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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am GMT

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plus new york's museum of natural history is closing two exhibits dedicated to native american objects. we'll hear from the museum's president about why. hello. i'm azadeh moshiri. welcome to the programme. we begin in new york, where a jury has ordered former president donald trump to pay $83.3 million in damages to writer ejean carroll for defamatory statements he made, denying he sexually assaulted her. in a statement, the writer said the decision was a victory, but trump said he would appeal, calling the decision "absolutely ridiculous" in a post on truth social. the court awarded carroll $65 million in punitive damages and $18.3 million in compensatory damages. that sum includes money for repairing her reputation and emotional harm.
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here's the moment that carroll left the courthouse, flanked by her legal team. mr trump had been in the courthouse, but left as carroll's team was presenting its closing arguments on friday. our correspondent nada tawfik was in court and sent this update. it took thejury it took the jury less than three hours to come up with the unanimous verdict, ordering donald trump to pay ejean carroll $83.3 million in total. they decided he should pay $7.3 million in emotional harm, and $65 million in punitive damages. that is the amount they fell donald trump would have to pay in order to be convinced to stop defaming ed towel. remember, he has consistently throughout the trial and since she came forward with her claim that he
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raped her at a department store in the 1990s that she was a liar, that she made up her claims to try to sell her memoir. ——ejean carroll. and that the whole thing was a hoax. ejean carroll's lawyers use that in closing arguments, showing his campaign events, say that he needed to pay a heavy, heavy amount of damages and ordered to be convinced to stop. donald trump has reacted saying he will appeal. he called the decision absolutely ridiculous and repeated his claims that this was all a witch—hunt. ejean carroll held her lawyers' hands as she left the court smiling. donald trump was not there when the verdict was not there when the verdict was read but he will now go off campaigning. as for thejudge campaigning. as for the judge and jury, campaigning. as for thejudge and jury, thejudge said it was up and jury, thejudge said it was up to them if they wanted to reveal they were part of the case, but gave them a warning it may be best to remain
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anonymous.— it may be best to remain anonymous. that was nada tawfik. annemarie mcavoy is a former us federal prosecutor in new york specializing in financial crimes. she says that any developments on the case could be a long road ahead. it won't be a quick process, the appeal. they usually drag on for awhile. it means he won't pay anything, certainly until the appeal is finished. it could be a buildup to the supreme court after it goes up to the second circuit. sometimes it isn't easy to get people who have been easy to pay to get them to pay up. that process can itself together. they are defined assets, detach the assets, sometimes, unless he is willing to try to write a check which is how it is normally done. but there are a lot of cases that they were you have to go through a whole collections process and it also involves additional attorneys and years and years until all the funds can be accumulated to pay for thejudgement. let's turn to the situation in the middle east, now.
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the un's top court has ordered israel to take all measures to prevent genocide in gaza. the court stopped short of ordering israel to implement a ceasefire, but thejudges did order a series of measures that it says israel must take up moving forward. the international court ofjustice ruled israel must do more to prevent civilian deaths in gaza, israel must punish any incitement to genocide in the strip, it must take actions to increase humanitarian aid there, and israel must submit a report a month from now, detailing measures taken to comply with the ruling. the hearing was part of a case brought by south africa, which had asked the court to order israel to stop military action in gaza, pending a decision on whether israel has committed genocide, something israel vehemently denies. a verdict on that central allegation of genocide is expected to take much longer, possibly years. the bbc�*s paul adams has more on what comes next. shouting gaza's despairjust seems to deepen.
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in gaza city, a rare glimpse of aid brings chaos and precious little relief. after three and a half months of war, the palestinian population is on its knees — hungry, sick or dead. whether this amounts to genocide is a decision for another day, but all this, the un's top court insists, has to stop before it gets worse. the military operation conducted by israel after 7 october, 2023, has resulted inter alia in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, and the destruction of homes, schools, medicalfacilities and other vital infrastructure as well as displacement on a massive scale. in these circumstances, the court considers that the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gaza strip is at serious risk of deteriorating further before the court renders its finaljudgment. by overwhelming majorities, the court's i7 judges ruled that israel must avoid killing or seriously harming palestinians mentally or physically, inflicting living conditions designed to destroy
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the palestinian population, in whole or in part, or imposing measures which prevent palestinian births. thejudges also said israel must take all measures to prevent and punish public incitement to genocide, and do more immediately to improve humanitarian assistance. on october seven last year, hamas government launched devastating attacks on israeli communities bordering the gaza strip. more than 1200 israelis were killed. the israeli response was overwhelming. since then more than 26,000 palestinians have been killed, mostly women and children. entire neighbourhoods have been destroyed. almost 2 million palestinians have had to flee their homes.—
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palestinians have had to flee their homes. states now have a clear legal— their homes. states now have a clear legal obligation _ their homes. states now have a clear legal obligation to - their homes. states now have a clear legal obligation to stop i clear legal obligation to stop israel's genocidal war on the palestinian people in gaza and to make sure that they are not complicit. the icj order is an important reminder that no state is above the law. crucially the court did not demand an immediate ceasefire but it wants israel to behave very differently at a time when its pm since the war could go on for many more months. like every country. _ on for many more months. like every country, israel— on for many more months. like every country, israel has - on for many more months. l «e every country, israel has an inherent right to defend itself. the veiled attempt to deny is is fundamental right is blatant discrimination against the jewish state and blatant discrimination against thejewish state and it blatant discrimination against the jewish state and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide levelled against israel is not only false, it is outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it. the court also called for israeli hostages to be released without condition, but it is powerless to make any of this happen. today's ruling was
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significant, but it doesn't necessarily mean that an end to the agony of palestinians or israelis is any closer. paul adams, bbc news. as we heard there in paul adams�* report, israel continued to defend itself against allegations of genocide. the bbc spoke with former israeli ambassador to the us, michael oren, who says he believes that no—one in israel is going to pay attention to the ruling. here we have israel being accused of genocide after being attacked by an organisation which is openly and proudly genocidal in an attempt to genocide. fires it is totally surreal in the battlefield nothing will change. this is a war of national survival for israel and the jewish war of national survival for israel and thejewish people. we will continue irrespective of what this court says and, let's be frank, it isn't really a court, these are positions of governments, thesejudges a court, these are positions of governments, these judges are appointed by governments, and birds in the un are always stacked against israel. former
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ambassador— stacked against israel. former ambassador to _ stacked against israel. former ambassador to the _ stacked against israel. former ambassador to the us, - stacked against israel. former| ambassador to the us, michael oren. earlier we also got reaction on the icj's ruling from palestinian diplomat dr husam zomlot. he is the palestinians' top envoy to the uk. i think the court was clear issuing a ruling for all states, including israel, to abide by the following things — that israel has to stop immediately killing palestinians. it is as simple as that. it has to allow humanitarian aid to enter unhindered. it must not tamper with evidence while it is on trial, that it has to report backin trial, that it has to report back in one month. and this is a serious pressure not only on it as well as the state committee did genocide, but on third parties worldwide, because we'll be watching and following and working with any third party that is complicit in a genocide. the ruling puts the biden administratoin in a potetially difficult position, as one of israel's most vocal global allies. we've been speaking to the deputy pentagon —— pentagon press secretary, sabrina singh, for her reaction to the ruling.
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wedding clear from the wedding clearfrom the beginning when he wedding clear from the beginning when he was started it was a terrorist attack that happened on israeli soil and, of course, israel has every right to defend itself. but that doesn't mean that israel can't uphold humanitarian laws and the laws of armed conflict. we have been clear from the beginning that we don't want to see innocent penicillins die, innocent civilians, refugees that are getting caught in the middle of trying to flee to safe places, to get caught in this war and caught in the middle. we have been clear our conversations both publicly and privately with the and the idf that they need to do everything possible to protect innocent lies and also allow humanitarian aid to continue to flow into gaza. a short time ago i also spoke about all this with stephen rapp, former us ambassador at large for war crimes issues during the obama administration. i want to start by asking about the decision in terms of the court saying israel must take action to ensure that as soldiers and citizens adhere to
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the un genocide convention. does that suggest that the judges don't believe that israel isn't adhering to the convention, something that israel adamantly denies goes back to my personal, at this stage of provisional measures they don't make such findings, that it they don't make such findings, thatitis they don't make such findings, that it is plausible that there is a intent on the part of some government actors and there is a risk of genocide occurring if the current course of conduct continues. and in order to preserve the rights of victims, they are bringing in essentially what is like an injunction in a civil case. that is applying to date. in terms of there being genocidal intent on the part of the government of israel, that is a matter after the two sides have been able to research and offer evidence and that takes a
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minimum of two years. there is a precedent _ minimum of two years. there is a precedent for _ minimum of two years. there is a precedent for the _ minimum of two years. there is a precedent for the court - minimum of two years. there is a precedent for the court to - a precedent for the court to issue an immediate ceasefire notice under the un genocide convention. that happened in 2022 when ukraine brought a case against russia, i believe. what was different about this case? , ., ., . ., case? first of all, the court recognises. _ case? first of all, the court recognises, clearly, - case? first of all, the court recognises, clearly, that. recognises, clearly, that israel has the right to protect itself. it began its recitation of the facts by acknowledging the horrendous massacre and violence that killed more than 1200 israelis on the seventh of october. the unjustifiable holding of hostages by us. that is certainly the kind of thing, the greater threat against the state of israel that the court can't say that israel can't protect itself. it is how it protects itself and to do it
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consistently with the genocide convention. in the ukraine because there really was no option that justified because there really was no option thatjustified the russian invasion at all. it was entirely unjustified. the russians had one of their major justifications was there was all this to make these nazis and ukraine, and the court found that was not plausible on the part of russia, and there was no justification for the invasion, and therefore they went ahead and ordered the provisional measure of halting hostilities, a decision which, of course, the russian federation has continued to defy. federation has continued to de ., , ., , ., ., defy. just to understand what the court. — defy. just to understand what the court, the _ defy. just to understand what the court, the judges - defy. just to understand what| the court, the judges believe, the court, thejudges believe, right now. they believe in terms of what you just said that it terms of what you just said thatitis terms of what you just said that it is possible that there is concern that israel is not behaving according to the laws of the convention. is that
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right? of the convention. is that riuht? ., �* , of the convention. is that riuht? . �* , ., right? that's right. in that they cited _ right? that's right. in that they cited various - right? that's right. in that. they cited various statements by israeli leaders, essentially describing human animals, the enemy, and ordering the cut—off of feud to make food and fuel. that would be genocide. —— cut off food and fuel. israel says they have provided humanitarian access to support the population, but, frankly, in terms of the supplies that are getting the absolutely necessary supplies in winter months, you know, the un buys 93% of people are at risk of famine. so you really do have to show that you are doing more in that regard. this broader ruling or genocide will take years and so what powers does the icj have, if
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any, in the meantime, given that this war will proceed? the owers that this war will proceed? the powers are _ that this war will proceed? the powers are that _ that this war will proceed? tue powers are that its that this war will proceed? tte powers are that its decision that this war will proceed? "tte powers are that its decision is inaudible on all countries, particularly under the european union, supported us allies, will supported us allies, will support this decision, will see whether you are stands. t support this decision, will see whether you are stands. i think it is very hard _ whether you are stands. i think it is very hard for _ whether you are stands. i think it is very hard for the _ whether you are stands. i think it is very hard for the us - whether you are stands. i think it is very hard for the us to - it is very hard for the us to oppose it given the decision of the americanjudge and oppose it given the decision of the american judge and given the... on ukraine and syria and maianbar. there will be an expectation and if there is a failure there can be action in the un privy council inaudible but also alarms etc depends whether the us will veto that or not. thank you. apologies, your line cut there. you said it could come down to the us security council. thank you so much for your time, we really appreciate it. much for your time, we really appreciate it— appreciate it. good to speak with yom —
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the united nations�* agency for palestinians, unrwa, says it has fired 12 members of its staff over allegations of involvement in the october 7 hamas attacks. the agency says it's also ordered an investigation into the information supplied by israel, and that anyone involved in terrorism would be held accountable. the us is pausing fundingto the group, with the state department saying it was extremely troubled by the allegations. a un spokesperson said anyone involved will be held accountable. those staff members who betray the values and the ideals enshrined in the charter of the united nations, betray not only colleagues but all the people we serve around the world. our state department correspondent tom bateman has more.
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unrwa says the information was passed to them by the israelis and this was an allegation that several of their staff had been involved in the october attack. crucially, we do not know exactly the details of the allegations. they have not been revealed. but what the head of unrwa said is they are being investigated and that they will be, he says, accountability against anyone found to be involved in terrorism, including, he has said quebec criminal prosecution. but i think in a sign ofjust how seriously this is being taken, the us state department has said that it will withhold further funding to unrwa said that it will withhold furtherfunding to unrwa until it is satisfied that all of this is being looked into. that matters because unrwa needs more than $1 billion a year to keep running. it is a huge service providerfor service provider for palestinian refugees service providerfor palestinian refugees in gaza, the occupied west bank, east jerusalem and the wider region,
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and these are people that rely on unrwa for schools, hospitals, health services, food and welfare and other services that unrwa provide. frankly, without unrwa, gazan would collapsed in terms of service provision. so it is a crucial organisation. it is also long been the end of criticism and attacks by the israelis for they say failing to deal with the exploitation ijy to deal with the exploitation by hamas by some of their facilities in the past or sympathy among some staff with hamas. unrwa has always rejected that saying wherever it finds these kinds of problems that it deals with them. tom bateman there. well, for palestinians who live in britain, but with family still in gaza, every day is stressful. many people were killed and injured this week when a un building in khan younis, in the south of the territory, was attacked. doctor mohammed balousha has family who were nearby, and he's been waiting to find out what's happened to them.
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my colleague reeta chakrabarti went to meet him. voice recording in arabic a voice note from mohammed balousha's brother in gaza. he said, "mohammed, we are evacuating from the besieged school "in khan younis at the moment. "i don't know if we are going to make it or not. "if we don't make it, please know that we love you." this is mohammed's life now, constantly fearing the worst. his family is evacuating with thousands of others from a supposedly safe un school in khan younis to head south towards egypt. but they've had to leave his father behind in an intensive care unit set up in a tent. he's too old to be moved after being hit in the head by shrapnel several weeks ago. at first the family were able to see him, but now almost everyone has left. his brother stayed with him,
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but ten days ago, khaled lost consciousness. there's been no news about him or his brother for a week. even if he wants to ask for help, he can't because now he's unconscious. so i'm completely powerless. i feel that it's like the end of the world for me. phone rings that's my uncle in canada. he wants to know if... take the call, mohammed. hello? sorry for waking you up, but i needed to inform you that they're evacuating. not for the last hour, meaning now, at the moment, they're evacuating under white flags. if these do really protect them, so... he sighs being thousands of miles away, being from a family that's worked all its life, all our lives,
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we've been working to be these proud, educated, powerful — we thought — people. and now becoming vulnerable, becoming powerless, losing it all. i, i think this is... this is the point where you think that humanity has failed us. while we were talking, my uncle sent me this. during a break in filming, mohammed checks his phone. people killed and injured in... a blast in a place called dahra, and that's exactly where they're evacuating from. i'm losing family, but i'm one of millions of palestinians. multiply what i said in this interview by 2.5 million
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and you will feel the pain of the palestinians. that was dr mohammed balousha talking to our correspondent reeta chakrabarti on thursday. since then, he's had another message from his brother — the family did make it to rafah last night, and have been trying to find somewhere to stay. let's turn to some other news around the world. venezuela's highest court has ruled that the country's top opposition leader, maria corina machado, cannot run for president, over what the government claims are financial irregularities during her time as a legislator. the move calls into question the prospects of credible elections later this year. the government had agreed to hold the vote in exchange for the us lifting its economic sanctions. ms machado overwhelmingly won an opposition primary election in october. burkina faso says it has received 25,000 tonnes of free wheat from russia. this comes a ties between moscow and the military—led country have been strengthening. reports earlier this week
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claimed that russian troops have started to arrive in burkina faso, something that russia has not confirmed. the american museum of natural history in new york says it will close two galleries this weekend, which display native american artefacts and cultural items. it's in response to new federal regulations that took effect on january 12 that require tribal consent for certain objects to be displayed. it's part of broader efforts by the biden administration to return the artefacts to their original owners. the new regulations give institutions five years to prepare all human remains and objects related to funerals for return to their rightful owners. the museum's action follows similar measures by institutions in chicago and cleveland. the president of the museum, sean decatur, spoke to the bbc earlier.
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i think this is an important moment in this work for museums, not only the american museum but museums around the world where i think for too long the stories of indigenous peoples have been told from one perspective and often in a colonial construct and framework. moving towards true collaboration where the stories of indigenous peoples can still be told, yet be told with their own voices and active participation in the context and framing of those narratives, is essential. this change in the way museums approach this work may have been precipitated by the change but i think it is a longer and more significant process and the responsible and respectful representation of native voices in our institutions and really is 1's small step towards repairing the damage which has been done in the past. and before we go, a bit
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of basketball history is going up for auction. a set of six pairs of sneakers or trainers worn by michaeljordan are going under the gavel soon at sotheby�*s new york. his air—ness wore the air jordans in the clinching games of his six career nba championships. the auction house expects them to sell for as much as $10 million. sorry i laughed there. but our producer had a lot of fun with that ones. thank you for watching, i'm azadeh moshiri. stay with us here on bbc news. the weekend's weather is looking relatively quiet, certainly quieter than we started the week with all that stormy weather. still quite breezy with a few showers, particularly across parts of scotland. but for most of us, a dry weekend in store and things turning milder, particularly by the time we get to sunday. so to start off saturday, i think temperatures will be
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around about one or two degrees in the south and south—east of england. quite a chilly start here, a touch of frost, perhaps a few mist and fog patches around. they should clear away pretty quickly. windiest weather will be in the north and north—west. we could see gusts 60, even 70 miles an hour up towards the northern isles through saturday morning. some rain lingering mainly to the north of the great glen, i think for scotland, perhaps the odd, light spot of rain for northern ireland as well. but i think for southern scotland, england and wales we're looking at a dry day with some long spells of sunshine, areas of cloud drifting around, particularly towards the west, and highs around nine or ten degrees. into saturday evening then, it's again going to turn quite chilly in the south and the east for a time with those lighter winds. but more cloud rolling in towards the west, could be the odd spot of drizzle coming out of this cloud as well. and it will be turning milder. belfast, plymouth, eight or nine degrees first thing sunday, but only round about three there in norwich. and through the day on sunday then, we've got a high pressure sitting out towards the near continent,
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this frontal system moving its way in from the atlantic that is going to draw in these southerly winds all the way from north africa. could be some dusty conditions in the skies as well as the mild air that we're going to be seeing. so things, i think, a little bit hazy with all that saharan dust around on sunday for some of us, some of it coming down in this rain that will arrive across northern ireland and western scotland later on in the afternoon. but a good deal of dry weather before that arrives, perhaps a little bit more cloud through parts of the midlands, south—west england as well. sunny spells either side of that and the top temperatures in the west up to around about 13 for the likes of glasgow and belfast. into monday, that frontal system has slipped its way a little bit further southwards and eastward, so it's likely to bring some rain across much of northern england. i think wales perhaps down towards the far south—west, just across parts of scotland, it'll turn to snow for a time, perhaps over the highest ground of the southern uplands and to the north and the cooler air we're looking at single figures, seven or eight degrees, still not particularly cold, but 1a, possibly 15 in that warmer air down towards the south—east. so the week ahead still fairly unsettled in the north and west. showers at times, drier conditions further south and east.
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and for all of us, it's a mild week ahead.
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voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme.
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september 20 six, 43 male students from teaching college visited the city of iguala in mexico and went missing. haifa visited the city of iguala in mexico and went missing. how do ou mexico and went missing. how do you disappear— mexico and went missing. how do you disappear 43 _ mexico and went missing. how do you disappear 43 people? - mexico and went missing. how do you disappear 43 people? it - you disappear 43 people? it helps — you disappear 43 people? it helps if— you disappear 43 people? it helps if the government path with— helps if the government path with investigating that disappearance is involved in carrying _ disappearance is involved in carrying out the disappearance. 43 were abducted, according to the attorney general's office, i by members of the municipal
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police in iguala. _ they were members of the drug cartels. i


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