign. it clearly central to his campaign-— clearly central to his campaign. it is also an animated _ campaign. it is also an animated issue. i campaign. it is also an i animated issue. especially on the republican side. very energised to come out. obviously you vote with your pocketbooks but this is one where you can just see it, feel it, you can see how it is
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impacting people, this it is. look next door to iowa, to chicago, before seeing kids kicked out of their schools. in new york. so migrants can be placed. and iowa are worried they could be next. what we have been saying for a long time, every state now is a border state because they are going everywhere.— border state because they are going everywhere. what we had from the congresswoman, i going everywhere. what we had from the congresswoman, it i from the congresswoman, it seems the biden administration has not been able to find a response and republicans energising voters on this issue. i energising voters on this issue. .. . energising voters on this issue. ~ , . , energising voters on this issue. ~' , , energising voters on this issue. ~ , , ., issue. i think this has been an issue. i think this has been an issue in the _ issue. i think this has been an issue in the campaign - issue. i think this has been an issue in the campaign which i issue. i think this has been anj issue in the campaign which is wiring — issue in the campaign which is wiring in— issue in the campaign which is wiring in democratic and republican states. the white house — republican states. the white house response to this as that would — house response to this as that would like to get something through congress. —— worrying. but congress was not enact legislation. they want to do some — legislation. they want to do some kind of deal on border security— some kind of deal on border security and ukraine as well but they— security and ukraine as well but they cannot get it through congress. 10,000 plus people a
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day coming through the southern lrorder— day coming through the southern border and images playing all around — border and images playing all around the states. when you have — around the states. when you have migrants sent to illinois and it— have migrants sent to illinois and it is— have migrants sent to illinois and it is freezing cold, —20 degrees _ and it is freezing cold, —20 degrees i _ and it is freezing cold, —20 degrees i heard from my daughter yesterday who is living _ daughter yesterday who is living out there, and these people _ living out there, and these people are out in the cold and there — people are out in the cold and there is— people are out in the cold and there is a _ people are out in the cold and there is a humanitarian crisis out there _ there is a humanitarian crisis out there as well. we are in january. _ out there as well. we are in january, we all have very short attention— january, we all have very short attention spans as do american voters — attention spans as do american voters if— attention spans as do american voters. if this is something which — voters. if this is something which is _ voters. if this is something which is resolved, if the body is secured, if you do not see those — is secured, if you do not see those pictures of lots of people _ those pictures of lots of people flooding across i think it could — people flooding across i think it could be less of an issue but — it could be less of an issue but i — it could be less of an issue but i think that means the biden— but i think that means the biden administration has to get something through congress. this is— something through congress. this is notjust a republican, an issue _ this is notjust a republican, an issue that— this is notjust a republican, an issue that resonates- this is notjust a republican, an issue that resonates with| an issue that resonates with republicans _ an issue that resonates with republicans. you _ an issue that resonates with republicans. you go- an issue that resonates with republicans. you go to i an issue that resonates with republicans. you go to the i republicans. you go to the south — republicans. you go to the south side _ republicans. you go to the south side of _ republicans. you go to the south side of chicago, i republicans. you go to the i south side of chicago, these are democrats— south side of chicago, these are democrats who - south side of chicago, these are democrats who would i are democrats who would probably _ are democrats who would probably pour _
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are democrats who would probably pour in - are democrats who would probably pour in similar. probably pour in similar nunrbersm _ probably pour in similar numbers... there- probably pour in similar numbers... there is- probably pour in similar numbers... there is a l probably pour in similar- numbers... there is a reason why— numbers... there is a reason why president— numbers... there is a reason why president biden - numbers... there is a reason why president biden is - numbers... there is a reason why president biden is doing| numbers... there is a reason. why president biden is doing a radio— why president biden is doing a radio show— why president biden is doing a radio show because _ why president biden is doing a radio show because of - why president biden is doing a radio show because of this i radio show because of this issue _ radio show because of this issue i— radio show because of this issue. .. radio show because of this issue. ~' . . issue. i think the challenge for the biden _ issue. i think the challenge | for the biden administration issue. i think the challenge i for the biden administration is having a hard time to taming the progressive left and the progressive left is unwilling to yield any ground of compromise when it comes to immigration. an so that has been really hard spot them to negotiate, to set aside getting through a divided congress, but their own party, it has been a hindrance to address this. fine hindrance to address this. one more thought _ hindrance to address this. one more thought on _ hindrance to address this. one more thought on this. you i hindrance to address this. one | more thought on this. you were cut off. clearly, _ more thought on this. you were cut off. clearly, you _ more thought on this. you were cut off. clearly, you are - cut off. clearly, you are right _ cut off. clearly, you are right. this is an issue amongst democrats _ right. this is an issue amongst democrats as well. democratic mas5, _ democrats as well. democratic nrass. the _ democrats as well. democratic mass, the state of new york complaining about this issue as well~ _ complaining about this issue as well~ 0ne — complaining about this issue as well. one issue that is into strength, the vice president kamala _ strength, the vice president kamala harris, who is not
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polled _ kamala harris, who is not polled particularly well, it was — polled particularly well, it was something they wanted her to fix— was something they wanted her to fix in— was something they wanted her to fix in the beginning and it was — to fix in the beginning and it was a — to fix in the beginning and it was a bit _ to fix in the beginning and it was a bit of a poisoned chalice _ was a bit of a poisoned chalice-— was a bit of a poisoned chalice. ~ . ., , . chalice. we have not seen much from her since. _ chalice. we have not seen much from her since. we _ chalice. we have not seen much from her since. we will- chalice. we have not seen much from her since. we will be i chalice. we have not seen much from her since. we will be back| from her since. we will be back with our panel and continue covering the iowa caucuses. thank you for watching bbc news. hello. this week is certainly shaping up to bring some of the coldest and snowiest weather of the winter so far. we started the week on monday in the grip of this arctic air. cold northerly winds feeding frequent wintry showers, especially into northern, eastern, and some western parts of the uk. tuesday remains cold — snow and ice will cause problems for some. but a slight shift in the wind direction, more of a west or northwesterly wind, so that means not as many showers across eastern parts, more showers out towards the west. and then, this little frontal system here, this is going to generate a mix of rain, sleet and snow across the northern half of the uk. ice as we move through the morning, that could cause
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some quite poor travelling conditions. and then, we will see frequent snow showers in northern scotland. this area of snowfall in central and southern scotland, this could bring snow to quite low levels. for northern ireland and for northern england, at low levels, it may be that we see some rain and some sleet mixing in — most of the significant snow over high ground — but there could be some travel disruption, say, over the high—level routes in the pennines. to the south of that, well, mostly dry with some spells of crisp winter sunshine. maybe not quite as cold in southern counties of england or south wales, whereas parts of scotland will stay below freezing all day long. and in scotland, we'll see further snowfall during tuesday evening. it could cause some disruption for the rush hour. mix of rain, sleet, and snow across parts of northern england into wales. the odd snow shower pushing down across the midlands. a very, very cold night indeed, some places likely to get to —10 in the highlands. now for wednesday, we're keeping a close eye on this area of low pressure, which is moving its way in towards france, but it mayjust graze this weather system close enough to southern counties of england to bring the risk
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of a bit of light sleet and snow here. we'll keep an eye on that one for you. the channel islands seeing rain, maybe something wintry mixing in. elsewhere, sunny spells, a scattering of wintry showers, a very cold—feeling day. many places around or, perhaps in some spots, below freezing even through the afternoon. now that weather system moves away. thursday will bring further snow showers. high pressure builds in for friday, so it is a drier end to the week for many. and then, we start to develop a westerly wind. atlantic weather systems will bring wind and rain, and something milder as we head into the weekend, so this cold spell may not last all that long.
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live from iowa, this is bbc news. the iowa caucuses are now underway, as the 2024 presidential primary season has officially begun. i'm sumi somaskanda. we will have all the analysis of the results as they come in, and look ahead to what it means for the race for the republican nomination. hello. i'm katrina perry. you're very welcome to des moines — the first 2024 primary
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contest is underway here in the us state of iowa. we're here live, as voters brave bitterly cold temperatures to cast their ballots for who they want to represent this party in the november elections. donald trump — who has been leading in the polls — is expected to be tonight's big winner, with entrance polls suggesting iowa is leaning quite firmly towards the former president. but all eyes are on the former governor of south carolina, nikki haley, and the current florida governor, ron desantis, who are both facing a crucial test for their campaigns in that race for second place. we'll bring you all of the results as they come in. joining me now is our very own reporter, who i believe is at governor desantis' watch party in west des moines. karl? we have a little issue there with karl's line, i think. we'll come back to him. for now, let's cross over to our reporter, helena humphrey, who
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can bring us those very early results that are beginning to come in from the caucuses. those caucuses, of course, just got underway 30 minutes ago. the plan from the republican party is to report those results as they come in. caucuses, of course, take place in a variety of locations from a person's living room to a school hall. we'll have the results as they come over the next hour. we can go now to helena humphrey, who has some of those early results that are just starting to come in. helena?— just starting to come in. helena? . . helena? katrina, as you say, these results _ helena? katrina, as you say, these results just _ helena? katrina, as you say, these resultsjust starting i helena? katrina, as you say, these resultsjust starting to | these results just starting to trickle in, but we wanted to bring them to you in real—time as soon as we got them here on bbc news. let's take a look firstly at what we're seeing right across the state of iowa — stressing here 0% of precincts fully counted. of course, we know that there are 1,700, just about, in the state, in those 99 counties. so this is a really early look. but what we can see is donald trump — he was always the man
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to catch up with but, at this very early stage, way out in front right now. 74.6% of the vote. but if you just take a look at the number of votes, you'll see what i mean about this being very early days — 238 votes. ron desantis here, you can see, in second place with 15.4%. nikki haley coming in third. what you will notice, compared to that last des moines register poll we had seen — there's a switch here between ron desantis and nikki haley. nikki haley had previously leapfrogged ron desantis. now, at this very early stage, ron desantis has managed to pull ahead. let's zoom in on some of the counties and find out what's going on there. this is pulk, home to des moines — of course, the state capital. very early days — just1 out of 176
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precincts counted there. as you can see, right now, donald trump is doing well — 10 votes, albeit, but it's 76%. just a word on what nikki haley is looking to achieve in these urban areas — she's been out campaigning in them aggressively, because they take such a big proportion of these votes — some 75,000 votes up for grabs in these particular areas. so it's been really important to the nikki haley campaign. let's move up, then. we can see some results are coming in in the north—west. the north—west is important in iowa. when we talk about religious conservative, for example, the evangelical vote, this is one of its heartlands, in fact. here you can see, in lyne county, donald trump with 72%. ron desantis once again in second place. and that's significant because we know that ron desantis and his campaign have really been focusing on trying to court that vote as well. thank you for that, helena. we
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will check in with some of the reporters at the caucus sites in just a reporters at the caucus sites injust a moment. reporters at the caucus sites injusta moment. for reporters at the caucus sites injust a moment. for now, let's go across to sumi in dc. thank you. we have this news now according to our us partner here, cbs news, that donald trump does win this first presidential contest in iowa. those numbers showed, of course, we don't have all the precincts even near to be completed counting, but that is the projection we're getting from our partner here, cbs news, and are able to report at this hour. this is what was expected. i do want to talk about that with our panel here in the studio. all of us went into this, of course, expecting this result. interesting to watch all of you looking at that map as well and what you were expecting. but marc, you were expecting. but marc, you were looking very much, of course, at the rural—versus—urban areas, and what difference you might be able to see so far there. yeah. it's really _ able to see so far there. yeah. it's really early. _ able to see so far there. yeah. it's really early. going - able to see so far there. yeah. it's really early. going back- it's really early. going back looking at the 2016 results, marco rubio won basically three of the more populous counties — des moines, davenport, and the
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cedar rapids. as we start to see those results come in, if nikki haley doesn't get any kind of big momentum — because that's where she would probably likely get it — then i don't see this being a good night for nikki haley. ron desantis is going to try to pull the ted cruz model, going after the evangelicals and otherwise. but, right now, if nikki can't start pulling ahead in the more populous counties, then it's not going to be a good night for her. i not going to be a good night for her. . ., not going to be a good night for her. , . ., . . for her. i 'ust want to add a bit more — for her. ijust want to add a bit more information i for her. ijust want to add a bit more information we're| bit more information we're getting in from our partner, cbs news — we all knew that donald trump was far away and the leader here in the polls. they're saying he won with strong support among white evangelicals, men, women, older voters, and young voters, improving on his 2016 performance with all of those groups. of course, we are still waiting for a lot of those numbers to come in. but that shows his strength in the state, doesn't it, congressman? it truly does. if i was donald trump. _ it truly does. if i was donald trump. i— it truly does. if i was donald trump, i would declare victory right— trump, i would declare victory right now—
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trump, i would declare victory right now and get on the plane and fly— right now and get on the plane and fly to— right now and get on the plane and fly to new hampshire before anybody — and fly to new hampshire before anybody starts looking at results _ anybody starts looking at results and talking about expectations. he's the winner, according — expectations. he's the winner, according to projections. take the win — according to projections. take the win. the thing is, with the caucuses— the win. the thing is, with the caucuses and why entrance polls are so _ caucuses and why entrance polls are so accurate and i think why this projection was made — it's because — this projection was made — it's because there's no secret ballot _ because there's no secret ballot. when you do an entrance pou. _ ballot. when you do an entrance poll. you — ballot. when you do an entrance poll, you walk into a room where _ poll, you walk into a room where the public is there and people — where the public is there and people will see who you voted for. that's why i think the projection's so good. as we were just — projection's so good. as we were just talking _ projection's so good. as we were just talking about i projection's so good. as we were just talking about all i projection's so good. as we l were just talking about all of the other issues as well — immigration helped boost trump, apparently, and most iowa caucusgoers largely dismissed his legal woes — this is reporting we've seen from our partner again, reporting we've seen from our partneragain, cbs reporting we've seen from our partner again, cbs news. this gives a good picture of where voters stand at this moment in this very first contest? it’s this very first contest? it's interesting _ this very first contest? it�*s interesting having confirmation — we don't have the total numbers yet — but confirmation of support amongst white evangelical voters. in 2016 when he first ran in iowa, he only got 22% of the white
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evangelical vote — a poor result for him. that's now at around 50%. i think it shows iowa has become more conservative since 2016, and he hasn't faced opponents whoever really taken him on head—on, apart from chris christie, who's dropped out of the race. ron desantis and nikki haley, because they don't want to alienate trump's support base, have been fairly careful about the way they've challenged donald trump.— the way they've challenged donald trump. will vihave to chance? donald trump. will vihave to change? that _ donald trump. will vihave to change? that was _ donald trump. will vihave to change? that was not - donald trump. will vihave to change? that was not the i donald trump. will vihave to l change? that was not the case in 2016. maybe _ change? that was not the case in 2016. maybe that _ change? that was not the case in 2016. maybe that hurt - change? that was not the case in 2016. maybe that hurt him | change? that was not the case| in 2016. maybe that hurt him in iowa in 2016 — he was attacked full—throatedly. i think it would be surprising if that changed, because nikki haley would have to do a very sudden shift. let's see how she comes out of this. if she has not had a really good night in iowa, then i think some of the speculation over the last week orso speculation over the last week or so — maybe it was all of us in the press and all the political people wanting this to be more of a race than it actually is — how she manages it. ithink actually is — how she manages it. i think that will change the mayorative. you're so —— narrative. you're so right
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about momentum — i remember when pete buttigieg won iowa for the democrats in 2020, not joe biden — but it wasn't declared until three days later. all the air had gotten out of his balloon. if you can get straight on the plane to new hampshire and say, "i was the one who won it," it helps you a lot. the one who won it," it helps you a lot-— you a lot. eight days. eight da s to you a lot. eight days. eight days to capture _ you a lot. eight days. eight days to capture that - you a lot. eight days. eight i days to capture that momentum, if there _ days to capture that momentum, if there is— days to capture that momentum, if there is such a thing. we should say _ if there is such a thing. we should say that _ if there is such a thing. , should say that we have heard also from cbs news that donald trump does want to go attend his e. jean carroll trial tomorrow in new york before going to new hampshire. so that's one note on his schedule. but congresswoman, if you look at what we have been talking about here, it is really remarkable — the coalition of voters that donald trump appears to have been able to gather notjust in iowa, but really across the country. i think one of the challenges for the people who've been running against him, just as you said, is that it's hard to run against him without alienating his base. so he is a politician who has managed to make his
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supporters share his sort of personality and sense of self. an attack on him feels like an attack on them. it makes it very personal. so they're very sticky. no matter how many charges or indictments, it's only brought them closer to him, even more supportive of him, even more supportive of him, as opposed to what normally happens to politicians when they are shrouded in that kind of scandal. usually there is some stepping back, creating some distance. that's just simply not happening here. congressman, you were saying if you were donald trump, you'd say, "i won," get on you were donald trump, you�*d say, "i won," get on the you were donald trump, you'd say, "i won," get on the plane and head over to new hampshire. if you look at nikki haley and ron desantis, what would you tell them to do right now? depending on, of course, the numbers at the end of the night — that's important. numbers at the end of the night - that's important.— - that's important. when the end of the — - that's important. when the end of the night _ - that's important. when the end of the night comes, i - that's important. when the| end of the night comes, we'll see what their percentages are. i think their percentages will probably be higher than some anticipate. i think they have to figure out what their next step is. nikki haley's going to go full bore in new hampshire, where polling has her close with president trump. i mean, the candidate who has the most
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to lose tonight is my old colleague in congress, ron desantis. governor desantis won florida in a mandate. he had a wide swathe of voters that gave him an electoral landslide for re—election. and instead of being the governing governor and maybe taking the lane that nikki haley has taken from him and combining that with those who supported him that were pro—trump but didn't want trump, he could have been in a virtual tie with the president right now based on polling. but instead, he chose a path that ted cruz chose — and lost. sorry, congressman. a reminder to our international audience — ron desantis has spent $35 million campaigning. when you put that in perspective with other elections around the world, it's always so interesting that even a caucus — nikki haley spent something like the same, so $70 million between it the two of them. donald trump has only spent $11 million in iowa. bud donald trump has only spent $11 million in iowa.— million in iowa. and ron desantis _ million in iowa. and ron desantis - _ million in iowa. and ron desantis - go _ million in iowa. and ron
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desantis - go ahead, i desantis — go ahead, congresswoman. desantis - go ahead, concresswoman. ., . , congresswoman. tonight really - roves congresswoman. tonight really proves the _ congresswoman. tonight really proves the case. _ congresswoman. tonight really proves the case. people - congresswoman. tonight really proves the case. people who i proves the case. people who have — proves the case. people who have been— proves the case. people who have been running _ proves the case. people who have been running against. proves the case. people who i have been running against trump say that— have been running against trump say that they _ have been running against trump say that they can _ have been running against trump say that they can take _ have been running against trump say that they can take the - say that they can take the sometimes—trump- say that they can take the sometimes—trump voters| say that they can take the i sometimes—trump voters and say that they can take the - sometimes—trump voters and the never-trump _ sometimes—trump voters and the never—trump voters— sometimes—trump voters and the never—trump voters and - sometimes—trump voters and the never—trump voters and build i sometimes—trump voters and the never—trump voters and build a l never—trump voters and build a coalition— never—trump voters and build a coalition that _ never—trump voters and build a coalition that will— never—trump voters and build a coalition that will be _ never—trump voters and build a coalition that will be greater- coalition that will be greater than — coalition that will be greater than the _ coalition that will be greater than the always—trump i coalition that will be greater. than the always—trump voters. so tonight, _ than the always—trump voters. so tonight, when _ than the always—trump voters. so tonight, when we _ than the always—trump voters. so tonight, when we see - than the always—trump voters. so tonight, when we see the i so tonight, when we see the outconre _ so tonight, when we see the outconre of— so tonight, when we see the outcome of this, _ so tonight, when we see the outcome of this, we'll- so tonight, when we see the outcome of this, we'll see i outcome of this, we'll see whether— outcome of this, we'll see whether or— outcome of this, we'll see whether or not _ outcome of this, we'll see whether or not that - outcome of this, we'll see| whether or not that proves itself — whether or not that proves itself out _ whether or not that proves itself out. was _ whether or not that proves itself out. was there i whether or not that proves i itself out. was there enough votes — itself out. was there enough votes in _ itself out. was there enough votes in that _ itself out. was there enough i votes in that sometimes—trump and never—trump— votes in that sometimes—trump and never—trump group- votes in that sometimes—trump and never—trump group to i and never—trump group to actually — and never—trump group to actually overcome? - and never-trump group to actually overcome? perhaps not in iowa, actually overcome? perhaps not in iowa. but _ actually overcome? perhaps not in iowa, but maybe _ actually overcome? perhaps not in iowa, but maybe in _ actually overcome? perhaps not in iowa, but maybe in other - in iowa, but maybe in other states. marc, what does a victory, or at least success for nikki haley, at the end of this night look like?— look like? the ability to go on to the next — look like? the ability to go on to the next stage. _ look like? the ability to go on to the next stage. i _ look like? the ability to go on to the next stage. i mean, . to the next stage. i mean, she's— to the next stage. i mean, she's got— to the next stage. i mean, she's got to show that she at least — she's got to show that she at least can_ she's got to show that she at least can be competitive, hold her own. — least can be competitive, hold her own, even if it is a very distant_ her own, even if it is a very distant second place. and right now, _ distant second place. and right now. the — distant second place. and right now, the polls have her down 28-30 — now, the polls have her down 28—30 points. we'll see if that bears— 28—30 points. we'll see if that bears out, _ 28—30 points. we'll see if that bears out, obviously, in the actual— bears out, obviously, in the actual results. if she can go there. — actual results. if she can go there, maybe see if she can get into the — there, maybe see if she can get into the 10—12—point loss in new— into the 10—12—point loss in new hampshire. but where does she go— new hampshire. but where does she go from there? polls right now_ she go from there? polls right now have _ she go from there? polls right now have her losing her own
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state — now have her losing her own state of _ now have her losing her own state of south carolina by 30 points — state of south carolina by 30 points. ron desantis — he's polling _ points. ron desantis — he's polling fourth behind chris christie _ polling fourth behind chris christie before he dropped out — in christie before he dropped out - in new— christie before he dropped out — in new hampshire. he put everything in iowa. where does he go? — everything in iowa. where does he go? is— everything in iowa. where does he go? is he still in this race a week— he go? is he still in this race a week from now?— he go? is he still in this race a week from now? any one of these candidates _ a week from now? any one of these candidates has - a week from now? any one of these candidates has to - a week from now? any one of these candidates has to wrap| a week from now? any one of i these candidates has to wrap up delegates early, before we get to the winner—take—all seats where, you know, the president has an advantage in some of those — texas — some of these big states. they really have to dig into the delegate count early on. dig into the delegate count earl on. ., dig into the delegate count early on-— dig into the delegate count earl on. ., ., ., early on. sooner rather than later, absolutely. _ later, absolutely. we'll go to iowa now to get more from katrina on the ground there. thanks, sumi. of course, the caucuses began just less than an hour ago, caucuses began just less than an hourago, and caucuses began just less than an hour ago, and already we have that projection that donald trump is going to be the winnerfrom the iowa caucuses. all of the candidates have arranged watch parties for tonight, gathering their supporters, and it's hoped many of them will make a speech later on. we can go now to our
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own reporter at governor ron desantis' watch party in west des moines. you were at a caucus earlier. you've been moving around iowa. what's the mood like out there about this victory for donald trump? yes, i was at a caucus site earlier— yes, i was at a caucus site earlier today outside of des moines, _ earlier today outside of des moines, the capital city of low _ moines, the capital city of low i_ moines, the capital city of iowa. i was speaking with some of the _ iowa. i was speaking with some of the caucusgoers. i actually did end — of the caucusgoers. i actually did end up speaking to three first—time caucusgoers. all three — first—time caucusgoers. all three of— first—time caucusgoers. all three of them were donald trump supporters. they were there intending to caucus for donald trump — intending to caucus for donald trump. there was some interesting data coming into tonight— interesting data coming into tonight that showed that more than _ tonight that showed that more than 50% of first—time caucusgoers were going to be donald — caucusgoers were going to be donald trump supporters. that's exactly _ donald trump supporters. that's exactly a — donald trump supporters. that's exactly a hint of what we saw tonight _ exactly a hint of what we saw tonight. speaking with them, it tends _ tonight. speaking with them, it tends to— tonight. speaking with them, it tends to coalesce and vibe with what _ tends to coalesce and vibe with what we — tends to coalesce and vibe with what we saw in that exit—poll data — what we saw in that exit—poll data. people were worried about the state — data. people were worried about the state of the economy. one voter— the state of the economy. one voter told _ the state of the economy. one voter told me he knows exactly
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what _ voter told me he knows exactly what he — voter told me he knows exactly what he will get with donald trump, _ what he will get with donald trump, because he's seen what he did _ trump, because he's seen what he did in— trump, because he's seen what he did in his first term in office. _ he did in his first term in office, and he wants to see another— office, and he wants to see another term office, and he wants to see anotherterm in office, and he wants to see another term in office from donald _ another term in office from donald trump. there were small crowds but they were building.— there were small crowds but they were building. between 50 and 75 showed _ they were building. between 50 and 75 showed up. _ they were building. between 50 and 75 showed up. but - they were building. between 50 and 75 showed up. but obvious| and 75 showed up. but obvious sopport— and 75 showed up. but obvious support for the former president, fort donald trump. this— president, fort donald trump. this is— president, fort donald trump. this is going to be the watch party— this is going to be the watch party for— this is going to be the watch party for desantis's campaign. the doors _ party for desantis's campaign. the doors are not officially open. _ the doors are not officially open, the media has been allowed _ open, the media has been allowed in but we will be waiting _ allowed in but we will be waiting 25 minutes to see more. ron desantis still out there, he was — ron desantis still out there, he was in _ ron desantis still out there, he was in eastern iowa today. to make _ he was in eastern iowa today. to make his case. you might even — to make his case. you might even get _ to make his case. you might even get one of the candidates themselves showing up to your caucus— themselves showing up to your caucus side to make their case in person _ caucus side to make their case in person. clearly, it is now looking _ in person. clearly, it is now looking as _ in person. clearly, it is now looking as if this is a battle
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for second place between nikki haley— for second place between nikki haley and ron desantis. i was one at— haley and ron desantis. i was one at his _ haley and ron desantis. i was one at his rallies last night. it one at his rallies last night. it was — one at his rallies last night. it was packed, standing room only — it was packed, standing room only a— it was packed, standing room only. a lot of enthusiasm for him — only. a lot of enthusiasm for him we _ only. a lot of enthusiasm for him. we will see if you can take — him. we will see if you can take that _ him. we will see if you can take that enthusiasm and build on that— take that enthusiasm and build on that and potentially a second—place finish. it would be second—place finish. it would he a — second—place finish. it would be a crucial thing. they have spent — be a crucial thing. they have spent a _ be a crucial thing. they have spent a lot of time and resources on iowa, is going all the way. — resources on iowa, is going all the way. as— resources on iowa, is going all the way, as some people say. we will see _ the way, as some people say. we will see exactly how that race for second place is shaping up. caucusing _ for second place is shaping up. caucusing is still under way in very many precinct sites but the projection is donald trump will win. we do not expect results for another hour or two i was more depending on the size of the caucus. some have 12-50 size of the caucus. some have 12—50 people, others have 800 people and all those votes have to be cast, counted in front of
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the caucus —goers. the transparency meaning it is all donein transparency meaning it is all done in front of the voters. that is what ron desantis and nikki haley will be looking for and it could be sometime before we have those numbers. in our back over to you in the studio, sumi. thank you, caitriona. donald trump in an even stronger place to win the nomination. but there are multiple civil cases and for criminal trials. multiple civil cases and for criminaltrials. it multiple civil cases and for criminal trials. it will be in court tomorrow in the ejean carroll defamation case. how will that effect is returned to the white house. the current defence attorney in the southern district of new york, regular guest for us. always good to see. i want to ask you, first off, the piece of information we got to note that donald trump up to be in iowa tonight will be in new york york for the ejean carroll
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york for the e jean carroll then headed to new york for the ejean carroll then headed to new hampshire. a busy legal character, what you make of this?— make of this? listen, he is doinr make of this? listen, he is doing what _ make of this? listen, he is doing what he _ make of this? listen, he is doing what he needs - make of this? listen, he is doing what he needs to - make of this? listen, he is| doing what he needs to do. make of this? listen, he is - doing what he needs to do. he is managing his criminal cases and campaigning for president at the same time and handling those civil cases as well. it is pretty remarkable. it is an enormous amount of pressure on him and his team but he's doing it and doing it successfully, which pretty amazing. we were lookin: at which pretty amazing. we were looking at some _ which pretty amazing. we were looking at some of _ which pretty amazing. we were looking at some of the - which pretty amazing. we were looking at some of the initial i looking at some of the initial figures and information coming in from iowa and something that was interesting is six out of ten caucus —goers say they have noissue ten caucus —goers say they have no issue with the legal trouble the former president is facing and it has no impact on how they cast their ballot. it appears we are seeing that across the country as well. yes, that fact is really mind blowing. is itjust sort of a
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complete disregard of those problems? is it a belief that all he is cases are politically motivated? perhaps that is but it feels like people are just dismissing his legal troubles with a broad brush and that is it, moving on and evaluating him on his political acumen. sorry, this is for prosecutors and criminal trials in particular, seeing donald trump of course using these trials and appearances at these trials as part of his campaigning. what does it look from the prosecutor's side?- what does it look from the prosecutor's side? they are definitely — prosecutor's side? they are definitely hitting _ prosecutor's side? they are definitely hitting their - prosecutor's side? they are | definitely hitting their heads against the wall right now. the problem is really the timing here. are they going to be able to get these cases done before these primaries are well under way? no. will they get them done before the election? probably not. they are really
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in a tough spot. they brought these cases and believe in these cases and believe in these cases and believe in these cases but the clock is really working against them here. ., ,., really working against them here. ., ., ., , here. for some of our viewers around the — here. for some of our viewers around the world, _ here. for some of our viewers around the world, does - here. for some of our viewers around the world, does it - here. for some of our viewers j around the world, does it look like any of these cases are actually going to get trials, or get started anytime soon? we have seen a flurry of legal motions on a number of them? i do not think so. we have a few on tap for march, including the case in washington, the 2020 election interference case, which obviously it is of the upmost concern to the president, given the immunity arguments winding their way through the course at the moment. it is unlikely that case goes in march. unlikely the bribe case goes in march. it is going to be very frustrating to the prosecutors and many people watching these trials. �* ., . and many people watching these trials. �* , ., and many people watching these trials. . , ., ,., trials. always good to get your perspective- — trials. always good to get your perspective. thank _ trials. always good to get your perspective. thank you - trials. always good to get your perspective. thank you for - perspective. thank you for joining us. let's talk about
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that without panel. of course, we're still just that without panel. of course, we're stilljust injanuary, the first republican contest we're seeing but we cannot help but look ahead and look at some of these trials that are supposed to be starting but likely not anytime soon. how does that play into donald trump's approach to his campaign going forward? i trump's approach to his campaign going forward? i think think the issue _ campaign going forward? i think think the issue will _ campaign going forward? i think think the issue will be _ campaign going forward? i think think the issue will be whether l think the issue will be whether jack smith's case around january six can be brought perhaps not in march but it may slip into may, that would be the one we would watch whether desean has an impact on polling and whether voters saying that i reminded of everything that happened and that changes their attitude. it has increased is fundraising in popularity and which is why he turns up in his court cases. it turns up because he knows it is a campaign breeze. he does not need to be there. the white house is hoping that when people seem going to trial, if
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the cases are brought before the cases are brought before the election, people will have a different point of view. it is only about 100,000 americans that really matter in these elections. billions of dollars will be spent, millions of people who will fight, it is about 100,000 people in five states that will make a difference between donald trump, if he is a nominee, and joe biden becoming president. this has been a good night for donald trump. the headlines tomorrow would be good headlines for donald trump because he has one within 1.5 because he has one within1.5 hours of caucuses. but there is still a lot of campaigning to do. ., . still a lot of campaigning to do. ., �* . ., , still a lot of campaigning to do. ., ~ , ., do. -- won. a case of whether the sunreme _ do. -- won. a case of whether the supreme court _ do. -- won. a case of whether the supreme court takes - do. -- won. a case of whether the supreme court takes up i do. -- won. a case of whether. the supreme court takes up the former— the supreme court takes up the former president whether he can be former president whether he can he on _ former president whether he can he on a — former president whether he can be on a ballot and i think that would — be on a ballot and i think that would he _ be on a ballot and i think that would be resolved before the election, certainly here. part of me— election, certainly here. part of me is— election, certainly here. part of me is really concerned because _ of me is really concerned because when you talk about sex
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-- six _ because when you talk about sex -- six out — because when you talk about sex -- six out of— because when you talk about sex —— six out of ten of his supporters it doesn't matter, he has — supporters it doesn't matter, he has done a job dismissing the legal— he has done a job dismissing the legal measures in this country _ the legal measures in this country. if my guy loses it is a rigged _ country. if my guy loses it is a rigged system and that is undermining fora a rigged system and that is undermining for a democratic system _ undermining for a democratic system i_ undermining for a democratic system. i worry we still have a stream — system. i worry we still have a stream of _ system. i worry we still have a stream of political violence that — stream of political violence that exists within the american electorate. that exists within the american electorate-— electorate. what is your thought _ electorate. what is your thought on _ electorate. what is your thought on it? - electorate. what is your thought on it? politicall thought on it? political violence _ thought on it? political violence exist- thought on it? political violence exist but- thought on it? political violence exist but it. thought on it? political violence exist but it is| thought on it? political. violence exist but it is not just— violence exist but it is not just relegated _ violence exist but it is not just relegated to - violence exist but it is not just relegated to the - just relegated to the republican- just relegated to the republican size. - just relegated to the republican size. i. just relegated to the. republican size. i had just relegated to the - republican size. i had to run from — republican size. i had to run from bullets _ republican size. i had to run from bullets on _ republican size. i had to run from bullets on a _ republican size. i had to run from bullets on a baseball. from bullets on a baseball field — from bullets on a baseball field because _ from bullets on a baseball field because some - from bullets on a baseball field because some nut i from bullets on a baseballl field because some nutjob started _ field because some nutjob started screaming - field because some nutjob. started screaming healthcare field because some nutjob- started screaming healthcare at us and — started screaming healthcare at us and started _ started screaming healthcare at us and started shooting - started screaming healthcare at us and started shooting at - started screaming healthcare at us and started shooting at me l us and started shooting at me and my— us and started shooting at me and my friends. _ us and started shooting at me and my friends. violence - us and started shooting at me and my friends. violence is i and my friends. violence is violence _ and my friends. violence is violence. but— and my friends. violence is violence. but when - and my friends. violence is violence. but when you - and my friends. violence is| violence. but when you look and my friends. violence is - violence. but when you look at donald — violence. but when you look at donald trump. _ violence. but when you look at donald trump, nobody - violence. but when you look at donald trump, nobody plays . violence. but when you look at donald trump, nobody plays a| donald trump, nobody plays a victim — donald trump, nobody plays a victim better— donald trump, nobody plays a victim better than _ donald trump, nobody plays a victim better than donald - donald trump, nobody plays a . victim better than donald trump and you — victim better than donald trump and you take _ victim better than donald trump and you take a _ victim better than donald trump and you take a step— victim better than donald trump and you take a step back- victim better than donald trump and you take a step back and - and you take a step back and you see. _ and you take a step back and you see. ever— and you take a step back and you see, ever since - and you take a step back and you see, ever since he - and you take a step back and you see, ever since he got. you see, ever since he got elected _ you see, ever since he got elected president, - you see, ever since he got elected president, when. you see, ever since he gotl elected president, when no you see, ever since he got- elected president, when no poll
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had him — elected president, when no poll had him elected _ elected president, when no poll had him elected president- elected president, when no poll had him elected president in. had him elected president in 2016. — had him elected president in 2016. he _ had him elected president in 2016. he was— had him elected president in 2016, he was immediately. had him elected president in. 2016, he was immediately put into the — 2016, he was immediately put into the russia _ 2016, he was immediately put into the russia investigation l into the russia investigation which — into the russia investigation which was _ into the russia investigation which was proven _ into the russia investigation which was proven to - into the russia investigation which was proven to be - into the russia investigation which was proven to be a . which was proven to be a complete _ which was proven to be a complete hoax _ which was proven to be a complete hoax and - which was proven to be a complete hoax and now. which was proven to be a i complete hoax and now you continued _ complete hoax and now you continued to _ complete hoax and now you continued to see _ complete hoax and now you continued to see the - complete hoax and now you i continued to see the political base — continued to see the political base impeachment, - continued to see the political base impeachment, people i continued to see the political- base impeachment, people think donald _ base impeachment, people think donald trump _ base impeachment, people think donald trump is _ base impeachment, people think donald trump is the _ base impeachment, people think donald trump is the victim. - base impeachment, people think donald trump is the victim. i - donald trump is the victim. i do not — donald trump is the victim. i do not think— donald trump is the victim. i do not think he _ donald trump is the victim. i do not think he is— donald trump is the victim. i do not think he is the - donald trump is the victim. i do not think he is the victim i do not think he is the victim but — do not think he is the victim but he — do not think he is the victim but he plays— do not think he is the victim but he plays it _ do not think he is the victim but he plays it really- do not think he is the victim but he plays it really well. do not think he is the victim i but he plays it really well and his numbers _ but he plays it really well and his numbers will _ but he plays it really well and his numbers will continue - but he plays it really well and his numbers will continue to. but he plays it really well and i his numbers will continue to go up his numbers will continue to go up the — his numbers will continue to go up the more _ his numbers will continue to go up the more state _ his numbers will continue to go up the more state prosecutorsi up the more state prosecutors decide _ up the more state prosecutors decide they— up the more state prosecutors decide they want _ up the more state prosecutors decide they want to _ up the more state prosecutors decide they want to charge - up the more state prosecutorsi decide they want to charge and the more — decide they want to charge and the more democrats _ decide they want to charge and the more democrats want - decide they want to charge and the more democrats want to i the more democrats want to kicking — the more democrats want to kicking off— the more democrats want to kicking off the _ the more democrats want to kicking off the ballot. - the more democrats want to kicking off the ballot. is- kicking off the ballot. donald trump's kicking off the ballot.“ donald trump's actually kicking off the ballot._ donald trump's actually worried about these trials? trio. donald trump's actually worried about these trials?— about these trials? no, they can see clearly _ about these trials? no, they can see clearly two - about these trials? no, they can see clearly two level- can see clearly two level standard ofjustice we have going on in america. donald trump is a two level standard ofjustice trump is a two level standard of justice we trump is a two level standard ofjustice we have going on in america. donald trump is persecuted, prosecuted to the nth degree of the law. hunter bidenomics three, the buddha family which has taken tens of billions from foreign influence, selling the biden
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name and there will be no challenge. hunter biden ignores a congressional subpoena, he is not likely to be in charge. people on the other hand face prison time. i agree with your congresswoman but i think the justice department has done it to itself. you need to take the thumb of the scale and treat all sides equally notjust decide you like. i all sides equally not 'ust decide you like.�* all sides equally not 'ust decide you like. i think the fact hunter _ decide you like. i think the fact hunter biden - decide you like. i think the fact hunter biden has - decide you like. i think the | fact hunter biden has been indicted also would suggest cross talk.— indicted also would suggest cross talk. ,, ., ,, ,, cross talk. sweetheart cross talk. but there _ cross talk. sweetheart cross talk. but there has _ cross talk. sweetheart cross talk. but there has been - cross talk. sweetheart cross talk. but there has been an - talk. but there has been an indictment. _ talk. but there has been an indictment. i— talk. but there has been an indictment. i think _ talk. but there has been an indictment. i think you're . indictment. i think you're right— indictment. i think you're right there is little trust in institutions and one thing we do know— institutions and one thing we do know is this is going to be a close — do know is this is going to be a close election and it is going _ a close election and it is going to _ a close election and it is going to be a divisive election. little indication americans are going to get out of this— americans are going to get out of this period of extreme
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polarisation that we have whoever is elected in november. an important point to remember. katie, i know we have to let you go. the rest of the panel will remain. we will have more coverage from iowa injust will remain. we will have more coverage from iowa in just a few minutes. stay tuned. hello. this week is certainly shaping up to bring some of the coldest and snowiest weather of the winter so far. we started the week on monday in the grip of this arctic air. cold northerly winds feeding frequent wintry showers, especially into northern, eastern, and some western parts of the uk. tuesday remains cold — snow and ice will cause problems for some. but a slight shift in the wind direction, more of a west or northwesterly wind, so that means not as many showers across eastern parts, more showers out towards the west. and then, this little frontal system here, this is going to generate a mix of rain, sleet and snow across the northern half of the uk. ice as we move through the morning, that could cause some quite poor travelling conditions.
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and then, we will see frequent snow showers in northern scotland. this area of snowfall in central and southern scotland, this could bring snow to quite low levels. for northern ireland and for northern england, at low levels, it may be that we see some rain and some sleet mixing in — most of the significant snow over high ground — but there could be some travel disruption, say, over the high—level routes in the pennines. to the south of that, well, mostly dry with some spells of crisp winter sunshine. maybe not quite as cold in southern counties of england or south wales, whereas parts of scotland will stay below freezing all day long. and in scotland, we'll see further snowfall during tuesday evening. it could cause some disruption for the rush hour. mix of rain, sleet, and snow across parts of northern england into wales. the odd snow shower pushing down across the midlands. a very, very cold night indeed, some places likely to get to —10 in the highlands. now for wednesday, we're keeping a close eye on this area of low pressure, which is moving its way in towards france, but it mayjust graze this weather system close enough to southern counties of england to bring the risk of a bit of light sleet and snow here. we'll keep an eye on that one for you.
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the channel islands seeing rain, maybe something wintry mixing in. elsewhere, sunny spells, a scattering of wintry showers, a very cold—feeling day. many places around or, perhaps in some spots, below freezing even through the afternoon. now that weather system moves away. thursday will bring further snow showers. high pressure builds in for friday, so it is a drier end to the week for many. and then, we start to develop a westerly wind. atlantic weather systems will bring wind and rain, and something milder as we head into the weekend, so this cold spell may not last all that long.
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live from ior, this is bbc news. his caucus stay here in a chilly ior. the question is will the temperature of the turnout of the 2024 presidential primary season as it officially begins. irate presidential primary season as it officially begins.— it officially begins. we drop everything _ it officially begins. we drop everything from _ it officially begins. we drop everything from pollen - it officially begins. we drop i everything from pollen policy to donald trump's legal challenges. there are a number of issues voters will be watching the lead up to november. hello. you are very welcome. i am katrina perry. we are live
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here in iowa where donald trump is a projected winner of the caucus here. that news comes as republicans gathered at churches, schools and various polling locations to choose their party but i presidential nomination through this unique process. while the former president is projected to be the winner of former government judgement governor are both in a close fight for second place. we are still waiting to find out who could take that coveted runner—up spot and it may be some time before we have all of the results to hand. we can speak now to our north america editor sarah smith who is at donald trump's watch party in des moines. this is an important win for donald trump. what does it mean for his campaign?— what does it mean for his cam aian? ~ campaign? well, we will find out exactly — campaign? well, we will find out exactly what _ campaign? well, we will find out exactly what it _ campaign? well, we will find out exactly what it means . campaign? well, we will find i out exactly what it means when we know how big his victory is because it is not exactly a huge surprise to anybody that
2:01 am
he is projected to be the winner


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