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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm GMT

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and the , and the secretary of state hospital and the secretary of state forjustice but instead to a probation officer. such a probation officer would not be trained to spot the subtle signs of mental health deterioration and if they are identified, will not have the power to intervene to arrest any such deterioration. furthermore, there is significant concern that the present environment without rise to a risk in the event of a relapse, you present a real danger to prison officers and fellow prisoners alike. there will be cases where the protection of the public via a restriction order will outweigh the importance of appeal allowance and other cases where a greater public protection is provided by hybrid order. i am entirely satisfied on the evidence in the particular circumstances of this case and for the reasons i have given the proper sentence is a hospital order subject to a section 41 restriction order.
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you will now stand for sentence to be passed. having heard the medical evidence which has been given in court and having read the reports prepared by them for the court, together with those from other doctors, all of whom were approved by the secretary of state under the mental health act i983i am satisfied that you are suffering from a mental disorder, namely paranoid schizophrenia. this disorder is of a nature which makes it appropriate for you to be detained in hospital for you to be detained in hospital for medical treatment. an appropriate medical treatment is available for you at ashworth secure hospital. i am of the opinion that because of all the circumstances in your case, including the nature of the offences to which he pleaded guilty in the history of mental illness and having considered all the available ways that i may deal
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with you, the most suitable method of dealing with your case is by making an order under section 37 of the mental health act 1983. i therefore make an order under all six counts of the indictment that you will be readmitted to and detained at ashworth high security hospital. i have also considered whether this order should be subject to special restrictions, which are specified in section 41 of the act. in the light of the medical evidence which i have identified, i am satisfied that because of the nature of your offence and also having regard to your past, including your history of mental illness, and to the risk that you will commit further offences if you are not detained, it is necessary to protect the public from serious harm and it is not possible to say for how long that would be so. accordingly, i order that you would be subject to special restrictions set out in section 41 of the mental health act 1983. you may take him down.
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i will add by way of postscript, that the investigation into this case was both lengthy and complex. those who played their part are to be commended for the extremely professional and skilful way in which they carried out their duties. the same applies to all those who helped in the aftermath of the shocking events of that morning. in particular, i would like to commend the members of the family liaison team, the three members of the cctv team, the three members of the cctv team, the three members of the cctv team, the scenes of crime officer, the files officer, the police and medical staff who attended on the
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victims, together with all the other police officers involved in the investigation. i would also like to thank all members of the council teams and their solicitor colleagues for their hard work. the skilful way in which they presented their cases and for the positive and cooperative manner in which the case was concluded. last, but not least, i pay tribute to the members of the court staff whose hard work in accommodating and organising this challenging hearing has been exemplary. i will now arise. you were just listening there to mr justice turner, who was giving the sentencing of valdo calocane a, the 32—year—old who lastjune on the 12th ofjune 2023 stabbed to death 219—year—old students barnaby webber and grace o'malley—kumar. he then went on to stab ian coates and then attempted to murder three others.
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the sentencing that you heard from mrjustice turner. he went through his reasons for the sentencing. he went through the history of mental illness that the defendant had displayed in the months and the years running up to this incident. and because of this he said in his sentencing remarks that you were and remain dangerous and for this reason he has been sentenced to indefinite time in a secure hospital. so readmitted to ashworth secure hospital, which is where he has been treated over the last few months. the judge there saying that first still having delusions, so still clearly suffering from mental health. thejudge said in his sentencing that it was not possible
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to say how long he would be detained for. clearly he will be treated for his illnesses in prison but at the moment thejudge his illnesses in prison but at the moment the judge considers that he presents a significant danger to the public. of course, this was a crime which shocked many people, of course most of all the families of all of his victims. they will be giving some reaction after that sentencing but we do have this statement by barnaby webber�*s mother. true barnaby webber's mother. true “ustice barnaby webber's mother. true justice has _ barnaby webber's mother. true justice has not _ barnaby webber's mother. true justice has not been _ barnaby webber's mother. t'te: justice has not been served barnaby webber's mother. tte: justice has not been served today. we have been let down by multiple agency failings. the cps did not consult with us, as has been reported. instead, we have been rushed, hastens and railroaded. the first meeting we had with them at our behest was friday the 24th of november, a few short days before
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the pre—trial plea hearing on the 28. forthe the pre—trial plea hearing on the 28. for the record, they had suggested meted as just an hour before the morning of the pre—trial hearing. something we felt was far too late. the decision had been accepted to accept manslaughter charges, no point during the previous 5.5 months were we given any indication that this could conclude in anything other than murder. we trusted in our system, foolishly as it turned out. we do not dispute that the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years. however, the premeditated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and the brutality of the attacks are those of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. he knew entirely that it was doing. he knew entirely that it was wrong but he did it anyway. this has been a trial by doctors. why was there no mental health assessment during his time in custody? why was the first time he had an assessment was for the defence report only in
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july? why did he not begin to receive any treatment for his illness until mid—september? why did he remain in prison until the 1st of november before being moved to a secure unit? and importantly? why did the doctor instructed by the cps in august wait until the 14th of november two interview and assess him? so many questions. to nottingham police. we additionally have grave concerns regarding aspects of the investigation. why were we repeatedly told throughout the summer that the offender was a sofa surfer and have no true abode? it is not true, he did. one that was registered in his name in nottingham and one that he had been in for about six months prior to his affection on the 11th ofjune last year. why? it took repeated questioning from us to finally receive an answer late last friday afternoon to the question of his
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outstanding warrants. issued in september 2022 for a vicious attack on a police officer. such a violent assault that he was tasered. to the assistant chief constable rob griffin, who finally released this information publicly yesterday. i say this. you have blood on your hands. if you had just done yourjob properly, there is a very good chance my beautiful boy would be alive today. there is so much more to say and clearly serious questions regarding this case and events leading up to this monster being out in society. but for today, our darling son, his dearfriend grace and a wonderfully kind grandfather ian have been stolen from us forever and let down by the very system that be protecting them. trier? and let down by the very system that be protecting them.— be protecting them. very strong words that _ be protecting them. very strong words that by — be protecting them. very strong words that by emma _ be protecting them. very strong words that by emma webber, i be protecting them. very strong l words that by emma webber, the mother of barnaby webber, who was one of the two 19—year—old students
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who were stabbed to death lastjune by valdo calocane. if you're watching at the last half hour you would have seen the sentencing remarks by mrjustice turner, as he sentenced the defendant to an indefinite time in a mental institution, a mental hospital. let's take a listen to his remarks. i am satisfied that you are suffering from a mental disorder, namely paranoid schizophrenia. this disorder is of a nature which makes it appropriate for you to be detained in hospital medical treatment. and appropriate medical treatment. and appropriate medical treatment is available for you at ashworth secure hospital. i am of the opinion that because of all the circumstances in your case, including the nature of the offences to which he pleaded guilty and the history of mental illness, and having considered all the other available ways i may deal with you, the most suitable way of dealing with your case is by making an order under section 37 of the mental health act 1983. i therefore make an
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order under all six counts of the indictment that you will be readmitted to and detained at ashworth high security hospital. i have also considered whether this order should be subject to special restrictions, which are specified in section 41 of the act. in the light of the medical evidence, which i have identified, i am satisfied that because of the nature of your offence and also having regard to your past, including your history of mental illness, and to the risk that you will commit further offences if you will commit further offences if you are not detained, it is necessary to protect the public from serious harm. and it is not possible to say for how long that will be so. accordingly, i order that you will be subject to special restrictions, set out in section 41 of the mental health act 1983. you may take him down. fist health act 1983. you may take him down. �* , ., , down. at the beginning of his sentencing — down. at the beginning of his sentencing remarks, - down. at the beginning of his sentencing remarks, mr- down. at the beginning of his i sentencing remarks, mrjustice turner talked about this as being a sickening crime, which had shocked the nation and he said wrecked the life of the surviving victims and
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their families. life of the surviving victims and theirfamilies. and he went life of the surviving victims and their families. and he went through all of those who have been most affected by this. he named every member of the families of all of those who had been affected. let's have a look at the background to this case. this is the moment valdo calocane, a killer who caused carnage on the streets of nottingham, was caught. an hour and a half earlier, cctv footage show his first two victims, barnaby webber and grace o'malley—kumar, 19 your students walking back from a night out, unaware that they will never make it home. the night before, valdo calocane, who is 32, arrived back late in nottingham by train from london. he walks around the city for several hours before his attacks begin at 4am. several hours before his attacks begin at tam-— several hours before his attacks
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beain atloam. ~ ., , begin at loam. what is the emergency? bar has begin at 4am. what is the emergency? bar has been — begin at 4am. what is the emergency? bar has been a — begin at 4am. what is the emergency? bar has been a stabbing. _ begin at 4am. what is the emergency? bar has been a stabbing. there - begin at 4am. what is the emergency? bar has been a stabbing. there is - bar has been a stabbing. there is someone — bar has been a stabbing. there is someone lining the street, i think they are _ someone lining the street, i think they are dead. it is awful. he emerged _ they are dead. it is awful. he: emerged from the alleyway and without any sort of warning whatsoever he launched an attack on barnaby to begin with. incredible bravery that grace showed. she tried to intervene, she tried to help her friend, she tried to help barnaby and the defendant then turned on her and the defendant then turned on her and began stabbing at her. 35.311de and began stabbing at her. valdo calocane then — and began stabbing at her. valdo calocane then walks _ and began stabbing at her. valdo calocane then walks across - and began stabbing at her. valdo calocane then walks across the l and began stabbing at her. valdo calocane then walks across the city, he tries to break into a house. meanwhile, ian coates is in his van on his way to work. the meanwhile, ian coates is in his van on his way to work.— on his way to work. the defendant causes ian — on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to _ on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to stop _ on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to stop in _ on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to stop in his _ on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to stop in his van - on his way to work. the defendant causes ian to stop in his van and l causes ian to stop in his van and again, seemingly without any warning or conversation, he attacks ian and he launches an equally ferocious attack on him.— he launches an equally ferocious attack on him. valdo calocane and then drives _ attack on him. valdo calocane and then drives ian _ attack on him. valdo calocane and then drives ian coates's _ attack on him. valdo calocane and then drives ian coates's van - attack on him. valdo calocane and l then drives ian coates's van towards then drives ian coates's van towards the city centre and his three
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pedestrians. they were wayne birkett, marcin gawronski and sharon miller. they all survived. valdo calocane pleaded guilty to three counts of manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility and guilty to three counts of attempted murder. the court heard he has a history of mental illness, was in and out of hospital since 2020 and had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. but grace o'malley—kumar�*s family and ian coates's family have told the bbc they believe he should be tried for murder. it they believe he should be tried for murder. , ., . ., murder. it is a calculated, premeditated _ murder. it is a calculated, premeditated and - murder. it is a calculated, i premeditated and therefore murder. it is a calculated, - premeditated and therefore it murder. it is a calculated, _ premeditated and therefore it should be murder. this premeditated and therefore it should be murder. , , , , be murder. this person picked his victims and _ be murder. this person picked his victims and it _ be murder. this person picked his victims and it is _ be murder. this person picked his victims and it is absolutely - victims and it is absolutely abhorrent, i think, victims and it is absolutely abhorrent, ithink, that victims and it is absolutely abhorrent, i think, that he victims and it is absolutely abhorrent, ithink, that he has victims and it is absolutely abhorrent, i think, that he has been able to— abhorrent, i think, that he has been able to have — abhorrent, i think, that he has been able to have a defence of diminished responsibility. but able to have a defence of diminished respunsibility-_ responsibility. but nothing has been missed that would _ responsibility. but nothing has been missed that would have _ responsibility. but nothing has been missed that would have made - responsibility. but nothing has been
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missed that would have made any . missed that would have made any difference — missed that would have made any difference whatsoever. _ missed that would have made any difference whatsoever. it - missed that would have made any difference whatsoever. it is - missed that would have made anyl difference whatsoever. it is really, really _ difference whatsoever. it is really, really difficult _ difference whatsoever. it is really, really difficult when _ difference whatsoever. it is really, really difficult when something - difference whatsoever. it is really, | really difficult when something like this happen — really difficult when something like this happen to— really difficult when something like this happen to think _ really difficult when something like this happen to think that _ really difficult when something like this happen to think that the - this happen to think that the outcome _ this happen to think that the outcome might— this happen to think that the outcome might be _ this happen to think that the - outcome might be manslaughter not murder~ _ outcome might be manslaughter not murder~ it _ outcome might be manslaughter not murder~ it is— outcome might be manslaughter not murder~ it is a — outcome might be manslaughter not murder. it is a debate _ outcome might be manslaughter not murder. it is a debate that— outcome might be manslaughter not murder. it is a debate that will- murder. it is a debate that will rage _ murder. it is a debate that will rage on — murder. it is a debate that will rage on for— murder. it is a debate that will rage on for ever. _ murder. it is a debate that will rage on for ever. but - murder. it is a debate that will rage on for ever. but the - murder. it is a debate that will rage on for ever. but the law. rage on for ever. but the law is really— rage on for ever. but the law is really clear _ rage on for ever. but the law is really clear and _ rage on for ever. but the law is really clear and with _ rage on for ever. but the law is really clear and with the - rage on for ever. but the law is . really clear and with the evidence provided — really clear and with the evidence provided by— really clear and with the evidence provided by the _ really clear and with the evidence provided by the psychiatrist - really clear and with the evidence provided by the psychiatrist in - really clear and with the evidencel provided by the psychiatrist in this case: _ provided by the psychiatrist in this case, then— provided by the psychiatrist in this case, then that _ provided by the psychiatrist in this case, then that makes _ provided by the psychiatrist in this case, then that makes it- case, then that makes it manslaughter— case, then that makes it manslaughter and - case, then that makes it manslaughter and not. case, then that makes it- manslaughter and not murder. however. _ manslaughter and not murder. however. the _ manslaughter and not murder. however, the police _ manslaughter and not murder. however, the police have - manslaughter and not murder. - however, the police have admitted that more should have been done to arrest valdo calocane prior to the stabbings. a warrant was issued after he failed to attend court in september 2022 after alleged assault on a police officer but was never arrested. valdo calocane was also known to mental health services in nottingham and a been sectioned four times. this incident, which affected thousands of people, represents one of the darkest days in the history of the darkest days in the history of nottingham. but for the families of nottingham. but for the families of the victims, their pain will last for the rest of their lives.
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just to let you know, the sentencing finished about ten minutes or so ago. we know that all of the families, members of the victims were in court. we are told by our correspondence that were inside court that they were emotional scenes, not surprisingly. we do have a camera outside the court and we are expecting statements from the family members from the three families of the people who were killed. of course, rememberthere were six victims. he stabbed to death barnaby webber, grace o'malley—kumar and ian coates. but having commandeered ian coates's van he then drove around and attempted to murder wayne birkett, marcin gawronski and sharon miller. so six victims in total but we are
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expecting to hear from victims in total but we are expecting to hearfrom barnaby webber's family, grace o'malley—kumar�*s family and ian coates's family. we will bring that to you as soon as they emerge from court. clearly a very emotional time from them —— for them. clearly they were one to have time to gather their thoughts, were one to have time to gather theirthoughts, having were one to have time to gather their thoughts, having listened to their thoughts, having listened to the sentencing remarks from mr justice turner. now, it is worth playing again i think because it is important for us to understand that the families do have concerns with the families do have concerns with the legal process, how the legal process and the process in general has been carried out. and one of the family members, emmett webbie deliver webber, who is barnaby whether�*s mother did give a statement to the bbcyellow true justice has been served today —— emma webber. the justice has been served today -- emma webber.— justice has been served today -- emma webber. ,, ., . ., , emma webber. the cps did not consult with us, as emma webber. the cps did not consult with us. as has — emma webber. the cps did not consult with us, as has been _ emma webber. the cps did not consult with us, as has been reported. - with us, as has been reported. instead, we have been rushed, hasted and railroaded. the first meeting we
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had with them at our behest was friday the 24th of november, a few short days before the pre—trial plea hearing on the 28th. for the record, they had suggested meeting is just an hour before in the morning of the pre—trial hearing, something we felt was far too late. we were presented that the decision had been made to accept manslaughter charges. at no point during the previous five and a half months where we given any indication that this could come clued in anything other than murder. we trusted in our system, foolishly as it turned out. we do not dispute that the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years. however, the premeditated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and brutality of the attacks are that of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. he knew entirely that it was doing. he knew entirely that it was wrong but he did it anyway. this has been a trial by doctors. why was there no mental health assessment
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during his time in custody? why was the first time he had an assessment was for the defence report only in july? why did he not begin to receive any treatment for his illness until mid—september? why did he remain in prison until the 1st of november, before being moved to a secure unit? and importantly, why did the doctor instructed by the cps in august wait until the 14th of november to interview and assess him? so many questions. to nottingham police. we additionally have grave concerns regarding aspects of the investigation. why were we repeatedly told throughout the summer that the offender was a sofa surfer and had no true abode? that is not true, he did. one that was registered in his name, in nottingham, and one that he had been in for about six months prior to his affection on the 11th ofjune last year. why? it took repeated
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questioning from us to finally receive an answer late last friday afternoon to the question of his outstanding warrant. issued in september 2022 for a vicious attack on a police officer. such a violent assault that he was tasered. to the assistant chief constable rob griffin, who finally released this information publicly yesterday, i say this. you have blood on your hands. if you had just done yourjob properly, there is a very good chance my beautiful boy it would be alive today. there is so much more to say and clearly serious questions regarding this case and events leading up to this monster being out in society. but for today, our darling son, his dearfriend grace and a wonderfully kind grandfather, ian, have been stolen from us forever and let down by the very system that should be protecting them. . . ,
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system that should be protecting them. ., ., , ., system that should be protecting them. ., .,, ., . ,, them. that was emma webber, the mother of barnaby _ them. that was emma webber, the mother of barnaby webber. - them. that was emma webber, the mother of barnaby webber. let's i them. that was emma webber, the | mother of barnaby webber. let's go straight to nottingham crown court and listen to the families as they react to the sentence, which has just been handed down by mrjustice turner. flan just been handed down by mrjustice turner. . , ., . . turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james- — turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james- 0k- _ turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james. ok. we _ turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james. ok. we are _ turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james. ok. we are all - turner. can you hear? yeah, it will be james. ok. we are all going - be james. ok. we are all going to make a statement and then that is it today. truejustice has not been served today. we as a devastated family have been let down by multiple agency failings and ineffectiveness. the cps did not consult with us, as has been reported. instead, we have been rushed, haste and and railroaded. the first meeting we had with them, at our behest, was friday the 24th
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of november, a few short days before the pre—trial plea hearing on the 28. forthe the pre—trial plea hearing on the 28. for the record, they have suggested that we actually meet them on that very morning, which we clearly thought wasn't enough time. we were presented with a fader complete, that decision had been made to accept manslaughter charges. we were horrified. at no point during the previous five and a half months will be given any indication that this could conclude in anything other than murder. we in our system, foolishly as it turned out. we do not dispute that the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years. however, the premeditated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and the brutality of the attacks are of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. he knew exactly what he was doing. he knew entirely that it was wrong but he did it anyway. this has been a trial by doctors. why was there no mental health assessment during his time in custody? why was the first time in custody? why was the first time he had any assessment in
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mid—july for the defence report only? why did he not begin to receive treatment until mid—september? and why did he remain in prison until the 1st of november? importantly, why did doctor blackwood, instructed by the cps in august, wait until the 14th of november to interview and assess him? so many questions. to nottingham police. we additionally have grave concerns regarding aspects of this investigation. why will we repeatedly told through the summer that the offender was a sofa sofa and had no real abode? not true, he did. one was there was registered in his name in nottingham and one that he had been in for six months prior to his eviction online the 11th ofjune last year. why? —— sofa surfer. it took repeated questioning from us to finally receive an answer late last friday afternoon to the question of his outstanding warrant, issued september 2022 for a vicious attack on a police officer, such a violent assault that he was tasered. to the
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assistant chief constable rob griffin, who finally released this information publicly yesterday i say this. you have blood on your hands. if you had just done yourjob is properly there is a very good chance my beautiful boy it would be alive today. there is so much more to say and clearly serious questions regarding this case and events leading up to this monster being out in society. but for today, our darling son, his dearfriend grace and a wonderfully kind grandfather ian have been stolen from us forever and let down by the very system that should have been protecting them. mr; should have been protecting them. my heart from the very beginning has gone _ heart from the very beginning has gone out — heart from the very beginning has gone out to the families of grace and barnaby and will continue to go out to— and barnaby and will continue to go out to them as we all now share our anniversary— out to them as we all now share our anniversary in — out to them as we all now share our anniversary injune that out to them as we all now share our anniversary in june that will never be celebrated. they are the definition of strength and unity. my heart _ definition of strength and unity. my heart also — definition of strength and unity. my heart also goes out to wayne
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birkett. — heart also goes out to wayne birkett, marcin gawronski and sharon mitten _ birkett, marcin gawronski and sharon mitten the _ birkett, marcin gawronski and sharon miller. the rule of law and now are 'ust miller. the rule of law and now are just a _ miller. the rule of law and now are just a cautionary tale of when a calculated, cold brutal killing spree — calculated, cold brutal killing spree can be reduced down to something that falls within the same sentence _ something that falls within the same sentence and restrictions and guidelines as that of death by dangerous driving. if this man was not stopped when he was this could have been— not stopped when he was this could have been one of the most catastrophic of attacks this country had ever— catastrophic of attacks this country had ever seen. this man is a killer. murder— had ever seen. this man is a killer. murder was — had ever seen. this man is a killer. murder was the only thing he cared about— murder was the only thing he cared about and — murder was the only thing he cared about and he fulfilled this in horrific— about and he fulfilled this in horrific fashion on tuesday the 13th ofjune _ horrific fashion on tuesday the 13th ofjune iast — horrific fashion on tuesday the 13th ofjune last year. my family has suffered — ofjune last year. my family has suffered a — ofjune last year. my family has suffered a great loss. the children who my _ suffered a great loss. the children who my father had a positive impression on a great loss. the city of nottingham has suffered a great loss. of nottingham has suffered a great loss the _ of nottingham has suffered a great loss. the failures from the police, the police, — loss. the failures from the police, the police, the cps, the health service — the police, the cps, the health service have resulted in the murder of my— service have resulted in the murder of my father and these two innocent students _ of my father and these two innocent students. the nhs mental health trust have to be held accountable
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for their— trust have to be held accountable for their failures along with the police — for their failures along with the police. all we can do is hope that in due _ police. all we can do is hope that in due course some sort ofjustice will be _ in due course some sort ofjustice will be served. this man has made a mockery— will be served. this man has made a mockery of— will be served. this man has made a mockery of the system and he has got away with _ mockery of the system and he has got away with murder. we will never come to terms with the loss of our beloved daughter grace and how she lost her life. her heroic actions. she was a gift to us and she was a gift to the country. we would like to thank our wonderful family from london and ireland and all of ourfriends for the family from london and ireland and all of our friends for the continued love and support. whilst we have never questioned this man's diagnosis, the lack of toxicology,
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contemporaneous mental health assessment, as well as missed opportunities to divert his lethal path will forever play on our minds. and this requires further review. we will look for answers regarding missed opportunities to intervene and prevent this horrendous crime. thank you. i think we will all regroup. we have been through absolute hell for the last few days and exactly as emma said, we regroup and exactly as emma said, we regroup and we find a path going forward for science where you told you could not insist a prosecution for murder? t insist a prosecution for murder? i would rather not speculate this time _ would rather not speculate this time we — would rather not speculate this time. we need to regroup and i would be very— time. we need to regroup and i would be very happy to speak to people once _ be very happy to speak to people once we — be very happy to speak to people once we have. we have been through a lot. once we have. we have been through a lot once _ once we have. we have been through a lot once we _ once we have. we have been through a lot. once we have our thoughts
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together— lot. once we have our thoughts together we will be very happy to come _ together we will be very happy to come back and speak to the press. we. need to come back and speak to the press. need to make come back and speak to the press. - need to make that decision. we need time to decompress but i would like to thank the media for your support because i know that our voices have been contained until now but thank you because you are all here and you are telling our children's and dads story. are telling our children's and dad's sto . ~ , ,., , are telling our children's and dad's sto , ., ~' are telling our children's and dad's sto , .mg, , story. absolutely. thank you very much. story. absolutely. thank you very much- there _ story. absolutely. thank you very much. there the _ story. absolutely. thank you very much. there the statements - story. absolutely. thank you very | much. there the statements from story. absolutely. thank you very - much. there the statements from the families of the — much. there the statements from the families of the three _ much. there the statements from the families of the three people _ much. there the statements from the families of the three people who - families of the three people who were killed by valdo calocane on the 13th ofjune 2023. let's cross now to our correspondencejoe black 13th ofjune 2023. let's cross now to our correspondence joe black who is outside nottingham crown court for us. clearly a very upsetting day
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for us. clearly a very upsetting day for all the family. i know they were emotional scenes in court but you can hear there the level of anger from the three family members. they feel, as james coates said, that this man has got away with murder. grief, raw anger, from back injune when these attacks happened. that is not going to go away. it has been harrowing over the last few days for the family in court, hearing details about what happened on gin the 13th, hearing all the details and then hearing all the details and then hearing about the psychiatrist and valdo calocane's mental state. as you can see behind my shoulder, the families are still over there just talking to members of the press. there is quite a lot of them as you can see. it is very packed courtroom, court room one, has been like that for the last few days. no
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seats were available. there were always family members there, members of the press as you can imagine and a lot of lawyers and councils and that sort of thing. yes, it looks like now they are making their way away from the tv cameras and microphones, going into various taxes and little minibuses that i can see here. yes, you could hear, couldn't you? the anger and the grief, we heard from a mark webber that true justice has not been served today, they foolishly trashed and in the system, and that she did not dispute that he was unwell, but the premeditated mate nature of the attacks, he was hiding in the shadows and knew what he was doing, and she turned to the nottingham police and said there was blood on their hands and if theirjob had been done properly, her boy could still be alive today. and then as
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you are seeing there, we heard


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